Founded 1953 66 Levittown Parkway, Levittown, Pennsylvania, 19054 Telephone 215-945-1166; Fax 215-945-6988; Pastor Reverend Michael C. DiIorio Week-end Assistance Reverend John E. Donia Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Deacon Deacon Harry J. Simpson - Retired Weekday Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am Business Manager Director of Child Protection Files Mrs. Janie Brown Morning Rosary Weekdays at 7:35am prior to the 8am Mass Executive Secretary to the Pastor Marriage Records Coordinator Sr. Mary Beth Kratzinger, SSJ Bulletin Coordinators Gerry Hayes Marcy Beck Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Rectory Office 215-945-1166 - Fax 215-945-6988 Weekdays: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Receptionist - Mary Ann Szokoli St. Michael School 130 Levittown Parkway 215-943-0222 Principal: Mr. Stephen Di Cicco Religious Education Office 215-547-2518 CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Janet Fiatoa CYO: Ms. Alice Viola & Ms. Kathy Wilson RCIA Coordinator: Mike O’Keefe Knights of Columbus St. Michael the Archangel Council #14626 215-945-1166 - Fax 215-945-6988 Chaplain: Reverend Michael C. DiIorio Grand Knight: Jim Thomson St. Michael the Archangel Friary Third Order Regular of St. Francis , TOR 88 Levittown Parkway 215-943-4810 Eucharistic Adoration September-June Thursday 8:30 am.– 3:00 pm. Directors of Altar Servers Mr. Robert Gabriele Mr. Robert Heston Choir Director Mr. Frank Cuda Communion to the Sick Contact Rectory Office Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the first four Sundays of each month at 1 pm. There are no Baptisms on fifth Sundays and on Christmas and Easter Sundays. Parents must be registered members of our parish, attend a PreJordan class and Godparents must be practicing Catholics. Please contact the Rectory to make arrangements. Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage is a profound responsibility. Active members of our parish who wish to make arrangements to have the Sacrament celebrated at St. Michael, must call the rectory at least 6 months prior to your wedding date and speak with a Priest. Pre-Cana class is required. October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MONDAY VIGIL MASS, October 25 Weekday 5:30 a.m. Mass for the People of the Parish SUNDAY, October 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Edward McDonald (Marie McDonald) 10:00 a.m. James Brannigan (Mike & Rita) 12:00 noon George Ralph Koch (The Family) MONDAY, October 27 Weekday 8:00 a.m. Ludden & Parada Families (Sharon Hill) 8:00 a.m. TUESDAY, October 28 Sains Simon and Jude, Apostles Elizabeth McNeill (Stephanie Kallok) 8:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY, October 29 Weekday Anna Tomko (Mary Ann Ancharski) THURSDAY, October 30 Weekday 8:00 a.m. H. David Woodington (Ronnie Quinn) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND BENEDICTION The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration following the 8:00 a.m. Mass with Benediction at 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY, October 31 Weekday 8:00 a.m. Rose Whyte (Jean Foster) SATURDAY, November 1 All Saints Day 8:00 a.m. Dec’d Members of Legion of Mary (Legion of Mary) VIGIL MASS, November 1 5:30 a.m. Mass for the People of the Parish SUNDAY, November 2 Thirtieth-first Sunday in Ordinary Time The Commemoration of all of the Faithful Departed 8:00 a.m. Andrew Gargus (Al and Veda Abramowitz) 10:00 a.m. Rick Goulding (Scott Collings & Family) 12:00 noon Harvey Lyons (The Melio Family) SUNDAY MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS Requests for Sunday Mass Announcements must be written and received at the Rectory by 3pm on Thursday. TUESDAY THURSDAY Page Two MEETINGS Choir - 7 PM - Church Legion of Mary - 7 PM - Room 12 RCIA - 7 PM - Room 9 Sodality - 3:15 PM - Church WE WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Nadia Marie Lentz Ava Marie Slemmer Aubre Nicole Leahy ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE October 27 thru November 1, 2014 Weekday 8:00 am— Monday-Saturday - Matthew Durle November 1 and 2, 2014 Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Jeremy Capella and Nicklaus Schneider Sunday 8:00 am Alyssa Sales and Madison Chapman Sunday 10:00 am Colin McCarty, Melina Rallis and Betsy Nimley Sunday 12:00 noon Matthew Durle, Dominic Baltazar Sr.Marian Perpetua, R.S.M, Baby Grace Ella Brown, Baby Christian Wendt, Natalie