Ontario Cooperative Education Association ASSOCIATION DE L'ÉDUCATION COOPÉRATIVE DE L'ONTARIO OCEA President’s Message 2014-2015 On behalf of the Ontario Cooperative Education Association’s (OCEA) Executive, Directors and Provincial Representatives, I am honoured to welcome you to a new academic year! As the 2014-2015 OCEA President, I am humbled to represent you in Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning and look forward to the year ahead with great excitement. OCEA’s Fall Symposium is an exceptional event and 2014 will be no exception! The symposium will be held on October 26th and 27th and this year’s theme “Together We Stand 2” captures the spirit and builds on the energy, passion and networking generated at last year’s symposium. The beautiful Blue Mountain Resort (Collingwood, Ontario) is our host once again, however, with a slight twist: we will be enjoying the amenities of the new suite of conference rooms at the Village Conference Centre II, located directly adjacent to last year’s venue. In the spirit of our theme, “Together We Stand 2”, the symposium will focus on best practices as we continue to celebrate exactly how we stand together as teachers, coordinators, administrators, and guidance counsellors to make opportunities and connections in the world of work happen for our students. This year’s program is richer than ever and offers engaging opportunities for those new to Co-op, right up to those experienced in OYAP, SHSM, Dual Credit, Summer School, and Adult Education. We look forward to seeing you at the symposium and engaging in the excellent opportunities to learn and network together. As Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning professionals united as one, our voices will be stronger and clearer if represented by this provincial association. I therefore encourage you to follow the link to our website www.ocea.on.ca and click on the Members’ Zone icon to renew your 2014-2015 membership; or if you are joining our association for the first time, WELCOME! While you are in the Members’ Zone don’t forget to register for the upcoming symposium. We look forward to seeing you at the 2014 Symposium and engaging in the excellent opportunities to learn and network together. Please feel free to contact myself or any member of the OCEA Leadership Team with any comments or input that will aid us in continuing to best serve our members. Best wishes for an excellent 2014-2015 school year! Sincerely, Julia VanderWeerden OCEA President 2014-2015 Together We Stand Ontario Cooperative Education Association ASSOCIATION DE L'ÉDUCATION COOPÉRATIVE DE L'ONTARIO MEMBERSHIP, CONFERENCE AND SYMPOSIUM FUNDING As Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning teachers united as one, our voices will be stronger and clearer if represented by this provincial association, otherwise known as the Ontario Cooperative Education Association (OCEA). Collectively we provide resources, documents and invaluable information; in addition, we have an annual fall symposium, usually held in October and an annual spring conference, usually held in April or May that you will find most rewarding. You should first become an OCEA member in order to help us demonstrate and promote our dedication and commitment to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning in Ontario. Membership has its privileges: http://www.ocea.on.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=content&menuid=19&pageid=1022 Questions and Answers: How do I get funding? o First ask your department head if there is money in the budget to cover the cost of the membership. What if they don't have any money? Ask: o o o o o o o your principal if the school fund could cover it; your OYAP Coordinator; your SHSM Lead; your Student Success Lead; your Co-op Consultant; your Subject Council Chair; your union representative; Are there any additional sources? o o Some boards have PD/Conference funding - but you should apply early in Semester One before the funds are no longer available! The New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) Coordinator is another place teachers in their first 2 years of employ can go http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/induction.html And if all else fails? o Pay the fees yourself. It’s all tax deductible!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION A FRAGRANCE-FREE ENVIRONMENT is requested. FOOD ALLERGIES - PLEASE NOTE: You must be alert at all times to the contents of any food. DISCLAIMER: The OCEA assumes no responsibility for the content of workshops and/or carousels. Presenters have been asked to ensure their workshops and/or carousels conform to OCEA’s Ethical Standards. ON-LINE REGISTRATION: WWW.OCEA.ON.CA - Please ensure that all fields are filled in when filling out the online registration form. Please note: A double session counts as two workshops, please make sure that you choose both components of a double workshop session. Always indicate your first (1st), second (2nd) and third (3rd) choices for each workshop session. If no optional choices are provided, and your first choice is filled, that time slot will remain un-scheduled. REGISTER EARLY! We expect over 200 delegates, and sessions fill up quickly. Registrations will not be processed and workshops will not be assigned until payment is received. We must treat all of our members fairly in this regard. EARLY BIRD registration fees will be applicable if payment has been received by the due date. Paid registrations are processed on a first come – first service basis. