LINDENWOLD THE LINDENWOLD # DIVERSE # PROUD # CONNECTED # GREEN Message from the Office of the Mayor FALL 2014 Volume 7 - Issue Media Committee: Cheryle randolph-Sharpe Councilwoman Dawn S. Thompson Business Administrator / CFO Debbie Jackson Borough Clerk, RMC Brenda roach Library Supervisor Comments/Suggestions Greetings, Residents of Lindenwold: I would first like to take this time to thank our Media Committee for their time and dedication in putting this Newsletter together. Over the past year, a Revitalization Committee has been formed with the cooperation of our Police Department, Construction Department, Public Works Department, Borough Council and myself. The mission of this committee is to MAyor richard E. roach, Jr. seek ways of how we can change the face of Lindenwold. We have started by looking at areas of our community that need concentrated effort; not just enforcing people to cut their grass, but installation of security cameras on Gibbsboro Road, enforcing shopping centers to fix their parking lots and broken signs, etc. Some of these changes are already under way. The Iron Horse Saloon (previously “The Grove Inn”) has been taken down, and a brand new Family Dollar is going to take its place. This will be a great addition to Gibbsboro Road. Additionally, some of our apartment complexes have shown an interest in getting security cameras, and one of our apartment complex owners has already taken steps to install security cameras and lighting. With this action and more, Lindenwold will be a better and safer place to live and work. The Revitalization Committee is working diligently and needs your help to change the Face of Lindenwold. Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! HIGHLIGHTS OF WHAT’S INSIDE Lindenwold Boro Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Lindenwold Fire Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lindenwold Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tax Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Leaf Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Recycling Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Library Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting . . 7 LINDENWOLD INFORMATION Comcast Channel 192 RESOLUTION #2014:194 WHEREAS, on August 5, 23, Governor Christy signed Nikki's Law, and WHEREAS, this law raises awareness against Distracted Driving, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has created signs to inform citizens of this law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Lindenwold that Lindenwold joins this effort by adding these signs to existing places within the Borough of Lindenwold. DATED: October 8, 24 LINDENWOLD BOROUGH INFORMATION Comcast Channel 192 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard E. Roach Jr. Council Members Cheryle Randolph-Sharpe Ronald Burrows | Joseph DiDomenico William J. Dougherty | Wayne Hans Joseph C. Strippoli IMPORtANt PhONE NUMBERS Borough Hall. . . 15 N. White Horse Pike - 783-2121 Sewer Utility. . . . . . . 861 Gibbsboro Rd. - 784-4400 After Hours - 783-1333 Police 2001 Egg Harbor Rd., Non-Emergency - 784-7566 Library . . . . . . . . . . 310 East Linden Ave. - 784-5602 Public Works . . . . . . . 861 Gibbsboro Rd. - 783-1848 Lindenwold Schools801 Egg Harbor Rd. - 783-0276 Lindenwold Board of Fire Commissioners 2201 Bangor Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346-0935 — BOROUGh hOURS — Borough Hall . . . . . . . . . . . Mon - Fri - 9:00a – 4:00p Police Department . . . . Mon - Thur - 9:00a – 3:30p Public Works Facility . . . . Mon - Fri - 6:30a – 3:00p — MEEtING DAtES — Borough Council 1st, 2nd Wednesday - 7:00p Environmental Commission . . 2nd Tuesday - 7:00p Joint Land Use Board . . . . . . . 4th Thursday - 7:00p Parks & Recreation Commission 1st Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7:00p Library Advisory Board 1st Thursday. . . . . . . . . 310 E. Linden Avenue - 7:00p Court 2001 E Harbor Road . . . . . . . . 1st Wednesday - 1:00p 3rd Thursday - 1:00p Board of Fire Commissioners 2201 Bangor Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Monday - 7:30p 2014 BOROUGH HOLIDAYS The Borough Hall, Library and Public Works Department will be closed for the following holidays: Nov. 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Election Day Nov. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Veterans Day Nov 27 & 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thanksgiving Dec 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christmas Jan. 1, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Years Day SANDOVAL Graphics & Printing 856-435-7320 LINDENWOLD - CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE The Code Enforcement Office would like to bring to your attention some of the top violations and ask that you take the time to CLEAN up your property to avoid a violation letter or summons for noncompliance: FOR 1. Junk/unregistered Vehicles – Any vehicle that is not legally CODE EN CEMEN ENW D N OLD T I L registered, missing license plates, has flat tires, broken windows, or may be being used for storage of materials of all types. NE W J SE Y 2. High Grass and Weeds – Overgrown grass and weeds, ER overgrown and/or dead shrubs, dead and/or dying trees OFFICER that may cause a safety hazard to the public. The grass along the curb & sidewalks are the responsibility of the property owner to be maintained. 