Palm Oil Trade Awareness Program (POTAP) 27 October 2014 Malaysian Palm Oil in The Global Oils & Fats Development BY Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Yusof Basiron Chief Executive Officer Malaysian Palm Oil Council PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 • ABOUT MPOC • THE MALAYSIAN PALM OIL INDUSTRY • MALAYSIAN PALM OIL IN THE GLOBAL OILS AND FATS SCENARIO • CHALLENGES TO THE PALM OIL INDUSTRY • CONCLUSION PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MALAYSIAN PALM OIL COUNCIL Promo%ng the market expansion of Malaysian palm oil and its products by enhancing their image, crea%ng be;er acceptance through awareness of various techno-‐economic advantages and environmental sustainability. PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 OBJECTIVES • To enhance trade opportuni%es in the market place by addressing the latest opportuni%es in the market • To encourage product diversifica%on using Malaysian palm oil as the key ingredient, thus gaining a prominent role in new and reformulated products • To improve understanding of palm oil, enhancing its applica%on and elucida%ng its numerous strengths and benefits • To uphold the good name of Malaysian palm oil by closing the gap between the issues of percep%on, allega%ons and reali%es of palm oil • To safeguard Malaysian palm oil as the most dominant in terms of market coverage, nutri%onal benefits, environmental sustainability and commercial success PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) PALMKUALA OIL TRADE FAIROCTOBER & SEMINAR 2014 LUMPUR, 2014 SHANGHAI CHINA MPOC ACTIVITIES MARKETING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROMOTIONS & BRANDING SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT PROMOTIONS COMMUNICATIONS ISSUES MANAGEMENT Customers Consumers of Palm Oil Anti Palm Oil Campaigners PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MPOC Activities MARKETING & MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROMOTIONS & BRANDING SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENT Seminars and Conferences Palm Oil Industry Leadership Award (PILA) Dinner Dialogues with traders/government officials Consumer Education Programmes Trade Exhibitions Publication/Advertising activities Market missions PRIME/PRIME-INVEST CARES PR activities – Familiarization programs Lobbying Activities Market Studies PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MPOC Serves Multiple Stakeholders within the industry Govt Schemes FELDA Palm kernel crushers Small holders Plantation companies Refiners Upstream Producers Downstream Producers Oleochem producers Palm-based products manufacturers Specialty fats producers Retail Institutional Exporters/ Importers Customers Investors MPOA Ministry of Agriculture EMPA ISP MOSTE MPOC Industry Organisations MEOMA Government Ministries & Agencies POMA MOMG Other Players PORAM NASH NGOs Unions DOE MAPA PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MPOB Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities DISTRIBUTION OF THE MALAYSIAN OIL PALM BUSINESS & OWNERSHIP IN 2013 Source : MPOB Total Area : 5.23 million Hectares PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MALAYSIAN OIL PALM BUSINESS & OWNERSHIP IN 2013 Peninsular Malaysia Sabah Sarawak Malaysia Sector No Capacity In Operation (MT) No Capacity In Operation (MT) No Capacity In Operation (MT) No Capacity In Operation (MT) 247 56,866,200 124 32,281,200 63 14,943,000 434 104,090,400 PK Crushers 27 4,168,800 13 2,129,200 5 757,200 45 7,055,200 Refineries 35 14,647,200 14 7,734,300 6 2,930,000 55 25,311,500 Oleochemicals 17 2,598,971 17 2,598,97 FFB Mills Source : MPOB PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MALAYSIAN PALM OIL PRODUCTION VS EXPORT (MILLION MT) 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 -‐ 2007 Source : MPOB 2008 2009 2010 Produc%on 2011 Export PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 2012 2013 PALM OIL IN THE GLOBAL OILS & FATS MARKET • Palm oil is the most produced vegetable oil in the world • In 2004 palm oil pushed soybean oil into second place as the most produced oils & fats in the world • Palm is generally the most affordable vegetable oil and the lowest cost oil to produce and to refine. • By reason of its availability and (relatively) low cost, it is an important component of the increasing intake of oils and fats in the developing world PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 GLOBAL OILS AND FATS PRODUCTION 1990 – 2013 ( 000 MT) 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1990 Palm Oil Source : Oil World 1995 Soybean Oil 2000 Rapeseed Oil 2005 2010 Sunflower Oil PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 2013 Other Oils GLOBAL OILS AND FATS EXPORT 1990 – 2013 ( 000 MT) 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1990 Palm Oil Source : Oil World 1995 Soybean Oil 2000 Rapeseed Oil 2005 2010 Sunflower Oil PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 2013 Other Oils PALM OIL – MAIN SOURCE OF GLOBAL OILS & FATS SUPPLY Ø The world's current demand for oils and fats is being met by 17 major sources. Production of oils and fats totalled 189.9 million MT in 2013 of which palm oil and soybean production were 56 million tonnes and 43 million MT respectively, thus together accounting for more than 50% of the total Ø Production of palm oil has grown