Tamar Views No. 392 Oct 23 2014 Bulletin of the Rotary Club of South Launceston Visit our website http://www.rotary-sthlaunceston.org.au/ PRESIDENT CRAIG’S NOTES Hello Rotarians, I had a very good day on Tuesday at Symmons Plains, helping on the RYDA program. I found it educational to myself as well as the students and I learnt a lot after 50 years of driving. It’s very simple for the Rotarian, and all members would enjoy a benefit from participating. Thanks to all participating Rotarians and to Ian Smith and Bruce Burke for being day managers. When Ian gave his opening and closing address to the children, the statistics he quoted showed a remarkable drop in fatalities and serious crashes for those in the age group attending RYDA. Fatalities dropped from 16 to 4 and crashes from approx. 80 to about 30. It makes you feel this one is definitely making a difference. The Spirit of Tasmania contacted our club through Les Grant with a donation for the Street Swag project. This money was raised through their injury-free-days program. I was away, so Past President Dale Luck contacted the Spirit and explained that the Swag project was very well funded and we thought it would be of better value if we donated that money through PCYC where they are running a program trying to counsel and practically help young people so they do not end up in that situation. Treating the cause and not just trying to manage the symptoms. The lady at the Spirit was quite in agreement with this idea and they have sent $900. Congratulations to the club on its showing at the combined Rotary meeting last Wednesday. Dale tells me we were best or close to best attending club. It was an outstanding success and DG Ken was impressed with the turnout. There were two good speakers in Rick Marton and Matthew Vernay. Rick spoke on why he joined and what inspired him to continue and Matthew explained the new wide-ranging form we now have to fill in for working with children and vulnerable people. This is only bringing us in line with the rest of Australia. While in Griffith I went to the Paella festival and finished up giving the local Rotary club a hand serving sausages. The simple sausage sizzle still has its place. The club has the same problem as other service organisations and getting hands in the air for president, etc is a problem. So don’t forget, we need an incoming president before Christmas, preferably CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY sooner. WHAT & WHERE ; Family BBQ at Sharman's Vineyard All the best, President Craig WHEN; Starting mid afternoon November 29th Members wider family groups are very welcome. More details to come! APOLOGIESTO TERRY CRAWFORD 6344 7033 OR 0417 366 531 by 10.30am THURSDAY please ITEMS FOR NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN Please pass bulletin items to IAN FRASER – 0400 887224 OR iaf17@bigpond.com before 6.00pm WEDNESDAY please. NO MEETING LAST WEEK – LAUNCESTON SHOW DUTIES A NOTE FROM COORDINATOR STEVE Thank you for all members and friends involved in the 2014 Show Gates operations. Good weather and fellowship was enjoyed by all followed up with a magnificent BBQ lunch at President Mitch's last Sunday. FROM THE DG’S OCTOBER NEWSLETTER From DG Ken Over 1 million new Rotarians inducted over the last 10-12 years and yet our organisation hasn’t grown as it should, the reason? Simply because we have lost a similar number of Rotarians over that same period. The total membership in Australia has seen a 12% decline in the past ten years, and while D9830 has been holding its own in recent years, we are still losing almost as many as we gain each year. That’s a sobering thought and prompts me to write about the other side of the membership coin this month i.e. Retention. We lose club members for all sorts of reasons, death, relocation, health, business, financial, family commitments, disenchantment, lack of engagement, conflict etc etc. But when you look at this list, the first of these is probably the only one that we can do absolutely nothing about. With appropriate strategies in place, we can at least do something to minimise the loss to Rotary from all the other causes listed. Let’s face it, whether we are going to be able to retain any particular Rotarian really begins the moment they are inducted. The obvious questions to ask are: • Have they been fully informed regarding Rotary e.g. fireside chats or similar? • Do you appoint a mentor for the new Rotarian? • Are they engaged i.e. given an active role (but without throwing them in too deep too early)? In regard to engagement, when my fellow Aussie DG’s and I were having a round table discussion during one of our training events, I took particular note of what a mainland club does for new members. They allocate a small budget of say $500 to the new Rotarian