Campbell, Sue Carreras, Bill Chickowski, Dave Chickowski, Jr., Dave Chickowski, Sr., Mrs. Connelly, Caroline Daynorowicz, Edward Deck, Jimmy Deck, Jocelyn Dillon, Bob Duttin, Stephanie Farmer, Patrick Finley, Joan Flanagan, Michael Foisy, William Gaskill, Simeon Gregoire, Barry Gouge, Lisa Grosso, Thomas Hahn, Pat Haney, Denise Jackson, Mary Ann Kasper, Crystal Kirchhoefer, Nick Kussman, Carlyne Lehmann, Kathy Lombardo, Janet Lynch, Sharon Lynch, Anna Maglio, Nancee May, Margaret Mirsch, Carlotta Monach, Danny Morgan, Maryann O’Neill, John Oliver, Manuel Padro, Rick Panzano, Adam Raup, Jennie Russo, Linda Scheid, Catherine Schueller, Mary Louise Sessa, Peg Shire, Roseann Simpson, Jean Smythe, Angela Stahl, Joe Szokoli, Joseph J. Timchak, Justin Tobin, Loretta Toth, Lori Treibley, Leightin Westerman, Lisa M. Witman, Harry Woodington, Jeffrey M. Wydro, Michael H. Wydro, Dawn Anderson Yamrich. We assume recovery after 4 weeks unless we receive new request to remain on our prayer list. 0217 October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEKLY OFFERING Last week’s collection was $10,875.00 compared to $11,202.27 for the same weekend last year. The collection for Mission Sunday was $993.00. We are very, very grateful for your continued support. Thank You! ELECTRONIC GIVING Saint Michael the Archangel Parish has enlisted Parish Giving to provide its members with the opportunity to use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for giving. Last week $390.00 was given through electronic donations. Check our web site to connect to the link for information. As of October 20, 2014, St. Michael the Archangel has received 266 gifts in the total sum of $22,846. We have now reached 92% of our goal. If you have not yet sent in your contribution, please try to do so as soon as you are able so we can achieve our goal. PRE-JORDAN A Pre-Jordan meeting for parents wishing to have their children baptized will be held in the Rectory on Sunday, November 2, 2014, Sunday, at 1pm for an informational gathering and to complete the requirement of attendance at a PreJordan Class. ROSARY AT THE GROTTO During the month of October, we will be praying the rosary at the grotto on weekdays, Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM, Saturday after the 5:30 PM Mass and Sunday after the 12:00 PM Mass. ST. PEREGRINE SHRINE This week the candles are burning for Kathleen C. and Kathleen L. By The Family BULLETIN NOTICES Announcements must be in writing and at the Rectory by Noon, Friday, nine days prior to publication. Page Three Religious Education News Important Confirmation Dates Confirmation Practice is Saturday, November 1st in the church hall at 8:45 am. Sponsors are to report at noon to practice with the candidates. Confirmation Mass will be November 5th at 4:00 pm. Candidates report to the church hall between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm. The Sacrament will be administered by Most Reverend Joseph F. Martino. If you are a teenager who has not received all the Sacraments of Initiations (Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation), it is never too late. Please call 215-5472518. Visit the PREP webpage at the church website for more information about the program. There is a link to the program’s handbook and registration forms. BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION The children of St. Michael’s want to thank all the wonderful parishioners who contributed to our “Box Tops for Education” drive. We would like to continue to ask for your help. Please place your box tops in the collection basket or in the jar in the school foyer. Thank you again, the children and Faculty of St. Michael’s. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament are looking for a full time Finance Office Assistant. Proficient with computers, possess knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Quicken and QuickBooks. Minimum of one-year experience in finance office environment. Knowledge of ADP Software helpful. Must possess current driver’s license. Please apply at 1663 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, Pa. 19020, or email/fax resume to or 215-244-1950 COACH BINGO St. Michael the Archangel School is holding a “Coach Handbag Bingo”, Saturday, November 15th at 7:30pm in the church hall. Doors open at 6:30pm. Discount tickets at $25 for 14 games of bingo must be purchased by Nov 5th. This event is a perennial sell-out. Guests must be 21 or older. Early purchase is recommended. For information please email attention Liz Luciano. 