U N IVER SITY Lille Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé Photograph provided by the institution PROFILE Heir to more than four centuries of history and knowledge, Université Lille 2 benefits from a tradition of excellence turned toward the future. Located in a metropolitan area of 1.5 million residents and 150,000 students, Lille 2 offers very diversified educational programs adapted to the needs and changes of a global economy in the areas of the Right, Health, Management. • Lille 2 in figures : 27,760 students - 1,139 teaching and research faculty - 48 research groups exploring topics in the life sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences in collaboration with INSERM, CNRS, CHRU, or the Institut Pasteur de Lille Main programmes of study 8 teaching and research units (UFRs) - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences - Faculty of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Legal, Political, and Social Sciences - Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education - Faculty of Finance, Banking, and Acccounting - Faculty of Engineering and Management of Health (ILIS) - Institute of Marketing, Management and Retailing 8 institutes • Health sector - Albert Lespagnol Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Speech Therapy Institute - Institute of Forensic Medicine • Law and administration - Institute of Preparation for General Administration - Institute of Labor Studies - Institute of Construction, Environment, and Urbanism - Institute for Legal Studies - Institute of Criminology • University Institute of Technology • Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Lille) Research Essential mission of the University, Research in Lille 2 structure around 4 great fields: • health and Life sciences, • social Legal sciences, Policies • sciences of Management • Sports 48 research teams 2 multi-team research institutes: More than 1,000 persons engaged in research Approximately 500 doctoral candidates affiliated with 2 regional Doctoral Departments focusing on legal, political, and management sciences (ED74) and biology and health (ED446). Strengths • Housing in university residences near classroom buildings; • Intensive seminars and free courses in French as a foreign language; • Personal welcome upon arrival; • Help with administrative formalities: registration, residency permit, government housing assistance; • Cultural program; • Outstanding athletics policy. Location In the heart of Europe, linked to London, Brussels, Cologne, Amsterdam, and Paris, Lille 2 is a university resolutely open to the world. Member of Campus France Forum Precise name of the institution ¢ Type of institution ¢ City where the main campus is located ¢ Number of students ¢ Percentage or number of international students ¢ Type and level of qualifications awarded ¢ French language courses ¢ Programs for international students ¢ Programs in English ¢ Registration fees / year (for information only) ¢ Postal address ¢ www.univ-lille2.fr Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé Public Lille 27760 2762 • LMD - Other national diplomas - Own degree Yes No No From 50 euros to 4,200 euros per year, depending on program and degree 42, rue Paul Duez 59000 Lille - France Updated at October 2014 IDENTITY FORM Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé Lille NORD PAS-DE-CALAIS Number of international students enrolled each year: 2762 Network member: Université Lille Nord de France Social networks https://facebook.com/groups/rilille2/ Web site in English http://www.univ-lille2.fr BEFORE LEAVING INSCRIPTION Contact: Karine HENIART / Christine PLOUVIER dap@univ-lille2.fr Tel. +33(0)3 20 96 43 09 42 rue Paul Duez 59000 Lille -France Institution’s online application form http://www.univ-lille2.fr/inscription-scolarite. htmlff Master 2 : inscription sur www. campusfrance.org + constitution d’un dossier de candidature auprès de la Scolarité concernée. F RENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES C ourses in French as a foreign language offered before start of academic term Name of the training center: International Academy de l’Université Lille Nord de France http://www.univ-lille-nord-de-france. fr/?q=international/academie-internationale-0 WELCOME SERVICES UPON ARRIVAL IN FRANCE Welcome upon arrival at study site Upon request T hese services are available to Only students participating in an exchange programs (covered by a cooperative agreement) These services are free UPON ARRIVAL AT THE INSTITUTION A ssistance with administrative and academic registration A ssistance with administrative and regulatory compliance (such as obtaining residency permit) SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE ebsite dedicated to student clubs and W special interest groups http://www.univ-lille2.fr/vie-etudiante/associations-et-labels.html Contact: Service de la vie étudiante seve@univ-lille2.fr Tel. +33(0)3 20 96 43 88 42, rue Paul Duez HOUSING C ontact: Mathilde MODAINE mathilde.modaine@univ-lille2.fr Tel. +33(0)3 20 96 52 11 42 rue Paul Duez 59000 Lille -France Services offered • Option to reserve and secure space in another student residence • List of available rentals or of Web sites that can be used to find rental housing LILLE USEFUL INFORMATION CROUS: http://www.crous-lille.fr City: https://www.lille.fr Network transit: Campus France - October 2014 Transpole http://www.transpole.fr © T hese services apply to Only students participating in an exchange programs (covered by a cooperative agreement) These services are free
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