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION: You will receive an AUTOMATED EMAIL CONFIRMATION once your registration has been received and processed online. Please bring a copy of the automated email confirmation with you to the symposium. If you do not receive the automated email confirmation, please contact Carol Madsen-Tapley at OCEA@rogers.com to inquire. Please ensure that your contact information including email address provided with the online registration is complete and accurate. A list of confirmed workshop selections will be included on your name tag which you will receive upon arrival at the symposium registration desk. LATE / ON-SITE REGISTRATIONS: Late registration costs are much higher and on-site registrations will only be accepted as space permits. If registering on-site, please remember to bring payment. We accept payment by Cheque, MasterCard, Visa, Cash or Money Order. Please note that on-site registrants will not be included in the meals as meals do need to be pre-ordered with the hotel. REFUNDS / CANCELLATIONS / NSF CHEQUES: Delegates will receive a 50% refund (less a non-refundable $50.00 administrative processing fee) of the conference registration fee if notification is received in our office via e-mail or fax no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the event. After this date, no refund can be issued unless there are extenuating circumstances supported by written documentation. No membership fees will be refunded. NSF Cheques: There will be a charge of $30.00 for an NSF cheque. Please allow 3 weeks for processing of cheques to avoid this problem. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! For more information about WWW.OCEA.ON.CA OCEA and/or for membership information, please visit OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 “TOGETHER WE STAND 2” / « L’UNION FAIT LA FORCE 2 » OCTOBER 26TH & 27TH, 2014 / 26 et 27 OCTOBRE, 2014 Blue Mountain Resort 108 Jozo Weider Blvd. Blue Mountains (Collingwood) ON L9Y 3Z2 SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION NAME TAGS MUST BE WORN DURING ALL EVENTS LES PORTE-NOMS DOIVENT ÊTRE PORTÉS LORS DE TOUS LES ÉVÉNEMENTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH / LE DIMANCHE 26 OCTOBRE 1:00PM – 5:00PM 11:00AM – 6:00PM 2:00PM – 2:30PM 2:30PM – 2:45PM 2:50PM – 4:00PM 4:10PM – 5:20PM 6:30PM – 8:00PM 8:30PM – ??? REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION EXHIBITOR’S DISPLAYS / ÉTALAGE DES EXPOSANTS Symposium Welcome / Bienvenue officielle PLENARY SESSION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION UPDATE / MISE À JOUR DU MINISTÈRE DE L'ÉDUCATION Anne Sasman / Melissa Nantais and / et Francine Bouchard Door Prize / Prix de présence NUTRITION BREAK / PAUSE WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION A WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION B HOTEL CHECK-IN TIME IS ANYTIME AFTER 4:00PM / L’ENREGISTREMENT À L’HÔTEL PEUT SE FAIRE À PARTIR DE 16H President’s Message / Message de la présidente Employer Champion Awards – Provincial Partnership Council (PPC) DINNER / SOUPER SOCIAL – An Evening in the Village / SOCIALE – Une soirée dans le Village MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH / LE LUNDI 27 OCTOBRE 7:30AM – 9:30AM 7:00AM – 8:30AM 7:00AM – 1:45PM 8:30AM – 9:00AM 9:00AM – 10:10AM 10:10AM – 10:25AM 10:30AM – 11:40AM 11:50AM – 1:00PM 1:00PM – 2:15PM REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION BREAKFAST / DÉJEUNER (for OCEA resort guests / pour les membres de l'AÉCO qui résident à l’hôtel) EXHIBITOR’S DISPLAYS / ÉTALAGE DES EXPOSANTS PLENARY SESSION MINISTRY OF LABOUR UPDATE / MISE À JOUR DU MINISTÈRE DU TRAVAIL Ayumi Bailly, Director, Stakeholder and Partner Relations Branch, Prevention Office WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION C HOTEL CHECK-OUT TIME IS 11:00AM / LE DÉPART DE L’HÔTEL (OU DE LA CHAMBRE) EST À 11H NUTRITION BREAK / PAUSE WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION D WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION E LUNCH / DÎNER Door Prize / Prix de présence OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 “TOGETHER WE STAND 2” / « L’UNION FAIT LA FORCE 2 » OCTOBER 26TH & 27TH, 2014 / 26 et 27 OCTOBRE, 2014 Blue Mountain Resort, 108 Jozo Weider Blvd. Blue Mountains (Collingwood) Ontario L9Y 3Z2 