COSMETICS EMOLL IENTS M. Mentel*, S. Wiechers, A. Howe, P Biehl, J. Meyer Senses- A Scientific Tool for the Selection of The Right Email ient • Introduction Face, body and hair care, sun protection, color cosmetics, antiperspirant and deodorants - the cosmetics market includes a broad spectrum of different product segments. As diversif ied as these applications are in terms of their requ irements, they all share one aspect: Formulators must take the challenge and skil lfully select from a wide variety of ingredients and combine them in perfect balance. By doing so, they shape the texture, sensory feel, overall performance and appearance of the emu lsion, creating a targeted cosmetic product. The choice of the emoll ient, also referred to as cosmetic oil, is of paramount im- Abstract ne of the major challenges for a formulator of cosmetic products today is the choice out of the overwhelming variety of available raw materials. The vast majority of cosmetic products are emulsion systems where the emollient constitutes the second major component after water. Therefore, the choice of the emollient or emollient mixture is crucial, as it has the greatest influence on a variety of criteria, by which the final product will be judged. In order to guide the formulator in the proper alignment of each individual property, helpful tools were developed based on scientific data. The data was compiled in a compact format which enables a rapid overview of emollients and their associated characteristics. Among these are the chemical structure and INCI declaration, physico-chemical properties, application-technological properties, sustainability criteria and sensory profile. Application criteria cover UV filter solubility, packaging compatibility and pigment wetting performance. Here, an introduction into the so-called »Senses« scientific tool will be given, by discussing some of the most important emollients and criteria for their selection. 0 8 portance, as it constitutes t he seco nd maj or component in emu lsion systems after water. Its basic f unction and ben ef it covers softening, moisturizing, lubricating, protecting, film-fo rmi ng, condition ing, solubilizing and dispersion properties. Traditionally, most cosmetics are f ormu lated w ith a mixture of emollients, carefu lly ch osen based on their chem ical structu re and INCI declaration, physico- chemica l properties, sensory profile as well as origin and ava ilabil ity. In order to aid t he f ormu lator in the decision for the appropriate emoll ient f or t heir individual cosmetic product, helpfu l tools have been developed. They are based on scientif ic data compil ed using a variety of diffe rent methodologies. • Emol li ent Cha rt Ve ry frequently, one of t he fi rst decision criteria for emollient selection is their physico-chemical properties. To faci litate the choice and have t he most importa nt crit eria in one chart, a selection too l was created, which shows at a glance the five key characteristics of emollients (Fig. 1) (1 ). Vi scosity Viscosity measu rements were conducted with a fal li ng bal l viscometer (Hoeppler Viscomet er) following DIN 53015, and the values we re logarithm ica lly plotted on t he x- axis. The viscosity of t he emollient strong ly influences the viscosity of wate r- in-oil (W/0) emulsi ons and thus t heir spread abil ity. Viscosity also determines the subj ect ive f atty character of t he f inished cosmetic product. SOFW-Journal I 140 I 8-2014 . COSMETICS EMO LLI EN TS Surface & interfacial ten sion Surface tension and interfacial te nsion were both determined using t he pendant drop method (Data Physics OCA 35). Measurements were co nducted in a climate chamber after saturation of t he emoll ient with water. Following equilibration of the emollient/air and emollient/water interface, respectively, the tension val ue was determined. The surface te nsion of the emollient drop aga inst the surrou ndin g air is plott ed on the y-axis of the emol lient cha rt. This parameter, together wit h the viscosity parameter, indicates t he spreadability of t he fin al emu lsion as wel l as its stickiness, and can influence wh iteni ng properties. The relative polarity of the emollient is derived from the interfacial tension between emollient and water and is rep re- sented by the circle color in t he emollien t chart. Emollient pol arity is a major factor influencing emu lsion stabilit y in both W/0 and oi l-in- water (0/W) systems and solubilit y of li pophilic UV fi lters and active ingred ients. Spreadabi lity The size of each circle in t he emollient chart (Fig. 1) is proportional to the spreadability, wh ich was measured as t he sp reading area of emollient saturated wit h water on a commercially available polyac rylamide gel substrate rehydrated in isotonic sali ne solution