CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER 1879 Applewood Drive, Orefield, Pennsylvania 18069-9507 ~ 610-395-2876 Email: or Visit Us on the Web at IN MEMORIAM FUND: After the death of a family member you are invited to have that person’s name commemorated on this Church Plaque, by suggesting that memorial offerings be donated to the Church in memory of the deceased person. PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Wargo Parochial Vicar: Rev. Joseph J. Kweder In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Joseph P.T. Smith Permanent Deacon: Mr. Anthony T. Campanell Permanent Deacon: Dr. Charles A. Coyle Permanent Deacon: Dr. Bruno Schettini School Principal: Mrs. Jody Myers DRE-PREP: Mrs. Rose Hayward Parish Secretary: Mrs. Mem Petriello Finance Office: Mrs. Connie Druckenmiller and Mrs. Doris Toth MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Evening: 4:30 and 6:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Daily Masses: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM and Saturday 8:30 AM Evening Masses: Tuesday: 7:00 PM Holy Days: (Vigil except Sundays: 6:00 PM) 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:05 PM & 7:00 PM BULLETIN NOTICES: Messages and announcements for the weekly bulletin must be carefully prepared before acceptance and publication. Deadline for most editions is 12 days before the Sunday. The length of each article as well as its repetition is determined by the rectory staff. TOTAL CATHOLIC EDUCATION: Pre-School: Classes for 3 yr. olds & Pre-K classes for 4 & 5 yr. olds Mrs. Theresa Heintzelman, Director 395-7400 St. Joseph the Worker School Mrs. Jody Myers, Principal 395-7221 Parish Religious Education Program Mrs. Rose Hayward, DRE 395-4920 RCIA Deacon Anthony T. Campanell 395-0868 (Special Times for Christmas, January 1st and Easter) PARISH ORGANIZATIONS & MINISTRIES Adoration, Ed & Mary Johnstone…………………………….610-434-2594 Altar Servers, Fr. Joe ……………………….…..….610-395-2876 Baptismal Workshop, Rectory Office …………..….610-395-2876 Bereavement Committee, Sue Mueller……………………..610-392-2957 Boy Scout Troop 150, Joe Turner ………..……… 610-285-2006 College Scholarship Fund, Rectory Office….……………...610-395-2876 Cub Scout Pack 150, Brian Wynn …………….…………. Cursillo, Nancy & Jim Clee…………...…………………..….610-530-0174 Divine Mercy Cenacle, Nancy Clee…………………………610-530-0174 Endowment Council, Rectory Office……. ……….……… .610-395-2876 Extraordinary Ministers, Fr. Joe .. …………..………… ...610-395-2876 Faith Alive, Betty Belnoski…………….………………..…….610-298-2730 Financial Committee, John Chaya……………….………….610-770-1213 Fundraising Scheduling Committee, Mem Petriello ….. ….610-395-2876 Girl Scout Coordinator, Eileen Grodziak…………...……….610-530-9790 Helping Hands, Sara Miller…………...……………………...484-553-1863 Hope Committee, Joan May…………….……………………610-336-0420 Knights of Columbus, John Geosits ……………….……….610-393-5982 Lectors, Fr. Joe… …...........................................................610-395-2876 Marriage Encounter, Dave & Theresa Shellhamer ……….610-395-8254 Men of Malvern, Blaise A. Di Micelii……………..………….610-767-5650 Mothers' Circle, Tina Montone……………………………….610-762-6128 Music Director, Dave Knerr…………...…………………..….610-965-3835 Parish Council, Donna Spatz……………………………..….610-395-2876 Parish Wellness Committee, Joan May…..…….………… .610-336-0420 Prayer Line, Rita Natishak…………………………….……. 610-398-2734 Pro-Life Committee/NFP Sandra Zawistowski…………… 610-967-5105 Pro-Life Committee, Jo Garcia ……………………….……...610-395-8247 Protecting God’s Children Coord., Rose Hayward..............610-395-4920 Pregnant, Confused?.................................................Call 1-888-LIFEAID SRAA, Paul Rieger………………………………………...….610-530-1698 Summer Festival, Dave Abert…………..………………… . 484-788-5656 Vocation Committee Carole Valtos……………...…….. … 610-799-2467 Women's Guild, Donna Spatz…………….………….….