33rpm.de 24 Oct, 2014 new or as new [Prices in Eur] A record of singers - Alessandro Bonci Giuseppe Anselmi Aristodemo Giorgini Edoardo Garbin Francesco Tamagno Giovanni Di Negri Giuseppi Borgatti Fiorello Giraud Amadeo Bassi Giovanni Zenatello Antonio Paoli Enrico Caruso and many more (7 times as many..) A record of singers Vol1, Part 2 Gluck Handel Bellini Leoncavallo Verdi Verdi Wagner Verdi Giordano Giordano Verdi Donizetti The Emergence of Verismo Wagner and the German Style Singers of Imperial Russia EMI RLS 7706 6LP- box/ A+, was fac sealed/ eng/ sample copy/ new unplayed copy 33.80 [128019] Abbado Araiza EU Youth O LSC LPC Berlioz Te Deum DG 2532 044 A+/ g/ original as new 11.80 [109556] Abbado Araiza EU Youth O LSC LPC Berlioz Te Deum DG 2532 044 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [132083] Abbado Araiza EU Youth O LSC LPC Berlioz Te Deum DG 2532 044 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ new 12.80 [134884] Abbado BostonSO Scriabin Poéme de L´extase / Tchaikovsky Romeo + Julia DG 2530 137 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [138042] Abbado BostonSO New England Cons. Chorus Debussy 3 Nocturnes / Ravel Daphnis et Chloe, Pavane DG 2530 038 B+ nothing too serious/ g/ original/ one of the best-soundings DGs ever 2.80 [141808] Abbado BPO Brahms S2 DG 2530 125 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [119678] Abbado BPO Brahms S2 DG 2530 125 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141400] Abbado LSO Mussorgsky Pictures of an exhibition / Ravel La Valse DG 2532 057 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141298] Abbado LSO Tchaikovsky S5 DG 2530 198 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141586] Abbado Mattila Ludwig ECYouthO VJeunesseC live Berlin 1985 Mahler S2 Stasch ST02 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ DMM/ new unplayed copy 42.80 [118170] Abbado Pogorelich Chicago SO Chopin PK #2 Polonaise op44 DG 410 507- 1 (433557) A+/ g/ club numbering, label + stampers as original/ as new 7.80 [135768] Abbado Ricciarelli Domingo Obrztsova Nucci Ghiaurov Raimondi Scala Verdi Aida (exc) DG 2532 092 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141056] Abbey St Pierre in Solesmes, Dom Jean Claire Gregorian chants - Christmas (midnight and daytime) Christophorus SCGLX 73983 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140213] Abbey St Pierre in Solesmes, Dom Jean Claire Gregorian chants - florilegium through the year ( and the series of recordings) Christophorus SCGLX 74024 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140214] Abegg Trio Beethoven PV3 op 1,3 + op70,1 (Geister) Intercord 160.861 A+/ g/ DMM/ as new 12.80 [100953] Abegg Trio Brahms Piano Trios II - op8 (1889 version) + op101 Intercord INT 160.869 A+/ g/ cut/ new unplayed copy/ as new 10.80 [116187] Abegg Trio Beethoven Trios (PV3) op70,1 op44 op121a Intercord 160.862 A+/ g/ original new unplayed copy 12.80 [125478] Abegg Trio Beethoven Trios (PV3) op1,1 op1,2 Intercord 160.860 A+/ g/ black original/ new copy 12.80 [125523] Abegg Trio Beethoven Trios for PVcV op1,3 op70,1 (Geistertrio) Intercord 160.861 A+/ g/ black original/ new copy 12.80 [125524] Abel Gravina Nuremberg SO Wagner,S VK / Glaube Zwischenspiel, Vorspiel Huetchen Colosseum SM 532 A+/ g/ very rare/ Jenny Abel! 19.80 [111923] Academica SQ (Sirbu, Colan Creitz Dancila) Beethoven V4 op18,6 + op59,1 / Haydn V4 op64,5 (Lark) / Paganini V4 #3 a-moll Kloeckner Moeller A FCQ 16+17 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ rare/ sealed, open to verify, unplayed 51.80 [120692] Aeolian SQ (Hurwitz Keenslyde Major Simpson) Haydn V4 op76,3+4 Decca 6.42315 A+/ g/ blue 6.80 [135995] Aeolian-SQ (Hurwitz Keenlyside Major Simpson) Haydn V4 op71,1-3 op74,1-3 op76,1-6 op77,1+2 op103 Decca 6.35325 7LP- box/ A+/ blue/ box- (ok), small transport damage, records boklet sleeves as new 24.80 [136584] Ager Oesterr. Ensemble fuer neue Musik Ager .. Sondern die Sterne sinds (tape), I remember a bird (klar, tromb guit P perc tape), Metaboles (Klar V Vc P) Aulos FSM 53544 AUL A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121836] Albrecht Winkler Stamm Protschka Hermann van der Walt Mathis Lindsley Kuettenbaum Ress Giertzuch Cologne RSO+C Schoeck Massimilla Doni Schwann VMS 4528 3LP- box/ A+/ original/ as new/ world premiere recording 30.80 [124960] Alfidi,Joseph Defossez, ONat Belgium (Grand Prix International Reine Elisabeth 1972) Rachmaninov PK3 DG2530 288 A+/ g/ 1972 original/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [141230] Allgaier Goll-Orgel Weilheim a.d. Teck Bach,JS +Bach,CPE, Pachelbel, d´Aquin, Reger Non-comm. (Bauer Ludwigsburg) 30394- 001 A+/ g/ original, nearly as new/ wroc (back, a dedicational remark by the organist) 15.80 [140587] Amadeus- Q Haydn V4 D-dur op76, 5 Es-dur op76, 6 DG 2530 072 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 7.80 [123312] Amadeus- Q Haydn V4 G-dur op76,1 B-dur op76,4 copy 11.80 DG 2530 089 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive [123465] Amadeus- Q Haydn V4 op54,1+2 DG 2530 302 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 Amadeus- Q Haydn V4 op54,1+2 DG 2530 302 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy [124161] 9.80 [132048] Amadeus- Q Schubert V4 #14 Death and Maiden / Haydn #77 Emperor / Beethoven C-dur op59,3 / Brahms a-moll op51,2 DG 2626 034 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ new unplayed 12.80 [133006] Amadeus-Q Schubert V4 d-moll D810 Death and Maiden, Quatettsatz D703 DG 2532 071 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141791] Amadeus-Q Schubert V4 d-moll D810 Death and Maiden, Quatettsatz D703 DG 2532 071 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141792] Ameling Ahnsjoe Rotterdam PO De Waart Schubert operatic recitals Philips 9500 170 A+/ nl/ red/ as new 10.80 [131466] Ameling Netherland Wind Ensemble Mozart Notturni, Divertimenti, Duetti Philips 6747 136 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ nl/ red (!)/ new copy 13.80 [132291] Amoyal Serkin,P Boulez LSO Schoenberg VK op36, PK op42 Erato NUM 75256 A+ new/ fr/ original / sealed, unplayed copy 21.80 [111344] Amy Jarry ONat RTF Amy Chant pour O, Trajectoires (V+O) Erato STU 70593 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold, blue sc original/ unplayed copy, very rare 25.80 [111445] Amy Jarry ONat RTF Amy Chant pour O, Trajectoires (V+O) Erato STU 70593 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold, blue sc original/ unplayed copy, very rare 25.80 [114653] Anda Camerata acad. Mozarteum Mozart PK K414 K537 DGG 139 113 SLPM A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [123040] Anda Camerata acad. Mozarteum Mozart PK K40 + K41 K135 DG 2530 330 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141569] Anders operatic recital Verdi Puccini Donizetti Leoncavallo Flotow Meyerbeer Mozart DGG 19 390 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ early tulip (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [141451] Anders operatic recital Verdi Puccini Donizetti Leoncavallo Flotow Meyerbeer Mozart DGG 19 390 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ early tulip (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [141452] André - Paillard +O, Marriner ASMF, Wiener Solisten, Ristenpart Sarre ChO, Sandor Budapest ChO, Guschlbauer, Bamberg SO 29 trumpet concertos - Haydn,J+M Mozart,L Stoelzel Handel Telemann torelli Albinoni Vivaldi Fasch Tartini Purcell Bellini Erato / Sonocord 26 020-8 6LP- box/ A+, was fac.sealed, opened to verify/ g/ club issue with decent German RCA pressings and plum sc Erato label/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [135546] Andre Faerber Wuertemberg ChO Purcell Trumpet voluntary - Bach Krebs Fischer Erato STU 71383 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold original/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 7.80 [114748] Ansermet OSuisseR Montmollin Buckel Hoeffgen Haefliger Mollet Staempfli Hamel Honegger Le Roi David / Martin In terra pax Decca DPA 593/ 4 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ eng ffss/ as new 24.80 [109601] Antonietta Stella, Bartoletti, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino operatic recital - Verdi Bellini Giordano Mascagno Ponchielli Cilea Puccini DGG 136 290 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH), red stereo original/ new DGG archive copy! 59.80 [141455] Arcadia Trio (PV3 Gepp Kosuta Mlejnik) Mendelssohn PV3 op49 / Hummel PV3 op93 Aulos 53574 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121833] Arimany (fl) Schmoller (vc) Grueber (hps) Virtuoso Flute music by pupils of Bach Kirnberger Abel Muethel Bach,CPE Motette M 30140 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ as new 10.80 [140715] Aronovich Troitzkij Belobraghina Kleshtchova Usmanov Jelnikov Dobrin Poliakov Strukachov C+RSO USSR Mussorgsky Sorochinsk Fair Eurodisc 88234 XHR 3LP-box/ A+/ g/ gld/ as new 14.80 [112061] Arrau Schumann Carnaval, Davidsbuendler- Taenze, Kreisleriana Philips 6747 437 2LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ nl 15.80 [133887] Arrau Inbal LPO Chopin PK1+2 / Krakowiak op14, La ci darem la mano- Var op2 / Gr. Fant. op13 / Andante spianato/ Gr. Polonaise brilliante op22 Philips 6747 003 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ nl/ red/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [101894] Arroyo Caballé Corelli Domingo Merrill Nilsson Price Resnik Tucker Zylis-Gara Bonynge Levine Boehm Molinari-Pradelli Adler Metropolitan Opera Metropolitan Opera Gala, honoring Sir Rudolf Bing - Verdi Puccini Strauss,R Mozart Strauss,J DG 2530 260 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ very rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141421] Ars Nova (Brass-5) Purcell, Moritz der Gelehrte (Landgraf von Hessen), Bach Pezel Locke Erato STU 70736 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ blue sc original/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 9.80 [110896] Ars Rediviva Munclinger Novak Moucka Luksaite- Mrazkova Myslivecek 4 Trios, Stamitz,JA 3 Caprices for solo flute, Stamitz,K Trio Sonata G-dur Supraphon 1111 3376 A+/ blue original 7.80 [125415] Ashkenazy Perlman Harrell Tchaikovsky P3 op50 EMI 065- 03971 A+/ g 7.80 [120387] Atherton London Sinfonietta +C Bryn- Julson, Gaetani Rolfe-Johnson, King Schubert Messe #4 C-dur / Menuetto und finale D72, Eine kleine Trauermusik D79, Gesang der Geister ueber den Wassern D714^ Decca 6.42594 A+/ g/ original blue 5.80 [111909] Ayo ChOBerlin Negri Vivaldi Quattro stagioni Eterna 826 857 A+/ black 7.80 [113690] Azcue, Lartigau, Lueders, Roth, Saint-Martin on 28 Cavaillé-Coll organs LefebureWely, Alkan Neukomm Boely Benoist Chauvet Loret Lemens Franck Colin Thomas Goritti Vilbac Rousseau Couperin Guilmant Gouno Marty Boellmann Dubois Vierne Usandizaga Widor Motette M10760 7LP- box/ A+/ 65 pages book/ reviewer´s copy, full cloth box/ as new/ specifically recorded comprehensive documentation of the work of Cavaillé-Coll 42.80 [141683] Babieri Caniglia Bechi Gigli Serafin Rome Opera Verdi Ballo in Maschera EMI 15318392/ 94 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ it/ historical archives series/ as new 21.80 [130074] Baker Leppard ECO Beethoven Gluck Handel Haydn Mozart Schubert Philips 6767 001 4LPbox/ A+/ nl/ new 15.80 [133513] Banda, Kosa, Hungar. Harp- Trio, Szokefalvy- Nagy, Takacs, Zsigmond, Fueloep, Nemeth, Kovacs, Lukacs, Szaz, Som, Proehle, Lubik, Gaertner, Erdelyi Kosa VcSoP, 12 Miniatures f. Harp- Trio, Orpheus Eurydike Hermes Hungaroton LPX 11628 A+/ new/ rare 12.80 [124455] Banzhaf Fahberg Loimmer Stocklass Gassner Lenz Molitorisz Pro musica sacra Muenchen Schubert Lazarus Schwann AMS 1512 A+/ g/ as new 7.80 [108772] Barchet Reinhardt Pro Musica Stuttgart Mozart VK 4+6 K218 K268 Vox PL 10.110 A+/ M/ us/ early black label / as new (record was fac sealed, opened to verify) 42.80 [107758] Barenboim Schubert 4 Impromptus op90, 4 Impromptus op 142 DG 2530 986 A+/ g/ original 7.80 [122463] Barenboim Beethoven Diabelli Var. DG 2532 048 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy/ quite rare 21.80 [141417] Barenboim Chicago SO Bruckner S5 DG 2707 113 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ as new 12.80 Barenboim Chicago SO Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, Francesca da Rimini DG 2532 069 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 Barenboim Chicago SO [133488] [141289] Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, Francesca da Rimini DG 2532 069 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141290] Barenboim Chicago SO Norman Minton Rendall Ramey Bruckner S8 / Te Deum DG 2741 007 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original 15.80 [130809] Barenboim CSO Mozart Figaro Ouv. / Weber Oberon Ouv. / Schumann Manfred Ouv. / Mendelssohn Midsummer Night´s Dream Ouv. Nicolai .. Windsor Ouv DG 2531 215 A+/ g/ original/ new 7.80 [132216] Barenboim ECO Mozart PK compl EMI 197- 52249/ 60 12LP- box/ A+/ g/ new copy/ Wiener Floetenuhr 30.80 [110216] Barenboim Klemperer NPhO Beethoven PK 1- 5 / Chorfantasie EMI 29 631-9 5LP- box/ A,A+/ g/ early red Electrola/ club with id. box, get up (full booklet), label + pressings/ very good sound 42.80 [115007] Barenboim Minton Fischer- Dieskau Bastin OdParis Berlioz S La Damnation de Faust DG 2709 087 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ pre- orignal wh sample copy/ as new 24.80 [133520] Barenboim Minton LPO Elgar Sea Pictures / In the South CBS 76579 A+/ g/ gatefold original 6.80 [106645] Barenboim Norman Welting Minton Rendall Ramey Chicago SO Bruckner Te Deum, 150. Psalm, Helgoland DG 410 650- 1 A+, sealed/ g/ original 10.80 [120851] Barenboim OdParis Debussy Images, Prelude ..Faune DG 2532 058 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141299] Barenboim OParis Wagner Ouv -Tristan Preludes Act1+3, Liebestod, Hollaender, Meistersinger, La Descente de la Courtille DG 2532 086 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141778] Bartok-Q Beethoven V4 op59,1-3 op74 op95 Fidelio PL 5534/6 3LP-slipcase/ A+/ as original, SLPX stampers 15.80 [122886] Baudo Chateau Rodde Brachet Proenza CzPO Honegger Jeanne d´Arc Eurodisc/ Supraphon 27967 XFR 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ SQ/ as new, including 43204 XK Honegger on Honegger, in german 15.80 [102679] Baumann Stoll (both BPO, Cello + Contrabass) Virtuoso Chamber music - Rossini Couperin,L Mozart Barriere Camerata CMT 1002 A+/ jap/ original 16.80 [132159] Baumgartner Fest Strings Lucerne (Nicolet Touvron) Bach Orchestral Suites 1-4 Orbis/ Eurodisc 384750 A+, was sealed, opened to verify/ dark blue 10.80 [135722] Baumgartner FS Lucerne Vivaldi concerto op3,1-4 L´Estro Armonico Archiv 198 449 SAPM A+/g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new copy 16.80 [141199] Beaucamp ChO Rouen Telemann Don Quichotte, L Imperiale, L Espiegle, La Boufonne Philips 835 757 DXY A+/ nl/ red original 10.80 [125553] Beaux Arts Trio Haydn PV3 #29, 30, 31 Orbis/ Philips 63536 A+, fac.sealed/ new unplayed copy 6.80 [130105] Behrend English Guitar Music - Cutting Batchelar Robinson Dowland Camidge Duarte McCabe Musgrave DG 2530 079 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [132068] Behrend English Guitar Music - Cutting Batchelar Robinson Dowland Camidge Duarte McCabe Musgrave DG 2530 079 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141404] Behrend English Guitar Music - Cutting Batchelar Robinson Dowland Camidge Duarte McCabe Musgrave DG 2530 079 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141405] Behrend Fink Guitar and Percussion (16th to 20th Century) - Behrend Besard Negri Milan Newsidler Anon. Fink Hashagen 2530 034 A+/ g/ original/ very rare/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141797] Behrend, Bussotti,NCRV Vocaal Ensemble, Voorsberg Castelnuovo Tedesco Romancero gitano op152, Bussotti Ultima rara, Hartig Perché op28 DG 2530 037 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed DGG archive copy/ very rare 24.80 [141801] Belohlavek Marazova Markova Kratochvilova Deplotova Zitek Kusnjer Jedlicka Prusa Prague SO+ RSC Martinu The Miracle of Our Lady (cycle of 4 operas) Supraphon 1116 3401- 03 3LP- box/ A+/ blue original/ new copy 21.80 [133443] Berger operatic recordings 1935- 46 / Mozart (Königin, Konstanze 2), Verdi (Gilda 3), Offenbach (Antonia), Humperdinck, Strauss,R (Zerbinetta), Gluck (Eurydike 2) Flotow (Martha 3) BASF 22 21490- 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac.sealed/ new unplayed copy 14.80 [137956] Berglund Bournemouth SO Sibelius Finlandia Tounela Leminkainen Koenig Christian Valse triste EMI 063- 05011 A+/ g/ SQ 4.80 [112466] Bergmann,Maria Jahn Kussmaul Taube Oheim Wunder Schobert, Johann Chamber music S op9,3 + op10,1 (both P, V, 2frHorn), PV3 op16,1 , PV4 op14,1 Da Camera Magna SM 92506 A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy/ very rare and interesting, both repertoire and artists 13.80 [113199] Bernard NSO London Beethoven S7 Coriolan Ouv Forlane UM 4500 A+, was fac.sealed/ fr/ original/ new copy 11.80 [140417] Bernius ChC Stuttgart / Sumpik Hajek Keuschnig,R / Reuthe/ ORF SO Keuschnig,P (WDR + ORF recordings 1971-80) Erbse 3 Choere zu 6 Stimmen, Klar.-Trio/ PSo/ Sinfonietta giocosa Aulos 53563 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123132] Bernius ChC Stuttgart / Sumpik Hajek Keuschnig,R / Reuthe/ ORF SO Keuschnig,P (WDR + ORF recordings 1971-80) Erbse 3 Choere zu 6 Stimmen, Klar.-Trio/ PSo/ Sinfonietta giocosa Aulos 53563 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123134] Bernstein Israel PO Stravinsky Le Sacre du Printemps DG 2532 075 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 17.80 [141789] Bernstein LAPO Copland Apalachian Spring, Barber Adagio, Bernstein Candide Ouv., Shuman American Feastival Ouv. DG 2532 083 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ new archive copy 12.80 [118756] Bernstein LAPO Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue / Bernstein Symphonic Dances DG 2532 082 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [124184] Bernstein LAPO Copland Apalachian Spring, Barber Adagio, Bernstein Candide Ouv., Shuman American Feastival Ouv. DG 2532 083 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141781] Bernstein LAPO Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue / Bernstein Symphonic Dances DG 2532 082 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141782] Bertini Poole Michelow Young,A BBC Singers + SO Dallapiccola Sicut umbra / Tempus Destruendi/ Tempus Aedificandi / Shaw Alesson / Music, when soft voices die / Peter & the lame man Argo ZRG 791 A+/ engl 7.80 [101965] Binkley Sudio der fruehen Musik Chansons der Troubadours + Trouveres 12. Jhdt. Telefunken 6.35519 DX 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue/ nearly as new 11.80 [133705] Binkley Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Fleury Easter Play Vuisitatio sepulchri, Easter Mass Notre Dame de Paris (1200) HM/ EMI 165- 99925- 26 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ as new 21.80 [140423] Binkley Studio der frühen Musik Machaut Chansons vol1 EMI 063- 30106 A+/ g/ gatefold/ as new 7.80 [107811] Binkley Studio der fruehen Musik Minnesaenger + Spielleute [Vogelweide Reuental Brennenberg von Meissen Wizlaw ....] Telefunken 6.35618 2LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ Telefunken pressing 24.80 [132907] Bishop Davis LSO Beethoven PK5 Philips 839 794 LY A+/ nl/ early red/ as new 6.80 [115344] Bishop Members of BPO- Octet Dvorak PV5 op81, V5 op97 Philips 6570 571 A+/ nl/ red 6.80 [116586] Bjoerling Sved Milanov Castagna Andreva Kent Cordon Moscona Carter Oliviero Panizza Verdi Un Ballo in Maschera Rococo 1003 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ can/ 21.80 [109401] Blankenburg Lippitz Fischer-Kuntz Hatano Thomaschke Chor+O Koelner Kurrende Mendelssohn-Hensel (Fanny) Oratorium nach Bildern der Bibel JPC 999 009 A+, inner sleeve still sealed/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [140383] Blomstedt Polster Adam Cassily Moser Ridderbusch Donath Buechner Goldberg Lorenz StkD Beethoven Leonore Urfassung 1805 Eterna 826 831- 3 3LP- box/ A+/ black original/ cloth spine box/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [100794] Blomstedt Valjakka Thallaug Ulbricht (Va) Dresden StK RFC Leipzig Grieg Peer Gynt EMI 065- 1033981 A+/ g/ sc original/ gatefold/ as new 10.80 [132825] Boehm BPO Brahms S2 Heliodor 89 595 A+/ g/ early plum/ es/ as new/ sounds quite natural, no fake shadows 6.80 [105287] Boehm BPO Mozart S40 K550, S26 K184, S27 K199 yellow label/ as new 7.80 DG 29878-6 A+/ g/ club, DGG pressing, [140914] Boehm BPO Mozart Serenade K320 Serenata notturna K239 DG 2530 082 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141338] Boehm BPO (1971) Schubert S1 + S2 DG 2530 216 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [133047] Boehm BPO (1971) Schubert S1 + S2 DG 2530 216 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141282] Boehm BPO- Wind Mozart Serenade K361 DG 2530 136 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [131817] Boehm Brandis BPO Mozart Haffner Serenade K250 DG 2530 290 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [129889] Boehm Brandis BPO Mozart Haffner Serenade K250 DG 2530 290 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141809] Boehm Fischer- Dieskau Flagello Nilsson Schreier Arroyo Talvela Grist Mariotti Nat. Theater Prag / Prey Mathis Janowitz Troyanos Deutsche Oper Berlin/ Lear Otto Peters Crass Hotter Wunderlich BPO Mozart Don Giovanni / Figaro/ Zauberfloete DG 2740 108 11LP, 3 ind. box sets + book in add. slipcase/ A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 60.80 [141069] Boehm in Dresden vol 3/ orchestral recordings 1936-41 / Teschemacher Hoengen Ralf Herrmann Beethoven S9 / Brahms S4 / Bruckner S4 + S5 / Reger Mozart -Var + Fuge op132 / Pfitzner S C-dur op46 / Berger Rondino giocoso op4 / Strauss Till, Don Juan EMI 137- 53508- 13 6 LP- box/ A+/ M/ g/ red original/ as new 42.80 [113891] Boehm Jones Crass Mathis Schreier Talvela StKDresden Beethoven Fidelio DG 634 614- 16 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original cloth- bound Beethoven Edition box X/ new unplayed copy 17.80 [134537] Boehm Stoss Fischer-Dieskau Troyanos Thomas Unger Friedrich Lackner Grist Hillebrecht McDaniel van Kesteren Kogel Lenz Auger Rugtvedt Schmidt SOBR Strauss,R Ariadne auf Naxos DG 2721 189 3LP- box/ A+/ wh sample copy/ as new 21.80 [128284] Boehm VPO Beethoven S6 DG 2530 142 A+/ g/ original/ cover wavy, record new 4.80 [101077] Boehm VPO Haydn S 91 + S92 (Oxford) DG 2543 180 A+/ g/ original DG 2530 524 stampers 6.80 [135096] Boehm VPO Beethoven S5 DG 2530 062 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [138006] Boehm VPO Beethoven S5 DG 2530 062 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ very special label issue - one out of 100 inhouse copies with the following printed below the DG logo Die 40 millionste Platte des Jahres 1970, Hannover 16.Dez.1970/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 [141179] Boehm VPO 12.80 Mozart S25 +S26 +S27 DG 2530 120 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy [141401] Boettcher ChO Wiener Festspiele Haydn S6 S7 S8 Turnabout TV 34150S A+/ nl/ as new 4.80 [105312] Boettcher,M Trede-Boettcher Dvorak Romantische Stücke op75 / Falla Suite populaire / Ravel VSoP / Bartok Rumanian dances RBM 3059 A+/ g/ DG pressing/ ravishing violin recordings 24.80 [109596] Bogaard,E (sax) Hartsuiker (piano) Virtuoso Chamber Music (Demersseman, Tscherepnin, Takacs, Maurice, Milhaud) Telefunken 6.42841 A+/ g/ DMM 7.80 [122597] Bohnke Scriabin piano recital Da Camera Magna SM 93119 A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy 10.80 [114989] Bolze Alder Ravel VSoP / Fauré VSoP op13 Classic Studio Berlin CS 10800 A+/ g/ 10.80 [103816] Bonifaccio Nimsgern Rolle Collegium aureum (Kuijken Steeb Bylsma Neumeyer ..) Pergolesi La serva Padrona HM/ EMI 065- 99749 A+/ g/ gld/ outstanding, performance and recording 9.80 [141959] Bonsaksen (organ) Nielsen Commotio op58 / Rosenberg Fantasia e Fuga / Valen Pastorale op34 Simax PN 2006 A+/ gatefold/ german teldec pressing/ norwegian issue 12.80 [124827] Boogaarts, ChC Utrecht University Marian motets - Obrecht, de rorem Willaert, di Lasso, de Monte, Dufay Schwann AMS 2602 A+/g/ gatefold, original/ as new 7.80 [140718] Borg Stein RSO Berlin recital - Russian opera arias, Mussorgsky Tcahikovsky Glinka Borodin DGG 136 386 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ as new archive copy 49.80 [124115] Borg Stein RSO Berlin recital - Russian opera arias, Mussorgsky Tcahikovsky Glinka Borodin DGG 136 386 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ as new copy from DGG archive 49.80 [141086] Boston Symphony Chamber Players Dwyer Gomberg Eskin Levin Silverstein Wright Carter Sonate for Floete, Oboe, Cello + Cembalo / Ives Largo for Violine, Klarinette + Klavier / Porter Quintett for Oboe and V4 DG 2530 104 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 17.80 [126564] Boulez de Gaetani Kipnis Falla Sombrero des tres Picos, Harpsichord Concerto CBS 76500 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [125316] Boulez Ens Intercontemporain Dufourt Antiphysis / Harvey Mortuos Plango, Vivos Voco / Grisey Modulations Erato STU 71544 A+ new/ fr/ original gatefold/ unplayed copy 15.80 [111434] Boulez Hofmann Altmeyer Jones McIntyre Salminen Gramatzki Schiml Middleton Clarke Killebrew Glauser Wagner Walkuere Bayreuth Cherau Inszenierung Philips 6769 071 4LP-box/ A+/ nl red original 21.80 [131412] Boulez New Swingle Singers (Ward Swingle) ONat France Berio Sinfonia , Eindrücke Erato NUM 75198 A+ new/ fr/ sealed, unplayed copy 13.80 [110769] Boulez Pilarcyk Montaigne Yordanoff Collot Huchot Bergmann Castagner Schoenberg Pierrot Lunaire op21 Ades 14.005 A+/ fr/ double gatefold/ a 20th century classic 15.80 [103949] Boult LPO Elgar Wand of Youth Suites 1 & 2, 3 Bav. Dances, Chanson de Matin, Chanson de Nuit EMI ASD 2356 A+/ eng/ 2nd pstamp/ as new 11.80 [130823] Bour Cgbw/ Blomstedt Swedish RSO/ Ehrling Kgl Hovkapellet Sandstroem Through and Through, Culminations, Con tutta forza (all 3 for O) Caprice CAP 1244 A+ new/ swed/ booklet incl 12.80 [124774] BPO (Brass section) Music for Brass Gabrieli Albrici Grillo Berger Stoerl Muffat Pezel Gabrieli Scheidt DG 2532 066 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [109983] BPO Chamber Ensembles - Phil Solisten, Westphal-Q, Herzfeld-Q, Brandis-Q Haydn Divertimento C-dur, V4 op20, Boccherini Menuett op13, Mendelssohn Canzonetta op12 DG 2532 081 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [123292] BPO Chamber Ensembles - Phil Solisten, Westphal-Q, Herzfeld-Q, Brandis-Q Haydn Divertimento C-dur, V4 op20, Boccherini Menuett op13, Mendelssohn Canzonetta op12 DG 2532 081 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141783] BPO Chamber Ensembles - 12 Celli, 8 horns, Baumann + Stoll, The Double Basses*, Percussion players Scarlatti Funck Haydn Klengel, Rossini Le Rendez-Vous de chasse (2x4 horns), Rossini Duett Vc+DB, Strauss,J Blaue Donau (DB*) Khachaturian DG 2532 091 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [116832] BPO Chamber Ensembles - 12 Celli, 8 horns, Baumann + Stoll, The Double Basses*, Percussion players Scarlatti Funck Haydn Klengel, Rossini Le Rendez-Vous de chasse (2x4 horns), Rossini Duett Vc+DB, Strauss,J Blaue Donau (DB*) Khachaturian DG 2532 091 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141058] BPO Chamber Ensembles (Brandis-Q* Westphal-Q* / Philh Oktett Berlin** (= Leister Seifert Lemke Spierer Mehne Steiner Zepperitz) Mendelssohn Oktett */ Bruch Septett** DG 2532 077 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [115264] BPO- Octet Members Gellermann Hartmann Moog Steiner Zepperitz Mozart Divertimenti K136 + K137 East World EWC 80577 A+/ jp/ early jp toshiba pressing 12.80 [110739] BPO- Wind Mozart Serenade #10 K361 Gran Partita DG 2532 089 A+/g/ original/ new copy 15.80 [135043] BPO- Wind Mozart Serenade #10 K361 Gran Partita DG 2532 089 A+/g/ pre-original wh sample/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141059] BPO- Wind Mozart Serenade #10 K361 Gran Partita DG 2532 089 A+/g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141060] Brailowsky (rec NY 