NOVEMBER 2014 SMALL ACTION — BIG DIFFERENCE Dear Friends, Small actions can make a big difference: like smiling or saying “thank you”. Giving a Christmas present to a child who would otherwise be without, is just such an action. This is why my husband and I support Operation Christmas Child. It is a very valuable thing to do and it is so much fun at the same time – to fill a shoebox with gifts for a boy or girl this Christmas! So I’m delighted to say that once again, St Mary’s and St Peter’s Churches and the Primary Schools of Langham and Boxted are combining in Operation Christmas Child. Please give generously and take your gift-filled shoebox to one of the collection points (listed in the leaflet enclosed with your copy of the Newsletter) by Monday 17th November. Alternatively, you could bring your filled shoebox to our special service 9.30 am at St Peter’s Church, Boxted on Sunday 16h November. Thank you for your support. NOVEMBER DIARY Boxted Parish Council Boxted Evergreen Club 12th 13th 7.30 2.15 for 2.30 Village Hall Village Hall (Bingo) 27th 2.15 for 2.30 Village Hall (Danny: Quiz) Boxted WI 11th 7.30 Village Hall (Create a Christmas Wreath) Boxted History Group 19th 7.30 for 8.00 Village Hall (Jef Page: Charles Dickens, Part 2) Boxted Art & Craft Club 5th & 19th 2.00 Village Hall (5th—Paulette Rose: The Story of Aran Knitting) Boxted Coffee Café Tuesday 10.30—12 Village Hall Boxted Carpet Bowls Monday 2.00 & Friday 7.00 Village Hall Boxted Lodgers FC Wednesday 7.00 Playing Field Little Owls Pre-School (Boxted) Playing Field Monday—Friday in school term 9.15—12.15 & 12.15—3.15 (9.15—3.15 also available) Boxted Methodist Silver Band Methodist Chapel Schoolroom Wednesday 7.30 Monday in term-time 7.30 (Training Band) Boxted WI Singers Tuesday 7.30—9.00 Village Hall Langham Parish Council 5th 7.00 Community Centre Langham WI 13th 7.30 Community Centre (David Charleston: Stories & Poems) 100 Club Draw 28th 10.30 Community Centre (Hosted by the Baby/toddler Group) Crafty Ladies 5th 10.00—3.00 Community Centre Patchwork Pals 19th 10.00—3.00 Community Centre Film Night 29th 7.00 for 7.45 Community Centre (“The Grand Budapest Hotel”, 12A) Teen Film Night 2nd 5.45 Community Centre (“Catch Me if you Can”, PG) Boxted Airfield Historical Group 18th 7.15 Museum, L’m Lane (Film Night: Thunderbolts & other fighters of WW2) Langham Singers 11th 11.15—1.15 Community Centre Langham Carpet Bowls Tuesday 2.00 & Friday 7.30 Community Centre Langham Bridge Club Monday 7.15 Community Centre Willow Wildlife Bridge Club Friday 1.30 Community Centre Langham Pre-School Community Centre Mon & Thu in school term 9.15—11.45 Tue, Wed & Fri in school term 9.15—2.30 2nd Langham Scout Group Community Centre Wednesday (times vary) Langham Baby/Toddler Group Community Centre Monday in school term 9.45—11.15 Langham Tennis Club Coaching Sessions Recreation Ground Sunday Pay & Play: 10.15—11.15 (age 5—10) 11.15—12.30 (age 11—17) Langham St Mary’s Bellringers St Mary’s Church Tuesday 8.00—9.00 Alternate Sundays 9.30 Copy for the DECEMBER– JANUARY issue should be with the Editor Bodinnick, Wick Road, Langham CO4 5PG by 1 pm on SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER THE PARISH OF LANGHAM WITH BOXTED SEASONAL FAIR Website Rector The Revd Dr Mandy Elmes The Rectory Church Close West Bergholt CO6 3JZ 240906 Email: Lay Minister Denise Hobday 230918 Sunday Group Patsy Ann Maggs 322450 Zone & Edge Dominic Sheil 273324 Churchwardens St Mary’s Langham Stephen Garner 272599 St Peter’s Boxted Jocelyn Carter 272755 Graham Pullen 273804 15th NOVEMBER 11 am—12.30 pm Enquiries about baptisms, weddings or funerals should be made to Ian Hollands, PCC Secretary, 230525. St Mary & St Peter Newsletter Editor Ian Hollands 230525 Email: Advertising Christopher Garnett 272479 Email: Distribution Ann Barnard (Boxted) 272349 Andrew Stacey (Langham) 272806 BOXTED METHODIST CHAPEL Minister: The Revd Ruth Ridge The Manse Chapel Lane West Bergholt CO6 3EF 242183 Email: BOXTED EVERGREEN CLUB It has been a particularly pleasant summer for the Evergreens, starting with a splendid Strawberry Tea at the end of June. And then there was a most interesting and moving talk by Douglas Carter on