3. Snow removal – Snow & Ice must be removed from your sidewalks & Gutters, within 2 hours of daylight after an event has occurred. Please move all vehicles from the street, in order for the Highway Department to plow your streets efficiently. 4. Parking of Vehicles on Lawn – Vehicles cannot be parked on front lawns. 5. Parking of Trailers, Boats, Campers, and Buses on streets is prohibited. 6. Unlicensed Dogs and Cats – All dogs and cats must be licensed. The maximum limit is three dogs and three cats per household. The leash law applies to both dogs and cats. 7. Fences shall be maintained in good repair. – “Good repair” meaning but not limited to, no broken pieces, no holes, and no peeling paint. The Code Enforcement Office would like to thank all of the residents, who may have received violations, for their cooperation in correcting any violations or complaints that were received by our office. We appreciate your efforts in helping to keep Lindenwold clean and looking good. After all, a property that is full of junk storage, trash, junk vehicles, high grass, and unfiltered pools, affect your community. Not only in quality of life issues, but these violations also depreciate your property value. To report a violation or to file a complaint, please contact the Code Enforcement Office at 856-783-2121 ext. 248, or 238 (9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri.) — DISTRACTED DRIVING — Accidents caused by distracted driving are particularly tragic, because of how avoidable they are. If all drivers kept in mind that every time they pick up their phone to take a call or send a text message, they are simultaneously endangering their own and others' lives, accidents may be less prone to happen. Unfortunately, the casualness of a call or text misleadingly prompts drivers to think themselves the rare exception. See more at: What is Distracted Driving? • Texting/talking on the phone • Eating & Drinking • Talking to passengers • Using a navigation system • Checking emails and social media sites • Reading, including maps • Watching a video • Changing the radio/CD’s/iPods • Grooming What are the types of Distracted Driving? • Visual - Distractions that take your eyes off the road. • Manual - Distractions that take your hands off the wheel. • Cognitive - Distractions that take your mind off the task of driving. See more at: YOU ARE FREE TO CHOOSE, BUT YOU ARE NOT FREE FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR CHOICE... 2 The fire and public works departments are asking for your help. Please remember to shovel out around fire hydrants after each snowfall. It is very important for residents and business people to keep hydrants clear of snow and visible from the street. If the fire department has to spend time trying to find a fire hydrant under the snow, they lose precious time needed to fight fires. Please help us out by keeping your fire hydrants clear of snow. The house you help save may be your own. INDOOR SAFETY FOR WINTER Heat your Home Safely If you plan to use a wood stove, fireplace or space heater, be extremely careful. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. remember these safety tips: • Use fireplaces, wood stoves or other combustion heaters only if they are properly vented to the outside and do not leak flue gas into the indoor air space. • Do not burn paper in a fireplace. • Ensure adequate ventilation if you must use a kerosene heater. • Use only the type of fuel your heater is designed to use – don’t substitute. • Do not place a space heater within 3 feet of anything that may catch on fire, such as drapes, furniture or bedding, and never cover your space heater. • Never place a space heater on top of furniture or near water. • Never leave children unattended near a space heater. • Make sure that the cord of an electric heater is not a tripping hazard, but do not run the cord under carpets or rugs. • Avoid using extension cords to plug in your space heater. • If your space heater has a damaged electrical cord or produces sparks, do not use it. • Store a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher near the area to be heated. • Protect yourself and your loved ones from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by installing a battery-operated CO detector and by never using generators, grills, camping stoves or similar devices indoors. Lindenwold Fire Co. No. 2 Proceeds benefit: Lindenwold Fire Co. No. 2 YOU MUST BE 21 OR OLDER TO ATTEND POWER FAILURE SAFETY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014 If there is a power failure: • Use battery-powered flashlights or lanterns rather than candles if possible. • Never leave lit candles unattended. • Never use a charcoal or gas grill indoors-the fumes are deadly. • Never use an electric generator indoors, inside the garage or near the air intake of your house because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. • Always connect appliances to the generator using individual heavy-duty, outdoor-rated cords. • Do not use the generator or appliances if they are wet because of the risk of electrocution. • Do not store gasoline indoors where the fumes could ignite. 