Hall County Schools announces that The Da Vinci Academy (DVA)

Hall County Schools announces that The Da Vinci Academy (DVA) at South Hall Middle School
and the Earhart-Edison Academy (E2) at North Hall Middle School have opened the application
process for rising 6th graders who wish to apply to attend for the fall of 2015.
Applications and information are now available at www.hallco.org.
The Da Vinci Academy is open to all Hall County students and will accept approximately 80 rising sixth graders
to join the DVA family in August 2015. These students should be high achieving, highly motivated to learn and
have a particular interest in art, science and/or technology.
The Earhart-Edison Academy is open to all Hall County students and will accept approximately 80 highachieving sixth graders who are enthusiastic about learning. Students who want to explore how the STEM
areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) connect to teamwork, communication and problemsolving are candidates for the collaborative and creative learning environment of E2.
DVA Parent Information Meetings
Attend one of three DVA parent information
meetings to learn more and get an application.
Held at the Da Vinci Academy
3215 Poplar Springs Rd., Gainesville 30507
More info: http://dva.hallco.org/web/
You must pre-register for one of the meetings by
calling or e-mailing Mrs. Cris Price at DVA
(cris.price@hallco.org or 770-533-4004).
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6-7 pm
Thursday, Oct. 30, 5-6 pm
Martes, 4 de noviembre, 6-7 pm (en español)
Monday, Nov. 10, 6-7 pm
E2 Parent Information Meetings
Thurs, Oct. 23, 2014: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Thurs, Nov. 6, 2014: 5:00 – 6:00 PM
LOCATION: North Hall Middle School
Media Center
4856 Rilla Road / Gainesville, GA / 30506
Earhart-Edison Academy Applications and
more information will be available at the Parent
Information Meetings and are available online at:
http://www.hallco.org/nhms and at
For questions, contact: Kathy Mellette at:
Or Michele Hood at