C2 Havre DAILY NEWS Friday, Oct. 24, 2014 www.havredailynews.com Garage Sales • Pets • Cars • Trucks • ATV's • RV's • Homes • Employment • Rentals • Farm & Ranch • Bulletin Board • Notices • Legals CASE MANAGER- FT GARAGE SALES EMPLOYMENT Chinook General MOVING SALE Friday & Saturday 10am-5pm 1015 New York Everything Must Go !! 2 beds, living room, couch, loveseat, 50 in Tv, dressers, bookcase, CASH ONLY!! 357-3490 Hingham, MT ~ $65,000 3 bed/2 bath house w/24x48ft shop. 1660 sq ft. Open floor plan basement. New roof. Remodeled master bdrm w/carpet. Redone bthrm. Cozy porch w/fenced yard. Only 34 miles from Havre. Call 390-2974 or 450-1048 Classes - Certified Nursing Assistant Havre East Picture yourself as a C.N.A. ! ESTATE SALE Wed- Sat 10-6 Sunday 10-4 2120 Hwy 2 East Come check out our store full of estate sale treasures! Furniture, decor, glassware, movies, games, household items, and much more! 9855 Hwy 2 W ~ $369,000 Beautiful Remodeled Country Home on 30 Acres just minutes from town. 5 Bed 4 bath, beautiful custom kitchen, sunroom, guest house, arena, 3 car garage, office & more. For more information Call: 945-2969 Havre South GARAGE SALE Saturday 8am-noon 330 Sagebrush clothing, household items, children’s items and bikes, and lots of misc EMPLOYMENT General Adjustable Computer Chair, Great condition, $40 Call 265-9263 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Slightly used Twin Bed w box springs, metal frame, & mattress $50.00 Call 406-879-6108 The HELP Committee and Boys & Girls Club of the Hi-Line is seeking a Ladies 26” Schwinn Bike $50 Call 262-4967 Full-time development professional 2/ 4.80x12” and Tire and Rims 4 hole-3”, $10.00 each Call 262-4967 Real Estate PRICE REDUCED 6401 County Rd 830 NW ~ $259,000 +/- 8 Acres, fenced for horses. Updated 5 bedroom, 2 ¾ bath home in excellent condition. Master suite with garden tub, double garage, 2 decks (hot tub on back deck), barn/outbuildings & nice yard with views of the Bears Paws. Call Janis Flynn Pyrak @ 265-7845 11135 River Rd $625,000 Beautiful 5 bdrm, 3 ½ bath home on 60 acres! Includes pool, garden area, barn, pasture, partial paved access to home & double garage. Good well & underground sprinkler system. Awesome views of Milk River Basin, Bears Paws & Badlands along the Milk River. Call Janis Flynn Pyrak @ 265-7845 NEW: Rolling Hills 55 and over independent living. Town Home 1450 sq ft. Move in before winter. Let the HOA shovel. Call 390-7937 TRAINING COORDINATOR • training coordination to Direct Support Professional (DSP) that care for adults with developmental disabilities. Under $100 2 Rose Swivel Rockers $50 each Call 265-8099 Job Announcement Seeking individual to provide FOR SALE Saris bike rack - 2 inch receiver. Holds 2 bikes $95. Call 265-8450 Havre Day Activity Center to direct fund raising and marketing efforts. Experience with capital campaigns, major gift development, planned giving, and/ or marketing preferred. Position is supported with training and technical assistance resources. Public speaking and writing skills a must. Pick up a full job description at 500 First Avenue or email kristas@bgchi-line. com to request the application package. Salary: $35-38,000 DOE. Open until filled. Looking for driver on weekends. Must have clean driving record. Call 945-2292 Responsibilities: • developing and implementing on-thejob-training for DSP personnel. Requirements: • Post Secondary degree in Community Service or related field or high school diploma plus 1yr experience working w/people w/ developmental disabilities. • must have MT driver's license • Must be willing to adjust working schedule to accomodate DSP shift assignments Complete Job Description available at the Havre Job Service or contact Havre Day Activity Center at 265-5506. To apply, submit a letter of interest and resume. Application Deadline is November 15, 2014. $28-$31,000. As a Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.), you'll be on the front lines of patient care. This could be your first step to a lifetime career in the medical field. • Affordable 3 week course, • Upcoming classes November 3-25, 2014. • Monday - Thursday • Written and skills testing November 24-25, 2014 • Applications are being accepted for eight (8) individuals only and will close when the class is full. • Cost - $350.00 • Background investigation and drug screening is required for all applicants. Please go to www.nmhcare.org, click on Staff Opportunities, Current Job Openings, and C.N.A. Classes