CHORAL FESTIVAL TICKETS FROM MVHS CHOIR TICKETS: All events held in MVHS Spartan Theatre will include “General” tickets, as well as “Infant/Child”. We cannot allow young children to attend without tickets, as it risks violating our maximum occupancy limits. A $2 ticket is required for all children age 2 and under, so that we may keep accurate admission records. Some events will include “Youth” tickets for ages 3-17. PURCHASING BY ORDER FORM: Submit completed order forms and payment by specified deadlines. Payments should be made in full, cash or checks to MVHS. You will receive an email confirmation, which can be brought to the door to be scanned, or you can choose to have your tickets held for you at Will Call. We will not process unpaid orders or reserve tickets by email, and all sales are final. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges. Very late ticket order forms will be directed to online sales or door sales. PURCHASING ONLINE AT ANYTIME: Click the web link from the MVHS choir website, event emails, or scan the QR code provided. Online tickets require a 20% processing fee per ticket, but refunds and exchanges are often available if completed before sales close. You’ll have the option to print your tickets at home, have them held at Will Call, or sent to your mobile device. The charge will show up as “VENDINI” on your credit card statement. BOX OFFICE AND WILL CALL: The box office opens for Will Call pick-up and doors sales one hour before show time. Tickets are sold by cash or checks to MVHS only. We will not refund unused tickets, but we accept them back as donations. Sold-out events will form a stand-by line, but admission is not guaranteed. ADMISSION AND SEATING: Doors open approximately 20 minutes before show time. All tickets will be scanned upon admission, including tickets printed at home and those on mobile devices. Seating is open seating, and food is not permitted. Guests who arrive with infants will be asked to visit the box office if they do not have a ticket for their child. QUESTIONS: Email or call (650) 940-4649. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Music School Choral Festival” Tues Nov 18th at 7:00 pm MVHS Spartan Theater PERFORMING: A Cappella, Madrigals, Adventures, Connections, Kaleidoscope, Singing Children, Entertainers STUDENT _______________ EMAIL FOR TICKET CONFIRMATION ________________________ CHECK ONE: □Prepare my tickets for pick-up at WILL CALL under the name ___________________ □I will bring my EMAIL CONFIRMATION to the door as my ticket (the box office can reprint your ticket if you should forget it) TICKET QTY PRICE General X $10 Youth (ages 3-17) X $5 Infant/Child (ages 0-2) X $2 TOTAL Payment attached – circle CASH or CHECK TO MVHS $ th Attach payment and submit to the Music School office by Saturday November 8 .
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