November 14-16, 2014 Eden Roc Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Course Directors Sponsored by: Raj Narayanan, MD Jose Yrizarry, MD Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Professor of Clinical Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Endorsed by: Presented by the Department of Radiology Overview Synergy 2014 This annual symposium offers attendees a review of a variety of oncological diseases combined with the latest developments in medical, interventional and surgical therapeutic options across multiple disciplines. A practical overview of how to incorporate emerging therapies into practice will be included with emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach needed to achieve the highest levels of success in the fight against cancer. Leading experts from national and international programs will present the latest data and treatment innovations for oncological challenges in multiple organ systems with emphasis on implementation from diagnosis to treatment. The meeting will be didactic and interactive with panel discussions and instructive case presentations focused on hepatocellular carcinoma, lung cancer, metastatic colorectal cancer, cholangiocarcinoma and liver metastases, renal and prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, neuroendocrine, musculoskeletal tumors and palliative treatment options. A Nursing Symposium will also be presented on the last day of the conference. Gap Analysis In the past few years, interventional oncology has evolved into an important subspecialty as more interventional radiologists are actively involved in the management of oncologic patients. Unlike other procedures handled by interventional radiologists, interventional oncology requires an in-depth understanding of the different types of cancers, current standards and proper use of treatment choices and working with a multidisciplinary group. Synergy 2014 will be a forum for the convergence of the expertise and knowledge of various specialists involved in oncologic care to promote better understanding and improved outcomes of patient care. Target Audience Interventional radiologists, oncologists, radiation oncologists, transplant and oncologic surgeons, hepatologists, gastroenterologists, urologists and nurse practitioners/nurses and allied healthcare professionals. Learning Objectives At the completion of the course, attendees will be able to: • Identify the current oncological problems faced in a variety of organ systems • Implement modern multidisciplinary techniques for diagnosis and intervention in the treatment of cancer • Incorporate modern interventional radiology therapeutic techniques in cancer treatment Accreditation The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Credit Designation Physician Credit The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 21.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Nursing Credit Continuing Education Credits for Nurses are awarded by Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Hospital, Patient & Community Education Provider # 50-29000, in accordance with Florida Board of Nursing policies; Total CEs: 24.0. Participants may attend separately on Friday for 9.5 credit hours, on Saturday for 11.5 credit hours and on Sunday for 3.0. A certificate of completion will be provided each day. Radiology Technologist Credit This seminar has been planned and implemented in accordance with the general guidelines and requirements for providers of Radiologic Technology Education Florida Department of Health Bureau of Radiation Control Provider #3200031. Total CEUs 24.0. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Resolution Statement In accordance with the 2004 Updated ACCME Standards for Commercial Support the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine requires everyone in a position to control the content of a Continuing Medical Education activity – the Course Director(s), Planning Committee Members and all individuals participating as speakers, moderators or authors to disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. All potential conflicts of interest are identified and resolved prior to the education activity being provided to learners. Disclosure of relevant financial relationship(s) will be provided to learners prior to the beginning of the educational activity. Faculty Listing Course Directors Raj Narayanan, MD Jose Yrizarry, MD Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Professor of Clinical Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Guest Faculty D.J. Breen, MRCP, FRCR Consultant Radiologist Honorary Senior Lecturer in Radiology University Hospital of Southampton Southampton, Hampshire, UK Daniel B. Brown, MD, FSIR Professor of Radiology Director, Division of Interventional Oncology Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Jordi Bruix, MD Hepatology Senior Consultant Head of Oncology Liver Unit, Hospital Clínica de Barcelona. Head of Hepatic Oncology Team August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) Deputy Scientific, Networked Biomedical Research Center Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD) Barcelona, Spain Matthew R. Callstrom, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Radiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN James G. Caridi, MD, FSIR Professor of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Tulane University Medical Center New Orleans, LA Francisco Cesar Carnevale MD, PhD Chief of the Interventional Radiology Section University of Sao Paulo Medical School Sao Paulo, Brazil Jonathan Coleman, MD Urologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer New York, NY Thierry de Baere, MD Chief, Department of Interventional Radiology Radiologie Interventionnelle, Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif, France Ripal T. Gandhi, MD, FSVM Baptist Cardiac and Vascular Institute Miami Vascular Specialists Associate Clinical Professor, FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Assistant Clinical Professor, University of South Florida College of Medicine Miami, FL Afshin Gangi, MD, PhD Professor of Interventional Radiology Chairman of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine NHC Department of Interventional Imaging University Hospital of Strasbourg France Strasbourg, France Ricardo Garcia Monaco, MD Chief, Diagnostic Imaging Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina Debra A. Gervais, MD Division Chief, Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division Chief, Pediatric Imaging Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA Andrew S. Kennedy, MD, FACRO Physician in Chief, Radiation Oncology Sarah Cannon Director Radiation Oncology Research Sarah Cannon Research Institute Nashville, TN Brian E. Lally, MD Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology Wake Forest University School of Medicine Voluntary Assistant Professor of Epidemiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences Winston-Salem, NC Riccardo Lencioni, MD, FSIR, EBIR Director, Diagnostic Imaging and Intervention Pisa University School of Medicine Pisa, Italy David M. Levi, MD Transplant Center at Carolinas Medical Center Charlotte, NC Robert J. Lewandowski, MD Associate Professor of Radiology Northwestern University Medical Center Chicago, IL J.F. Geschwind, MD Professor of Radiology Surgery and Oncology Director, Vascular and Interventional Radiology Director, Interventional Radiology Center Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Interventional Radiology Center Baltimore, MD David Liu, MD, FRCP(C), ABR(D), CAQ(IR), FSIR Associate Clinical Professor Angiography and Interventional Section Department of Radiology Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia Vancouver BC, Canada George I. Getradjman, MD Interventional Radiologist Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY David C. Madoff, MD, FSIR Professor of Radiology Chief, Division of Interventional Radiology Weill Cornell Medical College New York-Presbyterian Hospital New York, NY Christina M. Gomez, MD Medical Oncologist, Holy Cross Hospital Ft. Lauderdale, FL Shinichi Hori, MD Director, Gate Tower Institute for Image Guided Therapy Osaka, Japan Peter Hosein, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center Lexington, KY Robert C.G. Martin, II, MD, PhD, FACS Sam and Lolita Weakley Endowed Chair in Surgical Oncology Director, Division of Surgical