to complete the application. JOIN OUR TEAM!! Big Sandy Medical Center, Inc. has job openings in our Nursing Department. We are currently hiring RN’s and CNA’s in both our Long Term Care and Hospital settings. Candidates must have valid licenses and certifications. Full and part-time positions for all shifts are available; competitive pay and benefits offered. Please come to BSMC for an application or call (406)378-2188 for details. SUDOKU position providing targeted case management/ coordinating support services to persons age 16 or older w/ developmental disabilities in Conrad, MT. Minimum requirements: BA in Human Services and 1 year exp w/individuals with disabilities. M-F: 8a- 5p. $15.70/hr. Closes: 11/4/14, 5p. Excellent Benefits!! Must Have: Valid Mt driver license, No history of neglect, abuse or exploitation Applications available at OPPORTUNITY RESOURCES, INC., 2821 S. Russell, Missoula, MT. 59801 or online at www.orimt.org. Extensive background checks will be completed. NO RESUMES. EOE. Puzzle & Answer SUDOKU EMPLOYMENT Extension Agent, Ft. Belknap Reservation, Harlem, MT. Will provide leadership and education in Ag, Natural Resources and 4-H/Youth Development. Complete description is at www.msuextension. org/jobs, or contact Linda (406) 994-1752, linda. shott@montana.edu, MSU Extension, PO Box 172230, Bozeman, MT 59717-2230. ADA/EO/AA/ Veterans Preference Apartments 637 3rd St 1 Person Studio Apt No Pets 265-7158 Houses Housing’s Tight. Moving for your job? Railroad, Nat. gas, etc.? Large home, att. garage, mins. from city. 395-4381 4 bdrm House, 1 1/2 bath, NO PETS/SMOKING, App. required also 2 bdrm apts. 265-6349 Needed: Home Care Attendant for Elderly Couple in Chinook Duties Include: • Bathing • Physical Therapy • Light Cleaning 4 days per/wk for 2 hrs per visit - $20.00/hr Call for further details 917-589-8346 HOUSEKEEPING Help wanted. Pick up applications at Super 8, 166 19th Avenue West. Company replacing 2 laborers on staff. For inf. Call 945-2027 Mobile Homes RENTALS 3 bd mobile home Pet friendly- No Smoking Section 8 approved. Call 945-1710 Apartments 3 bdrm mobile home on a private lot NO PETS/ SMOKING 265-8825 during day. 265-9382 - evening 4 bdrm, garage, horse pasture; all close to pond, Min from Center City 945-2027 PARKVIEW APARTMENTS Studios, 1 & 2 bdrm; all utilities pd. Call for availability. 390-1381 is looking for laborers, installers, and tradesmen. Self motivated, detail- oriented employees are compensated well. F/T long term. Come make a career! Send resume to chad@ckbuildersinc.com Call 399-5881. Drug free. EOE Top Hat Salon Needed Immediately, Part and/or Full Time Inquires: please call and/ or stop by 265-9300 BULLETIN BOARD Found Set of Car keys w/black Chevy emblem. Attached car alarm. Found @1200 5th st. Call Havre Daily at 406-265-6795 CK Builders of Havre Hair Stylist & Nail Tech Positions RENTALS 3 set of keys, possibly house keys attached to a brown, square chain. Found 9/30/14 in front of Holland Apts on 4th Ave. Contact Havre Daily News at 406-265-6795 Outside Sales Consultant Interested applicants must submit resume and cover letter to Stacy Mantle, Havre Daily News, 119 Second St., Havre, MT 59501; smantle@havredailynews.com Equal Opportunity Employer If you do not have access to this website, hard copies are available by contacting Richele Parkhurst at (406) 657-0274 in Billings. All Contractors must attend a scheduled pre-bid conference and site inspection. The time and date of the mandatory pre-bid conference and site inspection will be held on November 14, 2014 at the Conrad rest area located at I-15 milepost 339.3 at 10:00 am. The Montana Department of Transportation is an Affirmative Action Employer and encourages minorities and women to apply for this contract. MDT attempts to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with a person participating in any service, program or activity of the Department. Alternative accessible formats of this information will be provided upon request. For further information call Richele Parkhurst at (406) 657-0274 Voice or 1-800-335-7592 TTY or TTY (406) 444-7696. (October 24, 29, November 5, 2014) MNAXLP Bruce E. Swenson Barron & Swenson, P.C. 311 Third Street P.O. Box 2328 Havre, Montana 59501 Telephone: 406.265.2257 Fax: 406.265.2259 Attorney for Co-Personal Representative Personals NEED HELP? For $30 I will shop and deliver up to $120.00 worth of groceries. (Havre Only) Call 406- 880-4902 The Havre Daily News is looking for an addition