the men from Boxted who perished in the First World War. The Evergreens subsequently spent a delightful Saturday afternoon being entertained by the Boxted Royal British Legion Club. There followed an enlightening talk on Alzheimer’s Disease and then a hilarious Beetle Drive. The afternoon of the Grand Draw, when members were entertained by Barry Peters, saw nearly £400 raised for the Evergreens’ funds. They are grateful to Anglia Landscapes, Boxted Fencing and the other generous donors of prizes. Saturday METHODIST CHURCH HALL Chapel Lane BOXTED Attractive Stalls With a touch of pre-Christmas spirit for those looking for a bargain Admission only 30p In aid of Methodist Church funds LANGHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL Langham Primary School is currently electing pupil representatives to the School Council, where they will be involved in decisions on many key matters. They include: the introduction of school houses to promote intra-school competition; proposals for curriculum teaching and workshops; and proposals for the school premises. In early October parent and teacher volunteers tidied up the conservation area, earning the thanks of everyone at the school. The many events enjoyed or to come include a Hallowe’en Disco, the Shoebox collection for Operation Christmas Child (see page 1), a Christmas Bazaar and Christmas carols in St Mary’s Church. Bob Schofield’s 40th LANGHAM BONFIRE NIGHT Saturday 1st NOVEMBER Langham Recreation Ground 6 pm onwards Torchlight procession 6.30 Adults £6 Children £2 Tickets from Langham Community Shop or Parish Councillors Hot Dogs Burgers Baked Potatoes Soup Tea Coffee Soft drinks In aid of Recreation Ground Funds CHURCH SERVICES NOVEMBER Sunday 2nd 10.30 am Boxted Methodist Chapel Morning Service 11.15 am St Peter’s Sung Eucharist for All Saints (CW) 3.00 pm Boxted Methodist Chapel Band Service 6.00 pm St Mary’s Service for All Souls Sunday 9th 9.00 am St Mary’s Remembrance Service 10.50 am Boxted Methodist Chapel United Anglican-Methodist Remembrance Service 6.00 pm St Peter’s Sung Eucharist (CW) Sunday 16th 8.00 am St Mary’s Eucharist (BCP) 9.30 am St Peter’s Family Eucharist (CW) 10.30 am Boxted Methodist Chapel Morning Service with Holy Communion Sunday 23rd 10.30 am Boxted Methodist Chapel Morning Service 11.15 am St Mary’s Sung Eucharist (CW) 6.00 pm St Peter’s Evensong (BCP) * Sunday 30th 9.30 am St Mary’s Sung Eucharist (CW) 10.30 am Boxted Methodist Chapel Morning Service * Provisional—please see notices at churches BOXTED WI A staggering £881 (so far) was raised at he Macmillan Coffee Morning. Huge thanks are due to all the very generous supporters, who included several local firms. The September Craft Evening was such a success that another one was held in October, when members were able to hone their newly-learnt skills in making Fimo beads, daisy-chain beading etc. Cheese and wine completed a splendid evening. The “Great Boxted Bake Off” saw fierce competition, the eventual winners being Geraldine, Sandra and Jacquie with their fabulous apple & blackberry scones plus homemade jam and fresh cream. Thanks are expressed to Tesco (High Woods) for donating the ingredients and prizes. BOXTED VILLAGE HALL SNOWBALL October Winners £25 Mrs H Graves £10 Luca Bays £ 6 Luca Bays £ 4 Mrs Graves, Wood Cottage If you would like to join the Snowball, ring Chris Tadman on 273216. LANGHAM 100 CLUB September Winners £50 Maureen Bland £25 Gill Salt £15 Ann Lunn £10 Sue Armstrong If you would like to join the 100 Club, ring Sue Armstrong on 271127. LANGHAM WI At the October meeting, Chris Farndell used shots from his time as a police photographer to illustrate the wide variety of work, from single fingerprints to road accident scenes. Members were impressed by the quality of images taken in dark and wet conditions. He later specialized in teaching photography and showed many photos from his travels to demonstrate lighting and composition. The winners in the photographic competition were: Characters - Ken Hemmings Nature - Sandra Smith Langham - Brian Flack The November meeting will feature a storyteller and poet, Dave Charleston. Stories or poems of under 200 words offered by members or guests