Paraparaumu Memorial R.S.A. Inc T/A PARAPARAUMU RSA & COMMUNITY CLUB P.O. Box 170, Paraparaumu 5254 110 Amohia Street : Tel 902-7927 Email : We Will Remember Them October 2014 Edition 168 Monthly News Oktoberfest Saturday 18th October HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 2015 Tui Quiz Nite Friday 17th October From 7pm, teams of up to 4 people No entry fee, winner goes to the final at Porirua Club to play for $$$ Melbourne Cup 2014 Tuesday 4th November from 2pm Sweepstakes (available soon) Field Auction at 4.15pm Best dressed female & male & fancy hat prizes Live Entertainment from 2pm President’s Report A series of small positive steps and improving weather has lifted the tough winter run we’ve had. Membership continues to slowly increase – now 1076 – and we’re working to develop a welcoming programme to continue engaging new members after they first join. We have also started work on generating interest by existing and recently-retired service personnel who live in Kapiti and my thanks to Mack Maclean and Mark Compain for the efforts they are making. As a starting point Mack organised a Tri-Service establishment meeting on 1 October and a day later our Vietnam Veterans got together for the first time in ages. All this coincided with the launch of our new expanded restaurant menu which won immediate acclaim from 31 diners on the first night and very positive comments. The restaurant staff deserve congratulations for adapting so quickly to change and offering more choice. Looking ahead our functions are building up as we head towards Christmas and we are actively promoting our Club in local newspapers and on radio. The Executive is working well together and continues to look for further ways to improve our Club. Best Wishes Chris Turver News flash! - watch that space! Exciting new changes in the Gaming Room! *7 fresh and new games are coming *To further enhance your experience we are doing away with the jackpot . . Why? This will provide you with: ! More chances of winning and better returns ! 2 Managers Corner October 2014 ~ What’s new and what’s happening around your club ~ Hi Folk, Financial: The past month has seen us begin to climb out of a seriously difficult position and move forward with a lot more certainty. With the support of a determined and very supportive Executive committee and enthusiastic staff, we have negotiated our way to a position where the functions activity and some additional support will carry us through to Christmas and the New Year. It has been very satisfying to see our patronage lift somewhat in response to President Chris’s and my plea for support from the membership—thank-you one and all. We are not the only club that is experiencing difficulty, but I can assure you all that our club is probably one of the most pro-active around when it comes to taking positive action to make changes and advance— and so onto the next item. New Initiatives: 1) Function Centre Status: This is progressing nicely and already we are seeing bookings that were missed out on last year, following our issues with obtaining special licenses and the related advertising constraints. 2) New Foods: On Thursday 2nd October we launch the new range of exiting, fresh, quality foods with a wide range of options. These are priced not only around our old levels but are expected to be very popular with new diners and especially families—part of our intent to reach out to a new age group of potential membership. Sample menu’s are available now from the Restaurant servery and we invite you to give this new food initiative a taste-test. 3) Gaming: We are in the process this month of installing seven new games in the Gaming Room. With appreciated support from our provider we will bring a fresh, new look to your gaming experience - PLUS by switching off the jackpot system we can increase the level of payout for all machines by a recognisable degree for your added pleasure. Watch Out For: The 11 week ‘Luxury Villa at Taupo Draw’ - this is gaining momentum and with the December package valued at over $1,700 it should be an attraction to all. This terminates on Wednesday 29th October—you must be here if you intend to win! Events Coming Up: * Friday Night Quiz - Friday 3rd October at 7.00pm sharp * Wed 15th Oct - Visit to UHCC - names on notice-board please Sat 18th Oct - ‘Oktoberfest’ Nite - fun - singalong to our old-time song-sheets Oompah music with ‘Brasso’ - toasts - food - only $15 Tickets on sale now - form a group & join in * Karaoke - every 2nd & 4th Friday night @ 7.30pm * New Electronic Housie— every Thursday @ 7.30pm * Christmas Functions—make sure you book in early Cheers, Don Trevethick 3 Welfare Report Hello everybody, hope everyone is getting on ok. It’s good to see a little more of our members turning up on Wednesday nights. As you all know if you don't use the Club, the Club could close the doors and then there wouldn't be any Welfare to help all of you, nor