/ Fax / GOVERNMENT OF INDIA aTga. / Telephone : 044-28331156 / MINISTRY OF FINANCE : 044-28331099 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE / gfEc ua 3TrzsTa- air wrzfm-zr, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL EXCISE, CHENNAI ZONE 26/1, ,H61c-.1-11 Tritft =).-A-600 034 26/1, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034 *.T.r./C.No.II/31/09/2013-#.i#.cm-r4r./CCA.Estt : 24 / 10 / 2014 CITFM" / OFFER OF APPOINTMENT Sub: Direct Recruitment in the grade of Tax Assistant — CGL, Examination, 2012— Reg. *** The following candidates, sponsored by the Staff Selection Commission, Chennai on the basis of the Graduate Level Examination, 2012 and allocated to the Central Excise, Chennai Cadre Control Zone to the post of Tax Assistant vide Board's letter F.No.12034/SSC/2/2012 AD.III(B) dated 16.09.2013 & 11.11.2013 are offered appointment to the post of Tax Assistant (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Ministerial) purely on a temporary basis, with Entry Pay of Rs.7510/- and corresponding Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- in the pay structure PB1 (Rs.5200-20200) plus allowances admissible from time to time and are nominated / posted to the following Zone/Commissionerate in Central Excise, Chennai Cadre Control Zone as indicated below:- iqpi 1 RPT /Name 'WIT 3n-zp-a-r-gzr '0" Arlid v5 g 1 7.74 - raf4 Rank No. SL/III/ RL/SL IT-44ft PlOrdt Abei 1.0 .3 S/Shri/Smt./Kum. Date of Birth Nominated/ Posted to Zone / Commissionerate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 1886 JAI PRAKASH 10.10.1986 Service Tax Zone 2 1960 PRATAPA KUMAR SAHOO 03.02.1984 Service Tax Zone 3 1996 ASHWANI KUMAR GUPTA 02.11.1989 Service Tax Zone 2. ,t)cii 21 ameidocb 4-i6do t I 1 3T3--zrzfrf Uat LIT 31-97a. ualur 3ft-{ t "cr- rr-a-" 3-4 err 14)V uTV 311314 a Tr.) 311-70 mac' ,711c11 14.11.2014 t ZIT Cited WiT zn ml 317r71"3-17d - 0161 0°111 (-1 : Zir i'H' ITO 540 t -- 1-41 F2.1W ER. chi4d,16ui - 3-faitra+iGi 31/11- tI eiR 6cr6 2 An annexure containing the conditions of service is enclosed. If the candidate accepts the "Offer of appointment" on these conditions and those mentioned in this "Offer" should report for duty to the Additional/Joint Commissioner (P&V) concerned in the Zones to where they are posted, on or before 14.11.2014 If the candidate fails to do so, this offer of appointment will stand automatically cancelled. No travelling or any other allowance will be admissible to him for joining at the place of posting. 3. WI- -4 30---42ff f OfffaW 3{3---zrrtft 3r:ar. / T.1"- ftra" Trait wtror-1-1 / 3f.f43. tl'at Pttrit gr er ei craTru-r-trq ( .4A gr ) ch •frl I td-rr The candidate should produce all the certificates in original regarding the Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Community, etc., at the time for reporting for duty. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category should produce the Community Certificate (in original) in the prescribed proforma only. 4. Fi f4.31-rxr Ri 3T-3--zrtit urftd'ifflrc-TM TEr gr ch I l 3TT 31-3---zrtff d,46u1 3raftr rdrt'r7a 1-)H-1 3T 31-M7171- .1.7101ch G-16) LI I ell ar .3-ild , rt 4.4 3T-aft t- I The candidate offered appointment will be on probation for a period of two years from the date of joining as Tax Assistant in this Department. The period will be extended in case the work and conduct of any of the candidate is not found to be satisfactory. 5. arritrwrf4- trT d 3-mar d-110) .3i I a1 ci f+Tir 0-161 affur cc dl The candidate shall not indulge in activities not officially organized or any manner considered as indiscipline. 6. 3{3--zitft Pttrita- f4airgifizr Our 3 (=jrul - L tr-4mit fi 3freTT f LI I d' I The candidate should pass the prescribed Departmental Examination within two years, failing which he / she will not be eligible to draw further increments. 3 7. 311-72t- ch) ft#1 aft Tr-Frzt II / III / Thdt P4Aul 3-1t 1R- - IV/ Lls--4tt / tcrtiT► 6041d, !c> / Fist /TY6Fr / / ckcc_DIchlRcrl 4.1-11 zur 31 C,[ T)0-01 I / Trci'd--e, / qi)o)eidell ( PcIlich gr aft Tzfr-d-taTur qtr tl The candidate is liable to be transferred anywhere within the combined cadre jurisdiction of Chennai-I / Chennai-II / Chennai-III / Chennai-IV / Puducherry / Coimbatore / Madurai / Salem / Trichy / Tirunelveli Central Excise Commissionerate, Trichy / Tuticorin Customs (Prey.) Commissionerate, Chennai Service Tax Commissionerate or Large Taxpayer Unit, Chennai at any point of time. 8. .t-I61e4ch r 7)3. 3.0-73i4t Vtr cbleiacv / Trst / 4)6Tr / r:q -c / Rol 41,1-11 I/ t1 / II/ III / d 3- Pcilich) 7r, i)(11 TR" 31-R1--aRR4 Zif ch4ddc11 gr ,416,3-t1Te 3i ffyfttrita- r 7r(raft The seniority of the candidate in the combined cadre strength of Chennai—I / Chennai-II / Chennai-III / Chennai-IV / Puducherry / Coimbatore / Madurai / Salem / Trichy / Tirunelveli Central Excise Commissionerate, Trichy / Tuticorin Customs (Prey.) Commissionerate, Chennai Service Tax Commissionerate and Large Taxpayer Unit in the grade of Tax Assistant will be fixed as per the orders in force. 