7: pm (doors open at 6:00pm) Lindenwold Fire Co. # 2 - Social Hall 801 Scott Ave., Lindenwold, NJ 08021 Ticket price of $30 includes one (1) set of 12 Bingo Sheets additional sets (2 Bingo Sheets) will be sold at the door for $5. set 15 Games - 15 Chances to win a Coach Pocketbook! Bonus Game and 50/50 will be held at additional charge. To purchase tickets, contact: MIkE NoLAN Office: 856-346-35 Email: Cell: 6-23-8354 Bottled Water, Soft Pretzels, and Coffee and will be served. Please feel free to bring your own snacks and refreshments! Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Lindenwold Residents please beware of door to door solicitations. The Borough of Lindenwold requires a permit for anyone who wishes to solicit door to door. At this time, no one has obtained a permit. If you have any concerns, do not open your door and contact . Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie, the players who are in a tie will choose a card from a deck of cards. The tie-breaker breaking method of “high/low number” for each game is listed in your game program. The “Ace” will be the highest card and the “2” will be the lowest card. 3 Chief Thomas J. Brennan USING A CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING FINES LINDENWOLD POLICE DEPARtMENt 2 Egg Harbor Road Lindenwold, NJ 82 Office - (856) 784-7566 Fax - (856) 784-846 Dispatch - (856) 784-48 On July , 24 the penalties for operating a motor vehicle while using a hand held wireless communication device (cell phone) were increased. “Use” of a cell phone includes, but is not limited to, talking or listening to another person, texting, or sending and receiving electronic messages. If a driver is found guilty of violating the statute (3:4-7.3), he/she faces the following: First offense: $2 to $4 Second offense: $4 to $6 Third & subsequent: Up to $8, three points on license, and a possible -day suspension of license. More information can be found at: The Lindenwold Police Department has adopted a “community policing”philosophy. As a part of this philosophy, officers will be randomly stopping into businesses in town while they are open to introduce themselves to the owner or employees and ask if there any concerns that the officer can address. It is our sincere hope that we can foster a better relationship with the community and work together to make Lindenwold a great place to live and work. On October , 24 three officers were promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Ptlm. Martin Hayden has been with the police department for 2 years. Ptlm. Edward O’Donnell has been with the police department for 5 years. Ptlm. Robert Helveston has been with the police department for years. All of the Sergeants will be assigned to the Patrol Division. Congratulations Sergeants! The long awaited renovations to Police Department are set to begin this fall. Since all of the borough administrative offices moved to the building at 5 N. White Horse Pike, the police department and municipal court will occupy the entire building at 2 Egg Harbor Rd. Currently, the police department occupies only half of the building. We are hoping to move in to the building early in 25. On July , 24 the Lindenwold Police Department welcomed two new officers. Thomas Mallon and Dustin Dilger were sworn in at the regular council meeting. Both entered the Camden County Police Academy on July 4th to begin 2 weeks of training. Following their graduation from the academy, the officers will receive several more weeks of training through the department’s field training program. Both of these officers will be fine additions to our staff and we have no doubt they will make a positive impact on the community. NO LITTERING & NO DUMPING Ordinances #124-2 and 124-7 prohibit dumping and littering in public places. Violators of these ordinances are subject to a fine of $2, or imprisonment for a term NO not to exceed days, or both. If you see LITTER ING or are aware of anyone dumping illegally NO within the Borough, please contact the DUMPING Department of Public Works or the Police ALLOWED Department immediately. BICYCLE SAFETY Most people don’t know that bicycles are subject to the same regulations as motor vehicles. Bicycles are required to ride WITH traffic as near to the right side of the roadway as possible. Bicycles are permitted to enter turning lanes to make turns as would a motor vehicle. New Jersey statute 39:4-10 mandates that bicycles be equipped with lights when operated at night; a white light on the front and a red light on the back. It is recommended that the rider wear bright colored clothing so as to be more visible to motorists. New Jersey statute 39:4-10.1 makes bicycle helmets mandatory for any rider or passenger under the age of 7. Although it is not mandatory, it is recommended that all riders and passengers wear helmets. POLICE NOTEBOOK NJ Motor vehicle statute 39:4-138(e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54 fine Prohibits parking within 25 feet from the corner of an intersecting street. NJ Motor vehicle statute 39:4-138(g). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54 fine Prohibits parking in designated “no parking” zones NJ Motor vehicle statute 39: 4-138(h) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54 fine Prohibits parking within 5 feet of a STOP SIGN. 4 2014 FALL LEAF COLLECTION PROGRAM Below is the schedule for this year’s Leaf Collection Program. The schedule is based upon your LEAF SECTION. You will find a list of streets in each LEAF SECTION below of this notice. Each year, we rotate the schedule by section. This year Leaf Section #4 will be the first to be collected. 2014 LEAF CoLLECTIoN SCHEDULE If You Reside In Leaves Must Be Raked To Curbside By Leaf Section #4 Leaf Section #7 Leaf Section #5 Leaf Section #6 Leaf Section # Leaf Section #2 Leaf Section #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 24 There will be a SPrING CoLLECTIoN oF LEAVES during the week of April 6, 25. Leaves must be raked to curbside loosely…NO BAGS PLEASE! LEAF SECTIONS #1 & #6 Aston-Martin Dr. W. Atlantic Ave. Bentley Road Blackwood-Clem Rd. Carver Ave. Central Ave. Chews Landing Rd. Columbia Ave. Cottage Ave. Crossings Way Delahaye Ave. Earl Ave. st thru th Aves. Glen Alpine Ct. Healey Place Hill Ave. Homesite Ave. Jaguar Ave. Lake Blvd. Lancia Place Laurel Rd. Laurel Landing Rd. Manor Landing Rd. Mercedes Ave. Miller Ave. Monroe Ave. Park Ave. (Chews to W. Atlantic) Parker Ave. Pinegrove Ct. Pinehurst Ct. NJ Dept. of Agriculture ALERT EMERALD ASh BORER is in New Jersey. EAB attacks Ash trees exclusively! Roberts Ave. Scott Ave. Spring Garden St. Tavistock Ct. Thunderbird Ave. Wade Ave. Wallace Ave. Wayne Rd. Wilkinson Ave. Woodland Ave. Wright Ave. LEAF SECTION #2 E. Atlantic Ave. (W. Linden to Columbia) Columbia Ave. (E. Atlantic to Stone Rd.) West Elm Ave. West Linden Ave. West Maple Ave. W. Park Ave. (E. Atlantic to Stone) Pierce Ave. State Ave. White Horse Pike (Oak to Stone) White Horse-Clementon Rd. Whitman Ave. Wood St. Hidden Dr. Stone Rd. GUIDELINES FOR LEAF COLLECTION • There will be NO WEEKLY COLLECTION OF VEGETATION DURING THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. In the event of an emergency (extreme storm damage) please call the Public Works Department for special consideration for pickup of vegetation. Regular vegetation will resume on the first Monday in January. • During your scheduled collection period, please have your cars off the street. • Please have all leaves raked to curbside by the date specified in the above schedule for your Leaf Section. No BAGS PLEASE! Residents who live on the following high traffic streets may bag their leaves: White Horse Pike, Berlin Rd, Chews Landing Rd., Blackwood-Clementon Rd., Laurel Rd., and Gibbsboro Rd. ONLY. • If you should see our trucks in your district ahead of schedule, please do not be alarmed. Should our work load permit, we may send a crew out early to begin picking up whatever has already been raked to the curb, however, each section will be started on the date specified in the above schedule. • PLEASE BE PATIENT. Along with equipment failures and weather conditions, we may experience some delays. Our commitment is to remove the leaves from your curb as quickly as possible. • Please do not mix any vegetation (logs and branches) in with your leaves. We will be unable to collect any leaves which are mixed with other material. You may however, MIX JUST GRASS CLIPPINGS WITH LEAVES. LEAF SECTION #3 Berlin Rd. – E. Linden to Pinelawn Bryant Ave. Carlton Ave. Cleveland Ave. Emerson St. (E. Linden to Walnut) Fairmount Ave. Hawthorne (E. Linden to Locust) Highland Ave. Holland (E. Linden – Pinelawn) Irving (E. Linden – Maple Ave) Locust Ave. Lowell (E. Linden – Maple Ave.) Even #’s E. Linden (W.H.P. to Whittier) Madison Ave. E. Maple Ave. Oakland Ave. E. Park Ave Pinelawn Ave. Shadyside Ave. South Ave. Taylor (E. Linden – Locust) Walnut Ave. odd #’s W.H.P. –E. Linden – Fairmount Whittier Ave. Beechwood To limit the spread of EAB, the Department of Agriculture recommends caution about purchasing firewood from infected areas. Any Ash trees that must be removed should be chipped into mulch. LEAF SECTIONS #5 & #7 Aman Ave. & Aman Place Andrea Ave. Arlington Ashbourne Ave. Aston Ave. Bangor Ave. Bilper Ave. Bosworth Ave. Brighton Ave. Chatham Ave. Colonial Square Dr. & Place Concord Ave. Countiss Ave. Crowland Ave. N. & S. Cuthbert Drives Dale Place Darby Ave. Egg Harbor Rd. Gibbsboro Rd. Jeanette Ave. Kennedy Ave. Rosamond Ave. Sussex Ave. United States Ave. Victoria Place White Horse Pike Winthrop Ave. If you are unsure whether you have Ash trees on your property, pictures and descriptions of the trees are offered on line by the Arbor Day Foundation at You can also contact members of the Environmental Commission to assist LEAF SECTION #4 Even #’s S. Berlin Rd. E. Linden to Gibbsboro Rd. Cedar Ave. Charles Ave. Chestnut Ave. Cooper Ave. Cypress Ave. Emerson