THE SIGNAL DEPARTMENT at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Sciences and Officers Training, Budapest, Hungary in cooperation with the Communications, Information Systems and Information Security Directory of the Hungarian Defence Forces General Staff and with the Scientific Association for Infocommunications has got the honor to invite You to participate on the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “COMMUNICATION 2014” which will be held on 12nd NOVEMBER 2014 at the STEFANIA PALACE (Budapest, Hungary, Zichy Géza utca). APPLICATON DEADLINE: 30 September 2014! The aim of this conference, which was organized by first time in 2000, is to provide scientific and professional forum for civilian and military communication/signal experts in order to share their knowledge and to build networks. The organizers are offering the following subjects as possible conference topics: 1. 2. 3. Ongoing technical and/or organizational aspects of battlefield/theatre/CRO info-communication activities; New trends in critical communication infrastructures; Current issues of public communication infrastructures. Languages of the conference are primary English and secondary Hungarian. There is a possibility to publish articles in printed and/or electronic conference publication. Format requirements can be downloaded from below or please contact the organizers to get it! ARTICLE DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION: 10 OCTOBER 2014! The organizers have the right to deny publishing those articles, which are not fulfilling the thematic or format requirements! 1 Who should apply as speaker/presenter? Based on the characteristics of the conference we are waiting for speakers/presenters from all around the world, who are working as civilian or military professionals, researchers, professors on the fields of communication/signaling; post-doctors, MSc and/or PhD level students with related interests and studies; potential sponsors, donors, who would like to share and/or show their latest products or developments via presentations and/or exhibition. Who should apply as participant? Everyone is welcome as participant on the event, who are interested in the conference topics and ready to cover his/her travel costs. Participation fees Forms of participation: presentation+article to publish+ball presentation+article to publish (without participating on the ball) article to publish Cost: free free participation without presentation and without article to publish free free Travel and other costs Travel and other costs (local transportation, visa, etc.) have to be paid by the participants. Accomodation Accommodation can be provided: 1. in dormitory on the university campus, for free of charge (low comfort), in limited number and in order of applications; 2. by self reservation based on the following list of those hotels, which are close to the conference location:,,,,, CONTACT AND FURTHER INFORMATION Signed conference application form has to sent until 2 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 to: Signal Department Dr. József Lajos NÉMETH, PhD E-mail: Phone: +36-1-432-9000/29-194 IMPORTANT: PAPER DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION: 10 OCTOBER 2014! SEND TO: LtCol Dr. Károly FEKETE, Ph.D. Head of Organizing Committee E-mail: Phone: +36-1-432-9000/29-153 The organizers have the right to deny publishing those articles, which are not fulfilling the thematic or format requirements! Very respectfully, ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 3
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