0217 October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TYSON PROJECT A+ PROGRAM St. Michael’s has the chance to raise up to $12,000.00 in extra school funds this year by participating in the Tyson Project A+ program, sponsored by Tyson Foods. Students, parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers and other parish community members are able to collect Tyson Project A+ labels from Tyson product boxes and bags. Tyson will in turn send the school a check in the amount of 24 cents per label. Funds raised can be spent on anything the school needs, including supplies, equipment, building repairs and various school programs that will benefit our children. You can find more information on the Tyson A+ Project program on the web at: projectaplus, Or you may contact: Sue Ward, Tyson Project A+ Program Coordinator @267-688-6746. There will be a box in the back of the church, by the basket for the grocery store receipts that you can drop your label in. Labels will then be collected weekly after Mass. SCHOOL NEWS Dear Parishioners, A note of gratitude to all who made our Second Annual SMA Grandparents’ Day Tea such a great day! Special thanks to our teachers, parents, SMA Student Council and SMA Service Club for all their fine effort. A big thank you to all the grandparents who attended our tea. The SMA Grandparents’ Tea is a day to honor you because you have done so much for your families and Saint Michael the Archangel Parish and School. Thank you to everyone who took part in our SMA - The Yogurt Cup fundraiser! SMA Pumpkin Contest begins on the 27th. SMA Orange & Black Casual Dress Day on the 30th. Teacher in Service Friday, October 31st NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. Happy Halloween and All Saints Day everyone. God Bless! Mr. Stephen Di Cicco REGISTER TAPES Thank you for placing your Cash Register Tapes from Brown’s Shop Rite in Fairless Hills (only). This week we received $244.14. Tapes are valid for five (5) months. Thank you! Page Four POPE FRANCIS ON THE ROSARY “The Rosary always accompanies me in my life it is a prayer from my heart” “Mary joins us, she fights at our side. She supports Christians in the fight against the forces of evil. Especially through prayer, through the rosary. Hear me out, the rosary... Do you pray the Rosary each day? Our Lady had shared in the struggles of her son, Jesus Christ. She suffered along with him, and so when Jesus resurrected, she was also given redemption. “Our Mother, we can add, represents us. She is our Sister, our first Sister to be granted redemption and taken to Heaven.” Because of her suffering and redemption, Our Lady is also the most iconic image of hope. She is close to those who suffer throughout the world, and she provides them the hope to overcome their struggle. Pope Francis has dedicated his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, who has told us through her message to the visionaries of the importance of praying the Rosary daily. “Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world . . . for she alone can save it.” “God has placed peace in her hands, and it is from the Immaculate Heart that men must ask it.” Pope Francis urges Catholics to pray the Rosary in the fight against evil Pope prescribes daily rosary for what ails you Pope Francis admitted he wasn't a pharmacist, but he didn't hesitate being the spokesman for the heart-healthy benefits of 59 little pills strung together: the rosary. "I want to recommend some medicine for all of you. "It's a spiritual medicine." Holding up a white medicine box with an anatomical drawing of the human heart on it. "Don't forget to take it," he said. "It's good for your heart, for your soul, for your whole life." The sheet recommends daily use of the beads for both adults and children, but adds that it can be repeated as often as necessary. It also notes that receiving the sacraments increases the efficacy of the prescription. It also states categorically that no negative side effects have been reported. Praying the rosary, he said is "a spiritual aid for our soul and for spreading love, forgiveness and brotherhood to everyone." Pray where you are. God is everywhere. 