WORKSHOP LEGEND: NEW TO CO-OP, EXPERIENCED, ADVANCED, EVERYONE LÉGENDE DES ATELIERS : NOUVEAU POUR COOP, EXPÉRIMENTÉ, AVANCÉ, TOUS WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION A SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH / LE DIMANCHE 26 OCTOBRE 2:50pm – 4:00pm / 14h50-16h00 A1 COOP / PAJO 101 (Ressources pour les débutants) Présentation interactive des lignes directrices COOP ainsi que des ressources de l’AECO suivi d’un partage de trucs pratiques pour la gestion administrative du programme. (NOUVEAU POUR COOP) A2 Stéphanie Mailhot, enseignante COOP, École secondaire publique Mille-Iles (CEPEO) SAL and Co-op: Re-engaging Students Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning can be an important part of a Supervised Alternative Learning Plan to re-engage students. Attend this workshop to learn about opportunities and policy requirements. (ADVANCED) A3 Susan Pekilis, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Education Co-op 101 for Newbies This workshop will provide NEW teachers to Cooperative Education with a quick reference of the “must have” and “should have” for a successful implementation and delivery of a compliant Cooperative Education program. (NEW TO CO-OP) A4 A5 Mark Kolenc, Guidance Head, and April Johnson, Cooperative Education Dept Head, Grand Erie DSB EDMODO - An easy interactive online mobile application EDMODO is a Facebook style educational tool perfect for directing a Cooperative Education program. Join this workshop to check out an example of how easy it is to use in your classroom. The students are quickly engaged and love the access to mobile devices. Green Co-op Rules! Please bring your own devices, smartphone, laptop or tablet. (EVERYONE) Geoff Sheppard, Healthy Active/Special Education Teacher, Halton DSB Effective Workplace Inspections of Potential Placement This presentation will focus on the types of common hazards present in workplaces, and how to identify and address hazards as teachers select or evaluate a potential placement. I will also discuss how to prepare students to identify and report hazards at their placements. Resources will also be included (electronic). (EVERYONE) Sloane Gagnon, Health and Safety Consultant, Public Services Health and Safety Association OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 1 A6 A7 Cancelled by Presenter A8 The Ontario College of Trades: The Road to Apprenticeship Join this workshop and we will discuss the Apprenticeship system in Ontario and some of the opportunities and benefits for youth of getting involved in the skilled trades. (ADVANCED) Yacine Dottridge, Stakeholder Relations Coordinator and Risa Abella, Program Coordinator, The Ontario College of Trades Injecting Co-op with Twitter, Google Docs and More Join this workshop to see how you can inject your Cooperative Education curriculum with Twitter, Google Docs and other technologies to engage your students. Participants will be working with various technologies during this session so be sure to bring your mobile device to the workshop! (EXPERIENCED) Maria Serevetas, Cooperative Education Teacher / Science Dept Head, Durham DSB The New CoopWriter version 6 Introducing the newest version of the CoopWriter. Now integrated as part of the eLite Suite of products, the CoopWriter can draw information from a student’s IEP, SAL Plan, Referral or any other intervention tool that is part of the eLite Suite used by a board. The new customizable teacher interface will allow for a WYSIWYG creation of PPLPs. Existing CoopWriter users are welcome to come and see the new enhancements as well as users not currently using the tool to see how it can speed up their required administrative duties. (EVERYONE) David Smith, Senior Product Manager and Alex Page, Product Support Specialist, Cardinal Software Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants A9 Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez-vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION B B1 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH / LE DIMANCHE 26 OCTOBRE 4:10pm – 5:20pm / 16h10-17h20 Explorons l’environnement d’apprentissage virtuel en éducation cooperative Cet atelier, animé par l’équipe ministérielle, explore comment une plateforme sur l’environnement d’apprentissage virtuel (EAV) peut aider les enseignantes et enseignants en éducation coopérative à partager, communiquer et suivre le progrès de leurs élèves afin d’accroître leur engagement et faciliter leur réussite. Il sera important d’accéder l’EAV de votre conseil au préalable et d’apporter avec vous votre portable. (EXPÉRIMENTÉ) Francine Bouchard, Agente d’éducation et René Côté, Agente d’éducation, Ministère de l’Éducation OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 2 B2 Blended Learning, the Provincial Virtual Learning Environment and Co-op, OYAP, SHSM The ministry licensed, Provincial Virtual Learning Environment can be utilized for Cooperative