APPLICATION NO. SRI VENKATESWARA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY: TIRUPATI TENDER SCHEDULE FOR SUPPLY OF JOURNALS FOR THE CALENDER YEAR 2015 Phone:0877-2287777 Ext:2305/2309 Fax:0877-2286803/2288002 E-mail: Website: Last Date for Receipt of Tender form 25-10-2014 (For office use only) Application Fee : Rs. 3000/D.D No. : Name of the bank: Date of Payment : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Name of the Tenderer/ Firm quoting the Tender : 2. Whether the Tenderer is Publisher/Distributor/ Agency : 3. Address of the Tenderer/Firm : Phone No : E-mail : 4. The Firm is a. Ownership b. Partnership c. Company 5. Experience Certificate (Supply of Journals to various Medical Universities/ Government Medical Colleges (Please specify for past three years) No. of Sl. Name of the University / Cost of Journals supplied Period of Supply Journals No Govt. Medical College. Supplied From To 1 2 3 4 5 Note: Enclose Proof of supply & Certificate of Appreciation) 1 Indian Foreign Total 6. Discount offered on Supply of Journals: ---------------% In Words --------------------------------------------7. PAN Card No. : (Xerox copy may be enclosed) 8. A.P.VAT No. / C.S.T.No.: (Xerox copy may be enclosed) 9. EMD amount : Rs.50,000/- 10. EMD particulars: a. Amount : Rs.50,000/b. D.D.No.----------- c. Name of the Bank Branch & Date:------------ 11. The publisher/supplier shall be registered with Good Office Committee: Yes/No LIST OF ENCLOSURES: S. Documents Submitted No. 1 EMD in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Director cum YES/NO Vice-Chancellor, SVIMS, Tirupati 2 Xerox copies of satisfactory service certificate for supply of Journals YES/NO from the Medical Universities/ Government Medical Colleges for last three years 3 Xerox copy of VAT Registration No./ C.S.T.No.& PAN card YES/NO 4 Latest publishers catalogue with price proofs YES/NO 5 Authorized distributor certificate from leading foreign / Indian publishers YES/NO of Journals. 6 GOC Registration No. & Date YES/No NOTE: If the above requirements are not furnished, the tender is liable for rejection. DECLARATION [ It is declared that each statement and contents of this declaration and enclosures made by the undersigned are absolutely true and correct. In the event of any statement made in this declaration and enclosures subsequently turning out to be incorrect or false, the undersigned has understood and accepted that such firm in respect to any content of this application shall be rejected without prior notice Authorized Signatory with Seal Station: Date: 2 ANNEXURE - I TERMS OF CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF JOURNALS (TO BE SUBMITTED IN NON JUDICAL STAMP PAPER WORTH Rs.100/-) I…………………………………………………… designated as………………………… Publisher/Distributor/Agency,………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………..address is accepting for the following terms and conditions as stipulated in the tender for supply of journals to Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences University, Tirupati for the calendar year 2015. This bond is executed on this……………………………. Day of……….2015 by me with the following terms and conditions. 1. The agency has to pay entire amount of the subscription to the publishers in advance in the name of Sri Venkatateswara Institute of Medical Sciences University, Tirupati then to claim payment from SVIMS, the agency has to provide payment proof, according to foreign exchange rates from bank and registration of subscription with publisher for each title exclusively in the name of SVIMS along with advance stamp receipt and original invoices for release of payment. 2. In case the agency wants to pay in advance and the price quoted should be as per the publisher’s current list price and as applicable to developing countries/India. 3. In the event of the absence/resignation of the authorized signatory the publisher/ distributor/agency will be held responsible for prompt supply of journals binding with the terms and conditions. 4. The agency is responsible for (F.O.R., SVIMS, Tirupati) door delivery of the journals so that the agency can deal with the missing issues directly with the publisher. 5. The University will not pay any handling charges and service charges for all the journals, but actual postage claimed by the publisher on specific journals may be considered on submission of the publisher’s documentary evidence. 6. The discount amount agreed upon the total amount will be deducted while making the payment. 3 7. The subscription period is for one calendar year i.e. from January to December, 2015. Subject to the satisfactory supply, the contract will be renewed for subsequent year/years. The University reserves the right to whether to renew the agreement or not for further supply based on the overall performance of the supplier. 8. The agency has to supply complete set of journals for the year of subscription. The last issue of journals (each title) i.e. December/last issue should reach us within four months from the date of publication. 9. The Library Committee decision will be final in all matters relating to journal subscription. 10. The agency should refund the proportionate cost of the non-supplied issues to SVIMS within four months from the date of publication of last issue i.e. (upto April,2016). No Photocopy/Laser copies of the journal issues acceptable. 11. The supply position of journals must be communicated by the last day of every month and quarterly consolidated reports should also be submitted. 