SULASOLIN UUTISKIRJE – Seurakunnat syksy 2015 SATB: Moore, Philipp: I saw him standing (BH13005) Twardowski, Romuald: Jubilate Deo (PWM10331) Weiss, Harald: Drei Sätze für gemischten Chor a cappella (C57130) Bikkembergs, Kurt: Beati (ED22000) Penderecki, Krzysztof: Iz glubiny (SKR20092) Davies, Hywel: Two French Carols (BH13082) Spicer, Paul: Drop, drop slow tears (BH13076) Zimmermann, Magdalena: An evening prayer (C57373) Rudin, Rolf: Ave Maria (C56720) Wilberg, Mack: Anthems (OUP339819) Jefferson, Robert L.: I am on the battlefield for my Lord (OUP338817) Pott, Francis: Hodie Christus Natus Est (OUP339697) McDowall, Cecilia: Now may we singen (OUP339696) 6,60 € 5,50 € 9,90 € 22,00 € 15,40 € 5,10 € 3,60 € 4,60 € 4,60 € 17,60 € 3,60 € 4,50 € 4,20 € Kerko, Harri: Alma redemptoris mater (S2139) Kerko, Harri: Regina coeli (S2141) Tikka, Kari: Iloitkohon taivahat (S871) Piiparinen, Mika: Te saatte voiman (S2167) 3,10 € 3,60 € 11,00 € 2,50 € SSAATTBB: Jansson, Mårten: Cantate Domino (BA7414) Carpenter, Ian: In Paradisum (BH13004) Pearsall, Robert Lucas: Kyrie (C56238) Råberg, Emil: As for man, his days are like grass (BEF1208) Moore, Philip: Salve Regina (BH13013) Bikkembergs, Kurt: Elegie (SKR20097) Ziolkowski, Michal: Agnus Dei (C57291) Buchholz, Thomas: Heine-Madrigal I (C56716) Godziemba-Trytek, Szymon: Miserere mei Deus, miserere mei (C57292) Lorandi, Gaetano: Ave Verum (C57100) Chilcott, Bob: What sweeter music (OUP339190) 6,60 € 6,20 € 8,00 € 10,70 € 4,50 € 16,50 € 5,10 € 9,90 € 6,60 € 7,70 € 4,50 € Sulasol ry, Klaneettitie 6–8, 00420 Helsinki;, fax 010 8200 222 p. 010 8200 221, SATB ja piano/urut: Rieger, Jochen: World Gospel Hymns (ED22092) Poos, Heinrich: Missa Carminum (ED21904) Farrington, Ian: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (BH13011) Telemann, Georg Philipp: Der Tod Jesu (BA5853A) Förster, Peter Paul: Da ward geborn ein Kind (C57374) Fischback, Klaus: Da pacem, Domine (ED22268) Brown, Matthew: Pacem (SKR20108) Todd, Will: Stay with me, Lord (BH13059) Wilberg, Mack: Thou lovely source of true delight (OUP387061) Smith, Alan: Alleluia, sing to Jesus (OUP339568) Wilberg, Mack: His got the whole world in his hands (OUP339476) Wesley, Samuel: Exultate Deo (OUP395400) Smart, Henry: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in G (OUP395399) Owens, Matthew: St Matthew Passion (OUP339817) Chilcott, Bob: The king shall rejoice (OUP339766) Bullard, Alan: Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him (OUP339567) Bullar, Alan: From the break of the day (OUP337141) Rutter, John: All bells in paradise (OUP339565) McDowall, Cecilia: Before the paling of the stars (OUP339695) Murpy, Ryan: Dance and sing (OUP339478) Ledger, Philip: The Bell Carol (OUP338210) Chilcott, Bob: As the bells ring (OUP338890) Causton, Richard: Cradle Song (OUP336443) Archer, Malcolm: Angels tell the Christmas story (OUP339428) Archer, Malcolm: Infant holy (OUP339429) Kirchner, Shawn: Behold new joy (OUP339308) 22,00 € 13,20 € 5,50 € 33,00 € 6,20 € 7,70 € 15,40 € 5,50 € 4,20 € 4,20 € 4,40 € 7,70 € 8,80 € 7,70 € 7,70 € 4,20 € 4,20 € 4,50 € 4,20 € 4,50 € 3,10 € 4,20 € 4,20 € 4,20 € 3,60 € 9,90 € SATB ja basso continuo: Schütz, Heinrich: O lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auf (BA7973) Schütz, Heinrcih: Das Wort ward Fleisch (BA7977) 5,10 € 5,10 € SSAATTBB ja urut: MacMillan, James: Deus noster refugium (BH13003) 5,50 € SSAA: Hongisto, Mauri: Kaksi Piae Cantiones –laulua (S2133) Salmenkangas, Janne, sov.: Ecce novum gaudium (S2168) 4,50 € 2,50 € Martiné, Pascal: Fater Unser – Pater Noster (C57283) 5,10 € Sulasol ry, Klaneettitie 6–8, 00420 Helsinki;, fax 010 8200 222 p. 010 8200 221, SSMMAA: Jansson, Mårten: I never saw a moor (BA7415) Martlew, Zoe: In the meanwhile (ED13719) 6,60 € 7,70 € SS ja piano, harppu tai urut: Phibbs, Joseph: In excelsis gloria (BH12968) Stanford, Charles Villiers: Watts’ Cradle Song (OUP339309) 3,10 € 3,60 € SA ja piano: Powell, Rosephanye: Somebody’s knockin’ at yo’ do’ (OUP338783) 3,10 € SmezA: Colding-Jörgensen, Henrik: Diptychon (C57237) Van Ingelgem, Maarten: Fairy Ring (C57238) 5,10 € 9,90 € TTBB: Jansson, Mårten: Cantate Domino (BA7416) Kokoelma: Reine Männersache 3 (EP11416) 7,60 € 26,40 € Hongisto, Mauri: Nyt enkeljoukot taivaasta (S2132) 3,10 € TTBB ja piano/urut: Rutter, John: For the beauty of the earth (OUP340195) Wilberg, Mack: His got the whole world in his hands (OUP339477) 4,50 € 4,50 € Yksinlaulu: Hilander, Juha: Nyt seisahdun mä seimelles (S2137) Tikka, Kari: Uusi laulu! (S2142) Tikka, Kari: Herran siunaus (S2143) 4,60 € 5,10 € 3,10 € Muista vierailla myös Sulasolin nuottiverkkokaupassa osoitteessa: Sulasol ry, Klaneettitie 6–8, 00420 Helsinki;, fax 010 8200 222 p. 010 8200 221,
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