and ask them to come up with a project in an area that they have a passion for. They then present it to the club and as long as it fits with Rotary’s purview, they are given the go ahead and fully supported in actioning the project. What a great way to engage people, create ownership and show faith in their ability! How well does your club look after its members? Do you notice when someone is missing from club meetings for a period of time? Would you know if they were ill, in hospital, bereaved? Does anyone visit them? One of the fantastic things that I noted when we visited RC Huon Valley was that they appoint a membership carer every year. The carer's specific role is to keep tabs on how club members are travelling so that the forgoing questions can readily be answered and appropriate attention given. There doesn’t seem to be many clubs that do something like this, but all clubs could do well to look into it. It is also valuable to carry out a survey of member satisfaction every so often and such a questionnaire (and others) can be found here https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/document/618. When a member leaves your club do you know why? An exit survey could be a very useful tool to improve retention rates. If a Rotarian is relocating do you give them a referral so they can readily approach another club near their new address? That way they may be lost to your club but they are not lost to Rotary. Regards DG Ken HOW WELL HAVE YOU READ THE DG’S LATEST NEWSLETTER? SILVERDOME Sunday 23rd November Special Children’s Christmas Party Friday 5th December Saturday 6th December N.J.T.S. Cycling N.J.T.S. Cycling 8am to 6pm or earlier finish 2pm to 10pm 2pm to 10p Christmas Carnival will be on either 27th or 28th December Actual day not known yet CLUB PROGRAMME OCT 23 TIM NYBORG - HOSPICE AT HOME: Tim is the Clinical Nurse Manager (North) for Hospice @Home, this week he will explain what these palliative care packages mean to those in need and how his organisation is approaching delivery of the service. OCT 30 GILL WHITEHOUSE – ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE FELIX MOLLEL - SCHOOL OF ST JUDE DUTY ROSTER OCT 23 Attendance DENNIS TULK MARTIN YATES Welcome Chairperson BRUCE BURKE TERRY CRAWFORD Regalia SHERYL GUY Thanks OCT 30 HENK KORTEKAAS DAVID BARTHOLEMEW KEVIN PREECE DAVID DIXON HENRY HARRIS NOV 6 GRAHAM GOUGH BRIAN BEARDWOOD IAN SMITH PAUL BILLETT DAVID DIXON IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, PLEASE ARRANGE FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO DO YOUR DUTY BIRTHDAYS - OCT 24 MARTIN YATES The Bagpiper (No – not our John, or even our Mike) Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the West country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologised to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the casket lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played "Amazing Grace", the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head was hung low, my heart was full. As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen anything like that before, and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years." Apparently, I'm still lost....it's a man thing. ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH LAUNCESTON Club Chartered March 17 1962 with 23 members 53rd Year of Rotary Service Thursday Meeting 6pm for 6.30pm Hotel Grand Chancellor 29 Cameron St, Launceston Make-ups & Apologies Assist-Secretary Terry Crawford Before 10.30 am Thursday 6344 7033 (W) 0417 366 531 Correspondence PO Box 60 Kings Meadows 7249 District Governor District 9830 2014-2015 Ken Moore Rotary Club of Burnie Tel: Home:6433 3694 Mobile:0418 444 034 Email: dg@rotary9830.org.au President Craig Mitchell Tel: Home: 6344 2710 Mob: 0407 305 129 Email: mitchell091@bigpond.com Secretary Glenda Iles Tel: Home: 6344 9196 Mob: 0419 628 437 Email: gegl@bigpond.net.au Editor Ian Fraser Tel: Mob: 0400 887 224 Email: iaf17@bigpond.com Items by 1.00pm Wednesdays please Rotary Grace For good food, good fellowship and the opportunity of service through Rotary, we give thanks.' ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH LAUNCESTON Officers and Duties 2014 - 2015 EXECUTIVE President: Craig Mitchell. Past/Vice President: Dale Luck. Secretaries: Glenda Iles (Organisation & Correspondence) Terry Crawford . (Attendance & Recording) Treasurers: Stephen Gordon. (Accounting) Stephen Freeman. (Banking) DIRECTORS Club Service: Merilyn Briggs Community Service: Graeme LeFevre. International Service: Di Butler. Vocational Service: Paul Swiatkowski. Youth: John Fardon. COMMITTEES CLUB SERVICE Director: Merilyn Briggs. Membership:David Bartholemew Brian Beardwood, Bruce Burke, Ian Fraser, Peter McBean, David Peachey, Peter Stearnes, Mike Waldock, Lydia Nuttall. VOCATIONAL SERVICE Director: Paul Swiatkowski Membership: David Dixon, Henry Harris, Glen Horsburgh, Mike Waldock, Kathy Macqueen, Andrew Whitehead INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Director: Di Butler Membership: Peter McBean, Sonia Morganti, Mike Sharman, Ian Smith, Max Watkins OTHER OFFICERS Sergeant; Graeme LeFevre 0408135552 David Peachey 0409851583 Bulletin: Ian Fraser/Brian Beardwood. Information Technology: Dennis Tulk. Membership: Terry Crawford. Pastoral Care: David Dixon. Photography & History: Peter McBean/Brian Beardwood. Programme: Kevin Preece/Kim Biggelaar Silverdome: Geoff Lean/David Sheldrick. Social: David Sheldrick Rotary Foundation: David Dixon. Sheep Manure: Henry Harris, John Frearson, COMMUNITY SERVICE Director: Graeme LeFevre. Membership: John Frearson, Steve Gordon, Graham Gough, Brian Howard, Kevin Preece, Martin Yates, YOUTH SERVICE Director: John Fardon. Membership: Judy Billett, Paul Billett, Sheryl Guy, Henk Kortekaas, Fraser Nuttall, David Evans PR & FUNDRAISING Membership: Glenda Isles, Les Grant, Terry Crawford MEMBERSHIP Chair: Terry Crawford Membership: David Peachey, Kim Biggelaar, Les Grant HISTORY Membership: Peter McBean, Bruce Burke, Glen Horsburgh, Henry Harris PAST PRESIDENTS RC South L’ton PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS RC North L’ton 13/14 Dale Luck 11/12 & 12/13 Ian Smith 10/11 Damon Nehls/Terry Crawford Paul Swiatkowski 09/10 Henk Kortekaas Andrew Hayward 08/09 Stephen Gordon Graeme LeFevre 07/08 Terry Crawford John Frearson 06/07 Martin Yates Dennis Tulk 05/06 Les Grant Charles Smith 04/05 Alan Brown Andrew Whitehead 03/04 Angela Little Kaye Gillespie 02/03 Dale Luck John Richards 01/02 Richard Temby/Bruce Burke Ken Hayward 00/01 Graeme Tonks/David Lindsay Graeme Barlow 99/00 Phil Baker Stephen Freeman 98/99 Jim Dickenson Dennis Tulk 97/98 Bruce Burke Peter Smith 96/97 Kevin Preece Lindsay Chilcott 95/96 Ross Carey Ken Hayward 94/95 David Lindsay Ray Bird 93/94 John Seaton/Stuart Priest Ian Hardwick 92/93 Stuart Priest Bruce Hawke 91/92 Paul Lyons Tony Laugher 90/91 Don Fraser Ian Whitmore 89/90 John O’Donnell Michael Perkins 88/89 Bill Glachan Frank Nott 87/88 John Ledingham Horace Keetley 86/87 Brian Beardwood Graham Nott 85/86 Craig Mitchell Don Bartley 84/85 Des Jones Henry Harris 83/84 Glynn Parry Lew Davies 82/83 Ray Wright Phil Jackson 81/82 Roger Tregaskis Ken Ringrose 80/81 John Young Terry Cowley 79/80 Bob Weldon Brian Ockerby 78/79 Brian Howard Brian Kilby 77/78 David Dixon Bob Frost 76/77 Phil Wingrove Peter Roberts 75/76 Alan Bailey Norm McCafferty 74/75 Kevin Pennicott Geoff Healey 73/74 Jock Walkem/Dick Mooney Howard Poxon 72/73 Glen Horsburgh Steven Stow 71/72 Graham Meik/Tony Gibson Harry Clark 70/71 Alan Waddle Laurie Wing 69/70 Beck Harwood Geoff New 68/69 Len Bonser Trevor Burness 67/68 Mick Walsh Harry Cook 66/67 Derek Farrar Brian Warren 65/66 George Underwood Geoff Smith 64/65 Dick Mooney Ross Baird 63/64 Warwick Liddle Harold Panitzki 62/63 Tony Gibson Orm Deacon Past District Governor 90/91 Brian Beardwood Alan Bailey Brian Beardwood Paul Billett Ray Bird Bruce Burke David Bartholomew Lindsay Chilcott Harry Clark Ray Collett Terry Crawford David Dixon Ian Fraser John Frearson Stephen Freeman Bob Frost Tony Gibson Bill Glachan Steve Gordon Les Grant Ian Hardwick Greta Harris Henry Harris (Sapphire) Beck Harwood Vi Harwood Geoff Haward Ken Hayward Peter Hewitt Glen Horsburgh Brian Howard Alan Hudson Peter Hutchinson David Jackson Phil Jackson Henk Kortekaas Geoff Lean (Sapphire) Graeme LeFevre David Lindsay Dale Luck Norm McCafferty Craig Mitchell Peter McBean Geoff New (Double Sapphire) Jake Overweter Fran Poxon Howard Poxon Kevin Preece Peter Roberts David Sheldrick Charles Smith Ian Smith Keith Smith Peter Smith Dennis Tulk Albert Van Zettan Mike Waldock Max Watkins Ray Watson Phil Wingrove Ray Wright John Young ROTARY WORLD PRESIDENT 2014 - 2015 Rotary Year Theme: LIGHT UP ROTARY RI PRESIDENT; Gary C.K. Huang Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan MAKE-UPS Central Launceston: Kings Meadows: Launceston: Launceston West: Tamar Sunrise: Youngtown: Monday 1 pm Hotel Grand Chancellor. Wednesday 5.45 for 6.15 pm Launceston Golf Club Wednesday 6 for 6.15 pm The Boathouse, Lindsay St Monday 5.30 for 6 pm Mercure Hotel. Wednesday 7 am. Launceston Aquatic Centre. Monday 5.45 for 6.15 Abel Tasman Inn. THE FOUR-WAY TEST thethings things we we think, OfOfthe think,say sayorordo: do: 1. Is it the truth. 1. Is it the truth. 2. Is it fair to all involved? 2. Is it fair to and all involved? 3. Will it build goodwill better friendships? 3. Will4.itWill build goodwill and friendships? it be beneficial to better all concerned? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
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