KNIGHTLY NEWS Morrison Zion Lutheran School Only One Thing Is Needed…

Morrison Zion Lutheran School
October 23, 2014
Volume 12 Issue 8
“Assisting Parents to Glorify God as we Grow and Go with the Gospel”
Singing Dates
Curious George
Special Dates
Christmas Presentation
New Opportunity
Canned Food Drive
Bowling /Pizza
Care Packages
Alexander Farm
Hearing and Vision
Mission Money
Hot Lunch
The Price is Right
November 1st
Bible Treasures
Christ Light
Upcoming Tests
Spelling Units
Employment Opportunity
Athletic Director
4K & 5K News
Grades 3 & 4 News
Grades 5 & 6 News
Grades 7 & 8 News
Youth Group News
Basketball Camp
Only One Thing Is Needed…
…Reflecting The One Thing
“Can staring directly at the sun really make you blind?” is a question I
found on Yahoo Answers. The answer that was voted best said, “Yes. Have
you ever used a magnifying glass to start a fire. The lens in your eye does exactly the same thing to your eye's retina if you stare at the Sun. It literally
_cooks_ the cells in your retina, and they cease functioning...permanently.”
So, I guess mom knew what she was talking about after all.
This week’s Psalm of the Day gives us some eye care advice from God. In
Psalm 119:37 the Spirit had the psalmist write, “Turn my eyes away from
worthless things; preserve my life according to your Word.” What are the
“worthless things” that God is talking about in the psalm?
The answer is found in the theme for this week’s worship. This week we
focus on growing in the One Thing Needed. So the worthless things that we
should turn away from are any things that get in the way of the One Thing
Needed. That is going to be different for each one of us. For some it might be
money. For some it might be favorite sports teams. For some it might be saying that their child is right even when God says what their child is doing is
wrong. Satan can and does use almost anything to drive a wedge between us
and God.
To protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays you need a good pair of sunglasses. Psalm 119 points us to God’s “eye” protection also. “Preserve my
life according to your Word.” In his Word you learn about Jesus who lived and
died to take away the guilt of all the times you were too focused on worthless
things. Now you can live at peace with God. You are forgiven!
Psalm 119:37
Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
preserve my life according to your Word.
(First Semester)
 Sunday, October 26 Grades 1-4 sing at
Only three more scrip
order dates until Christmas!! Use scrip for Black
Friday shopping, Christmas shopping, or give as
Upcoming Dates:
 October 26th between church services.
8am and 10:30am (Both)
 Sunday, December 7 Grades 5-8 sing at 8am
 Sunday, December 21
(Concert) - Junior Choir
 December 14th between church services.
♫ No school band
rehearsal on
October 29th.
sings at 10:30am
♫ Church band rehearsal on Wednesday, Oc-
 Sunday, January 11 -
tober 29th, will be at church at 6:30pm.
Junior Choir sings at
♫ Our church band will be playing for both
♫ Please remember there
could be changes to the
♫ If your child is unable to
sing please contact Mrs.
Kuchenbecker ahead of
October 26 Grades 1-4 Sing
October 26 Congregational Meeting
October 27 Hearing and Vision Screening K-8
October 28 Grades 3-8 Field Trip PAC
October 28 - Athletic Association
Meeting 7pm
bers please be warmed up, tuned and in
October 29 End of First Quarter
October 30 No
Our next Early Childhood
event will be story time with Curious George
October 31 No
November 2 Worship Service 8am &
November 2 Church Band 7:50 am and
November 3 Basketball Practice for Boys
November 4 Basketball Practice for Girls
November 10 Basketball Meetings 4:45
and 6:15pm
the balcony ready to play at 7:50am and
October 29 Grades 3 & 4 Field Trip to
Heritage Hill
services on Sunday, November 2nd. Mem-
 November 9th between church services.
 Sunday, November 23 Junior Choir sings at
Special Dates
November 11 Math Meet FVL Grades 5
November 13 Basketball Meetings
5 and 6 pm
On Friday, De-
on November 15th at 10AM. The morning will
cember 12 at
consist of stories, songs, and crafts. In order to
2:00p.m. our school
help get the word out to others in the commu-
students will have a
5, Reedsville
nity we are asking for your help. In your church
presentation in the
students will
mailbox in the basement is a flier for the
school gym. They
have bussing
event. We are asking that you take the flier out
will sing, play instru-
to school but
and give it to someone who has children in the
ments, and play piano. The afternoon
will not have bussing home
2nd grade or younger and invite them to
will run like it has for the Ladies Aid.
from school.
come! We thank you for your help!
