{ MAN C H E STE R } A N E W N E I G H B O U R H O O D F O R E N T E R P R I S E , C U LT U R E A N D L I V I N G ST. JOHN’S OVERVIEW The vision behind St. John’s is to create a new neighbourhood, a place that distinguishes itself by its unique cultural history, diverse mix of inhabitants, rich context and its position at the cross roads of a network. Allied London is working in partnership with Manchester City Council on what will be one of the city’s most important and greatest opportunities for the next decade and will help Manchester elevate its position further as a leading UK and international city. {SWITCHED ON} The 25-acre masterplan area is strategically located between the Castlefield district and Spinningfields business quarter and is surrounded by heritage assets such as MOSI and the buildings within the established St. John Street district. Formerly home to Granada Television, the area has been a high profile location for media activity and creativity for over 50 years. A new community that epitomises Manchester’s confidence, its cultural and physical history and at the same time forges a distinctive identity for St. John’s. { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } ST IE 55 A6 A 66 C DU Y WAY Metrolink VICTORIA TRINIT MI LL BL AC K market. BRID NS T AT IO EE PO R T G RE AT MA RKE ET ST the surrounding leisure, commercial and SPINNINGFIELDS TS T A N CO AT S ST R T EL L cultural amenities. A56 RI ATE ST R OAD WHITWORTH DEANSGATE RL TO N T EE TR HS RT WO IT WH PICCADILLY ST FAIRFIE L D STRE ET RD V I C T O R I A S TAT I O N D OA 8 SG MARKET STREET OL R AN 7 RPO DE KING STREET VE R 6 LIVE O N DO N E A R I ST M E T R O STO P EET N LO 5 H R STR ET RE ST S A L F O R D C E N T R A L (Ordsall Chord) C PETE DR 4 { MAN C H E STE R } R FO OX ALBERT SQUARE T SS CE IN PR MINUTES 3 REE LY ADIL 2 D E A N S G AT E QUA Y ST PICC 1MOSI Salford Regeneration Castlefield ST R EE KING GE S TRE Next door to Spinningfields, the site has easy access to Central Core Leftbank VIC TOR SALFORD CENTRAL residential development opportunity to come to the IR W Spinningfields L I V E R P O O L STR E E T GA TE St. John’s Place offers the most exciting regional M OSI C ASTL E F I E L D N CROSS ST Peters Field Q UAY STR E E T tower Number 1 Spinningfields is being developed. AN S D E A N SG ATE STA I O N SW A DE Quay Street D E A N SG ATE C RO down Quay Street, where the city’s main new office W AT E SAL FO RD C EN T RAL STAT IO N P CHA City Centre and benefiting from an impressive vista M A N C HE STE R C E N TR A L T TR EL S Situated on a key gateway entrance into Manchester TOW N HA L L S P I NNI NG FI E L DS A6 ST R EET St. John’s Place is one of the first phases at St. John’s. ST RE E AL D H CO R RS EE M A R K ET ST R EET IA S TRE ET IA P ICC A D I L LY STATI O N P I CCA D I LLY E T FR THE LOCATION ER AD RO STREET OXFORD RD N BR IA N CU AY W M57 { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 3 ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 1 ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 2 ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 2 ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 4 ST. JOHN’S PLACE NO. 3 ST. JOHN’S PLACE THE OPPORTUNITY NO. 4 ST. JOHN’S PLACE Allied London, the award-winning UK developer, working in partnership with Manchester City Council, are seeking a funding partner to facilitate the delivery of St. John’s Place, a new development comprising 350 residential units, a 150-bed hotel, new commercial space and riverside leisure and dining. The focal point is No. 1 St. John’s Place, a 36 storey tower, known NO. 1 ST. JOHN’S PLACE as the ‘North Tower’, which will sit at a key gateway entrance into St. John’s and Spinningfields and is set to be the prime residential address in Manchester. The development forms part of a wider ‘phase 1’ which includes; ‘The Village’, a live/work development fronting St. John’s Gardens, the creation of the Bonded Warehouse, a new multi-use destination, the conversion of the former ITV HQ complex into an event hotel called ‘Manchester Grande’, and the opening of the ‘Starlight Theatre’, a new entertainment venue. { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } ST. JOHN’S PLACE GROUND FLOOR PLAN TYPICAL LOWER LEVEL PLAN { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } ST. JOHN’S PLACE TYPICAL UPPER FLOOR PLAN BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } Image from Ian Simpson concept masterplan; view of St. John’s development looking toward Salford INDICATIVE SCHEME RESIDENTIAL PRECEDENT PLANNING St. John’s is covered by the St. John’s Strategic Regeneration Framework which has been submitted to Manchester City Council and is due to be endorsed by the end of 2014. The document outlines the creation of the new St. John’s neighbourhood, an area for enterprise, art, culture and living. Whilst mixed-use, it will be Manchester’s first city centre residential community. The masterplan is predicated on ground floor activity and focuses on the creation of high quality public realm and legitimate open spaces. Allied London and Manchester City Council have instructed leading Manchester-based Ian Simpson Architects, together with London practices Levitt Bernstein, Buckley Gray Yeoman and others. The successful party will be able to influence this design prior to submission for detailed planning permission. { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } INDICATIVE SCHEME RESIDENTIAL PRECEDENT { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } INDICATIVE SCHEME PUBLIC SPACE PRECEDENT INVESTOR ROLE Allied London, working in partnership with Manchester City Council, are seeking an investor who shares our vision for a new neighbourhood, with a focus on firstrate urban design and has the commitment and ability to fund a residential scheme of this magnitude. Development of St John’s Place is due to commence early in 2016 for completion in 2017-18. Expressions of interest are sought for the speculative forward funding of St. John’s Place, including the 260 unit landmark residential tower. { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } NO. 1 ST. JOHN’S PLACE St. John’s Place Residents Garden GROUND FLOOR LEVEL TYPICAL TOWER LEVEL { ST. JOHN’S – SWITCHED ON } FURTHER INFORMATION A copy of the Investors Brief covering the following is available upon request: • Project objectives • St. John’s • The Opportunity • Funder Role & Responsibilities • Indicative Funding Appraisal • Design & Quality (scale & massing, landscaping, access, servicing and parking) • Planning • Services • Available additional information • Selection Process & submission requirements • Confidentiality • IP • Publicity • Disclaimer View from an upper floor apartment CONTACT Jonathan Raine Associate Director Allied London Jonathan.Raine@alliedlondon.com Mobile: 07827 853124 Direct: 020 7758 4004 Tom McWilliams Associate Director Jones Lang LaSalle Tom.McWilliams@eu.jll.com Mobile: 07815 044590 Direct: 0161 828 6416 Working in partnership with Misrepresentation Act 1967. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 The Property Misdescriptions Act 1991. These particulars are issued without any responsibility on the part of the agent and are not to be construed as containing any representation or fact upon which any person is entitled to rely. Neither the agent nor any person in their employ has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. Design by 90 degrees design & marketing {SWITCHED ON} { MAN C H E STE R } www.stjohnsmanchester.com
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