9. TIT f: 71.14.a" mrr aTrteid-i c c I I arfA / o-10-1,-HP / 317-z- f fzra-t. ad 44--.4tfr 3T-1g 71f4 / 3 -c17-71 fitrut- adl / Trt-FrA- gralp 1 c1 a d5 T.rft—d-r (16d 31T chi f 7rOft - i7 :1--dt adl t k 311dT 3 WTI" 610) r cool, zrzir fib, faTr trard, traT atfr CrEPTr- arm .711(11 t 31-3-70 >4 c-.)1c1 1A qr- rcbI 1IITTfImM crairq sic>) 7t1 - / / 3F-4- ffut. fcr. eildk The appointment is provisional and is subject to the caste/tribe/OBC certificates being verified through proper channel and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to SC/ST/OBC or in the case of OBC, not to belong to 'creamy layer' as the case may be, is false, his/her services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of false certificates (Applicable in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates). 4 trita. 3 (6) - t V() / 71 # v W.1 t )1- 44-lick-.11, 1972 ti:--zr-JR- 26 (2) # ( a->HI ctipd ftqfit .a-rtr Pe41 ,4-di 1t cd I b 4.12.1972 3, 6 4-R ch R / 3{117 30-70 10 tl If the candidate is employed with Central/State Government, He/She should produce proper relief report from the employer concerned after fulfilment of formalities contained in Rule 26 (2) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, read with the instructions contained in M.F. OM No.F.3(6)-E, V(a)/71, dated 4.12.1972. 30-701 t f :4V 51-1-cj 11. 3171ftimri, r 3Tf cHialc>i 5-117a- ,k-RchR, f Pz1J-iiciA, 1972 t• 1:-?4-3=1 26 (2) 71-617T c clic>) ci ITT 5/7/2003-ttra a tif3117 r Trr Tit t 6Idk 22.12.2003 t c c 3TitiTS7 22.12.2003 - s 1 cl6c1 cichAcn WEITT mzir chcA TA I ) ( 64 4-d eildk &J'fr The candidate will be governed by the New Pension Scheme as notified vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Notification No.5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003 — published in Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I — Section 1, dated 22.12.2003. This will not apply to a permanent Government servant who joins the post on tendering Technical resignation under Rule 26(2) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 on reappointment to the post. tkura: 3i-T4Rftt- 12. Ti--41trc7 up-# 31ftwthzit .6 (-44140 1'4-Ent x,flud fi4.1- t- itcittrcrfta - trVizAa.-1-0- ► eiT,#-41-ci t J-l1'-c1 G r i i'aft I d(-chi cbcATAIR4 41c1IL This offer of appointment is purely temporary and is subject to receipt of the antecedent verification report from the concerned District/ Police Authorities. In case any adverse negative report is received from the concerned District / Police Authorities, the services will be terminated immediately without assigning any reason or notice. \'D y 2A(T4T T4cia-1)601) Sit 3iTzpV (ir +16 d 0-1 .41 ,11 / As above Encl : / To . . Ga C1 044 d / The Individuals t j1-0_ c4„42.1 S 1.4+4e- ( ko S. CHANDRAMOHAN ) / ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER (P&V) 5 xedi"*Zr I Copy submitted to: • The Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Coimbatore Zone. • The Commissioner of Central Excise, Chennai I/ Chennai II/ Chennai IV/Puducherry/Coirnbatore/Salem/Madurai/ TirunelvelifTrichy. A copy of the Bio-data received from the Board (Dossier), Attestation form, and the Medical Certificate of fitness (in original) in respect of the Candidate posted to your Zone /Commissionerate is enclosed. The candidate may be taken on duty only on fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in the "Offer of appointment". They may be further posted to the Commissionerates within your Zone/Commissionerate at the earliest and the SSC Dossiers and other particulars of the candidates may be forwarded to the Commissionerate/place where they are posted. Copies of the joining report/posting order may be endorsed to this office. • The Under Secretary, Ad.III(B), CBEC, Ministry of Finance, Hudcd Vishala Building, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 001. • The Superintendent CF (Cadre Control), Chennai-34 • The Superintendent, Computer Section, Chennai —I — for displaying in Internet. • The Hindi Cell, Chennai. 7,4t \AV) ( IY• (TO ciAdi eo) ( S. CHANDRA OHAN ) 3N 3Trzp7 (WT 9 I ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER (P&V) / Encl : zr4Ta. / As above ANNEXURE SHOWING THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 1. The appointment to the post of Tax Assistant is temporary until further orders. 2. No travelling allowance will be admissible to the candidates for reporting for duty. The candidate is informed that he/she will be considered to have joined this 3. Department from the date on which he/she reports for duty before the Head of Office concerned. The candidate must produce his/her original certificates in proof of his/her 4. academic qualifications, age, community (if SC/ST/OBC) and other qualifications, if any, at the time of reporting for duty. 00-
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