1952) Chopin Preludes op28 RCA GL 85268 A+/ M/ g/ DMM 7.80 [108983] Brandis Hauptmann Leister Vasary Borwitzky Brahms Trio For P, V + Horn op40, Trio For P, Clar + Vc op114 DG 2532 097 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample, new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [130565] Brandis Hauptmann Leister Vasary Borwitzky Brahms Trio For P, V + Horn op40, Trio For P, Clar + Vc op114 DG 2532 097 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [132001] Brandis-Q (Brandis Brem Strehle Boettcher) (rec 1981) Schubert V4 #15 G-dur op post 161 D887 Orfeo S 007821 A A+/ g/ original/ as new 12.80 [122434] Brendel Schubert PSo D-dur op53, D850 / 16 Deutsche Taenze op33 D783 Philips 6500 763 LY A+/ nl/ red original/ sample copy/ new 11.80 [117476] Brendel Schubert PSo #21 B-dur D960 / Wanderer- Fantasie op15 Philips 6500 285 A+/ nl/ early red/ new copy 12.80 [126172] Brendel Schubert PSo #21 B-dur D960 / Wanderer- Fantasie op15 Philips 6500 285 A+/ nl/ early red/ as new 10.80 [132886] Brendel Schubert Impromptus op142 / Klavierstuecke D946 Philips 6500 928 LY (A+)/ nl red original/ sample copy/ as new 11.80 [134384] Brendel Mozart PSo K331 K540 K333 Orbis 66 6925 A+, was fac sealed/ (Philips)/ cov wavy from decades of sealing/ new unplayed copy 3.80 Brendel [136977] Beethoven PSo op10,3 op13, op26 op27,2, op31,3 op49,1 op79 Philips 29673- 1 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 Brendel Beethoven PSo op10,3 op13, op26 op27,2, op31,3 op49,1 op79 Philips 29673- 1 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 Brendel [132997] Beethoven PSo op13, op49,1 op31,3 Philips 9500 077 A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 10.80 Brendel [132982] [135025] Beethoven PSo op10,3 op13, op26 op27,2, op31,3 op49,1 op79 Philips 29673- 1 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [135045] Brendel LPO Haitink Beethoven PK5 Philips 29680- 6 A+/ g/ earliest red as original/ club with id cov, label and stampers/ new unplayed copy 6.80 [132059] Brendel LPO Haitink Beethoven PK5 Philips 29680- 6 A+/ g/ earliest red as original/ club with id cov, label and stampers/ new unplayed copy 6.80 [135051] Brendel Marriner ASMF Mozart PK K466, K491 Philips Fono- ring SFGLP 78 445 A+/ g/ white sample copy/ new 11.80 [132985] Brendel Marriner ASMF Mozart PK K466, K491 Philips Fono- ring SFGLP 78 445 A+/ g/ white sample copy/ new 11.80 [132987] Brouwer RARA - Bussotti, Ohana, Mestres- Quedreny, Brouwer, Halffter, Blanco DG 2530 307 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy/ very rare/ not licensed but an original DGG recording (Wildhagen) 21.80 [141561] Brueckner Rueggeberg Lenya Guenter Mund Goellnitz Roth Markwort Saverbaum NDR Weill/ Brecht Mahagonny CBS 77341 3LP- box/ A+/ fr/ early blue/ cloth title/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [117197] Brueggeboers Genuit Chopin Rossini-Var, Hummel FlSoP op50 Reinicke Undine Sonate (Fl+P) Aulos 30102 A+/ g/ as new 4.80 [110019] Brymer London Wind Soloists Mozart Wind Serenades and Divertimenti compl. Decca 6.35097 5LP- box/ A+/ earliest blue 24.80 [118038] Bryn Julson Weisberg Contemporary Chamber Ensemble Spectrum - New American Music vol1 - Myrow Songs from the Japanese / Reynolds Quick are the moulds op Earth Nonesuch H-71219 A+/ us/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [115964] Bucher- Galonski Capella Bydgostiensis Bach,CPE Organ concertos Es-dur + G-dur Muza SXL 0610 A+/ blue original/ as new 7.80 [131043] Bumbry - Loewlein Deutsche Oper Berlin Verdi arias DGG 138 987 SLPM A+/ g/ early tulip/ newe unplayed 16.80 [141257] Bunin Laforet Jablonski Luisada Gekic Fichman Hart Angelow Kilian Poentinen Harda Koyama Yi-Fian Ogawa Plagge Zilberkant Saito Mimura Bonn Wilde Koyama Chopin - International Chopin Piano Competition XI Warsaw 1985 -Kronika konkursu, pianists listed first are those to have won most space in this documentation Muza SX 2272 - 2281 10 ind records (complete set)/ A+/ original 51.80 [130849] Busch,F Souez Helletsgruber Mildmay Brownlee Glyndebourrne 1936 Mozart Don Giovanni EMI Pathe 151- 43057/ 9 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ fr/ references 15.80 [103145] Caballé Carreras Ahnsjoe Ramey Sardinero Murray Bello NPhO Lopez cobos Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor Philips 6703 080 3LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red (9500..) as new 21.80 [109446] Caballé Carreras Ahnsjoe Ramey Sardinero Murray Bello NPhO Lopez cobos Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor Philips 6703 080 3LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red (9500..) as new 21.80 [133724] Caballe NPhO Giovaninetti Operatic recital - Gounod Faust- Il etait un roi de Thule/ Ah! Je ris de me voir si belle en ce miroir Gounod Mireille-Voici la vaste plaine et le desert de feu Gounod Romeo et Juliette-Je veux vivre dans le reve Charpentier Louise-Depuis le jour où je me suis donnee Bizet Carmen-C´est des contrebandiers le refuge ordinaire Massenet Thais-Ah! me voilà seule/ O mon miroir fidele DG 2530 073 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [131947] Caballe Pavarotti Hodgson Ghiaurov Baltsa Milnes - NatPO Bartoletti Ponchieli La Gioconda Decca 6.35542 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ silv sc/ as new 15.80 [130919] Caballe Plishka Lima Quilico Opera O NY, Schola cantorum (Ross) - Queler Donizetti Gemma di Vergy CBS 79303 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ box- (ok) 21.80 [130950] Caceres (guitar) Vihuelistes, Luthistes et Guitaristes - Milan Narvaez Mudara Pisador Sanz Holborne Dowland Weiss Scarlatti,A Erato STU 70495 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ blue sc original/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 14.80 [110877] Caillard, Chorale Philippe Caillard Palestrina Missa Aeterna Christi Munera - 6 motets Erato ERA 9502 A+ new/ fr/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 7.80 [114734] Callas di Stefano Gobbi Votto Scala Verdi Ballo in Maschera EMI 153- 17651/ 53 M 3LP box/ A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g 24.80 [105573] Callas Tagliavini Cappuccilli Ladysz Philharmonia Serafin Donizetti Lucia di Lamermoor EMI 153- 290876 3 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ late sc, DMM 15.80 [111532] Camerata Bern Holliger Tuckwell Elhorst Routch Sax Jaccottet Zelenka Orchestral works - Capriccio D-dur, Hipocondrie a 7 concertanti, Sinfonia a 8 concertanti Archiv 2533 464 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141167] Cape Pro Musica Antiqua Brussels Machaut La Messe de Nostre Dame - 10 Secular Works Archiv 14 063 APM A+ sealed copy/ M/ g/ flat german original pressing in UK/US market cover (ARC 3032)/ I opened others from this batch, only to find records after 50 years in pristine condition. [122305] 14.80 Cape Pro Musica Antiqua Brussels (rec 1956 mono) Dunstable Motets / Ockeghem 5 Chansons Archiv 14 069 APM A/ M/ g/ sewn gatefold cov (pr. 1956)/ flat 1956 pressing of a 1956 recording - original 16.80 [141089] Carmirelli Garatti I Musici Haydn VPK Fdur / Cassation G- dur Philips 9500 602 A+/ nl/ red 6.80 [102619] Casals / Kempff Horszowski Engel Vegh Zoeldy Janzer Germndron Szabo Lamoureux Hommage a Casals - Schubert V5 op 163, Beethoven VcSoP op102,2 op5,1+2, op17 (Horn arr) PV3 op70,1 op97 op1,3 / Haydn VcK op101/ Bocchertini VcK B-dur/ Faure Elegie op24/ Casals Les rois mages, Sardana/ Bach Sarabande from Suite #5 Philips 6747 103 7LP- box/ A+/ nl/ spot on booklet, else as new copy/ unplayed 51.80 [129968] Caskel Auryn- Q Kruschek- Q Lindner Baur, Juerg Ritratti Kontrapunkte 77, 5 Impressioni, Herz stirb oder singe (Lieder V4, Fl, Sopran) Schwann SCW 3060 A+/ g/ DMM/ as new 10.80 [108747] Caskel Auryn-Q Baur, Juerg Ritratti Kontrapunkte 77, 5 Impressioni, Herz stirb oder singe (Lieder V4, Fl, Sopran) Schwann SCW 3060 A+/ g/ DMM 10.80 [100762] Cebotari arias Mozart Verdi Bizez DGG 19 348 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 Cebotari [141434] arias Mozart Verdi Bizez DGG 19 348 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [141435] Cebotari - Dt. Oper Berlin Steeger / Ludwig Schmitt- Walter Berliner Rundfunk Rother operatic recital (vol2) Puccini Strauss,R Heliodor 88030 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy 7.80 [126634] Cebotari Ludwig Anders, Rother, Steeger Puccini arias and duets DGG 19 349 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ earliest tulip (AH/ new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141433] Chailly Domingo Obraztsova Auger Grundheber Moll WDR Massenet Werther DG 2740 212 3LP- box/ A+, fac sealed/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [114284] Challan Nadermann Sonates 1-7 pour harpe Arion ARN 38548 A+/ fr 4.80 [103536] Chapuis, L´Ensemble vocal Roger Blanchard, Mueller,E, Wenzinger Mueller Majer Ulsamer Koch, Fest Singer Goeldner Stollreiter Steinkopf Couperin Unknown works - for organ, for choir + organ (short and sacred), 2 Fantasies sur le jeu des hautbois, Suite a-moll (hps), Fantaisies pour violes Archiv 198 361 SAPM A+/ g/ grey double gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [139087] Charlier Foster Monte Carlo Mendelssohn VK e-moll op64 + VK d-moll Erato NUM75096 A+/ fr/ green sc original, gatefold/ new copy 12.80 [116167] Chiara Weikl Godknow Covent Garden Gardelli Wolf- Ferrari - Il Segreto di Susanna Decca Set 617 A+/ nl/ nearly as new 11.80 [128383] Chorale Philippe Caillard Josquin Missa pange lingua, Miserere Erato STU 70421 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc/ unplayed copy 12.80 [110876] Chorosinski, Grubich, Serafin - historic organs Basilica Lezaijsk, Poland Buxtehude, Bach, Purcell, Rohaczewski, Anon., Podbielski, Lucchinetti, Blanco, Soler, Bruhnsm, Guillain, Kerll EMI 157- 30988/ 89 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 12.80 [141663] Chorzemba, Dt. Bachsolisten Mozart Church Sonatas Organ+O Philips 6700 061 2LP/ A+/ nl/ red/ as new 12.80 [103106] Christoff Berganza Badioli Rovero Malgarini Nobile Rai Milano Simonetto 1952 Massenet Don Chischiotte (ital) Estro Armonico EA 039 2LP- box/ A+/ M/ us/ (no booklet, never) 12.80 [109442] ChSC+O Solti Verdi 4 pezzi sacri Decca 6.42490 A+/ g/ blue/ as new 6.80 [109791] Collegium aureum Quartett Haydn V4 op76,3+5 HM/ EMI 065- 99876 A+/ g/ gld 6.80 [108065] Collegium vocale Koeln Lieder fuer Chor Brahms/ Mendelssohn EMI 065- 30828 A+/ SQ/ red/ g 4.80 [100033] Comissiona Stockholm PO Petterson S14 Phono Suecia PS 12 A+/ new 12.80 [123891] Complesso Musica da Camera die Roma Mozart PW5 K452 / Beethoven PW5 op16 Intercord INT 120.901 A+ new/ g/ sealed copy/ saphir 6.80 [117911] Concentus musicus Telemann Tafelmusik III - part 1 Amadeo AVRS 130006 st A+/ austrian/ wh sample copy/ 7.80 [128765] Concilium musicum (hist instr, Chalamaux, V4, Naturhoerner Kontrabass) Haydn, M Notturno F-dur / Dittersdorf Notturni F-dur/ Fuss Notturno A-dur Koch Schwann 110 063 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 5.80 [108765] Conlon Hendricks Carreras Quilico Blasi Cowan dArtegna Davia Senechal RTF, ONat France (rec 1987) Puccini La Boheme Erato NUM 75450 2LP- box/ A+ new/ fr/ original, unplayed copy 14.80 [110910] Constant Ens Ars Nova Constant Chants de Maldoror, Winds- Traits Erato STU 70538 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc/ lux gatefold/ unplayed copy/ very rare 16.80 [111311] Constant Ens Ars Nova Constant Septentrion Erato STU 70917 A+ new/ fr/ lux gatefold/ unplayed copy/ very rare 16.80 [116201] Constant O Nat RTF Chojnacka Constant Candide, Chaconne, Marche militaire, Turner Erato STU 70776 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc/ lux gatefold/ unplayed copy/ very rare 16.80 [111314] Constant PO RTF Varese Ameriques, Arcana Erato STU 70726 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original, early gatefold/ unplayed copy/ 14.80 [111309] Copley Nicolet Nicolet,C Holliger Pellerin Daehler Camerata Bern Furi Telemann Wind concertos - Konzert e-moll fuer Blockfloete, Querfloete und Streicher Konzert A-Dur fuer Oboe d amore und Streicher Konzert Es-Dur fuer Oboe und Streicher Konzert BDur fuer 2 Floeten, 2 Oboen und Streicher Archiv 2533 454 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new & unplayed archive copy 12.80 [127551] Corboz Ens vocal & instrumental Lausanne Perrin Staempfli Schwartz Perre Dufour Huttenlocher Tüller Bach Messe H-moll Erato ZL 30544 3LP- box/ A+/g/ early plum sc 19.80 [100518] Corboz Ihara Gulbenkian Lisbon Vivaldi Dixit Dominus, Stabat Mater Erato STU 71018 A+/ fr/ gatefold/ bl- wh sc 12.80 [124815] Corboz Perrin Staempfli Schwarz Perret Huttenlocher Loup Ens vocal et instrumental Lausanne Monteverdi Selva Morale vol8 Erato STU 70420 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original/ unplayed copy 12.80 [111352] Corboz Perrin Staempfli Schwarz Perret Huttenlocher Loup Ens vocal et instrumental Lausanne Monteverdi Selva Morale vol8 Erato STU 70420 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original/ unplayed copy 12.80 [114674] Corboz Smith Schwartz Serafim Gulbenkian Seixas Teixeira Almeida - motets Archiv 2533 068 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ Portugaliae Musica vol3/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [132539] Corboz Ticinelli- Fattori Ferracini- Malacarne Schwartz Tappy Cuenod Huttenlocher Fissore Loup Ens vocal + instrumental Lausanne (hist instr.) Monteverdi Vespro della Beata Vergine Erato ZL 30548 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ early blue sc/ fine/ as new 21.80 [134524] Cortot Schumann Kinderszenen op15, Debussy Children s Corner, Chopin PSo #2 Angel Toshiba GR- 2155 A+/ M/ jap, booklet incl/ lux issue/ as new 15.80 [129978] Cotrubas Bonisolli Greenberg Fontana ORF SO Zagrosek Gluck Paride ed Elena Orfeo S 118843 F 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 21.80 [124959] Couraud Ars Nova Choeur de lORTF Garcisanz Ohana Cantigas, Cris Erato STU 70544 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original, gatefold/ unplayed copy 21.80 [110916] Couraud Ars Nova Choeur de lORTF Garcisanz Ohana Cantigas, Cris Erato STU 70544 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original, gatefold/ unplayed copy 21.80 [111299] Couraud Ars Nova Choeur de lORTF Garcisanz Ohana Cantigas, Cris Erato STU 70544 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original, gatefold/ unplayed copy 21.80 [111300] Couraud Loriod,Y Loriod,J Maitrise + ChO ORTF Messiaen 3 Petites Liturgies de la Presence Divine Erato STU 70200 A+ new/ fr/ unplayed copy/ blue sc 12.80 [114671] Couraud Solistes des Choeurs de l ORTF Messiaen 5 rechants / Xenakis Nuits / Penderecki Stbat Mater Erato STU 70457 A+ new/ fr/ early gatefold/ unplayed copy 12.80 [110889] Crauss Bamberg SO/ Baker Koeckert-Q Bav SO Egk/ Schernus RSO+C Koeln/ Schneidt RSO Koeln/ Fischer-Dieskau Rother RIAS/ NCRV Hilversum Voorberg/ Jarnach/ Musulin Solti Stuttgart RSO Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 1 - 1945-50- Strauss Metamorphosen/ Egk La Tentation de Saint Antoine/ Hindemith Apparebit repentia dies/ Pepping O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden/ David Deutsche Messe op42/ Jarnach Das Amrumer Tagebuch/ Reutter Konzertvar. P+O HM DMR 1001- 03 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ as new 30.80 [121452] Crauss Bamberg SO/ Baker Koeckert-Q Bav SO Egk/ Schernus RSO+C Koeln/ Schneidt RSO Koeln/ Fischer-Dieskau Rother RIAS/ NCRV Hilversum Voorberg/ Jarnach/ Musulin Solti Stuttgart RSO Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 1 - 1945-50- Strauss Metamorphosen/ Egk La Tentation de Saint Antoine/ Hindemith Apparebit repentia dies/ Pepping O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden/ David Deutsche Messe op42/ Jarnach Das Amrumer Tagebuch/ Reutter Konzertvar. P+O HM DMR 1001- 03 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ nearly as new 30.80 [129156] Crossley Philip Jones Ensemble, Howarth Hindemith Konzertmusik fuer Streicher und Blechblaeser op50, Konzertmusik fuer Klavier, Blechblaeser und 2 Harfen op49 Argo ZRDL 1000 A+/ nl/ silv sc original 11.80 [126865] CzPChorus Matl Poulenc Figure humaine, 4 motets / 7 Chansons Supraphon 1112 3359 G A+/ blue 4.80 [103630] Czyz Lodz PO Szymanowski S2, Roxanas Song (from King Roger), Etude op4,3 (arr Fitelberg) Muza SX 0981 A+, sealed/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [124051] Danby Hist. Orgel der Marienkirche Lemgo, Marienkantorei Lemgo Schmidt,W Organ and Choral music from Germany 1500-1700 - Scheidt Issac Weckmann LechnerBuxtehudePachelbel Schlick Praetorius Boehm Bruhns Chandos ABA 1028 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 8.80 [140574] Danish String- Q. Mozart Complete Quintets with Strings, incl ClarV5, HornV5, Serenade K525 + Aadagio + Fuge K546 Telefunken SLA 25097-T/1-5 5LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ german original 51.80 [137546] Danzi Quintett (W5, Vester Karres Honingh Woudenberg Pollard) Schoenberg W5 op26 BASF 25 22057- 5 A+/ g/ original 12.80 [113366] Davidovich Marriner LSO Chopin PK2 Krakowiak op14 Philips 6514 259 A+/ nl/ 4.80 [105428] Davis Baker Tappy Allen Bastin John Alldis Choir LSO Berlioz L´Enfance du Christ Philips 6700 106 2LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red / new unplayed copy 14.80 [116581] Davis Boston SO Mendelssohn S4 /b Sommernachts- traum exc. Philips 9500 068 A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 7.80 [107862] Davis Welting Palmer Cotrubas Rolfe Johnson Tear Grant LSO/ Klee Eickstedt Pohl Adam Buechner Polster StkBerlin / Schmidt- Isserstedt Donath Norman Troyanos Hollweg Prey Unger Cotrubas NDR / Paumgatner Kuester Oravez Siebert Jaresch Maran Pernersdorfer Raninger Camerata Academica Mozarteum Salzburg / Zinman NethChO Mozart Schauspiel- direktor, Lo sposo Deluso, Thamos, La finta Giardinera (g), La finta Semplice/ Ballet music - Idomeneo, Les petit riens Philips 6747 388 8LP- box/ A+/ nl/ new unplayed copy/ Mozart Edition cloth box/ great sound- the whole of this Philips Mozart Edition has very good pressings, by no means inferior to the original/ as new 42.80 [134181] Davis,C Vickers Veasey Lindholm Covent Garden O+C Berlioz Les Troyens Philips 6709 002 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ early red, incl 2 big booklets 76 p/ new unplayed copy 30.80 [133639] De Col Clementi Kuhlau Sonatinas Eurodisc 200088- 241 A+/ g/ / new sealed copy 6.80 [117288] de Klerk (small organs) Palestrina Frescobaldi Sweelink Gibbons u.a. Telefunken 6.41036 A+/ g/ unplayed 7.80 [132837] de Sabata Arrau* Farrell** NYPO 1951 Beethoven S8 / Schumann PK*/ Barber School for Scandal Ouv / Wagner Meistersinger Vorspiel1, Parsifal, Tristan Vorspiel und Liebestod**, Goetter- daemmerung Immolation scene** Fonit Cetra DOC 33 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ it/ 24.80 [106548] de Waart Neth Wind Ensemble / Paumgartner Camerata Academica Mozarteum / Ameling Cooymans, van der Bilt, Pieterson van Keulen, Rozenboom, Soeteman, Peeters Mozart Wind Ensemble works, compl Philips 6747 379 7LP- box/ A+/ nl/ new copy/ Mozart Edition cloth box/ great sound- the whole of this Philips Mozart Edition has very good pressings, by no means inferior to the original 33.80 [134184] Debost Haudebourg Devienne 4 FlSo Arion ARN 37163 A+/ fr 4.80 [102043] Demus (hist Hammerfluegel) Schubert Impromptu op142,3 Chopin Berceuse op57 Schumann Fantasiestücke op12,1,3, 5, 6, 7, Arabeske op18 Blumenstück op19 , Intermezzo es moll Nachstück op23,4 HM/ EMI 065- 99797 A+/ g/ gld/ Krings recording/ tiny cut, new copy 5.80 [123787] Demus Drolc-Q BPO members Beethoven Kammermusik für Blaeser op16 op17 op20 op25 op71 op81b op103 WoO37 DG 2720 015 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ red cloth box original/ 1. Beethoven Edition vol3/ nearly as new 16.80 [133694] Demus Drolc-Q BPO members Beethoven Kammermusik fuer Blaeser op16 op17 op20 op25 op71 op81b op103 WoO37 DG 2721 129 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ Beethoven Edition vol3/ new unplayed copy 19.80 [141170] Demus Hammerflügel Villa Ludwigshoehe Schubert Impromptus, Walzer, Beethoven PSo op13, Rondo G-dur op51,2, Für Elise WoO 59 SWF 125 non commercial radio issue A+, new unplayed copy, gatefold 16.80 [116479] Demus Hammerflügel Villa Ludwigshoehe Schubert Impromptus, Walzer, Beethoven PSo op13, Rondo G-dur op51,2, Für Elise WoO 59 SWF 125 non commercial radio issue A+, new unplayed copy, gatefold 16.80 [122907] Demus Kamper Weis Beinl Hermann / Detmolder Blaesersextett Schubert PV5 A-Dur D.667 (Trout) / Mozart Divertimento B-Dur K 196f Heliodor 2548 122 A+/ true stereo/ wh sample copy/ as new 7.80 [127414] Dentler Schalker Beethoven Cello Sonata op64 (arr after V3 op3, most likely by, or authorized by, Beethoven) Aulos Pre 68511 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123189] Dentler Schalker Beethoven Cello Sonata op64 (arr after V3 op3, most likely by, or authorized by, Beethoven) Aulos Pre 68511 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123190] Deroubaix Gazzelloni Gucht Ricou Batigne Stingl Collot Boulez Le Marteau sans Maitre HM 30682 A+/ g/ early wh gld 24.80 [112142] Dezarzens Martin Winterthur SO Soloists Martin Le vin herbé Jecklin disco 581/ 82 2LPgatefold/ A+/ swiss/ new 21.80 [128641] Dichter Masur Gwdhs Leipzig Brahms PK1+2 Philips 6769 013 2LP- copy/ A+/ red original/ new unplayed copy 16.80 [131414] Dietrich, Schoenstedt,R Reger Hasse Sutermeister Langlais - (contralto + organ) ambitus FSM 63807 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140946] Doering Balke Knutsen But (Freibier) Balke Zehn, Brandb. K #3,1 und #1,2 in negativer Fassung Audionauten im Druckhaus Galrev Gallau 000001 A+/ g/ very rare 7.80 [105961] Domingo Gala - arias and duets from 28 operas (rec RCA 1969-79) RCA 14617- 5 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ club 11.80 [136189] Domingo Stratas Pons Pretre Scala Leoncavallo Pagliacci Philips 411 484 -1 2LP- gatefold/ A+, sleeves sealed/ nl/ original 15.80 [137933] Dominguez Stader Simandi Metternich Fricsay BavStO Bizet Carmen exc. DGG 136 032 SLPEM A+/ g/ MiG tulip in 1959 cov/ new archive copy 17.80 [141440] Doormann Goettinger Stadkantorei, Frankfurter KantatenO Reichelt Wolf-Matthaeus Feyerabend Hudemann Bach Kantaten BWV117 Sei Lob und Ehr dem hoechsten Gut + BWV93 Wer nur den lieben Gott laesst walten SDG 610102 A+/ g/ green -wh sc stereo/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140697] Dorati BBCSO Bartok Mandarin (comp), Divertimento Philips 6513 008 A+/ fr gatefold/ red 10.80 [100711] Dorati Minneapolis SO VSO Mendelssohn S4, Midsummer Night´s Dream exc Pergola 832 096 PGY A+/ nl/ reissues of a) the 1952 Mercury recording, (and as tinny, but nice anyway), b) the 1958 Philips (and quite good) 4.80 [117736] Dorati Solyom-Nagy Kincses Takacs Nagy Polgar HungStO + Radio Chorus Liszt Christus Hungaroton SLPD 112831- 34 4LP- box/ A+/ as new 15.80 [119107] Douatte Blier Mercadier Descaut Poivre Michel Perier Topart Page Veyron- Lacroix Moliere - Lully Le Bourgeois Gentlihomme Decca LXT 5211- 13 3 ind LP / A+/ M/ eng flat orange +silver/ +add box, wavy/ very rare 33.80 [113178] Dreier RPO Groven Hjalarljod / Draumkvaedet Philips 6529 139 A+/ nl/ red 7.80 [102372] Dreving, Russian ChC Munich Chants from Russian Orthodox service Christophorus SCGLX 73941 A+/ g/ original/ a new 7.80 [140756] Drolc Quartet, Leister Reger ClarV5 op146 DG 2530 303 A+/ g/ original/ quite rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [133780] Droszella -Wilde Schnitger Orgel St Jacobi Luegingworth Tinder Scheidt Scheidemann Buxtehude Reincken Pape PR7 A+/ g/ gatefold, original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140938] Dufour - Notre Dame, Valentin, Lausanne Boellmann Suite Gothique, 2 Verset e-minor, dminor (from Heures mystiques) / Gigout Scherzo, Andantino e-minor, 4 Pieces breves, Toccata b-minor Gallo 30347 A+/ fr/ gatefold original/ as new 7.80 [141664] Dupré Bach 6 Schuebler Chorale Preludes, Fantasias c-moll, G-dur Mercury SRI 75103 A+/ nl/ as new, reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140606] Dutoit Simon Berthet Carrat Chumachenko Morf Ens Instrumental Stravinsky LHistoire du Soldat Erato STU 70620 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ unplayed copy/ 10.80 [110953] Dutoit Simon Berthet Carrat Chumachenko Morf Ens Instrumental Stravinsky LHistoire du Soldat Erato STU 70620 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ unplayed copy/ 10.80 [111268] Dutoit Veyron- Lacroix Higueras- Aragon Ens Instrumental Falla Hps-Concerto, Psyche, El Retablo de Maese Pedro Erato ERA 9241 A+ new/ fr/ sealed, unplayed copy 7.80 [110841] Ehmann Krebs Guemmer Flebbe Kortendieck Spiering Westfaelische Kantorei Distler Choralpassion op7 Cantate T72 083- 84 L 2LP- set/ A+/ M/ g/ original/ 10/ Guemmer studied his part (Jesus) with Distler and created it. / early original mono Telefunken pressing 42.80 [112813] Ehmann Westfaelische Kantorei Bach Motette BWV225 Jesu, meine Freude Cantate T 72 085 L A+/ M/ g/ 10/ as new 10.80 [107435] Ehmann, van der Speek, Haasenmann, Hoeflin Pommerien, Westf. Kantorei Dt. Bachsolisten Bach Kantaten BWV76+37 Die Himmel erzaehlen / Wer da glaubet SDG 610 117 A+/ g/ green-wh sc stereo/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [100465] Eichhorn BavRSO Soloists Orff Ludus de nato Infante mirificus (Wheinachtsspiel) Eurodisc 85621 IK A+/ g/ gld 6.80 [120828] Ella (Eger cathedral organ) Schumann 6 fugues on BACH op60/ Reger Fantasy on Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn op40,2 Hungaroton SLPX 11824 A+/ hung 5.80 [119841] Ellegiers Giesser Stockhausen,M Laukamp Schoellmann Herting Kuettner Bortoluzzi Niehaus Initiation Aulos FSM 53518 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121870] Elmendorff Erb Boehme Wessely Frick Hann Herrmann Fuchs Teschemacher Rott StkD Wolf Corregidor BASF 30- 21408- 7 3LP- box/ A+, (was fac.sealed)/ g/ earliest red/ new unplayed copy 16.80 [130078] Elmendorff Rosvaenge Reining Reinmar StOpera Berlin rec 1943 Verdi Othello hlts Basf 10 21360- 9 A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [104894] Engel Hager Mozarteum Mozart PK K537 Coronation original 10.80 Telefunken 6.42202 A+, fac.sealed/ g/ [131744] Engel Hager Mozarteum- O Mozart PK #1 K37, #2 K39, #26 K537 Telefunken 6.41993 A+/ g/ gatefold, blue original/ as new 10.80 [130306] Enri- Duo / Engels (Roehn-pupil), Riebensahm Beethoven VSoP #5op24 F-dur (Spring), + #10 op96 G-dur Intercord Saphir 709-05 SB A+ fac. sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy/ lovely performance 11.80 [123559] Ensemble modern Wittlesey Zender Yun / Mugung- Dong, Teile dich Nacht, Oktett, Impression HM 855 D A+/ g/ DMM 15.80 [105112] Ensemble vocale Philippe Caillard Janequin Bertrand Chansons Erato STU 70519 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc/ unplayed copy 12.80 [112750] Ensemble Wien Berlin Haydn Danzi Bozza Ibert Villa-Lobos CBS/ Sony 28AC 1993 A+/ fac. sealed/ jap 4.80 [102504] Epstein, Joshua* Hummel,M** Schmidt,G Seraphim- Q Hummel,B Suite Violine solo*, VSoP op6**, V4 op46 TSW 86830 (semi private issue) A+/ g/ issued in small number 21.80 [113462] Epstein, Joshua* Hummel,M** Schmidt,G Seraphim- Q Hummel,B Suite Violine solo*, VSoP op6**, V4 op46 TSW 86830 (semi private issue) A+/ issued in small number 21.80 [114137] Eschenbach Beethoven PSo op106 Hammerklavier DG 2530 080 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [116673] Eschenbach Chopin Preludes op28 + DG 2530 231 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy/ quite rare 16.80 Eschenbach [119826] Beethoven PSo op106 Hammerklavier DG 2530 080 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [119827] Eschenbach Bartok Piano Works Telefunken SMT 1265 A+/ g/ earliest blue/ pun/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [125486] Eschenbach Chopin 24 Preludes op28 DG 2530 231 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy/ quite rare 16.80 [126641] Eschenbach Mozart PSo a-moll K310, c-moll K457, C-dur K545 DG 2530 234 A+/ g/ original/ quite rare/ new & unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141333] Eschenbach BPO Karajan Beethoven PK1 DGG 139 023 unplayed archive copy 9.80 A+/ g/ earliest non-tulip in OA/ new, [132767] Eschenbach Frantz Brahms 2PSo op34b, Haydn-Var op56b EMI 067- 2702501 A+/ g/ DMM/ new 11.80 [129983] Eschenbach Frantz Mozart Son2P K448, SonP4h K521 DG 2530 285 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 8.80 [141229] Eschenbach Frantz Mozart Son2P K448, SonP4h K521 DG 2530 285 A+/ g/ original/ rare earliest alternative cover/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141315] Eschenbach Koeckert Riedl Merz Hoertnagel Schubert Pv5 op114 Trout DGG 136 488 A+/ g/ new 7.80 [122825] Eschenbach LsO Henze Beethoven PK3 DG 2530 254 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [132766] Eschenbach LsO Henze Beethoven PK3 DG 2530 254 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141524] Evstatieva Milcheva Mineva Bakardzhiev Stanchev Angelov Bulgaria national RSO Rimsky- Korsakov Vera Cheloga HM France HM B 152 A+/ fr/ black/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [125594] Ewerhardt Collegium aureum Handel OrganK 1- 16 HM/ EMI 197- 99880- 3 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld 12.80 [102444] Ewerhardt, Haselboeck Orgeln der Abteikirche Ebrach, Basch Oesterle Lexutt Warne Peinkofer - Clarinen, Naturhoerner, Pauken Musik fuer zwei Orgeln - Anon. Cherubini, Bach,JC Piazza, 3 von 7 Tracks Intradas mit Clarinen Hoerner Pauken, sonst Sonaten fuer 2 Orgeln. Fono FSM 43038 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140952] Faber Valdambrini Saldarelli Wittlich L´Oboe Contemporaneo [Valdambrini Matsudaira Singer Sinopoli Maderna Bartolozzi] Italia ITL 70036 A+, was fac. sealed?