INSIDE Wills, Estates & Trusts Conference 2014 BC Probate & Estate Administration Practice Manual Online Resources AND MORE! 0 d on 10 te Prin t-consum er pos ycled paper rec % Wills, Estates & Trusts Conference 2014 When it comes to wills and estates, your clients deserve the most effective and helpful advice. Whether you’re involved in estate planning, estate administration, or litigation, our essential resources will give you the knowledge and skills you need to handle estate and probate matters with confidence. We’ve brought together all of the essential resources you need in the area of wills, estates and trusts. Attend one of our full-day courses—Estate Planning Update 2014 (October 22) and Estate Litigation Update 2014 (October 23)—in person or by Live Webinar. Purchase our newly updated BC Probate and Estate Administration Practice Manual, written and peer-reviewed by leading members of the wills and estates bar. Subscribe to our Webinar Archive for access to recent courses in the area of wills, estates and trusts, and get access to relevant papers by subscribing to our Online Course Materials. Try our award-winning Self-Paced eLearning for on-demand online courses, and stay tuned for information about our CPDone Pass: a new option for completing all your CPD hours online at one fixed low price. RECENTLY UPATED... BC Probate & Estate Administration Practice Manual Handle probate and estate matters with confidence all practitioners who do estate administration or estate litigation work. THIS PUBLICATION IS ESSENTIAL FOR: CURRENT TO: June 1, 2014. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SUMMER 2014 UPDATE • amendments to the WESA and the Family Law Act pursuant to Bill 14, 2014 (Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2014) • amendments to the new probate rules (Part 25 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules), pursuant to B.C. Reg. 44/2014 • amendments to the probate forms in new Appendix A.1 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules • related recent practice developments affecting the WESA and new probate rules • chapters, forms and precedents, and other parts of the publication incorporate provincial legislation, rules, and regulations current to June 1, 2014 30845 | ISBN 978-1-55258-531-3 | 1,998 pp. PRINT + ONLINE: $375 ONLINE ONLY: $275 Estate Planning Update 2014 Estate Litigation Update 2014 Wednesday, October 22, 2014; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver Thursday, October 23, 2014; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Pan Pacific Hotel, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Lawyers practicing in the area of wills, estates, and trusts; the course may also be of interest to accountants, financial advisors, trust officers, wealth management specialists, and other estate planning professionals. LEARNING LEVEL: EARLY BIRD! by Sep. 24 Intermediate/Advanced There are so many facets to a well designed estate plan, and keeping current on the law and techniques is crucial to properly serve your clients. Join our knowledgeable and experienced faculty as they delve into the important topics of the day including the WESA, and provide you with the tools you will need to give effective advice. Come learn with us so you can be the advisor your clients deserve. LSBC CPD HOURS: 6 hours (a minimum of 1 hour will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management) CHAIR Elaine E. Reynolds — Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, Vancouver FACULTY Chris Ireland, CPA, CA — PPI Advisory, Burnaby Benita Loughlin, CA — KPMG LLP, Vancouver Emma A. McArthur — Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP, Vancouver and Victoria Alison Oxtoby — Kelowna Cheyenne J. H. Reese — Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, Vancouver Genevieve N. Taylor — Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, Vancouver Richard Weiland — Clark Wilson LLP, Vancouver Laura West — Bull, Housser & Tupper LLP, Vancouver Geoffrey W. White — Geoffrey W. White Law Corporation, Kelowna AGENDA • Case Law and Legislative Update • Disability Planning and New Developments • Why would FATCA Have Anything to do with BC Estate Planning? • Trusts and the New Family Law • Retainer Letters and Retainers in Estate Planning • The Will: A Valuable Estate Planning Tool • Multiple Wills: A Probate Planning Technique • A Trust’s Three Tax Challenges that Every Estate Planner Should Understand • Using Life Insurance in Estate Planning EARLY BIRD Register by SEP. 24 LIVE COURSE: Regular $555 | Student: $310; LIVE WEBINAR: $535 Registration includes an electronic copy of the course materials and lunch. HERE WHAT YOUR COLLEAGUES SAID ABOUT THE LAST CONFERENCE Getting your CPD hours is about to get easier! “31 years of practice and I finally attended a multi-topic course in which every presentation was useful and timely. I was tremendously pleased.” WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Lawyers practicing in the area of estate litigation; the course may also be of interest to wills and estates solicitors and general practitioners. LEARNING LEVEL: “It was a very comprehensive program with very diverse pertinent topics”. “It was all extremely interesting and I think I received information from all of the speakers that I can implement in my practice.” EARLY BIRD! by Sep. 25 Intermediate/Advanced Learn about court decisions, hot topics, and practice issues in estate litigation, including the impact of the WESA changes. Experienced counsel will update you on the latest developments in the law, and provide you with practical tips, strategies, and advice to improve your ability to bring, defend, and mediate estate litigation cases. LSBC CPD HOURS: 6 hours (a minimum of 1 hour will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management) CBABC