THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FOR COMING WEEK FAITH FORMATION Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation & Eucharist Must attend minimum of 75% of BOTH Religion Classes & Sacramental Prep Cases Call Parish Office at 897-7797 for more information CONSECRATED TO: the Immaculate Heart of Mary December 9, 2013 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: “We, the parish of Christ Our Redeemer, are called to love God, act as stewards of Christ and trust in the Lord to nurture our faith through His Presence in the Eucharist.” PARISH VISION STATEMENT: “Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Parish is: An open, diverse and vibrant Christ-centered family, inspired by the Holy Spirit to nurture and share our faith through celebration of the Eucharist, prayer, education, outreach and community.” CHRIST OUR REDEEMER CATHOLIC EDUCATION Lisa Hall:! ! Youth Ministry:! Sun: 8:45-10:00 a.m. ! Carmen Marshall-Claude:! 897-7797 Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Carmen Marshall-Claude & Dalane Fox: Youth Ministry:! SUNDAY: OCTOBER 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. ~ Michael John Rafferty, Sr ✝ 10:30 A.M. ~ People of God SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM WHO WE ARE . . . WHO WE STRIVE TO BE Religious Education:! SATURDAY: OCTOBER 25 Vigil of Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 P.M. ~ Dorothy Mets ✝ 897-7797 Wed: 5:30-7:30 p.m. 897-7797 Sacramental Catechesis: Check Bulletin or Call Lisa Hall:! ! ! 897-7797 Rite of Christian Initiation: Mon.: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Deacon Jim Murray:! 974-1033 Bible Study:! Deacon Bill Schaal: Sun.: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 897-3949 Sue Marco: Mon.: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 897-5609 Michele McCormick: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. 897-2372 Ignatian Exercises: Wed.: 9:10-11:30 a.m. Maurie Ockerman:! 897-1463 CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP Donut Brigade: ! Sun: after 7:30 & 10:30 Masses Donna & Ron Quinn:! 897-2342 Welcome Committee: ! Sun: 1st Wkend at all Masses Colleen Miller:! 678-2116 Single-Divorced-Widowed: Sun: 4th Wkend after 10:30 Mass Barbara Vanderbeek:! 897-6551 Monday Morning Coffee: Mon.: 9:10 a.m. til Playgroup-4-Kids-&-Moms: Tue.: 9:30-11:00 a.m. Sarah Dieterich:! 897-3795 CATHOLIC OUTREACH & FELLOWSHIP Knights of Columbus: ! Thu.: 1st Wk of Month Andy Balding:! 496-0439 Council of Catholic Women: Fri.: 1st Wk of Month Nancy Morris:! 897-4648 Priscilla Circle: ! Wed.: 3rd Wk of Month Rebecca Coley:! 618-409-6850 Young Adult Ministry: ! Tue.: 2nd Wk of Month Adam Ubowski:! 897-7797 CATHOLIC OUTREACH Elder Outreach: ! Sharon Hargreaves 279-6337! St. Vincent de Paul:! Patty Harp 897-5887 KoC Outreach (Elderly):! Ron Rabiansky 897-3493 Habitat for Humanity: ! Nitsi Bennett 315-0025 CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT Prayer Line: ! Beth McDonald 897-0549 Charismatic Renewal:! Maurie Ockerman 897-1463 Communion & Liberation: Pam Deloach 897-3413 Cursillo:! Annette North 897-3783 Respect Life: Michele McCormick 897-2372 CATHOLIC LITURGY Music: ! Adam Ubowski 897-7797! E.M.of H.C:! Deacon Nolla 897-6885 Lectors & Altar Svrs:! Tom Toltzien 897-5789 Altar Svrs: ! ! Deacon Murray: 974-1033 Sacristans: Patty Harp 897-5887 Ushers / Greeters:! Adolph Fejfar 897-2586 Art & Environment:! Michele McCormick 897-2372 ! Carmen Marshall-Claude 678-9372 COUNCILS & COMMITTEES Pastoral: ! Jeanette Schaal 897-3949! Finance:! Adam Dieterich: 897-3795 Faith Engaged: Pat Brennan: 897-1163 FYI: If you are interested in participating in any of the above Ministries or Organizations to become part of our “Faith Engaged” parish family, please call the point of contact and they can then give you their e-mail address to communicate. Prior to setting a Baptism date for your child, please call the parish office to register for the required preparation class and to complete necessary paperwork. One of the godparents must be baptized, confirmed & a practicing Catholic who is sixteen years of age or older. Baptisms at Christ Our Redeemer are usually scheduled during Mass the fourth weekend of the month. MONDAY: OCTOBER 27 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Kimberly Vallimont ✝ S A C R A M E SACRAMENT OF THE SICK N Anointing . . . . . . . . . T Upon Request by calling the Parish Office Parishioners who are facing surgery or S SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with the pastor. Arrangements must be made SIX MONTHS in ADVANCE of anticipated Wedding Date. Registration for and the completion of the marriage preparation program are required. struggling with serious illness may request this sacrament. ✔ ✔ IF YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE IS HOSPITALIZED & would like Father Bob to visit, please call the Parish Office and let us know. Father Bob wants to provide you pastoral care but he must be told that you want and need him to visit. TUESDAY: OCTOBER 28 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Stan & Lillian Marszalek ✝ WEDNESDAY: OCTOBER 29 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Sheila Miner THURSDAY: OCTOBER 30 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Emily Voigt ✝ FRIDAY: OCTOBER 31 Weekday 8:30 A.M. ~ Communion Service SATURDAY: NOVEMBER 1 Vigil of All Souls’ Day 5:30 P.M. ~ Emily Voigt ✝ SUNDAY: NOVEMBER 2 ALL SOULS’ DAY 7:30 A.M. ~ All the Faithful Departed ✝ 10:30 A.M. ~ All the Faithful Departed ✝ Parish “Prayer Line” Requests . . . ► ► ►For Prayer Requests Call: BETH McDONALD at 897-0549 DEPLOYED MILITARY: Joseph Nolla ~ Colleen & Robin Murray - David Juarez ♢♢♢ (Missions: Molly McCormick) Jim Doty - Wolfgang & Gertrude Geiberger - Rosa & Arthur Culver - Kevyn - Regina Joyce - Becky Sobel - Hugo Nancy Duke - Mary Frances Fuller - Guy Jordan - Edward Jarzabek - James Whitmarsh - Bill Pezdirtz - Tiffany Marcie Norris - Bernice Huyser - Beverly Wheat - Carletta Aberle - Sonya - Carmen Sasso - Matthew Kimbel Jose Antonio Lefran - Kathy Murphy - Jacob Doing - Drew Barfield - Ginger Quinn - Kathy Foley - Sheila Miner Mary Lou Alvadj - Gwen & Donna Young - Elaine & Mary Hildenbrand - Ashley Jackson - Jeanne Tanguay Kevin Gallager - Matthew Packard - Sam Poppell - Shirley Ocker - Marty Manny - Paul Robinson - Frank Procta Caitlin Gross - Tori - Diane Wileaver - Lisa Lewis - Dave Owens - Kearney Family - Bob Alhouse - Harry Kinzler Shirley Flagg - Kelly Walther - Adolph Fejfar - Erika Campbell - Goretti - Baby Leighton - Grace Koechel Margaret Starr - Godecki Family 7:00 TIL 8:00 P.M. ~ TUES. Join us and spend an hour with Our Lord When money speaks the truth is silent. — Russian proverb READINGS FOR THE WEEK 26 October 2014 thru 2 November 2014 Sunday: ! Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; ! 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Monday: ! Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; ! Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: ! Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: ! Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; ! Lk 13:31-35 Friday: ! Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: ! Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; ! Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: ! Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or ! Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 CELEBRATE FAITH 2015: “HEARTS ON FIRE” Seating limited! Register today for this Jan. 24th diocesan event: held at the Emerald Coast Convention Center, Okaloosa Island. Cost: $20 per individual/$50 per family. MASS INTENTION REQUEST CARDS FOR NOVEMBER 2014 ➤ Available in Pamphlet Rack in Narthex ➤ For Masses to be scheduled during month of NOVEMBER 2014 ➤ Pick up the ORANGE Cards ➤ Fill out: place in Offertory Basket~take to Parish Office ➤ Turn in immediately so your request can be scheduled THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 MONTH OF OCTOBER “RESPECT LIFE” ROSARY ~ CCW ~ DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS “Each of Us Is a Masterpiece of God’ Creation” POWER OF PRAYER If Christians really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. During WWII there was an adviser to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace. There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America. If you would like to participate … Every evening at: 9:00 PM Eastern Time 7:00 PM Mountain Time 8:00 PM Central Time 6:00 PM Pacific Time stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the United States, for a return to a Godly nation & global peace. Our prayers are our most powerful asset. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cynthia Lacour . . . President of P-T DCCW CONFIRMATION NIGHT FOR CANDIDATES AND THEIR PARENTS Treasures for Our Lord ~ 19 OCTOBER 2014 Tuesday ~ October 28, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. To our visitors & our members ~ thank you for your generosity. All 9th-12th graders longing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation should attend this meeting. HIGH SCHOOL RALLY AT ST. MARY'S November 15, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. til 9:00 p.m. HELPING HANDS - MEAL PACKAGING PROGRAM Helping Hands is a meal-packaging program. Teens from across the Diocese will come together to package nutritious meals for people in developing countries who are suffering from food shortages and famine. You can help the youth of our Diocese package more meals by donating to the program. Go to and click on the link Helping Hands Meal Donation COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN CORNER Come and join us Friday, November 7th, for Mass C at 8:30 a.m. followed by brunch & our monthly W meeting. Our guest speaker is Melissa Forte from the Habitat for Humanity Okaloosa office. Also please bring an idea or recipe to share on "how to use those leftovers from Thanksgiving". Looking forward to seeing you all and especially some new faces. Our group spans all the decades from the 20's to the 90's, so we offer something for everyone. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR All are Welcome! Please come and join Speakers: Fr. William Ganci Fr. Eugene Pathe Deacon Michael Symons Kim Jones Irene Finelli Helen Freeland ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ PARISH LIFE CENTER CAFÉ FT. WALTON BEACH, FLORIDA ❋ DATE: Saturday, November 8th TIME: 8:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registration 8-9 a.m.. Mass in church 8:15 a.m. Sessions from: 9 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. POT LUCK LUNCH: Bring your favorite dish For more information contact: Bea (850) 376-2034, Irene (850) 864-2955 Music by Pauline Rosas Sponsored by: St. Mary Prayer Group and the DCCR But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you! ! - - - John 14:26 DEADLINE FOR NEXT WEEKEND’S BULLETIN Monday, October 27th at 12:00 noon: Collected (Weekend&Office) for operating Parish $13,636.00 Collected from On-Line Donations $2,327.00 “COR DAY AT RUBY TUESDAY” Wednesday, November 5th Share lunchtime or dinner by Breaking Bread at “Ruby Tuesday” or order “Take-Out” and present the COR Form 20% of your total check, including all beverages, will be returned to Christ Our Redeemer Forms available after ALL Masses this Weekend & next weekend - Nov. 1st & 2nd & at the Parish Office Support the growth of our Parish with “Ruby Tuesday” SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul wants to thank you for your recent generous contributions. Our neighbors are without a place to stay. Some live in their cars or in the woods. They have nothing to eat and have very few clothes to wear. Soon the weather will be changing and they will have nothing to keep them warm. It is through your love and care that we at Saint Vincent de Paul are able to provide them with food, clothing and help with a place to stay. Your generosity is truly overwhelming. Thank you for all you do. God Bless You. SVDP BASKETS FOR THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS Next weekend members from the Saint Vincent de Paul Society will be handing out grocery bags with a list of the items needed to prepare food baskets for those in need in our community so their Thanksgiving and Christmas are blest-filled. Thank You, Blood Donors!!! The October Blood Mobile was a huge success. They collected 21 Units, saving 63 lives!!! Thanks to all who donated their time & the special gift of their blood---what a wonderful way to show your “Respect for Life”. The next Blood Mobile at Christ Our Redeemer will be Sunday, December 7th. Help us increase our numbers--we hope you will be there!!! ! ! POC—Janice Jean, 897-3658 VICTIMS OF ABUSE: The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee is committed to healing. Louis M. Makarowski Ph.D.; P.A. at 850-477-7181 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 A Response of Time for the Lord . . . CHECK THIS INFORMATION DIOCESE OF PENSACOLA-TALLAHASSEE JOIN - LIKE - FOLLOW FLORIDA BISHOPS: MASS FOR VETERANS ~ ACTIVE DUTY & RETIRED Connecting with the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is an easy and reliable way to stay informed on public policies affecting Floridians, especially those most vulnerable and in need. Join the Florida Catholic Advocacy Network (FLCAN) at to get emails about issues at the heart of Gospel values, ‘like’ on Facebook (flaccb), or ‘follow’ on Twitter (@flacathbps). DAY OF LITURGICAL SONG Saturday, Nov. 8th from 9:00 a.m. til 2:30 p.m. (central time) at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Chipley with Steven C. Warner, acclaimed Director of the Notre Dame Folk Choir. Register online at, and click on "Event Registration" then "Music Workshop." or mail Father Paul White, 100 Francis St. Mary Esther, FL 32569. More info call Father White at 850-435-3556 or WHAT IS THE CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE PROJECT? The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has long conducted the Candidate Questionnaire Project to assist Catholics and the broader community with the obligation to become informed voters. Knowing where the candidates stand on issues concerning human life and dignity and the advancement of the common good is essential to responsible faithful citizenship. All U.S. Congressional and Florida gubernatorial and legislative candidates