/ it/ new copy 11.80 [131693] Fabritiis Gigli Bechi Caniglia Huder Simoniato Palombini Tajo Taddei Scala Giordano Andrea Chenier rec1941 EMI 153- 17069/ 70 2LP/ A+/ M/ it/ hist. Archives 12.80 [102325] Faerber Lautenbacher Koch Ruf Schneidewind Schnell Penzel Haferland Galling Wuertt. ChO Bach Brandenb Konzerte 1-6 Intercord 25737/ 8 Saphir 2 ind LP/ A+ sealed/ g 9.80 [123537] Fagius, Katarina Church, Stockholm Romantic Swedish Organ - Sjoegren, Frykloef, Olsson Lindberg Bis LP 191 A+/ g (Teldec)/ gatefold/ original/ still analogue/ reviewer´s copy, as new 11.80 [141692] Farberman RPO Glière Ilya Murometz (S3) complete Unicorn PCM 500/ 1 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ PCM/ new unplayed copy 14.80 [123759] Farncombe Smith Buchan Jeffes Huttenlocher Wallington English Bach Festival Rameau Castor & Pollux Erato NUM750323 3LP- box/ A+/ fr/ black original/ as new 15.80 [108458] Father Mattwej, Monks Choir Zagorsk Russian Monastery chants Koch Schwann 113 079 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 5.80 [108781] Faust,M (fl) Lonquich Messiaen Le merle noir / Bach Partita a-moll BWV1013 / Berio Sequenza 1 (fl-solo) / Schubert Ihr Bluemlein alle op160 HM DMR 2008 A+/ g/ gld/ gatefold original 6.80 [113442] Feller Pearson Canino Rzewski Gawriloff Ojstersek Ruymen Palm Kagel / Ludwig van DG 2530 014 A+/ g/ original/ rare/ new 24.80 [102747] Feltsman (amercan debut 1987) Schubert PSo D664 / Messiaen 3 Regards sur lEnfant Jesus / Schumann Etudes op13 + op posth. / Encores - Rachmaninov, Beethoven Variations op76 CBS M2X 44589 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ new unplayed copy 15.80 [123755] Ferras Barbizet Franck VSoP Lekeu VsoP DGG 139 124 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip original/ new, unplayed archive copy 49.80 [141587] Ferras BPO Karajan Sibelius VK DGG 138 961 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed 19.80 [111948] Ferras Karajan BPO Beethoven VK DGG 139 021 SLPM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (MiG,1967), new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [101195] Ferras Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky VK DGG 139 028 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [104792] Ferras Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky VK DGG 139 028 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [108920] Ferras Karajan BPO Beethoven VK DGG 139 021 A+/ g/ new & unplayed archive copy 10.80 [115563] Ferro Dorow Nimsgern BBC SO Zemlinsky Lyrische S. Italia ITL 700048 A+/ it 4.80 [105116] Figueras Pushee, van der Kamp Ensemble Hesperion XX, Savall Battaglie E Lamenti Annibale Padovano Aria della Battaglia a 8 / Francesco Usper La Batt- aglia per cantar e sonar a 8 / Bastiano Chilese Canzon in echo a 8 / Giovanni Gabrieli Canzon a 12 in echo / Nicolo Fontei Pianto d´Erinna / Barbara Strozzi Il Lamento Su Rodano severo / Anonymous Pavana El Bisson / Jacopo Peri Lamento di Iole Archiv 2533 468 A+/ g/ gatefold, original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141824] Finnilae Ameling Hamari Springer Burmeister Berlin ChO, Negri Vivaldi Juditha Triumphans Philips 6747 173 3LP- box/ A+/ nl/ new unplayed/ sample copy 15.80 [133469] Fischer- Dieskau operatic compilation - Mozart Beethoven Verdi Hindemith DGG 19 460 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ as new archive copy 15.80 [141164] Fischer- Dieskau - Demus, Engel, Moore Beethoven Weber Haydn Schubert Brahms Schumann Mahler Liszt Debussy Ravel DG 2705 016 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ new unplayed copy 16.80 [134539] Fischer- Dieskau (cond) NPhO Schubert S5 + S8 EMI 063- 02429 A+/ g/ gld original/ as new 5.80 [109270] Fischer- Dieskau Demus Bach, CPE - Oden, Psalmen, Lieder - Ueber die Finsternis kurz vor dem Tode Jesu, Der Fruehling, Pruefung am Abend, Morgengesang, Bitten, Trost der Erloesung, Passionslied, Die Guete Gottes, Abendlied, Wider den Uebermut, Demut, Der 19. Psalm, Der 130. Psalm, Weihnachtslied, Jesus in Gethsemane, Der Tag des Weltgerichts, Der 148. Psalm Archiv 2533 058 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [124431] Fischer- Dieskau Demus Schumann Dichterliebe Liederkreis op24 DG 139 109 unplayed archive copy 7.80 A+/ g/ new [141053] Fischer- Dieskau Demus Moore Petrarca Sonette - Johann Friedrich Reichardt Canzon, s al dolce loco la donna nostra vedi, Erano i capei d oro, O poggi, o valli, o fiume, o selve, o campi, Più volte già dal bel sembiante umano, Di tempo in tempo mi si fa men dura, Or che l ciel e la terra, e l vento tace / Schubert Apollo, lebet noch dein hold Verlangen D.628, Allein, nachdenklich, wie gelaehmt D.629, Nunmehr, da Himmel, Erde schweigt und Winde D.630 / Franz Liszt Benedetto sia l giorno, e l mese e l anno, Pace non trovo e non ho da far guerra, I vidi in terra angelici costumi / Pfitzner Voll jener Suesse, die nicht auszudruecken op24,3 DG 2530 332 A+/ g/ original / new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [100058] Fischer- Dieskau Reimann Schoenberg Berg Webern / Lieder DG 2530 107 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 6.80 [108341] Fischer- Dieskau Reimann Schoenberg Berg Webern / Lieder DG 2530 107 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [122961] Fischer-Dieskau Baumgartner Festival Strings Lucerne Bach Cantata BWV56 Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen / Stoelzel Cantata Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir / Purcell Fantasia in Nomine DGG 138 969 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 17.80 [141374] Fischer-Dieskau Demus Moore Petrarca Sonette - Johann Friedrich Reichardt Canzon, s al dolce loco la donna nostra vedi, Erano i capei d oro, O poggi, o valli, o fiume, o selve, o campi, Più volte già dal bel sembiante umano, Di tempo in tempo mi si fa men dura, Or che l ciel e la terra, e l vento tace / Schubert Apollo, lebet noch dein hold Verlangen D.628, Allein, nachdenklich, wie gelaehmt D.629, Nunmehr, da Himmel, Erde schweigt und Winde D.630 / Franz Liszt Benedetto sia l giorno, e l mese e l anno, Pace non trovo e non ho da far guerra, I vidi in terra angelici costumi / Pfitzner Voll jener Suesse, die nicht auszudruecken op24,3 DG 2530 332 A+/ g/ original / new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [126735] Foldes Bartok piano works I - Fuer Kinder SZ 42 Heft 2 no- 1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 26, 28, 34,36, 37, 38, 7 Skizzen Sz 44, 6 Rumaenische Volkstaenze Sz 56, Sonatine, 9 kleine Klavierstuecke, Sonata fuer Klavier Sz 80 DGG 18 797 LPM A+/ M/ g/ early tulip (AH 1963)/ new, unplayed archive copy/ Szoelloezy- numbers not on the cov yet) Foldes 21.80 [141899] Schumann Kreisleriana Kinderszenen Papillons EMI 037- 29088 A+/ g/ new copy 12.80 [125956] Folkwang ChO Dressel Bialas Sinfonia Piccola, Serenata/ Hindemith 5 Stuecke fuer VO op44,4 Baerenreiter musicaphon BM 30 L 1517 A+/ M/ g/ cream original 7.80 [114896] Fournier Bach Vc- solo Suites 1-6 BWV1007-12 Archiv 198 356- 58 SAPM 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ full cloth box, pressings AH (ED1)/ new 485.80 [121454] Francesca- Cavazza, Goebel (p) Wolf- Ferrari Lieder austrian/ as new (fac sealed) 15.80 Koch Schwann 114 004 FA A+/ [110153] Francesch Schumann Papillons op2 Felix Mendelssohn Variationen serieuses op54 Maurice Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin DG-Debut 2555 011 A+/ pre- original wh sample copy 11.80 [126749] Francesch Schumann Fantasiestuecke op12, Kinderszenen op15, Arabeske op18 DG 26 216-2 A+/ g/ club with stampers as original/ new copy 6.80 [132980] Fremaux, Monte Carlo O Russian Orchestral Music - Prokofiev March op99, Ouv on Hebrew Themes op34, Russian Ouv op72, Glinka Rimsky-Korsakov Borodin DGG 136 400 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH), red stereo original/ not compiled 34.80 [141144] Fremaux, Monte Carlo O Russian Orchestral Music - Prokofiev March op99, Ouv on Hebrew Themes op34, Russian Ouv op72, Glinka Rimsky-Korsakov Borodin DGG 136 400 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH), red stereo original/ not compiled 34.80 [141157] Freni Bonisolli operatic duets Verdi Puccini Acanta DC 22007 A+/ g/ new copy 11.80 [137951] Fricsay Greindl Haefliger Streich Stader Klose Fischer- Dieskau Otto Rias SO+C Berlin (the DGG mono rec)/ Klee Stk Berlin Mathis Schreier Wixell Hollweg / Jochum Koeth Wunderlich Boehme Schaedle Lenz Bav St Opera / Pritchard Hollweg,I Kmentt Berry VSO (rec mono) Mozart Zauberfloete / Zaide / Entfuehrung aus dem Serail / Bastien und Bastienne Philips 6747 387 8LP- box/ A+/ nl/ original mono for Zauberfloete + Bastien/ new unplayed copy/ Mozart Edition cloth box/ great sound- the whole of this Philips Mozart Edition has been done with care 42.80 [134191] Frieberger - Orgeln in Ostfriesland - Rysum, Hohenkirchen, Marienhafe, Uttum, Westerhusen Tabulaturen Jan von Lublin, Bonifacius Amerbach, Clemens Hoer, Lueneburger Orgeltabulatur, Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Scheidemann, Sweelinck, Buxtehude, Hintz Christophorus SCGLX 74035 A+/ g/ grey original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140924] Frieberger, Melcherson Abtei Schlaegl music for 2 organs - Casciolini Viadana Frescobaldi LucchinettiPiazza Blanco Bonelli Terreni Christophorus SCGLX 74043 A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, new 11.80 [140427] Friedrich (Trost Orgel Schlosskirche Altenberg) Bach Praeludien + Fugen G-dur BWV545, Es-dur BWV552, Fantasie + Fuge C-moll BWV537, Choraele In dulci jubilo BWV751, Allein Gott in der Hoeh BWV711, Wie schoen leiuchtet der Morgenstern BWV739, Wir glauben alle an einen Gott BWV437, Canon Veraenderungen Vom Himmel hoch BWV769 Capriccio 26 301- 2 A+/ g/ gatefold, club with ident. cov + pressing/ DMM/ as new 4.80 [108280] Furtwaengler BPO Mozart S39 / Haydn S88 Heliodor 88007 A+/ M/ g/ early plum, true mono 7.80 [103395] Furtwaengler BPO Mozart S39/ Mozart Serenade K525/ Schubert S9/ Haydn S88/ Beethoven S4/ S5 (1947) / Beethoven VK (live 1953 Schneiderhan)/ Egmont, Leonoren-Ouv/ Schubert S9/ Schumann S4/ Bruckner S9/ Furtwaengler talks, cut from Interviews Heliodor 2730 005 8LP- box/ A+/ M/ g/ gld/ early cloth box 37.80 [106692] Furtwaengler BPO Haydn S88, Mozart S39, Beethoven S5, Egmont- Ouv., Schubert S9, Schumann S4, Wagner Meistersinger Prelude I, Tannhaeuser Ouv., Parsifal Good Friday Music, Bruckner S7, Strauss Till, Furtwaengler rehearsing Till, ,Furtwaengler talking, exc from Iinterviews DG 2740 260 6LP- box/ A+/ g/ as new 33.80 [114247] Furtwaengler BPO Furtwaengler S2 DG 2707 086 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ M/ g/ new 21.80 Furtwaengler BPO Beethoven S4, Leonore #2 DGG 18 742 LPM unplayed archive copy 33.80 [129181] A+/ M/ g/ 1966 MiG tulip/ new, [141449] Furtwaengler BPO 1951 Schubert S9 DG 2535 808 A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [104125] Furtwaengler BPO VPO Paul Hindemith Die Harmonie der Welt / Konzert fuer Orchester op38 Fonit Cetra FE 22 A+/ M/ it/ decent transfer/ as new 21.80 [126867] Furtwaengler Fischer VPO, BPO* Brahms Haydn Var op56a, Schumann Manfred-Ouv. / Furtwaengler piano concerto 2nd mouv* EMI 047- 01415 M A+ (fac. sealed)/ M/ g/ dacapo 15.80 [114883] Furtwaengler Hansen BPO 1943/ 49 Beethoven PK4 Leonore II DG 2535 807 A+/ M/ g 15.80 [100875] Furtwaengler Moedl Windgassen Frick Jurinac Edelmann Poell VPO+C Beethoven Fidelio EMI 147- 01105/ 07 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ dacapo red/ new 21.80 [126485] Furtwaengler Moedl Windgassen Frick Jurinac VStOpera Beethoven Fidelio EMI 14701105/ 7 M 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g/ dacapo/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [137929] Furtwaengler Schoeffler Schwarzkopf Kunz Siegfried Maikl Gueden Koreh Wagner Klein Pernerstorfer Majkut VSTOpera VPO (rec 1953) Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro Fonit Cetra FE 27 3LP- box/ A+, fac sealed 30.80 [128147] Furtwaengler Schoeffler Schwarzkopf Seefried Kunz Gueden Wagner VPO Salzburg 1953 Mozart Figaro Cetra LO8.3 3LP- box/ A+/ it/ Furtwaenglers only Figaro recording 30.80 [126076] Furtwaengler Schwarzkopf Welitsch Seefried Dermota Gobbi Greindl Kunz Poell Salzburg 1950 Mozart Don Giovanni Melodram MEL 713 3LP/ A+/ M/it/ rare 33.80 [113947] Furtwaengler Vinay Schoeffler Dermota Jaresch Greindl Monthy Bierbach Martinis Wagner VStOpera VPO (rec live 1951) Verdi Otello Fonit Cetra FE 28 3LP- box/ A+, fac ealed/ M/ it 33.80 [128324] Furtwaengler VPO Beethoven S7 EMI 047 00809 dacapo (62457) A+, was fac.sealed/ g/ Breitklang (pretty good)/ club numbering with id cov. label and stampers/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [137909] Furtwaengler VPO (rec 1952) Beethoven S6 EMI 027- 00807 A+, fac.sealed/ M/ g/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [137898] Gandolfi Scala Coro Polifonico gatefold/ A+/ g/ noblesse 7.80 Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle Decca 6.48260 2LP[135958] Garcia ECO Black Brown (oboes), King Harris (clar), Garcia (v) Tunnel( vc) Sheen (bsn), Bennett (fl) Vivaldi 6 Concerti CBS 76718 A+/ g/ gatefold/ grey masterworks/ new copy 10.80 [124335] Gardelli LSO Rossini- Respighi La Boutique Fantasque EMI 065- 03367 A+/ g/ red original/ new copy 7.80 [124297] Gardelli/ Nunn Chiara Weikl Covent Garden Wolf-Ferrari Segreto di Susanna Decca 6.42115 A+/ g/ blue/ 5.80 [109840] Gardiner Rolfe Johnson Monteverdi Choir (= Argenta Dawson Fairfield Knibbs Kwella Hall Nichols Chance Collin Stafford Evans Milner Murgatroyd Lloyd Morgan Varcoe) EBS Bach H-moll Messe Archiv 415 514- 1 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ original 30.80 [135562] Garino Kincses Szuecs Klietmann Gregor Salieri ChO Pal Cimarosa Il Pittor Parigino Hungaroton SLPD 12972- 74 3LP- box/ A+/ as new 15.80 [129148] Gavrilov ChO Nikolajevsky Bach PK 1-7 BWV1052-1058 Eurodisc 302 552- 435 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld original, DMM 16.80 [116085] Gawriloff, Goebel, Rias Schwarz-Schilling Schwarz Schilling Duo V+P, PSo 1068, S in C Thorofon Capella MTH 188 A+/ g/ original/ new copy 21.80 [117482] Gelber Decker Munich PO Brahms PK1 EMI 023- 762656- 1 A+/ g/ small cut/ analogue DMM pressing, fine 7.80 [112895] Gerdes Bamberg SO Wagner S C-dur, Ouv Faust + Rienzi DG 2530 194 A+/ g/ new, unplayed 7.80 [108254] Giebel Litz Prey Redel Pro Arte Lausanne Orch Pro Arte Munich (Melkus) / Ameling Finnilae Altmeyer Reimer Winschermann Westfaelische Kantorei Herford Deutsche Bachsolisten Bach Missae breves BWV233 + BWV234 / BWV235 + BWV236 Philips 6701 021 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ fr/ red/ new copy 10.80 [131451] Gielen Reich Devos Austrian RSO+C Schoenberg Moses + Aaron Philips 6700 084 2LPbox/ A+/ nl/ early red, full booklet 21.80 [108069] Gielen Robinson Marshall Heichele Wenkel Laurich Stilwell Estes Frankfurt Opera Mahler S8 CBS 79 238 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original 12.80 [118339] Gielen Robinson Marshall Heichele Wenkel Laurich Stilwell Estes Frankfurt Opera Mahler S8 CBS 79 238 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original 12.80 [120849] Gigli (rec 1921- 32) - (with Galli gurci Pinza Rethberg De Luca Homer Ruffo operatic recordings, lighter music RCA RVC 7557- 61 5LP- box/ A+/ jap edition, lovely/ Obi incl. 30.80 [129105] Gilels Beethoven PSo #15 op28 Pastorale, PSo #3 op2,3 DG 2532 078 A+/ g/ orignal/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [114123] Gilels Beethoven PSo #17 op31,2 PSo #18 op31,3 DG 2532 061 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 29.80 [129948] Gilels Beethoven PSo #15 op28 Pastorale, PSo #3 op2,3 DG 2532 078 A+/ g/ pre-orignal wh sample copy/ new archive copy 24.80 [141785] Gilels Jochum BPO Brahms PK2 DG 2530 259 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [101452] Gilels Jochum BPO Brahms PK1 DG 2530 258 A+/ g/ catalogue issue/ new, unplayed archive copy 16.80 [135817] Ginzel (Vc) Schneidt (P) Mendelssohn VcSoP op58, Grazioli VcSoP, Rachmaninov Romance, Kodaly Sonatine C-dur, Dvorak Slavonic Dance #8 Aulos 68532 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123150] Ginzel (Vc) Schneidt (P) Mendelssohn VcSoP op58, Grazioli VcSoP, Rachmaninov Romance, Kodaly Sonatine C-dur, Dvorak Slavonic Dance #8 Aulos 68532 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123152] Giulini LAPO Beethoven S5 DG 2532 049 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141416] Giulini Ricciarelli Valentini. Terrani Gonzalez Raimondi PhO+C Rossini Stabat Mater DG 2532 046 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [109800] Glazer,D Wanausek Zukerman,G Stamitz ClarK #3 B-dur, FlK G-dur, FagK F-dur Turnabout TV 34093S A+/ us/ as new 4.80 [105330] Goebel Musica Antiqua Koeln Pachelbel Kanon + Gigue, Suiten (2.+3. Parie), Aria con Variazioni / Buxtehude Sonaten 5, 6, 7 Archiv 2533 469 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [115999] Goebel Musica Antiqua Koeln Pachelbel Kanon + Gigue, Suiten (2.+3. Parie), Aria con Variazioni / Buxtehude Sonaten 5, 6, 7 Archiv 2533 469 A+/ g/ gatefold, pre-original wh sample/ new unplayed archive copy 17.80 [132813] Goebel Musica Antiqua Koeln Vivaldi Concerti da Camera Archiv 2533 463 A+/ g/ gatefold, pre-original wh sample copy/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141168] Goebel Rogers Kwella Thomas Watkinson Musica Antiqua Koeln Monteverdi Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, Lamento dArianna, Lamento dOlimpia Archiv 2533 460 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [109955] Goebel Rogers Kwella Thomas Watkinson Musica Antiqua Koeln Monteverdi Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, Lamento dArianna, Lamanto dOlimpia Archiv 2533 460 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [115458] Goebels (P) Fuchs (Ob) Racine(V) Swiss Saxophone Quartett Pfiffner Capriccio Einund Ausfaelle (P), Notturno (P), Die biblische Szene von der gekruemmten Frau )V solo), 3 Impromptus (Oboe solo), Tentatio (Sax4) Duraphon HD 388 A+/swiss/ rare 12.80 [118714] Goennenwein Wehrung Lisken Jelden Staempfli Scherbaum Barchet,R! SWChO Pforzheim Bach Kantaten BWV171 Gott, wie dein Name, BWV127 Herr Jesu Christ SDG 610109 A+/ green-wh sc stereo/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140701] Goergen,Viviane (p) Brahms PSo f-moll op5 Jerabek Pictures of the Prokop Valley Aulos 68538 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123156] Goergen,Viviane (p) Brahms PSo f-moll op5 Jerabek Pictures of the Prokop Valley Aulos 68538 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123157] Goldschmidt Lorenzen Corelli Sonata La Follia (op5,12) / Beethoven VSoP op47 Kreutzer FSM 68715 A+ (fac. sealed)/ g/ very rare/ this is one of the 2 fantastic debut records of a superlatively gifted violinist. 16.80 [133431] Goldschmidt,T. Bach Partita 2 d-moll (incl Chaconne) / Bartok V-solo Sonata (1944) FSM 63209 EB A+ (fac. sealed) g/ very rare/ this is one of the 2 fantastic debut records of a superlatively gifted violinist. 21.80 [118024] Goldschmidt,T. Bach Partita 2 d-moll (incl Chaconne) / Bartok V-solo Sonata (1944) FSM 63209 EB A+ (fac. sealed) g/ very rare/ this is one of the 2 fantastic debut records of a superlatively gifted violinist. 21.80 [133198] Goldstein Kuehnl Hummel,B Dialoge/ Gibbs,J Sonata d-moll/ Vitali Chaconne Christophorus SCGLX 73902 A+/ g/ grey original/ Electrola pressing 24.80 [122427] Gould Beethoven P- trans S5 CBS MP42465 A+/ g 7.80 [100818] Gould Beethoven S5 arr. CBS MP 42465 A+/ nl/ new copy 7.80 [132066] Graef, Reff - Walcker Orgeln St. Paul, Fuerth Soler Mozart Bach Koehler - music for 2 organs Calig 30495 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140953] Grin (tr), Klump Orgel der Abteikirche Marienstatt Langlais Works fir trumpet and organ Motette M 2004 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140940] Gronostay RIAS ChChoir Choral Music a capella Reger Cornelius Schoenberg Reimann Schwann AMS 3546 A+/ g/ gatefold/ DMM 6.80 [120331] Grueneburg Trio (PV3) Brahms PV3 op87 / Ives Trio (1904) HM DMR 2007 D A+/ g/ original gatfold/ nearly as new 11.80 [128604] Grumiaux Trio Mozart Praeludien und Fugen K404a #1- 6 Philips 6500 605 LY A+/ nl/ early red 24.80 [129929] Guarneri-Q Beethoven V4 op59,1-3 op74, op95 RCA SGA 25023- R 1-4 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ red original/ Telefunken pressings/ cloth spine box/ as new 42.80 [106573] Guest Palmer Watts Bowen Evans Keyte ASMF Schubert Messe Es-dur A+/ g/ blue / as new 7.80 Decca 6.42010 [125441] Guggemos Orgeln aus dem Pfaffenwinkel - Steingaden Ilgen Rottenbuch Wies Bach Praeludium und Fuge C-dur BWV541, Boehm choralbearbeitung Vater unser im Himmelreich, Kobrich, Gherardeschi, Walther, Mozart Hiebler, Krebs, Dubois Christophorus SCGLX 73981 A+/ g/ grey original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140923] Gui Moscucci Poli Rota Danieli Valentini Prandelli Boyer RAI Milano rec1960 Franck Hulda Melodram MEL 155 3LP- box/ A+/ it/ as new/ seems the only recorded performance 21.80 [102259] Guilleaume Grehling Scheck Winschermann Wenzinger Neumeyer (rec mono 1953) Handel 9 German Arias Archiv 14 031 APM A+ sealed copy/ M/ g/ flat german original pressing in UK/US market cover (ARC 3042)/ opened to verify- to find a record after 53 years in pristine condition. 33.80 [120745] Gulda Corea Harnoncourt Ccgbw Mozart 2PK K365 Corea Fantasy ( 2P) Gulda Ping Pong (2P) Teldec 6.42961 AZ A+/ g/ 7.80 [116587] Guschlbauer Bamberg SO Mozart S31 +S36 Erato STU 70585 A+ new/ fr/ early blue sc/ gatefold/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 9.80 [114725] Haas,W Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 Fontana 700 163 WGY A+, fac.sealed/ nl/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [137964] Haas,W Chopin Waltzes Fontana 700 162 WGY A+, fac.sealed/ nl/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [137965] Haebler (Hammerclavier) Melkus Capella academica Bach,J.Ch. PK op7,1-3 op13,4 Philips 6500 846 A+/ nl/ red/ sample copy 12.80 [106744] Haebler Grumiaux ECO Leppard Netherland CHO Goldberg Haydn PK D- dur / VK Cdur Philips 6570 019 A+/ nl/ 6.80 [135900] Haitink (1), Szell (2) Ccgbw Mendelssohn S4, Summer Nights Dream Philips 6580 027 A+/ nl/ sample copy/ new 7.80 [132117] Haitink Norman Goldberg Moll Coburn Blochwitz Wlashina Schmidt,A StkDresden Beethoven Fidelio Philips 426 308- 1 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ original 33.80 [138883] Hallstein Marszalek O In mir klingt ein Lied - Chopin Liszt Schumann Grothe Neuenhauser Grieg Lenoir Mozkowski Straus,O Acanta DC 21.989 A+/ g/ as new 11.80 [137934] Hamel Kraus Arkus Hamel Aura Wergo Spectrum SM1009 A+ (fac. sealed)/ g 15.80 [118727] Hamm,H .- Gabler Orgel Weingarten Speth Muffat Nauss Maichelbeck Marpurg, Bach,CPE, Oley, Knecht Motette M 10800 A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140588] Hansmann Guschlbauer Chorale Philippe Caillard, Wiener Barockens. Mozart Exsultate jubilate, Misericordias Domini K222, Missa brevis K194 Erato STU 70355 A+ new/ fr/ early blue sc/ gatefold/ unplayed copy 12.80 [114677] Harasiewicz Ashkenazy (early Polskie Nagrana recordings) Chopin Heliodor 89 646 A+/ g/ early plum/ es (ok, I have had much worse piano records, whether stereo or mono..)/ as new 4.80 [105292] Harnoncourt Concentus Musicus Bach Bauern- Kantate, Kaffee- Kantate Teldec 6.41359 B+++, tiny soft (playable) bubble, otherwise new copy with superlative sound/ A+/ g 2.80 [135962] Harnoncourt Kenny Lipovsek Equiluz Holl Concentus musicus Arnold-Schoenberg-C Bach Der zufriedengestellte Aeolus Teldec 6.42915 A+/ g/ gatefold/ DMM/ original/ as new 7.80 [133383] Harnoncourt,A+N, Concentus musicus Bach VK 1041-3 / trans. 1060, 1052 1056 Telefunken 6.48240 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac.sealed)/ g/ DMM/ new unplayed copy 15.80 [135572] Harrell Levine Prokofiev VcSoP op119 / Debussy VcSoP / Webern 3 kleine Stuecke RCA ARL 1- 1262 A+/ g/ red 6.80 [103677] Haselboeck, Oost - Grote Kerk Dordrecht Organ music 4-hands - Handel Kellner Andre Albrechtsberger Hoepner Hesse Dabringhaus + Grimm MD+G G 1092 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [141673] Haupt, Schmidt Backes Wacker Ostertag, Ulmer Kantorei, Instrumental- Ensembles Heilmann Von der Weisheit Gottes Pan OV 65006 2LP-gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [141660] Hausmann Camerata academica Wuerzburg Reinartz Handel Marcello Telemann - Oboe concertos Intercord 25739- 4SB A+, fac.sealed/ g 6.80 [134998] Haydn Trio, Petreo NOe W5, Klasinc, Baeuml Takacs,J Dialoge, Sinfonia breve, Trio Rhapsodier, Klaenge und Farben, Eine kleine Tafelmusik Amadeo 423 520- 1 A+/ austrian 7.80 [113509] Haydn- Trio Arad Streicher Schubert PV5 D667 Trout Telefunken 6.42695 AZ A+/ gatefold/ DMM/ as new 10.80 [124367] Hebb Wollny Renaissance and Baroque music for 2 guitars - Ford Hume Lawes Ferrabosco II, Corigniani Telemann Christophorus SCGLX 74027 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ as new/ reviewers copy 11.80 [140741] Heger Bav StOpera rec 1952 Strauss,R Josephs- Legende BASF 10 22325- 6 A+ fac. sealed/ M/ g/ new copy 10.80 [104517] Heifetz / Benoist Achron Chotzinoff Heifetz Complete acoustic recordings Vol 1 19171924 RCA RL 00942 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ first LP-release 43.80 [110625] Hellfer Boulez PSo2 Berg PSo op1 DG 2530 050 SLPM A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [132352] Henck Henck Improvisation III (1987) Edition M. F. Bauer MFB 007 A+/ g/ EMI DMM Pressung 12.80 [107664] Henck Henck Improvisationen I+II (1984) g/ EMI DMM Pressung 16.80 Edition M. F. Bauer MFB 005- 6 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ [107665] Hendricks Tate Monte Carlo Airs d´Operas Francais - Charpentier Gounod Bizet (Leila) Berlioz Massenet Offenbach Philips 410 446- 1 A+, was fac.sealed/ original/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [140422] Henze Pearson Fires of London, Philip Jones Brass Quintet, Gunter Hampel Free Jazz Ensemble, Agostini, Stomu Yamash´ta Henze Der langwierige Weg in die Wohnung der Natascha Ungeheuer DG 2530 212 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy/ rare 24.80 [141237] Herle Ehrlich Greinacker Graef (all clarinets) Uhl Divertimento/ Jelinek Divertimento/ Stark Serenade/ Jettel Quartett Koch Schwann 110 067 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 5.80 [108760] Herreweghe Rodde Hill Studer collegium vocale Gent Musica antiqua Koeln Gilles Requiem Archiv 2533 461 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [137321] Herreweghe Rodde Hill Studer collegium vocale Gent Musica antiqua Koeln Gilles Requiem Archiv 2533 461 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141825] Hill Johnson A french collection (of songs) - Gounod Franck Bizet Chabrier Paladilhe Delibes Chasson Dupont Saint- Saens Meridian E77029 A+/ eng/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116195] Holliger Tamponi Gallozzi Ayo I Musici Albinoni Concerti a 5 / D-moll , F-dur / Vivaldi Concerti A-dur (2V) G-dur (2 Mandol) Fontana 6530 002 A+/ nl/ gld stripe/ as new 6.80 [105189] Holliger Zender Holliger Siebengesang / der magische Taenzer DG 2530 318 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [141880] Hollreiser Resick Killebrew Lang Polster NDR Nicolai Messe D-dur Koch 113 024 FA A+/ g 4.80 [103537] Hollreiser Resick Killebrew Lang Polster NDR Nicolai Messe D-dur Schwann AMS 3536 F A+/ g/ original 6.80 [133937] Honda Friedrich Puetz Ensemble Puetz Materialien fuer eine Reise / Niehaus Kurze Stuecke (7 Haiku, Put a nail into Brahms, Aus der frmde Dada song, Duett Alice- Hase) Aulos 53593 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 6.80 [121861] Horne Scotto McCracken Hines RPO Lewis Meyerbeer Le Prophete CBS 79400 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ original, as new 24.80 [129127] Houtmann Laurent Dumé Masson C+O RTBF Lekeu Andromede (poeme lyrique & symphonique) Musique en Wallonie 80051 A+/ fr/ rare 7.80 [102791] Howarth Philip Jones- Ensemble (brass) Crossley Hindemith Concert music for strings + brass op50, Morning music, Concert music for piano, brass + harp op49 Decca 6.42834 A+/ g/ silv sc, original 7.80 [114991] Howarth Philip Jones- Ensemble (brass) Crossley Hindemith Concert music for strings + brass op50, Morning music, Concert music for piano, brass + harp op49 Decca 6.42834 A+/ g/ silv sc original/ new 10.80 [129994] Hummel,F Brahms Sonata #3 op5 Top classic TC 9003 A+ (fac. sealed)/ g/ the composer in the early days of his first career. 