12. The selected tenderer has to submit Demand Draft/Fixed deposit as decided by the committee drawn in favour of The Director cum Vice-Chancellor, SVIMS, Tirupati towards security deposit for 10% of total value of the order and will be returned after successful supply of the journals and satisfying the terms and conditions along with final payment. 13. The agency have to arrange free online access for all the journals subscribed except for paid connectivity journals. 14. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of journals for subscription depends upon the requirement. 15. Non-compliance with above terms and conditions publisher/Distributor/Agency ineligible for claiming payment. will render The bond is executed in the presence of the following witnesses: 1. 2. Authorized signatory with seal and date 4 SRI VENKATESWARA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (SVIMS) TIRUMALA TIRUPATI DEVESTHANAMS - TIRUPATI TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The supplier has to make the advance payment to the publishers exclusively in the name of the SVIMS, Tirupati within 30 days from the date of receipt of university supply order. The University shall not accept piece-meal process of subscription of journals etc. The university will pay the subscription amount, after deducting the discount. Details of the full payment made to publisher may be intimated to the subscriber with the documentary evidence with the following: a. Invoices in quadra duplicate b. Copies of payment remittance letters to the publishers/distributor Publishers price proof for journals c. Bank certificates for foreign currency exchange/GOC conversion rates d. Xerox copy of the bank draft/wire transfer/banker cheque taken exclusively on behalf of SVIMS or the cheque issued on behalf of SVIMS e. Acknowledgement from the suppliers or firm or their authorized distributors for the payment received in the name of SVIMS f. Suppliers authorization letter as sole/authorized distributors in India g. Stamped final invoice should be submitted in the name of the Director cum Vice-Chancellor, SVIMS, Tirupati. 2. All the journals shall be subscribed for print version only, and shall provide online access for those journals offered freely by the publishers. 3. All the journals subscription remittance shall be made with the concerned publishers directly or to their sole/authorized distributors in India in the name of the SVIMS only. Wherever publishers do not accept direct remittances, subscription payment shall be made to their sole/authorized distributors in India subject to the production of documentary evidence. 4. All the subscription remittances shall be arranged through demand drafts/banker cheque/wire transfer only. However cheque payment will be accepted with the supplier, if the supplier had account in foreign branches (proofs should be submitted from the banker). Wherever, subscription remittances made to the local publishers/authorized distributors, such payment shall be arranged through banker’s cheque only. 5. The price of journals should be indicated in the original currency. These should be converted in according to the bank conversion rates prevailing on the date of payment through foreign drafts, wire transfers etc., with proof of the same may be submitted. In case, if any publisher offers special price to India/Indian academic Institutions under the developing countries programme, the supplier has to charge the same price only. 6. In case the supplier wants to pay in advance and the price quoted should be as per the publisher’s current list price, and as applicable to developing countries/India. To provide payment proof, according to foreign exchange rates from bank and registration of subscription with publisher for each title exclusively in the name of SVIMS along with advance stamp receipt and original invoices for release of payment. 7. 8. All the subscription remittances shall be made as per the publisher’s invoices only. If they are not available, remittances shall be made as per the publisher’s latest catalogue price. 9. Wherever subscription remittances are refunded or cost of journals refunded by the publishers or their sole/authorized distributors in India due to any reason, the same shall be informed and the amount be transmitted to the Institution immediately. 5 10. The supplier shall have their own processing office. Testimonials of reputed Institutions from competent authority only may be enclosed along with the tender. Further, the supplier has to submit permanent account number (PAN). 11. Supplementary bills will be accepted if necessary, due to any enhancement in the price of journals. Documentary proofs to this effect are to be sent within five months from the date of payment of subscription. 12. In all respects 100% supply for all the journals (including eligible supplementary/ special issues) published by the publisher are only accepted. The supplier has to furnish a guarantee for replacement of missing/damaged issues. 13. The agency should execute an agreement of terms and conditions with SVIMS on stamp paper (non judicial) of Rs.100/- value along with two sureties. (Annexure-I) 14. The successful tenderer has to furnish the security deposit of 5% of the total order in the form of Demand draft in favour of The Director cum V.C., SVIMS, Tirupati towards the cost of security of missing/damaged journal issues and it shall be valid until the journals successfully supplied. 