www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel Register by September 26 to SAVE OVER $800 December 1 - 2, 2014 | Hotel Rey Juan Carlos | Barcelona, Spain 3rd Annual MEDITERRANEAN BUNKER FUEL ADDRESSING AND OVERCOMING KEY CHALLENGES FOR THE REGION “Well organized. Provided a range of views and opinions, touched on several industry related matters, particularly about the changing trends in the industry.” Doros Mitsingas, Bunker Trader, Monjasa WHY ATTEND: 33 J oin the IBIA, Maersk, CEPSA, Chevron, Intertanko and OW Bunker as they address the challenges and opportunities facing the industry 33 D iscover how the bunker fuel industry is evolving to keep up with changing regulations 33 U nderstand fuel quality trends and their implications to the value chain 33 G ain further insight into the future of the bunker and shipping industry including advances in alternative fuels and on-board abatement Supported by BOOK NOW www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel conf_registrations@platts.com +44 (0)20 7176 6300 +44 (0)20 7176 8512 5 WAYS TO REGISTER: www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel conf_registrations@platts.com CHAIN – LEADERS DISCUSS 08:00 Registration and continental breakfast – available to sponsor 11:35 OW Bunker’s perspective Per Funch-Nielsen, General Manager, Physical Distribution, OW Bunker 09:00 OPENING ADDRESS The outlook for the Mediterranean bunkering industry 11:55 CEPSA’s perspective Supply – demand dynamics Miguel González Fernández, International Bunker Team Manager, CEPSA The impact of the 2015 ECA to the region Captain Peter Hall, Chief Executive Officer, International Bunker Industry Association 12:15 Trader’s perspective 12:35 Group Q&A 09:25 The implications of the IMO sulphur regulations to ship owners 33 33 33 presenters from the preceding sessions will gather on the head table to answer your questions How will governments implement the ECAs on January 1, 2015? How extensively will the alternative compliance options be used? 12:50 Networking Lunch – available to sponsor What will be the implications of the global cap in 2020/2025? imon Bennett, Director External Relations, S International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) PLATTS PRICING ASSESSMENTS EUROPEAN BUNKER MARKETS IN A RAPIDLY 14:10 European bunker fuel and fuel market developments 33 HSFO and LSFO pricing developments 33 Oil and shipping - dealing with change 33 Considerations and complications bunker for 2015 TRANSFORMING AND GLOBAL DOWNSTREAM MARKET 09:50 The impact of bunker specification changes to the refining sector 33 33 eaders from the bunker fuel value chain discuss their L current strategies and the challenges they face in supplying, trading and moving bunker fuel in and out of the Mediterranean. Chairman’s welcoming remarks Trevor Harrison, Maritime Arbitrator and Mediator and Board Member, International Bunker Industry Association 33 33 +44 (0)20 7176 8512 Baron Kootstra, Platts, 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LH, UK THE EVOLVING MEDITERRANEAN BUNKER FUEL VALUE DAY ONE: MONDAY DECEMBER 1, 2014 08:50 +44 (0)20 7176 6300 Chris Vowden, Team Leader EMEA Dirty Products, Platts Economic outlook for Europe Is capacity coming back into line or is further divergence on the cards? Hugh Tucker, Technical Director, UK Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) BUNKERING IN THE EVOLVING EU AND INTERNATIONAL 10:15 ISO 8217, keeping up the pace with future fuels 33 What does ISO do? 33 Why is it important to adapt to the latest edition of ISO 8217 33 The next revision of ISO 8217 to keep up with regulatory requirements 14:35 The tsunami of new regulations approaching shipping Niels Bjørn L. Mortensen, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Maersk Maritime Technology POLICY FRAMEWORKS – but how about enforcement? and future fuels 33 33 33 onique Vermeire, Fuels Technologist, Marine and Powergen, M Chevron productions costs and compliance with ISO 8217 33 33 Understanding the economics and costs of different refining solutions 33 SFO from Residue Desulphurization: analyses & compliance L with ISO 8217 n objective view of the future price and technical accessibility of LS A Marine Fuels Wilfried Weiss, Project Leader, Process Design and Modeling Division, IFP Energies Nouvelles REGISTER NOW: The global cap – 2020/25 favorable to bunker companies 33 33 33 33 11:10 0.1 & 0.5% S Marine fuels: refining schemes, brief overview of the refining processes required to produce LS A Marine Fuels North Europe and North America – same rules, different approach 15:00 New Turkish Commercial Code – new ship arrest era 10:40 Networking and refreshment break – available to sponsor 33 The 2015 ECA challenge Arrest regime distinctions for Turkish flag/Foreign Flag Vessels Supporting Documents for a successful ship arrest Mandatory