10.80 [118332] Hungarian Q.* Dekany- Q Haydn V4 op64,5* op33,2+3 Turnabout TV 34062S A+/ us/ as new 4.80 [105339] Hungarian- SQ Szolchany Brahms PV4 op 25 Turnabout TV 34037S A+/ us/ as new 4.80 [105329] Hurford Hindemith Organ Sonatas 1-3/ Distler 4 spielstuecke aus op18/ Kropfreiter Toccata francese Decca 6.43464 A+/ g 6.80 [118226] Ickstadt Figuralchor HR Mendelssohn Brahms Chorlieder, Genzmer 4 Choere, Stravinsky Pater noster, Ave Maria Aulos 68546 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121829] Ickstadt Figuralchor HR Mendelssohn Brahms Chorlieder, Genzmer 4 Choere, Stravinsky Pater noster, Ave Maria Aulos 68546 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123158] Ickstadt Figuralchor HR Mendelssohn Brahms Chorlieder, Genzmer 4 Choere, Stravinsky Pater noster, Ave Maria Aulos 68546 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123159] Innig (org) Messiaen La Nativite du Seigneur Danbrinhaus + Grimm MDG 1009 A+/ g/ original 11.80 [127036] Innig (org) Messiaen La Nativite du Seigneur Danbrinhaus + Grimm MDG 1009 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original 11.80 [134155] Ishikawa Prague ChO Paganini VK1 / Slavik (1806-33) VK2 Supraphon 1110 2076 A+/ blue 16.80 [105421] Isoir - JG Koenig organ, Angers, regal (Isoir) L´Orgue Francais a la Renaissance Gervaise Jannequin Francisque Sandrin Anon. Guillet Le Jeune Calliope CAL 1901 A+/ fr/ original/ as new 7.80 [141676] Isoir - JG Koenig organ, Angers, regal (Isoir) L´Orgue Francais au XVIIme siecle Bourges, Racquet, Richard, Thomelin, de la Barre, du Mont Calliope CAL 1903 A+/ fr/ original gatefold/ as new 7.80 [141677] Ivanov USSR SO Stravinsky Petrushka Melodiya C 0367- 8 A+/ blue original, as new 10.80 [107202] Ivanov USSR SO Tchaikovsky S1 Melodiya D 6237- 8 A+/ M/ earliest blue/ general cov 11.80 [129541] Jaccottet (hps (2)), Liege SO, Cartigny / Trimborn (hps(1)) Christ (va) MuellerBruehl Cologne ChO/ Schoonbroodt (hps (3)) Cartigny ChO 18th Century Harpsichord concertos - Haydn, JM (1), Miozart K107,2+3 (1), Gresnick (2), Tapray (3) Schwann VMS 732 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 11.80 [140689] Jacob,W St. Sebald, Nuernberg Paumann Hassler Staden Kindermann dretzel Wecker Pachelbel Eurodisc 200 485 366 A+/ g/ gld original/ as new 7.80 [141654] Jaervi Lunds Student Choral Society Larson Tubin Requiem for Fallen Soldiers BIS LP 297 A+/ german Teldec pressing/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [116102] Janowski Adam Minton Schreier Nimsgern Bracht Salminen Vogel Buechner Popp Priew Napier Wenkel StkD Wagner Rheingold Eurodisc 301137- 445 3LP- box/ A+/ gld original/ full cloth box 21.80 [118036] Janowski RLPO Schumann S2 S4 ASV DCA 562 A+/ eng/ original 7.80 [139956] Jaquet.Langlais - St Croix d´Orleans Boely, Franck,C Lefébure-Vély, Franck,J.H.J Motette M 10570 A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140584] Jaquet.Langlais - St Croix d´Orleans Boely, Franck,C Lefébure-Vély, Franck,J.H.J Motette M 10570 A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140603] Jaroff Don Cossacks Sacred choral music from Russia DGG 136 385 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ as new archive copy 42.80 [141087] Jaroff Don Cossacks Russian Songs DGG 136 457 SLPEM A+/ g/ 1966 MiG tulip in 1964 red stereo cov/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 Jaroff Don Cossacks Russian Songs original/ new unplayed archive copy [141094] DGG 136 235 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest flat tulip (AH)/ red stereo 33.80 [141128] Jarry (V), Lodeon (Vc), Hovora (p) Chausson Trio g-moll op3, Piece C-Dur op39 Centre Culturel de Valprivas CCV 1016 A+/ fr/ original/ rare 30.80 [126654] Jarry Paillard Mozart VK K207 K211 Denon OX- 7025- ND A+/ jap/ PCM 10.80 [103472] Jasek Hala Prokofiev Sonata Violin solo / Britten Suite V+P / Dallapiccola Tartiniana (V+P) Supraphon SUAST 50707 A+/ red original 33.80 [106913] Jedlina Dubinsky Shebalin Berlinsky Brahms PV4 op26 Eterna 826 589 A/ black original/ Melodiya stamper/ as new 7.80 [106589] Jevgrafov Jevgrafova Boccherini VcSoP 5+6 Eterna 827 276 A+/ black 12.80 Jinzai Mozart PSo K331 K281 K545 JVC SJX 9557 A+/ jap/ as new 12.80 [123827] [125383] Joachim- Q (Worlitzsch Kober Huels Haak) Haydn V4 op64,5 (Lark), V4 op76,3 Thorofon Capella MTH 300 A+/ g/ original 7.80 [117225] Joachim- Q Hannover Mozart V4 D-dur K575, d-moll K421 Thorofon Capella MTH 260 a+/ g/ as new 10.80 [120764] Jochum Auger Ochman Chor Dt. Oper Berlin Orff Catulli Carmina DG 2530 074 A+/ g/ original/ booklet incl./ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 Jochum Auger Ochman Chor Dt. Oper Berlin [120895] Orff Catulli Carmina DG 2530 074 A+/ g/ original/ booklet incl./ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 [124466] Jochum BavRSO Bruckner S5 DGG 138 967 / 68 SLPM 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141372] Jochum C+SOBavRadio Mathis Schiml Ochman Ridderbusch Bruckner Messe #1 d- moll DG 2530 314 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [101723] Jochum C+SOBavRadio Mathis Schiml Ochman Ridderbusch Bruckner Messe #1 d- moll DG 2530 314 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141578] Jochum Ccgbw Beethoven S6 Fono ring SFGLP 78465 (Philips) A+/ nl/ wh sample copy 30.80 [132329] Jochum Hotter Treptow Kusche Kupper Prinzregenten- Theater Muenich (rec 10.12.1949) Wagner Meistersinger Melodram MEL 428 5LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ it 60.80 [126090] Jochum Koeth Wunderlich Boehme Schaedle Lenz Bav St Opera / Koch Stolte Schreier Adam ChO Berlin Mozart Entführung / Bastien + Bastienne DGG 139 21315 SLPM 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ cloth spine box/ tulip/ nearly as new 30.80 [110219] Jochum SOBavRadio Bruckner S2 DG 139 132 A+/ g/ OA/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [101739] Jochum SOBavRadio Bruckner S2 DG 139 132 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [108601] Jochum SOBavRadio Bruckner S6 DGG 139 136 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new 15.80 [109005] Jochum SOBavRadio Bruckner S3 DG 139 133 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [123049] Jochum SOBavRadio Bruckner S3 DG 139 133 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [124595] Jochum SOBR Schubert S9 Heliodor 89 511 A+/ g/ early plum/ record as new/ fine 6.80 [105265] Jochum Stader BPO Chor Dt Oper Berlin Bruckner S7, 3 Motetten, 150. Psalm DGG 139 137/ 38 SLPM 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ early non-tulip, OA/ as new 17.80 [131985] Jochum Votto Markevich Pitz Fricsay Serafin Munich, Milano, Bayreuth Choirs Great Opera Choruses Beethoven Weber Berlioz Verdi Wagner DGG 19 394 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ DGG archive copy 9.80 [141363] Jones, Philip Jones W-Ens Brass music 19th century (arr) / Mendelssohn Dvorak Ewald Leontovich Glasunov Ramsoe Decca 6.42678 A+/ g/ blue/ as new 6.80 [109724] Jordan Basel SO Chausson S op20, Viviane op5 Erato NUM 75253 A+ new/ fr/original, unplayed copy 7.80 [110801] Jordan Patterson (V) Mouillere* (V) Monte Carlo PO Rabaud La Procession Nocturne op6 / Lekeu Fantasie symphoniques, Adagio for VO/ Chausson* Poeme op25 (V+O) Erato NUM 75052 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ sealed, unplayed copy 12.80 [114689] Jordan Yakar Taillon Alliot- Lugaz Tappy Huttenlocher Luop Brodard Monte Carlo Debussy Pelleas et Melisande Erato STU 71296 3LP- box/ A+ new/ fr/ sealed original/ unplayed copy/ 24.80 [110814] Jouineau Choeurs et ensemble instrumental de Radio France Ballif Un Coup de Des HM France HM 5141 A+/ fr/ black/ new 10.80 [124352] Juergens Rogers Partridge Keyte Monteverdi Chor, Hamburg, Instrumental Ensemble Monteverdi Virtuoso Madrigals Se vittorie sì belle Non voglio amare Vaga su spina ascosa Zefiro torna e l bel tempo rimena Augelin Ninfa che scalza il piede/ Qui deh meco t arresta/ Dell usate mie corde Ahi com a un vago sol O mio bene Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti Mentre vaga Angioletta Introduzione al Ballo Archiv 2533 087 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold orignal/ new 14.80 [127061] Kahlhoefer Barmen- Gemarke Wolf Matthaeus Jelden Staempfli Holy Conrad Winschermann Bach Kantaten BWV65 Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen + BWV46 Schauet doch und sehet SDG 610113 A+/ green-wh sc stereo/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140704] Kalichstein Laredo Robinson - Trio Mendelssohn PV3 1+2 Vox Cum Laude D-VCL 9040 A+/ us/ new, unplayed copy, sealed 12.80 [115980] Kamasa Wit Pol Nat RSO Penderecki VaK, Awakening of Jacob, Adagietto Paradise Lost Muza SX 2494 A+/ cream 6.80 [115376] Kanawa Norman Barenboim OParis Berlioz Nuits dEte, Cleopatre DG 2532 047 A+/ g/ preoriginal wh sample copy/ new 12.80 [109952] Kanawa Norman Barenboim OParis Berlioz Nuits dEte, Cleopatre DG 2532 047 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [121823] Karajan BPO Bruckner S1 DG 2532 062 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [101732] Karajan BPO Mozart S32, 35, 36 DG 2531 136 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [103372] Karajan BPO Mozart S40+41 DG 2531 138 A+/ g/ original/ new 15.80 [103401] Karajan BPO Saint- Saens S3 DG 2532 045 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [103890] Karajan BPO Strauss,R Metamorphosen / Tod + Verklaerung DG 2532 074 A+/ g/ as new preoriginal wh sample archive copy 15.80 [104529] Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky S5 DGG 139 018 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip original (1966)/ new unplayed archive copy 17.80 [104744] Karajan BPO Mozart Divertimento 334 DGG 139 008 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 14.80 [105318] Karajan BPO Mozart Adagio + Fuge K546 Beethoven Grosse Fuge / Strauss Metamorphosen DG 2530 066 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy/ a must- have Karajan 12.80 [107776] Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky S4 DGG 139 017 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 Karajan BPO Brahms S3 DG 2531 133 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ 1978 issue 14.80 [108125] [108204] Karajan BPO Honegger S2+3 DG 2530 068 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed DGG archive copy 15.80 [109729] Karajan BPO Schubert S8, Beethoven Ouv DGG 139 001 A+/ g/ new 7.80 [114379] Karajan BPO Saint- Saens S3 DG 2532 045 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [115534] Karajan BPO Mozart Divertimenti K251 + K247 DGG 139 013 SLPM A/ g/ tulip 10.80 [116917] Karajan BPO Bruckner S2 DG 2532 063 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 Karajan BPO Mozart S40 S41 Jupiter Angel R123890 A+/ new/ us 11.80 [123989] [125229] Karajan BPO Haydn S83 S86 DG 2532 039 A+/ new/ g/ pre-original wh sample DGG archive copy/ quite rare single issue 16.80 [125289] Karajan BPO Stravinsky Apollon Bartok Musik for strings perc & celesta DG 2530 065 A+/ g/ new unplayed DGG archive copy/ the most beautiful Apollon ever 12.80 [125568] Karajan BPO Offenbach Gaîte Parisienne Charles Gounod Faust ( ballet- music and waltzes) DG 2530 199 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [126777] Karajan BPO Strauss,R Alpensinfonie DG 46 8785 (=2532 015) A+/ g/ best Alpen-S. ever/ club with identical pressing stampers/ as new 4.80 [128847] Karajan BPO Mozart S35+36 S38-41 EMI 197- 02145/ 47 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ a classic 15.80 [139093] Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, Nutcracker suite. DG 2532 096 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 9.80 [141061] Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet, Nutcracker suite. DG 2532 096 A+/ g/ new unplayed pre-issue wh sample copy 12.80 [141062] Karajan BPO Strauss, J+J Waltzes Polkas Marches DG 2530 027 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141195] Karajan BPO Bruckner S2 DG 2532 063 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky S4 DG 139 017 17.80 [141292] A+/ g/ tulip original (1967)/ new unplayed archive copy [141301] Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky S5 DGG 139 018 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 10.80 Karajan BPO Tchaikovsky Ouv 1812, Marche Slave, Romeo + Julia new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141302] DGG 139 029 A+/ g/ [141305] Karajan BPO Strauss,J+J - An der schoenen blauen Donau DG 139 014 A+/ g/ OA/ new unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141327] Karajan BPO Beethoven S8 , Ouv Fidelo, Leonore III, Coriolan DGG 139 015 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ surprisingly rare single issue of S8/ new & unplayed archive copy 17.80 [141329] Karajan BPO Schubert S8, Beethoven Ouv DG 139 001 A+/ g/ new DGG archive copy 7.80 [141362] Karajan BPO Mozart Serenade K525, Divertimento K287 DG 139 004 A+/ g/ OA/ earliest nontulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141366] Karajan BPO Mozart Serenade K525, Divertimento K287 DG 139 004 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 8.80 [141367] Karajan BPO Bach Brandenb. Konzerte 4-6 DG 139 006 A+/ g/ OA/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141369] Karajan BPO Mozart S38+39 DG 2531 137 A+/ g/ original/ an nteresting try to work against expectations, resulting in a pretty wild reading/ surprisingly rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 13.80 [141406] Karajan BPO Haydn S84 S85 DG 2532 038 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy/ quite rare single issue 15.80 [141411] Karajan BPO Bizet Carmen Suite 1, L´Arlesienne Suites 1+2 DG 2530 128 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141463] Karajan BPO Bizet Carmen Suite 1, L´Arlesienne Suites 1+2 DG 2530 128 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141466] Karajan BPO Wagner Siegfried Idyll / Schoenberg Verklaerte Nacht DG 2543 510 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141468] Karajan BPO Mendelssohn S3 DG 2530 126 A+/ g/ original, unplayed archive copy/ tiny sticker tear, else new 7.80 [141481] Karajan BPO Schubert S9 DG 139 043 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy archive copy 12.80 [141520] Karajan BPO Weber Ouvertures - Freischuetz, Beherrscher der Geister, Oberon, Euryanthe, Abu Hassan, Peter Schmoll DG 2530 315 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy/ what a surprising program! Seizing the opportunity to have those rarer pieces recorded instead of more mercantile couplings along with the obvious hits, K. must have really wanted to make them - and you can sense it. 11.80 [141581] Karajan BPO Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Ponchelli - Ballet music (Polovtsian Dances, Dance of the Hours and others) DG 2530 200 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141584] Karajan BPO Delibes Coppelia Suite / Chopin-Douglas Les Sylphides DGG 136 257 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141810] Karajan BPO Mozart Serenata notturna K239, Divertimenti K136 K137 K138 DGG 139 033 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed DGG archive copy 19.80 [141816] Karajan BPO 11.80 Berlioz S fantastique DGG 138 964 SLPM A+/ g/ OA/ new, unplayed archive copy [131965] Karajan BPO Adagio - Albinoni Pachelbel Boccherini Respighi new unplayed archive copy archive copy 9.80 DG 2530 247 A+/ g/ original, [141526] Karajan BPO (1966) Bruckner S9 DGG 139 011 A+/ g/ OA/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [101818] Karajan BPO (rec 1980) Bach Brandenb. Konzerte 4-6 DG 2531 333 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample copy/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141475] Karajan BPO (Schwalbé) Rimsky- Korsakov Sheherazade DGG 139 022 SLPM A+/ g/ earliest non tulip in OA/ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 [108127] Karajan BPO (Schwalbé) Rimsky- Korsakov Sheherazade DGG 139 022 SLPM A+/ g/ earliest non tulip in OA/ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 [141303] Karajan BPO 1975 Stravinsky Sacre DG 2530 884 A+/ g/ original/ new 11.80 [105429] Karajan BPO Schwalbé Opera Intermezzi (Verdi Mascagni, Puccini, Leoncavallo, Mussorgsky) DG 139 031 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141278] Karajan Callas Gedda Boriello Danieli Scala Puccini Butterfly EMI SLS 5015 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ eng/ es/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [103694] Karajan Freni Ludwig Cossutta Ghiaurov Wiener Singverein BPO Verdi Requiem DG 2707 065 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ new, unplayed 19.80 [122880] Karajan Gueden Kmentt Waechter Berry Zampieri Koeth Klein Kunz Resnik VPO / Gala / Tebaldi Corena Nillson del Monaco berganza Sutherland Bjoerling Price,L Welitsch Strauss,J Fledermaus Gala performance Decca 6.35107 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ late but great DMM sc/ as new 16.80 [136493] Karajan Janowitz Berry Hollweg BPO Haydn Jahreszeiten exc. EMI 42030 7 A+/ g/ late sc club numbering with id.cov, label + stampers/ as new 4.80 [135624] Karajan Janowitz BPO Beethoven Musik zu Egmont compl. DG 2530 301 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141567] Karajan Ludwig Kollo BPO Mahler Lied von der Erde DG 2531 379 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141408] Karajan Mutter Zeltser Ma BPO Beethoven Tripel- Konzert DG 2531 262 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 13.80 [108169] Karajan Mutter Zeltser Ma BPO Beethoven Tripel- Konzert A+, fac sealed/ club DG 32 2446 A+, fac sealed/ g/ club issue, new unplayed copy 6.80 [130091] Karajan Ramey Tomtowa- Sintow Baltsa Battle Winbergh Furlanetto Malta Burchuladze Mozart Don Giovanni DG 419 179- 1 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 24.80 [140877] Karajan Tomowa- Sintow Baltsa Krenn Schreier vanDam Wiener Singverein BPO Mozart Kroenungsmesse, Bruckner Te Deum DG 2530 704 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [133975] Karajan Vickers Freni Glossop BPO Verdi Otello EMI 66 226 2 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 13.80 [106731] Karajan* BPO / Lehan** Consortium musicum / Menuhin, V+ cond***, Bath FO Mozart Serenades K525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik* / K320 Posthorn**, K239 notturna** / K250 Haffner***, K203 Colloredo*** EMI 153- 52345- 47 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 14.80 [117207] Katchen Brahms PSo op1 + op2 Decca SDD 534 A+/ nl/ nearly as new 6.80 [124271] Katsaris Liszt Var on Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen / Schumann Exercises / Rachmaninov Chopin-Var Telefunken 6.42787 A+/ g/ DMM/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [124168] Katsaris Beethoven / Liszt S6 Telefunken 6.42781 A+/ g/ DMM/ gatefold/ as new/ DMM sticker/ original/ re- listenening to these once hyped then dismissed and forgotten recordings I am endlessly fascinated. First you realize this would make wonderful orchestral performances if conducted along Katsaris intentions, then they become piano pieces in their own right, and after listening through the whole of a symphony I am not tired, I want more. 6.80 [124368] Katsaris Liszt Var on Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen / Schumann Exercises / Rachmaninov Chopin-Var Telefunken 6.42787 A+/ g/ DMM/ new 10.80 [125708] Katsaris Ormandy Philadelphia SO Liszt PK im ungarischen Stil, Fantasie ueber ungarische Volksweisen, Wanderer- Fantasie EMI 067- 43199 A+/ gatefold/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [124290] Katsaris Ormandy Philadelphia SO Liszt PK in the Hungarian Style, Hungarian Fantasie, Wanderer- Fantasia EMI 067- 43199 A+/ gatefold/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [130526] Kaunzinger Widor OrgS #5 + #6 Novalis 150 015- 1 A+/ new/ factory sealed 6.80 [124470] Kaunzinger (Klosterkirche Windberg) Rococo organ music - Balbastr, Bach,CPE, Stanley, Mozart Solist 1183 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140950] Keene NDR SO (live world premiere Hamburg 1985) Meyer,Krzysztof S6 Pro Viva ISPV 127 A+/ g/ original/ new copy 10.80 [123540] Kegel Buechner Klotz Lunow Schaal Suess Terzibaschian RSO Leipzig Orff Der Mond Eterna 826 332- 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ black original/ as new 21.80 [129345] Keilberth BPO Bruckner S6 Telefunken 6.41168 A+/ g/ early blue 12.80 [112176] Keilberth Wiener Hotter Kusche Thomas Lenz Watson Benningsen Bav StOpera reopening recording 1963 Wagner Meistersinger Eurodisc 70851 XR 5LP- box/ A+/ early gld, oversize cloth box/ as new/ genuine Eurodisc recording 30.80 [108274] Keilhack,V+D Piano 4hands/ Reger 6 Burlesken, Debussy Six epigraphes antiques, Hindemith Sonate (1938), Bennett Capriccio, Heider Locomobile (1977) Colosseum SM 633 A+/ g/ original/ 7.80 [136062] Keltsch, Kussmaul [v], Taube [vc], Strebel, Sanwald [fl,Praetorius [hps] Bach TrioSonatas BWV1037 BWV1038 BWV 1039 BWV 1036 Da Camera HBE 99204 (A+)/ M/ g/ blue original 21.80 [140056] Kempff Brahms Balladen op 10 / Schumann Romanzen op28, Arabeske op18, aus Waldszenen #6 (Vogel) ,aus Bunte Blaetter op99 #9 DG 2530 321 A+/ g/ rare/ new, unplayed 15.80 [108980] Kempff Brahms Balladen op 10 / Schumann Romanzen op28, Arabeske op18, aus Waldszenen #6 (Vogel) ,aus Bunte Blaetter op99 #9 DG 2530 321 A+/ g/ rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [115425] Kempff Beethoven PSo op10,1+2+3 DGG 138 937 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 16.80 [117722] Kempff Beethoven PSo op2,2+3 DGG 138 936 A+/ g/ OA/ new & unplayed archive copy 9.80 [117723] Kempff Beethoven PSo op31,1+3 op54 DGG 138 940 [125375] A+/ g/ OA/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 Kempff Beethoven PSo #8 Pathetique #14 Mondscheinsonate #15 Pastorale #24 Fis- Dur DGG 138 941 SLPM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH) 1965 press & print original/ DGG archive copy 24.80 [141265] Kempff Schubert sel. Piano works DG 2530 090 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141340] Kempff Beethoven PSo op2,1 op49,1+2 op26 archive copy, cov- (ok, see pic) 7.80 DGG 138 935 A+/ g/ OA/ record new & unplayed [141344] Kempff Beethoven PSo op2,2+3 DG 138 936 A+/ g/ new & unplayed archive copy 8.80 [141346] Kempff Beethoven PSo op10,1+2+3 DGG 138 937 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141347] Kempff Beethoven PSo op22 op27,1 op90 DGG 138 939 9.80 A+/ g/ OA/ new, unplayed archive copy [141350] Kempff Schubert PSo A-dur D959, C-dur D279 DG 2530 327 A+/ g/ original, new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141573] Kempff (rec 1971) Schumann Fantasie C-dur, Carnaval DG 2530 185 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [104233] Kempff StkD Konwitschny Brahms PK1 DGG 18 376 LPM A+/ M/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ new unplayed archive copy 42.80 [141068] Kempff Szeryng Fournier Leister (1970) Beethoven PV3 op70,1+2 (Ghost) DG 2530 207 A+/ g/ earliest issue (apart from the Beethoven edition)/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [114530] Ketola / Virtanen Orgel Dom Porvoo Bach- Dupré Sinf from Kantate 29 / Merikanto Passacaglia fis-molll op80 / Dupré Var sur un Noel / Bach Fantasie und Fuge g-moll Pape Orgeldokumente 18 (FSM 53718) A+/ g/ Teldec pressing/ very nice 9.80 [113639] Khaikin Bolshoi Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin Melodiya D 011287- 292 3LP-box/ A+/ M/ early cream label oversize box/ new (!) 