K. J. BERGGREN. SLEEPING BED STRUCTURE, APPLwATIoN FILED ¿23.27, 1914. 1,132,906. Patented Mar. 23,- 1915. 2 SHEETS-SHEET l. /far/ fße THE NORRIS PETERS CQ, PHDTO~LITHO„ WA_$HING1‘ON, D. L K. J. BERGGREN. SLEEPING BED STRUCTURE. APPLIQATION FILED APR.27, 1914. 1,132,906. Patented Mar. 23, 1915. 2 SHEETS-SHEET z. C0.. PHOTO-LITHQ, WASHINGTON, D. C. I KARLJ. BERGGREN, 0F SPOKAN-E, »lll/T_¿ÀSSHING'JÍON.A SLEEPING-BED STRUCTURE. 1,132,906. ApplicationSpecification ñled April 27, of 1914. LettersSerial Patent.' No’. 834,722. Patentedßíar, InA the f form illustrated, 1 ‘designatesl an exterior or sidewall of a building or ‘resi T0' all 'whom it may concern: Be it known that I, KARL J. BERGGREN, citizen of the UnitedStates, residing at dence to which my invention is appliedand Spokane, in the county of Spokane' and al floor‘is'shown at 2. The side wall 1 is provided with an opening 3, which is shown State of lVashington, have invented cer tain new and useful Improvements in Sleep 60 as `extending upwardly from the floor 1, or ing~Bed Structures, of which' the following at a point adjacent thereto, and which is proportioned to permit passage-of» a bed is a specification'. . f This invention relates to improvements'in therethrough into an out of doors position. out of door sleeping structures of‘that char Arun-way, which may be in the «form of’a acter wherein a bed structure is provided platform 4, is shown projecting exteriorly which is shiftable from in door Ito out door from the wall 1», and -the-upper face of the positions and vice versa. Y ` 65 platform is disposed in flush relation with It is one of the objects of the invention the floor 2. The platformv or run-way 4 may 70 besupported in any desired manner vand 15 to provide the opening in the building wall ’mayV bey provided with a` railing or balus through which thebed is projected into dif ferent positions, with inner and outer mar trade, but these are structural features ginal jambs, and to provide the bed with a which I do nottdeem it necessary’to detail 20 75 head and foot equipped with 'jambs for en in the explanation of mv invention. I have illustrated a bed' which lincludes gagement with the j ambs of the wall opening in such a manner as to close the latter side boards 5 and 6 -which are connected head and foot boards, 7 and 8, respec# against ingress from the exterior, in either with tively, to form a bed structure. Iïhave of the positions which the bed may occupy. It is ‘a further object of the invention to 25 provide means accessible to the occupant of the bed for shifting the latter from one po sition to another without necessitating addi tional help and without requiring the occu pant to get out of the bed. In this >connec 30 tion, it is a feature of the invention ' to shown the bed structure mounted zupon run 80 ning gear so as to provide a rolling or'shift Vable structure that 1nay`be‘projected into different positions as shown in full and dotted lines. I prefer to provide the struc- ' ture with front and rear axles 9 and 10 on 85 which I dispose front and rear wheels 11 and 12, respectively. The front axle 9 may be mounted in any suitable form of bearings provide operating means mounted _upon the bed and operatively connected with the run~ 13, land like bearings 14 may be provided 90 for the rear' wheels 12. As regards the ning gear for shifting the bed. Other objects and features of the inven f front axle 9, I-prefer to rigidlv secure the i tion will be more fully described in connec wheels 11 thereto and I provide the front tion with the accompanying drawings and axle 9‘ witha sprocket wheel 15. On the will be more particularly pointed out in and sideboard 5 I'mount a bearing bracket 16 95 having its ends secured to the side board ‘5, by the appended claims. ' j In the drawings z-Figure `1 is a sectional as ¿indicated at 17. In `the bracket 1_6 and a suitable bearing 18, the latter being in the - mount `the bed upon running gear and to 35 40 View taken through a portion of a side wall of av building and illustrating the applica 45 si de board 5, I mount an operating shaft 19. tionV ofone vform of my invention. Fig. 2 is Rigidly secured 'to the operating shaft 19 is 100 azsprocket wheel 20, kover which and the a sectional view on line 2-2 of Fig. 1. Fig. sprocket wheel 15, is trained 4a sprocket 3î is a sectional view on line 3-3 of Fig. 1. 