Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 Rascal incorporated 7—9 Banjo Paterson Crescent, Jindabyne, NSW, 2627 ... summer, autumn, winter, spring ... summer, autumn, winter, spring … summer, autumn, winter, spring ... ... skiing, snowboarding, hiking, bike riding, sailing, photography, fishing, relaxing, golf, swimming ... Spring Newsletter – October 2014 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 Rascal Inc Information Board FROM THE PRESIDENT Rascal Lodge 7 Banjo Paterson Crescent Jindabyne, NSW 2627 All enquiries to the: Office Manager Kim Dunnet 02 6296 1002 OfficeManager@rascal.asn.au PO Box 1700, WODEN ACT 2606 Website http://www.rascal.asn.au Rascal Committee 2014/15 Winter is fast becoming a memory as spring weather warms. From reports, it was the best snow season for a decade or so. President Jack Cornell Vice President Noel Ward Lodge Refurbishment The Commi ee hedged its bets on the refurbishment: Rooms 3 and 5 are proceeding across this summer but a member of the Commi ee is revisi ng the op ons for a reinstalla on of upper bunks in these two rooms. The room 4 upgrade is deferred for a year. The conversion of the Games Room (to become a family room with 6 beds) is to proceed, but a er inves ga on into installaon of upper bunks. Secretary Merril Markham Treasurer Linda Swift Public Officer Noel Ward Lodge Manager Noel Ward Committee Members Toby Hartley Ann Landrigan Colin Marshall John Van Leeuwen Geoff McKnight Tim Dunnet Given the perilous state of the hot water service and space heater, the two old 2 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 electric storage hot water tanks will be replaced this summer with energy efficient, instantaneous gas units. ca on has changed (or, even worse, to find a 4-bunk room occupied by a single person). The space heater, having failed yet again during the winter (and on the strong advice of our electrician that it is now unable to be maintained due to the age of its control equipment) will also be replaced across the summer period with decentralised units: the type for these is s ll the subject of Commi ee inves ga ons. Under the Rascal system, you can indicate that you cannot safely get into and out of the upper bunks. You can also (within limits) request a par cular room. The excellent Rascal Booking programme, wri en and maintained by Alan Laird, tries to achieve the op mal bed alloca on and does this most effec vely where you show no preference for any par cular room. Funding Rascal Rascal is financially sound at present. Our bank balance is very healthy. We can afford, from our current bank deposits, all the internal refurbishment planned (the strategy was presented to the last AGM and met with approval) whilst s ll retaining a large con ngency reserve for the unexpected. However, IF you want a par cular room, you can indicate that, when booking and the programme will a empt to give you that room. Some preferences are not accepted. For instance, one person cannot be allocated a four bunk room unless there are NO other op ons both at the me of booking and later on, when, on any booking change, the booking system re-allocates rooms to op mise the room alloca ons. Your annual subs will rise by a small amount (roughly reflec ng the growth in our cost structure and CPI). Bed costs will rise by $1 per night across the board, but the room rates will change to reflect a slightly higher rate for the fresh new rooms and a slightly lower rate for those s ll languishing in their original bunk-room format. In summary, you can indicate a room choice explicitly when making your booking online, the system will a empt to implement your request but you may not get it. Room 2 Following feedback received, the Commi ee has decided on the following changes to Room 2: Room Choice The bed (and bed-head) will be moved I get quite a number of complaints from members who, having booked into a room, arrive down at the Lodge to discover the room allo- to the end wall and other furniture reposi oned to match. The side tables will be replaced with lower units (to remove the present “head-hit” risk) and with be er drawer storage. 