White Oak Baptist Church November 2014 Newsletter White Oak Baptist Church٠13943 Buffalo Road ٠Archer Lodge, NC 27527 919-553-7560 ٠ www.whiteoakchurch.us ٠ office@whiteoakchurch.us Counting Blessings Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, ev’ry doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by. With two young children, my days are full of counting— especially when I am helping Kyle with Kindergarten homework (Kindergarteners have homework now?!) or when Natalie is playing with her Sesame Street game on the computer. At the end of each day, we ask Kyle how he can give God thanks. He is always thankful for his family and friends and “cozy bed” and church…sometimes he is even thankful for his school! Pastoral Contacts/Schedule Reverend Todd Higginson Monday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Tuesday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Wednesday ~ 12:00pm to 3:00pm Thursday ~ 9:00am to12:00pm Friday and Saturday ~ Off/On Call Contact for appointments: pastor@whiteoakchurch.us 919-553-7560 (Office) Youth Pastor Brittany Jackson 828-963-0120 youthpastor@whiteoakchurch.us Deacon Council Tom Eannarino Sharon Freeman Jonathan Walker Ann Wall Dennis Durham Mark Jackson Larry Kristoff Mike Mulhollem Mike Sauls Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings see what God hath done… Blessings to you, Pastor Todd 359-6309 624-7963 749-5154 533-7187 963-9986 550-1004 901-5920 553-7307 210-6720 Bereavement Contacts Mary Lou Barnes Thanksgiving, of course, is more than a national holiday, but a way of living. So many people in our church and community have struggled this year. Regardless of how much suffering and pain one faces, blessings are around if we begin thinking about them. Like the hymn suggests, counting blessings and naming them reveals what God has done and is actively doing. A grateful heart is a wonderful gift we can give to God, our loved ones, and ourselves. What are you doing to count the blessings in your life? Community Thanksgiving Service at Lee’s Crossroads Missionary Baptist Church 553-7414 Caregivers Contacts Mike & Connie Mulhollem 553-7307 Dan & Ann Wall 553-7187 Lee’s Crossroads will be hosting our Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 23 at 6:30. After a 30 minute service led by representatives from Clayton Community Church, Clyde’s Chapel Baptist Church, Lee’s Crossroads Church, The Dwelling Place, and our congregation, we will have a dessert social. Bring your family, a dessert to share, and some canned food donations to support Clayton Area Ministries. Just a few important dates for the youth. 11/2/2014 and 11/16/14 @ 6:00pm is the Youth Sunday Study. 11/19/2014 is the Youth Operation Christmas Child Packing Party. New Member Information Tami Kelley and Steven Few 101 Holder Circle Clayton, NC 27527 (919)665-8476 Email: tami.kelley@hotmail.com Anniversary: 9/3/2004 Birthdates: Tami 6/18/1974 Steven 3/6/81 Zoei Kelley 12/04/98 Shiloh Few 9/23/10 Remy Few 11/27/11 The First Thanksgiving lasted for three days and they ate the following foods: Lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish, squashes, beans, chestnuts, hickory nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits, maple syrup and honey, radishes, cabbage, carrots, eggs, and goat. Mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, popcorn, milk, corn on the cob, and cranberries were not foods present on the first Thanksgiving's feast table. Probably had no turkey! 52 Pilgrims attended the first Thanksgiving in 1621 including John Alden, William Bradford, Priscilla Mullins, and Miles Standish and about 90 Wampanoag Indians. Today Americans eat roughly 535 million pounds of turkey on Thanksgiving and the average weight of a turkey purchased at Thanksgiving is 15 pounds. It became an official Federal holiday in 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26 . Jenny Adams/ Church Administrative Assistant HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE This is a challenging time for us and we covet your prayers. Please ask God to guide us and mold us into the men and women He needs us to be to give Him the most glory and to spread His love and grace to our community and world. From the Deacons: . We made plans at our October meeting for an outreach meal to be served on Oct. 26 following worship service. Please invite friends, family, and even strangers to attend worship and join us for a lunch of fried chicken, potatoes, green beans, and dessert following the service! Our benevolence fund has grown somewhat since our love offering collection after communion last month. Two requests had been met since our last meeting. Thanks for your generosity to the benevolence fund that enables us to minister to families in financial stress. Golden Ager Trip to Southern Our October meeting was a difficult one for us. Chris Aman had asked to speak to us and he shared some concerns that have been troubling him about the direction he perceives our church to be going as it follows the leadership of the deacons. Following his address, Jane Jackson and Joel Pace felt compelled to resign from the deacon body. Quite honestly, the rest of the body was in shock and somewhat at a loss as to how to begin anew. Our first duty as your deacons is to