Mark this on your calendar and plan to
On Wednesday, November
Page 2
join us!
New Opportunity Food Pantry
Mr. and Mrs. Humann are looking at
On November 9th we have a social event
setting up a food pantry for members of
planned for the families of our school. We will
our congregation and the community. If you are interested
attempt to have a bowling/pizza outing at Ashwaubenon Lanes!
in joining in with this effort, please contact Mr. Humann
This event is designed for new families to our school and existing
by October 29th. Please call him at school 864-2349, or
families to get to know each other.
home 360-8221, or by email at We hope
to get this up and running in the very near future! A huge
Registration will take place from 12:30-1 pm (Packers play
at 7:30pm). Bowling with pizza and soda will take place from 1-3
thank you to the already 7 people that have volunteered to
pm. The pizza is all you can eat and will be available for about 45
help! More help would be appreciated!
minutes during bowling. The soda will be available the entire 2
The cost of the event is $5 per person. The normal cost would
From November 3-14 we will be
in a canned food drive with all of
the FVL Schools. The canned food
will be used to help start a brand
be $12 per person. This includes shoes, 2 hours of bowling, pizza,
soda, and a Thrivent T-shirt. Sign-ups for this event are located in
the school office and is only available to the first 70 people that
sign –up.
new food pantry here at our church and school. If the
students can collect 300 cans of food we will receive $250.
The school which collects the most cans will receive a prize
on top of the $250.: 1st place-$750, 2nd place $500, 3rd
place $250. The 7th and 8th graders will also attempt to
take all our collected cans and turn it into some type of
sculpture to be judged. The winner of the can sculpture
competition will receive an extra $500. We could win a
Thrivent is sponsoring this event with $500.
When you come to the event each family is
asked to either bring diapers to help stock our
pantry at church and school or 9 volt or AA batteries. These batteries will then be used to give away for free at church to those
that need to change their smoke alarm or carbon monoxide batteries.
grand total of $1500. Please plan on participating to help
Deadline to sign up is October 29th. When signing
feed the hungry in our community! This event is being
up you must pay at that time. Feel free to send a
sponsored by the Outagamie Thrivent Chapter.
note to school with your child along with the
Alexander farm is running a fall
horse camp. It will be October 31st
money. Please have them give the money to Mr. Humann.
If you have any questions, please speak to Mr. Humann.
from 10am-2pm. The Campers will
ride bare back and learn to drive. There will also be other
activities like pumpkin carving and a costume contest. You
don’t need to be taking riding lessons to join in on the fun.
Please call Paig at 864-2344.
 You need to bring your own sack lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Humann will be organizing an event to send care packages to
our college students in January or February. In order to get this event going
we need to know the names and addresses of our college students. Please provide these names by November 15th so the
 A beverage and snack will be provide at snack time.
planning process can get started. You can email the name and
 The cost will be $50.00 per person.
address to We are only sending packages to
Hope to see you all there. We will have a lot of fun.
those that email Mr. Humann with the name and address .
Page 3
menu will be hot turkey, buns, French Fries, salad, fruit,
Hearing and
Vision Screening will take
Friday, November 21 will be another hot lunch. The
dessert, Kool-Aid, and milk.
Friday, December 5 will be another hot lunch. The menu will be sloppy joes,
tator tots, salad, fruit, dessert, Kool-Aid, and milk.
place on Monday, October
27th for 5K-8th
grade and on
Mr. Humann and his sister went to a taping of the
November 19th
Price is Right this past summer while in California. His
for 4K. All parents please try to
sister was one of those selected to go up on stage. If
avoid scheduling any appoint-
you are interested in watching the show it will air
ments that morning.
on October 29th at 10AM on CBS. Mr. Humann is sitting in the front row on the left hand side and his sister
is wearing her Air Force military uniform.
 Thursday Evening Worship 7pm
 Sunday Worship 8am & 10:30am
The Bookmobile will be stopping at
Crossroads (Highway 96 & W Greenleaf)
 Bible Class 9:15am in the main area
from 4:30-6:30pm.
of church and the school commons.