Education, OYAP, and SHSM. An overview of these free ministry digital resources and first hand experiences from school boards will be shared during this workshop. (ADVANCED) Sharon Korpan and Bea Meglio, Education Officers, e-Learning Ontario, Ministry of Education SHSM and Co-op Related Data Attend this workshop for an interactive discussion, with opportunities to ask questions and share best practices, on how SHSM and Co-op related data can be used to support quality programs. (EXPERIENCED) B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Sudeshna Dutta, Education Officer, Student Success/Learning to 18, Strategic Policy Branch, Aldo Cianfrini, Education Officer and Michael Maiolino, Senior Statistical/Research Analyst, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Team, Research, Evaluation and Capacity Building Branch, Ministry of Education Using Video Technology to Compliment and Create a Modern Engaging Co-op Classroom Video technology, don’t hide from it. Discover engaging ways to role-model the use of video technology in Pre-placement, Integration and Summative components of your Cooperative Education classroom. (EVERYONE) Geoff Sheppard, Healthy Active/Special Education Teacher, Halton DSB Cooperative Education with an Academic Twist Designed for academic, gifted, and SHSM students, the Online Research Cooperative Education program offers students individualized intellectual apprenticeships through Virtual Cooperative Education placements and enables students to gain valuable 21st century skills. (EXPERIENCED) Lauren Sykes, Program Coordinator, Canadian Young Scientist Journal Tools and Approaches for Sustaining Employer Engagement Attend this workshop to learn about the new and ongoing initiatives of the Provincial Partnership Council designed to support building and sustaining employer engagement in Cooperative Education and other School-Work programs. (EVERYONE) Jon Hamovitch and Jeff Good, Provincial Partnership Council (PPC) Allergen and Food Safety Training Food Safety Training: is law in many jurisdictions and is also a Foodservice industry and post-secondary culinary requirement. The incidence of food allergies is highest amongst young children (under 3 years of age). Close to 6% or approximately 300 000 Canadian children under 18 years of age live with food allergies. Peanut allergies in Canada affect about 2 in 100 Children! Attend this workshop to learn the: who / what / when / where and why these two topics are so very important! (EVERYONE) Jim Kostuch, Vice-President / CEO, TrainCan, Inc. OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 3 B8 Outreach Co-op: An Individualized Co-op Program for Re-engagement This workshop will provide an overview of Simcoe County DSB’s regional Outreach Cooperative Education program which supports students in the SAL program and 18-21 year-olds through the Ministry’s re-engagement funding. Topics include: independent study models, the use of technology, paid and unpaid Co-op, community supports, partnerships with employment centres and individual pathways planning using myBlueprint. (ADVANCED) Donna Thomson and Lori Catteau, Outreach Cooperative Education Teachers, Simcoe County DSB Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants B9 Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez-vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION C C1 C2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH / LE LUNDI 27 OCTOBRE 9:00am – 10:10am / 09h00-10h10 Responsabilité civile et la gestion des risques 101 Cette présentation offre une formation sur les facteurs sociaux, juridiques et humains qui contribuent à une augmentation des poursuites judiciaires au Canada, un aperçu de la couverture d’assurance responsabilité civile prévue aux membres d’OSBIE, en mettant l’accent sur les principes de la gestion des risques, l’identification des risques et les stratégies de risque disponibles pour les enseignants du programme coopératif pour aider à réduire les blessures et les poursuites judiciaires. (TOUS) Julie Welsh, Coordonnatrice du programme de gestion des risques, OSBIE The Dual Credit / Co-op Connection Dual Credits and Cooperative Education are a terrific combination -- through an interactive activity, join this workshop to learn about the policies that govern Dual Credits and how they contribute to the Student Success Initiative. (EXPERIENCED) Phil Hedges, Education Officer and Sonja Vandermeer, School College Work Initiative, Ministry of Education OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 4 C3 C4 C5 C6 Blended Together During this presentation we will be demonstrating a customized Blended Learning Cooperative Education course site on D2L for teachers who wish to combine face-to-face strategies with the online classroom. Pre-Placement, integration, discussions, and ePortfolio will be included in the presentation. (ADVANCED) Martha McIntosh, Head of Cooperative Education / eLearning Teacher and