Ave. (#3 – 6) Elizabeth Ave. East Elm Avenue Even #’s Gibbsboro Rd. Hawthorne Ave (#5-6) Holland Ave. Holly Ave. Irving Ave. Jackson Ave. Jefferson Ave. odd #’s of E. Linden Ave. Lowell Street Myrtle Ave. Norcross Ave. Oak Ave. Roosevelt Ave. E. Scott Ave. Spruce Ave Vassey Ave. odd #’s of W.H.P. Wilson Ave. Elm Ct. Myrtle Ct. with identification. If you believe you have spotted EAB, you should report the sighting to the NJ Department of Agriculture at 6-46-63. The EAB only attacks Ash trees. The two most common ash species in NJ are White Ash & Green Ash. LINDENWOLD RECYCLING GUIDE LINDENWOLD PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 86 Gibbsboro Road • Lindenwold, NJ 82 856-783-1848 ELECTRONICS DroP oFF AT PUBLIC WorkS 8am-3pm TV’s & Electronics are no longer picked up as trash By state law. BATTERIES DroP oFF AT PUBLIC WorkS 8am-3pm PAPER, CARDBOARD, CANS GLASS, ALUMINIUM & PLASTIC rEGULAr TrASH DAy (Curbside) Place 6’ From Trash in Yellow Container Bottles, Jars, Cans, Plastic Containers with the Number ,2,4, 5, & 7 on Bottom. UNSOILED Paper, Cardboard, Books & Magazines. NOT: Mirrors, Aluminum Foil, Aerosol Cans, Ceramics, Toys, Plastic Bags. VEGETATION (Including Grass) EVEry MoNDAy (Curbside) Except Nov. & Dec. Brush, Branches, Grass, Leaves. Must be Tied & Stacked Neatly in 4’ Lengths. Please put small vegetation in cans. LOGS / STUMPS 12” DIAMETER OR LARGER and/or OVER 50 LBS. PER EVEry THUrSDAy Must Call Public Works by Wednesday Stacked Neatly on Curb HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Call Public Works Facility County has Special Collection Oil Based Paints, Solvents, Thinners, Pesticides, Gasoline, Cleaning Fluids, Etc. (Dried, water based latex paint is regular trash.) MOTOR OIL / OIL FILTERS ANTIFREEZE DroP oFF AT PUBLIC WorkS 8am-3pm Used Oil/Antifreeze from Autos, Trucks, Lawn Mowers, etc. CoNCrETE & ASPHALT EVEry WEDNESDAy (Curbside) Must Call Public Works by Tues. Stacked Neatly at Curbside or in Container. 100 lbs. max. SCRAP IRON EVEry MoNDAy (Curbside) Must Call for Pick-Up by Friday All Metal Objects, Stoves, Hot Water Heaters, Washers, Dryers, Bicycles, Refrigerators (Must have doors removed for safety) TIRES rEGULAr TrASH DAy Car, Bicycle Tires WITHOUT RIMS. Stack next to Trash. NO Truck Tires. Maximum 4 Tires. SEASONAL LEAF COLLECTION SPECIAL PICk-UP (Curbside) In Nov, Dec. & 1st week of April Rake to Curbside Loose. (Open Bags, or Cans, only on high traffic Roads) If a HoLIDAy falls on a recycling Day, your recyclable Product will be Picked-Up the Next Working Day. — Please Keep Recyclable Products 6’ From Trash — — No Single Item Should Exceed 5 lbs — — All Drop Off Must Be Between 8am-3pm – Mon. – Fri. — For Questions Regarding Recycling, Please Call The Department of Public Works at (856) 783-1848 6 rECyCLING BUCkETS All new residents of the Borough of Lindenwold may contact the Public Works Department at 856-783-848 between the hours of 6:3 am and 3: pm to receive recycling containers. Just give us your name and address and we will arrange to have the containers delivered right to your door WHY SHOULD YOU RECYCLE? • Recycling reduces the amount of incinerated/landfilled materials and conserves resources. • Recycling decreases litter in our neighborhoods. • Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources. • Recycling decreases the amount of tax dollars used to dispose of household waste. • Recycling generates revenue for our municipality. • IT’S THE LAW!!!! WHAT GoES INSIDE THE rECyCLING CoNTAINEr? PAPER - Newspaper, magazines, junk mail, envelopes, catalogs, phone books, shredded paper, colored paper, paper bags, wrapping paper, etc. CARDBOARD - Corrugated, cereal boxes, macaroni boxes, pizza boxes, paper towel rolls, cardboard egg cartons, all food container boxes GLASS - Clear, brown and green beverage bottles and food jars, wine bottles (empty & rinse) — NO light bulbs, mirrors, window glass, drinking glasses, ceramics or Pyrex CANS - Tin, aluminum and metal beverage cans, food and pet food cans and metal lids — NO aerosol cans, wire hangers, aluminum foil, pie pans, or nonfood metal containers PLASTICS - Food containers, detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, household cleaners, soda bottles, # & #2 plastic bottles — NO Plastic bags, hangers, toys, chemical containers, etc WHAT’S NEW IN THE LINDENWOLD TAX OFFICE. For those residents that have requested the convenience of paying their taxes and utilities on-line, you have been heard. This service is now just a click away. The link has been provided on the Lindenwold website. As with most banking services, bank fees do apply. TAX OFFICE MR. MAZZEO’S CLASS VISIT Senior/disabled, and / or veteran’s deductions are available for those who qualify. Please call the tax office for more information. 