15. The Institute accepts uniform discount only for all the journals subscribed. The discount based on publisher/ journal wise is not acceptable. st 16. The journals/periodicals must be supplied from the of 1 issue of January 2015 to last issue of December, 2015 (Calendar year only) Pre-ponement/post-ponement of subscription period will not be accepted. The supplier shall supply to the institute all the issues of the journals (supplementary volumes/issues/special issues/CD-ROM, DVD-ROM (if any) published/supplied by the publisher. Ensure that every issue is supplied regularly and punctually. 17. The supplier should arrange/extend the facility of online access to the full text of the journals to the institute, wherever publishers are offering/including free online access to the subscribers of print version. Wherever the publisher’s policy is to supply the journals as combined subscription and also priced as the combined online+print version, such facility/condition may please be indicated in bills or communicate as and when it is noticed by the supplier. 18. It is the supplier’s total responsibility for regular supply of journals and has to submit a monthly report on supply position to the Institute (SVIMS). 19. The supplier is responsible for F.O.R. , SVIMS door delivery of journals in good condition so that the supplier can deal with missing issues directly with the publishers. The Institute will not pay any handling freight/transport charges or extra charges. 20. The proportionate amount for non supply of the main issues as well as supplementary/special issues shall be refunded on or before June, 2016. However, the institute imposes suitable penalty in case of missing issues if any. In case, any journal doesn’t commence service within 90 days as decided by the library committee from the date of subscription of remittance, appropriate amount has to be refunded to the institute without any reference to the refunds from the publishers/distributors/agents concerned. However, the subscription agency can arrange the missing/damaged issues by the end of June, 2016 and claim the proportionate cost. Laser print/Photocopies are not acceptable for replacement for the original missing issues. 21. Bank exchange rates are applicable for foreign currency as on date of payment made by the supplier and GOC rates for exclusive agencies applicable to journals. 22. All journals be subscribed by surface mail/surface airlift/accelerate service except otherwise indicated against the journal titles mentioned in the subscription list. If any journal is sent by airmail/airfreight as a policy of publisher that shall be paid by the supplier. 6 23. In case of any dispute or misunderstanding arising out of this agreement, the decision of the Institute shall be final and binding. 24. Any dispute (s) arises between the SVIMS and the supplier in supply of journals shall be entertained by the local courts/forums of Chittoor district jurisdiction only. 25. The Institute reserves the right to terminate the contract, if the services are not satisfactory or impose appropriate fine for delayed supply. However, the supplier should refund the proportionate amount for the journals not to be supplied for the Institute. 26. The supplier should submit an empty cheque duly signed towards the performance guarantee of all contractual obligations executed/given as a security for the entire subscription amount to be paid by the Institute before entering into the agreement. The supplier should accept that the cheque given as security shall come into force in case of failure on the part of the supplier to perform the agreed obligations. The cheque shall be in the custody of the Dean, SVIMS, Tirupati only and in case of presenting the same into the bank, the supplier shall be given a prior notice by the Institute. The cheque will be returned to the supplier after the contract is closed successfully. 27. The firm is required to sign the declaration on tender form indicating date and affixing the rubber stamp with the designation or status enjoyed by the signatory in the firm, and same signatory shall be required to execute agreement under his signature only. The signatory should produce documentary evidence of empowering him to do so, if called upon at any time during the contract period. In case of change of the person of the signatory it is bound on the firm to inform the change of the person of the signatory to the Institution authorities. Due to any reason of his absence, the firm will held responsible for supply of journals as per the terms and conditions. 28. The Library Committee decision will be final in all matters relating to journal subscription. 29. The Institute reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reasons. 30. Non- compliance with the above terms and conditions of tender publisher/ Distributor/ agency ineligible for future consideration. GENERAL INFOFMATION: 1. Sealed tenders from the authorized publishers/distributors/agencies are invited for supply of the journals as per the enclosed specifications to the Director cum Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati – 517 507 for the period from January to December, 2015. 2. Sealed cover containing tender forms duly subscribing as “Tender for the supply of Journals-2015” addressed to the Dean, Academic Section, Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati – 517 507 should be delivered either in person or sent by post so as to reach on or before the date notified. Postal and courier delays will be not considered. 