Aria Marano, Head of Cooperative Education, Work Internship, and Gifted, Thames Valley DSB Experiential Learning – Kindergarten to Grade 12 As part of the revision of Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning, 2000, the Ministry will be seeking input from school and board administrators, teachers, and focused feedback sessions from across the province. The focus of this feedback will be on an expanded vision of Experiential Learning for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12, as articulated in Achieving Excellence, A Renewed Vision For Education in Ontario available at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/about/renewedVision.pdf. Participants in this workshop will have an opportunity to hear about the highlights from these consultations as well as opportunity to add their voice to the feedback. (EVERYONE) Melissa Nantais and Anne Sasman, Education Officers, Student Success/Learning to 18 Strategic Policy Branch, Ministry of Education Ethical Guidelines and Legal Issues for Cooperative Education (2007) – OCEA’s Resource This OCEA resource Ethical Guidelines and Legal Issues for Cooperative Education, 2007 was developed by teachers for teachers to support the delivery of Cooperative Education and OYAP programs. Resources focus on the challenges that all Cooperative Education teachers face and how to resolve these challenges in the best interest of the students and the program. Case-study analysis will follow the presentation. Delegates will have an opportunity to discuss concerns and ask questions. Bring a copy of the resource with you to the workshop! Resources will be available for purchase at OCEA’s Resources Desk. (EVERYONE) Julia VanderWeerden, Pathways Lead: OYAP-SHSM-Dual Credits, DSB Ontario North East and Donna Flasza, Vice-Principal, Lakehead Public Schools Part 1: High Risk Students in OYAP / Co-op: Case Studies (Part 2 to follow directly after this session) Case Studies and stories shared by Cooperative Education teachers about High-Risk and OYAP success in Cooperative Education 1. Sign of the times, exemplars, resources, OYAP 2. When the person they call is YOU - who do you call? 3. Case studies: High Stakes on the Plains – Stakeholders investment 4. Registrants Pre-Work Shop Case Studies 1 page submission: What happened, first, then, next and finally 5. Backgrounder (Names have been changed to keep it anonymous) Workshop reader/ discussions: What would you do? [TO BE SHARED (WORD 2007 + file)] -- BRING A MEMORY STICK! (EVERYONE) Yvonne Lee, Cooperative Education, Special Education and Business Teacher, Toronto DSB OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 5 C7 C8 MTEL: New Features and Future Considerations This workshop is addressed to teachers and board Cooperative Education / OYAP coordinators who presently use the MTEL application. We will first have a look at some important new features, such as the revised PPLP template and the relevant tools. We will also discuss future development of the application (namely a student interface) and encourage teacher input as to how this future tool should look and work. (EVERYONE) Guy Brisson, MTEL Application Provincial Coordinator, CFORP / CSDCEO STAR – Students At Risk Join this workshop as we consider the many factors that impact students using OSSTF’s framework to examine and develop strategies for supporting students at risk. (EXPERIENCED) Suzette Clark, Director, Educational Services and Evelyn Daley, OSSTF Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants C9 Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez-vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION D D1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH / LE LUNDI 27 OCTOBRE 10:30am – 11:40am / 10h30-11h40 Partage de ressources et de pratiques réussies! Partage de pratiques réussies (COOP d’été, élèves à risques, PAJO, MHS, BI…). Cette session permettra aussi aux nouveaux enseignants de rencontrer l’équipe de leadership des membres francophones de l’AECO. (TOUS) Stéphanie Mailhot, Enseignante COOP, École secondaire publique Mille-Iles (CEPEO) SHSM and Labour Market Attend this workshop and join in on the discussion of the relationship between SHSM sectors, program offerings and labour market information. (ADVANCED) D2 Sudeshna Dutta, Education Officer, Student Success/Learning to 18, Strategic Policy Branch, Aldo Cianfrini, Education Officer and Michael Maiolino, Senior Statistical/Research Analyst, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Team, Research, Evaluation and Capacity Building Branch, Ministry of Education OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 6 D3 D4 D5 D6 Part 2: High Risk Students in OYAP / Co-op: Case Studies Case Studies and stories shared by Cooperative Education teachers about High-Risk and OYAP success in Cooperative Education 1. Sign of the times, exemplars, resources, OYAP 2. When the person they call is YOU - who do you call? 