November 4
 Sunday School 9:15am in church
December 2
Mission money is collected each
On November 1st starting at 9am there will be
over 30 venders and craft personal set up in our gym
to shop at. Please take the time to stop by and do
Wednesday morning at a joint devotion
some shopping. Please pass the information on to
which is held in our school basement.
relatives and friends. There will be a bake sale, a raffle, for our hero’s overseas
For the months of Sep-
Christmas cards to sign and send with care package, and face painting for
tember and October
kids. The event is from 9am until 2pm.
the money collected
will go towards Manitowoc Lutheran High
Please bring an unwrapped toy to be given to the hospitals for the kids for
Christmas, markers, crayons, paper, coloring books, or any craft item.
School. This past week
we collected $58.31.
Page 4
Week of October 27-29
Week of November 3-7
 Grade 1 – Romans 10:17
 Grade 1 – Revelation 2:10
Tuesday, November 4
Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 1 – Genesis 1:1
 Grade 1 – Hymn 200 vs. 1
Friday, November 7
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 2 – Romans 10:17 Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 2 – Genesis 1:1 Friday, November 7
 Grade 2 – Hymn 200 vs. 1
 Grade 3 - Third Article of the Apostle Creed
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 3– Romans 10:17 Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 3 – Hymn 200 vs. 1
 Grade 4 – Hymn 200 vs. 1
(No Meaning) Tuesday, November 4
Friday, October 24
 Grade 5 – Lesson 14 Monday, October 27
Pastor is gone to conference Monday and Tuesday
 Grade 5—Lesson 15 Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 5– Hymn 200 vs. 3
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 6 – Lesson 14 Monday, October 27
Pastor is gone to conference Monday and Tuesday
 Grade 5—Lesson 15 Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 7– Hymn 200 vs. 4
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 8– Hymn 200 vs. 4
Wednesday, October 29
Friday, November 7
 Grade 4 - Third Article of the Apostle Creed
Wednesday, October 29
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 3 – Hymn 209 vs. 1
 Grade 3 – Genesis 1:1, I Peter 5:7
 Grade 4 - Romans 10:17 Tuesday, October 28
 Grade 6– Hymn 200 vs. 3
(No Meaning) Tuesday, November 4
Wednesday, November 5
Wednesday, October 29
 Grade 4– Romans 10:17
 Grade 2 – Revelation 2:10 Tuesday, November 4
 Grade 4 – Hymn 209 vs. 1
Wednesday, November 5
 Grade 4 – Genesis 1:1, I Peter 5:7
Friday, November 7
 Grade 5 – Lesson 16 Monday, November 3
 Grade 5– Hymn 209 vs. 1 and 2
Wednesday, November 5
 Grade 5—Lesson 17 Friday, November 7
 Grade 6 – Lesson 16 Monday, November 3
 Grade 6– Hymn 209 vs. 1 and 2
Wednesday, November 5
 Grade 6 —Lesson 17 Friday, November 7
 Grade 7– Hymn 209 vs. 1 and 3
Friday, November 7
 Grade 8– Hymn 209 vs. 1 and 3
Friday, November 7
Page 5
October 27-29
Grade 1 none
Grade 2 none
Grade 3 Week 7
November 3-7
Grade 6
November 3-7
Friday, November 7
Monday, November 3 Lesson 10B
Parable of the Weeds and the
Grade 7 Unit 11 Final Test
Friday, November 7
Grade 8 Unit 10 Final Test
Wednesday, October 29
Final Test on Unit 11
Grade 7 Unit 10 Final Test
Wednesday, October 29
Grade 5
Friday, November 7
Wednesday, October 29
Grade 4 Week 8 Pretest
Final Test on Unit 11
Grade 6
Final Test on Unit 10
Grade 3 Week 8 Pretest
Tuesday, November 4
Wednesday, October 29
Grade 2 Scarcity
Tuesday, November 4
Grade 5
Final Test on Unit 10
Monday, November 3 Lesson 10A
Parable of the Farmer and the Seed
Grade 1 Farmer in the
Friday, November 7
Grade 4 Week 7 Final Test
Monday, October 27
October 27-29
Hat Friday, November 7
Final Test
Monday, October 27
Grade 8 Unit 11 Final Test
Thursday, November 6 Lesson 11A
Jesus Calms the Storm
Friday, November 7
October 27-29
November 3-7
Grade 3 Math Test
Grade 4 Math Test Thursday, November 6
Tuesday, November 3
Grade 4 Math Test Friday, November 7
Grade 4 Math Test
Monday, November 3
Grade 4 Phonics Test Monday, November 3
Grade 7 Science Test (Lab Test) Tuesday, October 28
Grade 7 Science Test (Written Test)
Wednesday, October 29
Grade 8 Science Test (Lab Test) Tuesday, October 28
Grade 8 Science Test (Written Test)
Math 5 Test on Chapter 4 Wednesday, November 5
Grade 5 Science Test on Chapter 6
Wednesday, November 5
Grade 6 Science Test on Chapter 6
Wednesday, November 5
Algebra 1 Test 7 Friday, November 7
Wednesday, October 29
Algebra 1 Test 6 Wednesday, October 29
Page 6
Early Childhood Program
Employment Opportunity
Trinity, Brillion has an open position in the Early
Childhood Program. 3K Aide/Childcare Provider: Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm, approximately 25 hours per week. A job description along
with an employment application can be provided by
contacting the office: 920-756-3738
All applications
should be marked to
the attention of Principal Dane Mattes.
