44th Victorian Arabian Horse Classic 20th and 21st December 2014 “AA” Class ROM ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday, 19th November 2014 No late entries will be accepted. Judges: Halter: Shannon Armstrong (USA) Ridden: Mark Lilley (Qld) Speciality Judges : Colleen Rutherford (Qld) Kerry Rogers and Dale Plumb www.vahainc.com Youth of the Year Qualifying show CONTACT Secretary: Katherine McMahon 0409 191 133 kathmarpark@hotmail.com Kay Edward 0403 123 264 mustang@netcon.com.au Sheila Jones 0408 515 685 sheilaajones@hotmail.com Brought to you by the Victorian Arabian Horse Association Inc. VICTORIAN ARABIAN HORSE CLASSIC CONDITIONS OF ENTRY It is recommended that these rules be detached from the schedule and be kept as reference. 1a. The Victorian Arabian Classic is conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations for the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd. Competitors are responsible for becoming familiar with all sections of these rules as they form a part of the conditions of Entry for this show. Copies of the 2014 Rule Book can be obtained through the AHSA Ltd or downloaded from http://www.ahsa.asn.au 1b. All entries must be made in writing on entry forms supplied by the Association and lodged with the Classic Secretary on or before the stated closing date. Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by a photocopy of the Registration Certificate showing current owner's name, transfer of ownership and/or lease details. 1c. All horses must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor or held by the exhibitor under a written lease recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd, at the time of entry. If the exhibit is in the process of being transferred to a new owner, then a photocopy of the transfer application must accompany the copy of the registration certificate with the Entry Form. 2. The lodging of an entry shall bind the exhibitor to the Conditions of Entry set out herein and the signature of the exhibitor on the entry form shall signify acceptance of the conditions 3. The Association committee, without giving any reason, shall have the power to :i) reject or cancel any entry at any time ii) prohibit the participation by any person or exhibit in any event or class iii) cancel any event or class iv) combine classes or heats v) alter the time of any class or event vi) remove any exhibit from the show grounds vii) transfer any exhibit or exhibitor from any class to another class 4a. Entry fees will not be refunded to exhibitors under any circumstances. 4b. Entry Fees will not be refunded to exhibitors rejected due to non-compliance with Conditions of Entry. 4c. Exhibits, which in the opinion of the Association Committee's appointed inspectors are not in reasonable show condition or standard shall not compete in the classes entered, neither shall entry fees be refunded. 5. The Association shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury occasioned to any exhibit or exhibitor from any cause whatsoever. 6. Exhibitors enter entirely at their own risk. In case any exhibit, whilst on the show grounds, shall cause or be the cause of Injury or damage to any other exhibit or exhibitor or to the public or property of any member of the Association or the general public, the owner of such exhibit shall indemnify the Association, its officers, officials and members from and against all damages, costs claims, expenses or liabilities Incurred. The exhibitor shall be liable to the Association, its officers, officials and members for any loss or damage occasioned to any of them by the exhibit, the exhibitor or his agent. 7. To obtain Members reduced entry fees, membership must be paid with the entry fees. Ordinary member $45.00 Junior Member $30.00 WHEN HORSES ARE ENTERED FOR THE CLASSIC IN PARTNERSHIP, AT LEAST ONE PARTNER MUST BE A FINANCIAL MEMBER IN ORDER TO BENEFIT FROM REDUCED ENTRY FEES. 8. All Arabian and Arabian bred horses accommodated on the grounds during the Classic must be bona fide entrants in the Classic. 