have general oversight of the spiritual health of the church (per the constitution). We want desperately to succeed and be the leaders you elected us to be. We spent more time than normal in prayer and are prayerfully considering how to move forward. We had a lengthy discussion, sharing our own feelings and convictions on several points raised by Chris. While we did not fully resolve things, we made progress. Our constitution states that the deacons may fill vacancies in the body by holding elections as we do annually in August. There is no requirement, however, for filling vacancies. We are also praying about the necessity and timing for this process. We agreed that our deacon family ministry should not suffer and that needs of the families served by Joel and Jane will be met as best as possible by the remaining members of the body. Supreme in Bear Creek The Golden Agers will take a trip to the fruitcake factory on Tuesday, November 18th. Our tour begins at 9:00, so we will need to depart at 7:45. After the tour, tasting, and shopping, we will enjoy lunch (dutch treat) at Bestfood Cafeteria in Siler City. A sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board soon. Smithfield Rescue Mission Invitation We have been invited to an “Evening of Celebration” with the Smithfield Rescue Mission that will take place from 6:00-8:00 on November 10th at Hocutt Baptist Church in Clayton. The meal is free, but we have to make reservations. Please let Pastor Todd know if you are interested in representing our congregation by November 5th. Operation Christmas Child - Karen Holland Women on Mission by Karen Holland, & Jane Peacock The Women on Mission met this month and enjoyed a time of fellowship and mission planning. Our year is getting started with the CBF Offering for Global Missions and preparation for our annual visit to House of Hope in December. This month, we will meet on November 10 at 7p.m. in the Martha Classroom. We look forward to all ladies joining us for a time of mission study, mission planning, and fellowship. **************************************** Women on a Mission and the ASP Mission leaders will be sponsoring a church yard sale to support the church mission fund. We plan on hosting two sales a year with the first one being held this spring. The date is TBD but will be announced soon. Even though a date isn't officially set we would like to start collecting items to sell. We are looking for clothes, shoes, baby & kids items, household items, books, furniture, home décor, etc. Please make sure that items are in saleable condition, make sure items aren't broken or missing pieces and check clothes for stains. If you have items that you would like to donate please contact Tabatha Moriarity at moriarity.tc@gmail.com or 919-901-2279 or Rebecca Tanner at tanner1687@gmail.com or 919366-6318 to arrange pick-up or drop-off of items. You can also contact Tabatha or Rebecca if you or your group wishes to help with the yard sale. More details will follow after we set a date and the sale gets closer. Operation Christmas Child efforts are in full swing! You will notice various missions groups have given you an idea of items to pack as well as an idea of how meaningful this ministry is to the children it serves. Remember our goal this year is 185 boxes and they are due November 23. Please bring your boxes and put them on the side pews behind the piano. If you need a pamphlet, you can find them on the tables beside the piano and organ. On Sunday, November 23, we will have a dedication of the boxes and deliver the boxes to the drop-off location. Please help out with this ministry. It helps so many children and can really help our children see the need and ways to help others. Please note that this year’s deadline does not allow for boxes to come in the next week. The deadline listed is the dedication and final drop off Sunday! CBF Offering for Global Missions From Uganda to Miami and dozens of places in between, you will find God working and changing lives through CBF ministries. Are you ready to engage your passion and be part of God's mission? With the CBF Offering, you join God's mission by investing in life-changing ministries of more than 130 CBF field personnel who share Christ with the world's most neglected people. The CBF Offering for Global Missions funds CBF field personnel, both in sending them to and keeping them on the mission field to share Christ. They need your help. In November and December we will be promoting this offering during the morning worship service. We will begin by welcoming Amy Gallaher on November 23 as our speaker. Can White Oak help CBF change lives throughout the world? We sure can! The envelope for this offering can be found in your box of envelopes or in the pew rack. Help us meet our goal of $1,750.00 this year! Stay Connected! White Oak offers an email mailing list open to all members and visitors. This list allows for quick communication of church information and prayer requests. If you would like to join or update your current information, please send an email to: webmaster@whiteoakchurch.us Caregivers Ministry Team by Mike & Connie Mulhollem and Dan & Ann Wall The Caregivers Ministry Team welcomed Chris and Janean Sparks as new members at our October meeting. Sixty-one hot meals were delivered to our shut-ins with twenty-one members/guests in attendance at our lunch meeting. Mike and Connie Mulhollem coordinated the meal which consisted of Parker's barbecue, slaw, boiled potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll and a homemade dessert. Pastor Todd Higginson led our devotion by sharing a parable entitled "The Tree of All Hearts" which spoke of homelessness and despair only to find the creator's special tree. We can live here. All who love God can live with him. "For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body..." 1 Corinthians 12:12-13. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Archer Lodge Fire Department provided goody bags filled with treats for our gifts to our shut -ins and residents in care facilities. We appreciate their help in bringing "sunshine" into the lives of our special people. We meet the second Tuesday of each month with our next meeting on November 11th at the Archer Lodge Community Center at 11:00 am. We invite you to come join us. Thank you so very much for your help with Homecoming Sunday on Oct 4th. By joining us, inviting guests, cooking, and participating in the memorial and other activities, you all made it a memorable and meaningful event! Thank you to the Youth and their parents that helped with set up, the Horizon and Seekers SS classes for helping on Sunday and many other folks that we leaned on to honor this wonderful tradition. We are already looking forward to next year! Thanks again! The Homecoming Committee Those Scheduled To Serve For November 2014 Nursery Schedule November 2 Don & Carroll Pate Merrick & Pam Loveland Carmella Williams November 9 Mike & Connie Mulhollem Jimmy & Rose Toole Brooke Casper, Debby Wall November 16 John & Tabatha Moriarity Joel & Christy Pace Jane Jackson November 23 Bonnie & Jenny Howard Matt & Andrea Koczanski Heather Moseley November 30 Josh & Blair Barnes Jody & Jennifer West Sandy Glover, Angela Dunn Children’s Sermon Leaders November 2 Youth- OCC Promotion November 9 Sharon Kristoff November 16 RA’s OCC Promotion November 23 Shoebox Dedication November 30 Jan Smith Your commitment and willingness is a gift to our children, the parents and White Oak Baptist Church as we work together to make a difference . Thank you for your service. Birthdays & Anniversaries Happy Birthday “From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” Psalm 71:6 11-1 Brooke Mulhollem 11-12 Savannah Driver 11-20 Robert Yarborough 11-2 Dara Edwards 11-14 Cory Douglas 11-20 Sandy Pate 11-2 Jane Jackson 11-14 Shirley Weaver 11-20 Carl Murphrey 11-4 Lynda Drye 11-14 Ed Green 11-23 Chelsea Taylor 11-7 Jaedyn Turay 11-16 Faylene Talton 11-25 Alex Nolley 11-7 Thorne Hauser 11-16 Jeffrey Williams 11-26 Janice Kennedy 11-8 Becky Murray 11-18 Barbara English 11-27 Scott Kilmer 11-9 Mattox Aman 11-18 Christina Barrow 11-27 Remy Few 11-10 Jerry Pace 11-18 Janean Sparks 11-29 Ella Koczanski 11-11 Carroll Pate 11-19 Ally Jackson 11-30 Donna Parrish 11-12 Sherman Batten 11-20 Tony Taylor 11-30 Jamie Champion Happy Anniversary “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:9 11-4 Glenn & Jean Moore 11-22 Dennis & Melanie Durham 11-8 George & Janice Smith 11-25 Ray & Sue Boyette 11-16 Sherman & Cindy Batten 11-30 Dan & Alice Hirt NOVEMBER 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday 1 8:00am Adopt a Highway@ church Sunday 2 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 3 2:00pm WND Reservations Due Tuesday 4 10:00am Worship Planning 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Church Council Meets 8:00pm Finance Committee Meets Wednesday 5 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday 8 7:30am Handbell Festival 5-7pm ASP Parent Night Out! Sunday 9 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 10 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 6:00-8:00pm Evening Celebration w/ Smithfield Rescue Mission @Hocutt Baptist Church 7:00pm WOM Meet Tuesday 11 10:00am Worship Planning 11:00am Caregivers 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday 12 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday 15 Sunday 16 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 17 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 2:00om “Acorn” Articles Due Tuesday 18 7:45am Golden Agers to Fruitcake Factory. Leaving church @ 7:45am 10:00am Worship Planning 10:00am JBA Pastor’s Conference 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Church Council Meets 8:00pm Finance Committee Meets Wednesday 19 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday 20 6:30pm Bazaar Set-up Friday 21 6;30-8:30pm Annual Bazaar @ALCC Saturday 22 Sunday 23 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Community Thanksgiving Service @ Lee’s Crossroad No children or youth choir practice Monday 24 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 7:00pm ALCC Meeting Tuesday 25 10:00am Worship Planning 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday 26 No Evening Events Thursday 27 Friday 28 Church office closed Saturday 29 Sunday 30 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service No children or youth choir practice WHITE OAK BAPTIST CHURCH 13943 Buffalo Road Clayton, NC 27527
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