…..610-395-2876 Youth & Young Adult Ministries/ I.H.S., Marie Dooley…….484-575-1115 Jr. High Youth Ministry/ I.H.S, SACRAMENTS: PENANCE: Friday and Saturday: 7:45 - 8:15 AM and Saturday: 5:306:00 PM. (And also by appointment with one of the Priests.) On occasions such as Lent or Advent there are special times for Penance. BAPTISMS: The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered on the first and third Sunday of each month at 12:45 p.m. Please contact the Rectory at 610-395-2876 after the birth of your child to register for the Baptismal Workshop and the Date of Baptism. The Baptismal Workshop is a Diocesan requirement and is offered the 1st Saturday of the month at 9:30 am in the Parish Center, rooms 3 & 4. Families must be registered parishioners, attending Mass weekly and practicing the Faith. Godparents must be practicing their faith and submit a certificate of eligibility two weeks prior to Baptism. MARRIAGES: Couples must contact one of the Parish Priests at the Rectory, at least 6 months in advance of their intended wedding date. Note: Bride or Groom must be a Registered and practicing member for at least 6 months. In addition to the three sessions with the Priest, the Diocesan Marriage Preparation Dialogues must also be attended. The normal day for weddings is Saturday, at 10 AM or 12 PM or 2 PM. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Notify the rectory as soon as someone becomes seriously ill or weak due to old age, so that they might receive this Sacrament of the Living. COMMUNION TO THE HOME-BOUND: The Eucharistic Ministers do this monthly; Eucharistic Ministers visit those who wish to receive more often. Always notify us about the home-bound who are not being visited. HOSPITALIZED: If possible, alert the rectory whenever someone has to be hospitalized, especially, if this admission is an emergency. Remember that each hospital knows what Catholic Parish is responsible for its emergency situations. A family member should notify the rectory office of any admission of a parishioner and if they want their name on the prayer list for the sick. REGISTRATION FOR PARISH: New members should make an appointment to come to the Rectory Office. Our policy is to accept those who live within our parish boundaries. (If you move out of the parish, and change your address, notify the Rectory Office.) SCHEDULING USE OF FACILITIES: To schedule a meeting or event in the CHURCH, PARISH CENTER, PARISH OFFICES, please contact Mem Petriello, 610-395-2876. To schedule a meeting or event in the EDUCATIONAL CENTER/SCHOOL, please contact Karen Karwacki, 395-7221. A "USE OF FACILITY" form will need to be completed and returned to the appropriate contact person listed above. Any organization, with Msgr. Wargo's approval, interested in having a fundraiser at our Parish or School MUST complete a "FUNDRAISING DESCRIPTION" form and contact Mem Petriello in the Rectory at 610395-2876. Diocesan Safe Environment Sister Meg Cole, S.S. J. 610-866-0581 ex 19 Diocesan Victim Assistance Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, MA, NCC,LPC Confidential telephone 800-791-9209 1 ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER CHURCH MASS FOR THE INTENTIONS WEEK WEEK OF 10/26/14 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 10/25/2014 SATURDAY: VIGIL MASS OF SUNDAY 4:30 pm Catherine Rabenold 6:00 pm William & Agnes Ashman 10/26/14 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 am Pat & Amy Jenkins-for good health 8:30 am Monica Swezda 10:00 am Carol Reed Chromiak 11:30 am Robert Manns 11/1/2014 SATURDAY: VIGIL MASS OF SUNDAY 4:30 pm Michael & Anna Sabol 6:00 pm Casey Doolin 11/2/2014 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED 7:00 am Deceased Members of the Parish 8:30 am Deceased Members of the Parish 10:00 am Deceased Members of the Parish 11:30 am Deceased Members of the Parish MONDAY S 6:30 am 8:30 am WEEKDAY Seamus Gavigan Geraldine Minner 10/27/14 TUESDAY 6:30 am 8:30 am 7:00 pm SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES Al Leonzi Emilie Sparks Susan Rentler 10/28/14 WEDNESDAY 6:30 am 8:30 am WEEKDAY Karen W. Weston Joseph Azar 10/29/14 THURSDAY 6:30 am 8:30 am WEEKDAY Al Roesch Helen Jaccarino 10/30/14 FRIDAY 6:30 am 8:30 am WEEKDAY Donald Ronca Patricia Coleman Baddick 10/31/14 SATURDAY 8:30 am ALL SAINTS Gregory Atlas-special intentions 11/1/14 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 This passage from the book of Exodus enjoins all to adhere to specific religious and social laws. It urges all to act with justice and compassion towards others. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1: 5c-10 Paul praises the Thessalonians for receiving the word of God so eagerly and totally. Word of their faithfulness has spread throughout Macedonia and Greece; they have become a model for all Christians. Gospel: Matthew 22:34-40 Matthew recounts the incident in which a lawyer, seeking to entrap Jesus, asks, “Teacher, which commandment of the law is the greatest?” With simplicity and authority, Jesus responds that the first commandment is to love God with one’s entire being; the second is to love one’s neighbor as oneself. THIS WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Quilting Lightweigh Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Divine Mercy Cenacle Morning Scripture IHS Lightweigh Men’s Meeting Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Divine Mercy Cenacle Morning Scripture IHS Lightweigh Men’s Meeting NEXT WEEK Sunday Monday Quilting Lightweigh Tuesday World Mission Sunday: 2014 World Mission Sunday Appeal The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, a Pontifical Mission Society Thank you for your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday. Our parish raised $5,635.00—generous help that will reach the Church in Mongolia and local churches throughout the Missions, where the poor receive practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. For more information, please visit 2014 World Mission Sunday Appeal The Society for the Propagation of the Faith a Pontifical Mission CHANCE TO WIN $10,000 USE UP EXTRA ADDRESS LABELS & SUPPORT SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH TOO! We have been blessed to have experienced the love, caring, generosity & counsel of the Sisters of St. Joseph over the years. Sister Mary Kathryn, our former spiritual director of Women’s Guild & HOPE Committee, Director of RCIA program & advocate of our entire community has asked our help in supporting the retired Sisters, by purchasing a book or two of 6 chances for $5.00. The grand prize of $10,000 & ten smaller prizes of $500 will be awarded Dec 7th. The chances will be sold under the canopy during the weekend of October 25th and 26th. You can still but tickets at the rectory if you don’t get them this weekend. SISTER MARY KATHRYN THANKS YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. GOD BLESS YOU. WHAT IS A PRIEST? By Father Thomas E. Langer Priests are mystery men. They come in assorted sizes, ages, weights and collars. They are found everywhere – speeding along, perspiring over, walking by, kneeling on, praying over, laughing with, preaching to, teaching about, pardoning for, and playing baseball with. Little children run them: teenagers marvel at them, aged folk turn to them; lay people treasure them; non-Catholics stare at them; and Mary watches over them. A priest is Prudence in a T-shirt; Fortitude with a breviary in his hand; Justice on a ball diamond; and Temperance at any party. He is Faith with a blueprint; Hope with a sense of humor; and Charity with a golf club in hand. A priest may be anything from a contemplative monk in a monastery to a magazine editor on Wall Street, from a labor mediator to a TV personality, from a student to a professor. Formerly known as the boy-around-the –corner, he’s a member of each family, yet belongs to none. He penetrates secrets, shares sorrows, heals wounds. He has the trust of a child, the kindness of a best friend, the sternness of a tight-rope walker, the authority of an encyclopedia, the versatility of a commando, and the salesmanship of a Fuller–Brush man. A priest is a humble creature – a mystifying worker at all professions. His hours are the longest; his salary the smallest; his Boss the best! He likes good pastors, the smiles of Children, a good sermon, a home-cooked meal, and the name “Father”. A priest is all things to all men in the sight of God. He may be misquoted, mistaken and misunderstood, but he’ll always forgive – because he’s a mediator; a peacemaker, a go-between heaven and earth. It’s no wonder God loves him. He’s a man standing at an altar, clothed in Holy clothes, who while being aware of his own nothingness speaks to God for us and to us for God. And although his greatest act is to offer sacrifice, his most consoling one is to say to me, “Go in peace – Your sins are forgiven.” Originally published by Open Sunday Visitor, March 13, 1960. This weekend we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. It is a special day to reflect upon and affirm the role of priesthood in the life of the Church as a central role to the Church Without the priest, Pope John Paul II said “there is simply no Catholic Church” Take a couple of minutes to offer a special prayer for all priests today. Praise God for their courage and their generosity. Thank God for the gift of their priesthood. Remember in a special way, those who serve St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Our Pastor, Reverend Monsignor Wargo, Reverend Monsignor Joseph Smith, Reverend Joseph Kweder, Reverend Guency Isaac and