21 whereby oscillation of the operat-` Fig. 4 is a detail detached view of a portion chain of the operating means. Fig. 5 isv a‘sec ing'shaft will impart rotation to the axle . tional lView on an enlarged scale through a> 9 in a direction dependentupon the direc portion of the foot board and showing‘the> tion of movement imparted t0 the operating 105 50 same folded. Fig. 6 is a similar view show~ ing the structure in an open `or unfolded shaft 19. ‘ The operating shaft 19 is provided with ‘a position. Fig. 7 is a sectional view on line toothed> or ratchet wheel 22, rigidly mounted thereon, and ¿which is adapted to._ be rotated by a'device which is shown' in the form ofy a“v 110 Like i characters of` reference designate double Ipawl 23. An operating lever 24, is similar parts throughout the different fig rotatively mountedl von shaft '19;.fand 'lis pro@ , ures of the drawings; ‘ 7-#7 `of Fig. 51.55 1,132,906 vided with a pin supporting section 25 First referring to the head board struc which is likewise rotatable on shaft 19, lever ture 7, the same is provided on its upper and 24 and section 25 being terminally hubbed, side marginal edges with inwardly facing 10 as indicated at 2.6 and 27, for this purpose. step jambs 35 and 36 and the inner margin of A pin 23 is rotatively mounted in lever 24 the opening 3 is provided with'compleinen~ " and section 25, or it may be fixed therein, tally formed step jambs 37 for engagement and said pin supports pawl 23 in operative with the jambs 35 and 36, it being understood proximity to the peripheral teeth of the that the jambs 37 extend along the top and ratchet wheel 22. l Y downwardly along the .sides of the opening I provide means for shifting the double 3. Thus when the bed is shifted to an out pawl to dispose either end thereof in oper of doors position as shown in dotted lines in ative engagement with the ratchet 22 and to I? i g. l., the abutting ambs will serve to close permit such end to slide idly over the ratchet the opening 3. rIhe opening 3 is provided teeth on return strokes of the lever 24. 20 with inwardly facing jambs 38 for engage~ As shown, I provide the pawl 23 with a ment by novel form of foot board which I spring retainer stem 29, which latter is pro~ will now describe in detail. vided with a locking pin 30. The lever 24 The foot board proper, as designated at 8, is provided with extensions 31 projecting is reduced in height with respect to the head laterally from'the handle 32 thereof and board in the usual and conventional propor each extension is provided with a recess or tion and therefore I provide the foot board socket 33 into which the locking pin 30 may with an extensible section which is adapted be sprung, the pin being held in engagement to he extended to engage the upper j amb mar 80 therewith by the resiliency of the spring gin 33 of the opening 3, it being understood 25 stem 29. I also provide the lever 24 with a that the sides of the foot board 8 are shaped centrally disposed socket or recess 34 into and proportioned to engage the outwardly which the locking pin 30 may be inserted fa cingl j amb 3S extending downwardly along when it is desired to adjust the pawl 23 to the sides of the opening 3. The abutting 90 a neutral position. 30 35 jambs function to arrest outward movement In the adjustment shown movement of of the bed on the platform 4. the lever 24 in the direction of the arrow Referring more particularly to the exten shown in Fig. l will serve to rotate the shaft sible section, as indicated at 39, the same is 1-9 and the sprocket wheel 2O in the same di shown hinged to the foot board 8, as indi rection, which will be a contra-clockwise di rection, a like direction of movement being imparted to axle 9 so as to shift the bed in the direction of the arrow from the full line to the dotted line position. It will now be understood that a reverse adjustment of the pawl 23 would serve to rotate the shaft 19 in 40 a clockwise direction so as to shift the bed 45 50 into anl out of doors position. It will be seen that it is not necessary for the occupant to get out of bed in order to shift the latter from one position to another, and I consider this an important feature of my invention since it is the object of my invention to give the user or occupant of the bed the benefit of cated at 40. The hinge 40 is so disposed and the foot board 8 and extension 39 are so proportioned that when the latter is adjust 100 ed into an extended position it will lie flush with the front and back faces of the foot board 3, thereby affording a continuous en gagement between the foot hoard 3 and the extension 39 with the vertical jamb portions 38 throughout the height thereof. The ex tension 39 is shown provided with an in wardly facing upward jamb 40’ and a side jamh 4l, as indicated in dotted lines. I provide an improved form of locking means for holding the extension either in a folded or extended position firmly against out door air without necessitating any dan movement from such position, which means gerous exposure of his person in shifting the I will now describe in detail. bed from one position to another. My improved lock is in the form of a rail It is also a very important object of this 42 which is provided with an ornamental invention to close the opening 3 when the cross section of a form adapted to ornament bed is either in an in door or out door posi the top ridge ofthe foot board when in a tion so that the employment of my invention position shown in Figs. l