Counter Security for Arrest Applications Forced Sale Proceedings/Ranking List of Maritime Claims ehmet Hakan Tüfekç, Partner, Yalcin & Toygar and M Tufekci Law Office 15:25 The impact of regulations on marine fuel quality 33 Will quality rise or fall? 33 Should legislations be put in place to ensure the quality of fuels? Dragos Rauta, Technical Director, Intertanko www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel conf_registrations@platts.com Register by September 26 to SAVE OVER $800 www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel 15:50 Networking and refreshment break – available to sponsor ON-BOARD EMISSIONS ABATEMENT AND ALTERNATIVE MEDITERRANEAN BUNKER MARKETS IN FOCUS 10:00 Business case: Marine gas oil or scrubbers when FUELS DEVELOPMENTS 16:20 Bunkering in the Turkish, Black Sea and East Mediterranean ports 33 A spotlight of the trends in the area, developments and future outlook Mustafa Muhtaroglu, Managing Director, Energy Petrol 16:45 33 33 Bunkering in Central European and Northern Africa An overview of the region’s developments The potential of a Mediterranean ECA BUNKER CREDIT ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENTS 17:10 The evolution of bunker credit 33 Overview of the bunker credit market an Besev, Business Research & Development Manager, C Peninsula Petroleum 17:35 Managing bunker price risk and volatility in the current climate 33 33 33 operating in an ECA? 33 What are the options? 33 These key variables decide your business case 33 The impact of the fuel price spread Peter Sand, Chief Shipping Analyst, BIMCO 10:25 33 33 33 11:20 33 33 33 33 Counterparties, credit risk and exchanges 08:30 Registration and continental breakfast – available to sponsor Chairman’s welcoming remarks and review of Day 1 Trevor Harrison, Maritime Arbitrator and Mediator and Board Member, International Bunker Industry Association IEA Bunker Study 33 ightening environmental specifications and the associated challenges T facing the bunker market over the second half of the decade 33 33 The outlook for regional bunker markets he impact of changing the refining landscape and its impact on bunker T fuel availability Andrew Wilson, Freight and Stocks Analyst, Oil Industry and Markets Division, IEA 09:35 33 33 33 An overview of the crude oil market Why are oil prices so high? Will crude oil get any cheaper? What is the marginal cost of producing and supplying oil? Demand destruction - how important is it? Dr. Abhishek Deshpande, Oil Markets Analyst, Natixis +44 (0)20 7176 6300 Developments in Methanol as a marine fuel hat is it and where is it used today, environmental impact and W market availability Its comparative properties to LNG and MGO Managing the technical and operational challenges An overview of projects in Europe LONG-TERM INDUSTRY OUTLOOK DAY TWO: TUESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2014 Economic modelling and comparison of the 3 alternatives: LNG vs Scrubber vs MGO Timothy Wilson, FOBAS Services Product Manager, Lloyds Register 11:45 OPENING ADDRESS LNG infrastructure financials 10:50 Networking and refreshment break – available to sponsor Overview of the available strategies 09:10 Poseidon-Med project: LNG Bunkering in East Med Dr. Panayotis Zacharioudakis, R&D Director, OceanFinance Ltd & Senior Researcher, NTUA Reasons to hedge fuel risk 18:00 Networking reception Join us immediately after the conference for a selection of drinks and canapés – available to sponsor 09:00 LNG as a fuel PANEL SESSION hat is the future for the industry? W 33 MGO availability post 2020 33 Fuel prices vs. technology cost 33 Alternative fuels? 33 Compliance? Peter Sand, Chief Shipping Analyst, BIMCO Miguel González Fernández, International Bunker Team Manager, CEPSA Chris Vowden, Team Leader EMEA Dirty Products, Platts 12:10 Chairman’s concluding remarks Trevor Harrison, Maritime Arbitrator and Mediator and Board Member, International Bunker Industry Association 12:20 End of conference MAXIMISE YOUR NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Showcase your products and services to senior-level decision makers. Platts 3rd Annual Mediterranean Bunker Fuel conference offers you an excellent opportunity to maximize your 2014 marketing budget through these sponsorship opportunities: ✔ Executive Sponsor ✔ Name Badge & Lanyard Sponsor ✔ Networking Reception Sponsor ✔ Luncheon Sponsor ✔ Networking Break Sponsor ✔ Exhibitor To learn more about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact Chris Willmets-Secker on +44-20-7176-6227 or email him at chris.willmets@platts.com. +44 (0)20 7176 8512 GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel Register by September 26 to SAVE OVER $800 December 1 - 2, 2014 | Hotel Rey Juan Carlos | Barcelona, Spain 3rd Annual MEDITERRANEAN BUNKER FUEL Rate Commercial Conference Rate Group Rate (register 3 or more