City Planning Division Denise Rundle Manager & Deputy Secretary Treasurer Committee of Adjustment 150 Borough Drive Toronto ON M1P 4N7 Tel: 416-396-7030 Fax: 416-396-7341 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA SCARBOROUGH PANEL Hearing Date: October 28, 2014 9:30 a.m. Time: Council Chamber - Scarborough Civic Centre - 150 Borough Drive Location: 1. OPENING REMARKS Declarations of Interest Confirmation of Minutes from Previous Hearing 2. DEPUTATION ITEMS The following applications will be heard at 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: File Number Property Community (Ward) COMBINED APPLICATION 1. B029/14SC, A194/14SC 108 HOMESTEAD RD Scarborough East (44) 2. A028/12SC 1296 KENNEDY RD Scarborough Centre (37) MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATIONS 3. A200/14SC 155 AYLESWORTH AVE (324 KENNEDY RD) Scarborough Southwest (36) 4. A206/14SC 25 BRIGHTSIDE DR Scarborough East (44) 5. A211/14SC 1250 MARKHAM RD Scarborough Centre (38) 6. A216/14SC 89 DUNELM ST Scarborough Southwest (36) 1 7. A217/14SC 145 CORNELL AVE Scarborough Southwest (36) 8. A218/14SC 26 FERNCROFT DR Scarborough Southwest (36) 9. A219/14SC 132 TREVERTON DR Scarborough Centre (37) 10. A223/14SC 29 ANNDALE RD Scarborough Southwest (36) 11. A224/14SC 20 LOCKIE AVE Scarborough-Rouge River (41) 12. A233/14SC 33 BRIAR DALE BLVD Scarborough Southwest (36) 13. A237/14SC 34 TUNMEAD SQ Scarborough-Rouge River (42) 14. A238/14SC 116 MABERLEY CRES Scarborough East (44) 15. A239/14SC 134 COURCELETTE RD Scarborough Southwest (36) 16. A241/14SC 39 WOLCOTT AVE - PART 1 Scarborough Southwest (35) 17. A244/14SC 62 HAIG AVE Scarborough Southwest (36) 18. A245/14SC 16 SHARROWBAY CRT Scarborough-Agincourt (39) 3. OTHER BUSINESS 4. ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Appeals: a. 3571 – 3609 SHEPPARD AVE E – refused Oct. 2, 2014. (Appealed to OMB) File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: b. A195/14SC Zoning Ward: Community: 3571-3609 SHEPPARD AVE E PLAN M792 PT BLK E RP R1634 PART 1 Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) & Commercial Local (CL) Zone [Waiver] Scarborough-Agincourt (40) Tam O'Shanter Community 4366 KINGSTON RD - refused Oct. 2, 2014. (Appealed to OMB) 2 File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A228/14SC Zoning 4366 KINGSTON RD PLAN M575 LOT 3 Ward: CR - Commercial Residential (Waiver) Scarborough East (43) Community: West Hill Community Zoning Ward: Single Family (S) & Residential Detached (RD) Zone [Waiver] Scarborough East (44) Community: West Hill Community Order: a. 113 HOMESTEAD RD File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: B008/14SC, A040/14SC, A041/14SC, A042/14SC & A043/14SC 113 HOMESTEAD RD PLAN 3006 PT LOT 55 LOT 54 5. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 6. ADJOURNMENT Thursday November 20, 2014 3 The following applications will be heard at 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter: 1. 108 HOMESTEAD RD File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: B029/14SC, A194/14SC 108 HOMESTEAD RD PLAN 3006 PT LOT 17 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached and S - Single Family (Waiver) Scarborough East (44) Community: West Hill Community THE CONSENT REQUESTED: To obtain consent to sever the property into two residential lots as indicated on the attached lot division plan. The Retained Lot (Part 1) would have a frontage of 18.48 m and a lot area of 1,047.6 m². The Conveyed Lot (Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5) would have a lot frontage of 12 m and a lot area of 1,248.7 m². Parts 3 and 4 are subject to sewer easements in favour of the City of Toronto. The existing garage on the retained lot would be demolished and the existing dwelling would be maintained. The conveyed lot would be developed with a new detached dwelling. In order to facilitate the proposed development, relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law is being requested as indicated in File # A194/14SC. Note: the applicant has indicated a building envelope on the site plan, but has not submitted plans for the proposed dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: File # A194/14SC - Parts 2, 3, 4, 5 (Conveyed) By-law 10327 1. The proposed lot frontage is 12 m. Whereas the minimum required lot frontage is 12 m on a public street and 13 m at the front yard building setback line. 2. The proposed side yard setback on both sides is 1.5 m. Whereas the minimum required side yard setback is 1.8 m. By-law 569-2013 3. The proposed building length is 18 m. Whereas the maximum permitted building length is 17 m. 2. 1296 KENNEDY RD File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A028/12SC Zoning Ward: C - Commercial (Waiver) Scarborough Centre (37) 1296 KENNEDY RD PLAN 5318 BLK C Community: Dorset Park Community 4 PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct two one-storey commercial buildings comprising a total of 1,836 m² for 16 retail units, together with 54 parking spaces. The existing building will be demolished. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law 9508 1. The proposed gross floor area is 41.7% of the area of the lot (1,836 m²). Whereas the gross floor area of all buildings, minus the gross floor area of basements, shall not exceed 40% of the area of the lot (1,662.15 m²). 2. The proposed number of parking spaces is 54. Whereas the minimum required number of parking spaces is 56. 3. To permit a 1.5 m wide gabion retaining wall at the rear of the property. Whereas a 1.5 m strip of land immediately abutting "S" or "T" zones shall not be used for any purpose other than landscaping. 3. 155 AYLESWORTH AVE (324 KENNEDY RD) File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A200/14SC Zoning Ward: Community: 155 AYLESWORTH AVE (324 KENNEDY RD) PLAN M409 LOT 278 PART LOTS 277 & 279 Single Family Residential (S) & Residential Detached (RD) Zone [Waiver] Scarborough Southwest (36) Cliffside Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: This application is for variances for a proposed detached house on a lot to be created at 155 Aylesworth Avenue. The Committee of Adjustment approved the creation of the lot through a severance of land from 324 Kennedy Road in March, 2014 (File B066/13SC). The approval is subject to conditions, and the severance will not be final until the conditions of consent have been met. The applicants have also applied for consent to convey a 15 m2 lot addition from the rear of the property at 324 Kennedy Road to the property at 155 Aylesworth Avenue (File B035/14SC). The authority to approve that application has been delegated to the Secretary-Treasurer. A Notice of Application was mailed separately. 5 REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013: 1. The proposed coverage is 39% of the lot area, or 112 m2 WHEREAS the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 33% (The Committee of Adjustment previously approved a variance to permit a lot coverage of 35%, or 100.51 m2 – File A300/13SC). 2. The proposed floor area is 0.66 times the lot area WHEREAS the maximum permitted floor area is 0.6 times the lot area. 3. The proposed front yard setback is 4.47 m from the front lot line WHEREAS the minimum required front yard setback is 5.58 m from the front lot line (same as the dwelling on the adjacent lot to the south) By-law No. 9364: 4. The proposed coverage is 39% of the lot area, or 112 m2 WHEREAS the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 33% (The Committee of Adjustment previously approved a variance to permit a lot coverage of 35%, or 100.51 m2 – File A300/13SC). 5. The proposed floor area is 0.66 times the lot area WHEREAS the maximum permitted floor area is 0.6 times the lot area. 6. The proposed front yard setback is 14.55 m from the centre line of Aylesworth Avenue WHEREAS the minimum required front yard setback is 16 m from the centre line of Aylesworth Avenue 4. 25 BRIGHTSIDE DR File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A206/14SC 25 BRIGHTSIDE DR PLAN M880 LOT 16 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough East (44) Community: West Hill Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a second storey addition over the existing one storey garage and a new front porch. 6 REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed 5.08 metres front yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 8.96 metres front yard setback. 2. To permit the proposed unenclosed porch to encroach 3.89 metres into the required front yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law permits the porch to encroach 2.5 metres into the required front yard setback. By-law No. 10327 3. To permit the proposed 1.23 metres side yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum side yard setback of 1.8 metres. 4. To permit the proposed 5.08 metres front yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 6 metres front yard setback. 5. To permit the existing 3.28 metres by 8.03 metres dimensions for the garage, whereas the Zoning Bylaw permits maximum garage dimensions of 7.6 metres by 7.6 metres. 6. To permit the proposed porch (accessory building) dimensions of 7.9 metres by 1.47 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum accessory building dimensions of 7.6 metres by 7.6 metres. 5. 1250 MARKHAM RD File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A211/14SC Zoning Ward: Industrial (M) Zone Scarborough Centre (38) Employment Progress Employment District: District RCP 10620 PT LOT 32 RP 66R22461 PARTS 1 TO 3 1250 MARKHAM RD PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: Global Kingdom Ministries is proposing to build two additions and undertake interior renovations to the existing place of worship building. The proposed additions would be located on the north and south sides of the building and would increase the total floor area by 2,307 m2. The additions would be used for an expanded nursery, meeting rooms, an audio and video production studio, and a lounge area. There are 464 existing parking spaces on the place of worship site. The applicants are proposing to re-stripe the parking area to provide an additional 22 parking spaces (486 spaces in total). The zoning by-law requires 633 parking spaces, and the applicants are requesting a variance to permit a parking shortfall of 147 spaces. 