P.O. Box 603 Waverly, TN 37185 Nonprofit Organization U. S. Postage Paid Waverly, TN Permit No. 210 Return Service Requested If you would like to be removed from the mailing list, please contact the church office. June 5, 2013 October 22, 2014 Dear WCN Family, belong. believe. become. You sent thirty people to San Pedro de Poas, Costa Rica for nine days. Eleven men. Fourteen women. Five teenagers. We partnered with a local church in the rural mountains, assisting them in building their church building. We did electrical, sheetrock, bending and setting rebar, pouring concrete, laying block, placing sod, plumbing, and stucco. We spent a half day in a public school doing children’s ministry. We connected with the children, acted out a Bible story, shared the gospel, sang with them, and worked on crafts with them. Our teens participated in two teen events with teens from the local church and the surrounding community. We took sports equipment for the church’s sports ministry to their community. We delivered several bags of audio/visual equipment to the Nazarene Seminary in Central America to be distributed throughout several countries for pastoral education. We enjoyed two worship services with the good people of the church. We grew closer as a group. We made new friends despite language barriers. Those who attended are Terry Langston, Jane Langston, Billy Rudolph, Janice Rudolph, Pastor Daron Brown, Pastor Matt Alexander, Trina Alexander, Pastor Daniel Hawks, Pastor Dani Hawks, Don McGuire, Jenny Allison, Elizabeth Allison, Ellen Moran, Betty Hamm, Mike Turner, Nikki Sain, Brityn Sain, Cory Oakley, Frankie Oakley, Mary Forester, Kelsey Elliott, Ray Davis, Emily Davis, Nicole Winstead, Alana Dotson, Robin May, Frank Fitzgerald, Jan Fitzgerald, Jack Fitzgerald, and Ricky Walters. Thirty people did the going. But many more people did the sending, praying, funding, resourcing, donating, encouraging, and supporting. The trip was not just about 30 people. It took the obedience of our whole church to make it happen. On behalf of the 30 who went, we thank you. When Jesus sent 72 people on a mission trip, Luke says they “returned with joy” (Luke 10:17). This Wednesday night (October 22) is our opportunity to return and report with joy. All Wednesday night Immerse groups will gather in the sanctuary. We will see a full video of the trip. And you will hear from the team about their experiences. Come let them tell you what God did in them and through them. The time is 6pm instead of 6:30pm. Rebekah Scribner, Diane Davis, Ray Davis, Adriana Batchelder, and Katie Brown spent a morning in Cathy Curtis’s flower beds. Cathy isn’t able to keep them up. Brian’s time is filled with work and caring for Cathy. You don’t have to leave the country to serve others in the name of Jesus. There are plenty of opportunities down the road. WCN has more children’s Bible quizzers than ever. Fourteen boys and girls are learning the book of Exodus. Nine of the fourteen are first time quizzers. The season opened in September. Sophie Oakley, Dylan Gwin, and Brianna Gwin won silver. Karlee Hedin, Karson Hedin, Parker Brown, Jaiden Cochran, and Malakai Cochran won gold. Parker Forester and Mateo Batchelder won gold and had a perfect round each. Scotty Worcester won gold and received a memory verse award. Kalob Hedin was a gold all star. Addison Philpott and Kendall Brown were gold all stars with one perfect round each. Come to the Waters is an introduction to WCN. CTW will take place one week from Sunday, November 2 from 4-7pm in the Discovery Zone, which is the red block building next door. If you are new to WCN or if you would like to hear more about who we are, we welcome you to join us. Please RSVP with Kathryn in the church office as soon as possible. We will feed you. Our fall workday was held last Saturday. Thanks to the fifty people who worked and cleaned around our facilities and grounds. Thanks to Greg Field for purchasing and grilling chicken for those who worked. If you were unable to come and would like to help on your own time, please contact Kathryn in the church office. This Sunday is our annual Homecoming. Dr. Nina Gunter will preach. Dr. Nina began her ministry at WCN in 1957 when she was a Trevecca student. Since then she has served the church around the globe in a multitude of ways including four years as General Superintendent. Dr. Nina is an outstanding leader and preacher. The morning service schedule will be as usual. After the 11am service we will gather in the Discovery Zone for a Homecoming meal. Bring food. Bring lots of food. There will be no Sunday night services. In the summer of 1998 I had my last first date. I took Katie Klosterman to Gambucci’s Italian Restaurant and to a Kansas City Royals baseball game. Gambucci’s has since closed down. The Royals, on the other hand, are thriving. After a 29 year drought, it’s fun to watch the Royals excel. I like their style of ball. I like the fact that they don’t have a monstrous payroll, yet they are eliminating teams that have monstrous payrolls. I like their energy and their spirit. The Browns are feeling Blue these days. On behalf of Pastor Matt, Pastor Dani, Pastor Daniel, and our families, we express our thanks to you for Pastor Appreciation. We thank you for the cards, hugs, prayers, gifts, and encouragement. We thank you for moving with us. We thank the church board for the extra week of salary for each of us. We are loved. We know it. COMING SOON: Oct 22: Costa Rica team reports to WCN, 6:00pm in sanctuary (note time change) Oct 25: Families to the Pumpkin Patch, meet at WCN at 1:15 Oct 26: Homecoming with Dr. Nina Gunter, meal follows 11am service, no pm services Nov 1: Clocks fall back Nov 2: Come to the Waters: an introduction to WCN, 4-7pm Nov 8: Discovery Kids Leader Appreciation Dinner, 6pm Nov 9: Children’s Bible Quiz, 2pm at WCN Nov 14-16: Teen Fall Retreat If you have a prayer need please email prayer@wcntn.com Worship: 8:45 & 11am S/School: 10am Sun Nt: 6pm Wed Nt: 6:30pm 619 E. Main St. (931) 296-4184 wcntn.com You are loved. Know it. -Pastor Daron facebook.com/wcntn E-mail: churchoffice@wcntn.com
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