783-22 ext 227 PTr reimbursement - (Senior/Disabled Mr. Mazzeo’s High School Integrated Academics Class visited the Lindenwold Municipal Building for a tour on September 23, 24. They were greeted at the front door by their tour guides Mayor Richard Roach and Mrs. Thompson, Business Administrator. There were seven students and two teachers (Mr. Mazzeo and Mr. Johnson). The students were very excited about the tour, but what they didn’t know is that their tour would include experiencing real situations that occur on a day to day at the Municipal Building. One of the highlights of the tour was that each student got an opportunity to pay taxes. Each one received an envelope from the Tax Collector which included a quarterly tax bill and play money to pay their taxes. They all had an opportunity to go the tax window to pay their taxes and received a stamped paid receipt. As a souvenir, the play money was returned. The Tax Collector told them,“In a real situation, the money isn’t returned, I keep it.” The students all laughed. Other experiences included testing a smoke detector to make sure it was operating properly; completing assessor property cards to determine how many bathrooms, property dimensions, etc.; discussing types of code violations, seeing the Linden Tree that was planted by the Environmental Commission on Arbor Day 24. The tour ended with each student receiving a goody bag while watching a slide presentation of pictures of Lindenwold dated back to the early ’s. This was truly an educational experience for Mr. Mazzeo’s class and the Municipal employees loved sharing in the experience. Freeze) -8-882-657 Homestead Benefit Program -8-658-272 TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE Meet the newest member of the Tax Office, Kathleen Merlino. Kathleen received an Associate Degree from Camden County Community College in 28. She worked in the tax collector’s office and tax assessor’s office in Buena Vista Township from 28 until August, 24. She has already completed the classes required for a Municipal Tax Collector. TAX SALE The Lindenwold Tax Sale is scheduled for Dec. 17th, 2014 at 10am For unpaid 2013 taxes, sewer, solid waste & CCMUA. Lindenwold Municipal Building 15 N. White Horse Pike • Lindenwold, NJ LINDENWOLD SEWER DEPARTMENT The Lindenwold Sewer Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all sewer lines, manholes and pumping stations within the Borough. Sewer lines are maintained by the Borough only up to the curb line. For any sewer related questions or for general information, call 856-784-44 between the hours of 6:3am and 3:pm, Monday through Friday. After normal hours please leave your name, number and a message on the answering machine and we will return your call as soon as possible. In case of a sewer emergency, please call 856-783-333. Lindenwold’s Department of Assessment Services determines the market value of all real estate within the Borough for assessing purposes. The Assessing Department handles all deed transfers, property owner mailing address changes, and tax exempt applications. The Assessor's Office also provides applications and answers questions about the following property tax deduction programs: • Income - qualified homeowners who are 65 years and older or disabled may receive a $25 deduction for their property taxes. • Qualified veterans and widows of veterans can receive a $25 deduction in their property taxes. • Permanently disabled veterans may be entitled to full exemption from property taxes. The Assessor's Office also administers the five-year residential abatement program. Certain improvements (i.e. additions, decks, sheds, extra bathrooms) which add value to a home, 2 years of age or older, are eligible for a property tax abatement. The value that is added, up to $5,, will be abated for five years. Getting Married? Lindenwold residents need to schedule an appointment to apply for their marriage license with the registrar at least 72 hours before the planned ceremony. Appointments are scheduled from : am to 3:3 pm Monday to Friday. Please call (856) 78322, ext. 24 or ext. 24. 7 From the words of Mr. Mazzeo: “The students had a great time. They loved being able to pay their “taxes” this year. They all said they didn't realize the cost of taxes and that you had to pay them quarterly. I think it was a real eye opener. They also enjoyed seeing what everyone does at Borough Hall. Dan and I were very excited with the trip. We loved that you could incorporate the students in the process. We really appreciate you allowing us to come in and to include us in your day to day activities.” SOLUtIONS tO StORM WAtER POLLUtION Pollution on streets, parking lots and lawns is washed by the rain into storm drains, then directly into our drinking water supplies, and the oceans and lakes our children play in. Fertilizer, oil, pesticides, detergents, pet waste and grass clippings end up in our drinking water. Storm water pollution is one of New Jersey’s greatest threats to clean and plentiful water and that’s why we’re doing something about it. By sharing the responsibility and making small, easy changes in our daily lives, we can keep common pollutants out of the storm water. As part of New Jersey’s initiative to keep our water clean and plentiful and to meet federal requirements, many municipalities and other public agencies including colleges and military bases must adopt ordinances or other rules prohibiting various activities that contribute to storm water pollution. Breaking these rules can result in fines or other penalties. As a resident, business or other member of the community, it is important to know these easy things you can do every day to protect our water: LIMIT YOUR USE OF FERTILIZER AND PESTICIDES . Do a soil test to see if you need a fertilizer 2. Do not apply fertilizers if heavy rain is predicted. 