7 REQUESTED VARIANCE TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 24982 1 The proposed parking supply is 486 parking spaces WHEREAS the zoning by-law requires a minimum of 633 parking spaces 6. 89 DUNELM ST File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A216/14SC Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [Waiver] Scarborough Southwest (36) Scarborough Village Community SCARBOROUGH CON D PT LOT 17 RP 66R20381 PART 2 89 DUNELM ST Community: PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to permit parking in the street yard. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 10010 To permit the required parking space for the dwelling unit and one adjacent parking space located in the street yard, whereas the Zoning By-law does not permit parking spaces in the street yard. 7. 145 CORNELL AVE File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A217/14SC 145 CORNELL AVE PLAN 1816 PT LOT 9 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [Waiver] Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a new two storey single family residential dwelling. The existing dwelling will be demolished. 8 REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed building length of 18 metres measured from the front wall to the rear wall, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum building length of 17 metres. By-law No. 569-2013 & By-law 8786 2. To permit the proposed 42.3% coverage, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum 33% coverage. 3. To permit the proposed floor space of 0.634 of the lot area or 220.94 square metres, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum floor space of 0.6 of the lot area up to a maximum of 204 square metres. 4. To permit the proposed/existing 2.44 metres driveway width, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum driveway width of 2.6 metres. 8. 26 FERNCROFT DR File Number: Owners: Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A218/14SC Zoning Residential Detached (RD) & Single Family Residential (S) Zone [Waiver] Ward: Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: 26 FERNCROFT DR PLAN 3223 PT LOT 107 PT LOT 108 Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: This application is for variances for a proposal to construct a second-storey addition to the existing detached house. The application was scheduled for the Committee of Adjustment hearing on October 2, 2014. The application was deferred, and the owners revised the application by lowering the height of the proposed house and removing a proposed rear addition. The requested variances have been revised accordingly. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013: 1. The existing parking space dimensions are 2.78 m x 6.4 m WHEREAS the minimum required parking space dimensions are 3.2 m x 5.6 m 2. The proposed roof overhang would be set back 0.14 m from the south property line WHEREAS the minimum required roof overhang setback is 0.3 m from the property line 9 3. The proposed height of the side walls is 7.3 m WHEREAS 100% of the side walls are required to be below 7 m By-law No. 8786: 4. The existing and proposed south side building setback is 0.25 m WHEREAS the minimum required side building setback is 0.45 m 5. The existing parking space dimensions are 2.78 m x 6.4 m WHEREAS the minimum required parking space dimensions are 3.3 m x 5.6 m 6. The proposed front yard setback measured from the property line to the proposed 2nd floor is 4.55 m WHEREAS the maximum required front yard setback is 6 m By-law No. 569-2013 & By-law No. 8786: 7. The proposed floor area is 0.67 x lot area and 248.7 m2 WHEREAS the maximum permitted floor area is 0.6 x lot area and 204 m2 8. The proposed lot coverage is 35.4% of the area of the lot WHEREAS the maximum permitted lot coverage is 33% of the area of the lot 9. 132 TREVERTON DR File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A219/14SC 132 TREVERTON DR PLAN M651 LOT 141 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough Centre (37) Community: Ionview Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a two storey addition on the south side of the existing one storey dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed building length of 20.2 metres measured from the front wall to the rear wall, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum building length of 17 metres. 