would you have a RSA. So if you see other members in the street who don't come to the club, ask them why they don't come to the club! You never know they might have a good reason why; But let us know, so we can do something about it. Here’s something to think about: Don’t walk in front of me.... I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me ...... I may not lead Just walk beside me and be my friend Hope every one has a happy time, and don’t over do it. Look after yourselves until next time, drive safely. Gary Moore Support Advisor Last Post Name Number Date of Death Thomson, John (Jack) 72210 18th September 2014 Mackey, Peter Merchant Navy 29th September 2014 Service Members - Past & Present Would all club members fitting the above description (and your service associates) please contact Mack Maclean via or or 027 444 6268 Meetings of this ‘TRI-SERVICES’ Group are to be held at the RSA clubrooms from 6.30pm onward on the first Wednesday every month Travel Draw - Terminates Wed 29th October Proudly sponsored by Harvey World travel! Any purchase of $5 or more gives you a ticket into our travel draw tickets are given out Weds / Thurs / Fri / Sat, between 4pm-6.30pm, with 2 draws every night 5.30pm & 6.30pm, for all details see staff or notices around the Club 4 Women’s Section Hello Members, We had another successful Section Day on Wednesday 24th September. Here are some events that you should put into your diaries :- Wednesday 5th November – Bus Trip to Bulls to celebrate their Women’s Day. The cost is $15 per person, and there will be the Women’s Attendance Register in operation, depending on having the coach fully booked. The booking list is on the Club’s Main Notice Board, and be aware that both Otaki Women and Levin Women have shown interest in travelling with us, so getting your names up early is very important, as you will have the priority. Wednesday 22nd October the Kapiti Women’s Choir is coming to entertain us. We heard them at a musical festival earlier this year, and were “blown away” by their singing. This is one group you must come and enjoy. Wednesday 26th November is our Christmas Lunch. Cost is the same as last year, $25 and the Attendance Register will be another winner on the day. Bookings and money to George (Treasurer) at the October meeting please. Yours, in fellowship, Marilyn Billing – President Tel. No. 905-5106 or Email Upcoming dates & events: Wednesday November 26th—Xmas Luncheon Join in our increasingly popular activity: * Get Dem Ol’ Bones Working * MOBILITY & DAILY STRENGTH EXERCISE CLASSES FOR ALL AGES with personal trainer CATHY Every Tuesday at 10am at our Clubrooms Everyone invited—even non members! Only $2 per session Finish with morning tea for only $2 We are taking Christmas function bookings now, phone Diana to discuss your menu & budget 5 Achilles Restaurant $10 Meal Deal Great Value & Taste Lunch: Friday Only: 12pm—1.30pm $13 + $4 for Dessert $10 Meal Deal Lunches 12pm-2pm $10 Main & Dessert 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month Dinner: Wednesday—Bain Marie 5.30pm—7.30pm ~ $14 + $4 for Dessert Wednesday October 1st & 15th (1st & 3rd Weds) Monday, Thursday Friday & Saturday—check out our fantastic new menu and introductory prices! ~ Starters ~ ~ Desserts ~ Garlic Bread $5.00 Soup of the Day $6.00 Seafood Cocktail $6.00 Meatball Wrap $12.00 Chocolate Pudding $5.00 Sticky Date Pudding $5.00 Tiramisu $5.00 Check blackboard for our specials ~ Mains ~ Thai Chicken Curry 7 Vege Lasagne Chicken Breast Roast Beef Lamb Shank Happy Birthday to all those that celebrate in the month of October Remember our members dine free on their birthdays! *Conditions apply, please see staff Kids Menu—$10 With fries & sauce $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $16.00 $18.00 Chicken Nuggets Hot dogs Fish Bites + a Sundae (Chocolate, caramel or strawberry sauce) Cleaning out your cupboards? If you have any plastic bowls you no longer want—we will take them, just see the kitchen staff 6 7 Kapiti Poppies at War Grave in Italy In May Suzanne McPherson travelled to Italy with her husband Gordon to attend the 70th anniversary commemorations of the Battles of Cassino. Her father, Reverend Keith Harper, lies buried there - the only NZ chaplain to lose his life on active service during the whole of WW2. They flew directly to Rome, and travelled by bus to Cassino with a group of fellow New Zealanders. "We were very fortunate to have a brilliant local guide there, a university professor named Dr Gianni. His specialist subject was Cassino at the time of the Battles of Cassino in 1944." 