people, simultaneously) Government / Academic / Non-Profit Rate* Book by September 26 Book by October 24 Standard Price Save $800! Save $400 $1,399 + VAT $1,799 + VAT EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT $799 + VAT $899 + VAT $999 + VAT SAVE 10% off your conference fee when paying at the time of booking $899 + VAT $999 + VAT $999 + VAT Save $200! $799 + VAT Save $200! Save $100 Save $100 Platts, 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LH, UK REGISTRATION FORM *Subject to approval by Platts. To book at the Government / Academic / Non-Profit rate, please email conf_registrations@platts.com. PC451 Yes! Please register me for the Platts 3rd Annual Mediterranean Bunker Fuel The conference registration fee is payable in advance and includes documentation, breakfast, luncheon and refreshments. Discount offers cannot be combined unless otherwise stated by Platts. I am registering at the SUPER EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTED PRICE (By September 26, 2014) Spanish VAT charged at 21%. VAT registration number NL 823764606B01. I am registering at the STANDARD CONFERENCE RATE I am registering at the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTED PRICE (By October 24, 2014) VENUE I am registering at the GOVERNMENT/ACADEMIC/ NOT FOR PROFIT RATE * *subject to Platts’ approval Hotel Rey Juan Carlos Av. Diagonal 661-671, 08028 Barcelona PRIORITY CODE REQUIRED: (appears on envelope) NAME Tel:+ 34 902 051 111 | Fax +34 933 644 040 JOB TITLE Email: hotel@hrjuancarlos.com Website: www.hrjuancarlos.com COMPANY Discounted Accommodation DIVISION A limited number of rooms have been reserved for conference participants at the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos, at the preferential rates listed below. The discount rates are for the nights of November 30 - December 1, 2014 only. These rates will be honored until November 31, and are subject to availability. Room rates ADDRESS CITY POSTAL CODE PHONE Single Room: €139 Double Room: €155 Rates inclusive of VAT & breakfast. COUNTRY FAX EMAIL Reservations To book please download the booking form from www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel and follow the instructions online. SUBSTITUTION & CANCELLATION Do you have any specific needs and/or dietary requirements?: Your registration may be transferred to a member of your organization up to 24 hours in advance of the conference. Cancellations must be received in writing via email to conf_registrations@platts.com on or before November 25, 2014 in order to be refunded, less a $195 administrative charge. No refunds will be made after this date. In the event of non-attendance, the full invoice fee will be payable. In case of conference cancellation, Platts liability is limited to refund of the conference registration fee only. Platts reserves the right to alter this program without prior notice. PRIVACY STATEMENT Yes No PAYMENT: I would like to pay by Invoice I would like to pay by credit card now – SAVING 10% Credit card: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX MC/VISA: AMEX: Platts values your privacy. From time to time McGraw Hill Financial shares information collected through this form with other companies whose products or services we feel may be of interest to you. Your information is stored in a secure database in the US and Canada and access is limited by authorized persons. In addition, we have contracted with selected companies in other countries to provide customer service assistance on our behalf. If you would like to remove your name from these lists, have questions about our privacy practices or need to confirm accuracy of your information, please contact Platts Privacy Official at +1 713 658 3233 or email marketingops@platts.com. For more information about the McGraw Hill Financial Customer Privacy Policy visit our website www.mcgraw-hill.com/privacy.html. UPCOMING PLATTS EVENTS IN EMEA 5th Annual Middle Distillates January 19-20, 2015 | Antwerp | Belgium 8th Annual European Oil Storage January 22-23, 2015 | Hilton Amsterdam | The Netherlands 8th Annual Crude Oil Summit Enter your credit card security code (3 digits for MC/VISA, 4 digits for AMEX): NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD) EXP. DATE: CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE Please complete the form above, sign it , and either email it to conf_registrations@platts.com or fax it to +44 (0)20 7176 8512 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY THIS FORM FOR ADDITIONAL DELEGATES May 19-20, 2015 | London | United Kingdom 5 WAYS TO REGISTER: AUTHORISED SIGNATURE www.platts.com/MediterraneanBunkerFuel conf_registrations@platts.com +44 (0)20 7176 6300 +44 (0)20 7176 8512 Baron Kootstra, Platts, 20 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LH, UK
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