Reverend Father Luis 4 Helping Hands News Now is the time to stock up on Barnes & Noble gift cards for the St. Joseph the Worker Barnes & Noble Night November 10, 2014 Larger denominations AND a 9% rebate are available on Shop With Scrip. Selling hours: Tuesday 11—1 rectory office Thursday and Friday 11—1 rectory basement Wednesday 8:00—8:15 AM E.C. Lunchroom Wednesday 11—1 School Lobby Weekends before and after all Masses Celebrating our parish faith formation programs helping adults, youth and children encounter Christ every day! Women’s Guild News On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 please join us in the Parish Center at 6 o’clock pm. We will not have a Mass this evening, so we can start early to set up for CraftFest. Wear your work clothes as we will have a lot to do. There are trees to set up, tables to skirt, and presents to wrap for the Santa Shoppe. If you have extra Christmas wrap, please bring it along. Many hands will make for light work. We will have a short meeting before the fun begins. Bring a friend or two…hope to see you there. Save the date: Thursday, December 11, 2014 for our Christmas Dinner. Invitations will be mailed. 5 PART-TIME HELP NEEDED BabaNonna is looking for part-time help making kiffles for the holiday season. Mostly mornings but may need afternoon help as well. Monday through Thursday. Person will be rolling dough some of the time. Number of days per week and hours can vary with your schedule. Please call Margo at 610-554-7545 for details. Address is 2137 Walbert Avenue, Allentown. Purgatory: The Forgotten Church Movie Is Purgatory real? Could the Afterlife require suffering? Can the living help alleviate the anguish of the dead? This groundbreaking documentary investigates these compelling life-after-death questions through spiritual, scientific, and cultural perspectives. On Wednesday, October 29th at 9:15 A.M. the Divine Mercy Cenacle will be showing this just-released movie in the Parish Center rooms 5 & 6. This is a great, timely opportunity for us to learn more about the Holy Souls in Purgatory with All Souls Day just days away. All are welcome. Please contact Nancy Clee at 610-530-0174 with any questions. UPCOMING COLLECTIONS… Saturday/Sunday Oct 25/Oct 26 One Collection Sunday Offering Saturday/Sunday Nov 1/Nov 2 One Collection Sunday Offering All Saints and All Souls envelopes Spirit 2014 —“Challenging Men To Grow In Faith” The Annual Diocesan Men’s Conference will be held at DeSales University on Saturday November 15, 2014 from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM. The day will include keynote addresses from national and local speakers, exhibits, and a vigil Mass with Bishop Barres. Registration fee is $30 with continental breakfast and lunch included. Traducciòn simultánea en Español de oradores está disponible. For more information and to register online, please visit or call 610-289-8900. ST. JOE'S YOUTH CHOIR will begin practicing for Christmas Eve Mass On Sunday, Oct 26th, from 6-7:30 in the church. As always, all children are welcome. We will be singing at the 6 PM Mass on Christmas Eve in the parish center. This is a beautiful way for the children to offer their special gift to the Christ Child. If you have any questions, call Fran at 610-7993231 or email at I hope to see many old and new faces as we begin to prepare our welcome for the newborn King. ADORATION HOURS Monday through Friday - 9 AM to 9 PM First Friday of each month - 9 AM (10 AM during the school year) until 8 AM Saturday. Adorers are needed for the following hours: Tuesdays - 9 AM & 5 PM Wednesdays - 1 PM & 7 PM Thursdays - 6 PM Fridays –1 PM, 5 PM & 6 PM. We also welcome additional adorers at other hours. For information or to sign up, call Ed & Mary Johnstone at 610-434-2594 or email us at or see the parish website CATHOLICS WHO FEEL SEPARATED FROM THE CHURCH Whatever the reason, However long it's been.. WE MISS YOU !! COME HOME !! List of winners of Haiti Bike Ride baskets #1--Faith based -Sankowskis #2--Tea & China -- Sandy Zeroka #3--Clover Hill Wine--Blaise Di Micelli #4--CHRISTmas Carol Tickets--Gloria Pacelli #5 --His/Her Pamper yourself--Eva Billig #6 --Haiti tablecloth, etc.