and 5. The rail 55 will not interfere with maintenance of an lock 42 has a sliding hinge connection so as 120 . even interior temperature. In the most pre- Y to permit of its adjustment into the position ferred construction I equip the bed with shown in Fig. 5 to lock the extension 39 in a folded position, or into the position shown tioned and shaped to close the opening 3 in Fig. 6, to lock the extension 39 in an un and I extend said boards downwardly to folded or extended position. head and foot boards which are propor 60 ward the floor in such close relation thereto as to provide a mere working clearance so that either head or foot boards may substan 65 125 - As shown, I rigidly secure to the rail loclr 42 one element 43 of a sliding hinge means and said element is provided with trunnions tially completely close the opening 3 when 44 which project into guideways or slots 45, the bed is in either of its extreme positions. formed in the remaining element 46, of said 130 1,132,906 hinge means. The element 46 is of trough specific form of my invention, I donot wish or U-shaped cross section and the slots 45 to be limited thereto except for such limita ‘ ' are in the side walls thereof. The slotted tions as the claims may-import. 50 I claim :f element 46 is shown secured in a mortise 1. In combination, a building including` a formed in the foot board 8 by means such as screws 47 andthe hinge element 46 is shown floor andan exterior wall with an opemng extending substantially throughout the in the latter extending upwardly from the 10 thickness of the foot board 8, and flush with the top thereof. When the rail lock is in the position shown in Fig. 5, the extension 39, upon any floor and affording communication between , the interior of the building and the outer air, a runway projecting exteriorly from said wall, a bed structure movable through ' tendency to move to the left of said figure, said openingen said floor and runway into would engage the rail lock and would be in-door or out-door positions and having a prevented from any movement in such direc~ foot board, and an extension` hinged to the 15 tion. 20 25 If it were desired to unfold the ex ' inner side of said foot boardand adapted to tension, it would merely be necessary to slidably shift the lock to the right of Fig. 5 until the trunnions 44 reach the right hand ends of the slots 45 whereupon the lock may be swung into the position shown in Fig. 6 be swung into an extended position to -en- ’ so as to permit the extension 39 to be folded the latter is extended or swung into a pro jecting position, substantially as described. ' into an upright position. It will be noted by reference to Fig. 5 that the hinge means connecting the raii lock with the foot board has its axis dis posed at one side of the axis of hinge 40 which latter connects the extension 39 with the foot board 8. Likewise in Fig. 6, the axis of the hinge connection between the gage the margins of said opening and'limit movement of said bed structure in one direc tion, said foot board and extension being proportioned to close said opening when 65 2. In combination, a building including a floor and a wall with an opening in the lat 70 ter extending upwardlyvfrom the Hoor, a bed structure movable through said-open ing into> >laterally oppositepositions with respect to said wall and said structure hav ing a relatively high head portion propor 75 30 rail lock and the foot board is at one side tioned to close said opening when the bedvv of the line of juncture of the extension 39 structure is shifted into one position with with the'foot’board. By reason of this ar rangement, the rail lock automatically func tions to lock the extension 39 in folded or 35 respect to said wall, said bed structure hav-` Y ing a foot portion of reduced height with respect to said head portion, and an exten extended positions immediately upon ad sion mounted on said foot portion for pro justment of the parts. Furthermore, when jection therefrom to form with said foot 80 the bed is in an in door position and the ex portion a closure lfor said opening when said tension 39 is raised to the position shown in bed structure in shifted into a position op Fig. l in dotted lines, the rail lock will act posite to said first named position, substan 85 meeting juncture between the bottom of the tially Vas described. In testimony whereof I aiiix my signature extension 39 and the top of foot board 8. ' in presence of two witnesses.` 40 as a cleat to form a weather closure at the It is believed that the advantages and utility of my invention will be fully under~ 45 stood from the foregoing description and while I have herein shown and described one ~ , KARL J. BERGGREN. Witnesses: HAROLD SCANTLEBURY, EDNA BRoYLEs. Copies of this patent may be obtained for ñve cents each, by addressing the "Commissioner of Patents,> Washington, ZD. C.”
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