Press release European Parliament delegations elect their bureaus [24-10-2014 - 12:36] The European Parliament’s delegations, the official bodies which maintain and develop its contacts with third countries, have elected their chairs and vice-chairs. The delegations’ compositions reflect the political composition of the House. The delegations are also bound to represent the views expressed by the Parliament as a whole. You will find the composition of the delegations’ bureaus below: DELEGATION Delegation for relations with the Palestinian Legislative Council (DPLC) Delegation for relations with the Mercosur countries (DMER) Delegation for relations with the Pan African Parliament (DPAP) Delegation for relations with the Federative Republic of Brazil (D-BR) Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries (DMAS) Delegation for relations with the countries of the Andean Community (DAND) Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand (DANZ) Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (DMAG) Delegation to the EUM e x i c o J o i n t Parliamentary Committee (D-MX) Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula (DARP) Delegation to the EUChile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL) Delegation to the EUT u r k e y J o i n t Parliamentary Committee (D-TR) Delegation for relations with Iraq (D-IQ) Delegation for relations with South Africa (D-ZA) EN CHAIRMAN 1st VICE-CHAIRMAN 2nd VICE-CHAIRMAN M a r t i n a A N D E R S O N Marita ULVSKOG (S&D, M a r g r e t e A U K E N (GUE/NGL, UK) SE) (Greens/EFA, DK) Francisco ASSIS (S&D, P a b l o I G L E S I A S Elisabetta GARDINI (EPP, PT) (GUE/NGL, E S ) IT) Michael GAHLER (EPP, F r e d r i c k F E D E R L E Y M a r i a HEUBUCH DE) (ALDE, SE) (Greens/EFA, DE) Paulo RANGEL (EPP, PT) A n t o n i o M A R I N H O E Carlos ZORRINHO (S&D, P I N T O ( A L D E , P T ) PT) Marisa MATIAS Ramona N i c o l e Gilles PARGNEAUX (GUE/NGL, P T ) MANESCU (EPP, RO) ( S & D , F R ) Luis de GRANDES T a n i a G O N Z A L E Z I z a s k u n BILBAO P A S C U A L ( E P P , E S ) PENAS (GUE/NGL, ES) BARANDICA (ALDE, ES) M i c h a e l T H E U R E R Axel VOSS (EPP, DE) (ALDE, DE) Jacqueline FOSTER (ECR, UK) Antonio PANZERI (S&D, Tokia SAÏFI (EPP, FR) IT) Fernando MAURA BARANDIARAN (ALDE, ES) T e r e s a J I M E N E Z - Pina PICIERNO (S&D, IT) José BLANCO LOPEZ BECERRIL (EPP, ES) (S&D, ES) Michèle ALLIOT-MARIE Alessia MOSCA (S&D, IT) Salvatore CICU (EPP, IT) (EPP, FR) Constanze KREHL (S&D, Renate WEBER (EPP, E l e o n o r a F O R E N Z A DE) RO) (GUE/NGL, IT) Manolis KEFALOGIANNIS Miltos KYRKOS (S&D, Takis HADJIGEORGIOU (EPP, EL) EL) (GUE/NGL, CY) D a v i d C A M P B E L L Brian HAYES (EPP, IE) BANNERMAN (ECR, UK) H a n s V A N B A A L E N Boris ZALA (S&D, SL) (ALDE, NL) Press Service Directorate for the Media Director - Spokesperson : Jaume DUCH GUILLOT Reference No:20141024IPR76218 Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000 Javier COUSO PERMUY (GUE/NGL, ES) Sabine VERHEYEN (EPP, DE) 1/4 Press release Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia (DSAS), Delegation to the European Union-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-MK) Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway (SIN) and to the European Economic Area (EEA) (DEEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee Delegation for relations with Japan (D-JP) Delegation to the EUSerbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Council (D-RS) Delegation to the EURussia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (D-RU) Delegation to the EUMontenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Council (DME) Delegation for relations with Belarus (D-BY) Delegation for relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (DSEE) Delegation for relations with Canada (D-CA) Delegation for relations with Israel (D-IL) Delegation for relations with India (D-IN) Jean L A M B E R T Ian DUNCAN (ECR, UK ) (Greens/EFA, UK) Richard HOWITT (S&D, UK) Alojz PETERLE (EPP, SL) Sergei STANISHEV (S&D, A n g e l D Z H A M B A Z K I BG) (ECR, BG) Jørn DOHRMANN (ECR, Anna HEDH (S&D, SE) DK) Marit PAULSEN (ALDE, SE) Petr JEZEK (ALDE, CZ) Romana TOMC (EPP, SL) Karin KADENBACH (S&D, AT) Eduard KUKAN (EPP, SK) Paul TANG (S&D, NL) I g o r Š O L T E S (Greens/EFA, SL) Othmar KARAS (EPP, AT) L i i s a J A A K O N S A A R