21.80 [130890] Kiechle, Albiez Orgel Dom Freising Bach, Reger Calig 30488 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [141657] Kipnis (hps) Marriner London Strings Bach PK 1-8 BWV1052-59 CBS 77335 3LP- box/ A+, was fac.sealed/ g/ masterworks original/ booklet - (storage)/ new unplayed copy 15.80 [130093] Kipnis Muenchinger ChO Bach PK compl. BWV1052- 8 1060- 65 Intercord INT 185.925 5LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ black original/ fine performance + recording/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [134529] Klee Harwood King Crass Wiener Singverein VSO Beethoven Christ on the Mount of Olives DG 2530 228 A+/ g/ original/ quite rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [117391] Klee Harwood King Crass Wiener Singverein VSO Beethoven Christ on the Mount of Olives DG 2530 228 A/ g/ original/ quite rare/ as new 10.80 [141334] Klemperer PhO Schubert S8 + S5 EMI Angel AE 34444 A+/ g/ remastered 5.80 [104098] Klemperer PhO Stravinsky S in 3 mouv. / Pulcinella Suite Angel Seraphim S 60188 A+ (fac. sealed)/ us/ 10.80 [104640] Klemperer PhO Beethoven Ouvertures Leonore I-III, King Stephan, Prometheus EMI AE 3441 A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [138216] Klepper Werba Early songs by 23 fameous composers from Haydn to Blacher Koch Schwann 114 002 FA A+/ g/ gatefold , as new 4.80 [110160] Klien Brahms Psolo complete Fono FSM 106 VXDS 6LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 30.80 [101467] Klien Mozart Complete Piano Music / Variations and little pieces - Vol II - Fantasy D Minor K397 Fantasy and Fugue in C Major K394 Variations - Salve Tu Domine, Unser dummer Poebel meint, Allegretto K500, Allegretto K50, Duports Minuet, come un´ agnello, ein Weib ist das herrlichste Ding / little pieces Vox SVBX 5407 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ us 16.80 [133890] Klien Brahms Psolo sonata op5, 2 Rhapsodies op79, Waltzes op39, 6 Pieces op118, 4 Ballades op10, Intermezzi op117, Schumann- Var op9, Handel Var op24 Vox SVBX 5430 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ us 17.80 [134534] Klien Schubert Piano Sonatas compl Vox VXDS 110 FSM 10LP- box/ A+,was fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 30.80 [137944] Klien Schumann Kreuisleriana op16, PSo no2 op22 Turnabout TV 34317 S A+, fac.sealed/ us/ early carton cov/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [139674] Klose - Berger Lemnitz Scheppan Ahlersmeyer Rosvaenge Lorenz Prohaska Schluisnus Greindl Hann (rec 1937-45) Monteverdi Handel Gluck Bizet Saint-Saens Verdi Wagner Basf 22 21484- 2 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [135136] Kluth, Orgel der Abteikirche Hamborn Rheinberger Sonate n0 11 d-moll op48, Schumann Choralvorspiele, Merkel Sonate no4 f-moll op115 Fono FSM 68717 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140956] Knothe Capella Lipsiensis Stolte Trexler Rotzsch Polster Hassler Lustgarten Neuer Teutscher Gesang (Extracts) Balletten, Galliarden + Intradas Archiv 2533 041 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [126812] Knothe Krumbiegel Reinhold Polster Capella Lipsiemsis Lieder und Taenze aus Deutschlands Senfl Othmayr Isaac Hofhaimer Finck u.a. Archiv 2533 066 A+/ g 5.80 [112206] Koch ChO Berlin Milzkott Waetzig Fricke Haupt Pischner Telemann Tripelkonzert E-dur (Fl, Obd´amore, Vad´amore), Triosonate C-moll (Fl, Vagamba), Ouvertüre + Suite Cdur Heliodor 89 543 A+/ g/ early plum/ as new 6.80 [105268] Koch Speiser Springer Schreier Lorenz RF Solisten + ChO Berlin Bach Kantate BWV205 Der zufriedengestellte Aeolus Eterna 826 582 A+/ black/ cov- 5.80 [111584] Koch- Gamben- Consort Jeans Cameron Bull Fantasia in g, Dorick in A, In Nomine in g, Keybord music Archiv 198 472 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [112633] Koch,KH Loback Orgel St.Heinrich Wolfsburg van Noordt, de Lange sen., Bach, Kittel Dabringhaus + Grimm MD+G G 1177 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 8.80 [141659] Kocsis Bartok Allegro barbaro, Folksongs, Improvisations, 4 Nénies, Esquisses Philips 9500 876 A+/ nl/ original, as new/ sample copy 7.80 [100691] Kocsis Brahms PSo #3 op5 Hungaroton SLPD 12601 A+/ 4.80 [101465] Kocsis Mozart PSo #1 K279, 3 K281, 7 K309, 10 K330, 11 K331, 14 K457, 16-18 K570 576 533, Fantasia K475 Hungaroton SLPX 12219- 22 4LP- box/ A+/ 21.80 [109189] Kocsis (all concerts) + Kovacs Matuz (flutes in 1057) + Schiff Falvai Rohmann (in 1063-65) Liszt Academy Simon, cond. Bach PK BWV1052- 58/ 3PK BWV1063+64, 4PK BWV1065 Fidelio PL 5569/ 71 3LP/ A+/ nl pressings/ Hungaroton recordings (early Koscis) 10.80 [113208] Kolomijzeva Tschernobajew Galuschkina Bokow Tkatschenko Schimko Dubrowin Sawtschenko Ganestowa Frolow Puschkarjew Choir and O of the Belor. StOpera Taneyev Oresteia DG 2709 097 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [128713] Komissarov Karandashova Weber VSoP1-6 Eterna 827 125 A+/ earliest black/ quite rare 12.80 [115113] Komives Chateauroux Haydn Wind- Divertimenti etc Arion ARN 336030 3LP- box/ A+/ fr 13.80 [102620] Kondrashin RSO Moscow Brahms S1 Eterna 827 037 A+ original/ Melodiya stamper 12.80 [131359] Kontarsky, A+A Brahms Schumann Var op23, Walzer op39, Haydn- Var. op56b Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 3004 A+/ g 6.80 [101586] Kontarsky,A+A Stockhausen Stockhausen Mantra DG 2530 208 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed copy 39.80 [105695] Korody Komlossy Hazy Farago Szoenyi Moldovan Hung StOpera Budapest Szokolay Blood Wedding (Lorca) Qualiton SLPX 1262- 63 2LP- box/ A+, new copy/ stereo sticker/ original 24.80 [130979] Kovacs,L Gyor PO Sandor Haydn (Hoffmann) , Haydn,M - Flute concertos Hungaroton SLPX 11530 A+/ hung/ as new 6.80 [128985] Kratzenstein, Klais- Orgel Limbuerger Dom Heilmann 7.80 Pan OV 30107 A+/ g/ original/ as new [141662] Krauss Fournier VPO Strauss,R Don Quixote Decca HD 42 A+/ M/ g/ black 16.80 [104491] Krauss Hotter Hann Ursuleac Ostertag Klarwein Willer Bav State Opera Wagner Hollaender Acanta HA 23135/ 37 3LP- box/ A+, was fac.sealed/ M/ g/ earliest red/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [137962] Kremer Maazel BPO Tchaikovsky VK, Serenade melancholique op26 DG 2532 001 (262139) A+/ g/ club with label +stampers as origina/ tiny tear, else as new 10.80 [106907] Kremer Wallberg VSO rec Vienna 1978 Schumann Fantasie fuer V+O op131 (arr Kreisler) / Paganini VK op6 (arr Wilhelmj) / Kupkovic Souvenir 1971/78 Eurodisc 200 076- 366 A+/ g/ gld original / as new 21.80 [130041] Kreuzberger SQ (Riehm Kimstedt Greiner Brauckmann) Hindemith V4 # op16, V4 #3 (4) op22 Telefunken 6.42077 A+/ g/ original/ new/ the Kreuzberger- SQ Telefunken recordings are all remakably fine 12.80 [128009] Kreuzhuber, Rudigier Orgel, Neuer Dom, Linz Reger Grigny Bach Motette M 10530 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140954] Kreuzhuber, Rudigier Orgel, Neuer Dom, Linz Reger Grigny Bach Motette M 10530 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [141658] Krips Siepi Corena Boehme Danco Dermota Della Casa Berry Gueden VPO Mozart Don Giovanni Decca SKA 25011-D/ 1-4 4LP- box/ A+ (!)/ black+gld/ cloth spine box/ in perfect as new condition, seemingly untouched 78.80 [118819] Kubelik Lear Roessel- Majdan Haefliuger Crass C+SOBR Janacek Glagolitic Mass DG 138 954 A+/ g/ early gatefold/ new 12.80 [102714] Kuechler,I+R Hammerklaviere Capella Academica, Vienna Melkus Bach,CPE Piano Concerto F-Dur WQ 46 / Sonatina in d-moll Wq 107 Sonatina D-Dur Wq 109 Archiv 2533 078 A+/ g/ earliest grey carton gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 14.80 [126395] Kuhn Auger Sima Schreier Berry Hermann Collegium aureum Arnold Schoenberg Chor Haydn Die Schoepfung HM/ EMI 157- 99944/ 45 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld original/ new unplayed copy 15.80 [130928] Kuhse Schreier Leib RC+RSO Leipzig Kegel Britten War- Requiem Eterna 825 906- 7 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ black 12.80 [101701] Lange Grist Troyanos Wuehrer Karpinski Kaehne Alves Thibaud Scheit Sommer Siedel Members Hamburg PO Scarlatti,A Endimione e Cintia Archiv 2533 061 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ quite rare/ new unplayed archive copy 17.80 [141911] LaSalle- Q Berg V4 op3, Lyrische Suite DG 2530 283 A+/ g/ original/ new & unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141312] Laskine O Paillard Boieldieu HarpK / Krumpholz HarpK #6 Erato STU 70192 A+/ fr/ black 4.80 [101369] Laskine Rampal Guschlbauer Bamberg SO Reinecke Harp concerto, Flute concerto Erato STU 70449 A+ new/ fr/ early blue sc/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 14.80 [110723] Laskine Veyron- Lacroicx Paillard ChO musique francaise sou la Restauration - Jadin Nadermann Bochsa Herold Erato STU 71212 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold original/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 9.80 [114763] Lautenbacher Faerber Galling WuerttChO Vivaldi 4 Staggioni op8, 1-4 Intercord Saphir 25728- 7B A+ fac sealed/ g 12.80 [123561] Lear Wunderlich Fassbaender Fischer- Dieskau Talvela Gerdes StO Munich Tchaikovsky Eugen Onegin hlts DGG 136 430 SLPEM A+/ g/ tulip original (miG)/ recorded 1966 as is, no complete set exists/ as new 21.80 [140113] Lechner (hps) Meisen (fl) Bach Italian concerto BWV971, Flute Sonata BWV1020 / Mozart Sonata Hps and Fl K13, 12 Var Ah, vous dirais-je, Maman Dabinghaus + Grimm MDG 1030 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140714] Lehmann, Charlotte - Genuit Debussy Ariettes Oubliees Fetes Galantes Schoenberg 15 Gedichte aus Das Buch der Haengenden Gaerten EMI 065- 46356 A+/ g/ gatefold/ red original/ as new 11.80 [124834] Lehrndorfer Haas Suite for Organ op25/ Hoeller Ciacona op54/ Hindemith So for Organ #2 Wergo 60107 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ DMM/ reviewer´s copy. as new 7.80 [141684] Lehrndorfer / Ottobeuren organs Bach Toccata + Fuge d-moll BWV565, Praeludium und Fuge E-moll BWV548 Choralvorspiele/ Buxtehude Praeludium und Fuge D-dur Intercord J 074 A+/ g/ black original/ as new 7.80 [113002] Lehrndorfer Stuttgart Soloists Haydn OrgelK Hob 18,1 / Brixi OrgelK F-dur / Kauffmann OrgelK G-dur Turnabout TV 34244 A+/ nl/ as new 4.80 [105335] Leimer Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 DGG 19 379 LPEM A+/ M/ flat tulip original/ very rare/ new 87.80 [115652] Leitner Richartz Kulka Fricsay, Bamberg SO, RSO Berlin Ouvertures, Intermezzi, Ballet music - Reznicek Strauss,J Schmidt Leoncvavallo Mascagni Ponchielli DGG 136 399 SLPEM A+/ g/ 1966 MiG pressing/ new DGG archive copy 14.80 [141156] Leitner Richartz Kulka Fricsay, Bamberg SO, RSO Berlin Ouvertures, Intermezzi, Ballet music - Reznicek Strauss,J Schmidt Leoncvavallo Mascagni Ponchielli DGG 19 399 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ flat tulip original (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141375] Lejarza-Leo (guit) Villa Lobos Choros #1, Suite populaire bresilienne, 5 Preludes, Chorinho Aulos Pre 68545 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121828] Lejarza-Leo (guit) Tarrega Villa Lobos Brouwer Lauro Aulos Pre 68549 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123164] Lejarza-Leo (guit) Tarrega Villa Lobos Brouwer Lauro Aulos Pre 68549 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123165] Lejarza-Leo (guit) Tarrega Villa Lobos Brouwer Lauro Aulos Pre 68549 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123166] Lejarza-Leo (guit) Villa Lobos Choros #1, Suite populaire bresilienne, 5 Preludes, Chorinho Aulos Pre 68545 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123167] Lelchuk Schumann Fantasia C-dur op17 / Liszt Rhapsody Espagnole, Song trans Telarc DG 10075 A+/ german pressing (as all audiophile Telarc)/gatefold original/ new sealed copy 12.80 [116173] Lelchuk Schumann Fantasia C-dur op17 / Liszt Rhapsody Espagnole, Song trans Telarc DG 10075 A+/ german pressing (as all Telarc)/gatefold original/ new sealed copy 12.80 [136839] Leonhardt, de Klerk / [A. Schnitger-Orgeln Zwolle und Nordbroek / C.Mueller-O. Waalse Kerk Amsterdam] Historische Orgeln in Holland. Bach Bach,CPE Grigny Couperin,F Scheidemann Reinken Telefunken 6.35058 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue/ as new, seemingly unplayed, reviewer´s copy 12.80 [141674] Leonhardt, St Jacobus Kirche Compatsch, Stiftskirchen Wilten, Stams, St Cosmae Stade, St.Marien Marienhafe, Christian mueller-Orgel Waalse Kerk Amsterdam, The Authentic Organ - Pachelbel Froberger Krebs Buxtehude Scheidemann Bach RCA RL 30852 seon A+/ g/ red original/ as new 11.80 [141670] Leppard Armstrong Harper Howells Watson Hodgson Collins Watts Alva Davies Dickerson Oliver Tear Wakefield Dean Grant ECO Glyndebourne OC+ Ambrosian Singers (Members) Monteverdi Madrigali Libri 8, 9 + 10 and supplement Philips 6799 006 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ earliest red, full booklet/ new 30.80 [128139] Leppard Armstrong Harper Howells Watson Hodgson Collins Watts Alva Davies Dickerson Oliver Tear Wakefield Dean Grant ECO Glyndebourne OC+ Ambrosian Singers (Members) Monteverdi Madrigali Libri 8, 9 + 10 and supplement Philips 6799 006 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ earliest red, full booklet/ new 30.80 [133487] Leppard ECO Pearson Handel Concerto a due cori #2 F- Dur, #1 B- Dur, #3 F- Dur Philips 9502 021 A+/ nl/ new 6.80 [131526] Leppard Glyndebourne-C ECO Monteverdi Madrigali amorosi Philips 6500 864 LY A+/ nl/ red / new unplayed copy 7.80 [117464] Leppard Palmer Watts Davies Shirley- Quirk Pini ECO + C Handel The Messiah EMI 195- 30901- 02 (SFKLP 78 436) 3LP- box/ A+, was fac sealed, opened to check labels and stampers/ g/ club with id. get- up, label + stampers/ SQ/ new unplayed copy 12.80 Levin Moscow Chamber Theatre Bortnyansky The Falcon gatefold/ A+/ as new 11.80 [134491] Melodiya C10 07459- 62 2LP- [109733] Levine VPO Singer (posthorn) Mozart Eine kleine Nachtmusik K525, Serenade D-Dur KV320 (Posthorn) DG 2532 098 A+/ g/ original/ new!, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141051] Linde Tilney Ulsamer Bach FlSoP 1030+2 1034+5 EMI 64 263 (= 065- 28984) A+/ g/ club with id covel label and stampers/ gld original/ gatefold/ as new 10.80 [100410] Linde, Vienna Soloists Stamitz,C Stamitz,J Richter,FX Flute concertos Archiv 2533 085 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 8.80 [141381] Lipovsek Hager RTL Brahms Altrhapsodie, Tragische Ouv, Serenaden 1+2 Forlane UM 6502/ 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ fr 7.80 [118500] Litaize Messiaen LAscension, Apparition de lEglise eternelle, La Nativite du Seigneur, Le Banquet celeste Schwann musica sacra AMS 40/ 41 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ earliest (Electrola) pressing/ Deutscher Schallplattenpreis 16.80 [112615] Litz Schaedle Boehme Ollendorf Prey Unger Lehan Bav State Opera Lortzing Waffenschmied Columbia STC 91325/ 26 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ wh gld original, stereo sticker/ as new 33.80 [112346] LKombard Caballe Strasbourg PO Wagner Tristan Vorspiel 1 + Liebestod, Tannhaeuser Ouv, Elisabeth scenes Erato STU 71149 A+ new/ fr/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 7.80 [110930] Lodeon Guschlbauer Bournemouth SO Haydn VcK 1+2 Erato STU 70869 A+ new/ fr/ original gatefold, blue sc/ unplayed copy 12.80 [114702] Lodeon Hovora Strauss VcSoP / Prokofiev VcSoP Erato STU 70854 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc, early gatefold/ unplayed copy 14.80 [111416] Lodeon Hovora Strauss VcSoP / Prokofiev VcSoP Erato STU 70854 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc, early gatefold/ unplayed copy 14.80 [114683] Lohmann, Albiez Orgel St. Eberhard Stuttgart Bach Karg-Elert Duruflé Pape PR 5 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 8.80 [141645] Lombard Andre Strasbourg PO Landowski Au bout du chagrin, TrK, Cahier pour 4 jours, 4 pieces TR+Org Erato STU 71082 A+ new/ fr/ original gatefold, unplayed copy 12.80 [114669] Lombard Caballe Strasbourg PO Wagner Tristan Vorspiel 1 + Liebestod, Tannhaeuser Ouv, Elisabeth scenes Erato STU 71149 A+ new/ fr/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 7.80 [114744] Lombardi Lombardi Ideofavole per Beniamino, Humoresque, Cadenza da Synergia per pianoforte ed undici archi, Halo, Pow, Visualizzazione n.6 Edipan PAN PRC S20- 04 A+, fac sealed/ it/ original 12.80 [128120] Lorenz,Max - Buchner Klose Reining Teschemacher Scheppan Boehme Hofmnn Ludwig Prohaska Schmitt-Walter Langhammer/ (rec 1941-44) Wagner Basf 22 22120- 2 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [135135] Los Angeles Trio Haydn V3 nach PSo Hob16 40-42/ Schoenberg Trio op45 Telefunken 6.42615 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ earliest blue/ as new 10.80 [130003] Los Angeles,V.d. Pretre OSCC Paris Ravel Sheherazade, 5 Melodies grecques, 2 Melodies hebraiques/ Duparc Invitation au voyage, Phidyle/ Debussy L´année en vain chasse l`année EMI STE 91276 A+/ g/ wh-gld original 42.80 [122532] Los Romeros, San Antonia SO Alessandro Vivaldi concertos for 2 and 4 guitars, Teleman Bach Scarlatti Rameau Sor Breton Tarrega - Duios, Solos, Rodrigo Concierto andaluz (4+O) Philips 6747 428 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ sleeves were still sealed/ 12.80 [140357] Louis Halsey Singers Bach Motets L´Oiseau Lyre SOL 340- 1 2LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ eng 24.80 [134348] Louis-Martini Angelici Selig Meurant Lesueur Abdoun Chorales Jeunesses ChO Paillard Charpentier Messe de Minuit Erato STU 70083 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc original/ unplayed copy 12.80 [111442] Maag Koszut Gruberova jerusalem Orth van Kesteren Tadeo Brendel,W BavRSO Paer Leonora Decca 6.35428 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue original 14.80 [120511] Maazel BPO Beethoven S6 Heliodor 89 721 A+/ g/ gld/ as new 4.80 [105274] Maazel BPO Rachmaninov S2 DG 2532 102 A+/ g/ original/ new!, unplayed archive copy 21.80 [141047] Maazel Lorengar Aragall Fischer- Dieskau Malagù Verdi Traviata Decca SAD 22061/ 62 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue 7.80 [104903] Maazel Stich-Randall Reynolds Haefliger Shirley-Quirk Rias ChC RSO Berlin Bach Messe h-moll Philips 29 623- 6 3LP- box/ A+/ new unplayed copy/ club numbering, wh label sample copy 15.80 [128717] Maazel Stich-Randall Reynolds Haefliger Shirley-Quirk Rias ChC RSO Berlin Bach Messe h-moll Philips 29 623- 6 3LP- box/ A+/ new unplayed copy/ club numbering, wh label sample copy 15.80 [128718] Maazel Stich-Randall Reynolds Haefliger Shirley-Quirk Rias ChC RSO Berlin Bach Messe h-moll Philips 29 623- 6 3LP- box/ A+/ new unplayed copy/ club numbering, wh label sample copy 15.80 [128719] Maazel Stich-Randall Reynolds Haefliger Shirley-Quirk Rias ChC RSO Berlin Bach Messe h-moll Philips 29 623- 6 3LP- box/ A+/ new unplayed copy/ club numbering, wh label sample copy 15.80 [128720] Maazel Stich-Randall Reynolds Haefliger Shirley-Quirk Rias ChC RSO Berlin Bach Messe h-moll Philips 6747 438 2LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ nl 12.80 [134188] Maazel VPO Dvorak S7 DG 410 997- 1 (432732) A+/ g/ as new/ club with id label + stampers 5.80 [122866] Maazel VPO New Year´s concert 1982 DG 2532 059 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141317] Maazel VPO (01.01.1981) Neujahr in Wien - Strauss DG 2532 018 A+/ g 10.80 [114383] Magaloff Benzi Lamoureux, Paul VSO Fantasy on Hung folk melodies (P+O), Hung Rhapsodies 1+2, Les Preludes Fontana 700169 WGY A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [140415] Mai (org) DupreSymphonie Passion, Cortege et Litanie, Prelude + Fuge, Lamento, Esquisse Aulos 53589 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123207] Mai (org) DupreSymphonie Passion, Cortege et Litanie, Prelude + Fuge, Lamento, Esquisse Aulos 53589 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123208] Mai (org) DupreSymphonie Passion, Cortege et Litanie, Prelude + Fuge, Lamento, Esquisse Aulos 53589 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123209] Maier Collegium aureum Haydn VK C-dur, Concertante Sinfonie B-dur (Ob, Bassoon, V, Vc) HM/ Basf 2021799- 2 A+/ g/ gatefold/ or. original, 1973 Cedernsaal recording/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [117467] Maier, Sandtner organ St Michael Munich Kobrich Murschhauser Aiblinger Gruenberger Fuehrer Pitsch Sechter - Pastorellae, Pastorale, Pastoral-Praeludien- it´s Christmas time! Calig 30521 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140758] Mainardi Lehmann BPO RSO Schumann VcK / Haydn VcK DGG 18 222 LPM A+/ M/ early flat tulip (AH, 1960)/ new unplayed archive copy archive copy in ok jacket (one corner bent, else fine)/ [112843] 69.80 Mandel (p) Oberlin Wind Ensemble, Kipnis Rochberg Carnival Music, Black Sounds, Nach Bach Grenadilla Records GS 1019 A+, fac. sealed/ us/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [128222] Mannheimer SQ Berg V4 op3 / Stravinsky 3 pieces/ Tchaikovsky V4 op30 HM DMR 2014 D A+/ g/ gld original/ gatefold 7.80 [128845] Mantel Brunner Binz Oesterlee Koch Bender Kaffenberger Schwarzkopf Koehr Ziegler / Phil Cellisten Koeln Spohr Nonett op31 / Danzi Rmberg Paganini Joplin Schubert Francaix Mifune Popper Fitzenhagen Polyt. Gesellschaft noncommercial 1822/ 8+9 2LPgatefold/ A+/ g/ 1.record fine performance of this wonderful piece, 2.record great fun, the rhenish original to the BPO copy, later on to be issued commercially, too. 6.80 [106754] Mantel Frieser Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas 1+2 Da Camera Magna SM 93703 A+/ g/ original as new 16.80 [123714] Markevitch Lamoureux Russian orchestral music - Tchaikovsky Francesca da Rimini, Borodin In the steppes, Glinka Ruslan + Ludmilla Ouv., Liadov Fragment de lApocalypse DGG 136 225 SLPEM A+/ g/ red stereo tulip original (AH)/ new 39.80 [114786] Markevitch Lamoureux / Jochum BavRSO Wagner Tannhaeuser Ouv., Lohengrin Vorspiele 1+3 / Parsifal Vorspiel und Karfreitagszauber DGG 136 479 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH), original/ new archive copy/ small tear, else new 21.80 [141219] Markevitch Lamoureux, Gerdes DTOper Berlin, Kubelik BPO, Jochum BavRSO Wagner Preludes Lohengrin Tannhaeuser Meistersinger Parsifal Tristan DG 2705 019 2LP- box/ A+, fac sealed/ g 11.80 [134969] Markevitch Seefried Stolze Uhde Czech PO Gounod Missa solemnis (Santa Cecilia) DG 139 111 A+/ g/ OA/ new, unplayed archive copy DGG archive copy 10.80 [141518] Marriner ASMF Handel Concerti a due cori 1-3 Philips 9500 756 A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 7.80 [107866] Marriner ASMF Mozart The Early Symphonies (31, up to number 20 K133 ) Philips 6747 099 8LP- box/ A+, (was fac. sealed, opened to verify)/ nl/ new unplayed copy/ 1974 subscription 30.80 [108015] Marriner ASMF Mozart The Early Symphonies (31, up to number 20 K133) Philips 6769 054 8LP- box/ A+/ nl/ as new 33.80 [118446] Marriner ASMF Schubert S1-10 Philips 412 176- 1 7LP- box/ A+/ nl/ as new 30.80 [122889] Marriner ASMF Handel Feuerwerksmusik, Concerto grosso C- dur Alexanderfest, Ouverture D- Dur Philips 9500 768 A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 7.80 [130292] Marriner ASMF Mozart The Early Symphonies (31, up to number 20 K133 ) Philips 6747 099 8LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed)/ nl/ 1974 subscription/ new unplayed copy 30.80 [134498] Marriner ASMF Haydn S22 S43 Philips 34607 2 A+/ g/ club with 9500 stamper/ as new 7.80 [140853] Marriner Gomez Tear Langridge Luxon ASMG Handel Acis and Galatea Argo ZRG 886- 7 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac sealed/ eng/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [139205] Marschner Delius Koch,U Klodt Zuther Beethoven Serenade op25 (V+ Fl+ Va), Trio G-dur (Fl+ Bassoon+ P) Christophorus SFB 78144 A+/ g/ earliest blue/ as new 16.80 [116363] Marschner* Steiner Nordmark SO Romantisches Konzert - Grieg Svendsen (Romanze*) Glazunov Suppe DGG 136 482 SLPEM A+/ g/ tulip/ as new archive copy 21.80 [141106] Martinon Maurane ORTF Honegger Cantate de Noel, Pacific 231 Pastorale dEte rugby 069- 11663 A+, fac. sealed/ fr/ gatefold 10.80 [118243] EMI Martzy Jochum SOBR Mozart VK K218 S39 K543 Heliodor 89620 A+/ g/ pre-plum wh sample copy/ es/ tranfers sonically quite pleasant if played mono/ stellar performance 13.80 [103479] Mas i Monet, Guilla organ Torredembarra (1705) Cabezon, Carreira, Correa, Cabanilles, Seixs, Soler Motette M 1036 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ reviewer´s copy/ as new 7.80 [140926] Masur Gwdhs Leipzig Schumann S1-4, Ouv, Scherzo+ finale op52, Ouv Hermann und Dorothea op posth 136 Eurodisc 87 564 XK 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed 15.80 [133674] Masur GwhsO Bruckner S9 Eterna 826 761 A+/ pre-original wh label, gg- pressing/ number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 15.80 [140623] Masur GwhsO Bruckner S7 Eterna 826 759/ 60 2LP/ A+/ pre-original wh label, gg- pressing/ number stamped or handwritten/ new general cov and sleeve, see pic for an example/ 17.80 [140624] Mathis Fassbaender Schreier Fischer-Dieskau Engel Sawallisch Brahms LiebesliederWalzer op52 & op65 DG 2532 094 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141054] Mathis Kusche Neumeyer Buhl,R.J. Rokoko- Lieder Hammerschmidt Krieger Graun Rathgeber Krieger Telemann Görner De Bousset Rousseau HM/ EMI 065- 99648 A+/ gatefold/ gld/ as new 7.80 [123807] Mathis Kusche Neumeyer Buhl,R.J. Barock Lieder Hammerschmidt Krieger Graun Rathgeber Krieger Telemann Gourner De Bousset Rousseau HM/ BASF 20 21005-7 A/ gatefold/ gld/ nearly as new 7.80 [140712] Matousek,M guitar solo - Lauro Praetorius Rak Sainz de la Maza Obrovska Panton 8111 0318 A+/ black original, as new 6.80 [131034] Mauersberger,R Dresdener Kreuzchor Schreier Adam Vogel Rotzsch Apreck Leib Schuetz Lukas Passion Eterna 825 629 A+/ black 10.80 [104201] Mayer, Muehleisenorgel St Bonifaz Muenchen Clerambaut Bach Mozart Calig CAL 30498 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140951] Mehta VPO Schumann S3, Manfred Ouv Decca 6.42692 A+/ g/ silv sc/ DMM/ as new 11.80 [135655] Mehta VPO +C Blegen Lilowa Ahnsjoe Meven Bruckner Messe #2 e-moll , Te Deum Decca 260752 (6.42395) A+/ g/ silv sc/ cov- (upper spine taped, transport damage, else as new/ club with id. cov. label and 6.42395 pressing stamper 5.80 [112708] Melcherson, Frieberger, Choralschola Abtei Schlagl Sunday vespers Motette M 5003 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy/ as new 7.80 [140753] Melichar SOBR Mozart S31 Divertimento K251 Heliodor 89 550 A+/ g/ early plum/ es (ok, a bit thin, but no fake shadows)/ as new 4.80 [105288] Melik Pashaeev - Nelep Ivanov Lisitsian Peregudov Tyutyunnik Verbitskaya Smolenskaya Borisenko Korneyeva Kositsyna Shevtsov Firsova Borisenko Ivanov,A Godvkin Skobtsov - Bolshoi Tchaikovsky Queen of spades Melodiya D 05158- 63 4LP- box/ A+/ earliest flat MK blue/ international issue/ as new (!) 30.80 [130896] Melik- Pashayev Petrov Archipova Ivanovsky Reshetin Bolshoi Moscow Mussorgsky Boris Godunov Eurodisc 78701 XIR 4LP- box/ A+/ g/ early gld 15.80 [103510] Melkus Piguet Stiftner Melkus Storck Schwarz Capella Academica, Wien Monn Cellokonzert g-moll Concertino fugato G-Dur fuer Violine und Streicher / Wagenseil Konzert Es-Dur fuer Oboe, Fagott + O, Concertino B-Dur fuer Cembalo + O Archiv 2533 048 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new 19.80 [127057] Melkus Rantos Stradner Klebel Koich,J Cermak Dreyfus Couperin Trio Sonatas Apotheoses de Lulli, + de Corelli / Leclair Sonata c-moll Le Tombeau Archiv 2533 067 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [114785] Melos- Q Bartok V4 #3 / Kodaly V4 #2 op10 / Weiner V4 #3 op26 DG 139 450 SLPM A+/ g/ original/ new/ quite rare 30.80 [132003] Melos-Q rec 1970 LaSalle-Q // Stockhausen, Maderna, Gielen Cologne RSO// Zacher// Franz NDR Chor, Otto (fl)// Vinko Globokar // Storck, Palm, Caskel, Collegium Instrumentalis (Clemencic Hucke Tarr ...) DGG Avantgarde box I / 104 988-93 6 ind LP in extra box/ A+, was fac,sealed, opened to verify pressing/ tulip original/ new, unplayed archive copy DGG archive copies/ outer box- (perfectly intact (new, in fact), but remainders of the soft sealing foil stick to the box and I do not dare to tear them off) 169.80 [141428] Members of Collegium aureum Beethoven VW7 op20 HM/ EMI 065- 99713 Q A+/ gatefold/ gld/ SQ/ as new 7.80 [101252] Mendius Laugs Petersen Werke fuer Violine und Klavier Da Camera Magna SM 93318- 19 2LP- gatefold/ A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy/ very rare 14.80 [114909] Meneses Kitaenko Moscow PO Dvorak VcK Melodiya A10 00015 005 A+ new/ red original 7.80 [117928] Menuhin Kempff Beethoven VSoP op24 Fruehling, Rondo WoO41, 12 Var. WoO40 DG 2530 205 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [101248] Menuhin Kempff (p1970) Beethoven VSoP op30,3, + op47 (Kreutzer) DG 2530 135 A+/ g/ 1970 original/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [124525] Menuhin,J+H Gendron Schubert PV3 #1 op99 / Notturno PV3 Es-dur D897 Orbis 92 782 (Electrola) A+, fac. sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [104048] Merscher (rec 1980) Schumann Papillons op2, Carnaval op9 Eurodisc 202 560- 336 A+, was fac. sealed/ g/ SQ/ new copy 10.80 [140414] Merscher Mozarteum Salzburg Hager Mendelssohn PK 1+2 Eurodisc SQ 200152- 366 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ SQ 10.80 [117009] Meyer Philharmonia-Q Berlin Mozart Clar-Quintet K581 Denon OF 7053 ND (PCM) A+/ jap/ as new/ Willemoes engeneer + art. director 24.80 [120763] Meyer,Hannes Spiel Orgel Spiel 2 - rousseau Bach Beethoven Dvorak Mendelssohn Meyser Cabanilles Trad. Niggli Haydn Sousa Claves D 8102 A+/ swiss/ gatefold original/ as new 7.80 [141651] Michelangeli Debussy Images I/ II, Children´s Corner DG 2530 196 A+/ g/ original, incl poster/ new, unplayed 24.80 [101979] Michelangeli Beethoven PSo #4 op7 DG 2530 197 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [105733] Michelangeli Beethoven PSo #4 op7 DG 2530 197 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [111721] Michelangeli Debussy Images1+2, Children´s Corner DG 2530 196 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy 22.80 [122763] Michelangeli Scala Pedrotti (rec 1942) Schumann PK Telefunken 6.41903 A+/ M/ g/ blue/ quite rare 15.80 [110049] Milstein - Barzin PhO/ Fruehbeck NPhO fac. sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 12.80 Mendelssohn VK / Dvorak VK Orbis 92272 A+ [116530] Minin Larin Gerasimova Beloklokova Slepneva Arkhangeskaya Lubimov Lukianov Barkov Eloyan Krapenko Gavrilin Chimes (Miracle- Play S for Soloists, Choir, Oboe + Perc) Melodiya A 10 00417 001 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ wh original 12.80 [129021] Mintz Paganini 24 Caprices op1 DG 2532 042 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 21.80 [141412] Mirzchulava Schusanija Tatischwili Sotkilawa Tschkonija Tatischwili Kiknadse Kuszenowa Pirzchalawa Gelaschwili Kapanadse USSR RSO Paliashvily Absalom and Etery DG 2709 094 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ new unplayed copy 24.80 [130859] Mirzchulava Great Chorus + SO of Radio USSR, Schuschanija,I, Tatischwilli,L Sotkilawa,S Schkonija,L Tatischwili,Z Paliashvily Absalom and Etery DG 2709 094 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ original/ quite rare/ as new 24.80 [128564] Moehring (fl) Sebon (fl) Mueller- Bruehl Cologne ChO Hoffmeister FlK D-dur, Bach,JChr FlK D-dur Schwann (10X10)VMS 810 A+/ g/ original 10X10 issue, from a first series of 10 records featuring a different solo instrument each/ as new 7.80 [137407] Moench (guitar) Villa Lobos 5 Preludes, Bouwer Elogio de la Danza, Giuliani Grande Ouverture, Bach Prelude + Allegro Es-dur, Sor Grand Solo Pan (KNP 51078 A+, fac sealed 10.80 [122406] Moffo Barioni Sereni Sciutti De Palma Molinari-Pradelli Puccini La Rondine RCA 260729 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ green extra label/ new copy 11.80 [135627] Monks of the Benedictine Abbey En Calcat, + boys choir from LAlumnat Gregorian Chants Everest 3346 A+/ us/ sealed copy/ es 3.80 [117228] Moore Fischer-Dieskau Schubert Schiller Lieder DG 2530 306 A+/ g/ one of the rarer FD & Moore records/ new, unplayed archive copy 10.80 [141563] Moreschi, Patti, Albani, Sembrich, Melba Marcheli, Nicholls, Nordica, Fremstad, Lloyd, Davies, Bispham, de Gogorza, Scaramberg, Dalmores, Muratore u.v.a. A Record of Singers Volume 1, Part 1 recordings from 1899-1919 - The Castrato Voice. The Old School. English Speaking Singers. The Emergence of Verismo. The Castrato Voice EMI RLS 7705 6LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ eng/ sample copy/ new unplayed copy 33.80 [128010] Muenchinger Rampal Stuttgart ChO Bach Suites #2+3 Decca 6.41532 A+/ g/ blue/ new 7.80 [123736] Muenchinger Stuttgart ChO Mozart kleine Nachtmusik, Boccherini Menuett, Haydn Serenade, Bach Air Decca 6.41798 A+/ g/ as new 6.80 [135959] Muenchinger VPO Schubert S3 + S4 Decca SXL 6186 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ royal sound stereo/ original/ quite rare 42.80 [131824] Munclinger Andre Ars rediviva Bach Brandenb K no2+3 Eurodisc 87670 XAK A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 5.80 [139580] Munich Baryton Trio (Eggebrecht, Goritzki, Schmid) + Schroeder Langendstein Grobgholz Klein Mahne Haydn Oktette mit Baryton - Oktett A-Dur Hob.X 6 Oktett D-Dur Hob.X 2 Oktett G-Dur Hob.X 5 Archiv 2533 465 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [126825] Musikverein- Q (Küchl, Wächter, Goetzel Bartolomey) Schumann V4 #1 / Brahms V4 #3 Decca 6.42242 A+/ g/ blue original 16.80 [124334] Muti PhO Schumann S3/ Ouv Braut von Messina EMI 063- 03407 A+, fac.sealed/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [135574] Mutter Karajan BPO Beethoven VK DG 2531 250 A+/ g/ original/ as new 12.80 [120517] Mutter Ozawa ONF Lalo S Espagnole / Sarasate Zigeunerweisen op20 EMI 067- 2701761 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new 15.80 [108238] Navarra, d Arco Saint-Saens Cello Sonatas #1+2 Calliope CAL.1818 A+/ fr 24.80 [129205] Navascues Wallberg Munich RO Giuliani GitK A-dur op30, Villa- Lobos GitKo Eurodisc 201012- 366 A+ ( fac. sealed)/ g/ original 12.80 [125112] Nebolshin Bolshoi Moscow Mussorgsky Khovanshchina Melodiya 33D 01712- 19 A+/ M/ early pink/ lux cloth spine box/ as new (!) 