PUBLIC NOTICES 6 • Thursday, October 23, 2014 • Clarksville Star • BUTLERCOUNTY,IOWA-PRECINCTMAP Notice of General Election NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION PublicNoticeisherebygiventothequalified voters of the County of Butler, State of Iowa, thataGeneralElectionwillbeheldinthevoting precinctsofsaidcountyonTuesday,November 4,2014.Asampleballotandalistingoftownshipcandidatesareincludedwiththisnotice. PollingSiteswillbeopenfrom7:00a.m.until 9:00p.m.asfollows: Precinct Name and Polling Locations 1-GRCommunityCenter,202W.SouthSt., Greene 2-CL Amvet Building, 102 E. Greene St., Clarksville 3-DU American Legion Hall, 508 Main St., Dumont 4-ALCourthouse,LowerLevel,4286thSt., Allison 5-AP Community Center, 927 Parriott St., Aplington 6-SRBoydBuilding,303S.CherrySt.,Shell Rock 7-PB Veterans Memorial Building, 102 Colfax St., Parkersburg 8-NHCommunityCenter,303BroadwaySt., NewHartford Any voter who requires assistance to vote byreasonofblindness,disability,orinabilityto read or write may be given assistance at the polls by a person of the voter’s choice, other thanthevoter’semployeroragentofthatemployer,orofficeroragentofthevoter’sunion. Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. Election Day Registrants will be required to provideproofofIdentity,proofofresidencyand sign an oath attesting that such information is true.ThebestformofPhotoIdentityisavalid/ unexpired Iowa driver license or non-driver ID card, out-of-state driver license or non-driver IDcard,U.S.passport,U.S.militaryID,IDcard from an employer or student ID issued by an Iowahighschoolorcollege.Ifproofofidentity doesnotcontaintheElectionDayRegistrant’s current address, then a residential lease, utility bill, cell phone bill, paycheck, property tax statement, bank statement or government checkmustbeprovided.Thesevotersmayalso establishidentityandresidenceintheprecinct bywrittenoathofapersonwhoisregisteredto vote in the precinct. TheButlerCountyAuditor’sOfficeisrequestingthateligiblevotersstillmakeeveryattempt toregisterbymailorinpersonattheAuditor’s Office prior to the close of pre-registration at 5:00p.m.onSaturday,October25,2014.This will allow time for the voter to receive a voter registration card, indicating the location of the voter’s correct precinct. Any Butler County Registered Voter may request an absentee ballot. All requests for a ballot must either be on an official form or on papernosmallerthan3”x5”.Allrequestsmust includethevoter’sname,birthdate,residential address, mailing address, signature, and the dateornameoftheelection.Requestsforballotstobemailedtothevotermustbereceived in theAuditor’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday,October31,2014.OfficialAbsenteeRequestFormsandVoterRegistrationFormsare available on our website at www.butlercoiowa. org. RegularButlerCountyAuditor’sOfficehours: 7:30a.m.-4:30p.m.,MondaythroughFriday Additionalhours:Openuntil5:00p.m., Friday, October 31st, and Monday November 3rd Saturday hours: Open 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. thetwoSaturdaysimmediatelypriortoElection Day(Oct.25th&Nov.1st) Lizbeth Williams Butler County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections 4286thSt.,POBox325,Allison,IA50602 CANDIDATES FOR BUTLER COUNTY TOWNSHIP OFFICES GENERAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 4, 2014 For Township Trustee For Township Clerk Township Vote for Two Vote for One RichardC.Allan Albion Bryon Aswegen JoeW.Wallbaum Steve Koop Beaver Julia Stancliffe JerryVenenga Bennezette MartinL.Bramer DennisCassmann MathiasPeterJensen Butler Nonefiled Paul Leerhoff ClarenceBrinkman Coldwater FredMeyne WillF.Debner TroyFeldman Dayton DonaldFeldman Keith L. Johnson EldonHauser Fremont Ron D. Leerhoff DavidPeters Jackson MervinEdeker DaveMcWhirter C.DaleBoelman Jefferson MaryBrouwer ToddReiher WilliamW.Nolte Madison Eileen Krusey CurtisSchurman KeithOldenburger Monroe MicheleOldenburger RandyWilliamson DaleJ.Lindaman Pittsford DennisMennen WendaleMiller JamesA.Miller Ripley DavidBecker JamesOltmann Billy Rover Shell Rock Ryan Neuhaus HankWillson Dennis Geiken Washington CarolynDeVries SidneyL.Penning WestPoint MikeCodner DorothyCodner ToFillVacancy:NoneFiled CANDIDATES FOR BUTLER COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 2 Includes 1-GR, 3-DU, 4-AL, Precincts TomHeidenwirth,Republican CANDIDATES FOR BUTLER COUNTY SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 3 Includes 5-AP, 7-PB and 8-NH Precincts RustyEddy,Republican MarkReihera KEY to Boundaries Township Supervisor District House & Senate Iowa House Districts 54 & 50 Iowa Senate Districts 54 50 27 & 25 27 25 Polling Location CS 43-1 PUBLIC NOTICES 6 • Thursday, October 23, 2014 • Butler County Tribune-Journal • BUTLERCOUNTY,IOWA-PRECINCTMAP Notice of General Election NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION PublicNoticeisherebygiventothequalified voters of the County of Butler, State of Iowa, thataGeneralElectionwillbeheldinthevoting precinctsofsaidcountyonTuesday,November 4,2014.Asampleballotandalistingoftownshipcandidatesareincludedwiththisnotice. PollingSiteswillbeopenfrom7:00a.m.until 9:00p.m.asfollows: Precinct Name and Polling Locations 1-GRCommunityCenter,202W.SouthSt., Greene 2-CL Amvet Building, 102 E. Greene St., Clarksville 3-DU American Legion Hall, 508 Main St., Dumont 4-ALCourthouse,LowerLevel,4286thSt., Allison 5-AP Community Center, 927 Parriott St., Aplington 6-SRBoydBuilding,303S.CherrySt.,Shell Rock 7-PB Veterans Memorial Building, 102 Colfax St., Parkersburg 8-NHCommunityCenter,303BroadwaySt., NewHartford Any voter who requires assistance to vote byreasonofblindness,disability,orinabilityto read or write may be given assistance at the polls by a person of the voter’s choice, other thanthevoter’semployeroragentofthatemployer,orofficeroragentofthevoter’sunion. Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. Election Day Registrants will be required to provideproofofIdentity,proofofresidencyand sign an oath attesting that such information is true.ThebestformofPhotoIdentityisavalid/ unexpired Iowa driver license or non-driver ID card, out-of-state driver license or non-driver IDcard,U.S.passport,U.S.militaryID,IDcard from an employer or student ID issued by an Iowahighschoolorcollege.Ifproofofidentity doesnotcontaintheElectionDayRegistrant’s current address, then a residential lease, utility bill, cell phone bill, paycheck, property tax statement, bank statement or government checkmustbeprovided.Thesevotersmayalso establishidentityandresidenceintheprecinct bywrittenoathofapersonwhoisregisteredto vote in the precinct. TheButlerCountyAuditor’sOfficeisrequestingthateligiblevotersstillmakeeveryattempt toregisterbymailorinpersonattheAuditor’s Office prior to the close of pre-registration at 5:00p.m.onSaturday,October25,2014.This will allow time for the voter to receive a voter registration card, indicating the location of the voter’s correct precinct. Any Butler County Registered Voter may request an absentee ballot. All requests for a ballot must either be on an official form or on papernosmallerthan3”x5”.Allrequestsmust includethevoter’sname,birthdate,residential address, mailing address, signature, and the dateornameoftheelection.Requestsforballotstobemailedtothevotermustbereceived in theAuditor’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday,October31,2014.OfficialAbsenteeRequestFormsandVoterRegistrationFormsare available on our website at www.butlercoiowa. org. RegularButlerCountyAuditor’sOfficehours: 7:30a.m.-4:30p.m.,MondaythroughFriday Additionalhours:Openuntil5:00p.m., Friday, October 31st, and Monday November 3rd Saturday hours: Open 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. thetwoSaturdaysimmediatelypriortoElection Day(Oct.25th&Nov.1st) Lizbeth Williams Butler County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections 4286thSt.,POBox325,Allison,IA50602 Township Officials up for 2014 General Election: RCVD/NO CLERK TRUSTEE Bryon Aswegen RichardC.Allan JoeW.Wallbaum BEAVER Julia Stancliffe JerryVenenga Steve Koop BENNEZETTE DennisCassmann MartinL.Bramer MarkD.Johnson BUTLER WillBacker MatthiasPeterJensen Paul Leerhoff COLDWATER FredMeyne ClarenceE.Brinkman WillF.Debner DAYTON DonaldFeldman TroyFeldman Keith L. Johnson FREMONT Ron D. Leerhoff EldonHauser DavidPeters (New) no JeromeBienemann-no JACKSON DaveMcWhirter MervinEdeker no Calvin Rottink-no JEFFERSON MaryBrouwer C.DaleBoelman ToddReiher MADISON Eileen Krusey CurtisSchurman WilliamW.Nolte MONROE MicheleOldenburger KeithOldenburger RandyWilliamson PITTSFORD DennisMennen WendaleMiller DaleJ.Lindaman RIPLEY DavidBecker JamesA.Miller JamesOltmann SHELLROCK Ryan Neuhaus Billy Rover HankWillson WASHINGTON CarolynDeVries SidneyL.Penning Dennis Geiken WESTPOINT DorothyCodner MikeCodner Derek Buss-no Thewriteinwillnowbeforthevacant NotethatDaveEberlinefiledforafullposition(checked DavidEberline thenovacbox) TOWNSHIP ALBION FULL/VAC F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F KEY to Boundaries Township Supervisor District House & Senate Iowa House Districts 54 & 50 Iowa Senate Districts 54 50 27 & 25 27 25 Polling Location TJ 43-1 • Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal • COURTHOUSE Thursday, October 23, 2014 • 7 Proceedings: Butler County MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUTLER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD ON OCTOBER 7, 2014. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rex Ackerman with members Tom Heidenwirth and Mark V. Reiher present. Also present were Engineer John Riherd and Fern Myers, Allison, Iowa. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Board met with Engineer John Riherd to consider Resolution to revise 2015 Five Year Road Program. Moved by Reiher, second by Heidenwirth to approve said Resolution as follows: RESOLUTION #814 RESOLUTION TO REVISE BUTLER COUNTY 2015 FIVE YEAR ROAD PROGRAM Unforeseen circumstances have arisen since adoption of the approved Secondary Road Construction Program, and previous revisions, requiring changes to the sequence, funding and timing of the proposed work plan, TheBoardofSupervisorsofButlerCounty,Iowa,inaccordancewithIowaCodesection309.22,initiatesandrecommendsmodificationofthefollowing project(s) in the accomplishment year (State Fiscal Year (FY)2014), for approval by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), per Iowa Code 309.23 and Iowa DOT Instructional Memorandum 2.050. The following approved Priority Year projects shall be ADVANCED to the Program’s Accomplishment year: Project Number Local ID TPMS # BROS-C012(87)--8J-12 B23N10 TPMS ID: 8782 L-O12W--73-12 O12W TPMS ID: 14716 BROS-C012(88)--5F-12 H13W10 TPMS ID: 18299 BROS-C012(89)--5F-12 G3W10 TPMS ID: 19534 BRS-C012(90)--60-12 G14N10 TPMS ID: 26761 Public Notice Public Notice BUTLER COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN 4th PLANNING SESSION The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently awarded Butler County a Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant. Funds will be used to update the multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the plan is two-fold. The plan is a federal requisite to remain eligible for other mitigation grant programs offered by FEMA. FEMA mandates the plan be updated every five (5) years. Second, the plan is designed to create hazard mitigation strategies which can reduce negative impacts caused by natural and man-made hazards within the county. The fourth meeting to update the plan will review previous meetings, identify and priori-tize future mitigation actions, update mitigation goals and community profiles. This meeting will be at 6:30 PM on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at the Greene Community Center, 202 W South St, Greene, IA 50636. If you have any questions, or would like to view an agenda, please feel free to contact Jacob Tjaden at INRCOG, (319) 235-0311. ST&TJ-43-1 Proejct Location Description of work AADT Length NBIS # Type Work Fund basis Prior FY Accomplishment Year ($1000’s of dollars) New Net amount change 2017 $400 $400 2016 $40 $40 Bridges STP-HBP 2016 $300 $300 Bridges STP-HBP 2016 $200 $200 2017 $200 $200 $1140 $1140 Bridges 0 MI STP-HBP 089440 70 Box Culverts LOCAL 130th St.: From Quail Ave. to Ridge Ave. Ridge Ave.: From 290th St. to 300th St. Box Culvert 70 0 MI 88330 370 YALE AVE: From C33 to 180th St T-47: 165th St S 0.1 MI 088490 870 Box Culverts 0 MI STP-HBP 88530 On C33, from Quarry Ave East 1500 Feet to Bridge Totals The following approved Priority Year projects shall be ADDED to the Program’s Accomplishment year: Project Number Local ID TPMS # Proejct Location Description of work AADT Length NBIS # L-L5W10--73-12 L5W10 TPMS ID: 25539 Type Work Fund basis Bridges 088000 Accomplishment Year ($1000’s of dollars) New amount $50 LOCAL Totals The following PRE-EXISTING Accomplishment Year projects shall be MODIFIED as follows: Project Number Local ID TPMS # L-Culv15--73-12 Culverts 2015 TPMS ID: 19107 L-A24E10--73-12 Bremer 01-13 TPMS ID: 21246 L-SH(T16)--73-12 T16 Shouldering TPMS ID: 23601 BROS-C012(B29W10)--8J-12 B29W10 TPMS ID: 20215 Fund ID Proejct Location Description of work AADT Length NBIS # Totals 420 Shoulders 11.42 MI LOCAL 35 0 MI 89530 Bridges STP-HBP Accomplishment Year ($1000’s of dollars) Previous amount New amount $790 $790 $85 $225 $0 $0 $610 $1,210 $1,485 $2,225 Accomplishment Year ($1000’s of dollars) Previous New Net amount amount change $75 $40 $-35 $20 $45 $25 Changed funding amount $500 $410 $-90 Moved to FY16 $350 $0 $-350 $945 $495 $-450 LOCAL Replace Culverts ButlerAve: From Hwy 188 to 130th St Construct 8’ Earth Shoulders CAMP COMFORT RD: NW Corner Sec 29 S 0.1 MI Modification(s) applied Box Culverts Changed funding amount Changed Project Number / Type of Work Box Culverts Changed funding amount Various: Multiple Sites T16: From Hwy 57 to Hwy 3 Type Work Fund basis $50 Net change Local Funds $0 Farm to Market Funds $140 Special Funds $0 Federal Aid Funds $600 Total construction cost (All funds) $740 Local 020 Construction cost totals $1,070 $1,110 $40 (Local Funds + BROS-8J FA funds) Passed and approved this 7th day of October, 2014. The vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Tom Heidenwirth, Mark V. Reiher, Rex Ackerman; NAYS: None. ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Board considered various DOT funding agreements: 1) Agreement No. 2-14-HBRRS-031 – Bridge replacement on Yale Ave north of C33. 2) Agreement No. 2-14-HBRRS-032 - Bridge replacement on T47 south of 165th Street. 3) Agreement No. 2-14-HBRRS-033 - Bridge replacement on C33 east of Quarry Ave. Moved by Reiher, second by Heidenwirth to authorize chair to sign said funding agreements. Motion carried. Board continued discussion regarding Courthouse security. Also present were Sheriff Jason Johnson, Recorder Janice Jacobs, Assessor Deb McWhirter, Treasurer Vicki Schoneman and Emergency Management Coordinator Mitch Nordmeyer. No action taken. BoardreviewedQuarterlyReportsofAuditor,RecorderandVeteransAffairsandorderedplacedonfile. Board approved claims as submitted. Board acknowledged receipt of Manure Management Plan Annual Updates for Klingenborg Site; M & M Construction; Brinkman Hog Farms; Retexe, LLC; N024 and Steve Schmidt. Chairman Ackerman adjourned the meeting at 10:50 A.M. to Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. The above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes and proceedings of a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Butler County, Iowa on October 7, 2014. TJ/ST 43-1 • Butler County Tribune-Journal • SPORTS/PUBLIC NOTICES Thursday, May 29, 2014 • 13 Proceedings Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on November 3, 2014 at 5:15 P.M., that the City Council of the City of Allison, Iowa, will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of obtaining citizen comment concerning the following: 1. To receive comment on the community development and housing needs of low and moderate-income persons. 