The power of wind energy ROTTERDAM ENERGY PORT THE POWER OF WIND ENERGY The port of Rotterdam is one of the most important and best organised energy ports in the world. This has involved much more than just fossil fuels like coal and oil for quite some time. The port of Rotterdam also focuses on sustainable energy, such as biofuels, LNG, solar energy and wind energy. At the moment, the installed wind turbine capacity in the port area is some 170 MW, representing about 10% of the total wind energy capacity in the Netherlands. In the years to come, the share of wind energy in the port industrial complex will continue to grow. As a result, Rotterdam is well on its way to achieving its ambition to become the sustainable power plant of Northwestern Europe. Ma a sm ond 2 12 Ya n g ana al Petr ole sA Pri ns e um ha ven lex ia h tzek 8e Aria ne av en Prinses Fossil energy sources such as natural gas, oil and coal are finite. For that reason, the Port of Rotterdam Authority is working towards a transition to sustainable energy generation and strives to operate the port sustainably. The Port Vision 2030 states that investments will be made in other energy carriers, such as wind energy. This way, the energy needs of industry can be safeguarded and the port industry complex can contribute significantly to the energy security in Northwestern Europe. n Europahave Prinses Margriethaven ah av en WIND ENERGY sA Pri ns e Ha r n a ve telh M is siss 1 13 A G at Noordze e Br ie AGREEMENT In 2009 the ‘Port of Rotterdam Wind Energy Agreement’ was signed by several players, including the Port of Rotterdam Authority. This agreement aims to generate at least 150 MW of new wind turbine capacity by 2020 in public port areas from new locations and by ‘repowering’. This concerns a commitment. In the Port Vision, the Port Authority made agreements with various partners to achieve a total installed capacity of 300 MW by 2020. Brede Water ENERGY OBJECTIVE The Dutch government has decided that in 2020, 14% of the Dutch production of energy must be generated from renewable sources. This must increase to 16% in 2023. These figures are established in documents including the Dutch ‘Energy Agreement’. Wind energy on land and at sea both provide an important contribution to the achievement of that goal. This means that all of the land-based wind turbines must have a combined total of at least 6,000 MW, an amount sufficient to provide electricity to 3.6 million households. a ve ippih n se M oorn O ostv lse Fitting wind turbines spatially into an industrial environment, however, is not a matter of course. There are challenges associated with each location, including noise, safety, nature, shadow flicker and technical conditions. ehaven Amazon ma li The Netherlands is flat and enjoys a great deal of wind, which makes the country extremely well suited to wind energy generation. In addition to this, wind energy is one of the least expensive forms of sustainable energy in the Netherlands. Wind energy also contributes to the reduction of CO 2 emissions. This makes wind energy an important source of energy to enable the achievement of European and national targets for sustainable energy. OVERVIEW OF WIND ENERGY PROJECTS Already installed wind turbines 78 turbines 176.1 MW Wind turbines to be installed 48 turbines 180 MW Wind turbines to be removed 17 turbines 25.5 MW Net 109 turbines 330.6 MW e K ro ost gaa we g O Pe tr ole um ha 6 ve n ha um le n ve tgaa Wes 5e 4 Beerg at Hudsonh 5 ve n H artelk anaa l 7 r 14 la nd ka na a Bommee r l Foppenplas Wezerha ven nd se Ra k 7e Pe tr ole rt os ter la et rvli ne a va o Bo O er ing e M ee Ca a rd Briels ole um ha g Vla eer Pe tr na uh av en um ha ve n 15 Ha Briels e rte lka na a Sc h eur l M eer . inah elm W ilh Kon. en nhav Buite n ven Sint- nnië ha nsh. arha ve Zevenma Neck Britta Koggeh. tro Pe Dintelhaven 