3. Look into alternatives for pesticides. 4. Maintain a small lawn and keep the rest of your property or yard in natural state with trees and other native vegetation that require little or no fertilizer. 5. If you use fertilizers and pesticides, follow the instructions on the label on how to correctly apply it. PROPERLY USE AND DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS . Hazardous products include some household or commercial cleaning products, lawn and garden care products, motor oil, anti-freeze and paints. 2. Do not pour any hazardous products down a storm drain because the storm drains are usually connected to local water bodies and the water is not treated. 3. If you have hazardous products in your home or workplace, make sure you store or dispose of them properly. Read the label for guidance. 4. Recycle used motor oil. 5. Contact your municipality, county or facility management office for the locations of hazardous waste disposal facilities KEEP POLLUTION OUT OF STORM DRAINS . Municipalities and many other public agencies are required to mark certain storm drain inlets with messages reminding people that storm drains are connected to local water bodies. 2. Do not let sewage or other waste flow into a storm water system. CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET . Many municipalities and public agencies must enact and enforce local pet waste rules. An example is requiring pet owners or their keepers to pick up and properly dispose of pet waste dropped on public or other people’s property. 2. Make sure you know your town’s or agency’s requirements and comply with them. It’s the law: Remember to use newspapers, bags or pooper-scoopers to pick up waste. Dispose of the wrapped pet waste in the trash or unwrapped waste in a toilet and never discard pet waste in a storm drain. DON'T FEED WILDLIFE . Do not feed wildlife, such as ducks and geese. 2. Many municipalities and other public agencies must enact and enforce a rule that prohibits wildlife feeding. DON'T LITTER . Place litter in trash receptacles. 2. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle. 3. Participate in community clean-ups. DISPOSE OF YARD WASTE PROPERLY . Keep leaves and grass out of storm drains. 2. If your municipality or agency has yard waste collection rules, follow them. 3. Use leaves and grass clippings as a resource for compost. 4. Use a mulching mower that recycles grass clippings back into the lawn. For more information on stormwater related topics, visit: Environmental Protection Agency websites or or 6 633-72. 8 SNOW, ICE & WEEDS REMOVAL 181-29: removal from sidewalks by abutting Landowners. The owner or owners, occupant or occupants of premises abutting or bordering upon any of the Streets, Avenues, or Highways in The Borough of Lindenwold shall remove or cause to be removed all ice or snow from the sidewalks and gutters of any such Streets, Avenues, or Highways, within 2 hours of daylight after the same shall have formed or ceased to fall thereon and all grass, weeds and other impediments within three days after notice has been mailed to the last known address of the owner or owners occupant or occupants to remove the same. 181-30: Violations and penalties; removal by Borough. (Amended 10-19-1981 bb Ord. No. 587) Any person, firm. Or corporation violating the provisions of 8-2 of this article shall be liable for the payment of a fine not exceeding $5 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding days, or both, for each and every offense, or in lieu of the imposition of said fine and imprisonment, said snow or ice, grass, weeds and other impediments may be removed from the sidewalks and gutters by the Highway Department said Borough or under its direction, in which case the cost of said removal shall be certified to Council and charged as a lien against the abutting property and shall be added to and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such abutting property. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR SANITATION AND RECYCLING COLLECTION Listed below are scheduled holidays for the remainder of the year. next to each holiday is the collection day for both trash and recyclables. BOROUGh hOLIDAYS 2014 COLLECtION DAY Election Day Tuesday, November 4 . . . . . . . . . .Normal Collection Veteran’s Day Tuesday, November 11 . . . . . . . . .Normal Collection Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 27 .Collection -Friday , Nov. 28 Friday After Thanksgiving Nov. 