3. The tenderer should attest any alteration or overwriting. The tenderer has to sign on each page of the tender document by affixing seal. 4. Tenderer is required to sign the declaration on tender forms indicating date and affixing the rubber stamp with the designation or status enjoyed by the signatory in the firm, and the same signatory shall be required to execute agreement under his signature only. The signatory should produce documentary evidence of empowering him to do so, if called upon at any time during the contract period. In case of change of the person of the signatory it is bound on the tenderer to inform the change of the person of the signatory to the Institution authorities. Due to any reason of his absence, the firm will be held responsible for supply of journals as per the terms and conditions. 7 5. The Director cum Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati shall have revocable right to purchase and to enter into parallel contract for the supply of any journals mentioned in the tender schedule with any other supplier or firm at any rate at its discretion. 6. Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati does not bind itself to accept the lowest offer or tender for any specific journals or all and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 7. The Director cum Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati reserves the right to cancel the tender for purchase of journals at any stage without assigning any reason thereof. RECEIPT OF TENDERS: The tender schedule shall be issued up to one day prior to the last day of submission of tenders. The tenders shall be received at the place and time as specified in the tender notice. The supplier/agency shall be allowed to submit the tender either personally or through his agent or by post. In case of submission of tender by the p0st the risk and responsibility for either loss or delay in transit of the same is to be borne by the supplier. The tender opening authority will not consider any tender received after the expiry of date and time fixed for receipt of tenders. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): 1. Every tender must be accompanied by cross demand draft for the amount as mentioned in the tender notification payable on any nationalized bank at Tirupati and in favour of THE DIRECTOR CUM VICECHANCELLOR, SRI VENKATESWARA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, T.T.D., TIRUPATI towards EMD. 2. EMD is not accepted in the form of cheques, postal orders, bank guarantees or bank demand drafts issued on the personal name of the Officers of The Director cum Vice-Chancellor, Sri Venkateswara Institute of medical Sciences University, T.T.D., Tirupati or by any other mode of remittance. 3. The EMD will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of the tender. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The successful tenderer has to deposit 5% of the total cost of the journals as security deposit by way of demand draft /fixed deposit in view of the missing issues of journals. Security Deposit will be forfeited if the successful tenderer backs out to supply the journals for the calendar year 2015. Security deposit will be refunded after completion of supply of all journals pertaining to the calendar year 2015. PROCEDURE: 1. The tenders received on or before last date will be opened before the library committee members and participant tenderers on the closing day of tender. 2. The tenders which are not as per the specifications will not be considered. 3. The distributor who quoted highest discount and satisfying all the terms and conditions will only be called for negotiations by the committee. 8 4. The minutes of the meeting after approval by the committee will be placed before the Director cum Vice-Chancellor for approval. 5. Supply order will be issued to the successful tenderer and informed to attend for a meeting for an agreement. The successful supplier has to furnish the security deposit 5% of the total order in the form of DD in the favour of the Director cum V.C., SVIMS, Tirupati towards the cost of security of missing/damaged journal issues and it shall be valid until the journals are supply to the institute. 6. If the agreement does not take place with distributor (who quoted highest discount), the next highest quoted distributor/agency will be invited for negotiations and above procedure will be followed. GUIDELINES: The time allowed from the date of publication of tenders, notices to the date of receipt of tender will be in 14 days for the first call and 7 days for the second call. 9 ANNEXURE - II INDEMNITY BOND (TO BE SUBMITTED IN NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER WORTH OF Rs.100/-) M/s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………….designated as supplier having membership under Good Office Committee and Federation of Publishers and book sellers association of India, bind that the subscription amount has been paid to the concerned journal publishers towards supply of …… medical print journals for the calendar year 2015 in the name of the Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences University, Tirupati and supplier has been called upon to furnish a indemnity bond for a sum of Rs……………… (Rupees……………………………..) indemnifying SVIMS against all loss and damage and not suffer by any reason of not receiving the journals. The bond executed in the presence of the following witnesses. Signature of the two witnesses with address 1. 2. Authorized signatory with seal and date 10
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