3. Case studies: High Stakes on the Plains – Stakeholders investment 4. Registrants Pre-Work Shop Case Studies 1 page submission: What happened, first, then, next and finally 5. Backgrounder (Names have been changed to keep it anonymous) Workshop reader/ discussions: What would you do? [TO BE SHARED (WORD 2007 + file)] -- BRING A MEMORY STICK! (EVERYONE) Yvonne Lee, Cooperative Education / Special Education / Business Teacher, Toronto DSB OYAP 101 What is an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program student? How do I register a Cooperative Education student as an apprentice? Why encourage students to pursue a pathway in the trades? An open forum will follow a presentation with 2 OYAP facilitators allowing teachers the opportunity to share any questions and challenges. (NEW TO OYAP) Barb Finan, OYAP Facilitator, Halton DSB and Cathy Jenkins, Pathways Coordinator, Halton CDSB Virtual Learning Environment for Co-op (Desire2Learn) This workshop will provide an overview of our Pilot Project using the Provincial Virtual Learning Environment [D2L] to support Cooperative Education classes. The importance of the digital connection and the successful creation of Co-op student/school communities will be addressed. (EVERYONE / EXPERIENCED) Maria Calabrese, Cooperative Education Teacher and Chris Pagliari, Specialist (Desire2Learn), The Hamilton-Wentworth CDSB Liability and Risk Management (OSBIE) This workshop will provide a background on the social, legal and human factors that are contributing to an increase in lawsuits in Canada. An overview of the liability insurance coverage provided to OSBIE member school boards, with a focus on the principles of risk-management, risk-identification and the most common, risk-strategies, that are available to Cooperative Education teachers to help reduce injuries and law suits. (EVERYONE) Julie Welsh, Risk Management Program Coordinator, OSBIE OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 7 D7 D8 D9 Using the OSP to Support Skills Development in Cooperative Education and the Development of the IPP Join us for a live website tour and discussion on how learners and job seekers can use the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) tools and resources to track their Essential Skills and work habits demonstrations in cooperative education, Community Involvement and other educational experiences. The skills information can help them develop meaningful answers to the four education and career / life planning inquiry questions: Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for achieving my goals? and to develop their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP). You will see NEW OSP videos and resources, including one focused on Social Media and a planning document on Using the OSP to Support the Development of the IPP Grades 7-12. (EVERYONE) Chantal Locatelli, Senior Policy Advisor, Ontario Skills Passport, Ministry of Education, and Ruthanne Finnigan, Co-op Coordinator & SHSM Lead, Wellington Catholic DSB JobsPeopleDo We offer students: 1. A Career Research Resource covering all five Pathways along with 600 videos, job profiles, red seal trades / non-red seal 2. Articles speaking on teenage issues, elementary articles, student life editorials, scholarships added each month 3. Resources on finding and keeping a job 4. Community pathway, French, and volunteering information 5. Ministry documents as well as lesson plans (EVERYONE) Tony Spagnoli, Learning Advisor and Brad Schroeder, Business Development Manager, Distribution Access The 3 R’s of Workplace Violence – Rights, Responsibilities, Resources Knowing that the workplace extends beyond the classroom, this workshop will provide understanding of workers’ rights to safety. (EVERYONE) Suzette Clark, Director, Educational Services and Evelyn Daley, OSSTF Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants D10 Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez-vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 8 WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS – SESSION E MONDAY, OCTOBER 27TH / LE LUNDI 27 OCTOBRE 11:50am – 1:00pm / 11h50-13h00 E1 La technologie et les enseignants(es) débutants J’aimerais partager comment intégrer la technologie (Notabilitly) pour se garder des records dans le cours de COOP. Je partagerai des suggestions des idées afin d’être capable de mieux/bien gérer le dossier de COOP. (NOUVEAU POUR COOP) E2 Pamela Morin, Enseignante de l’éducation cooperative, Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario Pathways to Apprenticeship: Options for Students, 2014 This joint Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and Ministry of Education resource will help teachers to match students interested in the skilled trades with available opportunities (from Co-op to Dual Credits to Level 1s), "one student at a time". (EXPERIENCED) E3 E4 E5 Phil Hedges and Sonja Vandermeer, Education Officers, School College