DEADLINE FRIDAY AT 5 PM • PH 306-842-7487 • FAX 306-842-0282 • CLASSIFIEDS Reaching the World through the Weyburn Review, Booster and Internet Obituaries General Employment Deadline for Submitting an Obituary GPRC, FAIRVIEW CAMPUS needs a Power Engineering Instructor! Please contact Brian Carreau at 780-835-6631 and/or visit our website at **SWNA FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed Dealer. 1.866.960.0045 **SWNA NORBERT’S MANUFACTURING is looking for a responsible person or dealership who would be dedicated to selling Norbert’s Trailers. Must have a location with a prominent sight line for our trailers to be displayed. For more information please email **43/47 WANTED TO BUY: the book Saga of Souris Valley, published about 1976/77. Please contact Barb Wheler (306) 842-6053. **42/43 The deadline to submit obituaries into the Review, for funeral homes or anyone wishing to submit an obituary, is Fridays at 4 pm. If Monday is a holiday the deadline is Thursday at 5 pm. Submissions may be emailed to: or call the Review office at 306-842-7487 Land For Sale 135 ACRES of grain land for sale by auction. 7 miles east of Weyburn on Hwy. 13. SE 26-08-13-W2. Register and submit your bid on by November 3. For details visit: **43/44 4 QUARTERS for sale, southwest of Fillmore. Price reduced. Owner motivated to sell. 306-722-3525. **39/46 7 QUARTERS of grain land near Weyburn, SK. RM of Wellington No. 97. Contact Harry Sheppard at (306) 530-8035. Sutton Group - Results Realty, Regina, SK **43/46 LOTS FOR SALE: 25% off list price on designated lots only at Prairie Lake Lodge, Lake of the Prairies, Russell, MB until November 15, 2014. For more information and details call Gerald (204) 773-0380 or email **41/46 NEAR WEYBURN airport, 12 to 160 acre parcels. Phone (306) 842-6704. **13/52 Mobile/Manufactured Homes for Sale BRAND NEW SHOW HOME ready for a November Delivery. 1638 sqft, open concept, 2 full baths. Floorplans available online at We also do custom builds. Call or come by for more information. W.Giesbrecht Homes, Ste Anne, 1-204-346-3231 **SWNA For Rent 2 BEDROOM mobile home, attached garage, fully fenced yard. Appliances included. $1200/month plus utilities. Available December 1, 2014. (306) 861-7748. **42/43 BASEMENT SUITE for rent. $900.00 per month, includes all utilities. Call Bud (306) 861-4383. **42/45 ELGIN MANOR, 485-1st Avenue NW, 2 bedroom suite for rent, 2 bathrooms, 6 appliances, central air. Call (306) 842-6412, Terra Developments Inc. **41/44 Room & Board Doris’ Place, Room, Board, Bed & Breakfast. Also, respite retreat specialized care before returning home following hospitalization, helping towards speedy recovery. Private furnished rooms. 306-848-0490, 306-861-1448. **40/44 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Personnel required. Busy expanding Chrysler dealership 40 minutes from Edmonton looking for individuals to fill the following position: Journeyman Automotive Service Technicians. Flat rate system. Wages commensurate with training level and experience. Chrysler experience preferred but not essential, apprentices considered. Apply in person or by writing to: BrownOs Chrysler Ltd., 10447 104 Ave., Westlock, AB, T7P 2E4. 1-888349-5566. Fax: 1-780-349-6493. Attention: Dale Marshall or email: **SWNA Auctions DRIVING HORSE, EQUIPMENT, Vehicle & Tack Sale. Summarized Sale Items: 8 driving horses, various bridles, lines, harness, collars, Scot Tops, set of heavy brass pulling harness, straps of 4 brass bells, fine black harness, horse trailer, cutters, democrat, wagon, sleighs, carts buggies, flat/bob flat deck, double trees, training items. View items on offer and sale details at or Preview: October 24, 6 - 8 p.m. Sale October 25, 11 a.m. Accepting entries until October 23, 2014. Lloydminster Exhibition Assoc. 306-825-5571. **SWNA EDK Developments Real Estate Auction Sale November 1, 2014 @ 1:00PM, Davidson, SK. For info call 1-877-494-2437 PL#318200 **SWNA For Sale - Misc A CENTURY In Review, is available on CD (PC and Macintosh compatible). You can purchase this historical publication of Weyburn from 1899-1999 for $19.95 plus taxes. This makes an excellent resource tool, keepsake, or gift. Order yours today! Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Add $3.50 for shipping. Weyburn Review, Box 400, 904 East Avenue, Weyburn, SK S4H 2K4. Phone (306)842-7487, Fax (306) 842-0282. Email: **01/52 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call the Review NOW 306-842-7487 for details. **SWNA RURAL WATER TREATMENT. Patented iron filters, softeners, distillers, ‘Kontinuous Shock’ Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800-BIG-IRON (244-4766); View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957. **SWNA Wanted Business Opportunities Prefer your fix with your morning coffee? Visit our website and classified ads at: Visit our website for all the extras… • WEB POLL • PHOTO GALLERY • WEATHER & TRAVEL • SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED Stories on Home & Family, Oddities, Entertainment, Health, Travel News as well as the Local News from Weyburn and surrounding areas GET FREE VENDING MACHINES Can Earn $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629 Website WWW.TCVEND.COM **SWNA Legal/Public Notices WE AT THE REVIEW WILL not knowingly accept or publish an advertisement that requests our readers to send money and a self-addressed envelope when responding to the advertisement. FOR SALE BY TENDER 1996 LuckNow Twin 84” auger snow blower, 540 PTO, new gear box and PTO shaft. Good condition. Tenders accepted until 4:00 pm October 28, 2014. Village of Lang P.O. Box 97 Lang, SK S0G 2W0 FOR SALE: 3155 JD 3PH with Allied loader, no bucket, tires very good. (306) 869-3113. **42/44 Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 5th day of January, 2015, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. RM OF GOLDEN WEST NO. 95 NOTE: A sum for costs in an amount required by Subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Descrip. of Total Arrears Property & Costs Lot 2-9, Blk. 7, Plan No. AU159 .......... 3261.36 Lot 6-7, Blk. 8, Plan No. AU159 ............ 140.29 Lot 8-11, Blk. 8, Plan No. AU159 ........ 1086.90 Lot 15, Blk. 4, Plan No. L2699 .............. 363.28 Lot 5, Blk. 1, Plan No. L2699 ................ 588.88 Lot 64-65, Plan No. C2583................... 638.24 Lot 4, Blk. 6, Plan No. L2699 .............. 2993.30 Lot 11-14, Blk. 6, Plan No. L2699 ...... 2038.87 Lot 87-88, Plan No. K3720 ................... 206.98 Dated this 14th day of October, 2014. CHRISTINE TETLOCK Treasurer **43/43 TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FOR 2014 Whereas Kurt Corscadden, was the only nomination for the Office of Councillor for Division No. 4, no voting for the office will take place on November 19, 2014. Dated this 22nd day of October, 2014. EDWARD A. MISH Returning Officer **43/43 In Memoriam MEYERS, Les—October 25, 2010. In loving memory of dear husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather. There will always be a heartache, And often a silent tear, But also precious memories Of days when you were here. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you will remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. Miss you and always will, Though you’re gone, we love you still. —Your loving family, Helen, Lavern, Tammy, Rick, Cindy and families. **43/43 rm of cymri no. 36 notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before the 22nd day of December, 2014, a tax lien will be registered against the land. noTE: A sum for costs in an amount required by Subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Descrip. of Total Arrears Property & costs SW 16-05-11-W2, Title no. 108293777 ....................... 507.93 nW 32-05-11-W2, Title no. 141592204, 141592215, 141592192 ................. 381.96 SW 15-05-12-W2, Title no. 108019212 ....................... 327.41 nE 15-06-12-W2, Title no. 105485485, 135561663..................................... 360.15 SE 15-06-12-W2, Title no. 135561113 ....................... 442.39 nE 32-06-12-W2, Title no. 126202317 ..................... 1834.20 Dated at midale, SK this 22nd day of october, 2014. gWEn johnSTon Administrator **43/43 BARTLETT—In loving memory of Shirley who passed away October 21, 2006. Loving and kind in all her ways Gentle and caring to the end of her days Sincere and true in her heart and mind A legacy of love she left behind. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Of a wife, mom and grandma we’ll never forget. —Forever in our hearts: Eddie, Keith and Alyson, Colleen and Doug, Cathy, Ron and Gail, and grandchildren. **43/43. Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. Dogs and cats available for adoption at the Weyburn Humane Society. If you are interested Call (306) 848-7387 or visit them at 57-16th Street N.E., Weyburn Hours: 1:00-7:00 pm Daily (Photos supplied by Weyburn Humane Society) All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 31st day of October, 2014. In the estate of branden lee parenteau, late of lang, Saskatchewan, deceased. 2008 BRANDT 8x40 grain auger with tracker mover, 27 HP, Kohler engine, $7,000. (306) 456-2522 or (306) 861-4355. **41/44 NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL VILLAGE OF LANG In the estate of DAVID FRANCIS BABIN, late of Bengough, formerly of Ceylon, Saskatchewan, deceased. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 **SWNA MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! **SWNA TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST Notice to creditors McDOugAll gAuley llP Barristers and Solicitors 330 Main St. N, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J9 Attn: Brayden gulka-Tiechko Solicitor for the Administrator **43/44 Farm Implements Legal/Public Notices Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. **43/43 STEEL BUILDINGS... ‘GIFT-CARD GIVEAWAY!’ 20X22 $4,358. 25X24 $4,895. 30X30 $6,446. 32X32 $7,599. 40X46 $12,662. 47X72 $18,498. One End wall Included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422 **SWNA General Employment Legal/Public Notices Notice to creditors all claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 31st day of October, 2014. SImOnOt & HanSen, Solicitors for the applicant administratrix Ste 106-1008-1st ave. W, prince albert, SK S6V 4Y4 ph: (306) 764-3451 Fax: (306) 764-6500 **42/43 Ben Ben was dropped off at the shelter in July. He was in a crate with seven other dogs, we think he may be the father of the puppies that were with him. Ben is a very nice dog, but also very timid. At the moment he needs new owners who could help him deal with this. If you’d like to meet Ben you can see him at the shelter. Sponsored by: Prairie Animal Health Centre of Weyburn Complete Veterinary Service 416-7th Street W. • 306-842-7677 MAKE YOUR WORD AD YELLOW • $6.00 for 3 weeks! • Call (306) 842-7487 now! Announcements Coming Events Baby Girl: Josephine Gladys Hodgson. Born Sept. 26, 2014. Weight: 6 lb. 7 oz. Length: 18.5”. Proud parents: Robert Hodgson (Macoun) and Tammy Leavigne (Weyburn). Grandparents: Ken and Gloria Pichie. **42/43 Sharing the Journey Cancer Support Group for Women Card of Thanks Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, etc. for the great care during my recent hospital stay. ~John Whitell **43/43 Thank you to Dr. Sheikh, Dr. Horri, the OR staff, and the ICU nurses of Unit A, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Estevan, for the wonderful care I received. Special thanks to family and friends for cards, flowers, phone calls, prayers, and most especially, visits. ~Heather Keefe. **43/43 Coming Events Weyburn Farmers Market Fall Trade Show at Weyburn mall. Oct. 25, 2014, 9:30-3:00. Large table $20; 1/2 table $10. Book your table with Melissa White 306842-7792 as soon as possible. Food & coffee available for vendors. **36/43 Weyburn Farmer’s Market will be open June 1st and 7th from 9:30 am-1:30 pm and will close for June and July. Will re-open August 8 and 9 until December 20. **23/51 Weyburn Pro-Life will be holding the Annual General Meeting on Oct. 23 at 5 pm at The Golden Palace. Lunch provided. Phone to register 306-861-1452. **43/43 Weyburn Special Care Home Auxiliary Fall Tea, Bake Sale and Raffles, Mon., Nov. 3, 2014, 2-4 pm at Weyburn Special Care Home, 5th Street N. **43/44 Whistlestop Craft Sale, October 24 and 25. Moose Jaw Exhibition Convention Centre. Friday: 2:00-9:00 pm, Saturday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Admission $5.00. **42/43 Meets at the Weyburn Public Library the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm Grace United Church’s annual Turkey Supper, Monday, October 27, 2014. Three sittings: 5:00, 5:30 and 6:00 pm. Prices: adults $12.00, children 6-12 $5.00, 5 and under free. Silent auction. Everyone welcome! Advance tickets are required and are available at church office, 210-3rd Street N or by calling (306) 842-5131. **41/43 Jimmy Rankin, award winning singer, guitarist and songwriter will perform Monday, November 3 at 7:30 pm in the Cugnet Centre. Sponsored by the Weyburn Concert Series. Tickets and information at Superior Office Products or online at **43/44 Knox Presbyterian Church Fall Show and Sale. Knox Fellowship Hall, 136-2nd Street, Saturday, November 29, 10:00 am-3:00 pm. Table rental $30. Call Barb at (306) 8423572. **43/46 Lang Craft Sale, Sunday, November 9, 11:00 am-3:00 pm, Lang Community Hall. For table rentals call Barb Devereaux (306) 464-2132 or Adele Schmidt (306) 4642108. Table rentals: large $20, small $15. Lunch served. **42/45 Please join us for St. Vincent de Paul Parish’s Fall Supper! Sunday, November 2 from 2:00-4:00 pm at McKenna Auditorium. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, turnips, vegetables, coleslaw, jellied salads, cabbage rolls and pie for dessert. Adults $12.00, children 6-12 $6.00, 5 and under free. Take out is available. **43/44 Souris Valley Ladies Annual Trade Show at Oungre Park on October 26, 2014 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Tables $20.00 each. To book call Elaine Larson (306) 456-2612 or (306) 861-9070 (cell). Raffle, bake sale, fish pond and more. **40/43 To advertise in the Services Directory call the Weyburn Review • 306-842-7487 • ask for a sales rep! services directory These ads appear in the Review, Booster and on the Internet ACCOUNTANTS • Kitchen Craft Cabinetry • Granite, Quartz and Laminate Countertops 123-2nd St. NE, Weyburn 1207-4th St., Estevan Phone: (306) 848-0290 Fax: (306) 848-0298 Phone: (306) 637-7740 Fax: (306) 637-7741 Email: BL 150-16th Street, Weyburn, SK Phone (306) 842-6274 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PROF. CORP. 604 Government Road S. Weyburn, Saskatchewan Dr. S. Rahmani, BSc, DMD Family Dentist Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 i, B Sc ,D MD Dental Health Centre 29 Coteau Avenue, Weyburn, SK Ph: (306) 842-2355 Self-serve Sanitizer/Dispenser Water System Oil & Lubricants BILL LAIDLAW Manual Truck & Carwash FREE Undercarriage Wash Dogwash 1905-1st Avenue NE, Weyburn ma n CAR WASH 102 Coteau Avenue Weyburn, SK Tel. (306) 842-4844 Fax: (306) 842-4217 Glenn Ziegler Certified Management Accountant DENTISTS 306-842-8111 Where Ideas Become Reality! ah 306-842-6863 Dr. Kevin V. Aasen Dr. Chad Fletcher Dr. Dustin Satre Dr. Jason G. Hoium .R 28 Coteau Ave. E., Weyburn DENTAL SERVICES Dr .S H&R BLOCK CABINETRY OIL FIELD CONSTRUCTION VOGT BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INC. 415 Hwy 12N Steinbach • 204.326.1126 • Quality Custom Built Homes Phone: 306.842.5344 Fax 306.842.5345 Drilling and Production Rentals General Oilfield Trucking Weyburn, SK: (306) 458-2811 Cellular: (306) 458-7155 Facsimile: (306) 458-2813 Jeff Robinson Operations Manager CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS 206 Hill Ave., Weyburn Phone (306) 842-8123 Fax (306) 842-8171 Email: weyburn@cogent-cga. com Get Results…Advertise in the Services Directory ROOFING From Design to Final Finishing, Your Complete “Turn-Key” Project Management Solution – Ready-To-Move & Onsite Projects Looking to advertise your business? Keep your name out front with our promotional items. Phone 306-842-7487 Metal Roofing Pole Buildings Galvalume & Coloured Available • Gal.: We have an excellent variety to choose from 65 ¢ sq. ft. • WW: 75 ¢ sq. ft. Proudly While supplies last! Made in Phone: Saskatchewan 306-731-2066 Versa Frame Inc. — Joe Hofer services directory SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Brendan’s Vac Services Coming to a town near you! (Saskatchewan’s Newest Dog Grooming Mobile) Empty septic tanks, mud pits, flood recovery and general vac services 306-531-3000 Barks Barber Shop Mobile will be covering Regina, Weyburn, White City, Odessa, Vibank, Pilot Butte, Balgonie, Qu’Appelle, Indian Head, Francis, Kronau, Sedley. Country Cab 24/7 service buy 10 tickets get 1 free! Purchase at DT Convenience 7-3rd Street, Weyburn Special Rates for corporate and long-term clients, as well as out of town service BOOKINGS OPEN FOR CHRISTMAS Always there when you need a cab Call 306-842-8885 (306) 861-3085 Brendan Heggs Owner/Operator — Weyburn, SK Hemphill Trenching Ltd. 306-457-2770 Heward, SK 306-457-7322 Email: RICHARD BOUVIER ASPHALT PAVE Fully Licensed and Insured Richard Bouvier 306-201-7478 (306) 537-2488 or (306) 537-3285 Canadian owned and operated A Division of 101237464 Saskatchewan Ltd. • Sewer repair and replacement • Excavating • Levelling • Full back hoe services Custom Grain & Fertilizer Hauling Surveying and landscaping • Dozer and scraper Dams and dugouts • Ditching and drainage Road building and snow removal 306-897-7772 Local Owner - Operator • Fast, Friendly Service Serving Weyburn area & SE Saskatchewan (306) 861-0111 Box 68, Oungre, SK S0C 1Z0 NEW Truck & Super-B trailers Dennis Melby Looking to advertise your business? Keep your name out front with our promotional items. Phone 306-842-7487 T&A Haul Inc. storage Sparkle Mini Storage units for rent Just ask to SUPER SIZE IT • Review Classifieds 306-842-7487 Backhoe, skid steer, dozer, snow removal, lease mowing, grading, gravel, spill clean-ups, water/sewage systems, towing NEW! Portable Toilet Rentals To book an appointment check out our website or give us a call barber Providing Oilfield and Farm Services We have an excellent variety to choose from • 10 ft by 10 ft • In town location • Cement flooring Camper/trailer storage available • 10 ft by 20 ft • New construction • Secure location Call (306) 848-1200 or stop in at Sparkle Super Wash 1626 Ebel Road
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