The deadline to submit an application for
employment is Wednesday, November 5.
Page 7
4K & 5K NEWS
Our Bible stories this week have been “The Great Catch of Fish” and
 Basketball Practice: Basketball practice will be-
“Jesus Chooses Matthew”. Our story for next week will be “The
gin Monday, November 3rd after school. Follow-
Farmer and the Seed.”
ing is the weekly practice schedule. If your stu-
The 5K class is learning the letter P this week
dents have lessons scheduled at that time, they
and will start learning the letter C next week. The
will be excused to go to the lesson and return
class is finishing their unit on patterns. Our next
unit is on the numbers from 6-10. We are begin-
encouraged to go home and return to school
ning a unit on “Community Helpers” in Social Stud-
For late practice, students are
about 5 minutes before practice. It is hard for
students to spend very long days at school. If
The 4K class is beginning to learn letters and numbers. This week
our letter is A and number 1. Next week we will learn B and number 2.
Both the 4K and 5K students have been counting to 30. In our Circle
going home is not possible, please contact Mr.
Pingel. Thank you!
Starting Monday, November 3rd
 Monday = B-boys 3:15-4:45
Time this week we are learning about the Woodland and
River Indians and pumpkins. Next week we will learn about
A-boys 4:45-6:15
 Tuesday = B-girls 3:15-5
Reformation and Fire Safety.
Our field trip will be to the De Pere Fire Station on November 4. Please return driving slips and money by the
Drivers for PAC October 28th: Block, Hagenow, Van Rossum, and
Humann. We will leave at 11:30am.
 Drivers for Heritage Hill October 29th: Feldkamp, Mathies,
Ossmann, Rusch, and Scheider. We will leave at 8:35am.
 Accelerated Reading ends October 28th. All students already have
their points done! Great Job! Keep reading to earn pizza and ice
cream. Both will be awarded on October 29th.
A=girls 4:30-6
 Wednesday =4th Grade boys 3:15-4:45
Grades 5 & 6 boys 4-5:30pm
A boys 4:45-6:15pm
 Thursday = A-girls 3:15-5
B-girls 4:30-6
 Athletic Association: The next Athletic Association will be held on Tuesday, October 28th at
school. At the last meeting we discussed the
current practices of the Athletic Association. It
was brought up that maybe we should disband.
If you are interested in this discussion, please
make sure to attend the meeting at 7pm. We
will also review the fall sports season and make
Accelerated Reading Team
sure that we are set for win-
Preaders 164.3
ter sports. Thank you!
Reading Strikers 157.0
Purple Reading Robots 149.9
 Parent Basketball Meeting:
The parent basketball meeting will be held Monday and
Top 3
Tuesday, November 10 and
Isabella 69.6
11. The meeting will be held at the end of each
Peyton 56.0
Cody 56.0
practice. On Monday the meetings will be at
4:45 and 6:15. On Thursday the meetings will be
at 5 and 6. Please make sure that you attend
 New teams will be picked on October 29th. All points reset for
ONE of these meetings. Your child will not be
November. November points are due on November 26th.
able to play in the games unless you have at-
 Book orders are due on Wednesday, October 29th. Make checks
payable to Mr. Humann.