Oncology Director of the Upper GI and HPB Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Professor of Surgery Academic Advisory Dean, University of Louisville Louisville, KY Martijn Meijerink, MD, PhD Interventional Radiologist VU University Medical Center (VUmc) Amsterdam, The Netherlands J.D. Meler, MD Department Chairman/Director of Interventional Oncology Associate Professor Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, TX Peter Mueller, MD, MGH Director, Abdominal Imaging and Intervention Division Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA Charles W. Nutting, DO, FSIR Interventional Radiologist Radiology Imaging Associates P.C. Englewood, CO Luis E. Raez, MD, FACP, FCCP Director, Memorial Cancer Institute West Director, Clinical Oncology Research Memorial Health Care System Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Florida International University Hollywood, FL William S. Rilling, MD, FSIR Professor of Radiology and Surgery Director, Vascular and Interventional Radiology Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI Riad Salem, MD Director of Interventional Oncology Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago, IL Bruno Sangro, MD, PhD Director of the Liver Unit Clinica Universitaria de Navarra Professor of Medicine, University of Navarra School of Medicine Senior Researcher, National Biomedical Research Network Center for Liver and Digestive Diseases Pamplona, Spain Thomas Scagnelli, MD Medical Director, Interventional Radiology Doctors Hospital, Baptist Cardiac & Vascular Institute Miami, FL Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD, FSIR Associate Professor, Weill Medical College Cornell University Interventional Radiology Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY Ponnandai S. Somasundar, MD, MPH, FACS Associate Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology Director of Geriatric Oncology Program Site Director for General Surgery Residents Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Roger Williams Medical Center Boston University Providence, RI Daniel Sze, MD, PhD Professor, Interventional Radiology Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, CA Harpreet S. Wasan, MD Consultant & Reader in Medical Oncology Department of Cancer Medicine Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust London, England Joshua L. Weintraub, MD, FSIR Executive Vice-Chairman, Department of Radiology New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University New York, NY University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Faculty Matthew C. Abramowitz, MD Assistant Professor Co-Chairperson Genitourinary Site Disease Group Director of Compliance Department of Radiation Oncology Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Ikechukwu I. Akunyili, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Department of Medicine Reginald Baker, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Shivank Bhatia, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Mehul Doshi, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Ana M. Echenique, MD Associate Medical Director, Interventional Radiology University of Miami Hospital & Clinics Department of Radiology Tatiana Froud, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Vascular/ Interventional Radiology Christopher S. Gomez, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology Department of Urology Aldo Gonzalez-Beicos, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Mark L. Gonzalgo, MD, PhD Professor of Clinical Urology Urologic Oncology/ Robotic Surgery Department of Urology Mohammed I. Kably, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Alan S. Livingstone, MD Professor of Surgery Lucille and DeWitt Daughtry Professor and Chairman Chief, Division of Surgery Oncology Reshma L. Mahtani, DO Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Division of Hematology/ Oncology Murugesan Manoharan, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRACS(Urol) Professor of Urology Robotics/ Oncology/ Reconstruction Department of Urology Jaime Merchan, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Division of Hematology-Oncology Dao Nguyen, MD Thoracic Surgery