to our sales team. If you have print advertising experience, or knowledge, that's great. If you don't, but have enthusiasm, a positive attitude, solid people skills, professional appearance, some sales background, and you have an ability to learn, then we could train you to be successful in this field. In this position, you would work with local businesses; helping them design and run effective advertising campaigns. We offer a base salary. Plus a generous monthly commission plan of $1,000 - $1,500 or more, company benefits, and mileage allowance for your good-running vehicle. And best of all, you'll join a team of dedicated, fun-to-be-around professionals. Position Open Until Filled. Contractors should check this website frequently. Addenda, and/or any other information relative to this bid, will be posted to this website address. NOTICES ELITE TAN & STYLING SALON Looking for Hair Stylist/Nail Tech or Aesthetician 406-390-0141 Triangle Communications seeks a Right-of-Way Agent, to work out of our Havre, MT office to research and ascertain ownership of property and deal with regulatory agencies and the public in negotiating the necessary right-of-way, governmental and utility permits needed to perform the construction work of our Companies. Must be able to work under tense situations, be customer orientated and highly effective in providing solutions that benefit the Companies and our members. Must obtain & maintain a current MT Drivers license, insurability, and pass a pre-employment drug screening. A Notary Public will be required. Periods of extensive travel may be required. Apply through our “careers” website at www.montanajobs.me and read the job description with full requirements. A resume and application must be submitted through this website. Position is open until filled. For more information call 1-800-332-1201. Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/trianglecommunications. (EOE) MONTANA TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, HILL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: GRACE E. NORDRUM, Deceased. Probate No. DP-14-040 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Legals ADVERTISEMENT: The Montana Department of Transportation invites all interested parties to submit bids to Invitation for Bid #HWY-311468-RP for Conrad Rest Area Maintenance, Havre Division. Clean 2 bdrm Apt. All utilities Paid $600 rent/Dep. Neg. Washer/Dryer hookup & Playground Call: 406-868-1363 This Invitation for Bid is available on the Montana Department of Administration’s website at: http://svc.mt.gov/gsd/ OneStop/Solicitations.asp x?args=A9ADF86D88792 B5DE8282077C23B4FA8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been appointed Co-Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Percy Nordrum, Jr., and Lylas McCormick, Co-Personal Representatives, return receipt requested, c/o Barron & Swenson, P.C., Attorney at Law, P.O. Box Grain Corn For Sale Contact Glenn Rohde 406-263-5075 C3 Havre Friday, Oct. 24, 2014 DAILY NEWS www.havredailynews.com Garage Sales • Pets • Cars • Trucks • ATV's • RV's • Homes • Employment • Rentals • Farm & Ranch • Bulletin Board • Notices • Legals NOTICES Legals 2328, Havre, Montana, 59501, or filed with the Clerk of the aboveentitiled Court. DATED This 14th day of October 2014. Percy Nordrum, Jr. Co-Personal Representative service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the Complaint. GIVEN under my hand this 22nd day of October, 2014 at the hour of 4:46 p.m. /s// Audrey Barger Justice of the Peace (COURT SEAL) (October 24, 31, November 7, 2014) MNAXLP Lylas McCormick Co-Personal Representative (Oct 17, 24, 31, 2014) MNAXLP M. Alley Lorang Law, PC 410 Third Avenue Havre, MT 59501 Phone: 406.265.1530 Fax: 406.265.1531 Karen Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE HILL COUNTY JUSTICE COURT OF RECORD, STATE OF MONTANA BEFORE AUDREY BARGER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE HANK TWEETEN’S AUTO BODY, LLC Plaintiff v. PAMELA GEBOE Defendant. Cause No. CV-14-262 SUMMONS THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO PAMELA GEBOE, THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Amended Complaint in this action, which is filed with the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your Answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff within twenty one (21) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of www.havredailynews.com
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