Page 8
tended the meetings. If you are unable to attend
the meetings, please contact Mr. Pingel ahead of
time. Thank you!
 Accelerated Reading Points: Accelerated Reading points
for the month of October will be due on October 29th.
 November Book Orders are due Friday,
Students in 5th grade will need a total of 10 points and 6th
November 7th. Please make checks payable
grade students will need a total of 12 points. All points
to Mr. Muchka. Thank you.
from the beginning of the school year are carried over to
the end of this month.
 A new three-point expository paragraph
written by each of the students can be
 Accelerated Reading Pizza Party: The top
seen at
Accelerated Reading pizza team along with
Click on the students’ names on the
the Top 5 Individual Readers will be
right to read their papers!
treated to a pizza party on Tuesday, November 4th.
 Accelerated Reader points are due Wednesday, October
29th. 7th graders should accumulate 14 points and 8th grad-
Accelerated Reading Team Standings:
ers 16 points.
Colorful Froggies = 16.3
Fantastic Flying Purple Monkeys = 15.8
musical. Thank you for providing the wonderful costumes
BVO = 14.7
and helping your son/daughter with their lines for the
Purple Parachuting Pirate Pandas =13.1
Accelerated Reading Top 5
 Thank you to all the parents for your support of our class
musical. Thank you also for providing the snacks after the
musical. It is greatly appreciated by many!
 Additional class information can be found on the class-
Emma O. =38.3
Anna = 36.8
Accelerated Reader Top 3
Paige 31.4
Leah Kuchenbecker
Jordyn = 29.7
Aaron Schultz
Stella = 28.4
Emily Cappelle
room website:
Accelerated Reader Top Standings
1. Big Exuberant Bananas 160.5
Congratulations to the Morrison Cross-Country
team! It was an amazing
2. Pink Police Platypi 114.1
season! The team fin-
3. Blue Mustached Gummy Bears 113.1
ished their season with a
4. The Green Junky Monkys 54.5
meet at MLHS. The girls’
team took 1st place with a
score of 17 points. To put
that in perspective, 15
points is a perfect
score! Congratulations to Hailey Witt for taking
1st place, Trisha Feldkamp for taking 2nd place, Hannah
Hutjens for taking 3rd place, Anna Voster in 5th place
and Grace Blauert for taking 6th place overall. Way to
We continue to have Bible studies on
Monday nights at 7 p.m. Our current
study is entitled “1 Peter – We Have a
Living Hope!” We hope to see everyone
there. Bring a friend!
go Knights!
Page 9
MLHS Basketball Skills Camp Registration Form
Kindergarten – 4th Grade
On Sunday, November 2, Manitowoc Lutheran High School National Honor Society will
be hosting a Basketball Skills camp for girls and boys from grades K to 4. We will be going
over the basic fundamentals of basketball. There will be four different locations for your convenience to attend. We will have members of NHS and a coach from MLHS, Junior Lancers, or
Lakeshore Lutheran League girls or boys basketball programs present at each location. Prizes
and a participation certificate will be given out. The cost is $10 (payable by cash or check payable to MLHS). Registration and payment can be sent to MLHS, 4045 Lancer Circle,
Manitowoc WI 54220 by Oct. 28 or email questions to: Jolene Pautz, NHS Advisor. Please check the site that you will be attending:
Trinity Lutheran School, Kiel
Bethany Lutheran School, Manitowoc
St. John’s Lutheran School, Maribel
St. John’s Lutheran School, Newtonburg
Name_________________ _____________________________________________ Age___ ______
Current Grade_____ School ________________________________Date of Birth_______________
Address____________ _______________________ City ___________________ Zip Code________
Home Phone________ ___ _________________ Cell Phone ________________________________
Father’s Name _____________________________ Contact Number __________________________
Mother’s Name ____________________________ Contact Number __________________________
E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________
Please List Medical Conditions/medications Player Has _____________________________________
The above student has my permission to participate in the above camp. I understand that the coaches, instructors, and the host sites will not be
held responsible for injuries in case of an accident. I also understand that the camp and the school do NOT provide insurance and we are responsible for providing our own insurance. You will not receive a confirmation notice of the camp. Your cancelled check is receipt for the camp. No
refunds will be given if you cancel camp attendance except with a doctor’s note for illness or injury.
Emergency Contact
Name _____________________________-----__________ Relation ____________________________________
Home Phone _________________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________