I J i r i MASTALKA (S&D, FI) (GUE/NGL, CZ) Anneliese DODDS (S&D, Mairead McGUINNESS Iliana IOTOVA (S&А,BG) UK) (EPP, IE) Bogdan ZDROJEWSKI (EPP, PL) Tonino PICULA (S&D, HR) Andrejs MAMIKINS (S&D, LT) Dubravka ŠUICA (EPP, HR) Bernd KÖLMEL (ECR, DE) Fulvio MARTUSCIELLO (EPP, IT) Geoffrey VAN ORDEN (ECR, UK) Godelieve QUISTHOUDTROWOHL (EPP, DE) Olga SEHNALOVA (S&D, CZ) Neena GILL (S&D, UK) Valdemar TOMASEVSKI (ECR, LT) Ulrike LUNACEK (Greens/EFA, AT) Glenis WILLMOTT (S&D, UK) Bastiaan BELDER (ECR, NL) C o r a V A N NIEUWENHUIZEN (ALDE, NL) Delegation for relations Werner LANGEN (EPP, Marc TARABELLA (S&D, Jeroen LENAERS (EPP, w i t h t h e c o u n t r i e s o f DE) BE) NL) South-east Asia and ASEAN: the Association of South-east Asian Nations (DASE) Delegation for relations Nirj DEVA (ECR, UK) Paul RÜBIG (EPP, AT) Nedzhmi ALI (ALDE, BG) with the Korean Peninsula (DKOR) Delegation for relations Petras AUSTREVICIUS Eva JOLY (Greens/EFA, L a r s A D A K T U S S O N with Afghanistan (D-AF) (ALDE, LT) FR) (EPP, SV) Delegation for relations Janusz LEWANDOWSKI C o n n i e E R N S T Alessandra MORETTI with Iran (D-IR) (EPP, PL) (GUE/NGL, D E ) (S&D, IT) Delegation to the EU- Iveta GRIGULE (NI, LV) Gabrielus LANDSBERGIS T a t j a n a Z D A N O K A Kazakhstan, EU(EPP, LT) (Greens/EFA, LV) Kyrgyzstan and EUUzbekistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, and for the relations with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia (DCAS) Delegation for relations Jo LEINEN (S&D, DE) Reinhard BÜTIKOFER Frank ENGEL (EPP, LU) with the People's Republic (Greens/EFA, DE) of China (D-CN) Delegation to the EU- Monica Luisa MACOVEI Elena SCHLEIN (S&D, IT) Ivan JAKOVCIC (ALDE, Albania Stabilisation and (EPP, RO) HR) Association Parliamentary Council (D-AL) 20141024IPR76218 - 2/4 Press release Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America (DCAM) Delegation to the CARIFORUM-EU Parliamentary Committee (DCAR) Delegation for relations with the United States (DUS) Delegation to the EUArmenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia P a r l i a m e n t a r y Cooperation Committees (DSCA) Delegation to the EUMoldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (D-MD) Delegation to the EUUkraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (D-UA) S o f i a S A K O R A F A Gabriel MATO (EPP, ES) (GUE/NGL, EL) Caterina CHINNICI (S&D, IT) Boleslaw PIECHA (ECR, W i l l b e e l e c t e d o n Maurice PONGA (EPP, PL) 6/11/2014 FR) David McALLISTER (EPP, Jeppe KOFOD (S&D, DK) M a r i e t j e S C H A A K E DE) (ALDE, NL) Sajjad KARIM (ECR, UK) Elisabeth KOSTINGER Antanas GUOGA (ALDE, (EPP, AT) LT) Andi-Lucian CRISTEA D a w i d B o h d a n Michal BONI (EPP, PL) (S&D, RO) JACKIEWICZ (ECR, PL) Andrej PLENKOVIĆ (EPP, Tibor SZANYI (S&D, HU) HR) Kaja KALLAS (ALDE, ET) Composition of the bureaus of the multilateral parliamentary assemblies: Delegation to the ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly CHAIR Delegation to t h e Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Louis MICHEL Martin SCHULZ (ALDE, BE) (S&D, DE) 1st VICE-CHAIR Michèle RIVASI (Greens/EFA, FR) 2nd VICE-CHAIR João FERREIRA (GUE/NGL, PT) 3rd VICE-CHAIR K a s h e t u KYENGE (S&D, IT) 4th VICE-CHAIR R e n a u d MUSELIER (EPP, FR) 5th VICE-CHAIR Daniel HANNAN (ECR, UK) 6th VICE-CHAIR L o u i s - J o s e p h A N S C O U R (S&D, FR) 7th VICE-CHAIR P i e r n i c o l a P E D I C I N I (EFDD, IT) 8th VICE-CHAIR Andrzej DUDA (ECR, PL) 9th VICE-CHAIR Fernando RUAS (EPP, PT) 1 0 t h V I C E - Javier NART CHAIR (ALDE, ES) 1 1 t h V I C E - Juan Fernando CHAIR L Ó P E Z AGUILAR (S&D, ES) 12th VICE- J a d w i g a CHAIR WIŚNIEWSKA (ECR, PL) Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Delegation to the Euro-Latin A m e r i c a n Parliamentary Assembly Heidi HAUTALA Eva KAILI (S&D, R a m ó n (Greens/EFA, FI) EL) JÁUREGUI A T O N D O ( S & D , E S ) Zigmantas A r n a u d B A L Č Y T I S DANJEAN (EPP, (S&D, L T ) FR) R y s z a r d G e o r g i o s C Z A R N E C K I KYRTSOS (EPP, ( E C R , P L ) EL) A n d r e a B O C S K O R (EPP, HU) R o l a n d a s PAKSAS (EFDD, LT) 20141024IPR76218 - 3/4 Press release Contact Václav LEBEDA BXL: (+32) 2 28 32971 STR: (+33) 3 881 73839 PORT: (+32) 498 98 33 27 EMAIL: TWITTER: EP_ForeignAff 20141024IPR76218 - 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