Seminaari lentokelpoisuushenkilöstölle EASAn määräysvalmisteluohjelma Ilmailumuseo 12.3.2015 Jyrki Laitila Responsible traffic. Bravely together. Aiheet Tulevia muutoksia asetuksissa ja määräyksissä 3.3.2015 Tampere Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 2 Tulevia muutoksia Part 21 Part 21 SMS viivästynyt lisää. LOI Level of Involvement NPA 2015-03 juuri julkaistu. Fuel tank flammability vanhoille koneille peruttu. Auki olevat opinionit: • 07/2013 flight testing, flight testing manual ja määrittelyt ja luokittelut yli 2000 kg julkaistaan toukokuussa 2015, myös AMC. • 08/2013 JAR-26, retroaktiiviset määräykset CS-25:n CS-26. CS-26 samanlainen kuin JAR-26, mutta tulossa muutoksia esim. ikääntyvät lentokoneet. Publication: April 2015 Standardi korjaukset ja muutokset CS-STAN julkaistaan ennen AERO messuja NPA 2014-24. FAAn DER hyväksyntä korvattu huoltotodisteen antajalla. Perustuu FAAn AC 43-13 ja Saksalaisiin ja Englantilaisiin ohjeisiin. • aeroplanes of 5 700 kg Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM) or less; • rotorcraft of 3 175 kg MTOM or less; and • sailplanes, powered sailplanes, balloons and airships as defined in ELA1 or ELA2. 3.3.2015 Tampere Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 3 Part 21 jatkuu Uudet osat ilman Form 1:stä on viivästynyt. • Esimerkiksi ei kriittinen viihde-elektroniikka. • To address ‘non-aviation parts’ incl. commercial parts and nonrequired ‘mission’ equipment • Standardiosat, jotka voivat vaatia Form 1:n esim. helikoptereissa käytettävä lukkomutterit, joita hajonnut käytössä. Valmistaja laatii lista tuotteista, joilta ei vaadita formia. Continuing Airworthiness Review Item CARI työkalu, jolla keskustellaan TCn haltijoiden kanssa. Ageing Aircrafts CRD tulossa, muutoksia CS-26n, 700 kommenttia, CRD planned 1Q 2015 NPA 2014-26 Halonin korvaaminen. Moottoreissa ja rahtitilassa halooni säilyy, ei kaupallisia vaihtoehtoja. Rule Making Programm RPM päivityksessä. Asioiden uudelleen ryhmittely ja aikataulutus, Resurssien joustavampi käyttö, myös muita henkilöitä EASAssa voidaan käyttää määräysvalmistelussa. 3.3.2015 Tampere Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 4 Recast of Regulation 2042/2003 and upcoming Regulations 2 additional Regulations, amending the Recast, are expected to be adopted 2nd quarter 2015. One including Opinion 10/2013 (Part-M GA Phase I), with immediate applicability. One including Opinions 06/2012 (Part-T), 02/2013 (ACAM) and 06/2013 (Critical Tasks), with applicability on 25 August 2016. These Opinions were voted favourably in the EASA Committee in July 2014 and are finalising the Scrutiny process. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 5 Opinions not voted yet Task 145.017 “Control of suppliers for components, parts and appliances” Clarify the requirements and produce guidance on how to evaluate component suppliers. Evaluate the possibility to use industry standards and accreditation programmes in order to reduce the auditing burden when a supplier is used by many maintenance organisations. Opinion 12/2013 and associated CRD were published in December 2013. This Opinion has not been discussed yet at the EASA Committee. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 6 Opinions/Decisions to be issued shortly Task 66.027 “Avionic licence for general aviation and licence for sailplanes, balloons, airships and ELA1 aeroplanes” B2L licence: this is a simplified avionics licence for all aircraft except those in Group 1 (the complex ones). This licence will be divided in the following system ratings: Communication / Navigation, Instruments, Auto-flight, Surveillance and Airframe systems L-licence: this is a very simple licence for the most simple aircraft. This licence covers: Sailplanes, powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes, balloons, hot air airships and ELA2 gas airships and gas airships above ELA2 Opinion expected 2nd quarter 2015. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 7 Opinions/Decisions to be issued in 2015 Task MDM.097 “Maintenance check flights” MCFs have been classified as SPO (Special Operations) and divided in: Level A: Where abnormal or emergency procedures are expected. Level B: All other MCFs. Issues addressed: Flight programme preparation, crew selection and qualification, personnel on board, interfaces with CAMOs, aircraft status. ELA1 and ELA2 aircraft excluded. After the CRD, some organisations have requested to change/remove the proposed experience requirements (number of Flight Hours) for the flight crew and to leave it more to the call of the operator (SMS / Performance Based Rules). Coordination is being performed with the task RMT.0348 “Flights related to Design/Production” before issuing an Opinion. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 8 Opinions/Decisions to be issued in 2015 Task MDM.048 “CS for standard changes and repairs” Linked to the changes introduced in Regulation EU748/2012 for Standard Changes and Repairs. Will take into account information contained in FAA AC43-13, as well as existing national material. Certifying staff will play the role of the FAA for those repairs and modifications which may have required FAA approval under FAA AC4313. NPA 2014-24 published in October 2014. Decision expected 2Q2015. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 9 Other tasks OSD (Operational Suitability Data); Regulation (EU) No 69/2014 adopted on 27 January 2014, and Decision 2014/007/R (AMC/GM to Part-21) adopted on 31 January 2014. Entered into force on 17 February 2014, with different transition measures running until December 2017. Introduces the concept of OSD (type related data, necessary for safe operation of the aircraft), covering: Syllabus of pilot type rating training: Decision 2014/008/R CS-FCD Type specific data for cabin crew: Decision 2014/006/R CS-CCD Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL): Decision 2014/004/R CS-MMEL and 2014/005/R CSGEN-MMEL Reference data for simulators (under development) Syllabus of maintenance certifying staff type rating training (to be developed under task 21.039(e), task already started). 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 10 Other tasks ICA jaettu osiin: New ToR published on 15 May 2013 Subtask 1: Definition and identification of ICAs Meetings started in July 2013, NPA 2016/Q1, Opinion 2017/Q2 Subtask 2: Availability of ICAs Meetings started in July 2013, NPA 2015/Q3, Opinion 2016/Q3 Subtask 3: MRB Scheduling information Agency task, NPA 2015/Q2, Opinion 2016/Q2 Subtask 4: Acceptance/approval of ICAs by other than the authority Meetings started in June 2014, NPA 2016/Q3, Opinion 2018/Q1 Subtask 5: Certification Maintenance Requirements Meetings started in November 2013, NPA 2015/Q3, Opinion 2016/Q3 As a result of EASA reorganisation, Subtasks 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be lead by Certification. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 11 Other tasks Task M.014 “Contracting of continuing airworthiness management activities” NPA2010-09 published in July 2010 Highly controversial task (total support from Industry, significant rejection from certain NAAs). EASA will discuss the issue with dissenting NAAs, in light of new “aircraft interoperability” initiatives between several airlines and NAAs. EASA will work on issuing an opinion in 2015 for the SMS for CAMOs. This will support the option of contracting a CAMO by a Commercial Air Transport operator. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 12 Other tasks Task MDM.076 “Technical records” NPA2014-04 was published in February 2014. MEETINGS OF THE REVIEW GROUP ARE ABOUT TO START. The objective is to clarify the following: Inconsistency in the use of terms such as “Life Limited Parts” and “Service Life Limited Parts” Which components require EASA Form 1 and which documents are equivalent. Whether “Back to birth traceability” is needed. Guidance on the use of electronic signature, the acceptability of scanned record copies and the use of new technology such as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Harmonisation with FAA requirements. Address Safety Recommendation UNKG-2007-091 (to keep maintenance and overhaul records until the aircraft or component has been destroyed or permanently removed from service). 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 13 Other tasks Task MDM.055 “SMS embodiment and alignment with AR/OR requirements” NPA 2013-01 published on 21 January 2013. Comment period finished 22 May 2013. Covers Part-M and Part-145 NPA 2013-19 published on 10 October 2013. Covers Part-147, -66. The intention is to split the task: Since Part-M is linked to the operator (OPS rules require SMS) – CRD and Opinion in 2015 based on the published NPA. For Part-145, Part-147, POA and Section B, there will be a new reevaluation. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 14 Other tasks Task MDM.078 “Importing of aircraft from other regulatory systems” NPA expected 2015/Q3. Task M.029 “CAMO and Part-145 responsibilities” NPA 2014-27 published on 2nd December 2014. Workshop performed on 4th December 2014. Task MDM.082 “New training/teaching technologies” NPA 2014-22 published in September 2014. Workshop performed in September 2014. Task RMT.0521 “Review of the airworthiness review process” NPA expected 2015/Q3. 11.3.2015 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 15 Lisätietoja EASAn sivuilta 3.3.2015 Tampere Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto 16 Kiitos Kysymyksiä ? Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto Finnish Transport Safety Agency Kumpulantie 9, 00520 Helsinki PO Box 320, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 29 534 5000 Liikenteen turvallisuusvirasto
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