0217 October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YOUCAT The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church “May we do something bad so that good can result from it? No, we may never deliberately do something evil or tolerate an evil so that good can result from it. Sometimes there is no other course of action but to tolerate a lesser evil in order to prevent a greater evil. [1755-1756, 1759-1761] The end does not justify the means. It cannot be right to commit infidelity so as to stabilize one’s marriage. It is just as wrong to use embryos for stem cell research, even if one could thereby make medical breakthroughs. It is wrong to try to “help” a rape victim by aborting her child. If a man is truly to will what is good, he must be willing to do everything for that good or be willing to suffer anything for that good. SØREN KIERKEGAARD (1813-1855) Excerpt From: Schoenborn, Christoph Cardinal. “YOUCAT.” iBooks. ST. JOSEPH’S PREPARATORY SCHOOl St. Joseph’s Preparatory School invites students and parents to an Open House Sunday, 11/2/2014 from 10am to 2pm. Before the Open House, you are also invited to join the Prep Community for Mass at 8:45am in the Church of the Gesu (on campus). 8th Grade boys should sit for the Scholarship/Entrance Exam on Saturday, 11/15 or Sunday, 11/16/14 at 8:30am. Students must be applicants. Students are registered automatically upon completing the application. Academic scholarships and financial aid grants will be awarded to eligible students. Registration for the Pre-7th and Pre-8th Grade Summer Enrichment Program will be available at the Open House. This program is open to boys and girls entering the 7th and 8th grade. For additional information, call 215-978-1954. HOLY GHOST PREP HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR Holy Ghost Prep will hold its annual Holiday Craft Show on Saturday, November 8, from 9am to 4pm and Sunday, November 9, from 9am to 3pm in their Field House located at 2429 Bristol Pike, Bensalem. Beautiful Crafts, Handcrafted Jewelry, Baked Goods, Raffle Baskets and Delicious Food will be available. Don’t miss this Bucks County Favorite for over 30 years. Page Five Dear Parents and Parishioners, Hello! I am writing to let you know that St. Michael the Archangel School is creating an alumni committee. We are calling all St. Michael the Archangel past alumni to help us build the St. Michael the Archangel Alumni Database. If you know of anyone or yourself are an Alumni of Saint Michael the Archangel School, please go to the Saint Michael the Archangel Website and click on the alumni link to send us your information listed below. The website address is or e-mail address Thank you in advance for helping us to create the database. Please check back in the fall to see the upcoming events for the Alumni. God Bless You, SMA School Alumni Committee Information on form should include: Current Name, Maiden Name, Address , E-mail,, Phone Number, Occupation, Year of Graduation from St. Michael the Archangel School . THE ARCHDIOCESE OF PHILADELPHIA C.C.R. CATHOLIC AUTHOR ROBERT ABEL “THE HEALING POWER OF JESUS” WHEN: Saturday, November 15, 2014 TIME: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm WHERE: Our Lady of Fatima Church 2913 Street Road, Bensalem, PA 19020. ALL TICKETS: $15.00 Optional Liturgy: 8:00 am Main Celebrant: Fr. Bob Hilz, T.O.R. REGISTER: On line at, Call (215) 315-7008 Or email: Seating limited - only 400 tickets for this event. Join us for a special day of healing and surrender to the Divine Physician, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Prayer teams will be available to pray for you and your needs. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES 2015 PHILADELPHIA Learn about the World Meeting of Families, how to prepare your parish, get involved, or get your copy of the official Catechesis on, our new website. You can also “Light a Candle” with your Intentions or sign up for our newsletter. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015” and Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015. HELP WANTED A Life Worth Living - A Call Wroth Considering Consider the Priesthood. 