will be welcomed—just for fun. A visit to Bury Christmas Fayre is planned for the end of the month. BOXTED HISTORY GROUP The History Group’s winter programme began with the return of Sarah Doig to give an illustrated talk on “Education and Victorian Village Schools”. Such schools were of course much like the Boxted Church of England Primary School, replaced a few years ago by the modern St Peter’s CofE School. Before the late 19th century education was not compulsory, was expensive and, in the rural areas, virtually non-existent. Initially, some basic education was added to Sunday school classes [eg the Hurlock Schoolroom of 1832 at St Mary’s—Ed] and there followed the establishment of charity schools, usually sponsored by the churches, and workhouse schools. The National Society for Promoting Religious Education was established and a huge programme of school building begun. Usually built on land donated by and near to the parish church, they were endowed by local benefactors and clergy and received government grants. BOXTED PARISH COUNCIL Mrs Cheryl Damen of Horkesley Road, Boxted, has been co-opted to membership of the Parish Council. Langham Pre-school presents a CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EVENING Friday 28 NOVEMBER 7—10 pm LANGHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Many & varied stalls Usborne books etc etc Bar serving mulled wine & mince pies Come along and get into the festive spirit Entry £2.50 BOXTED NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boxted Parish Council is considering what changes to the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan may be needed in the light of comments made in the recent presubmission process. There will then be further consultation and public inquiry before the document goes for approval by a local referendum. Once approved, the document becomes a formal part of the Colchester Borough Council’s Local Plan, guiding decisions on future development in Boxted. JOHN TOKELY Painter & Decorator No job too large or small. 9 Nayland Road Colchester CO4 5EG Mobile: 07976 848310 Tel: 01206 845665 STEVE RAYNER House/Garden Maintenance Grass/Hedge cutting Weed control Clearance Small tree work Exterior painting Gutters cleared Gates/Fencing/ Shed Services DIY jobs Mobile: 07709 972728 Tel: 01206 233487 LANGHAM PRE-SCHOOL Ofsted inspected Children aged 2-5 yrs old can learn & play in a friendly atmosphere with highly qualified staff. Mobile: 07930 963638 (9-12.30) during term-time Email: MATHER & CO SOLICITORS LANGHAM Low cost, high quality conveyancing. Also Wills, Probates and Powers of Attorney + Family and general legal services. Tel: 01206 322763 BS GARDEN MAINTENANCE Hedge & grass cutting Pruning Planting Painting & Odd Jobs Winter Logs Mobile: 07513 150526 Tel: 01206 273292 LENNIE NEWPORT Window Cleaning Services Windows and surrounds thoroughly cleaned A reliable service Tel: 01206 322762 CARTER UPHOLSTERY Modern & traditional furniture Armoury Farm West Bergholt Colchester Tel: 01206 240858 J ROGERS Plumbing & Heating Over 40 years’ experience Mobile: 07970 477995 Tel: 01206 852875 RUSSELL SMITH High Quality Painter & Decorator Jon-Pat School Road Langham Colchester Tel: 01206 323520 BIG CLEAN LITTLE CLEAN LIMITED Domestic and Office Cleaning A quality, reliable, fully insured service Mobile: 07786 087585 Tel: 01206 273125 EXTERIOR CARE Roofing Specialist Flat roofing Tiling & Slating New roofs & repairs Mobile: 07970 016234 Tel: 01206 272453 5 Brook Cottages Wet Lane Boxted PARK LANE BEAUTY Beauty Treatment Unit 6 Park Lane Business Centre Langham Telephone 01206 233308 Email: DEDHAM VALE TREE SURGERY Mobile: 07756 811098 Tel: 01206 323056 NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE? SAMARITANS Available 24 hours a day 12 Vineyard Street Colchester Open 10am to 8pm daily 0120 6 5 612 34 St Mary’s Church Need a little help? Ring St Peter’s Church Good Neighbours Monday to Friday 8 am to 7 pm Ring one of the numbers on the pink card available in Boxted Village Hall Langham Shop & either Church T.P. Brundell Upholsterer Antique & Modern Re-upholstery Loose Covers Free Estimates 36 Silcott Street Brightlingsea Tel: 305635 Period Building