Section Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Surgery Co-Chair Disease Specific Group (DSG) - Lung – SCCC Lorraine Portelance, MD Associate Professor Vice Chair and Director of Clinical Research Program Department of Radiation Oncology Maria Restrepo, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Caio Max S. Rocha Lima, MD Professor of Clinical Medicine Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Jason T. Salsamendi, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Eugene R. Schiff, MD, MACP, FRCP, MACG, AGAF Professor of Medicine, Dr. Nasser Ibrahim Al-Rashid Chair in the Schiff Center for Liver Diseases Director, Schiff Center for Liver Diseases Director, Hepatology Research Laboratory H. Thomas Temple, MD Vice Chairman of Orthopaedic Surgery Chief of Orthopaedics University of Miami Hospital Jonathan C. Trent, MD, PhD Professor of Medicine Shree Venkat, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology Rodrigo Vianna, MD Professor and Chief, Liver and GI Transplantation Miami Transplant Institute Nursing Symposium Faculty Ally Abisch, BS, RN Jackson Memorial Hospital Division of Interventional Radiology Antoinette DeManno, BSN, RN University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Nurse Manager Department of Radiology Pamela B. Dudkiewicz, DNP, ARNP, BC, AOCNP® University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Division of Hematology/ Oncology Ana Paula Harwood, DNP-NP University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Division of Hematology/ Oncology Jessica MacIntyre, ARNP, NP-C, OCN Interventional Radiology University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Evelyn P. Wempe, MBA, MSN, ACNP-BC, AOCNP® Director of Interventional Radiology Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner University of Miami Miller School of Medicine UMHC/ Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Friday, November 14, 2014 Agenda 7:00-7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 7:30-8:30 AM 1 HANDS-ON ABLATION WORKSHOP Moderators: Drs. Meijerink, MD, PhD, Doshi, MD and Echenique, MD MIAMI CANCER MEETING (MCM) MEETS SYNERGY 2014 Moderator: Caio Max S. Rocha Lima, MD 8:30-8:45 AM Management of LAD in Pancreatic Cancer Peter Hosein, MD 8:45-9:00 AM Biologics in mCRC Reshma L. Mahtani, DO 9:00-9:15 AM Molecular Advances in Lung Cancer Luis E. Raez, MD 9:15-9:30 AM Role of Systemic Chemotherapy in Metastatic Biliary Cancer Ikechukwu Akunyili, MD 9:30-9:45 AM Neuroendocrine Tumors Maria Restrepo, MD 9:45-10:15 AM Coffee Break and Visit Exhibits SESSION 10:15-10:30 AM 10:30-10:45 AM 10:45-11:00 AM 11:00-11:15 AM 11:15-11:30 AM 11:30-11:45 AM 11:45-12:00 PM 12:00-12:15 PM 12:15-12:30 PM HCC Moderators: Riccardo Lencioni, MD and Jordi Bruix, MD Liver Transplantation Guidelines David M. Levi, MD Advances in the Management of Hepatitis C Eugene R. Schiff, MD Survival of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated by TACE Using Drug Eluting Beads. Implications for Clinical Practice and Trial Design. Jordi Bruix, MD The Ablation Spectrum in HCC Riccardo Lencioni, MD Nonsurgical Treatment Options for Localized Hepatocellular Carcinoma Bruno Sangro, MD, PhD Synergy of TACE and Sorafenib J.F. Geschwind, MD Overview of Drug Eluting Beads in HCC - Is Smaller Better? Daniel B. Brown, MD Radioembolization in HCC Robert J. Lewandowski, MD Q&A BOXED LUNCH 12:30-1:30 PM 12:30-1:30 PM SATELLITE LUNCH SYMPOSIUM (RSVP): The Uniqueness of TheraSphere® and LC Bead®: A Tailored Multidisciplinary Approach to HCC (Non-CME) Edward Kim, MD (Chair) • David Cosgrove, MD • Karun Sharma, MD, PhD 2 3 SESSION 1:30-1:45 PM 1:45-2:00 PM 2:00-2:15 PM 2:15-2:30 PM 2:30-2:45 PM 2:45-3:00 PM 3:00-3:15 PM 3:15-3:30 PM 3:30-4:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM LIVER Moderators: David M. Levi, MD and Tatiana Froud, MD Oncolytic Viral Therapy Daniel Sze, MD, PhD Role of Y-90 in the Management of Cholangiocarcinoma William S. Rilling, MD Drug Eluting Beads Outside HCC and mCRC Ricardo Garcia Monaco, MD RF Ablation in the Liver and Management of Complications Peter Mueller, MD, MGH Microwave and IRE in the Liver - Data and Implications in Your IO Practice Ana M. Echenique, MD CO2 Applications in Interventional Oncology