Members receive an additional 10% OFF course registration fees. Call Customer Service to register and remember to have your CBABC membership number ready. CBABC GROUP LIVE WEBINARS Special rates will apply for CBABC members who participate in a group Live Webinar with five or more individuals at the same site. Call Customer Service for details. CHAIR Helen H. Low — Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Vancouver AGENDA FACULTY The Honourable Marion J. Allan — Clark • Wills Variation Act Update Wilson LLP, Vancouver • When Good Planning is not Scott Cordell — Killam Cordell Murray, Enough Vancouver • Mediation/Arbitration/ Leanne Dospital — Regional Manager, Services Settlement Conferences to Adults, Public Guardian and Trustee of BC, Vancouver • Solicitor-Client Privilege— Amy D. Francis — Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, What Does that Mean in Vancouver Estate Litigation Peter J. Glowacki — Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, • Rectification of Trusts and Wills Vancouver • Reigning in the Rogue Trustee/ M. Scott Kerwin — Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Executor Vancouver • Using Unjust Enrichment as a Anna Laing — Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Remedy in Estate Litigation LLP, Vancouver • The Family Law Act in Trust and Roger D. Lee — Davis LLP, Vancouver Estate Litigation Andrew S. MacKay — Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP, Vancouver • Protecting Vulnerable Adults Hugh S. McLellan — McLellan Herbert, Vancouver Stanley T. Rule — Sabey Rule LLP, Kelowna Sarah J. Watson — Solicitor to the Public Guardian and Trustee, Services to Adults, Public Guardian and Trustee of BC, Vancouver Ian Worland — Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers, Vancouver EARLY BIRD Register by SEP. 25 LIVE COURSE: Regular $555 | Student: $310; LIVE WEBINAR: $535 Registration includes an electronic copy of the course materials and lunch. “Best CLE course I’ve taken within recent memory. A home run on all issues.” “All of the topics were extremely timely.” PRESENTED BY CLEBC IN COLLABORATION WITH CLE ONLINE Self-Paced eLearning Easily accessible in a one to two hour program, Self-Paced eLearning provides video, quiz questions, and reference materials. You work at your own pace, you control the video and question playback, you stop part way through, and your answers are saved. These programs provide CPD credit for working on your own, at your own pace. Online Course Materials We deliver our course materials directly to your desktop so you can retrieve the information you need in an easy and timely way. Our course materials library includes all of CLEBC’s course materials since 2001… that’s access to over 4,400 papers! Course materials provide the latest thinking and insights from leaders in the profession, allowing you to stay up-to-date with hot legal topics! With online course materials, you can easily access this first-class legal information: • pdf format • fully searchable • download to your desktop • updated with new papers throughout the year The subscription cost for the Online Course Materials subscription is determined by the number of lawyers in a firm. If you have any questions about this product, contact Customer Service. ONLINE COURSE MATERIALS RECENT ADDITIONS FLA for Estates Practitioners The Interplay between Aging, Death and Divorce WEBINAR ARCHIVE take BOTH courses and SAVE! EARLY BIRD Register by SEP. 24 RECENT ADDITIONS Regular $1,005 | Student: $535 LIVE WEBINAR: Regular $895 FLA for Estates Practitioners LIVE COURSE: Estate Administration: Navigating the New Rules WESA and the New Rules: Is Your Estates Practice Ready? The Interplay between Aging, Death and Divorce ONLINE BY PHONE 604.893.2121 Vancouver | 1.800.663.0437 Toll-free Have your credit card ready. ››› Gather around one computer and save on Live Webinar costs! Pay full price for the first registration and have additional viewers join you for $125 each (per person per day). ››› CLEBC Bursary Program CLEBC’s Bursary Program allows us to offer outstanding support and access to our products and services. We offer bursaries to new and experienced members of the legal community. ››› Easy Pay Plan The Easy Pay Plan allows you to register for courses and purchase publications now and pay later. HOW DOES IT WORK? At the time of purchase, we’ll need a $50 down payment per item. The balance of your invoice will be split equally over the next 4 months, one payment each month. HOW DO I PAY? To make this convenient for you we’ll automatically process a payment on your VISA or MasterCard each month. IF WHAT ELSE SHOULD I KNOW? You are a member in good standing of the Law Society of BC (LSBC); or you are legal support staff employed by, or working under the direction of, a lawyer in good standing with the Law Society of BC; If you cancel your course registration, your initial payment will be used to pay our standard $50 administration fee. If you return the publication intact, your initial payment will be refunded. Your Easy Pay account is interest free. You can pay out your Easy Pay account balance without penalty at any time. AND Without a bursary, you would not be able to attend the course; THEN You qualify for a CLEBC Bursary. The Bursary provides a 50% DISCOUNT on registration fees for up to 3 courses per year with a maximum duration of 5 days. Some restrictions may apply and further assistance may be offered. WHAT DO I DO NOW? Contact Customer Service for an application form, complete it, and email it to or fax it to CLEBC at 604.669.9260. We will confirm by letter or email the status of your application as well as your schedule of payments. For more details on any of these options please contact Customer Service. AUG14
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