AvMed Medicare - H1016 2014 Medicare Star Ratings* 2014 Medicare Star Ratings* The Medicare Program rates all health and prescription drug plans each year, based on a AvMed Medicare H1016 performance. Star Ratings you know how goodon a job our plan is doing. The Medicare Program rates all healthMedicare and prescription drughelp plans each year, based a plan's quality and Yo Ratings to compare our plan's performance to other plans. The two main types of Star R performance. Medicare Star Ratings help you know how good a job our plan is doing. You can use these Star 2014 Medicare Star Ratings* Ratings to compare our plan's performance to other plans. The two main types of Star Ratings are: AvMed Medicare - H1016 1. An Overall Star Rating that combines all of our plan's scores. The Program rates allthat health and prescription drug plans each year, based on a plan's quality and 2014 Medicare Star 1. Medicare An Overall StarRatings* Rating combines all of our plan's scores. performance. Medicare Star Ratings help you know how good a job is doing. You can use these 2. Summary Star Rating that focuses onour ourplan medical or our prescription drugStar servic Ratings to compare our plan's performance to other plans. The two main types of Star Ratings are: The Medicare Program rates all health and prescription drug plans each year, based on a plan's quality and 2. Summary Star Rating that focuses on our medical or our prescription drug services. performance. Medicare Star Ratings help you know howdrug good a job ouryear, planbased is doing. can use and these Star The Medicare Program rates all health and prescription plans each on a You plan’s quality 1. An Overall Star that combines of our plan's scores. Ratings to compare our Rating plan's performance toall other plans. The two main types of Star Ratings are: Some of the areas Medicare reviews these ratings include: performance. Medicare Star Ratings help you know how good for a job our plan is doing. You can use these Some the areas Medicare for these ratings StarofRatings to compare ourreviews plan’s performance to otherinclude: plans. The two main types of Star Ratings are: 2. An Summary focuses onall our or scores. our prescription drug services. 1. Overall Star Rating combines of medical our plan's • that How our members rate our plan's services and care; 1. An Overall Star Rating that combines all of our plan’s scores. • How our members rate our plan's services and care; 2. 2. Summary StarRating Rating that focuses on our medical or our prescription drug services. •that Summary Star focuses medical or our prescription How well on ourour doctors detect illnesses anddrug keepservices. members healthy; Some of the areas Medicare reviews for these ratings include: • How well our doctors detect illnesses and keep members healthy; Some of the areas Medicare reviews for these ratings include • How well our plan helps our members use recommended and safe prescription m • How our members rate our plan's services and care; Some of the areas Medicare reviews for these ratings • •How How our members rateour our members plan’s services andinclude: care; well our plan helps use recommended and safe prescription medications. AvMed Medicare - H1016 2015 Medicare Star Ratings* • How well our doctors detect illnesses and keep members healthy; Howour wellmembers our doctors detect illnesses and keep members healthy; •• How rate our AvMed plan's services and care; For 2014, Medicare received the following Overall Starmedications. Rating from Medicare. • How well our plan helps our members use recommended and safe prescription For 2014, AvMed Medicare received the following Overall Star Rating from Medicare. • How How well ourdoctors plan helps ourillnesses members usekeep recommended and from safe Medicare: prescription medications. •For well our detect and members healthy; 2015, AvMed Medicare received the following Overall Star Rating Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. 4.5 Stars • How well our plan helps our members use4.5 recommended and safe prescription medications. Stars 4 Stars For 2014, AvMed Medicare received the following Overall Star Rating from We received the following Summary Star Rating for Medicare. AvMed Medicare's health/drug plan We received the following Summary Star Rating for AvMed Medicare’s health/drug plan services: We received the following Summary Star Rating for AvMed Medicare's health/drug plan services: For 2014, AvMed Medicare received the following Overall Star Rating from Medicare. Health Plan Services Health Plan Services: 4.5 Stars 4 Stars 4 Stars Health Plan Services: 4 Stars Planthe Services Drug Plan Services: We Drug received following Summary Star Rating for AvMed 4.5 4.5 Stars plan services: 4.5Stars Stars Medicare's health/drug Drug Plan Services: 4.5 how Starswell our plan performs. The number of stars shows The number of stars shows how well ourRating plan performs. We received the following Summary Star for AvMed The number of stars shows how well our plan performs. Medicare's health/drug plan services: Health Plan Services: 4 Stars excellent excellent Drug Plan Health PlanServices: Services: excellent above average above average 4.5 Stars 4 Stars Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4 Stars End of image description. Image description. 5 stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 4 Stars End of image description. Image description. 5 stars End of image description. Image description. 4 stars End of image description. Image description. 4 stars End of image description. above average average average The number of stars shows how well our plan performs. Drug Plan Services: 4.5 Stars average below average below average The number of stars shows how well our plan performs. excellent below average poor poor Image description. 3 stars End of image description. Image description. 4.5 Stars End of image description. Image description. 3 stars End of image description. Image description. 5 2 stars End of image description. Image description. 4 Endofofimage imagedescription. description. 1 stars star End Image description. 2 stars End of image description. Image description. 1 star End of image description. Learn more above about average our plan and how we are different from other plans at www.medicare poor Learn more about our planand andhow how weare are different different from plans at at www.medicare.gov. excellent Learn more about our plan we fromother other plans www.medicare.gov. average Image description. 5 stars End of image description. Image description. 3 stars End of image description. Image description. 4 stars End of image description. You may also contact us Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satu above average You may also contact p.m. usSunday, 7 days aMonday, week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or Eastern time. at 800-535-9355 (toll-free) below average Eastern at 800-535-9355 (toll-free) 711 (TTY). You may also contact us Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 orEastern 711 (TTY), from October 15(toll-free) to average December 7. Our hours of operation for the rest of the year are Monday poor or 711 p.m. at 800-535-9355 (TTY). Current members please call 800-782-8633 (toll-free) or 711time, (TTY). from 8:00about a.m. toour 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Tuesday from 8:00 a.m.plans to 8:00 Eastern Wednesday below average Learn more plan and how we are different from other atp.m. www.medicare.gov. Current (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). from members 8:00 a.m. please to 8:00 call p.m.800-782-8633 Eastern time, Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Friday poor *Star Ratings are based on 5 Stars. Star Ratings are assessed each year may- chang You may also contact us Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:00 8:00 from 8:00 a.m. our to 8:00 Saturdayfrom fromother 9:00 a.m. p.m. Eastern time. anda.m. Learn more about planp.m. and Eastern how we time, are different planstoat1:00 www.medicare.gov. Image description. 2 stars End of image description. Image description. 3 stars End of image description. Image description. 1 star End of image description. Image description. 2 stars End of image description. Image description. 1 star End of image description. p.m. 800-535-9355 (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). *StarEastern Ratingsat are basednext. on 5 Stars. Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the Current members please call 800-782-8633 (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). next. You may also contact us Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 Current members please call 800-782-8633 (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). p.m. Eastern at 800-535-9355 (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). * Star Ratings are based on 5 Stars. Star Ratings are assessed *Star Ratings based on 5800-782-8633 Stars. assessed each year and may change from one year to the each yearare and may call change fromStar oneRatings year to are the next. Current members please (toll-free) or 711 (TTY). next. *Star Ratings are based on 5 Stars. Star Ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next.H1016_CE397-102014 CMS Accepted MEDPRF-774(10/14)
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