3 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 Be er arrangements will be put in place will only be done if it can be effected within the Lodge Fire System Cer fica on Regime. for hanging and drying towels. A suitcase rack will be provided. Welcome to our new members: Bronwyn Ferrier and children James and Nicholas Greaves. Changing the fire-door en re unit (so that the door opens towards the wall and not into the room) will be inves gated. As the door and frame are an integral unit, this Jack Cornell - President 2015 Working Bee Information: Rascal members are encouraged to build their sense of ownership in the Lodge by participating in a working bee. Working bee dates: The Club normally holds three working bees a year and the dates are: Sat 28 February 2015 - Summer: focus on gardening, including removing cotoneaster, and Lodge maintenance and cleaning Sat 2 May 2015 – Pre Winter: focus on un-installing the shade sails and prewinter maintenance and cleaning Sat 24 October 2015 – Post Winter: focus is on installing the shade sails, post winter maintenance, gardening and cleaning. What do I need to bring? Food: Morning/afternoon tea, lunch and dinner on Saturday is provided. Equipment: Generally you do not need to bring any tools or other equipment. How do I book to attend? To attend just book a room on the website (www.rascal.asn.au) and select the free booking rate. Working Bee bookings for the Friday and Saturday night are free. Further information Further information can be obtained by contacting our Office Manager: OfficeManager@rascal.asn.au Book online now to ensure that you secure your accommodation! 4 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 RASCAL FEES 2015 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Membership Grade Amount of Fee Full Member $124.00 Summer Member $114.00 Junior Full Members - First $62.00 Junior Full Members - Second $31.00 Junior Full Members - Third $12.40 Junior Summer Members - First $57.00 Junior Summer Members - Second $28.50 $11.40 Junior Summer Members - Third Renewal of annual subs is due by 31 December 2014. Renewals open 01 November 2014. Note: The Annual Subscription for all membership grades in the year of joining or upgrade from Junior Membership is zero dollars. ACCOMMODATION FEES FOR 2015 Keep your membership current by renewing no later than 31 December 2014 and receive accommodation vouchers to the value of $54.00 Room Rates Room Type Room Rate Room 3 with a single bed $ 10 Rooms 6, 7, 8 with 2 bunk beds $ 10 Room 5 with 2 single beds $ 17 Rooms 4, 9, 10 with 4 bunk beds $ 16 Room 2 with a Queen bed $ 22 Room 1 (Games Room) TBA Accommodation is charged using a Room Rate plus a Per Person Rate. The Room Rate is charged once per night for each room occupied, irrespective of the number of people staying in that room. Per Person Rates High Medium Low Season Season Season Adult Member $ 34 $ 23 $ 17 Junior Member $ 23 $ 16 $ 11 Adult Guest $ 65 $ 38 $ 22 Junior Guest (<=18) $ 43 $ 26 $ 13 Junior Guest (Baby in own cot) $0 $0 $0 Membership Grade 5 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 Removal of EFTPOS facilities: With the move to progress to online services and reduce overhead costs such as bank fee’s and charges, Rascal has removed the Office EFTPOS facilities. What does this mean to members? The only physical changes members will see is in the invoice process. It is now required to provide the security code (this is the last 3 digits) from the back of your credit card. The Office Manager will then process the payment through the online payment facilities. Members are encouraged to use the secure online facilities to make their payments where possible. This will streamline processing payments and provide instant receipting directly to members for their records. Rascal Inc would like to wish all their members and their families a very safe and happy holiday season! We look forward to catching up in the new year 2015! Stay in touch - Update your contact details on the web when you process your renewals! We are now approaching the end of the year, renewals are now due and as a part of the process we suggest that you take a look at your contact details and update them if there have been any changes. Go to www.rascal.asn.au and select 'Log on' to take you to the Members Main Menu. Look in the 'My details' column and click 'Change my contact details'. If you don’t have access to the internet contact the Office Manager for assistance! NB. Don’t forget if you renew before the end of December 2014 you will receive accommodation vouchers for use in 2015 6 Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 DO YOU HAVE ADULTS AT HOME WHO ARE NOT RASCAL MEMBERS? RASCAL IS ENCOURAGING YOU TO GET THEM TO JOIN OUR CLUB AND USE OUR LODGE IF YOU ARE A FULL ADULT MEMBER, THEN OTHER ADULTS IN YOUR HOME CAN JOIN FOR: $480 EACH (including the 2015 annual sub) RASCAL Lodge in the early 1970’s Download an application form now OR Contact our Office Manager: Kim Dunnet Phone: 02 6296 1002 Email: officemanager@rascal.asn.au 7 2015 Annual member subscriptions open 1 November and are due by 31 December 2014. Rascal Incorporated PO Box 1700, WODEN ACT 2606 If undeliverable, return to: Rascal Inc ~ Newsletter October 2014 8
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