James G. Caridi, MD Mechanism of Cholangitis in Patients with Malignant Biliary Obstruction George I. Getradjman, MD Q&A Coffee Break and Visit Exhibits LIVER TUMOR BOARD Moderator: Daniel B. Brown, MD David M. Levi, MD • Eugene R. Schiff, MD • Jordi Bruix, MD • Riccardo Lencioni, MD Bruno Sangro, MD, PhD • J.F. Geschwind, MD • Robert J. Lewandowski, MD SESSION PRACTICE BUILDING/ PALLIATION/ NAVIGATION Moderators: Thierry de Baere, MD and Debra A. Gervais, MD IO in a Private Practice Setting - Keys to Success Charles W. Nutting, DO 5:00-5:15 PM IO in an Outpatient Setting - The Baylor Experience J.D. Meler, MD 5:15-5:30 PM Percutaneous Denver Shunt George I. Getradjman, MD 5:30-5:45 PM Tunneled Catheters as a Palliative Option Shree Venkat, MD 5:45-6:00 PM Advanced Applications in the Angiosuite - Software and Robotics Jason Salsamendi, MD 6:00-6:15 PM Q&A 6:15-6:30 PM WINE TASTING - Exhibit Hall 6:30-7:30 PM SYNERGY GALA 7:45 PM *The Satellite Lunch Symposium content and the views expressed therein are those of the presenting corporate entity and not of the University of Miami or Synergy. The content is not part of the Synergy Conference as approved by the University of Miami. No CME will be given for these activities. Agenda Saturday, November 15, 2014 7:00-7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast 1 2 SYMPOSIUM ON PROSTATE INTERVENTIONS Moderators: Jose Yrizarry, MD and Thomas Scagnelli, MD Surgical Options in BPH Christopher S. Gomez, MD 7:30-7:45 AM Overview of Surgical Options in Prostate Cancer Murugesan Manoharan, MD 7:45-8:00 AM PAE in BPH Francisco Carnavale, MD, PhD 8:00-8:15 AM PAE in Prostate Cancer Shivank Bhatia, MD 8:15-8:30 AM LUNG Moderators: Reginald Baker, MD SESSION Surgery in Lung Cancer Dao Nguyen, MD 8:30-8:45 AM Advances in IO Treatments in Lung Cancer Thierry de Baere, MD 8:45-9:00 AM Transarterial Treatment Options in Lung Cancer Shinichi Hori, MD 9:00-9:15 AM SBRT in Lung Cancer Brian E. Lally, MD 9:15-9:30 AM 9:30-10:00 AM Lung Tumor Board Drs. Baker, Breen, Nguyen, de Baere, Hori & Lally 10:00-10:30 AM Coffee Break and Visit Exhibits mCRC Moderators: Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, Harpreet S. Wasan, MD and D.J. Breen, MRCP SESSION 10:30-10:45 AM Surgery and Bipolar RF Ablation in the OR for mCRC Ponnandai S. Somasundar, MD, MPH 10:45-11:00 AM Emerging Evidence for Liver Directed Radiation Therapy Andrew S. Kennedy, MD 11:00-11:15 AM Single Session Treatment with Y-90 Riad Salem, MD 11:15-11:30 AM Integrating Y-90 into Accepted Systemic Treatment Plans Harpreet S. Wasan, MD 11:30-11:45 AM Liver Directed Therapies - Sequencing and Mechanism David Liu, MD 11:45-12:00 PM Percutaneous Ablative Therapies in mCRC Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD 12:00-12:15 PM Irinotecan-Loaded Beads for the Treatment of Unresectable Metastases to the Liver in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: An Interim Report Robert C.G. Martin, II, MD, PhD 12:15-12:30 PM Current Status of Portal Vein Embolization David C. Madoff, MD LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Moderator: Tatiana Froud, MD 12:30-1:30 PM 1:30-2:30 PM 3 mCRC TUMOR BOARD Moderator: Robert J. Lewandowski, MD Panelists: Ponnandai S. Somasunder, MD, MPH • Andrew S. Kennedy, MD • Riad Salem, MD • Harpreet S. Wasan, MD David Liu, MD • Constantinos T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD • Robert C.G. Martin, II, MD, PhD • David Madoff, MD ABLATION SYMPOSIUM Moderators: Ripal T. Gandhi, MD and Matthew R. Callstrom, MD, PhD 2:30-2:40 PM Radiofrequency Ablation - A Time Tested Option Riccardo Lencioni, MD 2:40-2:50 PM An Overview on Microwave Ablation D.J. Breen, MRCP 2:50-3:00 PM Non-Renal Applications of Cryoablation Afshin Gangi, MD, PhD 3:00-3:10 PM IRE – Niche Applications Raj Narayanan, MD 3:10-3:20 PM Ablation Tips and Tricks Thierry de Baere, MD 3:20-3:30 PM Q&A 3:30-4:00 PM Coffee Break and Visit Exhibits SESSION 4:00-4:15 PM 4:15-4:30 PM 4:30-4:45 PM 4:45-5:00 PM 5:00-5:15 PM 5:15-5:30 PM 5:30-5:45 PM 5:45-6:00 PM 6:00-6:15 PM 6:30-8:00 PM 8:00 PM KIDNEY/ PROSTATE Moderators: Peter Mueller, MD, MGH and Afshin Gangi, MD, PhD Surgical Advances in RCC Mark L. Gonzalgo, MD, PhD Metastatic