TOYS FOR TOTS T O U R N A M E N T The Shire of Wyvern Cliffe invites you to join us and help us bring some joy to a child’s life! November 15, 2014 Directions to site: NEW SITE!!!!!! Take HWY 63 to Ashland, MO. Southern Boone High School 14520 S Crump Ln, Ashland, MO 65010 SITE FEE: Adults $10...Children 6-17 $5...Children under 5 FREE Schedule: 8:00 am Site opens 8:30 am Authorizations Inspections 9:30 am Novice Tourney 10:00 am Archery Tourney TFT Tourney to follow Novice Tourney Calontir Steel Tourney to follow TFT Tourney 10:00 pm Site closes Court at TRMs Discretion ($5 surcharge for each non-member) Family cap/$30 (NMS $5) Checks payable to SCA, Inc. Shire of Wyvern Cliffe A light lunch will be provided at no extra charge. Turn right at 2nd four-way stop sign on to Main. Turn right into the School, it is past the community pool. Signs will be posted. Novice Tournament: Must not have an AoA level fighting award and have not won a tournament before. The tournament is open weapon system. Entry fee is 1 toy of $5.00 value. TFT Tournament: Open to all authorized fighters. The tournament is open weapon system. Entry fee is 1 toy of $5.00 value. Archery Tournament: Sponsored by The Due to space limitations we can NOT accept Merchants at this time. Turn west on Broadway off the Ashland Exit. Event Steward: Sir Duncan MacTorquil Jefferson City MO. 65109 phone: 573-694-7001 email: Shire of Calanais Nuadh. Please no Crossbows due to local laws. Entry fee is 1 toy of $5.00 value. Calon Steel Tournament: In the spirit of TfT the tournament will be open weapon system. Format to be determined the day of the event. So bring all your toys you may need them! Entry fee is 1 toy of $5.00 value. The Marine Corp. needs your help! Bring as many toys as you can and help families have a happy Holiday. The Marine Corp. only accepts NEW toys, please try to give toys that are a minimum of $5 in value. Awards for the most toys donated by a GROUP and INDIVIDUAL This site is VERY DRY. Please help and save it for the post revel
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