0217 October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The children’s collection envelopes contain a section for them to express a “good deed.” We would like to share some of their thoughts with you: -Reading to my little sister. -Reading to my little sister, mom and dad. -Helped mom clean the house. -Helped a friend with their homework. -Helped in the attic. -Letting my little sister play. -Helped my best friend Justin with Math. -Helped dad fix the door. -Listening to big brother Gabriel and helping him with his Saint Project. -Taking out the recycling and cleaning my room. -Helping animals at the animal shelter. -Followed all the rules at home and completed all my chores. -Helped my sister. -Helping my friends at school. -Helping my family around the house. -Drawing a picture for my brother. -I helped my grand mom with work on the computer. -Helped my friend clean up toys. -Cleaned my room. -I fed my lizard. COURT ST. MARK NO. 1097 Court St. Mark, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, is sponsoring an indoor FLEA MARKET, Saturday, November 8, 2014 at St. Mark School Hall, Radcliffe Street, Bristol, PA from 8am to 2pm. Vendor tables available at $15.00. Refreshments also available. For further information telephone: (215) 945-1169. OPEN HOUSE GREY NUN ACADEMY 1750 Quarry Road, Yardley, PA. Wednesday, November 5th 9-11 AM HAUNTED HOUSE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION RECTORY BUILDING Oct. 30, 31 & Nov. 1; 7pm -11pm - $15.00 Where Emilie Road meets Bristol Oxford Valley Road. 3 Floors and 13 rooms of shear terror. Brought to you by Queen of the Universe and Conwell Egan. LISTEN TO ARCHBISHOP CHAPUT’S SUNDAY HOMILIES ONLINE Listen anytime at homilies/index.htm. The Archbishop’s homilies are also available as Podcasts on iTunes. Page Six Indulgences for the Poor Souls Current regulations in force by Pope Benedict XVI I On All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2) a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls, is granted to those who visit any parish church or public oratory and there recite one Our Father and one Credo. II On all the days from November I though November 8 inclusive, a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls, is granted to those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the departed. Conditions for both indulgences: x x Only one plenary indulgence can be granted per day. It is necessary to be in the state of grace, at least by completion of the work. x Freedom from attachment to sin, even venial sin, is necessary; otherwise the indulgence is only partial. (By this is meant attachment to a particular sin, not sin in general.) x Holy Communion must be received each time the indulgence is sought. x Prayers must he recited for the intentions of the Holy Father on each day the indulgence is sought. No particular prayers are prescribed. One Our Father and one Hail Mary suffice, or other suitable prayers. A sacramental confession must be made within a week of completion of the prescribed work. (One confession made during the week, made with the intention of gaining all the indulgences, suffices.) 2015 MASS BOOK Our 2015 Mass Book is open. The hours are from 9am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm Monday to Friday. NO weekends or lunch times, please. There is a limit of 6 Masses per family (2 Sunday and 4 Weekday). Please have dates and alternative dates ready when you come to request Masses. “DARE TO BE HOLY” Catholic Lay Missionary and Evangelist, Bill Wegner from Good News International will be leading a mission at Our Lady of Grace Parish. All are invited to the Parish Mission and are free to bring a friend. There is plenty of parking and we are handicapped accessible. 225 Bellevue Avenue, Penndel, PA 19047 Sunday, November 9th– to Wednesday, November 12th at 7:00 PM each evening. 0217 Atlas Pest Control, SVCS Martin J. Burns Funeral Home, Inc. Serving All of Bucks County PEST & TERMITE CONTROL 215-815-5057 Funeral Home “Serving the area with responsibility and pride since 1916” Your Parish Florist WEDDING SPECIALIST Located 2 blocks from the church 3500 Bristol - Oxford Valley Road, Levittown, PA 19057 215-945-8484 Louis Galzerano III • Director, Parishioner Carol F. Galzerano • Supervisor, Parishioner 215-547-3040 Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured John McDonnell Parishioner GALZERANO Family Owned & Opertated Since 1939 1514 Woodbourne Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 215-638-2442 Showcase Plaza 2832 Street Rd., Bensalem, PA 19020 L PAU HN’S E The Best In The Business JO RVIC E S E TRE 24 Hour Emergency Service $1 OFF Sundae 215-945-8260 Purchase $4 or more* FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Levittown/Fairless Hills Parishioner $3 OFF Sundae Purchase $12 or more* * Not to be combined with any other offers 187 Kenwood Dr. • Levittown, PA • 267-202-6790 