after 5 mi nutes. The substrate was chosen and the method developed to closely mimic spreadability on human skin. Therefore, spreadability indicates the ability of an emollient to spread on the skin an d in- f luences t he subjective absorption behavior. Vegetable co ntent and enzymatic production The cosmetic oils are listed, in order of increasing viscosity, in the table with the INCI declaration, which is indicative of their chem ical structure class. Two groups of emollients are highlighted in the chart (Fig. 1). Circles wit h green outlines indicate ful ly vegetable-based emoll ients, whi le tu rquois outlines indicat e fully veg etable- based and enzym atically produced emol lients using Evonik-proprietary technology. Great environmental advan tages, like more tha n 60 Ofo en erg y saving (Fig. 2) and more than 60 Ofo reduction of green-house gases become apparent when rep lacing conventio nal chem ical No. 32 2 Isoamyl Cocoatc 3 Diethylhexyl Carbonate 5 Isopropyl Palmitate 6 Decyl Cocoate 31 Isopropyl Myristate 30 29 28 'E ....... z 27 26 ~ 25 ·~ c: ~ ~ :; "' INCI Cyclopentasiloxane 33 24 7 Ethylhexyl Palmitate 8 Phenoxyethyl Caprylate 9 C12·15 Alkyl Benzoate 10 Ethylhexyl Stearate 11 Cetyl Ethylhexanoate 12 Cetearyl lsononanoate 13 Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride 14 Cetyl Dimethicone 23 15 PPG· 3 Myristyl Ether 22 16 Mineral Oil 21 17 Oleyl Erucate 20 18 Octyldodecanol 19 Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil 19 20 PPG·15 Stearyl Ether 18 21 Cetyl Dimethicone 17 10 Size of circles: proportional to spreadability. The smaller/bigger the size of circle the lower/ higher the spreadability. Colour of circles: very high polar • Colour of outline: 0 fully vegetable based; 0 fully vegetable based and enzymatically produced. <> 22 PPG·14 Butyl Ether 23 Triisostearin 24 Dimethicone D non polar. 1~~~~~-Emollient Chart with five emollient properties at one glance: surface tension, viscosity, sprea dabi lity, polarity and ~ ble- based origin. SOFW-Journal l140 I B-2014 9 COSMETICS EMOLL I ENTS catalysis with an optimized biocatalytic process (2) (3). Several cosmetic oils like e.g. Isoamyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFT® AC). Oleyl Erucate (TEGOSOFT® OER). Decyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFT® DC). Cetyl Ricinoleate (TEGOSOFT® CR) and Myristyl Myristate (TEGOSOFT® MM) are produced enzymatically. d imensiona l landscape. This ca n serve as a useful tool for a formu lator in selecting an emoll ient based on the physico-chem ical properties and chemica l synthetic or enzyma t ic origin. In order to achieve the desired benefit, however, appl icationtechnological pa rameters have to be taken into consideration as well. Emollients based on this technology excellently fulfill today's market needs, in particular for the formu lation of natura l and eco-friendly cosmetic products. The great advantage of t his kind of depiction in the emollient chart is that it permits simultaneous comparison of several properties at a glance in a two- • 22,500 - - ------------------ - Knowing the capab ility of UV fi lte r solubility is crucial for formu lating ef ficient sun care products, especially with high su n protect ion factors. In addition to sunscreens, other dai ly wear products often conta in UV fi lters, like facia l care products, for exampl e. Emol lients help to achieve the desired skin feel and performance w it hout jeopard izing sun protection. Secondly, formu lators can take adva ntage of the synergistic effect between emollients and UV f ilters. If proper solubility of the UV filters is maint ained, a SPF boosting effect of t he sunscreen system can be ach ieved (4). 13,800 8,700 Enzymatic Savings Conventional UV f i lte r sol u bil it y - Em o ll ients for Sun Ca re Fig. 2 Energy resources (MJ). Generic data of Life Cycle Assessment for Myristyl Myristate (TEGOSOFT® MM) production on St scale. • Benzophenone-3 (%) 30 • Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane • Ethylhexyl Triazone 25 • Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methyoxyphenyl Triazine 20 15 10 r- r- - 5 ~ r- - - f- - I l ;I 0 ClJ iU :;:.. a. "" :;:.. u _c (jj >X 0 c ClJ _c 0.. ClJ "0 ·~ u >- = ~ u a. "' ......... u ·"'a. >- ClJ ClJ ClJ iU iU iU 0 N c ClJ ro >- -"' <( Ll'l ~ N :::::; E 'iO 0.. c 0 .0 ~ u :;:.. :;:.. 0 ClJ 0 :;:.. c. a. ~ X Q:; ..c u:; :;:.. v; >- ~ ..c M _c 0.. 0.. (jj ~ r-- ~- r r-- - r- ClJ iU "' >- ~ :;:.. Cl. 0 a. 0 ~ £! "" .E ClJ iU Q:; _c 0 u 0 u:; ~ X :;:.. E Vi ClJ _c 0 Ll'l 'iO 0.. :;:.. :;:.. ..c u:; u "' .'!! >- ClJ ~ 0.. 0.. 6 i: c ·~ - ~ :. Q:; _c £! tClJ ""u ~ u Vi 0 u:; :;:.. "' ,_ co ~ :;:.. "' 0 ..c ClJ v; :5 ~ <-'> 0.. 0.. 0 0 ClJ ""ClJ X 1--- iU 0 c ro c 0 c 0 ClJ ~ :;:.. ..c >~ (jj u:; t L I ClJ ClJ u £! c"" 0 ro X ClJ _c :;:.. _c u:; :;:.. ClJ iU u .