TheNautilus FA L L 2 0 1 4 Beach Club Living Holiday Celebration and Open House Holiday Open House Thursday, December 4, 2014 The Lodge at Pebble Beach 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Join us to celebrate the magic of the holidays … Enjoy an evening with family and friends, filled with holiday carolers, seasonal bites and the holiday magic of The Lodge. Teddy Bear Tea December 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 19, 20 and 21, 2014 The Lodge at Pebble Beach 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. $75 adult / $55 children 3 and up, each child will receive a teddy bear For further information, please contact The Beach Club office at (831) 625-8500. Winter Hours Winter hours will begin on Sunday, November 2, 2014 - Daylight savings time ends Fitness and Pool hours 5:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Tennis hours 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. B EAC H C LU B E VEN TS OCTOBER 9 Book Club 16-19 Nike Tennis Camp 22 Music Night We don’t want you to miss out on any events so please be sure to give us your e-mail address so that we can keep you informed NOVEMBER 2 2 6-9 13 14 15 22 27 Members’ Fashion Show Daylight Savings Time Ends Pebble Beach Tennis Camp Book Club Commodore’s Ball Bubbles & Bags Big Turkey Tennis Playoff Thanksgiving Day Buffet DECEMBER 3 6 11 12 25 31 San Francisco Saks Fifth Avenue Shopping Trip Tennis Holiday Mixer and Gift Exchange Book Club Family Holiday Party Christmas Day Grand Buffet New Year’s Eve Celebration JANUARY 1 New Year’s Day Brunch Buffet 12-24 Dining Room Closed for Refresh 25 Dining Room reopens for Lunch SUNSET TIMES Oct: 6:36 p.m. - 6:01 p.m. Nov: 6:00 p.m. - 4:44 p.m. Dec: 4:44 p.m. - 4:54 p.m. change, we ns begin to o as e s e Holidays. As th ard to the rw o f g in k lub and are loo njoy The C e to u o y the We want the joy of in e ar h s to nds. take time ily and frie am f h it w season at nounce th cited to an ager, an M We are ex bhouse lu C w e n we have a n joins us ood. Justi tw as E n ti Jus ornia. thern Calif n page 5. from Sou tin’s bio o s u J ad re Please Our new membership directory includes updated Club By-Laws and Rules. Please familiarize yoursel f with some of the changes which include increasing the number of complimentary guest passes from 5 to 10! The Beach Club Dining Room will be closed for general maintenance and cleaning January 12 - 24, 2015 Music Night with Pianist Suzanne Macahilig Lehrer Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Reception 6:00 p.m. Light Buffet 6:30 p.m. ($30 inclusive for adults) Performance and Commentary: 7:00 p.m. – No Host Bar Suzanne will be performing the music of Bach, Mozart, Schumann and Chopin. Join us for an amazing night of music. Fashion Show Sunday, November 2, 2014 Reception 12:00 p.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. $40 inclusive for adults We are excited to announce that we are featuring the fashion of Debra C who has boutiques in Carmel and Beverly Hills. San Francisco Saks Fifth Avenue Shopping Trip ill be here The Directory, w e will be emailing October 15th. W version. If you out an electronic act rsion please cont prefer a paper ve (831) 625-8588. Debbie Monti at Ge ne ra l Ma na ge r Cl ub Th e Be ac h & Te nn is Wednesday, December 3, 2014 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. $50 inclusive for adults. Includes continental breakfast, snacks and beverages. Bus departs promptly at 7:30 a.m. from the Tennis Pavilion. This is an exclusive Saks Fifth Avenue shopping trip and reservation are required. Upon arrival you will be greeted by Saks Fifth Avenue staff and escorted to the VIP Room for a champagne reception. You will be on your own for lunch and shopping. Please contact Debbie Monti at (831)625-8588 to make your reservations. Club Brochure and Membership Directory We are pleased to announce that we recently completed our new Club Brochure. If you know of anyone interested in joining The Club please stop by the office to pick one up. The Club is also excited to announce that the new Membership Directory is completed. The directory will be sent out in electronic format. If you prefer to receive a paper version please contact Debbie Monti at (831) 625-8588. 2 Thanksgiving Day Buffet Thursday, November 27, 2014 Seating times are at 11:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. seatings The 2:30 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. are already fully committed. $55 inclusive for adults, $30 inclusive for kids 6 to 12 years and 5 years and under is free. Family Holiday Party Friday, December 12, 2014. Event starts at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate the holiday season with a DJ for dancing, cookie decorating and a visit from Santa Claus. We will have a photographer available to take photos with Santa. $45 inclusive for adults, $20 inclusive for kids 6 to 12 years, and 5 years and under is free. Christmas Day Buffet Thursday, December 25, 2014 Seating times are at 11:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. $65 inclusive for adults, $30 inclusive for kids 6 to 12 years and 5 years and under is free. New Year’s Eve Come celebrate as we say goodbye to 2014 and welcome in 2015. Join us