2. Proposed activities of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Grant Application and the cost estimate of the project. The proposed activity is financial assistance for a sanitary sewer improvement project. Citizens are encouraged to attend to provide their comments. Written comments should be addressed to INRCOG, ATTN: Brian Schoon, 229 East Park Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50703 or to Glenda Miller, City of Allison, P. O. Box 647, Allison, IA 50602-0647. TJ 43-1 Probate TJ 43-1 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUTLER COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHYLLIS NOELTING, Deceased Probate No. ESPR016373 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of PHYLLIS NOELTING, Deceased, who died on or about October 6, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe14thday of October, 2014, the last will and testament of PHYLLIS NOELTING, deceased, bearing date of the 12th day of June, 2013, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Donice Raisch was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publica-tion of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the de-cedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all per-sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfile them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, forallowance,andunlesssofiledbythelaterto occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 14th day of October, 2014. Donice Raisch Executor of estate 601 Orchard Hills Dr., #6001 Norwalk, IA 50211 John E. Coonley, ICIS PIN No: 00007542 Attorney for executor Coonley & Coonley 121 First Ave. N.W., P.O. Box 397 Hampton, IA 50441 Date of second publication 30th day of October, 2014 TJ-43-2 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE OF REAL ESTATE CONTRACT TO: Daniel Lee Callahan and Den-ise Callahan Youandeachofyouareherebynotified: (1) The written contract dated June 27, 2013, and executed by Mitchell Cashatt and Jennifer Cashett as vendors, and Dan-iel Lee Callahan and Denise Callahan as vendees, recorded the 6thdayofAugust,2013,intheofficeoftheButler County Re-corder, recorded as document reference number 2013-3410, for the sale of the fol-lowing described real estate: Lot 4 in Block 20 of the OriginalTown (now City) of Greene, Butler County, Iowa. has not been complied with in the follow-ing particulars: $800.00 (a)Payofdeposit (b) Payment of July, August, September and October, installments $1,600.00 Total$2,400.00 (2) The contract shall stand forfeit-ed unless the parties in default, within 30 days after the completed service of this no-tice, shall perform the terms and conditions in default, and in addition pay the reasona-ble costs of serving this notice. (3) The amount of attorney fees claimed by the Vendors pursuant to Section 656.7 of the CodeofIowais$50.00(nottoexceed$50.00). Payment of the attorney fees is not required to comply with this no-tice in order to prevent forfeiture. Mitchell Cashatt Vendor Jennifer Cashatt Vendor (orSuccessorsinInterest) ByErikaL.Allen,Attorney ICISPINNo:AT0000408 630GAvenue,GrundyCenter,IA50638 TJ-42-3 Ord. 250 ORDINANCE 250 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 11.16.005 OF THE ALLISON MUNICIPAL CODE BE IT ENACTED by the City Council of the City of Allison, Iowa: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to amend Section 11.16.005 of the Allison Municipal Code. Section 2. Rates Established. Section 11.16.005 of the Allison Municipal Code is hereby amended by deleting the present section and inserting in lieu the following: 11.16.005 Established. There are established rates and charges, and there is created a Debt Service Charge in the amount of $22.50 per month for the use of and for the service supplied by the municipal water utility based upon the meter readings of the amount of water consumed as follows: USE RATE $14.10 Minimum Bill Debt Service Charge $22.50 1,496-3,740 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons 3,740-7480 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons 7,480-29,920 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons 29,920-74,800 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons All over 74,800 gallons $6.00 per 1,000 gallons The minimum bill consists of $6.60 base rate and $7.50 per month sewer charge pursuant to section 12.12.015(a). Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause or phrase of the Code is, for any reason, held to be invalid or enforceable as to any person or circumstances, the application of such section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence, clause or phrase to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it shall be held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and all other provisions of the Code, in all other respects, shall be and remain valid and enforceable. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance and the Allison City Code shall be in full force and shall take effect, from and after the adoption and publication of this ordinance. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Allison, Iowa this 13th day of October, 2014. Scot Henrichs, Mayor ATTEST: Glenda Miller, City Clerk TJ 43-1 14 • Thursday, October 23, 2014 COMMUNITY NEWS / PUBLIC NOTICES • Butler County Tribune-Journal • Official Proceedings: City of Allison City of Allison Council Meeting Monday, October 13, 2014 Public Hearing: The Allison City Council held a public hearing on Monday, October 13, 2014. Mayor Henrichs called the public hearing to order at 5:15 P.M. Council members present: Blockhus, Davis, Henrichs, Platter. Absent: Cramer. Others present: Brenda Heuer, Pat Racette, Marty Petersen, City Attorney. The mayor asked for comments for or against the amending of Chapters 11 & 12 of the Allison Municipal Code by adoption of Ordinance # 250 by amending the rates for sewer and adding a debt service charge. No comments were received or presented. Blockhus made a motion to close the public hearing. Second by Platter. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting: Mayor Henrichs opened the regular meeting at 5:20 P.M. Council members present: Blockhus, Davis, Henrichs, Platter. Absent: Cramer. Others present: Brenda Heuer, Pat Racette, Marty Petersen, City Attorney. Platter made a motion to approve the agenda. Second by Henrichs. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Open Forum: There were no open forum items. Consent Agenda: Motion by Henrichs and Second by Davis to approve the consent agenda with the tabling of the building permit for Daniel Shafer for a fence and a horse stall until he gets permission from the DOT to do this. The items approved on the consent agenda were as follows: •Approveminutesfrommeetingon9/15/2014 •ApproveTreasurersreports •ApproveBuildingPermitforBobbyJoeMiller – 262 North Main – Fence •Approvepayestimates#2&3fortheOak Street extension project to K. Cunningham Construction Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carried. New Business: No one was present from the Cemetery Committee to present information. Brenda Heuer was present representing the Pool Committee. She presented the Council with a letter from Charlie Richford of Pool Tech Midwest. This letter addressed the fact that the current baby pool does not meet ADA requirements due to the fact it does not have a zero depth entry and it should not have a slope of more than 1 inch in a linear foot. They gave the council a conceptual budget estimate of $131,748 for a zero entry wading pool and also an estimate of $17,897 for a diving stand and board for the big pool. Pool Tech also recommends tearing out the deck around the big pool and replacing it with new concrete. The painting of the shower house and entryway into the pool was also discussed. The Council decided it would be best to meet with the pool committee at the pool and look over the facilities and determine what items should be repaired. The Council will meet at the pool with the Pool Committee on Saturday, October 18, 2014 @ 9:00 a.m. Blockhus made a motion to approve Ordinance #250 amending Chapters 11 & 12 by amending the rates for sewer and adding a debt service charge with the exception of removing the words “said rates shall automatically increase by 1% per year each year and every year following” form the ordinance drawn up by Attorney Petersen. Attorney Petersen is to amend the Ordinance and email the correct one to the City Clerk. Blockhus’s motion also included waiving the second and third readings of Ordinance # 250. Second by Henrichs. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion Carried. The Ordinance shall become effective upon its publication. Motion by Davis and Second by Platter to Approve Resolution #14-10.1 – A resolution approving the City of Allison’s 2014 Annual FinancialReportforFiscalYearEndingJune30, 2014. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried Motion by Henrichs and Second by Davis to approve Resolution #14-10.2 – A resolution approving a budgetary transfer of funds transferring $6,107.64 from the emergency fund to the general fund to be used for emergency services funding including fire, police and ambulance which are general fund expenditures. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. The health insurance policy renewal was discussed. The City Clerk will contact Mark Randall in regards to this matter. Information on the Income Offset Program and a possibility of an increase in the utility deposit presently at $75.00 was presented to the Council. The Council will review the information and discuss it at a future Council meeting. Old Business A resolution concerning the vacation of the alley behind 114 S. Main will be presented at the next Council Meeting on November 3, 2014. Three bids were mailed to the City for the saleofthe1992Chev35004X4truckthatwas listed for sale on Craig’s List. The bids were opened at the meeting with the following bids being submitted: •DanDemuthofWaverly, Bidof$6,000.00 •DavidCreesofDysart,Bidof$7,527.00 •MikeShafferofAnamosa,Bidof$8,406.78 Blockhus made a motion to accept the bid of Mike Shaffer in the amount of $8,406.78 pending good funds. The City Clerk is to contact them to inform them that their bid was accepted andaskforacertifiedcheck.Theotherbidders will be informed of the sale of the truck. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. The joint fire protection and emergency response agency charter agreement between Allison and the surrounding townships was discussed. Brad Cooper will be notified that the agreement is ready and that the townships should be contacted in regards to the agreement. Platter brought up several properties that are in need of being cleaned up. The City Clerk will contact the property owners in regards to this matter. At 6:47 Platter made a motion to adjourn. Second by Davis. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Scot Henrichs – Mayor Attest: Glenda Miller – City Clerk Agvantage Fs, Inc -Diesel Fuel For Shop $571.16 Alexis Fire Equipment Co. -Throttle Cable For Pumper Truck $113.52 Allan Brockway-Mileage To Dubuque For Conf & Health Insurance Reimb. $216.66 Allan Inc. -UpsChargesForWater&Sewer $29.29 Allison Ambulance -AmbulanceCalls&OfficerFees $1,840.00 Allison Amvets-Senior Citizens Coffee $106.50 Allison Variety -Pool,Park&ShopSupplies $275.89 AmericanPowerWashingLc -PowerWashingAtPool $250.00 Baker&Taylor-LibraryBooks $249.33 Blacktop Services-Blacktop Cold Mix $388.50 Butler County Ems Assoc -Coordinator Fees For Ems $1,000.00 Butler County Sheriff -LawEnforcementServices $9,500.00 ButlerCountySolidWaste -Disposal Fee $6,688.50 CardmemberCity-LibraryBooks $191.38 Casey’s General Store-Gas For Mowing&Shop&FireDeptGas $1,192.56 CentralIowaDistr-VehicleWaxFor Shop & Soap For Park $164.78 City Of Allison-Library & City Hall WaterBillAndRedGarbage $91.57 Cooley Pumping -Porta Pottys At Cemetery $80.00 Deb Harre-Park Cleaning $210.00 Dumont Telephone Co -Monthly Phone Bills $513.08 Eftps-Fed/FicaTax $2,254.85 Farmers Cooperative Co -Chemicals For Park $36.50 Farmers Feed & Grain -ParkGrassSdAndPondTrtmt $212.95 Follett Software Co. -ComputerSupplies $1,698.00 George F. North-Sprinklers For Park $45.87 Glenda Miller-Mileage Reimbursement $24.78 Greene Recorder -Newspaper Subscription $33.00 Ia Dept Of Rev -SalesTaxWater&Pool $3,451.00 Imwca-WorkersCompPremium $1,403.00 Iowa Dept Of Nat Resource -AnnualWaterUserFee $99.00 Iowa League Of Cities -Budget Meeting In Cedar Rapids $35.00 IowaOfficeSupplies -OfficeSuppliesForLibrary $16.89 IowaW/HTaxes-StateTaxes $1,900.00 IowaWorkforceDev -UnemploymentTax $669.55 Ipers-Ipers $2,230.15 J&CGrocery -Shop & City Hall Supplies $45.10 JamesHoppCompany -LibraryOfficeSupplies $120.00 JendroSanitationSvcs -Garbage Collection $8,406.70 K. Cunningham Constructin-Pay Estimate #2 & 3-Oak St Extension $15,763.26 Kesley Electric, Inc.-Motors For Pool $1,083.14 Keystone Lab -Water&WastewaterAnalysis $3,318.93 Kluiter Auto Repair -Repair On Mower Truck $137.57 Marco-Copier $125.75 Maintenance Agreement Marlys Kruse $30.00 -Courthouse Park Restroom Clng Martin Gardner Arch.-Construction $162.40 Administration For Lodge Mid-America Publishing Cr-Publishing $374.52 Miller Building $83.34 -Medical Center Door Repair Myers-Cox Co.-Toilet Paper For Park $74.25 Napa Auto Parts-Auto Maintainer & FiltersForVehiclesForShop $79.03 Paul Niemann Construction $537.50 -Rock For Park PayrollChecks-TotalPayrollChecks$7,999.82 Physicians Claims Co $458.79 -AmbulanceBilling PoolTechMidwest,Inc.-Winterize Pool & Minor Equipment For Pool $1,100.51 Ryan Exterminating-Pest Control $54.00 @ Shop & City Hall Ryken Engineering $6,041.25 -SanitarySewerWork Sandry Fire Supply, Llc -FlowTestingForFireDept $408.95 $180.00 Sharon Niehaus-Library Cleaning Star Graphics $252.52 -Envelopes & Safety T-Shirts Sult Electric $38.12 -Repair Of Elec Post @ Park SuperiorWelding $57.71 -Oxygen For Ambulance TasteOfHome-BookForLibrary $31.98 $526.00 Taylor Rose-Park Cleaning TheLibraryStore-EaselForLibrary $160.94 UsPostOffice-PostageStamps $636.50 UsaBlueBook-SuppliesForWater $121.80 WalmartCommunity-LibraryDvd’s $83.67 WaverlyHealthCenter $1,050.00 -Ambulance Billing WaverlyNewspapers -Newspaper Subscription For Library $66.00 Wellmark-HealthInsurance $4,046.51 WixWaterWorks-WtBottleRental $19.00 $91,458.82 ClaimsTotal General Fund $53,615.47 Road Use Tax Fund $3,626.37 EmployeeBenefitsFund $2,327.29 WaterFund $5,396.83 SewerFund $11,379.36 Landfill/GarbageFund $15,113.50 REVENUE REPORT 174,743.70 General Total Road Use Tax Total 8,206.05 EmployeeBenefitsTotal 6,194.49 EmergencyFundTotal 486.59 Local Option Sales Tax Total 5,621.22 TaxIncrementFinancingTotal 7,902.61 10,669.50 DebtServiceTotal WaterTotal 6,167.12 WaterReserveFundTotal 40.06 Customer Deposits Total 375.00 SewerTotal 7,579.26 Sewer Reserve Total 14.81 Landfill/GarbageTotal 9,011.81 StormWaterTotal 1,024.20 Total Revenue by Fund 238,036.42 TJ 43-1 Official Proceedings: North Butler CSD NORTH BUTLER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting October 13, 2014 The regular board meeting was called to order by Pres. Eric Bixby at 6:30 p.m. in the Greene High School Media Center. Board members present were Eric Bixby, Scott Bruns, Troy Feldman, Jon Heuer, John Moellers, Kristy Lammers and Laura Staudt; others present were Supt. Joel Foster, Business Manager/ Board Sec. Shellee Bartlett, Sec. Prin. Dan Huff, Elementary Principal Aimee Wedeking and large number community members. Moved by Heuer, seconded by Feldman, to approve agenda as amended. Carried unanimously. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Heuer, to approve the minutes from September 8 and September 24, 2014 meetings, with corrections made to September 8th board members present. Carried unanimously. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Moellers, to approve September 2014 financial reports and October 2014 bill listing. Carried unanimously. Moved by Moellers, seconded by Feldman, to approve 28E agreement with UNI for student teachers for the 2014-15 school year. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Heuer, to approve the Tupperwear fundraiser for the early childhood team. Approved unanimously. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Bruns, to approve the special education technology for $17,376.85. Carried unanimously. Moved by Heuer, seconded by Lammers, to approve the purchase of a skid loader for $14,500 to be paid from LOSST. Carried unanimously. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Lammers, to approve the lease for 8 busses from Thomas Bus Sales, Inc. for $87,694.96 per year for 3 years, to be paid from LOSST. Carried unanimously. Item 12 hourly pay scales/rates was removed from agenda. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Bruns, to accept resignations from Robyn Mulder, teacher. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Heuer, to approve contract for Stacy DeGroote, special education associate @ $9.51 per hour. Carried unanimously. Moved by Moellers, seconded by Heuer, to approve Mari Cramer, substitute. Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Feldman, to approve contract for Anne Landaverde, Spanish teacher @ $29,045 (MA, step 0, 138 days). Carried unanimously. Moved by Moellers, seconded by Bruns, to approve contract for Carol Cole, concessions @ $1,000. Carried unanimously. Moved by Feldman, seconded by Bruns, to approve contract for Tyler Opperman, assistant boys basketball coach @$2,465 (BA, step 0, 8%). Carried unanimously. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Heuer, to approve Tom Nettleton, volunteer boys basketball coach. Carried unanimously. Moved by Heuer, seconded by Staudt, to approve contract for Bryan Tabbert, junior high wrestling @ $1,790 (BA12, step 6, 5%). Carried unanimously. Item 14 superintendent evaluation was removed from agenda. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Lammers, to accept administrative reports as presented. Carried unanimously. At 7:35 p.m. a break was called, the Bixby called the meeting back to order at 7:47 p.m. Gary McAndrews helped the Board and Mr. Foster set goals for the 2014-15 school year. Moved by Bruns, seconded by Feldman, to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. The tentative date for the next regular board meeting is November 10, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in Allison. North Butler Community School District October 2014 Vendor Report Vendor Description Amount Aable Pest Control Pest Control $80.00 Advanced Rehab Technologies SPED Supplies $2,090.40 Aea267 Printing $1,095.56 Aflac Premium $1,858.74 Agvantage FS, Inc. Fuel $6,297.49 Al Gielau Jv Fb Official $70.00 Alliant Energy Energy $6,451.85 Allison Hardware Supplies $31.75 Ames Environmental Inc. O&M Refresher $100.00 Anderson Erickson Dairy Co. Dairy $11,241.72 Anderson’s Homecoming Supplies $76.33 Apple Inc Macbook $999.00 Aramark Uniform Services Inc Laundry Service $779.16 Avesis Third Party Administrators, Inc 9/20/14 Payroll $614.91 Belinda Barker Refund $245.00 Belmond-Klemme High School Vb Entry Fee $75.00 Billie Buss Jh Vb Official $65.00 Black Hills Energy Energy $786.55 Cameron Schultz Fb Official $90.00 Carolina Biological Supply Co Science Supplies $132.95 Central Iowa Distributing Inc Supplies $1,487.36 Central Springs Cross Country Fee $80.00 City Of Allison Water/Sewer $196.46 City Of Greene Pk Shed Building Permit $15.00 City Of Greene Water/Sewer $806.50 Clarion-Goldfield Csd Vb Entry Fee $60.00 Clarksville Community School 1st Qtr Open Enrollment $9,181.50 Clear Lake High School Cross Country Fee $90.00 Collection Services Center 9/20/14 Payroll $237.32 Collin Freeseman Jh Vb Official $130.00 Continuum Retail Energy Services, Llc Energy $290.85 Dan Dingman Fb Official $160.00 Dave Meinders Jh Fb Official $65.00 De Lage Landen Lease $711.17 Decker Sporting Goods Cheer Supplies $88.85 Delta Dental Of Iowa 9/20/14 Payroll $2,031.31 Dennis Borcherding Vb Official $85.00 Dennis Dingel Jv Fb Official $200.00 Dennis Smeltzer Jh Vb Official $65.00 Denver High School Vb Entry Fee $65.00 Dhs Cashier 1st Fl. Medicaid $4,396.31 Dick McMahon Jv Fb Official $70.00 Dike-New Hartford High School Jh Vb Entry Fee $25.00 Doug Bacheldor Conference $339.34 Doug Johnson J H Vb Official $65.00 Dralle Plumbing & Heating Service Call $55.00 Dumont Telephone Repairs $1,213.37 E Replacement Parts Lnd Tech Supplies $40.65 Earthgrains Bread $1,337.45 Eldridge Plays & Musicals Play Royalty $482.05 Employee Benefit System 9/20/14 Payroll $1,361.26 Ems Detergent Services Supplies $143.86 Engel Law Office Legal $1,417.50 Evan Kooiker Fb Official $90.00 Fecht’s Repair Supplies $75.00 GBPAC- Uni Tickets $13.00 Gladbrook/Reinbeck High School Vb Entry Fee $75.00 Greene Lumber Company Inc Pk Shed/Lnd Tech Supplies $1,314.36 Greg Henn Jh Fb Official $65.00 Haan Crafts Student Projects $204.55 Hampton-Dumont Community Schools Jv Vb Entry Fee $70.00 Harold’s Repair Maintenance $2,968.69 Harris School Solutions Timeclock Repair $175.00 Heartland Paper Co Supplies $335.16 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub! Co Supplies $2,226.43 Lasco Lnd Tech Supplies $38.44 Lng Usa Annuity & Life Insurance Co. 9/20/14 Payroll $6,318.46 Internal Revenue Service 9/20/14 Payroll $80,880.85 Iowa Association Of School Boards Background Check $1,310.00 Iowa Department Of Revenue 9/20/14 Payroll $1,106.92 Iowa Direct Fb Scoreboard Repairs $420.00 Iowa High School Athletic Dir Membership $65.00 Iowa High School Music Assn Registration $147.00 Iowa High School Speech Assoc Membership $75.00 Iowa School Supply Supplies $413.48 Ipers 9/20/14 Payroll $50,843.63 Iseba 9/20/14 Payroll $39,356.18 J & C Grocery Fcs Food $38.99 Janesville Consolidated School District 1st Qtr Open Enrollment $3,060.50 Jeff Carson Fb Official $120.00 Joe Strong Registration $25.00 Johnson & Sons Tiling Tiling $1,061.90 Jon Vrieze Fb Official $160.00 Josh Bevins Fb Official $90.00 Jw Pepper & Sons Inc Music $87.99 Keck lnc Food $1,315.76 Keith D. Oltrogge Cpa, P.C. Fy14 Audit $2,000.00 Ken Robbins Vb Official $85.00 Kevy’s Appliance Repair Repairs $520.18 Lacey Brandt Jv Fb Official $70.00 Lakeshore Learning Materials Supplies $785.35 Landers Hardware Hank Supplies $59.97 Ledoux Custom Painting Playground Stain $600.00 M Photo Band Photos $202.00 Madison National Life 9/20/14 Payroll $1,222.48 Majewski Tire & Exhaust Ctr Tires $980.00 Marco, Inc. Maintenance $197.17 Martin Bros Dis! Co Food/Supplies $18,150.94 Mason City Newman Hs Cross Country Fee $80.00 Mcgraw Hill Supplies $71.08 Menards - Mason City $236.44 Ind Tech Supplies $3,190.53 Mid American Energy Electric Mid-American Publishing Publications $198.79 Midwest Computer Products Supplies $198.00 Music Theatre International Musical $760.00 Nathan Sahr Jh Fb Official $65.00 Neil Wedeking Electric Fb Lights $1,258.64 Networking Solutions It Support $9,904.92 North Butler Educational Association 9/20/14 Payroll $1,843.46 North Iowa Area Comm. College Auto Tech $3,190.00 Omnitel Communications Telephone $361.60 Orkin Exterminating Co.,Inc. Pest Control $389.64 Osage High School $70.00 Cross Country Fee Pepsi Beverages Company Pop $668.58 Phil Johnson Fb Official $90.00 Pitney Bowes Supplies Operations Postage $1,498.80 Pitney Bowes, Inc. Postage Meter Rental $218.00 Play With A Purpose Pksupplies $105.24 Positive Promotions Planners $97.65 Quill Corporation Supplies $381.90 Randy Morris Vb Official $85.00 Really Good Stuff Supplies $58.42 Ree Pederson Vb Official $85.00 Rhonda Edeker Registration $110.00 Ricoh Usa, Inc. Copier Maintenance $1,334.00 Rieman Music Band Supplies $403.53 Rod Rindahl Vb Official $170.00 Ross Plumbing & Heating Inc Ind Tech Supplies $28.42 Safelite Auto Glass Glass Repairs $103.99 Sarah Thein Vb Official $85.00 Scholastic Inc. Supplies $140.28 School Bus Sales Supplies $574.00 School Specialty Supplies $1,343.66 Scott Whitehill Fb Official $120.00 Simplex Grinnell Tornado Siren Repairs $458.00 Smith’s Etc. Staff Meal $325.00 State Of Iowa -Elevator Safety Inspection $300.00 Susan Lemaster Jh Vb Official $130.00 T &M Foods Concessions/ Supplies $855.42 Taylor Physical Theraphy Associates Llc Fb Coverage $600.00 Teacher Synergy Llc Supplies $51.50 Teaching Strategies Supplies $63.63 The Graphic Edge Clothing $3,684.20 The Inksmith T-Shirts $630.00 Tim Nelson Vb Official $85.00 Timberline Billing Service Llc Medicaid $1,007.94 Timothy Christensen Jh Fb Official $65.00 Tony Dahle Jv Fb Official $70.00 Tony Halsted Fb Official $90.00 Travis Pike Fb Official $160.00 Treasurer- State Of Iowa 9/20/14 Payroll $13,853.00 UnityPoint Clinic Exam $141.00 University Of Oregon Dibels Testing $283.00 US Cellular Cell Phone $117.43 USA Flag Supply Flags $69.54 Van Meter Lights $287.28 Visa Sped Supplies $49.85 Ward’s Science Science Supplies $137.53 Waste Management Waste Removal $459.87 Waverly Shell Rock School Distr Cross Country Fee $90.00 West Fork Schools Cross Country Fee $70.00 West Hancock High School Fb District Dues $146.32 West Music Band Supplies $237.72 Wix Water Works Softner Salt $166.50 Wolverine Sports Supplies $407.77 Woodworker’s Supply Inc Ind Tech Supplies $14.86 Report Total: $334,221.83 TJ 43-1
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