24.80 4LP- box/ [130887] Negri Ahnsjoeh Finnilae Loevaas Vogel Gamberucci Reinhardt-Kiss RFC Berlin ChO Berlin Mozart Betulia liberata K 118 Philips 6703 087 3LP- box/ A+, was factory sealed/ red original/ new unplayed copy 16.80 [128142] Negri ChO Berlin Albinoni Concerti op7 Nr7- 12 Eterna 826 679 A+/ g 4.80 [100348] Negri Luccardi Wagemann Hamari Finnilae Marshall Trimarchi Lerer Ahnsjoe ChO Berlin Vivaldi Tito Manlio Philips 6769 004 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red original/ as new 30.80 [132928] Netherland Wind Ensemble Beethoven Oktett Es-dur op103 Marsch B-dur, Rondino Esdur, Sextett Es-dur op71, Quintett Es-dur Philips 9500 087 A+/ nl/ red original/ new copy 7.80 [132230] Neumann RFC Leipzig Mendelssohn Songs for Chorus Philips 6514 362 A+/ nl/red 4.80 [109965] Neunheuser Witteler Devienne Flute Sonatas (on modern instr) Aulos 68530 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121827] Neunheuser Witteler Devienne Flute Sonatas (on modern instr) Aulos 68530 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123147] New York ChO Couperin,F Concerts royaux #3+4 DGG 18 781 LPM A+/ M/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [133805] Nicolet Suk Jaccottet Geringas Handel Telemann Bach,CPE Bach,JS - Trio Sonatas Eurodisc 200163- 366 A+/ g/ /SQ/ new sealed copy 12.80 [117287] Niedermayr Fruehauf Roczek / Loidl Ortner/ Lorenzi Ortner / Melkus* Scheit Wildgans Kleine Haus und Spielmusik in 7 Toenen / Korda Sonatina TR+P / von Einem Japanische Blaetter op15 (Lieder)/ Siegle Sonatine V+Guitar* Oestereichische Phonothek OPh 10004 A+/ austrian/ original (60ies gg pressing) 12.80 [113185] Niederrheinische Chorgemeinschaft Pater noster Kompositionen/ Obrecht Paminger Hassler Schuetz Homilius Verdi Reger Stravinsky Stockmeier Koch Schwann 113 013 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 5.80 [108763] Niederrheinische Chorgemeinschaft Pater noster Kompositionen/ Obrecht Paminger Hassler Schuetz Homilius Verdi Reger Stravinsky Stockmeier Koch Schwann 113 013 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 5.80 [108764] Niehaus Doppel- Vokalquartett Bergisch Gladbach, Singgemeinschaft Caecilia Sand Wincenty Majorem hac Aulos FSM 53512 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 6.80 [121862] Niehaus Doppel- Vokalquartett Bergisch Gladbach, Singgemeinschaft Caecilia Sand Wincenty Majorem hac Aulos FSM 53512 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 6.80 [123162] Nimsgern Antoni RSOSaarland Kuntzsch Simon,Hans 4 Andreas Gryphius Gesaenge op58, Kalendarium der Liebe (5 Lieder), Der Umkehrende (5 Lieder) CBS 74117 A+/ g/ very rare 12.80 [112980] Novak- Q Haydn V4 op3,5 op64,5 op76,3 Intercord Saphir 25726- 1 SB A+ fac sealed/ g 6.80 [102598] Novak- Q Schubert V4 #14 dmoll Tod und Maedchen, Quartettsatz c-moll op posth Intercord 25729- 5SB saphir A+ fac. sealed/ g/ new 7.80 [123556] Oehrwall Haeggander Paake Anderson Wedin Stockholm PO+C Olsson Requiem Caprice CAP 1296 A+/ swed/ original/ new copy 11.80 [129049] Oistrakh Pischner Bach VSoP 2+3 DGG 138 989 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip (AH)original/ new unplayed archive copy 42.80 [141253] Oistrakh,D Oborin Beethoven VSoP #5 op25 Spring, #9 op47 Kreutzer Philips 65825 2 A+/ club/ wh pre issue label 11.80 [134950] Oistrakh,D Oborin Beethoven VSoP #5 op25 Spring, #9 op47 Kreutzer 2 A+, fac sealed/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [139639] Philips Orbis 65825 Oistrakh,I +D (cond) Lalo S espagnole Eterna 826 213 A+/ black original/ Melodiya stampers 12.80 [130203] Olbertz Haydn PSo Hob16/ 21- 24 Eterna 826 528 A+/ black 7.80 [106600] Olbertz Haydn PSo Hob16/ 30- 33 Eterna 826 645 A+/ black 6.80 [106602] Oliveira Ponce Strauss,R Violin Sonata, Bloch Violin Sonata #1 Vox Cum Laude D- VCL 9021 A+/ us/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [124046] Oppitz Brahms PSo#3 op5, 4 Klavierstuecke op119 Orfeo S 020821 A A+ (fac.sealed)/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [140369] Orlando- Q Haydn V4 op76,4+6 Philips 9514 204 A+/ nl/ red original/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116220] Ormandy Zorina Gerome PhiladO Honegger Jeanne dArc au Boucher Philips A 01128/ 29 L 2LP- gatefold / A+/ M/ nl early plum/ lovely spiral bound set 37.80 [112824] ORTF PO Girard Chabrun Nigg Visages d Axel / Martinet Mouv. symphonique, Prométhée Inedits RTF 995 030 A+/ fr/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [116233] Ortiz Ashkenazy NPhO Villa-Lobos Bachiana Brasileira #3 (P+O), Momoprecoce (P+O) EMI 065- 02941 A+/g/ SQ 5.80 [112917] Ortiz Kaizumi NPhO Dohnanyi Kinderlied-Var op25 / Rachmaninov Paganini- Var op43 EMI 063- 02724 A+/ g/ SQ 4.80 [102049] Otten Syntagma Musicum (Jacobs,R Satoh) Dufay - and his times, Brassart Lantins Loqueville, Dunstable Binchois Andrieu Hasprois Cesaris Grenon morton Telefunken 6.35257 A+/ g/ wh sample copy 15.80 [128734] Otterloo Den Haag Haydn S45 (Abschied) + S55 (Schulmeister) DGG 18 825 LPM A+/ M/ g/ original tulip (AH, 1962)/ cov pr. 1962/ quite rare and fine (as about every Otterloo recording) [125290] 14.80 Ozawa Robinson Blegen Sasson Quivar Myers Riegel Luxon Howell Tanglewood FestC BostonSO Mahler S8 Philips 6769 069 2LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red original/ wri on booklet (timings) 15.80 [129104] Ozawa OParis Stravinsky Feuervogel EMI 063- 02382 A+/ g/ SQ/ red 4.80 [104601] Ozawa San Fancisco SO Tchaikovsky Berlioz Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet DG 2530 308 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 Paik [141583] Ravel complete Works for Piano VOl 2 Quintessence PMC- 7200 A+, fac. sealed/ us/ pun/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [131778] Pan Trio (Bröhl (Fl) Schligtig (Va) Sasaki (guit) Beethoven Serenade op8, Matiegka Serenade op26 Aulos Pre 68544 A+/ g/ new, unplayed, original/ Aulos archive copy 7.80 [123172] Parker-Smith, St. Francis de Sales, Philadelphia Liszt Fantasie und Fuge AD nos, ad salutarem undam / Franck Priere cis-moll, Choral #1 EMI 067- 03817 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140920] Patané Marton Carreras Zancanaro Takacs Farkas Gregor Toth Hung RSO Giordano André Chenier Hungaroton SLPD 12727- 8 2LP- box/ A+/ hung/, original/ as new 12.80 [130133] Pears Bream (git) Lieder Britten Walton Seiber Fricker RCA AGL 1- 1281 A+/ g/ yellow 6.80 [100212] Penzel Linde Collegium aureum Haydn HornK Ddur / FlK Ddur HM/ EMI 065- 99650 A+/ g/ gld 6.80 [102510] Perényi,E Kiss VSoP / Handel #6, Tartini #10 Veracini e- moll Hungaroton SLPX 11975 A+/ 4.80 [100214] Pergamenschikov Gililov Janacek Fairytale, Debussy VcSonata, Stravinsky Suite italienne, Debussy Menestrels (arr Pecker), Ravel Piece en forme d´Habanera Aulos Pre 68536 A+/ g/ new, unplayed, original/ Aulos archive copy/ superlative record 33.80 [121842] Perier Clay Cattand Boston Symphony Chamber Players Strawinsky L Histoire Du Soldat DG 2530 590 A+/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy 11.80 [128294] Pesko Shemchuk Seleznev Stone Surjan Michalopoulos RAI Milano Mussorgsky Salambo CBS 79253 2LP- box/ A+, fac sealed/ g/ original 15.80 [128183] Ph Solisten Berlin (Leister Koch Brandis WestphalUeberschaer Boettcher) Mozart ClarV5 K581 / OboeV4 K370 DGG 138 996 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [133063] Philharmonische Solisten Berlin / Solisten VPO Gulda*/ Amadeus-Q Mozart FlV4 K285 K285a K171 K298 / PW5 K452*/ HornV5 K407/ Sonate Fagott+Vc K292/ KlarV5 K581 / ObV4 K370 DG 2541 166- 8 / box lost 3LP, no box or cov/ A+/ g/ vinyl as new 4.80 [108994] Philharmonisches Oktett Berlin (BPO) Schubert Oktett F-dur D803 DGG 139 102 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 21.80 [141353] Piet Kee Vincent Luebeck Orgel St. Cosmae Stade, Arp Schnittger Orgel Ganderkesee, Westerhusen Luebeck, Buxtehude, Reincken, Stenwick, Anon. Telefunken SAWT 9436 -B A+/ g/ early blue/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140937] Pinnock The English Concert Bach Bach PK (Hps) BWV1052-54 Archiv 2533 466 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141173] Pinnock The English Concert Bach Bach PK (Hps) BWV1052-54 Archiv 2533 466 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141174] Pinnock The English Concert Bach Bach PK (Hps) BWV1055-58 Archiv 2533 467 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141823] Plagge Ravel Gaspard / Scriabin PSo #5 / Liszt PSo h-moll HM DMR 2028 A+/ g/ gld/ gatefold original 12.80 [113444] Pogorelich Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit / Prokofiev PSo #6 DG 2532 093 A+/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 23.80 [117080] Pogorelich Beethoven PSo #32 op111 / Schumann S. Etudes op13 Toccata op7 DG 2532 036 A+/ g/ original/ as new 10.80 [133432] Pogorelich Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit / Prokofiev PSo #6 DG 2532 093 A+/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 23.80 [141055] Pollini Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 DG 2530 291 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy/ Edison, Prix Mondial 9.80 [114291] Pollini Chopin Etudes op10 + op25 DG 2530 291 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy/ Edison, Prix Mondial 9.80 [121960] Pollini Stravinsky 3 Mouv Petrushka, Prokofiev PSo #7 DG 2530 225 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [141576] Pollini Kletzki PhO Chopin PK1 EMI 63410 (= 53- 00182) A-/ g/ early Electrola red/ club with id cov label and stampers 2.80 [140868] Pommer Frimmer Guettler Buechner Scheibner Thomaner Neues Bachisches Collegium Bach Cantatas with corna da caccia - - Waer gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit BWV14, Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen BWV51, Lobe den Herren, meine Seele BWV143 Capriccio C 27061 A+/ g/ gatefold, black original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 10.80 [140746] Poppen Holliger, U. Nicolet Holliger Engl. ChO Spohr Concertante #2, Mozart Fl+HarpK K299 Novalis 150023- 1 A+/ new/ factory sealed 6.80 [124469] Power Biggs BachConcerti BWV592+3/ Trio Sonatas BWV525+9 sealed/ us 6.80 Columbia M32791 A+, fac. [131385] Prague Chamber Ensemble Vienna Serenade Concert - Haydn V4 op3,5, Mozart Flute-Q K171 Anhang, Beethoven Serenade op8 (V3) Intercord Saphir 706- 05 SB A+, fac. sealed/ g/ original issue(!) / new unplayed copy 6.80 [123738] Prague Madrigal Singers Venhoda Ockeghem Marienmotetten Telefunken 6.41878 A+/ g/ blue 7.80 [123489] Preston Gale Watson Bowman Partridge McDonnell Watt Choir Christ Church Cathedral Oxford English Chamber Orchestra Handel Israel in Egypt Decca 6.48114 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ blue 10.80 [121890] Preston,S Pinnock, The English Concert Bach,CPE Flute concertos a-moll Wq166 + B-dur Wq176 Archiv 2533 455 A+/ g/ original/ new & unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141243] Prêtre Duruflé OSCC Saint Saens S3 Angel S 35924 A+, fac.sealed/ us/ 7.80 [131375] Previn LSO Debussy Images pour O, Prelude Faune EMI 065- 03692 A+/ g/ 4.80 [101980] Previn LSO Tchaikovsky S2/ Liadov 8 Russian Folk Songs RCA AGL 1- 1265 A+, factory sealed/ us/ pun/ gold seal 10.80 [121319] Previn LSO Ortiz Gershwin Porgy + Bess (arr Bennett), 2. Rhapsody P+O EMI 067- 03949 A+/ g/ as new 4.80 [109628] Prey Engel Hokanson Moore Schubert Schumann Mendelssohn- Bartholdy Wagner Cornelius Brahms Wolf Philips 6541 501 A+/ g/ red/ new/ gatefold/ Lied Edition Prey 6.80 [135903] Prinz VPO Ch-Ens Weber - Hindemith Clarinet Quintets DG 2530 272 A+/ g/ original/ new 21.80 [120050] Pritchard Janowitz Pavarotti Taylor Tarres Lewis LPO (live London 17.08.1064, NOT Glyndebourne 56 Mozart Idomeneo Melodram MEL 482 3LP- box/ A+/ it/ as new/ / very good undistorted radio sound/ this is not the well-known Glyndebourne perfomance! but a different and absolutely brilliant one. Janowitz´ Ilia! 21.80 [140901] Pritchard Scotto Bruson Wolf- Ferrari Il Segreto di Susanna CBS D36733 1LP- box/ A+/ g/ 7.80 [105094] Pro Cantione antiqua London Brown Raverscroft Purcell Lawes Laniere Catches Part Songs HM/ EMI 065- 99611 A+/ g/ gatefold/ gld/ new copy 10.80 [117181] Pro Musica Antiqua Cape (1950ies mono rec) De La Halle Le Jeu de Robin et Marion, 13 Rondeaux/ Anon 17 Danses du 13e et 14e siecle Archiv 14 018 APM A+ sealed copy/ M/ g/ flat german original pressing in UK/US market cover (ARC 3002)/ I opened others from this batch only to find records after over 50 years in pristine condition. 22.80 [120749] Pro Musica Antiqua Cape (1950ies mono rec) Gastoldi 12 Balletti / Jannequin 7 Chansons Archiv 14 042 APM A+ sealed copy/ M/ g/ flat german original pressing in UK/US market cover (ARC 3002)/ I opened others from this batch only to find records after over 50 years in pristine condition. 33.80 [120752] Pro Musica Antiqua Cape (1950ies mono rec) De La Halle Le Jeu de Robin et Marion, 13 Rondeaux/ Anon 17 Danses du 13e et 14e siecle Archiv 14 018 APM A/ M/ g/ flat original/ nearly as new, 15.80 [140972] Prost Koebler Tramnitz Orgelwerke von Buxtehude [Magnificat Primi Toni d- moll, Passacaglia d- moll, Praeludium und Fuge fis- moll, Praeludium und Fuge E- dur, Ciacona e- moll, Toccata G- dur, Praeludium und Fuge D- dur] Archiv MR 199 033 A+/ g 5.80 [135898] Querol, Quartet Polifonic de Barcelona Vocal part music Spain 16th century - Melchior de Robledo, Juan de Anchieta, Andres de Torrentes, Cristobal de Morales, Pedro de Pastrana, Fernando de las Infantas, Tomas Luis de Victoria, juan del Encina, francisco de la Torre, Pedro de Escobar, Antonio Ribera, Francisco Guerrero,Rodrigo de Caballos, Gines de Morata, Anonimo Archiv 198 454 SAPM A+/ g/ earliest grey carton gatefold/ preoriginal sample copy, new unplayed, 22.80 [141204] Radulescu European Lucero Ensemble Radulescu Clepsydra / Astray Edition RZ 1007 A+/ rare, Electrola-Pressing 16.80 [103764] Ramin Thomaner Gwdhs Leipzig Bach Kantaten BWV65 Sie werden alle aus Saba kommen, BWV119 Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, BWV138 Warum betruebst du dich, mein Herz, BWV72 Alles nur nach Gottes Willen, BWV24 Ein ungefaerbt Gemuete, BWV77 Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ, BWV144 Nimm, was dein ist, BWV92 Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn, BWV95 Christus der ist mein Leben, BWV78 Jesu der du meine Seele Eurodisc 89827 XGK 5LP- box/ A+/ M/ gld/ good mono transfers and probably better than the much sought after Eternas 33.80 [117363] Rampal Alain Flute + Organ Blavet Marcello Krebs Pugnani Alain Martin EMI 063- 28289 A+/ g 5.80 [107364] Rampal Pierlot Andre Duchable Lodeon ChO Paillard Vincent d Indy Suite D-Dur im Alten Stil op24 Karadec op34 Konzert fuer Klavier, Floete, Cello + Streichorchester op89 Erato STU 71 423 A+/ fr/ gatefold/ black original 12.80 [126914] Rampal Rostropovich Bernstein Israel PO Bernstein Halil, Meditation from Mass, On the Waterfront- Suite DG 2532 051 A+/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy/ new, unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141295] Rampal Veyron- Lacroix Vivaldi Il Pastor fido - 6 sonates Fl + Hps Erato STU 70467 A+ new/ fr/ early blue sc/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 12.80 [110946] Rampal Veyron- Lacroix Leclair Sonaten fuer Floete und Cembalo EMI 187- 30922/ 23 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ Erato series/ SQ/ cut/ as new 10.80 [123458] Rampal, J-P + J Marion,A Beuf,M Music for 3,4,5 Flutes Kuhlau Bodin De Boismortier Reicha Erato ZL 30677 A+, new/ g/ plum sc 10.80 [125728] rare archive material musica futurista - Pratella di Festa, Mix, Casavola, Marinetti, Napoletano, Russolo,L , Russolo,A , Mortari, Casella Cramps records Collan Multhipla 5204 002 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ was fac. sealed/ it/ original/ rare 24.80 [136650] Rasmussen Canzone Choir Nielsen Complete works for choir a capella Danacord DACO 217/ 18 3LP- gatefold/ A+/ new, unplayed copy, complete with book on lyrics in eng translation/ Dansk musik antologi DMA 061/ 62 15.80 [115932] Rasmussen Canzone Choir Nielsen Complete works for choir a capella Danacord DACO 217/ 18 3LP- gatefold/ A+/ new, unplayed copy, complete with book on lyrics in eng translation/ Dansk musik antologi DMA 061/ 62 15.80 [123767] Ratzinger Stader Hoeffgen Haeffiger Uhde Regensburg Dome Choir, BavRSO Schubert Messe As-dur D678 DG 139 108 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ new, unplayed archive copy 28.80 [132425] Redel Schroeder Popp,R Pro Arte Munich Stamitz,K Quartet for O. C-dur, Flute concerto D-dur, Concerto for Clar, Bassoon + O B-dur Erato STU 70732 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ early blue sc/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 12.80 [110734] Rehmann Aachener Domspatzen Aachen Domchor (rec mono 1949 & 1956) Lasso Missa VIII Toni, 8 Latin Motets - Tristis est anima mea, Justorum animae, Venite ad me omnes, Miserere mei - Domine, Domine convertere, Improperium exspectavit, Super flumia Babylonis, Tui sunt coeli Archiv 2533 037 A+/ M/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141465] Reibel, cond., Trio a Cordes Paris, Saneva Oxombre Oudot Fremau Dehon(vocals) Beaumadier (flutes) Gayot Simocini (oboe, clar) Manfrin Fourquet Milliere Chevaillier (4 tromb.) Moene Babylone Erato STU 71562 A+ new/ fr/ sealed unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 21.80 [111417] Reichert, ensemble 13 baden- baden (1980) Strauss,R Rosenkavalier film score (vol I) HM/ EMI 065- 99904 A+/ g/ earliest gld/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116846] Reichert, ensemble 13 baden- baden (1980) Strauss,R Rosenkavalier film score (vol I) HM/ EMI 065- 99904 A+/ g/ earliest gld / new unplayed copy 10.80 [120812] Reiners Birnau Kantorei + ChO Mayer Schmidt Baldin Illerhaus Beethoven Messe Cdur op86 MPS 48.002 A+ (fac. sealed)/ g/ MPS recording 10.80 [118767] Reining Ruenger Krauss Rode Manowarda RSO Stuttgart Leonhardt / Oper Koenigsberg Brueckner rec 1938 Wagner Walkure exc Acanta DE 23114/ 15 2LP- gatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ 11.80 [129473] Ricci, Cincinatti SO, Rudolf Paganini VK #2, Saint-Saens VK #1 DGG 136 478 SLPEM A+/ g/ flat tulip original( AH)/ new unplayed copy 42.80 [140977] Ricciarelli Cossotto Allegri Di Stasio Lippi Benetti Matsumoto Santa Cecilia Bartoletti Puccini Suor Angelica RCA MLDS 20262 A+, fac. sealed/ it 11.80 [128201] Richartz BPO, BambergPO Orchestral Treasures - Light music- Milloecker, Gomes Glinka, Lanner Richartz Borodin Tchaikovsky DGG 136 262 SLPEM A+/ flat earliest tulip/ red stereo original/ new archive copy 21.80 [141124] Richter Wislocki, Warsaw NatPO Mozart PK no20 K466 / Haydn PSo g-moll DGG 414 226 A+/ g/ tulip, special issue for Siemens/ as new 21.80 [138698] Richter Bilgram Fuetterer Schott BachO Muenchen Bach 3PK BWV1063, 1064 / 4PK BWV1065 Archiv 2533 171 A+/ g/ gatefold/ as new 6.80 [135890] Richter Karolyi,S Eurich Heyer Thomas Eppel Noske Loeckle Kuhlau Quintett op51,1 Fl, V, 2Va + Vc / Quartett op103 for 4 flutes (!) Da Camera Magna SM 92807 A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy 10.80 [113250] Richter Karolyi,S Eurich Laugs* Gaertner Reger Chamber music for wind instruments (+P*) Da Camera Magna SM 92710 A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy 10.80 [113196] Richter Karolyi,S Eurich Laugs* Gaertner Reger Chamber music for wind instruments (+P*) Da Camera Magna SM 92710 A+ new/ g black original/ unplayed copy 10.80 [113248] Richter,K (hps) Bach Ital. Konzert, Fantasie BWV906, Chrom. Fantasie + Fuge 903 u.a. DG 2530 035 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 8.80 [141798] Richter,K / de Klerk - Schnittger organs in Norden Steienfelde and Neuenfelde (rec 1962) Bach Fantasie G-dur BWV572, Trio sonatas BWV527 + 530, Pastorale F-dur BWV590 / Buxtehude P+F G-dur, Scheidt Psalmus Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, Sweelinck Echo Fantasie, Scheidemann Magnificat Fantasie, Praetorius Vater unser im Himmelreich (choral var.) Telefunken 6.35054 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue/ box- (some shelf wear on the back, else perfectly fine)/ reviewer´s copy, records as new 12.80 [141693] Richter,K Arroyo Donath Armstrong Procter Young Jennings flagello Stewart BachC+O Munich Handel Samson Archiv 643 517- 20 4LP- box/ / A+/ g/ lux cloth box/ subscription original/ as new - box, booklet, sleeves, records, just perfect 51.80 [129788] Richter,K Bach O. Munich Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1, 3, 6 Archiv 198 487 SAPM A+, fac.sealed/ g/ gatefold/ grey carton/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [132978] Richter,K Bach O. Munich Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1, 3, 6 Archiv 198 487SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ 1967 pressing/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 [141178] Richter,K Bach O. Munich Bach Brandenburg Concertos 1, 3, 6 Archiv 198 487 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 [141326] Richter,K BachO Munich Fischer- Dieskau Bach Kantaten BWV56+82 Ich will den Kreuzstab / Ich habe genug Archiv 198 477 A+, fac.sealed/ g 7.80 [100463] Richter,K BachO Munich Fischer- Dieskau Bach Kantaten BWV56+82 Ich will den Kreuzstab / Ich habe genug Archiv 198 477 A+/ g/ new unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141322] Richter,K Donath Reynolds Burrows McIntyre John Alldis-C LPO Handel Messiah DG 2720 069 3LP- box/ A+ / g/ original 24.80 [129868] Richter,K Mathis Haefliger Fischer- Dieskau Bach-C+O Muenchen (rec1969) Bach Kantate BWV21 Ich hatte viel Bekuemmernis Archiv 2533 049 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141483] Richter,K Mathis Haefliger Fischer- Dieskau Bach-C+O Muenchen (rec1969) Bach Kantate BWV21 Ich hatte viel Bekuemmernis Archiv 2533 049 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141484] Richter,K Mathis Schmidt Schreier Fischer- Dieskau BachO+C Muenchen (rec 197578) Bach Kantaten Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme BWV140, Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BWV80 Archiv 2533 459 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [133578] Richter,K Munich BachC+O, Jochum, Kubelik BavRSO+C, Stader Dominguez Markevitch, Ferencsik Gloria - Bach Handel Haydn Mozart Liszt Bruckner DGG 136 491 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ new archive copy 15.80 [141112] Richter,K Thibaud Linde Clement Schneeberger Hoeller Nicolet Bach- C+O Munich Bach Brandenb. Konzerte 2, 4, 5 BWV1047, BWV1049, BWV1050 Archiv 198 488 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed archive copy 9.80 [129950] Richter,K Thibaud Linde Clement Schneeberger Hoeller Nicolet Bach- C+O Munich Bach Brandenb. Konzerte 2, 4, 5 BWV1047, BWV1049, BWV1050 Archiv 198 488 SAPM A+/ g/ gatefold/ pre-original wh sample copy (1967) in later gatefold cov/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141176] Rila Monastery, Bulgaria Celebration of the Feast of St Ivan Archiv 2533 457 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141272] Rilling Donath Hoeffgen Equiluz Kunz / Graf Passin Schwarz weber Rothweiler Keltsch Etzold Gaechinger Kantorei Bach Coll Stuttgart Bach Kantate BWV146 Wir muessen durch viel Truebsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen Claudius CLV 71917 A+/ g/ Die Bachkantate/ original/ new copy 7.80 [137532] Rilling Auger Kraus Schoene Indiana University Singers Bach Coll Stuttgart Bach Kantate BWV21 Ich hatte viel Bekuemmernis Laudate 98680 A+/ g/ Die Bachkantate/ booklet incl/ as new 7.80 [117415] Rilling Donath Altmeyer Staempfli / Lautenbacher, Keltsch,v.