2. To permit the proposed 8.6 metres rear yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 9.5 metres rear yard setback. 10 By-law No. 9089 3. To permit the proposed 8.6 metres rear yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 9.8 metres rear yard setback. 10. 29 ANNDALE RD File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A223/14SC 29 ANNDALE RD PLAN 3227 LOT 76 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a new front porch and a second storey addition over the existing one and a half storey part of the dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed 1.2 metres side porch setback from the property line, whereas the Zoning Bylaw requires a minimum 2.1 metres from the property line. 2. To permit the proposed 1.2 metres setback from the canopy over the side porch to the property line, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum setback of 2.1 metres. 3. To permit the proposed side stairs to be 0 metres to the property line, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 0.6 metres setback to the property line. By-law No. 8786 4. To permit the proposed 10.4 metres side porch length, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum porch length of 7.6 metres. 5. To permit the proposed side covered porch to project 2.6 metres into the side yard, whereas the Zoning By-law permits porch projection of 2.05 metres in the side yard. 11 11. 20 LOCKIE AVE File Number: A224/14SC Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Zoning Ward: 20 LOCKIE AVE PLAN 1909 PT LOT 37 Community: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough-Rouge River (41) Agincourt Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to extend the existing covered porch in the rear of the dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 10076 To permit the proposed accessory building (covered rear porch) dimensions of 13.7 metres by 3.9 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum dimensions of 7.6 metres by 7.6 metres. 12. 33 BRIAR DALE BLVD File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A233/14SC 33 BRIAR DALE BLVD PLAN 3153 LOT 30 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct an addition over the existing garage and a two storey side addition. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the existing 2.7 metres by 7 metres parking space, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum parking space of 3.2 metres by 5.6 metres. 12 By-law No. 8786 2. To permit the proposed/existing 0.3 metres east side yard setback, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 0.45 metres side yard setback. 3. To permit the existing 2.7 metres by 7 metres parking space, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum parking space of 3.2 metres by 5.6 metres. 4. To permit the proposed/existing 0.3 metres east side yard setback for the garage, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum 0.45 metres side yard setback for garages. 13. 34 TUNMEAD SQ File Number: A237/14SC Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: Zoning Ward: 34 TUNMEAD SQ PLAN M1668 LOT 45 Community: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [Waiver] Scarborough-Rouge River (42) Malvern Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a one storey side addition, with a garage and a new front foyer to the existing one storey dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed front foyer front yard setback of 5.38 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum front yard setback of 9.17 metres. By-law No. 14402 2. To permit the proposed garage/storage length of 14.8 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum length of 7.6 metres. 3. To permit the proposed 5.38 metres building (front foyer) front yard setback, whereas the Zoning Bylaw requires a minimum 6 metres building front yard setback. 13 14. 116 MABERLEY CRES File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A238/14SC 116 MABERLEY CRES PLAN M2129 LOT 22 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached (ZR) Scarborough East (44) Community: Centennial Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a sunroom addition at the rear of the existing dwelling. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law 569-2013 1. The proposed rear yard setback is 7.67 m. Whereas the minimum required rear yard setback is 8.38 m. 2. The proposed building length is 20.1 m measured from the front main wall to the rear main wall of the proposed one-storey addition. Whereas the maximum permitted building length is 17 m. 3. The proposed building depth is 20.6 m measured from the required front yard setback to the rear main wall of the proposed one-storey addition. Whereas the maximum permitted building depth is 19 m. 15. 