RCC Management Jaime Merchan, MD RFA vs. Cryoablation in RCC Debra A. Gervais, MD Ablation as the Standard of Care for Small RCCs D.J. Breen, MRCP Percutaneous Management of Metastatic RCC Matthew R. Callstrom, MD, PhD Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer with IRE Jonathan Coleman, MD Radium 223 in Prostate Cancer Matthew C. Abramowitz, MD Fiducial Marker Placement in Prostate Cancer: Technique and Follow-Up Mohammed I. Kably, MD Q&A Y-90 Dinner Symposium – Case Based Approach Moderators: Daniel B. Brown, MD and Bruno Sangro, MD, PhD Panelists: Andrew S. Kennedy, MD • Harpreet S. Wasan, MD • David Liu, MD Charles W. Nutting, DO • Robert J. Lewandowski, MD Adjourn Sunday, November 16, 2014 1 2 Agenda 7:00-7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast SESSION 7:30-7:45 AM 7:45-8:00 AM 8:00-8:15 AM 8:15-8:30 AM 8:30-8:45 AM SESSION 8:45-9:00 AM 9:00-9:15 AM 9:15-9:30 AM 9:30-9:45 AM 9:45-10:00 AM 10:00-10:15 AM 10:15-10:30 AM 10:30 AM BONE AND SPINE Moderators: Mehul Doshi, MD and Aldo Gonzalez–Beicos, MD Surgical Approach to Bone Tumors H. Thomas Temple, MD Impact of Perioperative Chemotherapy Timing Along with Postoperative External Beam Radiation Therapy on the Outcome of Soft-Tissue Sarcomas Jonathan C. Trent, MD, PhD Ablation of Musculoskeletal Metastasis Matthew R. Callstrom, MD, PhD Percutaneous Treatment of Disc Herniation Afshin Gangi, MD, PhD Q&A PANCREAS Moderators: Ana M. Echenique, MD and Christina Gomez, MD Multivisceral Transplantation Rodrigo Vianna, MD Surgical Management of Pancreatic Cancer Alan S. Livingstone, MD Proton Beam Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer Lorraine Portelance, MD Resistance as a Measure of Successful Tumor Ablation during IRE of the Pancreas Robert C.G. Martin, II, MD, PhD IRE of Pancreatic Cancer in the OR – Working with Your Surgeon Joshua L. Weintraub, MD Role of Percutaneous IRE in the Management of Pancreatic Cancer Raj Narayanan, MD Q&A MEETING ADJOURNS / DRIVE FOR LIFE Nursing Symposium 8:00-8:05 AM 8:05-8:20 AM 8:20-8:35 AM 8:35-8:50 AM 8:50-9:05 AM 9:05-9:20 AM 9:20-9:35 AM 9:35-9:50 AM 9:50-10:00 AM 10:00 AM *Agenda subject to change Saturday, November 15, 2014 Welcome/ Introductions Jessica MacIntyre, ARNP, NP-C, OCN Evolution of IO Nursing Evelyn P. Wempe, MBA, MSN, ACNP-BC, AOCNP® Review of Anticoagulants and Application to IR Pamela B. Dudkiewicz, DNP, ARNP, BC, AOCNP® Review of HCC Antoinette DeManno, BSN, RN Y-90 in Metastatic Liver Disease Jessica MacIntyre, ARNP, NP-C, OCN Emerging Ablative Therapies in IR Tatiana Froud, MD Palliative Therapies in IR Ally Abisch, BS, RN Quality of Life Considerations in Cancer Patients Ana Paula Harwood, DNP-NP Q&A Nursing Symposium Adjourns Additional Information Hotel Information Eden Roc Miami Beach 4525 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33140 Phone: 305-531-0000 Toll-free: 1-800-319-5354 Special Rate A block of rooms has been reserved for conference participants at a discounted rate of US $289/night + 13 % tax/ day. Reservations must be received on or before 6 pm on Thursday, October 23, 2014. The hotel extends the group rate 3 days pre and post conference dates based on availability. After October 23, 2014, reservation requests will be considered on a space-available basis. Drive for Life About To support research in minimally invasive cancer care at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. Take the wheel of a Ferrari or Lamborghini with a professional driver! Suddenly, speed limit signs are a thing of the past as you reach speeds that transform your insides into Jell-O and leave you sporting an oversized permagrin. Yeah, it happens. Details For more information visit: Reservations Call 305-531-0000 and reference Synergy 2014 Conference. All reservations must be received by October 23, 2014. All individual reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Hotel will not hold any reservations unless secured by one of the above methods. Registration EARLY Tuition Registration LATE Before 10/15/14 No Syllabus Before 10/15/14 Video Syllabus on Tablet On or After 10/15/14 (Add $150) ☐ Physicians $655 $805 + $150 ☐ Nurse Practitioners $255 $455 + $150 ☐ Nurses $155 $355 + $150 ☐ Allied Health Care