--Mary Ann Johnson #7 --Pamper Yourself Deluxe --Sandy Stewart #8 --Pottery--Lorraine McTish #9 --Movie Night--Lisa Jeffery #10-Italian/Mama Mia-Rosemary Posocco #11-Sundry--The Wexler Family #12-Tole Painted Chair-Mary Rutkowski MARRIED COUPLES If you are a couple who wants more out of your good marriage, why not invest one weekend working at it! Attend a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER to learn communication skills and spend quality time together. The next weekend will be Oct 10-12. For informa- tion call 610 395-8254 or 1-609-581-7399 or go on-line at St. Joseph the Worker Parish invites Parishioners to remember a deceased loved one by placing a picture or small remembrance of deceased relatives on designated tables at the back of the Church. Items may be placed on the tables beginning November 1 and must be removed Saturday, November 29. Throughout the month of November the Church will remember our faithful departed. Pictures should be no larger than 8 ½” x 11” and may include the name of the relative and a brief message. Please bring a stand or support for the picture to hold it upright. Names of the deceased may be written onto a book which will be left at the Mohegan Sun Casino bus trip on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Cost is $25. Receive $5 food voucher and $25 slot play. Bus leaves St. Joseph the Worker at 9:45AM and back about 5PM. Call Sue Mueller (610) 392-2957 for reservations. Checks payable to St. Joseph’s Women’s Guild. Mail check to Sue Mueller, 5211 Wagon Wheel Dr., Schnecksville, PA 18078. CONGRATULATIONS!!! St Joseph the Worker Knights of Columbus Council 10921 has received the distinction of Star Council, the international organization’s top award. Fewer than 10% of all councils worldwide earn this prestigious award. The Star Council award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership, promotion of the fraternal insurance program, and sponsorship of service-oriented activities. The award was presented by District Deputy Jerry Judge to Past Grand Knight Charlie Fenstermaker on behalf of the council members during the annual Council Night on October 14th. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic lay organization. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Church, their communities, families and young people. With more than 1.8 million members around the world, the Knights annually donate more than $154 million and 70 million hours of service to charitable causes. Over the last ten years, Council 10921 members and their families have donated countless hours of volunteer service and over $167,000 to charitable causes and vocations support. CRAFTFEST NEWS COUNTDOWN TO CRAFTFEST – NOVEMBER 8 & 9! Please return raffle ticket stubs in the collection basket or to the rectory. We’re still accepting certificates & merchandise for the Chinese Auction. Contact Eleanor Heffner (610) 395-4688 or take to the rectory. Join our Craftfest preparation at the November meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 4 beginning at 6 p.m. We’ll be skirting display tables, assembling Christmas trees, bagging bean soup and wrapping gifts for the Santa Shop. If you prefer working in the kitchen, bring your apron and favorite paring knife to help cut up turkey for barbeque and apples for pies. Setup continues on Thursday, Nov. 6 starting at 6 p.m., plus all day Friday Nov. 7 at 9 a.m. (lunch provided). Food preparation is scheduled for Wed., Thurs. & Friday (Nov. 5,6,7) beginning at 9 a.m. Call Lee Ann Csencsits (610) 297-0956 with questions. Helpers are especially appreciated on Sunday, Nov. 9 at 1 PM when we pack everything up! (Teens needing service hours are invited to help both Thursday evening & Sunday afternoon.) Come when you can, leave when you must! Donations of labeled baked goods are definitely needed to present a tempting array for the Bake Sale and Dessert Table. Please bring to parish center Friday 11/7 or early Saturday morning. If you can quantity bake, we can assist with ingredients! Questions? Contact Barb Dietrick (610) 530-0153. Start your holiday shopping at CRAFTFEST … the beautiful crafts plus our special gift baskets will please everyone on your gift list. Don’t miss the “Unique Boutique” featuring original jewelry by Mary Jane Kloss, De- nise Tempest & Doris Burger, plus Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tastefully Simple and Aerosole Shoes. New this year: Patti Umlauf’s delightful clay ornaments (can be personalized!) , A big “Thank You” goes to John Lawson and his volunteers for making pierogies and noodles for haluski to be served at Craftfest. Mmm, Mmm, good! Please support this event and tell your friends & neighbors too … our profits benefit the whole parish!
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