Specialists & Timber Framed Conservatories ANGLIA LANDSCAPES 01206 272357 All groundworks & landscaping carried out Supplies of aggregates, topsoil, crushed concrete & road planings Est. 1957 Foxash Estate Harwich Road Lawford CO11 2LR Mob. 07789 680124 1 Cage Lane, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RE Veterinary Surgeons Oil Boiler & Aga Maintenance Tel: 01206-272012 Tel. 01206 272909 The Penrose Veterinary Group JIM BROWN Removals - Storage - Self Storage Tel: 01206 233376 BARNARD CONSTRUCTION LTD. 9.00 to 6.30 Weekdays, Wed evening & Sat morning Mobile: 07885-504036 All consultations by appointment 24 hour emergency service 70 Brinkley Lane Highwoods Tel: 842608 & “Peelers End” Stratford St Mary Tel: 323414 Orchard Barns kindergarten Architectural Services Judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted BEECHWOOD Homa Design Ltd Children’s Nursery for children aged 2—7 years Langham New buildings, extensions, conversions Planning & Building Regulations Tel: 01206 272247 LUXURY CATTERY Before and After School Club/Holiday Club Please visit our website Or call Shelley on 01206 323093 for more information Michael J Byles Tree Work & Hedging Plumbing & Heating Oil Boiler Installations Servicing & Maintenance Oftec Registered General Plumbing & Heating work also undertaken Telephone 01206 822225 Mobile 07717 012433 E –mail: michaeljbyles HUGH CLOVER MA(Ed) MABCH MCAHYP MASTER NLP PRACTITIONER Stratford St Mary Fully qualified + insured Free Estimates Firewood available Seasoned + split Call G Ely Free delivery Mobile: 07860 833634 MOOR ROAD LANGHAM Julie Riches Tel: 01206 272937 Mobile: 07792 061856 TIN-BINS SKIP HIRE STRAIGHT ROAD BOXTED 2-4-6-8- yard skips Fully licensed and qualified in Waste Management & Recycling Tel. Colchester 272751 HIRE A HANDYMAN ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY Caring & confidential help with stress, relaxation, phobias, confidence, sleep, smoking and other problems. Please All Types Of Jobs Painters Decorators Handyman Services to Home, Garden, Office contact HUGH on 01206 323089 or Email: hughhyp Why not take a look at Hugh’s Website: Free estimates & advice WWW.MPDDECORATING.CO.UK A.H. BLAND Landscaping & Treework Service FUTURE ELECTRICAL LTD YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIANS Call Chris on 272494 or 07798 865377 Tel: 01206 869559 (24 hours) or 272426 Mobile Tel: 07771 626548 Free quotations Qualified & Registered Family Business Immediate attention anytime, please contact: TREVOR, MELANIE or SAUL HUNNABALL Tel: COLCHESTER 760049 Traditional Flooring WI N D O W C L E AN I N G SE R VI C E CARPET WOOD STONE AMTICO VINYL RUGS Designed to your personal requirements Welmans Lamberts Lane Great Tey C L E AN S H I N E JANE BURTON Hunnaball Funeral Service York House 41 Mersea Road Colchester Caring personal service from a family business Tel: 01206 272122 Mob: 07707 799961 CO6 1AP Tel: 01787 222770 ESSEX & SUFFOLK COVERED Est. since 1994 B ASED IN BOXTED Friendly, reliable and traditional service Tel: 01206 272054 Mobile: 07706 054373 Please call for a Free Quote and see what a difference clean windows can make GUTTERING ALSO CLEARED RESULT! mark & peter graves carpenters & general builders a family run business providing a professional service and quality workmanship at competitive rates. general interior & e xterior pro pert y i mprove me nts/ maint enan ce including : painting , kit ch en installation, shelving, cupb oard s, ward robes, flooring, wind o ws, d oors, ar chitraves, skirting boards, gu ttering , fa scias, ro ofs, e xte nsions, conversions, re nova tions, gara ges, ne w build, decking , pa tios, fen cing, shed s an d ba rns. DSA Approved Female Driving Instructor Friendly, reliable, 1—1 Tuition Pass Plus, Refresher & Intensive Courses Mock Test Service Discounts Available Call Chris: 01206 273132 or 07973 570022 all jobs considered tel: 07889 947150 (day) or 01206 271173 (evening) complete event disco bar Bradley Rabett Tel: 01206 838884 Mob: 07944 580890 Email: Adult Care in the Community (private) Email: Website: Telephone: 01206 848445 340 The Crescent Colchester CO4 9AD
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