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Normal Collection Christmas Day Thursday, Dec. 25: . . . . .Collection –Friday Dec. 26 New year’s Day Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015 . . .Collection –Friday, Jan. 2 D NWOL LINDE ARY IS LIBR ILABLE AVA NOW LINE! ON LINDENWOLD LIBRARY 310 E. Linden Avenue • (856) 784-5602 tUES WED thUR FRI SAt 9a-8p 9a-5p 12n-8p 9a-5p 9a-3p CLOSED SUNDAY AND MONDAY To keep informed on Library Programs, check us out on Facebook! “Lindenwold Public Library” Lindenwold Library Advisory Board meets the first Thursday of every Month, 7:00p in the Library. NEED A FRIEND? now k u o y d Di ve... a h o s l a we Fiction & Non Fiction Books for all ages - Computerized Checkout & Book Search 12 Public Computers with Internet, MS office & Printers - WiFi DVD's - Large Print Books - Craft Programs research & Homework Area - School Summer reading Books Children's Spanish & Bi-lingual Books You can now search for print materials and movies (by keyword, title, author, or subject) from any computer with internet connection. Also check on the new best sellers and DVD’s that are available. The front page also has direct web-site links for government, Lindenwold web-sites, homework help, and other useful information. FREE WiFi at the Lindenwold Library Lindenwold Library now has Wireless Internet access available for free during business hours. Surf the Net using your own wireless enabled laptop/notebook or PDA. DONATIONS OF GENTLY USED BOOKS AND DVD’S ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. “Friends of the Lindenwold Library” Have some free time? Come join the “Friends of the Library.” Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month, 7:pm at the Library BE A FRIEND! SANTA IS COMING TO h Watc de ara P e h T it COOKIES & HOT CHOCOLATE WILL BE SERVED! & Vis a! nt a S Lindenwold Library • 310 E. Linden Avenue • 784-5602 h wit Parade Begins-7:00pm • Tree Lighting-7:30pm m Parade Route: Beginning at Chews Landing Road to W. Park Avenuee to Stone Road to White Horse Pike & ending at Lindenwold Library.. LINDENWOLD THE Borough of Lindenwold 5 N. White Horse Pike Lindenwold, NJ 82 ERIAL T A M D E T DA er by Please delivr 2. Novembe Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID Deptford, NJ PERMIT #6 OLD LINDENWOLD HISTORICAL PHOTOS The Borough of Lindenwold is actively looking for any pictures, films, postcards, letters, newspapers, or any type of historical documents pertaining to the Borough of Lindenwold. Please include (if possible) some information about who’s in the photo, the event, where it was taken and an approximate date. We’re really looking forward to seeing more of Lindenwold’s history unfold over the next couple years! We are trying to preserve the history of the Borough of Lindenwold for generations to come. Please help us in this effort. We would prefer donations of original documents, however, we are able to scan/copy the pictures or documents and then return the originals to you. If you would like to donate please contact the Lindenwold Borough Hall 783-2121, or the Lindenwold Library 784-5602. Did you know, that you can prevent or lessen you and your family chances of getting the flu or colds? When cold and flu season hits it can be debilitating; causing lost of days from school and work. There are a few things you can implement in your home and work life than can help reduce the spread of influenza: • Try to get the proper sleep and nutrition- this will help to strengthen your iummune system • Talk to your doctor to see if a flu vaccination is recommended • Dress properly for the weather, as much as 45% of your body heat is said to be lost from your head. The face, head and chest are more sensitive to changes in temperature • Wash and dry your hands frequently; especially after the use of the bathroom, before preparing or eating meals. Purchase hand sanitizer for every member to your family • Avoid touching your face, nose or eyes, DID YOU KNOW? By: Councilwoman Cheryle Randolph-Sharpe germs can be transferred in this manner • Sterilize common areas in your home, door knobs, light switches, toilet handles, remotes, phones, faucet handles, keyboards, refrigerator handles etc. Clean shopping cart handles and try to avoid touching public bathroom door handle • Avoid people who are sick and try not to be around others when you or your family are sick • Practice cough and sneeze etiquette, by using a tissue or your arm and throwing away all used tissues immediately • Change your towels and bedding regularly • Do not share toothbrushes, cups, utensils or food • Change your tooth brush often or disinfect it, move all toothbrushes from within flushing distance of your toilet • Use disposable paper towels, cups and wash dishes carefully or use the dishwasher • During high peak flu/cold seasons avoid shaking hands and hugging Experts recommend that you stay home when you are ill, this will reduce the germs from spreading and allow you or your family members to get the rest they need. Contact your doctor to see if a visit is necessary. For additional information visit (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) . A simple cold or flu can be life threatening to someone with preexisting health issues, a few simple steps can help reduce the spread of cold and flus. Be Well!
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