134 COURCELETTE RD File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A239/14SC 134 COURCELETTE RD PLAN 958 S PT LOT 70 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached and S - Single Family (ZR) Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To maintain the existing deck in the rear yard. 14 REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law 569-2013 1. The existing/proposed platform (deck) encroaches an additional 0.575 m into the required rear yard setback and is 0.51 m from the south side lot line. Whereas a platform without main walls, attached to or less than 0.3 m from a building, with a floor no higher than the first floor of the building above established grade may encroach into the required rear yard setback 2.5 m if it is no closer to a side lot line than 1.32 m. 2. The existing/proposed lot coverage is 43.77% of the lot area (124.01 m²). Whereas the maximum permitted lot coverage is 33% of the lot area (93.5 m²). Note: A previous Committee of Adjustment decision permitted a lot coverage of 36.6% (File A270/12SC). By-law 8786 3. The existing/proposed deck projects an additional 1.57 m into the required setback. Whereas the deck is permitted to project 1.55 m into the required setback of 9.34 m. 16. 39 WOLCOTT AVE - PART 1 File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A241/14SC 39 WOLCOTT AVE - PART 1 PLAN 1971 LOT 18 Zoning Ward: S - Single Family and RD Residential Detached (Waiver) Scarborough Southwest (35) Community: Oakridge Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a new detached dwelling. Note: The Committee of Adjustment approved a consent application in February 2014 to sever the property into two residential lots (File B058/13SC), and also approved minor variance applications for each lot (File A248/13SC, A249/13SC). The applicant is now requesting a variance for a revised lot frontage and to include a variance for building depth. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law 569-2013 1. The proposed lot frontage is 7 m. Whereas the minimum required lot frontage is 9 m. Note: A previous Committee of Adjustment decision permitted a lot frontage of 7.62 m (File A248/14SC). 15 2. The proposed building depth is 20.2 m. Whereas the maximum permitted building depth is 19 m. 17. 62 HAIG AVE File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A244/14SC 62 HAIG AVE PLAN 914 PT LOT 10 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough Southwest (36) Community: Birchcliff Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The Committee of Adjustment approved variance A120/14SC in July 2014 to permit a maximum floor area of 0.72 times the lot area (132.85 square metres) and allow the applicant to construct a second storey addition over the existing one storey sunroom at the rear of the two storey dwelling. It has since been determined that there was an error in calculation of the floor area, as outlined below. There has been no change to the proposal. REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 8786 To permit the proposed 144.44 square metres floor area or 0.783 times the lot area, whereas the Zoning By-law permits 132.85 square metres or 0.72 times the lot area as per Minor Variance A120/14SC. 18. 16 SHARROWBAY CRT File Number: Owner(s): Agent: Property Address: Legal Description: A245/14SC 16 SHARROWBAY CRT PLAN 66M2052 LOT 24 Zoning Ward: RD - Residential Detached/S - Single Family Residential [ZZC] Scarborough-Agincourt (39) Community: Steeles Community PURPOSE OF THE APPLICATION: The applicant is seeking relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law to construct a second floor addition over the existing one storey floor 74and interior alterations to the existing first and second storey. 16 REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) TO THE ZONING BY-LAW: By-law No. 569-2013 1. To permit the proposed 4.42 metres front yard setback for the second floor addition, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 5 meters front yard setback. 2. To permit the proposed 1.05 metres flankage yard setback for the second floor addition, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 3 metres flankage yard setback. Note: Due to irregular shaped lot a portion of the second storey addition would encroach into the flankage yard by 1.05 metres, whereas the rest of the dwelling will have the existing flankage yard setback. By-law No. 16762 3. To permit the proposed 1.05 metres flankage yard setback for the second floor addition, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 3 metres flankage yard setback. Note: Due to irregular shaped lot a portion of the second storey addition would encroach into the flankage yard by 1.05 metres, whereas the rest of the dwelling will have the existing flankage yard setback. 4. To permit the proposed 4.42 metres front yard setback for the second floor addition, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 5 meters front yard setback. 5. To permit the 44% coverage, whereas the Zoning By-law permits maximum 40% coverage. 17
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