Oct. 18, 1932. 1,883,169 F. H. VOGEL VENDING MACHINE STRUCTURE Filed April 6,v 1951 Z// INVEN TOR. 1.2M Frank - 'lVocyei . Patented Oct. 18, 1932 .srA'ra-s 1,883,169: PATENT LO'FZFTI CEE : FRANK H. VOGEL, OF'COEUMBUSfOHIO, ASSIGNOR T0‘ THE'COLUMBUSY'VENDINGCOMPANY, OF COLUMBUS, "OHIO, A CORPORATION OF OHIO ‘VE'N DIN G MACHINE "STRUCTURE ‘Application "?led April .6, 1931. ‘Serial No. 528,050. .‘My invention relates to vendingmachine with adjustable nuts which may cooperate structure. .It has to .do particularly vwith with these lugs for retention ofathe bolts in the provision of a 'means for securing the operative position. globe or other articletcontainer upon-a yend ‘The preferred embodiment of my inven 5' 111g machine. tion is shown in the accompanying drawing In.the?past,\various devices-havebeen used _ wherein similar characters of reference desig forsecuring globes or article containers upon nate corresponding parts and ‘wherein: vending machines :but'the securing means .Figure 1 is a perspective ‘view of the upper utilized .has ‘usually ‘.been of :such ‘structure portion of a vending machine made in accord m‘. that it has beenidi?icultitoseparate the globe ance with my invention, the cap of thevend or. containerfromithe :vendingmachine, as is ing machine being broken away. frequently .v-n'ecessary?-for washing or other Figure 2 is a detail, partially in section, purposes. :Furthermore, the ' usual securing illustrating the connection between my re means has'been of such a nature as torender 12‘? the‘ interior of the. globe or container com parativelyineccessible. .One .o’fthe objects of .myinvention is to provide azmeansfor seeuringtthe globe or con tainer. in positionasa- part of a vending ma taining ring and one of the bolts whichIpref erably utilize. _ Figure 3 is a topplan view of my retaining ring removed. ' Figure 4 is a vertical sectional view of the upper ,portionof a‘vending machine, illus~ chine with aminimumof di?iculty. .In' other trating a globe, my retaining ring mounted Words, itisdesirable .to {provide-a securing thereon and showing my bolts‘ disconnected means of such nature. thatrit-may beirendered from the said retaining ring. operative withease and facility. Figure 5 is a sectional View taken through .Anotherobjectofmy invention is to pro the'cap-of a vending machine made in ac ‘ videa securing :means of suchanaturethat cordance withmy invention. am 65 7 it may ibe readily disconnected. Further~ In the drawing,>my invention is shown as more,.this securing-meansshould be of such comprising a vending machine wherein the form as topermit ‘this connection without upper plate '1 of the vending mechanism is completelydisassembly of-the parts. provided with spaced perforated lugsQ and .Another object ofmy invention‘isrto pro 3. These upstanding perforated lugs 12 and vidensecuringmeans which may be more 3 are adapted ‘for the reception of the hook 70 75 80 cheaplyconstructed. At the sametime, vthis shaped ends 4 and 5 of the bolts 6 and 7. securii ~means-shou'ldlbe of tougher mate These bolts 6 and 7 are normally disposed, rialan .more resistance-'to suchbreakage as during operation, in upstanding parallel re rriightIberesorted to for the purpose oftam~ lation, although they may be in aslanting peringwithzor robbingthe machine. position. They are threaded at their upper ends as shown at 8 in Figure '2. Threaded tion contemplatesthe.provision of aplurality upon these bolts are nuts 10 and 11 which are offpivotally:mountedv bolts withnuts'thereon provided ‘upon their lower ends with convex “The preferred embodiment of myinven designed'for cooperationwith a. retainingring formations, as illustrated in Figure 2. which 'is superimposed‘ :upon the globe or These nuts are preferably made compara other containing element. d’referably, these tivelylarge in order to secure more leverage bolts aregpivotallymounted upon the-top of and are also deeply knurled so that‘ a- wrench the vending mechanism and at spacedpoints isnot needed in tightening or looseningithem. ._ thereon. They extend upwardly and are the drawing, these nuts are shown to be preferably .disposedfin parallel relation when In cylindrical in shape, but they may be of in operative position. They are designed so hexagonal or any other desired shape. that they .m'ay'beswung into or‘out of open Designed for cooperation with these up ended slots in llugs which form an .integral standing bolts 6 and .7 is a retaining ring 14 90 95 as part of .