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT L SPECIA ER ION PARISH G IN PRIC $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 1.866.264.8444 Lisa Burns Campbell, Supv. 267-358-5247 1238 EAST LINCOLN HWY. LANGHORNE, PA Your One Stop Shop For All Of Your Building Needs OPEN TO CONTRACTORS AND DIY ★ IN HOUSE INSTALLATION AVAILABLE 3000sq. ft. SHOWROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO THE PUBLIC Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Serving PA, NJ & DE SHIATSU 215-639-8500 “ACCUPRESSURE” ORIENTAL MEDICINE SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Pain Relief Through Positive Change and Progressive Treatments Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 TOUCH FOR HEALTH NAMI of Bucks County Ryan Nickerson IS HERE TO HELP 215-962-5889 If you or someone you know struggles with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, BPD, Co-occuring mental illness and substance abuse... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Certified Practitioner A.O.B.T.A • Attend Our Free Support Groups and/or Forums • Take Our FREE Education Classes (Starting in the Fall) Bucks County Voice on Mental Illness • Call Our Helpline 1(866) 399-NAMI (6264) • Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 217 St. Michael the Archangel, Levittown, PA (inside) - A John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • James J. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc. John J. Bonner, Jr., Supervisor 2200 Trenton Road, Levittown, PA 19056 215-943-7240 • Fax 215-943-9613 215•785•2168 Ariana’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant Family Law • Bankruptcy • Real Estate • Wills • Estates 230 Levittown Parkway (Next to St. Michael) FREE CONSULTATION 5 Neshaminy Interplex • Suite 115 • Trevose, PA 19053 (215) 447-3149 • 215-949-8785 $1.00 Off $10 Purchase With Ad Kenneth G. Harrison • Esquire Fully Insured / Free Estimates BRISTOL CEMETERY ESTABLISHED 1815 • BRISTOL, PENNSYLVANIA Office: 704 State Rd., Croydon, PA 19021 215.785.1710 WWW.BRISTOLCEMETERY.COM Drew Reilly, Realtor Fully Insured Feasterville, PA • 215-478-4172 • Lic. #PA59949 Wade Funeral Home A.BROOKS CONSTRUCTION INC. KANGA ROOF is committed to making a difference in the community by providing for those less fortunate. Since 2010 Kanga Roof has been giving away a new roof for the holiday. We need your help in finding someone. Go to our website at to obtain a form. Thank you for helping us help a neighbor in need. RBAN PLUMBING Mark T. Wade • Supervisor 10% OFF Service • 215-431-7737 www.urbanplumbingheatingand Pre-Need Available 1002 Radcliffe St., Bristol COLONIAL HALL Catering for All Occasions WEDDINGS • ANNIVERSARIES REUNIONS • SWEET 16 (215) 945-4231 (215) 788-9313 Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. OFFICE HOURS WEDS 6:30PM-9:30PM • OR BY APPT. Parishioners HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AFFORDABLE • RELIABLE (215) 946-7066 Member of Diocese Thanks for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We greatly value your business Jerry Estes – Owner 215-752-6145 Free Estimates • Fully Insured Direct: 215-859-2063 • Office: 215-547-4029 Roofing • Siding • Gutters #PA009390 Roofing & Siding Seamless Gutters Senior Citizen Discount • Cash For Your Home Foreclosure Specialist •Great Advertising Member Of St. Mike’s Since 1998 BRING THIS AS TO RECIEVE $100 OFF YOUR PURCHASE Offer expires 1/1/2015. New purchaes only. Must have coupon to recieve discount. Limit one coupon to a customer. Phillip Brazil ATTN: BUYERS 3.75% INTEREST RATE CALL DREW NOW! A Pennsylvania Not for Profit Corporation • Rehab Programs • Skilled Nursing Care • Long Term Care 905 Tower Rd. Bristol, PA 215-785-3201 CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. OPTICAL BENEFITS CARD for St. Michael Parishioners “you get more at” 7400 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 19055 (215) 946-7600 George M. Hanitz, Supervisor glasses galore FAIRLESS HILLS NEWTOWN SOUTHAMPTON Fairless Hills Towne Sq. 451 S. Oxford Valley Rd. 215.547.5470 Village at Newtown Shop. Ctr. 2842 S. Eagle Rd. 215.579.1155 Souhampton Shop. Ctr. 482 Second Street Pk. 215.355.7733 C A L L 217 St. Michael the Archangel, Levittown, Pa (back) - A • Free Complete Eye Exam • 15% Off All Rx Eyewear • 10% Off All Non-Rx Sunglasses S TO R E F O R D E TA I L S John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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