6e Beneluxhaven ra nje k ven 4e O at er Do l eu we W l Sc he urh av en eha Elb Beerk n a na a a ve mh Ni se hav een g h. Ten nes 3 th we an aa Be rg eZ mm La ur n ha ve leum etro 3 e Pe trole n en leumhav aven 3e P ve umha Chem ieha ve 1e Petro la a th W elp n k n 9 Hartelkanaa l , a ve ulh - ven 11 17 a ven erkh Sein eha Ge 2e W nto Toro n ha ve a ven ensh Botle 8 10 tse Hoogvlie Haven A055 ALREADY INSTALLED WIND TURBINES 1 Windpark Slufter 2 Windpark Zuidwal 3 Windpark BP 4 Windpark Dintel 5 Windpark Suurhoffbrug 6 Windpark Landtong Rozenburg 7 Windpark Hartelkanaal 8 ENCI wind turbine 9 Den Hartogh wind turbine 10 Windpark Hartelkanaal 11 Windpark Hartelbrug 2 TURBINES 17 8 9 5 4 10 9 1 1 6 8 MW 25.5 24 22.5 15 12 15 22.5 3 0.6 12 24 WIND TURBINES TO BE INSTALLED 12 Windpark Maasvlakte 2 Seawall 13 Repowering of Windpark Slufter 14 Expansion of Windpark Landtong 15 Windpark Hartel 2 TURBINES MW 24 108 14 42 2 6 8 24 WIND TURBINES TO BE REMOVED A Windpark Slufter TURBINES MW 17 25.5 As part of the Dutch ‘Energy Agreement’, various authorities, enterprises and social organisations have agreed that a minimum of 4400 MW of wind energy must be generated at sea. This falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. The total amount of wind energy available in 2023 could then be sufficient to supply all of the homes in the Netherlands with electricity. MEGAWATTS Modern wind turbines begin to generate electricity at a wind force of 2 or 3 and supply to their full capacity when the wind force is 6 or higher. Above wind force 10 the turbine is shut down. An average modern wind turbine has a capacity of 2 to 3 MW. 1 MW is sufficient to supply 600 homes with electricity. Currently, there are about 2,000 wind turbines in the Netherlands, which supply about 5% of the total Dutch energy demand. WIND PARKS IN THE PORT AREA In the coming years, the Port of Rotterdam Authority will contribute to research and the construction of wind turbines on land in the existing port area and on the seawall of Maasvlakte 2. To that end, the Port Authority has designated locations for new parks and the ‘repowering’ of existing turbines. CO2 A single 3 MW wind turbine in the Netherlands prevents the emission of almost 4,000 tons of CO 2 . This is comparable to the CO 2 emissions of 1,000 cars each driving almost 25,000 kilometres per year, a distance equivalent to driving between Rotterdam and Amsterdam six times per week. The amount of energy needed to build, install, maintain and dismantle a wind turbine after a life-cycle of 20 years is recovered by the wind turbine in three to six months of operation. SUBSIDY Wind energy on land is currently still more expensive than electricity generated from gas and coal. The costs of wind energy at sea are also still quite high. Various players are working to change that, however. The energy agreement includes the agreement that in 2020, wind energy generated at sea must be 40% less expensive than it was in 2011. In the meantime, companies are investing in new technologies to make wind energy at sea less expensive and more attractive. The state government in the Netherlands provides subsidies (SDE+) to encourage companies to invest in wind energy. WWW.PORTOFROTTERDAM.COM/ENERGY 201409ID-FS015-ENG PORT OF ROTTERDAM AUTHORITY The aim of the Port of Rotterdam Authority is to enhance the port of Rotterdam’s competitive position as a logistics hub and world-class industrial complex. Not only in terms of size, but also quality. The core tasks of the Port of Rotterdam Authority are to develop, manage and run the port in a sustainable way and to maintain a speedy and safe service for shipping. FURTHER INFORMATION Port of Rotterdam Authority PO Box 6622 3002 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands T + 31 (0)10 252 12 30
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