£ :;:.. Q) 0 (jj u "' u Fig. 3 Solubility of UV filters at room temperature in various emollients. 10 SOFW-Journal I 140 I 8 -2014 ..:.::... COSMETICS EMOLLIENTS The solubi lity of UV filters can be estimated in the fi rst instance from emollient polarity. However, this aspect was investigated in more detail. Fig. 3 displays the No. INCI solubility of fou r of the most broadly used, lipoph ilic, crystalline UV filters (4). Data was collected for the UVA filter Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (BMDM). Overall pigment wetting capability Score 3 4 5 Isoamyl Cocoate Isopropyl Palm1tate Isopropyl Mynstate Mynstiyl Myristate Decyl Cocoate 6 Stearyl Heptanoate Ethylhexyl Palmitate 8 Ethylhexyl Stearate 9 Cetyl Ethylhexanoate 10 Celearyl lsononanoate 11 Oleyl Erucate 12 Diethylhexyl Carbonate 13 Cetyl Ricinoleate 14 C12·1 S Alkyl Benzoate 15 PPG· 3 Myristyl Ether 16 Caprylic/ Capric Triglyceride 17 Tri1sosteann 18 Phenoxyethyl Caprylate 19 PPG·1 S Stearyl Ether 20 Oimethicone 21 PPG·14 Butyl Ether • Yellow Iron 0x1de. Ct 77 492 • Red Iron Oxide, Cl 77 491 • Black Iron Ox1de, Cl 77 49Q _ _ ___• Carbon Black:... ,C _l _77_2_6_6_ __ • Pigm ent wetting - Emollients for Color Cosmetics Totanium Dioxide, Cl 77891 Score values reflect the VIScosity ol the respect1ve pigment/emollient dispersion. The lower the score value, the better the pigment wetting. Rating ol overall pigment wetting capability: • • • • • • superior • • • • • very h1gh • • • • high • • • medium • • low • very low • Emollient waxes are measured at elevated temperatures above their melting point. Fig. 4 Rating of pigment wetting capability of various emollients. 12 th e UVB filters Benzophenone-3 (BP3) and Ethylhexyl Tria zone (EHT) and the UVA/UVB filter Bis- Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine (BEMT). UVfilter solubility was determined by sat uration of emollient with the respective UV filter, which was added step by step until the point of saturation. The supernatant solution was then analyzed for the filter concentration by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Phenoxyethyl Caprylate (TEGOSOFf® XC), for example, is a highly polar ester emollient of Phenoxyethanol and Caprylic Acid (over 50 Ofo based on vegetable raw materials), which has outstanding solubility properties and can provide a SPF boosting effect in both US and European sun care formulations (4). This emollient is highly polar and improves the solubility of lipophilic crystalline structures, compared to the industry standard C12- 15 Alkyl Benzoate. Utilizing the solubility data as shown in Fig. 3, the form ulator is not anymore limited by selecting out of the few emollients known for use in sun care products, butdepending on the desired sun protection factor and UV filter - can choose from a broader palette of emollients, based on their individual solubilizing properties. Other criteria which must be kept in mind by the formulator in the creation of a targeted cosmetic product are additional application-technological properties like pigment wetting and the sensorial profile of t he cosmetic oil. Beside traditional foundations a huge nu mber of classical (make-up) and emerging market technologies, like blemish balm (BB) and color control (CC) formu lations contain pigments. Knowin g which emollient facil itates pigment wetting helps to formulate color cosmetic products. This property was evaluated using some of the most commonly applied metal oxide pigments coated with Dimethicone. Included in the systematic evaluation study were Yellow Iron Oxide Cl 77492). Black Iron Oxide (CI 77499), Red Iron Oxide (CI 77491), Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891) as well as uncoated Carbon Black (CI 77266) (Fig. 4). SOFW-Journal l 140 18-2014 COSMETICS EMOLLIENTS For each ind ividual pigment the maximum ratio of pigment t o emol lient was determined and kept constant. Optimized emol lient loadings ranged from 15 Ofo for Carbon Black to 65 Ofo for Red Iron Oxide. This allowed clear differentiat ion of t he emol lient performance. The viscosity at 1/ 100 seconds was measured using a rheometer (Haake RheoStress). Measu rements were conducted at room temperatu re, except for waxy emollients, w hich were evaluated at elevated t emperature above their melting point. The score values i n Fig. 4 are based on t he difference of viscosity of the pigment/emol lient dispersion relative to the viscosity of the pure emollient. The lower the difference of viscosity, t he higher the rating of pigment wetting. Isoamyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFT® AC), for example, a 100 Ofo vegetable- based and enzymatically produced emollient (Fig. 1). showed superior pigment wetting properties for all tested pigments. This makes it a very su itable emollient