ACA Implementation in Indiana: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions ADVOCATING HEALTH COVERAGE FOR ALL Co-Sponsored By: American Academy of Pediatrics/Indiana Chapter, American Cancer Society/Cancer Action Network, Cover Indiana Campaign, Indiana Coalition for Human Services, Indiana Family Health Council, Indiana Family Services, Martin Center Agenda 8:30 AM Registration 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions John Ketzenberger, Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute 9:15 AM Keynote Address: ACA State of Play – What’s at Stake for Indiana Tricia Brooks, Senior Fellow, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families 10:00 AM To Expand or Not to Expand The U.S. Supreme Court’s June, 2012 decision left it up to each individual state to decide whether to expand their Medicaid programs. The Pence Administration has made it clear that should Indiana decide to expand, it will only do so through the Healthy Indiana Plan. It has submitted a waiver renewal application to extend the program from 2014 to 2016, and awaits a decision from CMS. Meanwhile, several bills introduced in the 2013 legislative session are providing a vehicle for ongoing public debate about whether and how to expand coverage to up to 450,000 currently uninsured individuals at or below 138% FPL. Introduction – Senator Karen Tallian Moderator – Judy Solomon, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Pence Administration (invited) Douglas Stratton, Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Dee Mahan, Families USA Brian Tabor, Indiana Hospital Association Mike Ripley, Indiana Chamber of Commerce (invited) 11:00 AM Break 11:15 AM Examining the Nuts and Bolts of Indiana’s Health Benefit Exchange Indiana has opted for a federally-facilitated exchange (FFE), but the state Department of Insurance will continue to retain jurisdiction over market issues related to licensing, rate review, financial solvency and coordination with the FFE. Other issues, such as whether the FFE will make Medicaid eligibility assessments or determinations, whether the state will retain functions related to risk adjustment and reinsurance, the process for certifying qualified health plans, and whether the state will combine or maintain separate insurance pools for products sold on the individual and small business markets, will need to be resolved quickly in order to be ready for open enrollment beginning October 1, 2013. Moderator – Sarabeth Zemel, National Academy for State Health Policy Douglas Stratton, Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association Judy Solomon, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Erin Mathies, Indiana Department of Insurance Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (invited) 12:15 PM Networking Lunch 1:00 PM Harnessing Technology to Drive Efficiency and Modernize the Enrollment Experience Whether Indiana policymakers elect to extend Medicaid to the lowest income uninsured Hoosiers or not, the ACA accelerates the use of technology to modernize eligibility and enrollment through consumer friendly web-based systems and data-driven electronic verification of eligibility. The Medicaid system will need to exchange information with the FFE to achieve a high-functioning coordinated system of coverage. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers who will be eligible to purchase a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) through the FFE, with or without financial assistance, will be choosing from a variety of insurance plans in just over six months from now. Whether online, by phone, or in person, the enrollment process must be streamlined to accommodate the increase in demand and to provide meaningful access to quality data so consumers can easily compare and choose an affordable plan that best fits their health care needs. Moderator – Susan Jo Thomas, Social Interest Solutions Jennifer Sullivan, Enroll America Tricia Brooks, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families Marci Toler, Covering Kids & Families of Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (invited) 2:00 PM Tapping the Community Based Infrastructure to Maximize Outreach and Consumer Assistance State Medicaid and CHIP agencies have a long history of offering programs through which application counselors have played a key role in promoting enrollment for low-income individuals seeking coverage. Recent rules proposed by CMS acknowledge how making such assistance available for the health benefit exchange will be critical to achieving a high rate of enrollment. Concurrent with the development of federal standards for exchange certification, bills pending in the state legislature propose standards for training and certification of navigators and application organizations. Indiana’s ability to accommodate the large increase in demand for enrollment in public and private health insurance plans will depend in large part on its ability to leverage the contributions of hospitals, health centers, and other community-based organizations who currently provide outreach and enrollment services, while ensuring high-quality and effective assistance. Moderator – Tricia Brooks, Georgetown University Center for Children and Families J Hopkins, Wishard Hospital Sherry Gray, St. Vincent Health Jennifer Sullivan, Enroll America 3:00 PM Closing Remarks Alex Slabosky, Chair, Cover Indiana Campaign 3:15 PM Adjourn Special thanks to Senator Karen Tallian and her Legislative Assistant, Brent Stinson, for reserving the conference room for the Symposium and acting as our liaisons with the Government Center.
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