18th May was the day of the NZ commemorative service at the War Cemetery, which sits at the foot of Montecassino. Just before they left Kapiti, Don Trevethick, helped by several Paraparaumu RSA staff, generously put together a bag of poppies for Suzanne to take on her pilgrimage. This gift was to prove very significant, as Dr Gianni took her poppies so he could place one on her father's grave at every future visit. "Then I'll know it's a NZ poppy." It was a truly awesome occasion. "I felt humbled to be able to bring a Kapiti connection to such an historic event," she said. RSA Wanderers Would you like to come on a trip to the South Island? The Wanderers Itinerary: Friday 20th March Meet at the RSA Clubrooms for an 8am sailing on Blue Bridge ship. Arrive in Picton 11.30am—leave Picton on Bus arrive at Kaikoura Motels about 2.30pm. Rest of Day is free. Saturday 21st March 10.30am Whale watch and dolphin trip– approx. 3.5 hours. If you not going on trip you will have to meet the bus when the whale watch trip arrives back in, between 2-3pm. The bus will be leaving Kaikoura for Blenheim arriving about 4-5pm. Book into our Motel and have a free night—Clubs of Marlborough is open for meals and entertainment. Sunday 22nd March Trip–not too early—to Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre (Peter Jackson’s) you will love it here. Trip to locals vineyards (tbc), then rest of day free. Monday 23rd March Return to Picton, have lunch, look around. Then 2pm sailing home! We will be closing off confirmations soon, if you wish to come on this trip get in touch with Mark on 9059787 or Gary on 0220857466 or 9055733 8 Weekly Wednesday Snooker Adjunct Activity More variety has been introduced at the Wednesday competition. On first Wednesday pairs will play and on the last Wednesday it will be a ‘no handicaps’ evening, both having proved popular over past months. Over 60’s Competition 1pm Fridays Low on numbers with 6 or 7 this relatively new event should pick up soon. Anyone interested in a game should come along for the 1pm start Brian Colegate Convenor, Snooker Adjunct Bus trip to Upper Hutt Cossie Club Wednesday 15th October Bus leaves 10am Names required, please put on notice-board Member Draws & Results $200 per Week Jackpot Wednesday Night Super Draw Drawn between 6 and 7pm September 3rd $1200 7612 A R Marsh—struck! Congratulations! September 10th $200 7717 D Ashford—struck! Congratulations! September 17th $200 9978 L Cooper—not struck 4 x $100 MEMBERS DRAW WINNING NUMBERS Drawn every Thursday between 5.45pm and 6.15pm September 4th 7258 R Reynolds 7978 D Hunt 7485 E Palmer 8964 R Cooper September 11th 7735 N Clarke 8211 J Clarke 8094 G Corlett 7553 K Griffiths September 18th 8878 M Darragh 7183 S Jarden 8438 S Goodright 8891 K Gibson September 25th 9692 B Pennell 7858 K Henderson 8266 I Anderson 7913 A Hughes September 24th $400 8753 Z Lancaster—not struck 9 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES PAGE Tui Quiz & Octoberfest This month Look out for notices! Karaoke—with Dave & Sharon! Friday 10th—From 7.30pm Friday 24th— From 7.30pm WHAT’S ON EVERY WEEK AT THE RSA MONDAY Cards 500 1.40pm Dance Night 7.00pm TUESDAY Exercises @10.00am Bowls 1.30pm to 3.30pm Bowls 7.30 to 9.30pm WEDNESDAY Members Super Draw Jackpot @6.30pm Snooker 6.30pm Women’s Section 4th Week each month 1pm Dance Class 7pm THURSDAY Mahjong 1.15pm (1st & 3rd week each month) 4 x $100 Members Draw Housie 7.30pm Country & Western Music The 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month 1pm—4pm Hosted by Paraparaumu Country Music Club FRIDAY Karaoke 7.30pm every 2nd and 4th Friday Quiz Nites—1st Friday of the month @ 7.00pm SATURDAY Live entertainment monthly keep an eye in the newsletter SUNDAY 8 Ball every Sunday 2pm Country Music 2nd & 4th of the month 1pm 10 October 2014 RSA Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Mahjong 1.15pm 3 4 $10 Meal Deal Superdraw 4x$100 & Raffles Member Draw 5 6 7 8 Ball Club opens Exercise 10am 1.30pm Cards From 1.30pm Bowls 1.30pm & 7pm 12 13 14 8 Ball Club opens Exercise 10am 1.30pm Country Music Club 1pm Cards From 1.30pm 19 20 21 8 Ball Club opens Exercise 10am 1.30pm Cards From 1.30pm Bowls 1.30pm & 7pm Bowls 1.30pm & 7pm 26 27 28 8 Ball Club opens Exercise 10am Country Music Club 1pm Cards From 1.30pm 1.30pm Bowls 1.30pm & 7pm Snooker 6.30pm Housie 7.30pm 8 9 4x$100 Superdraw Member Draw & Raffles Snooker Housie 6.30pm 7.30pm 15 $10 Meal Deal 16 Mahjong 1.15pm Superdraw 4x$100 & Raffles Member Draw Snooker 6.30pm Housie Bus to UHCC 7.30pm 22 Women’s Section Monthly Superdraw & Raffles Snooker 23 4x$100 Member Draw Housie 7.30pm Quiz Nite From 7pm Happy Hour from 4.00pm All Blacks vs Happy Hour Argentina from 7.35pm 4.00pm 10 11 Happy Hour from Happy Hour 4.00pm from 4.00pm Karaoke 7.30pm All Blacks vs South Africa 7.35pm 17 18 Bledisloe Cup final Happy Hour from 4.00pm 24 25 Happy Hour Happy Hour from from 4.00pm 4.00pm ITM Cup Rugby Karaoke 7.30pm 30 31 29 Taupo Trip 4x$100 Happy Hour Final Member Draw from Draw 4.00pm Superdraw Housie & Raffles 7.30pm Snooker 6.30pm 11 ADVERTISING DIRECTORY: Our ongoing thanks to all our advertisers who support our newsletter, if you wish to advertise please ph Don on 902 7927 for more info. 12
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