Professionals/ Technologists $155 $355 + $150 ☐ Fellows (Supply verification from Program Director) $105 $305 + $150 ☐ Residents (Supply verification from Program Director) $105 $305 + $150 ☐ Medical Students $10 $210 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Allied Health Care Professionals/ Technologists $105 $305 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Fellows $10 $210 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Physicians $205 $405 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Nurse Practitioners $155 $355 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Nurses $105 $305 + $150 ☐ UM/JMH Residents $10 $210 + $150 ☐ Industry Representatives $705 $805 + $150 ONE DAY REGISTRATION: $225 ☐11/14/14 ☐11/15/14 ☐11/16/14 Registration Fees Include • Admission to all conference sessions (Panel discussions, workshops and lectures) • Access to the Exhibit Hall • Admission to the Friday evening’s Wine Tasting • Daily continental breakfast, refreshment breaks and lunch REGISTER ONLINE BY VISITING SYNERGYMIAMI.ORG/REGISTRATION Mail in Form First Name: _______________________________________________ ☐ Check: Please make check payable to UM/Division of CME Last Name: ________________________________________________ ☐ Charge my registration fee in the amount of Degree (MD, DO, PhD, ARNP, other): _______________________ $________________________________ to my: Affiliation: _________________________________________________ ☐ Visa® ☐MasterCard® ☐ American Express Specialty: _________________________________________________ Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Last 4 digits of SSN#: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________________________________________ (For CME recording / identification purposes only) Mailing Address: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________ Signature of Card holder State: __________________ Zip/Postal Code : __________________ How did you hear about this program? Daytime Telephone: _________________ Fax: __________________ ☐Brochure Email(mandatory):_________________________________________ ☐ Website ☐Other:_________________________________________________ ☐Email ☐Colleague ☐Flyer/Announcement BRING YOUR COLLEAGUE FOR FREE Register for Synergy 2014 at the full physician registration fee, and receive complimentary registration for another physician from a different specialty. *Both registrations must be received on the same day. Colleague Full Physician Name: ______________________________________ Online Registration Number: ____________________________________ (Required) (Paying Registrant) REGISTRATION CANCELLATION POLICY Refunds will be made only if written notice of cancellation is received prior to October 15, 2014. A $100 fee is charged for all refunds. After this date, no refunds will be made. In cases where a course is canceled due to insufficient registrations, a full tuition refund will be made. First and Last DETAILS FOR MAILING FORM Complete this form and mail or fax (with payment) to: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Division of CME (D23-3), P.O. Box 016960 Miami, FL 33101-6960 Telephone: 305-243-6716 Fax: 305-243-5613 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Division of Continuing Medical Education Tel: 305-243-6716 /Fax: 305-243-5613 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US Postage PAID Miami, FL Permit No. 438 University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Division of Continuing Medical Education P.O. Box 016960 (D23-3) Miami, FL 33101-6960 Endorsed by: November 14-16, 2014 Eden Roc Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL REGISTER TODAY AT: November 14-16, 2014 Eden Roc Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Course Directors Raj Narayanan, MD Jose Yrizarry, MD Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Professor of Clinical Radiology Department of Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Professor of Clinical Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiology University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Sponsored by: Endorsed by: Presented by the Department of Radiology
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