on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 for dancing to a live band and a fantastic plated dinner prepared by Chef Elias. Event begins at 7:30 p.m. with a cost of $195 inclusive for adult members and $220 inclusive for adult guests. Black Tie attire preferred! New Year’s Day Brunch Buffet Thursday, January 1, 2015 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. $20.15 ++ adult members, $30.15 ++ guests $15.15 ++ kids 6 to 12 years and 5 years and under is free Seating at the brunch sells out early Lopez Chef Elias b Tennis Clu & h c a e B e Th l e 1st annua presents th inner. Burgundy D and Elias Lopez ef h C ve ti u host an Exec b team will lu C h c ea B the wine and g of food, in en ev g in selected amaz ine team has w r u O e. c r the servi ial wines fo ec p s ry ve e som ring: event featu 2002 Pol Roger-Blanc de Blanc 2011 Jacques Prieur, Meursaul-Santennot 2009 Remoissenet, Gevrey Chambertin Les Cazetiers 1er Cru 2011 M. Chapoutier, Banyuls d with a will be paire es in w e es h T er. Seating course dinn 4 s u lo u b fa limited to ue event is q ni u is th to 34 guests. 14 ber 6th, 20 Date: Novem m Time: 6:00p t ++ per gues 0 Price: $25 please t, ke c ti e your as h rc u p o T Musson at email Anne om. ebblebeach.c p @ na o s s u m Entertain your guests at The Club for the Holiday Season Host memorable holiday luncheons for your family, friends, staff and co-workers in The Beach Club Dining Room. Entertain as many as 40 guests in The Club Room. To arrange an event please contact Anne Musson at (831) 625-8587 3 TM Fall is in the air! We have some great new seasonal treatments including our new Pumpkin Latte Pedicure (50 minutes $85) or Pumpkin Spice Body Treatment (75 minutes $240). The Pumpkin Latte Pedicure begins with a creamy Butter Brulee whole milk soak to relax tired legs and feet, followed by an invigorating caffeine-infused whipped caramel body polish to take away the rough edges; finish the treatment with a Sweet Cream Body Milk Lotion. For silky soft skin, the Pumpkin Spice Body treatment adds a Pumpkin Mud Mask in addition to the caramel body polish and Sweet Cream Body Milk lotion. For head to toe relaxation, add the Pumpkin Harvest Facial (50 minutes $165) which uses highly effective pumpkin enzymes to bring out your inner beauty. Don’t forget to stop by the Juice Bar & Cafe located on the courtyard adjacent to Casa Palmero & the pool. The Juice Bar & Cafe is open from 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily. The menu includes smoothies, fresh juices, salads, soup, coffee, and beer, wine and Champagne. The Juice Bar & Cafe is open to the public, and Beach Club discounts apply. Therapy is good for almost everything! By Damon Anderson, Physical Therapist, The Beach & Tennis Club The Physical Therapy office is located upstairs in the strength room. We offer Light Therapy along with other physical therapy services. The benefits of light therapy are; • Speeds up healing • Reduces pain and inflammation • Beneficial clinical healing effects on wounds, soft tissue injuries (muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries) and nerve tissue. Depending on your particular injury or condition Light Therapy may be the best tool chosen to help you heal and improve-whether it is Achilles tendonitis, lower back pain, neck pain, a rotator cuff tear, or other injury. Typical treatment frequency is 2-3 times per week for most conditions for a total of 10 treatments. Call (831) 375-1562 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to make an appointment for physical therapy evaluation and treatment with Damon Anderson, PT, OCS, ATC, Cert MDT. 4 New Clubhouse Manager: Justin Eastwood It is with great pleasure that we welcome Justin Eastwood as the Clubhouse Manager at The Beach & Tennis Club. Justin joins us from Oak Hills in Southern California. Justin began his career in the fitness industry in 2005 at 24 Hour Fitness where he held the positons of Master Trainer and Certified Personal Trainer. In 2008, Justin became the co-owner and General Manager of Anytime Fitness in Oak Hills. Justin has a Masters of Arts in Gerontology from U.S.C. and has training as a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist and a Golf Fitness Specialist. Justin and his wife, Angie, are excited about the opportunity to make Monterey Peninsula their home. Justin brings a wealth of fitness knowledge and experience to his position. He has great energy and passion for fitness and we are excited to welcome him to The Beach & Tennis Club team. Club Championship Tournament Join us for this annual tournament on Thursday, November 6, 2014 which is held on Pebble Beach Golf Links. The cost is $495 per person and includes awards dinner following the tournament If you have not signed up please contact Debbie Monti at (831) 625-8588. Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational Presented by EMC2 Tournament rounds will be held at Pebble Beach Golf Links, Spyglass Hill Golf Course, and Del Monte Golf Course simultaneously on Thursday through Saturday, November 20–22, 2014, and at Pebble Beach Golf Links for the fnal round on Sunday, November 23, 2014. 