‘the retaining. ring, vbeing equipped which is designed .to‘be mounted upon the 100 1,883,169 2 top of a globe 15, being cushioned thereon by sembling of this device is much more simple means of an elastic washer 16. The ring 111 than previous devices of this character be Cr is preferably provided on the interior there cause of the ease with which the bolts 6 and of with a downwardly turned flange 17. It 7 may be swung into the open-ended slots is also provided with oppositely disposed 20 and 21. This eliminates the dii?culty of lugs 18 and 19 extending‘ radially in from passing the ends of the bolts through the the interior wall thereof. 70 openings, formed in the retaining ring by ' The lugs 18 and 19 are preferably formed raising and then lowering the retaining ring with open-ended slots 20.and 21 so that the into position on the container. bolts G‘and 7 may be readily swung ‘from @111 ‘disassembling the parts, it is merely per surfaces of the lugs 18 and 19 have a con and>7 out of the open-ended slots'20' and 21, for example, ‘to the‘ position shown in Fig such a position as that shown in Figure 4 into necessary to remove the padlock and then these slots 20 and 21. When these bolts have lift the cap to obtain access to the nuts 10 been moved into these slots 20 and 21, they and 11. These nuts 10 and 11 may be ad may be held in this position by downward justed- vertically upward to a sufficient ex ad1ustment of the nuts 10 and 11. The up tent to permit the swinging of the bolts 6 11) cave formation as at 22 and 23 and the'ad justment of the nuts 10 and 11 downwardly ure 4. It will be, apparent that the nuts 10 onto these lugs causes the convex bottoms of and 11‘ need not be entirely removed from. 85 ‘the nuts to seat in the concave formations the bolts to effect this disconnection; When 22 and 23 and prevent accidental swinging of the bolts have been removed from- the open ended slots 20 and 21, the retaining-ring may the bolts out of the slots in these lugs. The retaining ring 14 is further provided be removed and the‘ globe or container‘may‘ upon its exterior witha projecting lug 24 then bev removed, if desired. Furthermore, and, diametrically opposite thereto, it is pro when the bolts have been removed from the vided with a projecting lug 25. The lug 24 slots, they maybe swung'to one side (F ig 90 has an aperture 26 therein of eccentric form ure 4:) making the inside of the container and the lug 25 has a‘ closed slot 27 formed more easily’ accessible for cleaning or other. therein. ’ , My structure is also provided'with a cap 28 having a ?nger 29 extending radially out ward from one side thereof. This ?nger 29 is also provided further with an L-shaped extension 30 which is adapted to be hooked ‘ into the aperture 26 of the lug 24:. Directly opposite the ?nger 29 is a lug 31 and the cap 28 is cutaway as at 32 and 33. This lug 31 purposes. _ , It will be'seen that I have provided a sim 95. ple apparatus for connecting the globe or container in position upon" the vending ma chine‘ with a minimum of di?iculty. Fur thermore, the bolts may be detached from the 100 retaining ring without separating the nuts therefrom, thus avoiding the frequent occur rence‘ of the dropping of such nuts into the extends downwardly into and through the container. It will also be apparent that, once opening 27 in the lug 25. It is aperturedv as these nuts have been adjusted downwardly to the'proper extent,‘the retaining ‘ring will be at 34 for the reception of a padlock 35. 105 In assembling the structure, it will vbe un held ‘?rmly in position‘ while, at the same derstood that, with the bolts 6 and 7 con time, the interior of the globe will be readily nected‘to the lugs 2 and 3, the globe or other accessible. It ‘will also be apparent that, container is placed in position upon the plate owing to theofact that the‘ retaining ring is '- 1. Then, the retaining ring 111 with its cush-_ stamped from‘sheet metal and is provided 110 ioning ring 16 is superimposed upon the with a closed slot 27, there will be less likeli globe. The bolts 6 and 7 are then swung into hood of tampering with the machine by the the open-ended slots 20 and 21, this being breaking off‘ of the end of’the‘lug Y25 and the permitted by- the fact that the nuts 10 and lifting of the cap. . This is one difficulty that 115 11 are sufficiently high upon these bolts to has arisen in the past from the use of lugs of prevent interference. As soon as these bolts cast material with open-ended‘slots therein are within the’slots 