for pigment containing formu lations. Cyclopentasi loxane, an emollient which is commonly employed in make-up formulations, did not show favorable wetting performance. It might influence the skin feel as such but would not help for pigment wetting. Isoamyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFT® AC). t he ester of Isoamyl Alcohol and vegetable based fatty acid has a medium spreadability, good absorption and a light and non-oily skin feel. Other emol lients with very high pigment wetting capability are Isopropyl Pa lmitate (TEGOSOFT® P), Isopropyl Myristate (TEGOSOFT® M), Myristyl Myristate (TEGOSOFT® MM) and Decyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFT® DC). • Sensory map The sensory profile of cosmetic con sumer products is essentially influenced by the formulator's choice of emoll ien ts. An overview was developed that directly maps the effect of different oil components on skin feel, enab ling the formulator to create the sensory profile t hat is desired. A wide range of cosmetic oils has been comp rehensively eva luated by sensory analysis. The pure emol lients were analyzed in a descriptive panel. Five in- use (spreadability, oi liness, absorption, stickiness, slipperiness) and two after-feel attributes (greasy feel, silicone feel) were classified. Sensory eva luation data was ana lyzed by principle component analysis and cluster analysis and structured in six different clusters with similar sensory properties. The position of the clusters is schematically depicted in a sensory map spanned by ax is result ing f rom the principal component analysis. The result ing dimensions are skin feel characte ristics (light skin fee l to rich skin feel) on the x-axis and oily residue (no o ily residue to oily residue) on t he y-axis (Fig. 5) . Th e bubble size correlates to the area over which the emollients of the cluster are d istributed. Th e smal ler the bu bble of the cl uster and the closer the bu bbles are located in the sensory map, the more sim ilar t he pe rceived skin feel. This importan t tool supporls Oily residue jTh""""i'r. Mineral Oil Cyclopentasiloxane No oily residue Light skin feel • Rich skin feel with medium oily residue • Medium rich skin feel with oily residue • Rich and smooth skin feel Rich skin feel • Light skin feel with low oily residue • Light and smooth skin feel • Medium light skin feel with low oily residue • high viscosity, medium polarity -very high viscosity, nonpolar Fig. 5 Sensory map displaying a variety of cosmetic emollients in six skin feel clusters. Reference emollients were included in the evaluation and are given in black letters in the map. 14 SOFW·Journal l 140 I 8-2014 ~ . COSMETICS EMO LLIE NTS the formulator in choosing the right combi nation of emollients and creating the cosmetic product with the req uired sensory aspects. Isoamyl Cocoate (TEGOSOFf® AC), for example, imparts a light and non-oi ly skin feel with low residu e, and is clustered togeth er with Phenoxyethyl Caprylate (TEGOSOFf® XC). This cosmet ic oil for sun care formulations absorbs better and provides a less oily skin feel than the industry sta ndard C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, which is found in the adjacent cl uster, ch aracterized by medium light skin feel with low oily residue. In comparison, natural oils and Oleyl Erucate (TEGOSOFf®OER), a 100 Ofo natural-based and enzymatically produced emollient made by enzymatic esterification, with structure and properties similar to Jojoba Oil, imparts a rich skin feel with medium oily residue. • Summary (3) 0. Thurn, •Enzymatic Emollients - Sustainability t hat gets under t he skin• COSSMA All of the above-mentioned factors influence the final texture, sensory feel, and overall performance of a cosmetic product. When utilized together, the Senses scientific tool sup ports the formulator in the proper alignment of each individual property. It is to be taken as supporting tool in the selection of emollients, to create products with improved sensory and emotional appeal. 1-2/2010. (4) A. Howe, D. Adkins, M. So/data, B. Jha, 0. Springer, •Phenoxyethyl Caprylate - A New Polar Emollient for Organic UV Fil ters« SOFWJournal 137 (7), 2011. References (1) "Au thor's address: T. Dietz, »Basic properties of cosmetic oils and their relevan ce to emulsion preparations« SOFW- Journal125 (7). 1999. (2) 0. Thurn, K. M. Oxenbe/1, • Biocatalysis- A Sus- Dr. Matthias Mentel Evonik Industries AG Goldschmidtstr. 100 45127 Essen Germany Email: tainable Method for the Production of Emol- • lien t Esters« SOFW-Journa l1 34 (1/2). 2008. pro I W HERE EXPERTS ARE COMMITTE D. I am committed to your testing needs and I /if putlu l),u t ngths inti) the recrmtment of o ger at proDERM SOFW·Journal l 140 18-20 14 15
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