11th Annual East-West Cup Stillwater Cove Golfing Society from Pebble Beach vs. Pinehurst November 9–13, 2014 For the 11th year of this great event, the team from Pebble Beach returns to Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, NC, to attempt to retain the East-West Cup. While Pinehurst has won five of the ten events, Pebble Beach is looking to keep the pendulum swinging in our direction after winning the past two outings. Join us this fall and be part of an event that combines fun, competition and camaraderie! To sign up for this event contact Debbie Monti at (831) 625-8588 or email at Space is limited to only 24 golfers. Players that have participated in prior years on the team will be given first priority to sign up for this event. We look forward to welcoming you as a part of this year’s “Team Pebble Beach”. 5 Ports of Call Dinner Please note the pier is closed for the season and will reopen in May 2015 Pier Closing Beach BBQ Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Join us for the final BBQ of the season. The event is complimentary for SYC members and two guests. There is a $10 fee for any additional guests Commodore’s Ball Friday, November 14, 2014 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. The elegant Commodore’s Ball will be held at The Beach Club Dining Room. Dress is formal, and guests are welcome. There will be dancing to a live band, hosted wine, beer and soft drinks, and a no-host full bar. Cost is $75 per person inclusive for adults, payable in advance through The Beach Club office. Please contact Anne Musson at (831) 625-8587 to make your reservation. If you have a preference of your seating companions, please specify when making your reservation. 6 Pebble Beach Adult Tennis Camp Don Bering Cup 2014 Thursday, November 6 to Sunday, November 9, 2014 Looking for an opportunity to improve your tennis game? The easiest way to improve your tennis is to enroll in a Pebble Beach Tennis Camp offered at The Beach & Tennis Club. This camp features 16 hours of on-court instruction, including doubles & singles workshops, and stroke & strategy sessions. The camp also includes a Thursday Welcome Reception, Friday lunch and a special Saturday night dinner. Cost for the entire camp including food & beverage is $580. To register for the camp please call Kie Foreman at (831) 625-8578. Big Turkey Playoff Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. This year’s Big Turkey Playoff kicks off the holiday season with social mixed-doubles play. Participants are eligible to win our much sought after turkeys. After the matches, enjoy festive light snacks as you reminisce over points played during the afternoon matches. This is a complimentary event for our Beach Club Members and spaces will be limited to the first 32 players that sign-up. No need to sign-up with a partner; we do the work for you and will match you up with new partners each round! Contact the Tennis Reservation desk at (831) 625-8509 for Registration forms. Tennis Holiday Mixer and Gift Exchange Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Ladies’, Men’s and Mixed doubles is on the books and scheduled for this year’s Holiday Tennis Social & Gift Exchange. Following the tennis enjoy light snacks and beverages in the member’s lounge at the Tennis Pavilion. Each player is asked to bring a wrapped gift valued at $20.00 for the gift exchange. The gift exchange will be a substitute for the entry fee to the mixer. Reservations can be made at the tennis reservation desk or by calling (831) 625-8509. No need to sign up with a partner as we will do the work for you and will match you up with new partners each round! 7 Return Service Requested P.O. Box 1128 • Pebble Beach, CA 93953 ©2014 Pebble Beach Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Resorts®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Golf Links® , The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Casa Palmero®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, Del Monte™ Golf Course, The Beach & Tennis Club™, Stillwater Cove™, The Lone Cypress™, The Heritage Logo and Nautilus™ Logo Designs are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. Contact Info 1576 Cypress Drive • P.O. Box 1128 • Pebble Beach, CA 93953 Beach Club Management Jason Tracy, General Manager (831) 625-8585 Beach Club Executive Office: (831) 625-8500 Debbie Monti, Membership Manager (831) 625-8588 Beach Club Fitness: (831) 625-8536 Stephanie Sorensen, Food & Beverage Manager (831) 622-8776 Dining Room: (831) 625-8507 Elias Lopez, Executive Chef (831) 625-8583 Kie Foreman, Director of Tennis (831) 625-8578 Tennis: (831) 625-8509 Gate Clearence: (831) 624-0123 Fax: (831) 625-8504 Justin Eastwood, Clubhouse Manager (831) 625-8510 Anne Musson, Food & Beverage Coordinator Dining Room Reservations & Private Parties (831) 625-8587 We don’t want you to miss out on any events, so please be sure to give us your e-mail address so that we can keep you informed. Member Discounts Resort Savings RETAIL PB MARKET Food/Retail PB MARKET Alcohol SPA SERVICES RESTAURANTS 10 % 10 % 15 % 20 % 20 % Beach Club Membership Card REQUIRED to receive discount. Purchase must be charged to Beach Club membership account. Members must present their membership card to receive their discount. Restaurants offer expires 3/31/15.
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