20 and 21, the nuts 10 which may be more readily fractured. and 11 are screwed downwardly untilthey ‘It will _be a‘ppar‘e'ntthat I have produced an seat in the concavities 22 and 23 of the‘ lugs extremely simple structure ‘which is, never 3 18 and 19. In this position, the bolts 6 and theless, readily assembled or disconnected and 120 7 are spaced apart, as shown in Figure 1, which,'at the same time, e?’iciently performs ’ and the interior of the globe or container is the service for which it is intended. ‘ comparatively accessible. When these parts have been thus assembled, the cap 28 may 60 Having thusdescribed my invention, what 1. Vending machinestructure comprising l'claimis:I ' > " ' ' be placed in position by hooking the ?nger 29—30 into the opening 26 of the lug‘ 24 and a base portion embodying the usual dispensé by passing the lugs 31 downwardly through ing mechanism, ‘a vreceptacle ‘adapted to con the slot 27 of the lug 25. A padlock may be tain the articles to'be dispensed mounted upon "165 125 applied to hold‘ these parts in this assembled said base portion, a retaining ring provided 130 position. It will be apparent that the as with open-ended slots mounted upon the top 1,883,169 3 of said receptacle, a plurality of bolt mem downwardly into engagement with the por 10 bers disposed within the space de?ned by said receptacle and mounted upon the top of said base portion movable into said open ended slots to hold said retaining ring in se cured position and movable out of said open ended slots to release said retaining ring from secured position, and means for holding said bolt members in place within the slots. 2. Vending machine structure comprising a base portion embodying the usual dispensing mechanism, a receptacle adapted to contain tions of said retaining ring surrounding said open-ended slots when said bolt members are in cooperative relation with said slots and adjustable upwardly and out of contact with 70 said retaining ring when it is desired to move said bolt members out of cooperative rela tion with said slots. In testimony whereof I hereby a?ix my signature. FRANK H. VOGEL. the articles to be dispensed mounted upon said 15 20 base portion, a retaining ring provided with lugs having open-ended slots therein mount ed upon the top of said receptacle, a plurality of bolt members disposed within the space de?ned by said receptacle and mounted upon the top of said base portion movable into said open-ended slots to hold said retaining ring in secured position and movable out of said 80 85 open-ended slot-s to release said retaining ring 25 from secured position, and means for hold ing said bolt members in place within the slots. 3. Vending machine structure comprising 90 a base portion embodying the usual dispens ing mechanism, a receptacle adapted to con— tain the articles to be dispensed mounted upon 30 said base portion, a retaining ring provided with open-ended slots mounted upon the top of said receptacle, a plurality of bolt mem bers disposed within the space de?ned by said receptacle and pivotally mounted upon the top of said base portion movable into said open-ended slots to hold said retaining ring 100 in secured position and movable out of said open-ended slots to release said retaining ring 40 from secured position, and nuts threaded onto the ends of said bolt members adjustable downwardly into engagement with the por 105 tions of said retaining ring surrounding said 45 open-ended slots when said bolt members are in cooperative relation with said slots and adjustable upwardly and out of contact with said retaining ring when it is desired to move 110 said bolt members out of cooperative relation with said slots. 50 4. Vending machine structure comprising a base portion embodying the usual dispens— ing mechanism, a receptacle adapted to con 115 tain the articles to be dispensed mounted upon said base portion, a retaining ring mounted upon the top of said receptacle, > lugs having open-ended slots therein extend ing inwardly from the interior periphery of said retaining ring, a plurality of bolt mem 60 bers disposed within the space de?ned by said receptacle and pivotally mounted upon the top of said base portion movable into said open-ended slots to hold said retaining ring in secured position and movable out of said open-ended slots to release said retaining ring from secured position, and nuts threaded onto ' the ends of said bolt members adjustable 125
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