appearing on the ballot in the primary and/or general elections have been invited to participate in a questionnaire. Candidates have been asked to identify whether they support or oppose a range of issues of importance to the Church. Although the questionnaires do not address every area of concern, care has been taken to identify those issues likely to be acted on by lawmakers and the governor during the coming term. In addition to their positions on the issues, candidates have been given the opportunity to include brief comments on each question. Whether on Election Day, during early voting or by absentee ballot, casting our votes responsibly requires us to be informed. When it comes to marking the ballot, reconciling politics with the basic values of the Gospel and the tenets of our Catholic faith can be difficult. If we take the time to become familiar with the candidates' positions on issues of importance to us, we are better prepared to address this challenge. Sunday, November 9th at 10:30 a.m. ~ Our active duty and retired or separated Veterans are encouraged to take part and asked in this special Mass to wear their uniforms if comfortable in doing so. Since the Christ Our Redeemer Knights of Columbus of Council 13527 are hosting this event, they are asking their nonveteran brothers to wear their council polo shirts. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13527 INFORMATION ▶ CALENDAR ITEMS: Oct 25th - 26th - Baby Bottle Campaign Ends Nov 1st - 2nd - “Keep Christ in Christmas” Kickoff @ ALL Masses Nov 1st - Pasta Dinner at HNJ ~ 6 p.m. (COR Team) Nov 6th - Dinner & Social Hour at COR ~ 6 p.m. Nov 6th - General Assembly Meeting at COR ~ 7 p.m. Nov 7th - BINGO at HNJ ~ 6 p.m. Nov 9th - Veterans’ Mass at 10:30 (Vets in Uniform /4th Degree Regalia ▶ IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A KNIGHT . . . Contact Grand Knight Andy Balding at 496-0439 today & ask about joining the Knights of Council 13527 at COR. ▶ BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN . . . Is over this weekend. Thank you for your wonderful support of this “Respect Life” project. HELP FOR ELDERLY & SPOUSES OF DEPLOYED MILITARY . . . ▶ If you need small maintenance jobs at your home, etc. … please call Ron Rabiansky at 897-3493 and/or Lenny Smales at 678-0491 (service sponsored by COR KoC Council 13527) PLAYGROUP AT COR EVERY TUESDAY MORNING 9:30 - 11AM IN THE OUR LADY ROOM OF THE PARISH HALL We are moms supporting each other through faith and prayer. The children enjoy playing amongst each other while the moms get to know each other. Some guided studies, support, and other community activities will be planned. Contact: Sarah Dietrich at 897-3795 or at PRISCILLA CIRCLE & CCW WE WANT TO HELP Do you know of a family expecting or have just welcomed a new addition to their family? We would like to help provide a few meals to ease their time in transition to a new normal. Meals provided by members of CCW & Priscilla Circle. Please contact Rebecca Coley at 618.409.6850 or to sign up. FIRST HARVEST DANCE TO CELEBRATE ALL OUR BLESSINGS Help us celebrate all the bounty God has blessed us with at our first Harvest Dance. to be held Saturday evening, November 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall Young and old are welcome as a variety of music will be played. Tickets will be sold after all Masses this weekend and next weekend. Hurry to buy the tickets before we're sold out! $15/family! Tickets will be entered for a doorprize drawing. Bring a dish to share, pulled pork and drinks will be provided. Sponsored by Priscilla Circle THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 THIRD ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Golfers, Sponsors, & Volunteers Needed Celebrate COR Golf Outing Four Person Scramble Saturday, November 1st Eglin’s Eagle Golf Course, Niceville, FL Check-In: 10:00 – 11:00 am •• Lunch: 11:00 am •• Tee-off: Shotgun Start at 12 pm Cost: Individual: $100 •• 4 Person Team: $360 This includes 18-holes of golf, riding cart, lunch before golf & chance to win various prizes! AWARDS * 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Overall * Longest Drive (Men & Women) * Closest to the Pin (Men & Women) * To sponsor, volunteer, or register to play - please e-mail: Or call Colleen or Mike Miller at (850)678-2116 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: • Celebrate COR Sponsor: $1,000 includes 2 teams & 3 signs • Team Sponsor: $500 - includes 4-person team & 2 signs • Tee Sponsor: $100 - includes 1 sign at tee box THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 Christ Our Redeemer Catholic Church Parish Office: 897-7797 FAX: 897-2422 Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday Pastor E-mail: Secretary / Office E-mail: Facilities Manager: {Maintenance} Bookkeeper E-mail: ~~~ Web Site: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. {Closed: Fridays} Music Director and Young Adult Ministry E-mail: Religious Ed Co-ordinator E-mail: Youth Minister E-mail: Staff Assistant E-mail: ! Three Secret Spiritual Benefits (for You!) of Bringing Your Children to Mass September 29, 2014 by Jennifer Fitz ♥ ♥ ♥ Used with Permission by Patheos At ladies’ Bible study this past week we were talking about our prayer lives, and one of the moms worried that with small children in tow, she just wasn’t “getting much out of Mass.” This is a common worry, but it’s unfounded. Yesterday as I watched the mom in front of me do her best with a pair pew-scramblers, I was reminded of the three genuine spiritual benefits that can only be had by bringing wiggly, noisy, naughty children to Mass. 1. You learn the Mass. Want to learn something? Teach it. When we bring young children to Mass, we have to help them get into the action. That “active participation” thing? We must teach it to our children explicitly. Let’s tell Jesus how much we love Him you say before the Gloria. Let’s listen to what Jesus has to say to us you whisper during the readings. There’s Jesus you point out at the elevation. You become a pro at flipping to the proper page in the children’s Missal. You point out every word of every hymn to the new reader. You get good at answering those questions your kid asks in the middle of the Eucharistic prayer, and that you put off with a quick, “I’ll tell you later.” Because you have to tell him, later. What was that thing? Why that color? Why that sound? The one I remember most vividly: How does Jesus fall into the cup? Catechesis aside, just having a child along causes you to know the Mass more intimately. 2. You develop the ability to snap back to attention constantly. The very-active participation that is pewside parenting means you never, ever, get to pray one prayerful thought straight through: Lamb of God who . . . quit pinching your sister . . . have mercy on us. It’s all fine and good for contemplatives and retirees to have their uninterrupted reveries. But to always be returning, always be saying to our Lord, “Now where were we again?” That’s the Christian life. There will come a time, when you are old and alone again, that you’ll need to relearn the art of long talks with the Lord. But you won’t be nearly so good at those long talks if you haven’t been through the school of distraction. Mass with children teaches us to remember God. To never forget Him, even when everything conspires to try to make us forget Him. 3. You get to see your insides on the outside. Like a slide show that illustrates every word of the Gospel, our children give us the live-action version of our inner lives. I remember when my son was about six, and he was rocking, rocking, rocking back and forth in the pew, making the kneeler creak with every move. … And this was a kid who would be soon preparing to receive communion? Really?!! Thought the woman who notices everyone’s shoes during the communion procession. Our children bug us because they are like us. They echo us. They take what we do and flip it right back at us. And during Mass, they do with their bodies what we do with our souls. My little kids weren’t particularly less devout than me. They just weren’t so good at faking it yet. Congratulations to our Wedding Anniversary couples for NOVEMBER 2014 Aaron & Kelly Agrippe Doug & Dee Dee Blandford David & Pamela Carter Steven & Lucy Chamberlain Steve Claude & Carmen Marshall-Claude Joseph & Lisa Deslauriers Mark & Gretchen Erickson David & Ruth Fennell Philip & Patricia Fralix Gerry & Cherie Freisthler Michael & Connie Gaskill Scott & Regina Groundwater Craig & Lisa Hall David & Nicole Marie Hartline Kevin & Denise Knebl Paul & Mary Ann Leary Rick & Lucy Leibach Frank & Ann Liberatori James & Joyce McCarthy Ralph & Beth McDonald John & Maureen McMullen Gregory Muntzner & Maryann Koechel Rod B. Taylor & Kimberly Nihill-Taylor Levi & Renee Pippy Justin & Jennifer Rand Cosimo & Nora Ricciardi Enrique & Laura Saucedo Steven & Heidi Schaefer Robert & Maureen Shoemaker Robert & Sylvia Smith Charles & Laura Tobia Deacon Joaquin & Joe Ann Treviño Allen & Carol Ward James & Patricia Willoz If your name should be on this list and is not or your name is misspelled, we are sorry! Please call the Parish Office and let us know so that we can correct the information we have on file. Thank You for Joining Us at the Table of Our Lord and to our Parish Family Chris Gee Patrick & Meghan Galloway Marius & Hersuk Ratanu Norm & Carol Klausutis If you are new to our parish, we are glad you are here with us. Please introduce yourself to Father Bob and fill out a parish registration form located in the pamphlet rack in the Narthex.
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