(!) Bach- Collegium Stuttgart Buxtehude Solokantaten Mein Herz ist bereit / O Gottes Stadt, Herr, ich lasse dich nicht, Ich suche des Nachts Cantate 658 214 A+/ g 6.80 [101842] Rilling Figuralchor Gedaechtniskirche Stuttgart Bach Orgelbuechlein vol 3 - Organ Chorals (Pentecoste, Trinitatis) Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 1528 A+, was sealed, opened to verify/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [135751] Rilling Figuralchor Gedaechtniskirche Stuttgart Bach Orgelbuechlein vol 2 - Organ Chorals (Passion sunday, Easter) Baerenreiter Musicaphon BM 30 SL 1527 A+, was sealed, opened to verify/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [135752] Rilling Finnilae Staempfli Gross Bach-Coll Stuttgart Bach Kantate BWV35 Geist und Seele wird verwirret/ BWV158 Der Fiede sei mit dir SDG 610118 A+/ green-wh sc stereo/ reviewer´s copy, as new/ 1969 recording, not from his complete set Ringelberg- Q 7.80 [140706] Ringelberg V4 (1988) Musik aus vier Epochen (V-solo) RBM 3099 A+/ g/ black original/ as new 5.80 [107493] Robilliard Liszt Fantasie + Fuge Ad nos..., Prelude + Fuge B.A.C.H, Var Weinen, Klagen... Arion ARN 38389 A+/ fr 4.80 [102804] Robison Turner Combs Winstead Solis / Wright Beths,V Tsumura Naegele Solow Niesen W5 op43 / Weber ClarV5 op34 Marlboro Recording Society MRS 5 A+, fac sealed/ us original/ rare live recordings Marlboro Festival 12.80 [122965] Rodzinski Liebl Brouwenstijn Ernster Wilfert Waechter Dickie Pernerstorfer Brunelli Rai Roma rec 21.11.1957 Wagner Tannhaeuser Melodram MEL 472 4LP- box/ A+/ it/ as new 30.80 [113957] Roessler Beckerath Orgel Johanniskirche Duesseldorf Bach Praeludium und Fuge e-moll BWV548, A-dur BWV536, G-dur BWV541, 3 Choral- Bearbeitungen zu Nun komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 659 BWV 660 BWV 661, Fantasie G-dur BWV 572, Passacaglia und fuge c-moll BWV 582, Schuebler Chorale BWV645-650 Motette M 10190 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 11.80 [140599] Rogers Bailes Airs de Cour (Louis XIII) - Mauduit, Bataille Guedron Le Fegueux, Mouline, Boesset EMI 063- 30935 A+/ g/ gatefold/ reflexe 7.80 [115089] Rogers Keyte Monteverdi-Chor Hamburg Juergens Monteverdi - Virtuoso madrigals Archiv 2533 087 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 11.80 [117955] Rolla Franz Liszt ChO Budapest Haydn,M S C- Dur P12, S Es- Dur P1, S D- Dur P11, S ADur P6 Teldec 6.43188 A+/ g/ as new 6.80 [135993] Romero, Pepe Sanz Valderrabano Pisador original, new 11.80 Mudarra Narvaez Philips 9500 351 A+/ nl/ red [132045] Rosbaud SWF/ Sawallisch Bav RSO Moedl Rade Dooley Alexander Kuen/ Bader NDR/ Zagrosek SWF/ Herzog,G/Ganz Alberth RSO Berlin/ Rosbaud SWF/ Henze Saarbruecken RSO/ Stuttgart Piano Trio Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 2 - 1945-50 -Hartmann Adagio 2. S, Concerto P, W+ Perc/ Orff Antigonae 2. Akt/ Fortner S 1947/ Blacher Paganini Var, Ornamente op37/ Zimmermann VK/Klebe Die Zwitschermaschine/ Henze S1, Chamber Sonata HM DMR 1004- 06 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ g/ gld/ new unplayed copy 30.80 [121451] Rosbaud SWF/ Sawallisch Bav RSO Moedl Rade Dooley Alexander Kuen/ Bader NDR/ Zagrosek SWF/ Herzog,G/Ganz Alberth RSO Berlin/ Rosbaud SWF/ Henze Saarbruecken RSO/ Stuttgart Piano Trio Zeitgenoessische Musik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - vol 2 - 1945-50 -Hartmann Adagio 2. S, Concerto P, W+ Perc/ Orff Antigonae 2. Akt/ Fortner S 1947/ Blacher Paganini Var, Ornamente op37/ Zimmermann VK/Klebe Die Zwitschermaschine/ Henze S1, Chamber Sonata HM DMR 1004- 06 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ gld/ nearly as new 30.80 [129157] Rose Kirn Orgel St. Cosmae Stade Buxtehude, Weckmann Boehm Tunder Scheidemann Scheidt Telefunken 6.42820 A/ g/ early blue/ gatefold/ reviewer´s copy, nearly as new 7.80 [141682] Rossi Schwarzkopf Christoff Valletti Danco Martiono Kmentt Torino 1952/ 56 Mozart Betulia Liberata / Davidde Penitente Melodram MEL 211 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ it/ no booklet 14.80 [109421] Rostal,M* Haas,M* BostonS Ch- Players, Drolc- Q**, Trio di Trieste Ravel VsoP*, V4** Introduktion +Allegro Harp Fl,Clar,V4, PV3 / Debussy VSoP, VcSoP, FlVaHarpSo, V4** DG 2733 007 3LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed / g 24.80 [103815] Rostropovich ASMF Brown Haydn VcK 1 C-dur + 2 Ddur EMI 661504 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ club numbering 5.80 [122254] Rostropovich Karajan Dvorak VcK / Tchaikovsky Rokoko Var. DG 139 044 A+/ g/ OA/ new unplayed archive copy archive copy 7.80 [108146] Rostropovich Nat SO Washington Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet DG 2532 087 A+/ g/ among the best DGs/ new unplayed archive copy 16.80 [141780] Rostropovich Nat SO Washington Shostakovich S5 DG 2532 076 A+/ g/ quite rare/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141787] Rostropovich Serkin Brahms VcSoP op38+99 DG 2532 073 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [121170] Rostropovich Serkin Brahms VcSoP op38+99 DG 2532 073 A+/ g/ pre-original wh sample/ new archive copy 24.80 [128650] Rot Mozarteum Salzburg Hummel,F Koenig Ubu Col legno BM 30 SL 6.5501/ 02 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ original/ incl full libretto, German and English 33.80 [126293] Rot Mozarteum Salzburg Hummel,F Koenig Ubu Col legno BM 30 SL 6.5501/ 02 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ very rare/ new unplayed copy/ incl full libretto, German and English 33.80 [133165] Rot Mozarteum Salzburg Hummel,F Koenig Ubu Col legno BM 30 SL 6.5501/ 02 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ very rare/ new unplayed copy/ incl full libretto, German and English 33.80 [135683] Rot Mozarteum Salzburg Hummel,F Koenig Ubu Col legno BM 30 SL 6.5501/ 02 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ very rare/ new unplayed copy/ incl full libretto, German and English 33.80 [139937] Rot Mozarteum Salzburg Hummel,F Koenig Ubu Col legno BM 30 SL 6.5501/ 02 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac. sealed/ very rare/ new unplayed copy/ incl full libretto, German and English 33.80 [139951] Roth Enderle Zangerle Drees Neufing, St Gregorius Aachen Durufle Missa Cum jubilo, Goller Missa in honorem BMV de Loretto Aulos 53588 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121838] Roth Mann Widdershoven Partanen Otten Ewerhardt (!) Dt. Barocksolisten, St Gregorius Aachen Haydn Missa Sanctae Caeciliae, Salve Regina g-moll Aulos Pre 68502/ 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 12.80 [121860] Roth Mann Widdershoven Partanen Otten Ewerhardt (!) Dt. Barocksolisten, St Gregorius Aachen Haydn Missa Sanctae Caeciliae, Salve Regina g-moll Aulos Pre 68502/ 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 12.80 [123196] Roth Mann Widdershoven Partanen Otten Ewerhardt (!) Dt. Barocksolisten, St Gregorius Aachen Haydn Missa Sanctae Caeciliae, Salve Regina g-moll Aulos Pre 68502/ 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 12.80 [123197] Rothenberger Dallapozza Kusche Jueten Lindner Litz Loevaas Gruber Lingen Offenbach Orpheus in de Unterwelt EMI 157- 30802/ 03 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ SQ 10.80 [120878] Rother Berger Streich Klose Staedt. Oper Berlin rec 1952 Gluck Orfeo (it) BASF 30 22140- 7 3LP- box/ A+/ M/ g/ red 19.80 [105190] Rudner (V) Entremont (cond) Vienna ChO HaydnVK C-dur, S43 Aulos Pre 68528 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123185] Ruebsam (Callinet- Organ St. Martins Church Masevaux) Couperin Messe Solemnelle A L Usage Des Paroisses Bellaphon 680 01026 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new 10.80 [126261] Russel Davies Saarbruecken RSO / Ascher Freiberger Gitarrenduo/ Grossmann/ Deutsches Streichtrio (Kalafusz Hedrich Ginzel) Hoelszky, Adriana Space (4 orchestral groups), Sonett (Mezzo +2guit), Decorum (Hps), Innere Welten (V3) Aulos 53595 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 12.80 [121839] Russel Davies Saarbruecken RSO / Ascher Freiberger Gitarrenduo/ Grossmann/ Deutsches Streichtrio (Kalafusz Hedrich Ginzel) Hoelszky, Adriana Space (4 orchestral groups), Sonett (Mezzo +2guit), Decorum (Hps), Innere Welten (V3) Aulos 53595 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 12.80 [123141] Salomé (P) Strauss,R Stimmungsbilder op9, 5 Klavierstücke op3 Koch Schwann 110 103 FA A+/ austrian/ as new 4.80 [108768] Sanchez Benimeli Bach Sor Tarrega Sanz Albeniz Villa-Lobos Sanchez- Benimeli Rhythmuston HS 150 A+/ g/ rare 5.80 [113017] Satanowski Klosinska Rorbach Zagorzanka Szymanowski Hafis love songs u.a. Koch Schwann 114 001 FA A+/ g/ as new 4.80 [110157] Satoh (luth) French baroque luth music - Gaultier,E+D Gallot de Visee Mouton 6.35417 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ blue original 15.80 [126281] Telefunken Sawallisch Adam Ameling Burmeister Schreier GwdhsO Mendelssohn Elias Philips 802 889/ 91 LY 3LP/ A+/ nl/ red/ full orig booklet/ 15.80 [108453] Sawallisch Adam Ameling Burmeister Schreier GwdhsO Mendelssohn Elias Philips 802 889/ 91 LY 3LP/ A+/ nl/ red/ full orig booklet/ woc, else as new 15.80 [112083] Sawallisch Adam Ameling Burmeister Schreier GwdhsO Mendelssohn Elias Philips 802 889/ 91 LY 3LP/ A+/ nl/ red/ full orig booklet 13.80 [126202] Sawallisch Bav StateO Bruckner S1 Orfeo S 145851 A A+ new/ g/ DMM 10.80 [124721] Sawallisch Crass Greindl Silja Uhl Fischer Paskuda C+O Bayreuth Wagner Hollaender Philips 6747 248 3LP- box/ A+/ nl/ red/ seems unplayed 21.80 [130957] Sawallisch Greindl Windgassen Waechter Stolze Crass Paskuda Nienstedt Silja Bumbry Gardelli,E-M Bayreuth 1962 Wagner Tannhaeuser Philips 6747 249 3LPbox/ A+/ nl/ red 6500 pressings, new unplayed copy 16.80 [133693] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134951] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134952] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134953] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134954] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134956] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134962] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134963] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134964] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134965] Sawallisch StkDresden Schubert S5 S8 S9 Philips 61552 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ club/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [134966] Schaarschmidt (rec) Baumgratz (org) Italian Baroque sonatas for recorder and organ Bigaglia Veracin Marcello Vivaldi Christophorus SCGLX 74003 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 11.80 [140947] Schaedler Buccina Ens / Essser Wasny Genter V6 blaskapelle J.Bittl StudioSO München Lang Hummel S5 (Pasolini) / Lokus Teater am Turm TAT I/85 A+/ g 21.80 [105452] Scherbaum / Stepp NDR, Ristenpart Saar RSO, Stehli Bach-O Hamburg Trumpet concertos by Haydn , Haydn,M Mozart,L ,Telemann DGG 136 483 A+/ g/ non tulip in OA/ as new archive copy 7.80 [141105] Scherbaum Hamburger Barock Ensemble Virtuose Trompetenkonzerte Stradella Torelli Vivaldi Telemann Graupner Fasch DGG 19 470 LPM A+/ M/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ as new archive copy 7.80 [141166] Scherbaum Hamburger Barock Ensemble Virtuose Trompetenkonzerte Stradella Torelli Vivaldi Telemann Graupner Fasch DGG 136 470 SLPM A+/ g/ OA/ earliest non-tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141358] Scherbaum Hamburger Barock Ensemble Virtuose Trompetenkonzerte Stradella Torelli Vivaldi Telemann Graupner Fasch DGG 136 470 SLPM A+/ g/ OA/ earliest non-tulip/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141359] Scherbaum, Schlick, Barock Ensemble Scherbaum Torelli Trumpet Concertos and Sonatas / Scarlatti,A Cantata Su le sponde del tebro, exc from Endimione DG 2530 023 A+/ M/ g/ 1970 original, new archive copy 11.80 [141197] Schernus Didusch Scherler Schmidt Nimsgern RSO+C Cologne Schwann AMS 3524 A+, fac sealed/ original 11.80 [127931] Cornelius Stabat Mater Schernus RC Cologne (WDR recording) Ogermann Chorlieder nach Texten von Heym Aulos Pre 68519 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123186] Schernus RC Cologne (WDR recording) Ogermann Chorlieder nach Texten von Heym Aulos Pre 68519 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123187] Schirmer,C + K.-A. Beethoven VcSoP A-dur op69 / Prokofiev VcSoP op119 Aurophon Au 11149 A+/ g/ original/ as new 11.80 [140719] Schloemann, Lobback Orgeln St Theresia, Hamm, Herz-Jesu, Bremerhaven Bach, Martini, Bach,JC, Mozart Dabringhaus + Grimm MD+G G 1027 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ as new 7.80 [141649] Schmidt- Gaden Altmeyer McDaniel Toelzer Knabenchor Collegium aureum Bach Weihnachts- Oratorium Parnass 62598 (HM/ EMI 153- 99640/ 42) 3LP-box/ A+, fac. sealed/ new unplayed copy 13.80 [119044] Schnauffer [Weltenburg Landshut Altdorf Sossau Sassbach Sammerei Vornbach] historic organs Lower Bavaria - Fischer Murschhauser, Speth, Lederer, Baudrexel, Kolb Hugel, Holzner Christophorus SCGLX 73961 A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, as new 11.80 [140577] Schneiderhan BPO van Kempen Brahms VK op77 Heliodor 2548 191 A+/ M/ g/ wh sample copy/ true mono! 11.80 Schneiderhan Klien archive copy [126571] Schubert Sonatinas 1-3 DGG 139 101 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed 49.80 [141210] Schneiderhan Richter / Brandis* Rehm* Koch* Grebe*/ Kuechler,I+R** Bach VSoP BWV1015 / Goldberg* Sonata 2V +Bc / Muethel Duetto (Sonate) Es-dur 2piano ** Archiv MR 199 008 A+/ g/ white sample copy 7.80 [115133] Schneiderhan Starker Fricsay Brahms V+VcK op102 DGG 139 126 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 [101661] Schneidt Anhorn Venuti Protschka Koeln RC Rias Kammerchor, SWF SO Mendelssohn S2 Lobgesang / Schumann Ouv, Scherzo und finale op52, Genoveva Ouv op81 SWF 97/ 98 non- commercial radio issue 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ cov-( some tape, ok) rare non- commercial issue 12.80 [115535] Schneidt Anhorn Venuti Protschka Koeln RC Rias Kammerchor, SWF SO Mendelssohn S2 Lobgesang / Schumann Ouv, Scherzo und finale op52, Genoveva Ouv op81 SWF 97/ 98 non- commercial radio issue 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ rare non- commercial issue/ as new 13.80 [118019] Schneidt Anhorn Venuti Protschka Koeln RC Rias Kammerchor, SWF SO Mendelssohn S2 Lobgesang / Schumann Ouv, Scherzo und finale op52, Genoveva Ouv op81 SWF 97/ 98 non- commercial radio issue 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ rare non- commercial issue/ as new 13.80 [118716] Schneidt Regensburger Domspatzen Schuetz Psalmen Davids compl Archiv 2722 007 3LP- box, canvas/ A+/ g/ 19.80 [104207] Schneidt Regensburger Domspatzen Bach Motetten Jesu meine Freude, Singet dem Herrrn ein neues Lied, Fürchte dich nicht. Archiv 2533 349 A+/ g/ gatefold 7.80 [108507] Schneidt Regensburger Domspatzen Bach Motetten Jesu meine Freude, Singet dem Herrrn ein neues Lied, Fürchte dich nicht. Archiv 2533 349 A+, was fac.sealed, opened to end the cov waving/ g/ gatefold/ cov wavy because of sealing 7.80 [111651] Schneidt Regensburger Domspatzen Bach Motetten Jesu meine Freude, Singet dem Herrrn ein neues Lied, Fuerchte dich nicht. Archiv 2533 349 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ gatefold 7.80 [135895] Schneidt Regensburger Domspatzen Capella academia Wien (Melkus Tarr Hucke ...) Vivaldi Kyrie g-moll RV 587, Gloria D-dur RV 589 Archiv 2533 362 A+ new/ g/ gatefold/ 10.80 [119046] Schneidt, Regensburger Domspatzen, Collegium St. Emmeram (Hoeller Hucke Jappe Junghaenel Storck Ulsamer ...) Bach Johannes- Passion BWV245 Archiv 2723 060 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ original/ as new 21.80 [133661] Schoeffler - Cebotari Goltz Konetzni Ahlsen Ralf, Loibner Boehm Striegler Elmendorff, Schulhoff,O (p) recital Basf 22 226948 2LP-gatefold/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 11.80 [135101] Schoenberger, Mainzer Domorgeln (6 organs that can all be played from one console) Messianen Bauersachs Vierne Schoenberger (Impro) Motette M 10960 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ wroc, back/ else as ew 11.80 [141671] Schoenstedt Orgelportrait/ Muenster zu Herford/ Scheidt Walther David,J.N Partita Es ist ein Schnitter ...(Dies Irae 1947) Psallite 62/190 768 PET A+/ g/ issued in small number, very rare, nice series with extra booklet on organ and music 10.80 [110970] Schoenstedt (Hammer- Orgel Stadthagen und besonders Ott Orgel* Recklinghausen Bach In die ist Freude BWV615, Der Tag der ist so freundenreichBWV605, Wenn wie in hoechsten Noeten sein BWV641 / Mendelssohn Praeludium + Fuge d-moll / Distler* Partita Nun komm der Heiden Heiland Pape PDOP 790001 A+/ g/ teldec pressing / very rare 5.80 [111804] Schola gregoriana Ars Gregoriana 7 - Communio Motette M 50490 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140678] Schola gregoriana Ars Gregoriana 9 - Offertorium Motette M 50470 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140679] Schola gregoriana Ars Gregoriana 14 - hymnus Motette M 50480 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140680] Schola gregoriana Ars Gregoriana - supplementum I Motette M 50310 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140681] Schola gregoriana Ars Gregoriana 8 - Introitus Motette M 50440 A+/ g/ original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140682] Schola und Chor der Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach, Heckenbach Gregorain Chant 5th Easter Sunday, 33rd Sunday Psalite Psal 151 / 151073 PET A+/ g original/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140691] Schola und Chor der Benediktinerabtei Maria Laach, Heckenbach Gregorain Chant Psallat ecclesia - Kirchweihfest (church consecration festival) Psalite Psal 254 / 010681 PET A+/ g original/ reviewer´s copy/ as new 7.80 [140752] Scholz (organ Muenster Basilika Moenchengladbach, Positv Krypta + grosse Orgel) Chaumant Zipoli Carvalho Zachau Pescetti Guilan Reger Aulos 53541 FSM A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123214] Scholz (organ Muenster Basilika Moenchengladbach, Positv Krypta + grosse Orgel) Chaumant Zipoli Carvalho Zachau Pescetti Guilan Reger Aulos 53541 FSM A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123215] Scholz (organ Muenster Basilika Moenchengladbach, Positv Krypta + grosse Orgel) Chaumant Zipoli Carvalho Zachau Pescetti Guilan Reger Aulos 53541 FSM A+/ g/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [141655] Scholze, Silbermann Orgel, Hofkirche Dresden Du Mage Suite du premier ton, Mozart Fantasie f-moll K608, Brahms Fuge as-moll Christophorus SCGLX 73959 A+/ g/ grey original/ as new/ reviewer´s copy 7.80 [140921] Schreier Burkhardt Capella Fidicina Gruess Hausmusik bei Anna Magdalena Bach (from her 2nd booklet) Capriccio C 27065 A+/ g/ club with id cov, label & pressing/ DMM/ nearly as new/ best pressing there is 6.80 [130144] Schreier Guettler Gruess Kaestner Schulze Pommer Rotzsch Bach Edition Leipzig rehearsal takes, examples Capriccio C 12423 A+/ g/ sample copy 7.80 [130135] Schreier Guettler Gruess Kaestner Schulze Pommer Rotzsch Bach Edition Leipzig rehearsal takes, examples Capriccio C 12423 A+/ g/ sample copy 7.80 [140709] Schreier Mathis Lorenz Berliner solisten, ChO Berlin Bach Cantata BWV36c, Schwingt freudig euch empor / Non sa che sia dolore BWV 209 Archiv 2533 453 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141273] Schreier Mathis Lorenz Berliner solisten, ChO Berlin Bach Cantata BWV36c, Schwingt freudig euch empor / Non sa che sia dolore BWV 209 Archiv 2533 453 A+/ g/ original/ gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141274] Schreier Richter,K (Silbermann organ Freiberg) Bach Geistliche Lieder (Schemelli) Archiv 2533 458 A+/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 7.80 [141270] Schreier, cond Popp Watkinson Buechner Lorenz Adam Bach- Coll Leipzig/Gwdhs) RFChor Leipzig Bach Messe H-moll Eurodisc 301077- 445 (46265 5) 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ club numbering,else identical with original Eurodisc issue/ outstanding performance 16.80 [114581] Schrems Regensburger Domchor (1969 rec) Victoria Geistliche Chorwerke Archiv 2533 051 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 16.80 [131603] Schrems Regensburger Domchor (1969 rec) Orlando di Lasso Missa super Bella Amfitrit´ altera, 6 Motets Archiv 198 476 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141320] Schuchter Mozart Piano solo compl vol 7 Bellaphon 67005 008 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116856] Schuchter Mozart Piano solo compl vol 5 Bellaphon 67005 006 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116858] Schuchter Mozart Piano solo compl vol 2 Bellaphon 67005 003 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [116861] Schuchter Mozart Piano solo compl vol 1 Bellaphon 67005 002 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ cov(tiny storage spine damage, still nearly as new) 9.80 [116862] Schuchter Mozart Piano solo compl vol 9 Bellaphon 67005 010 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [117119] Schwalke Alder Strauss,R VcSoP op6 Schumann Fantasiestücke op73 / Debussy VcSoP Classic Studio Berlin CS 10700 A+/ g/ 4.80 [100269] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118912] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118914] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118915] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118916] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118922] Schwalke Alder Brahms VcSoP #1 / Schubert VcSoP Arpeggione Classic Studio Berlin CS 10100 / HW 28801 A+/ g/ (unplayed promo copy) 7.80 [118925] Schwarzkopf Fischer Schubert Lieder HMV ALP 3843 A+/ M/ eng/ poststamp 10.80 [104012] Seefried / Boehm Fricsay Jochum operatic recital - Handel Mozart Beethoven Weber Strauss,R DGG 136 477 SLPEM A+/ g/ flat tulip original( AH)/ new unplayed copy 33.80 [140980] Seeliger Frimmer Ruhr Georg Gaertner Cachemaille Darmstadt PO+C Mangold Abraham (Oratorium 1859) Dariphon 8703 B 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ first recording of this rediscovered oratory/ original 24.80 [135553] Segovia Guitar music from 3 Centuries - de Murcia, Sor, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Roncelli, Granados DGG 136 473 SLPEM A+/ g/ tulip original( AH)/ red stereo/ new unplayed archive copy 49.80 [140981] Segovia Symphony of the Air, Jorda Boccherini Guitar concerto (arr Cassado) / Bach Suite no3 BWV1019 (arr Duarte) DGG 136 383 SLPEM A+/ M/ g/ flat tulip (AH) original/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141842] Seifen Koch/Lorenz Orgel St Sebastian Lobberich Marian Organ Improvisations Motette M 1022 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [141672] Seifert Karajan BPO Mozart HornK K412 K417 K447 K495 DG 139 038 A+/ g/ OA/ new unplayed copy 9.80 [112462] Seiler Gorvin Niggemann Grehling Lautner Friedrich II Sinfonia D-dur, Quantz FlK G-dur / Graun Trio Fl,V,Bc F-dur / Bach,CPE Sonate d-moll Fl,V,Bc Wq 145 Archiv 14 319 A+/ M/ g/ gatefold original/ as new 7.80 [105262] Selig, Corazza, Mars, Beckensteiner, Chapelet Caillat ChO + C Charpentier Te Deum / Campra Ecce Panis Angelorum / Delalande Regina Coeli Orbis 74 725 A+/ g/ 2.80 [123298] Sellheim,F.-J. + E. Schumann Fantasiestuecke op73, Adagio + Allegro op70, 5 Stuecke im Volkston op102 CBS 76683 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ nearly as new/ 6.80 [113842] Serafin, Orlinski - organ Kamien cathedral Sowa Salve Regina, Organ tablature from Cracow, tablature John of Lublin / Orlinski Toccata Mariana Motette M 10620 A+/ g/ original 7.80 [140283] Serkin Ormandy PhiladO Schumann PK a-moll op54, Introduction + Allegro appassionato G-dur op 92 Introduction + Allegro concertante op134 CBS 73145 A+/ g/ blue 7.80 [113555] Serkin,P Schneider ECO Mozart PK K449 K450 RCA GL 85062 A+/ it/ rem. 4.80 [103260] Serkin,R Abbado LSO Mozart PK K271 K453 DG 2532 060 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [132848] Sgouros Schumann Symphonische Etueden op13, Brahms Paganini- Var. op35 EMI 0671436271 A+/ g/ signed by Dimitris Sgouros/ as new 7.80 [124364] Sgrizzi Veyron- Lacroix Paillard ChO Bach, CPE Konzerte fuer Hps + Pianoforte F-dur + B-dur Erato STU 70725 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc / early lux gatefold/ unplayed copy 21.80 [110759] Shafran Ginsburg Franck VcSop A-dur / Debussy VcSoP d-moll / 2 small pieces, Menuet from Little Suite + Minstrels from Preludes I (arr.) Eterna 826 949 A+/ black/ nearly as new/ Melodiya stamper 69.80 [120629] Shostakovich,M USSR RSO Shostakovich S15 Eterna 826 457 A+/ black original, Melodiya stamper/ as new 14.80 [140472] Siegmeister Lloyd Brymer LSO Siegmeister FlK, KlarK Turnabout TVS 34640 A+ (fac sealed)/ 6.80 [106279] Simonov Nesterenko Rudenko Bolshoi (rec 1979) Glinka Ruslan + Ludmila Melodiya C10 11801- 08 4LP- box/ A+/ cloth spines + back/ as new 21.80 [130132] Slovak- Q Mendelssohn V4 op44 / Schumann V4 op41,1 Supraphon 111 0700 A+/ early blue (stereo sticker on cov) 6.80 [107015] Smetacek Woytowicz Soukupva Zidek Borg CzPO Dvorak Stabat mater DG 2707 014 2LP-gatefold/ A+/ g/ OA/ as new 12.80 [109956] Smetana- Q Janacek V4 1+2 Eurodisc/ Supraphon D 25840 KK A+/ gld original 12.80 [115177] Soellscher Greensleves - Anon., Dowland, Galilei Weiss Bach (Chaconne) Sor A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 DG 2532 054 [141296] Sojcic, Eggert- Feit- Sauer - organs Frescobaldi Pachelbel Bach Couperin Messiaen Dabringhaus + Grimm MD+G G 1023 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ as new 7.80 [141652] Solti Kollo Martin Bailey Talvela Chicago SO Wagner Hollaender London OSA 13119 3LPbox/ A+/ eng/ black sb original 24.80 [131373] Solti LPO Haydn S102 + S103 Decca 6.42733 AZ A+/ DMM/ original/ as new 7.80 [124836] Sondetzkis Vilnius ChO Vivaldi Rossini Sammartini Boccherini Eurodisc 200099- 315 A+/ g/ new sealed copy 6.80 [117268] Sous Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Linde Handel Ouv D-Dur, Oboe concerti B-Dur (2), gmoll, Concerto grosso D-Dur Archiv 2533 079 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 [141380] Soustrot OPh Loire Landowski Le Phantome de LOpera Erato STU 71490 A+ new/ fr/ gatefold/ sealed unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 9.80 [111456] Souzay Bonneau London NSO Rameau Gounod Berlioz Bizet Massenet Offenbach Chabrier Decca 6.42311 A+/ g/ M/ as new/ 7.80 [123802] Stader Richter,K Buechner Bilgram Bach-O Muenchen Bach Kantaten BWV51+202 Jauchzet Gott / Weichet nur, betruebte Schatten Archiv 198 027 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold/ 1966 pressing, new, unplayed archive copy 21.80 [115046] Stadlmayr Mayr Kirsch Munich ChO Albrechtsberger 2 Konzerte für Maultrommel, Mandora + O. RCA RL 30787 A+/ g/ as new 6.80 [109933] Stadtmueller Albiez-Orgel St Moriz, Rottenburg The Organ Toccata - Gabrieli Merulo Frescobaldi Rossi Froberger Muffat Seeger Pachelbel Sweelinck Scheidemann buxtehude Bach Gigout Reger David Schroeder Planyavsky Christophorus SCK 70357 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ as new reviewer´s copy 12.80 [141634] Staege (fl) Schneider (Vc) Havenith (p) Weber Fl-Trio op63, Reinecke Fl-Sonata op167 (Undine), Kuhlau Introduction and Var on Webers Euryanthe (Fl+P) op63 EMI 05730717 A+/ g/ as new 6.80 [133992] Staempfli Guschlbauer Wiener Barockensemble Haydn S53, Acis Ouv, Aria di Corrodino (Il Disertore, Bianchi), Aria di Nettuno (Acis), Scherzando #6 Erato STU 70333 A+ new/ fr/ original blue sc, unplayed copy 12.80 [111339] Stangenberg (rec, hps) Bach Handel Aulos 53587 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121869] Stangenberg (rec, hps) Bach Handel Aulos 53587 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123139] Stefanski Szymanowski piano works vol1 / 9 Preludes op1, Prelude and Fugue C sharp minor, Fantasia op14, 4 Polish Dances Wifon LP 046/ 1 A+/ pol/ decent issue 7.80 [131949] Stein Ludwig Schock Prey Muszely Dt.Oper Berlin (rec 1961) Bizet Carmen EMI 197 290225 3 2LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy, quite rare as complete set 21.80 [130874] Stern Bernstein / Browning Szell Barber VK / PK CBS MP 39070 A+/ g 5.80 Stern Skrowaczewski Minnesota Penderecki VK CBS 76739 A+/ g 7.80 [107256] [103614] StkD Harnoncourt Mozart Serenade K320 Posthorn Teldec 6.43063 A+/ DMM/ gatefold 7.80 [111853] Stokowski NPhO Tchaikovsky S5 Decca 6.42778 A+, fac.sealed g/ DMM 7.80 [135559] Stravinsky Stravinsky The recorded lagacy / Columbia centenary edition, complete CBS GM31 (LXX 36940)102464.jpg 31LP- box/ 14 individual gatefold and one box set in an add. clothbound box case with plexiglass fore/ A+/ g/ as new for records, all covers and cloth-box, only the plexi fore has chipped bottom re-glued, hardly noticable (small transport damage of an otherwise pristine set) 159.80 [110096] Streich / Gaebel BavRSO Cradle songs, Folksongs DGG 136 462 SLPEM A+/ g/ MiG tulip in red stereo cov/ as new archive copy 21.80 [141108] Streich / Gaebel BavRSO Cradle songs, Folksongs DGG 19 462 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ as new archive copy 21.80 [141165] Streich Dt Oper Berlin Peters Operatic Recital Berllini Puccini Donizetti Verdi Rimsky Bizet Massenet Delibes (sung in Ital. and French) DGG 136 495 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ original recording (not compiled)/ rare/ new archive copy 42.80 [141109] Streich Dt Oper Berlin Peters Operatic Recital Berllini Puccini Donizetti Verdi Rimsky Bizet Massenet Delibes (same program as DGG 136 495, sung in german) DGG 136 496 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ original recording (not compiled)/ rare/ new archive copy 40.80 [141110] Stuttgart Wind-Quintett Medek Wind quintets 1-3 Dabringhaus + Grimm G 1223 A+/ new/ g/ fine 12.80 [117164] Suderberg Shrader Skowronek Vokolek Warner Crumb Madrigals books 1-4 Turnabout TV -S 34523 A+/ us 6.80 [107667] Suitner StK Berlin Schubert S1 +S2 Eterna 725 046 Suk Ruzickova Handel VSoP op1,10, A+/ coffee original/ DMM 7.80 [117628] 13-15 Supraphon 111 0864 A+/ blue/ fine 7.80 [112297] Sutherland Horne Rouleau Serge Malas London Symphony Bonynge Rossini Semiramide Decca SET 317/ 9 3LP- box/ A+/ nl (eng stampers) 16.80 [113039] Swanton,Philip Stumm Orgeln Rhaunen und Sulzbach Sweelinck Pachelbel Kaufmann Walther Balbastre corette Stanley Krebs Knecht Motette M 1067 A+/ g/ gatefold original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [141632] Szathamary Lohmann Klein Liszt Schumann Reger Orgelwerke über B-A-C-H Improptu SM 93299 (Da Camera Magna) A+/ g 4.80 [107440] Szathmary, Seifert Orgel Basilika zu Kevelaer (rec 1986) Liszt organ works (vol1) HM/ EMI 157- 16956 3 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ gld original/ a huge task for your stereo and huge fun, too/ as new, reviewer´s copy 15.80 [140397] Szeryng Gibson NPhO / Oistrakh Haitink Lamoureux Mozart VK #5 K219 / VK #1 K207 Philips 29 689- 7 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy 7.80 [135048] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [132029] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [132974] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [133480] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [133481] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [133482] Szeryng- Rozhdestvensky LSO, Krenz Bamberg SO Sibelius VK / Wieniawski VK Fono ring/ Philips 78365 A+/ g/ new/ DG pressing 7.80 [133483] Szidon Downes LPO Gershwin PK / MacDowell PK#2 DG 2530 055 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [109579] Szostek-Radkowa Teutsch Warsaw ChO Vivaldi Stabat mater / Bach Ricercare, Aria from BWV200/ Purcell Pavan + Chacony g-minor Muza SXL 0508 A+/ sealed copy 10.80 [117377] Tachezi [Austria [Augustiner Chorherrenstift, Herzogenburg, Franziskanerkirche Vienna] Speth Froberger Kreiger Pachelbel Fischer Kerll Telefunken SAWT 9527- B A+/ g/ earliest blue/ as new 7.80 [123494] Tagliaferro Varsano Faure Dolly op56, Ballade op19 (arr. 2p), Nocturnes #4,6,7 CBS 37246 A+/ g/ original/ as new 24.80 [129187] Taneyev- Q Schubert V4#1+2+3 Eterna 826 653 A+/ black 6.80 [113734] Taneyev-Q Schubert V4 #8 B-dur D112 + #9 g-moll D173 Eterna 826 444 A+/ new/ black/ Melodiya stamper 12.80 [125317] Tarr Brass Ens, Berndsen, ChO Wuerzburg ReinartzT Hummel,B Metamorphosen on B-AC-H, Klangfiguren (VO), Yume (Flute and tape) Christoforus SCGLX 74015 A+/ g/ original 10.80 [113459] Tate Te Kanawa Grundheber Fontana Dernesch Seiffert Covent Garden Strauss,R Arabella Decca 6.35751 3LP- box/ A+/ g/ DMM original sc 16.80 [118485] Teschemacher - goltz Troetschel Karen Ahlersmeyer Boehme Lorenz Nielsson/ (rec 1936-44) Mozart Weber Dvorak Goetz Gounod Verdi Wagner Basf 22 22121- 0 2LPgatefold/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 10.80 [135150] The Elsinore Players Guemoes Wilhlmsen Rasmussen A Ballad of Game and dream (1974), Nielsen,S Kammerkantate (1975) EMI 063- 39267 A+/ dan/ new copy/ Dansk musik antologi 038 10.80 [124082] The London Gabrieli Brass Ensemble The Four Elements - DG 2530 032 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141794] Thibaud,P ECO Constant Jolivet Tomasi Telemann Hummel Trumpet Concertos DG 2530 289 A+/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy 11.80 [127574] Thibaud,P ECO Constant Jolivet Tomasi Telemann Hummel Trumpet Concertos DG 2530 289 A+/ g/ original/ ne unplayed copy 11.80 [141231] Thibaud,P ECO Constant Jolivet Tomasi Telemann Hummel Trumpet Concertos DG 2530 289 A+/ g/ original/ ne unplayed copy 11.80 [141232] Thomas Frankfurter Kantorei Deutsche Bach Solisten Buckel Bornemann Hoefflin Staempfli Winschermann Bach Kantaten BWV23 Du wahrer Gott undDavids Sohn, BWV159 Sehet wir gehen hinauf den Jerusalem SDG 610111 A+/ green-wh sc stereo/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140703] Thomas Giebel Hoeffgen Traxel Fischer- Dieskau Bosse Thomaner Gwdhs Leipzig Bach Weihnachts- Oratorium EMI 197- 28583- 85 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 21.80 [137919] Tilson Thomas Boston SO Tchaikovsky S1 DG 2530 078 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [108235] Tilson Thomas Boston SO Tchaikovsky S1 DG 2530 078 A+/ g/ original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141403] Tjeknavorian LPO Sibelius S1 / Swan of Tounela RCA RL 25316 A+/ e/ red 4.80 [104373] Tokyo SQ Haydn V4 op76,1 (Lark) / Brahms V4 op51,2 DG 2555 005 A+/ g 5.80 [107340] Tokyo Vanguard- Q, Fuss, Betton Taube Ruoff V4 / .. sich entfernen ... (rec solo), Chimere (guit solo), Correlations (Vc solo) Aulos 53600 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [121835] Tokyo- SQ Haydn V4 D-Dur op20/4 (Hob.III/34) V4 f-moll op20/5 (Hob.III/35) DG 2531 380 A+/ g/ original/ as new 11.80 [126828] Toscanini NBC 1938- 41, 46, 53 Wagner Ouv + excerpts from Rienzi Hollaender Tristan Tannhaeuser Parsifal music & arts ATRA 3002 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ M/ earliest commercial issue 12.80 [106553] Toscanini Traubel Melchior NBC SO Wagner Walküre, Goetterdaemmerung excs. RCA HR 200 A+/ M/ early red/ as new 16.80 [106100] Tourangeau Davies Quilico Opie Caley Taylor NPhO Bonynge Massenet Therese Decca SET 572 A+/ eng/ as new 10.80 [109604] Toyama NHK SO Suzumi Nakayama Tsutsumi Kimura Yamada S. Poem Flower of Mandala / Ifukube Ballata sinfonica / Hayasaka Classical Dance of Left and Right/ Koyama Kobiki-Uta (O) /Ogura S. in G / Toyama Rhapsody / Konoe Etenraku,Gakaku / Otaka S1 / Miyoshi VK / Yashiro PK / Odaka Image (O) / Akutagawa Concerto ostinato (Vc+O) / Yoshimatsu Threnody to Toki / Ichyanagi In the recollection of Image (P+O) CBS Sony 00AC 1432 -5 4LP- box/ A+/ jap/ new copy 51.80 [130937] Trinity St Sergius Monastery Sagorsk (rec 1979) Pontifical Mass gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 Trinity St Sergius Monastery Sagorsk (rec 1979) Pontifical Mass gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 9.80 Archiv 2533 451 A+/ g/ [141276] Archiv 2533 451 A+/ g/ [141277] Trio di Trieste Schubert PV3 Es dur op100 DGG 139 106 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip original (AH)/ new unplayed archive copy 42.80 [128550] Trio di Trieste Beethoven PV3 op97 (Archduke), Haydn PV3 nr4 E-dur DGG 136 220 SLPEM A+/ g/ 1962 flat tulip (AH)/ as new archive copy 60.80 [141442] Trio Livschitz Beethoven V3 op0,1 / Reger V3 op77b Eurosound ES46.563 A+/ nl (Philips-) pressing/ new unplayed copy 16.80 [118760] Trio Nordmann (Nordmann, harp - Guilbert, flute - Burgos, cello) Bach Boieldieu Jelinek Erato STU 70648 A+ new/ fr/ blue sc/ gatefold/ unplayed copy from Erato Archive Paris 12.80 [114755] Ulbrich- Q Kindermann Winkler Negyesy Borris Senn Gerhardt Tsuchiya Nicolai Schroeder Musik f. 4 Instrumente in Memoriam- Lied der Moorsoldaten, Musik f. Kl + Vibraphon, Musik II f. eine Geige allein Metronom 80, Voelker der Erde, Serenade f. 3 Bratschen Thorofon Capella MTH 199 A+/ new/ original 15.80 [124681] Uusvjaeli, Digris Lepnurm Lissizina (all org) Organs in Estonia Latvia + Lithunia / Sweelinck Pachelbel Buxtehude Bach Couperin Vivaldi Reger Eurodisc 25704 XDK 2LPgatefold/ A+ fac sealed/ g 6.80 [117011] v.d.Goltz,G (1) Lieb (1), von der Goltz,K (2) Zimmermann,U (2) Szathmary (cond 3) v.Goltz,K (3) - ChO Konrad von der Goltz Vivaldi Concerto for 2 V (per eco) (1), Concerto for 2 Vc (2), Jardanyi VK (3), Tchaikovsky Serenade op48 Aurophon AU 11148 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ very rare/ the von der Goltz V-dynasty and friends together for once on one record/ as new 33.80 [130095] Vachey Davy Piquemal Collart Seghers Ensemble vocal Roland de Lassus, Bacquet Jeune Orch. Symphonique de Douai et des Hauts-de France Honegger La Danse des Morts Calliope CAL 1855 A+/ fr/ as new 11.80 [128087] Varsi (rec Berlin 1986) Chopin 19 Nocturnes HM/ EMI 157- 1695793 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ gld original/ new copy 16.80 [117272] Varviso* Ridderbusch Sotin Hirte Cox Stricker Bode Reynolds Bayreuth live performance 1974 Wagner Meistersinger Philips 6747 167 5LP- box/ A+/ nl/ new copy 21.80 [133441] Vasary Liszt Hun Rhapsody #6+15, Campanella etc DGG 19 105 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ tulip original/ as new 16.80 [102805] Vasary Chopin 4 Impromptus, 4 Ballades DGG 136 455 SLPEM A+/ g/ MIG tulip original/ new unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141096] Vasary Chopin Etudes op10 op25 DGG 136 454 SLPEM A+/ g/ as new archive copy 11.80 [141097] Vasary Chopin 4 Scherzi DGG 136 451 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH), red stereo cov (1964)/ new unplayed archive copy in perfect condition 39.80 [141100] Vasary Chopin Waltzes DGG 136 485 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH) original/ as new archive copy 33.80 [141102] Vasary Chopin Waltzes DGG 136 485 SLPEM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH) original/ as new archive copy 33.80 [141103] Vasary Chopin PSo #2+3 DGG 136 450 SLPEM A+/ g/ / earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ nearly as new 33.80 [141114] Vasary Chopin PSo #2 op35, n# op58 DGG 19 450 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ flat tulip original (AH)/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141142] Vasary Chopin 4 Impromptus, 4 Ballades DGG 19 455 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ MIG tulip original/ new unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141161] Vasary Kulka BPO Chopin PK #2 f-moll DGG 136 452 SLPEM A+/ g/ tulip/ as new 15.80 [123746] Vasary Kulka BPO Chopin PK #2 f-moll DGG 19 452 LPEM A+/ M/ g/ tulip (AH)/ original/ as new 15.80 [141159] Vasary Semkow BPO Chopin PK #1 e-moll 4 Mazurkas DGG 136 453 SLPEM A+/ g/ MIG tulip/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141098] Venhoda, Prague Madrigalists, Musica antiqua Vienna, CzPC, Veselka Dufay Missa Ave Regina Coelorum, Missa Ecca Ancilla Domini / Deprez Motets Chansons Missa L´Homme arme super voces musicales / Obrecht Missa suoer Maria zart / Palestrina Missa Papae Marcelli, Missa Hodie Christum natus est, Motets (Incipitoratio Jeremiae, Paucitasdierum, Alleluia Tulerunt Dominum) Popule meus, Stbat mater Eurodisc/ Supraphon 28841 XHK 5LP- box/ A+/ g/ earliest gld/ unplayed copy 21.80 [130962] Vetter Overtones Voice +Tambura Wergo SM 1038/ 39 2LP- gatefold/ (A+)/ g/ original 12.80 [136373] Vlach CzChO/ Pesek Prague Wind Ens. Stravinsky Apollon / Soldier´s Tale Eterna 826 042 A+/ black 6.80 [104595] Vlach CzChO/ Pesek Prague Wind Ens. Stravinsky Apollon / Soldier´s Tale Eterna 826 042 A+/ black original 7.80 [111144] Vollenweider Funk Vollenwyder Ruhoff -Grossmuenster, Fraumuenster Kirche Enge, Kreuzkirche - all Zurich, Switzerland Buxtehude Burkhard Vollenweider, Mueller, Reger ,Franck, Bach Barblan Christophorus SCK 70345 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ as new reviewer´s copy 11.80 [141635] Voskresensky Chopin Polonaisen (1-16) Melodiya C04553- 56 2LP- box/ A+/ wh/ rare 24.80 [108546] VPO Ch Ensemble Prinz Hetzel Huebner Streng Skocic Weber Hindemith Klarinettenquintette DG 2530 272 A+/ g/ original/ new 15.80 [126872] Vulpius Prenzlow Unger Leib Zechlin Kootz Sol-Vereinigung Berlin Radio Koch Brahms Liebeslieder Walzer op 52 + op65 compl Eterna 825 251 A+/ bl- wh stereo, original/ as new 19.80 [106583] Waart Neth. Wind Ensemble Strauss,R S for Wind- Instr. (1945) / Serenade op7 / Sonatina op1 (1943) / Suite for 13 Wind- Instr. (1884) Philips 6770 048 2LP- box/ A+/ nl 12.80 [104551] Waart Neth. Wind Ensemble Mozart Serenades for Wind- Instr. K361 Gran Partita K375 K388 Philips 6770 047 2LP- box/ A+, fac. sealed/ nl/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [109031] Wachowski, Rieger Orgel St.Jacob, Rothenburg ob der Tauber Wachowski (impr) Advents-Toccata, Wheinachtskonzert, Passionsfantasie, Oster-Toccata Dabringhaus + Grimm MD+G G1128 A+/ g/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [141633] Walcha (in Alkmaar) Bach Toccata + Fuge d-moll BWV565 / Toccata + Fuge F-dur BWV540 / Dor. Toccata + Fuge BWV538 / Toccata, Adagio + Fuge BWV564 Archiv 198 304 SAPM A+/ g/ gatefold/ new copy 7.80 [109327] Walcha (St Laurens, Alkmaar) Bach Toccata + Fuge F-dur BWV540, Praeludien+Fugen amoll BWV543, C-dur BWV545, A-dur BWV536, Passacaglia c-moll BWV582 DGG 139 114 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip/ as new DGG archive copy 16.80 [141514] Walcha, St.Laurenskerk Alkmaar Bach Praeludien und Fugen Es-dur BWV552, f-moll BWV534, h-moll BWV544, Fantasie und fuge g-moll BWV542 DGG 138 958 SLPM A+/ g/ earliest tulip (AH)/ red stereo original/ new unplayed archive copy 33.80 [141213] Walker,T (guitar) Mudarra Vivaldi Sor Tarrega Villa-Lobos Decca 6.42344 A+/ g/ early blue/ as new 6.80 [121266] Wallberg Donath Schwarz Schreier Fischer- Dieskau Kusche Bav RSO+C Mendelssohn Die Heimkehr aus der Fremde EMI 065- 30741 A+/ g/ gatefold/ as new 4.80 [109923] Wallberg Hermann Sharp Loevaas Wulkopf Perry Hopf RSO Munich Egk Peer Gynt Orfeo S 005823 F 3LP- box/ A+/ original/ 57 p. booklet (incl lib. eng, fr, german) 24.80 [112590] Wallberg Hermann Sharp Loevaas Wulkopf Perry Hopf RSO Munich Egk Peer Gynt Orfeo S 005823 F 3LP- box/ A+, fac.sealed/ original/ with big booklet (incl lib. eng, fr, german) 24.80 [121875] Walter Carteri Christoff RAI Roma (16.4.1952) Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem (it)/ Schicksalslied op54 Fonit Cetra LAR 7 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ it/ decent Archivo RAI series/ as new 14.80 [109400] Walter Lehmann Melchior List Wagner Walkuere act1 EMI 049- 03023 A+/ g/ red 4.80 [105031] Walter,R - Orgel der Pfarrkirche Amorbach Silesian Organ music 19. + 20. Century / Hesse Adler Reimann Metzler Bialas Linke Halaczinsky Denhoff Schubert Harmonia mundi HM / IOM 754 D 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ original/ as new, reviewer´s copy 11.80 [141638] Walter,R Ebert-Orgel Insdbrucker Hofkirche, freundt-Orgel Klosterneuburg Silesian organ music 15.-18. cent -Anon., Stoltzer, Braunstein, Nucius, Fritsch, Mazak, Volckmar, Janitsch, Otto HM/ IOM 753 D A+/ g/ gatefold original, reviewer´s copy, as new 9.80 [140581] Wambach Stockhausen Klavierstücke 5-8 Schwann VMS 1068 A+/ g/ DMM/ as new 7.80 [108757] Warren New Classical Phiharmony Handel Wassermusik Suites 1-3 Intercord 25733- 7SB A+, fac.sealed/ g 6.80 [134997] Weber,E Spengler,M Shimbori,M Courtly baroque music for 2 Viole da gamba + hps Marais, Kuehnel, Schenk, Fux Christophorus SCGLX 73943 A+/ g/ gatefold/ as new 12.80 [125881] Weber,M Kubelik BavRSO Falla Nights in The Gardens of Spain / El Sombrero des tros picos (suite) DG 2535 286 A/ g/ cov- 4.80 [141707] Wehrung Waldbauer Gilvan Achenbach Sdt. Youth SO, Tuebinger Kantatenchor Bach Kantaten BWV172 Erschallet ihr Lieder + BWV192 Nun danket alle Gott Da Camera Magna SM 94012 A+/ g/ earliest black/ unplayed copy 7.80 [114912] Weimer, Messhoefer, Roth, Botzet, Boos - hist. Orgeln Niederrhein - Konventskirche Krefeld-Huels, St Jacobus Luettelforst, Ev. Kirche Alpen, Ev. Kirche Xanten Pachelbel, Froberger, Sweelinck, Anon., Kerll, Boehm, Scheidt Aulos 53581 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140932] Weinberger, Muenster Ingolstadt Munich Organ masters 19th cent - Ruedinger Hoeller HaasGeierhaas Rheinberger Calig CAL 30465 A+/ g/ original 7.80 [141686] Weinzierl Waechter Flute Duos - Bach,W.Fr., Kuhlau Bialas Acker Aulos Pre 68540 A+/ g/ new, unplayed, original/ Aulos archive copy 6.80 [121857] Weissenberg Bernstein ONat France Rachmaninov PK3 EMI 065- 03764 [295063] A+/ g/ club numbering with original cov, lab + stampers/ as new copy 10.80 [108535] Weissenberg Bernstein ONat France Rachmaninov PK3 EMI 065- 03764 A+, fac. sealed/ g/ new unplayed copy 12.80 [133206] Wenglor Dunckel Lieder recital Wolf Reger Pfitzner Eterna 825 654 A+/ earliest black 7.80 [115754] Wenkel, Ph- Choir Berlin, Chemin- Petit Berlin RSO Chemin- Petit Symphonische Kantate, 98. Psalm Thorofon Capella MTH 164 66.21477 A+/ gatefold/ as new 12.80 [130410] Wenzinger Linde Daehler Mueller Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Clemencic Unger Ens Musica Antiqua Vienna Friedrich II Flute Concerto / Prussian Grenadier Songs and Marches from the Time of Frederick II Archiv 2533 059 A+/ g/ gatefold/ new, unplayed 6.80 [132666] Wenzinger Linde Daehler Mueller Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Clemencic Unger Ens Musica Antiqua Vienna Friedrich II Flute Concerto / Prussian Grenadier Songs and Marches from the Time of Frederick II Archiv 2533 059 A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new, unplayed archive copy 12.80 [141482] Wenzinger Mathis Zylis-Gara Alda Esswood Mariotti, Cheur du Festival de Montreux Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Stradella Cantata per il Santissimo Natale / Sinfonia DDur Archiv 198 443 SAPM A+/ g/ gatefold/ grey carton original/ new, unplayed archive copy 19.80 [127501] Wenzinger Mueller Schola Cantorum Basieliensis / Kempff Handel Concerto grossi op3,6 op6,6 / Beethoven PSo op49,2, Fuer Elise, Rondo C-dur op51,1, Rondo a capriccio op129 DGG 104 475 A+/ g/ 1966 2 label record, side A Archive, side B DGG tulip 7.80 [140418] Wenzinger Mueller Schola Cantorum Bassiliensis Handel Organ Concertos op7,1 op4,5 op7,3+4 Archiv 198 486 SAPM A+/ g/ grey carton gatefold original/ new unplayed archive copy 19.80 [141324] Wenzinger Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Handel Con. grossi op6 1-12 Archiv 198 346- 48 SAPM (2710 003) 3LP- box / A+/ oversize full cloth box/ no set number yet/ new 42.80 [113101] Westerberg Mellnaes Roedin Alexandersson Hagegaard Swedish RSO+C Petterson Vox humana Bis LP 55 A+/ g teldec pressing original/ gatefold/ early analogue 14.80 [124069] Wetton Hill,M Minty Oearce Owen The Holst Singers The Holst O Britten Choral Dances from Gloriana/ Holst Choral Hymns from The Rig Veda/ Bliss Pastoral Lie strewn the white flocks Hyperion A 66175 A+, new/ g 10.80 [124714] Wich ChO Stuttgart Lautenbacher Lutz Sous Schnell Galling Handel Concerti grossi op3 1-6 / Con grosso C-dur Alexanderfest, Sonata B-dur (VK) Intercord 928- 09 Z 2LPgatefold/ A+/ g/ early black/ as new/ fine 11.80 [110612] Widmer Tschupp Sommer (fl), Wey (Ob), Schmid (Bass Clar), Schmidhaeuser (tr), Herdi(perc), Derung (p) / Widmer Burkhard (p) Schoeck Gaselen op38 (Lieder, Keller) / Burkhard Frage op9 (Lieder) Pan 130 038 A+, was sealed/ swiss/ original 11.80 [135446] Wilcocks Vaughan Baker Partridge Keyte Kings College ASMF Vivaldi Gloria, Magnificat Decca 6.42244 A+/ g/ blue/ as new 5.80 [109921] Willcocks Pears Harwood Young Watts Alan Ward Kings Colledge Choir Philomusica of London (Dart) Bach St Johns Passion (eng) Argo GOS 628- 30 3LP- box/ A+/ eng 15.80 [109174] Winds of the VPO Mozart Divertimenti for winds DG 384586 [2530 703] A+, was fac.sealed, opened to verify/ club with original stampers 6.80 [120504] Windsbacher Knabenchor, Beringer, Ulsamer Collegium Secular songs 16. and 17. century Bellaphon 670 01 006 A+/ g/ original/ as new 7.80 [140717] Winschermann Cotrubas Hamari Equiluz Prey Deutsche Bachsolisten Kantorei Barmen Gemarke Bach Kantaten - Gloria in excelsis Deo BWV191 Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiss BWV134, Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein BWV128, Erhoehtes Fleisch und Blut BWV173 Philips 61549 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ new copy 10.80 [132977] Winschermann Cotrubas Hamari Equiluz Prey Deutsche Bachsolisten Kantorei Barmen Gemarke Bach Kantaten - Gloria in excelsis Deo BWV191 Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiss BWV134, Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein BWV128, Erhoehtes Fleisch und Blut BWV173 Philips 61549 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ new copy 10.80 [135028] Winschermann Cotrubas Hamari Equiluz Prey Deutsche Bachsolisten Kantorei Barmen Gemarke Bach Kantaten - Gloria in excelsis Deo BWV191 Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiss BWV134, Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein BWV128, Erhoehtes Fleisch und Blut BWV173 Philips 61549 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ g/ red/ 10.80 [135897] Winschermann Deutsche Bachsolisten Johann Christian Bach Sinfonias B-dur op3,4, Gdur op3,6, Es-dur op6,3, Es-dur op9,2 RCA RL 30326 A+/ g/ red/ new copy 10.80 [124362] Wirtz Klein Bauer Raphael Klar.-Trio, Sonatine (Klar+P) op65,3 , PSo #2 op38,2 Aulos Pre 53570 A+/ g/ new unplayed copy/ original/ Aulos archive 7.80 [123199] Wirtz,Dorothea, Basch (tr), Jacob (org) Scarlatti,A 7 Arias for Soprano, Tr, and Organ, Valentino Sonatas d-minor and F-dur (tr+org), Melani All´armi, pensieri, Cantata (sopr, tr, org), Scarlatti,A Vaga Cintia, aria (sopr, tr, org) Christophorus SCGLX 74021 A+/ g/ gatefold/ original/ reviewer´s copy, as new 10.80 [140944] Woytowicz Ochman Ladysz Cracow C+PO Czyz Penderecki Dies Irae Polymorphia / De Natura Sonoris Philips 839 701 LY A+/ nl/ earliest red 7.80 [112626] Wunderlich Giesen Schumann Dichterliebe, Beethoven Schubert DG 139 125 SLPM A+/ g/ tulip original/ new, unplayed archive copy 24.80 [112780] Wunderlich,H Kantorei St. Jakobi Hamburg Schwarzweller Wolf- Matthaeus Rotzsch Hudemann Mueller,CH Bach Kantaten BWV175 Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen + BWV100 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan III SDG 610107 A+/ green-wh sc stereo/ reviewer´s copy, as new 7.80 [140699] Yepes Guitar music from 5 centuries - Adriaensen Kellner Dowland Straube Roldan Poulenc Gombeau Turina DG 2531 382 A+/ g/ original/ new copy 12.80 [117168] Yepes Musica Catalana - Andres Segovia El noi de la mare/ Miguel Llobet La filla del marxant La filladora El mestre La canco del lladre/ Francisco Casanovas La gata i el belitre/ Frederico Mompou Canco i danca Nr.13 / Narciso Yepes Catarina d alió Montanyes del Canigou/ Oscar Espla Levantinas - Nr. 2, 5 + 6/ Vincente Ascencio Collectici intim - La serenou La joia La calma La gaubanca La frisanca DG 2530 273 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy / rarest Yepes record on DG 19.80 [127702] Yepes Bach Chaconne aus BWV1004, Praeludium c-moll BWV999, Sarabande + Double aus BWV1002 / Weiss Fantasia e-moll, Suite E-dur DG 2530 096 A+/ g/ original/ new & unplayed archive copy 14.80 [141308] Yepes Musica Catalana - Andres Segovia El noi de la mare/ Miguel Llobet La filla del marxant La filladora El mestre La canco del lladre/ Francisco Casanovas La gata i el belitre/ Frederico Mompou Canco i danca Nr.13 / Narciso Yepes Catarina d alió Montanyes del Canigou/ Oscar Espla Levantinas - Nr. 2, 5 + 6/ Vincente Ascencio Collectici intim - La serenou La joia La calma La gaubanca La frisanca DG 2530 273 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy / rarest Yepes record on DG 19.80 Yepes [120706] Villa-Lobos 12 Etudes, 5 Preludes DG 2530 140 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed archive copy 15.80 [141879] Yepes LSO Fruehbeck de Burgos Ohana Tres Graficos / Ruiz-Pipó Tablas DG 2530 585 A+/ g/ pre- original wh sample copy 16.80 [127708] Yepes Melos- Q Boccherini Guitar Quintets #4, 7, 9 DG 2530 069 A+/ g/ new unplayed DGG archive copy 11.80 [121655] Yepes Olonso RSO Espanola Halffter GitK / Bacarisse GitK DG 2530 326 A+/ g/ original/ rare/ new, unplayed archive copy 17.80 [109037] Yepes Olonso RSO Espanola Halffter GitK / Bacarisse GitK DG 2530 326 A+/ g/ new, unplayed archive copy, rare 17.80 [141575] Yeresko Rachmaninov Corelli-Var, Etude op36,6 / Prokofiev Contes op31 1-4 / Debussy Childrens Corner 1-6 Melodiya C 01649- 50 A+/ blue original, as new 11.80 [107213] Yong Uck Kim Engel Bach Partita #1, Beethoven VSoP op12,3 DG 2555 002 A+/ g/ 9.80 [106275] Yong Uck Kim Engel Bach Partita #1, Beethoven VSoP op12,3 DG 2555 002 A+/ g/ original, new copy 10.80 [131447] Zabaleta Albeniz (all of S1)Falla, Turina, Gombau Guerra, Granados, Halffter, Lopez Chavarri DG 2530 230 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy/ rare 24.80 [141239] Zabaleta Albeniz (all of S1)Falla, Turina, Gombau Guerra, Granados, Halffter, Lopez Chavarri DG 2530 230 A+/ g/ original/ new unplayed copy/ rare 24.80 [141240] Zabaleta Maerzendorfer RSO Berlin Boieldieu Harp concerto, Rodrigo Concerto-Serenade Harp+O DGG 138 118 A+/ fr/ double gatefold 9.80 [114324] Zabaleta Paul Kuentz ChO Eichner Wagenseil Dittersdorf Mozart new 7.80 DGG 139 112 A+/ g/ as [123812] Zacharias Schubert PSo D-dur D850 (Gastein), Menuett mit Trio D334, Walzer mit Trio Cisdur D139 EMI 067- 1467851 A+, new/ g/ original 7.80 [124144] Zagreber SQ Debussy V4 / Ravel V4 Da Camera Magna/ Improptu SM 192409 A+ new/ g/ unplayed copy 10.80 [113249] Zagrosek Adam Hollweg Gahmlich Hiestermann Berger-Tuna Rydl Wyzner Doig Terkal Muff Mayr Laki Sima Lipovsek Austrian RSO (ORF) (Salzburg live 13.08.1983) Von Einem Dantons Tod Orfeo S 102842 H 2LP- box/ A+/ g/ DMM original 21.80 [129143] Zagrosek Shirley-Quirk Wildhaber Zednik ORF SO+C Arnold Schoenberg-Chor Mozart Saengerknaben (rec live UA 25.03.1983) Schollum Markus- Passion Preiser 120748- 9 2LP/ A+/ austrian/ original/ rare 21.80 [120807] Zartner Finke Marionetten Musiken, 8 aus 19 Klavierstuecken, Klavierstuecke nach slav Volksliedern, Hader 5 Legenden, Moeckl Der Regenbogen/ Dorda Sonate poue les jeunes Sudetendeutsches Musikarchiv - SP 8383 A+/ g/ gatefold/ DMM/ signe by Rose Marie Zartner 6.80 [114894] Zeitlin Brendel Kubelik Bav RSO Schoenberg VK op36, PK op42 DG 2530 257 A+/ g/ original/ new,unplayed archive copy 24.80 [122962] Zeitlin Brendel Kubelik Bav RSO Schoenberg VK op36, PK op42 DG 2530 257 A+/ g/ original/ new,unplayed archive copy 24.80 [141422] Zimerman Chopin Walzer DG 2530 965 A+/ g/ new, unplayed copy 14.80 [116032] Zimmermann Tate ECO Beethoven VK, Romanzen op40 + op50 EMI 264424 A+/ g/ DMM original/ small tear/ club with id cover, label + early stampers 12.80 [119714] Zinman Rochester PO Mendelssohn S3 S4 S5, Hebrides Ouv Vox Cum Laude VCL 9038x 2LP- gatefold/ A+/ us/ new copy/ 15.80 [134429] Our grading is absolute, there is no such thing as a record in generally fine condition with a bad scratch on it. There is no secret grading hidden in the price. We will never claim a low price as an an excuse for bad condition. A+ Sealed or in mint condition, not necessarily unplayed, but in a state where you can hardly tell whether it was played or not. The (+) in brackets indicates a record which is just as fine, but you do see that this record has been played. A box set with 4 A+ records and one obviously played but fine record could be given the same grade A(+) A/A(-) Fine: Very light scuffing or spindle marks. The typical condition of a careful collector´s record. Runs perfectly fine and should give full satisfaction. The brackets A(-) indicate that a small visual blemish has prooved virtually inaudible when checked on the player. AJust a bit below perfection, the same type of small light blemishes prooved to be still tolerable. B O.K.: Marks on the surface which are audible. Items in this condition are rather a bit noisy than severely scratched, and offered only, if they are rare, interesting and still enjoyable. They are often very lovely indeed, especially when given a B+. We do not offer seriously scratched records without explicit warning (a.s.). B records make about 2% in our lists. Please note that grades apply only to the records themselves. Problems with a record's cover will be noted in the list cov-. Nothing should be too bad. Some type of records - early Melodiya in the main - come with a poor general cover and the less fine condition of these should be understood. If a cover (especially one of those where one would expect nothing too brilliant) is especially fine, it is noted +cov. as new - for once - refers to both record and cover, even with very old LPs. OA -original album jacket with later pressings full booklet is telling the item from later issues where the original, often luxurious, booklet is replaced by a mere info sheet. Abbreviations M/ mono a.s. audible scratch es electronic stereo DMM direct metal mastering (not necessarily digital) g/ nl/ eng/ fr/ pressing stems from Germany, Netherlands a.s.o. as new refers to viny and cover cov+ especially good condition of the cover early Melodiya were delivered with a poor general paper cover, +cov refers to an extra (properly printed) de luxe cover that was available independently from the record. color-abbr. such as wh-gld, bl-wh refer to the label. www 33rpm.de e-mail info@33rpm.de phone +49 /(0)30 69568456 Volker Mueller Fidicinstr. 40 10965 Berlin
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