Work Initiative, Ministry of Education and Anita Webb, Program Consultant (OYAP), Program Delivery Support Branch, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Co-op 21: Engaging Learners in the 21st Century This presentation will focus on how our Cooperative Education program meets our board’s NN:21 Vision. In an increasingly global and digital world, this initiative creates opportunities for students to develop skills and knowledge to learn more effectively, enables teachers to create technology-enriched Co-Op learning environments, and engages parents to support student learning outside the school setting. Specifically, we will discuss LMS support (for those teachers already currently familiar with using LMS), Hour Republic, and the use of your ipad and the iDoceo app. (EXPERIENCED) Mary Beth Hurley and Michelle Graham, Cooperative Education / OYAP Teachers, Near North DSB Integrating Financial Literacy in Cooperative Education Attend this workshop to get tools and resources to develop students’ money management skills. You will receive teaching tips and strategies, and use practical and relevant activities that engage students in their learning and enhance your financial knowledge. (EVERYONE) Marion Spino, Sessional Lecturer, Business Studies/Accounting at OISE UT eLite SAL Module Integrated with eLITE’s Referrals Module and the board’s existing student information system, eLITE’s Supervised Alternative Learning Module provides the planning, scheduling and reporting of SAL Plans and committee meetings, allowing educators to assist students who have significant difficulties with regular attendance at school. (EXPERIENCED) David Smith, Senior Product Manager and Alex Page, Product Support Specialist, Cardinal Software OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 9 E6 E7 E8 Summer Cadets Co-op: Partnering with the Canadian Cadet Movement Together, Cadets and Upper Canada Summer Co-op created a program allowing air, sea and army cadets to earn summer Cooperative Education credits during the summer of 2014. Attend this workshop to learn all about this exciting new option for high school students! (EVERYONE) Ronald Holla, Summer Cooperative Education Teacher, Geoff Trasuk, Summer School Principal, T. R. Leger Alternative School, Upper Canada DSB and Major David Wright, Plans Officer, Central Region, Canadian Forces Base Borden Think Skills and Automation - Think Food Technology Food and beverage processing is the largest manufacturing sector in Canada, but it is often overlooked and misunderstood. This session will cover the current state of the industry, which is always evolving with new technology and innovation, and outline the diverse career opportunities and training options available at the Institute of Food Processing Technology, a specialized school of training. (EVERYONE) Susan McLachlan, Communications Officer, Institute of Food Processing Technology @ Conestoga College ITAL and Katherine Fox, Special Projects, Food and Beverage Ontario Beyond Bullying – Building Safe Workplaces Join this workshop session as we explore issues around workplace bullying, its consequences and strategies to prevent and address this issue. (EVERYONE) Suzette Clark, Director, Educational Services and Evelyn Daley, OSSTF Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants E9 Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez-vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. OCEA SYMPOSIUM 2014 / SYMPOSIUM DE l’AÉCO 2014 Page 10 On-Line Reservation Bookings COMPANY NAME: GROUP CODE: ARRIVAL: DEPARTURE: Ontario Cooperative Education Association GRP108195 Friday, October 24, 2014 Monday, October 27, 2014 Blue Mountain Resort is excited to be hosting this event. In our continuing efforts to ensure an effortless reservation experience, you have access to reserve your accommodations at your leisure on-line. All reservations require a credit card for official confirmation. ONLINE BOOKING PROCEDURE Click on the following link – https://lodging.bluemountain.ca/booking/#availability 1) Step One: Check Availability Enter arrival and departure dates: Enter Corporate/Promotion Code: GRP108195 Click: Check availability 2) Step Two: Choose Room Type Click: Show Results Review accommodations Click: SELECT preferred accommodation 3) Step Three: Guest Login Complete guest information – Note: Red Box = Mandatory fields required Click: Confirm Details 4) Step Four: Review Booking Request Once reviewed - Click: Confirm Reservation 5) Step Five: Your Reservation Request has been Received Click: Send Confirmation as Email We look forward to hosting Ont Cooperative Education Association! Please be advised that our record of your reservation may be shared with the organizer(s) of the Group function. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our Information and Reservations Department at mail@bluemountain.ca or 877-445-0231.
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