faster than that of any other oil or fat and overtook soybean as the most produced oil in 2005 PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH IN WORLD VEGETABLE OIL PRODUCTION (1990 – 2013) 60.00 (Million MT) 50.00 40.00 Average Annual Growth (1990 – 2013) Palm Oil (7.03%) Rapeseed Oil (5.2) Soybean Oil (4.6%) Sunflower Oil (4.4%) Coconut Oil (-‐0.01%) Palm Kernel Oil (6.3%) 30.00 20.00 10.00 Coconut Oil Source: Oil World PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 2013 Palmkernel Oil 2012 Rapeseed Oil 2011 Sunflower Oil 2010 Soybean Oil 2009 Palm Oil 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 Source : Oil World 1991 1990 0.00 CHALLENGES TO PALM OIL INDUSTRY Attacks on palm oil by Environmental NGOs PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 CHALLENGES TO PALM OIL INDUSTRY NGO POLIVIES INFRINGE SOVEREIGN RIGHT OF A COUNTRY Ø It fails to consider the scien%fic impact on the development of underdeveloped countries with plen%ful access to land banks Ø Imposi%on of no deforesta%on policy means denying them of their sovereign right to develop land for agriculture purpose as without agriculture such a state or country will be condemned to stay in perpetual poverty Ø No interna%onal or UN framework that supports a No Deforesta%on policy Ø There is no permanent grassland or low carbon stock land as forest will be re-‐established over %me PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 CHALLENGES TO PALM OIL INDUSTRY Government Policies Not Favouring Palm Oil q Certain countries have protectionist measures imposed to protect their oilseeds against competition from imported palm oil q Lobbies by local associations to impose higher duty q Active lobbying by NGOs to curtail palm oil use q Proposed labeling laws against palm oil q Continuous ban on refined palm oil or other palm products PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 CHALLENGES TO PALM OIL INDUSTRY TRADE PROTECTIONISM With all its posi3ve a5ributes, the oil palm industry is subjected to cer3fica3ons, while other oilseed producers are not required to, or have yet to adopt cer3fica3ons. Efforts to implement the requirement for cer3fica3on must be mandated for all vegetable producing countries, to ensure a level playing field. PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 Corporate Social Responsibilities Malaysian Palm Oil Wildlife Conserva3on Fund Launched in 2006 • USD 6.25 mil (RM 20 mil): 50% from the Malaysian palm oil industry & 50% from the Government • MPOWCF welcomes donaLons & grants • MPOC will match third party funding on a 1:1 basis • PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 PROGRAMMES A joint effor t between SWD and MPOC to establish the Borneo Elephant W ildlife Sanctuar y (BEWS). This is aimed to protect and conserve the Pygmy Elephant. BEWS will ultimately become a r e s e a r c h a n d reference centre for the Pygmy Elephant. Active participation and investments from oil palm sector is anticipated to realize this objective for the long term! PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 PROGRAMMES Satellite-tracking, Population Dynamics, Ecology And Conservation Of The Bornean Banteng In Sabah MPOC s Collaboration with the Danau Girang Field Centre of Cardiff University, UK to conser ve unique and rare wildlife PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 Way Forward New focus for Europe & USA market Branding strategy * COA & COB/ brand adop3on by suppliers/ forest biobanks Reach & Teach strategy * Allows for teaching consumers on a product-‐ educa3onal / print media/ documentaries – long on copy lobby work Reach & Touch strategy * Adver3sing /PR/ GR PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 MALAYSIAPALM SCHEME This scheme provides opportunity to those admitted into scheme to assure their clients that : q Their palm oil is obtained from oil palms cultivated on legal agricultural land q Using responsible agricultural and management practices evolved over many decades q The oil palm is as responsibly cultivated similar to other oil seed crops eg rapeseed and soyabean PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 CONCLUSION Ø Palm oil will continue to be a major source of oils & fats that is required to meet global food security demands Ø Oil palm cultivation is shown to require less land to produce each unit equivalent of edible oil Ø W hen arable land is limited, it makes sense to choose palm cultivation over other oilseeds given the higher yields from oil palm Ø Higher yield projections increasing stepwise from 4MT/ha to almost 12MT/ha will make palm the oilseed crop of choice in many countries aspiring for greater food (oils) security PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 Conclusion Ø Palm oil is a major revenue earner for Malaysia and it can be the same for the developing countries Ø Pa l m O i l w i l l a s s i s t t h e d eve l o p i n g countries to promote poverty eradication and improve income for small holders and uplift the economy of developing nations Ø Palm oil production respects and adopts the 3Ps principles of sustainability – People, Planet and Profit. PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014 THANK YOU Visit Our Website : http Or my blog: PALM OIL TRADE AWARENESS PROGRAM (POTAP) KUALA LUMPUR, OCTOBER 2014
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