9a. The Classic Secretary OFFICE HOURS shall be as defined in Instructions to Exhibitors which are posted to Exhibitors prior to the show. 10. The Association and any servant, agent or appointee of the Association shall not be held liable to an exhibitor for the death of or for any injury, damage or infection sustained by any exhibit, occasioned by or arising from any act or omission of any servant, agent or appointee of the Association done or committed in the course of making or causing to be made any test to the exhibit whether to the negligence of any such servant, agent or appointee or otherwise 11. Any person (spectator or competitor) causing annoyance by loud comments on Judges' decisions or by unseemly conduct or by insulting behaviour will, after being cautioned, be named over the Public Address system. Should the unacceptable behaviour persist, forfeiture of any awards already gained and denial of further participation at this or any future VAHA event may result. 12. Any treatment to an exhibit which is considered to be inhumane should be reported immediately to an official. The Disputes Committee will examine the report and should the incident be proven (in the opinion of the Disputes Committee) the offenders may be disqualified, for a time to be determined, from: all prize monies and trophies already gained at the Classic any other Show or function controlled by V.A.H.A. Inc 13. Exhibitors should ensure that they are ringside and marshalled prior to their class will not be held and late competitors will only be allowed to enter the ring at the Chief Stewards discretion. Performance Classes 14. All exhibits in height classes must provide a copy of an EFA height certificate with entries. Exhibits may be measured in the absence of an EFA height certificate and the cost associated will be borne by the exhibitor. Life time height certificates and any height certificate no older than 3 years will be accepted. 15. All ridden exhibits must be 3 years of age or over. 16. EXHIBIT NECK / BACK NUMBERS: A $3-00 NON-REFUNDABLE fee for each number (including rider & youth classes) is required to be paid with Classic Entries. All rider / youth classes will have separate neck/back numbers. Awards, Trophies and Disputes 17. A Judge may choose to award a 2nd or 3rd prize if no exhibit is considered worthy of a 1st prize 18. Should any prize winning exhibit be subsequently disqualified, the next place getter does not necessarily obtain the same prize. The Disputes Committee shall decide in consultation with the Judge 19. All disputes may be referred to the Disputes Committee consisting of the Classic Secretary, Chief Steward and such other member of the Association Committee as the Committee may direct and the Disputes Committee shall, in addition to any powers hereinbefore mentioned have the power to disqualify any exhibitor from any section or class for the remainder of the current Classic. Such decisions are final and binding 20. Protests must be lodged in writing with the Classic Secretary together with $50-00, which amount shall be forfeited if the complaint is not upheld. Protests must be lodged within ONE HOUR of the disputed decision. 21. All prize money shall be paid by the Association Treasurer. Prize money and trophies not collected at the show will be forfeited. 22. ALL PERPETUAL TROPHIES must be returned to the Classic Secretary no later than the commencement of judging on the first day of the Classic. Classic Youth Ambassador Award - Entry must be indicated on entry form. SPONSORED by A&K Embroidery For Youth exhibitors under 18 years of age. To be eligible youth and nominated exhibit must gain a place in a Youth Handler class, a Youth Rider Class and a maximum of 6 other classes from Open Halter, Open Ridden, any Youth class, Western Pleasure, Bridle Path Hack, Smartest on Parade, Show Hunter or Costume. Amateur classes and special awards are excluded. Cards will be provided and must be submitted to the Show Secretary no later than close of Show. Entry is free Points allocated as follows 1st 10 points (exhibits in class > 10), 1st 8 points (exhibits in class 5-9), 1st 4 points (exhibits in class 1-4) 2nd 8 points (exhibits in class > 10), 2nd 6 points (exhibits in class 5-9), 2nd 3 points (exhibits in class 1-4) 3rd 6 points (exhibits in class > 10), 3rd 4 points (exhibits in class 5-9), 3rd 2 points (exhibits in class 1-4) 4th 4 points (exhibits in class > 10), 4th 2 points (exhibits in class 5-9), 4th 1 points (exhibits in class 1-4) Champion 5 - points Reserve Champion – 2 points JEAN LUCKOCK COMMEMORATIVE AWARD $500 for 1st place, sashes to 6th place. For Purebred Arabian Stallions, Mares and Geldings, 3 years and over. MIKE CHEESEMAN COMMEMORATIVE AWARD $500 for 1st place. Sashes to 6th place. Arabian Derivative Stallions, Mares and Geldings, 3 years and over. Both of the above two classes are judged by the following : • All presentations to the judge must be made by the one Handler / Rider. • The class will be judged in two sections. Firstly as a ridden exhibit (60% of points) and then presented as a halter horse (40% of points) to be assessed for conformation, movement and type. • Previous winners are ineligible to compete. • Horses will present in open ridden attire with either a snaffle or double bridle. Gear nor presentation will be taken into account. • There shall be no equal placings. • Roll of Merit points do not apply. • 2 judges - one under saddle and one at halter NEWCOMERS Newcomers (i.e. 1st season under saddle) not to have competed under saddle prior 1 August 2011 Jackpot cash prize from 70% of class of entries received. 1st place 40%, 2nd place 20% & 3rd place 10% CLASSIC YOUTH AMBASSADOR: Entry must be indicated on entry form. For Youth Exhibitors - under 18 years of age. To be eligible, youth and nominated exhibit must gain a place in a Youth handler class, a Youth rider class and at least one Youth Miscellaneous class (ie: Trail, Western Pleasure, Bridle Path Hack, Youth Smartest On Parade or Costume). Amateur section is excluded. Up to 6 classes with best result to be submitted to the Show Secretary no later than close of show THE AVONDALE TROPHY Sponsored by Krishlah Arabians For Yearling Purebred Arabians, bred by a resident of Victoria (as listed on the horses registration certificate) Judged by 2 judges. 1st - 3rd share a prize pool of 60% of entries. Sashes to 6th place. THE SHIRANNA AWARD (JUNIOR & SENIOR) Sponsored by Shiranna Arabians Junior - 3 years and under Senior - 4 years and over Judged by 2 judges. For Arabian Derivatives who carry a minimum of 50% Arabian blood as stated on the AHSA Stud Book. Placings to 6th. 1st - 3rd share a prize pool of 60% of entries. The winner of each section will contest for the Shiranna Trophy. Stable and Camping bookings to be done directly through WPNEC www.wpnec.com.au The Barn and A Row have been reserved for major sponsors and cannot be booked online. Please contact Katherine McMahon to confirm your booking in these areas. CHANGES OF NOTE All Open Halter, Open Ridden and Rider classes will be judged Champion, Reserve Champion and Top 5. All other classes will be judged 1st to 6th place with Championship classes were relevant VAHA AGM Friday 19th December in the old Admin building at 7pm Please contact Sheila Jones 0408 515 685 sheilaajones@hotmail.com All VAHA members are encouraged to attend. Saturday Ring 1 Youth Handler Classes Colleen Rutherford 8.00 am 1. Youth Handler, 12 - 14 years 2. Youth Handler, 15 - 17 years Champion & Reserve Champion Senior Handler 3. Youth Handler, 5 - 8 years 4. Youth Handler, 9 - 11 years Champion & Reserve Champion Junior Handler Derivative Halter Derivative Yearlings 9.00 am Shannon Armstrong Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 5. Arabian Warmblood Yearling Filly 6. Anglo Arabian Yearling Filly 7. Arabian Riding Pony Yearling Filly 8. Arabian Pony Yearling Filly 9. Partbred Arabian Yearling Filly 10. Arabian Warmblood Yearling Gelding 11. Anglo Arabian Yearling Gelding 12. Arabian Riding Pony Yearling Gelding 13. Arabian Pony Yearling Gelding 14. Partbred Arabian Yearling Gelding 15. Arabian Warmblood Yearling Colt 16. Anglo Arabian Yearling Colt 17. Arabian Riding Pony Yearling Colt 18. Arabian Pony Yearling Colt 19. Partbred Arabian Yearling Colt 20. Quarab Yearling 21. Arabian Stockhorse Yearling Classic Derivative Classes 10.00 am Kerry Rogers 22. Classic Trot Derivative Male 23. Quality Head Derivative Male 24. Classic Trot Derivative Female 25. Quality Head Derivative Female Derivative 2 & 3 Year Olds 10.45 am Shannon Armstrong Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 26. Arabian Warmblood 2 & 3 year old Filly 27. Anglo Arabian 2 & 3 year old Filly 28. Arabian Riding Pony 2 & 3 year old Filly 29. Arabian Pony 2 & 3 year old Filly 30. Partbred Arabian 2 & 3 year old Filly 31. Arabian Warmblood 2 & 3 year old Gelding 32. Anglo Arabian 2 & 3 year old Gelding 33. Arabian Riding Pony 2 & 3 year old Gelding 34. Arabian Pony 2 & 3 year old Gelding 35. Partbred Arabian 2 & 3 year old Gelding 36. Arabian Warmblood 2 & 3 year old Colt 37. Anglo Arabian 2 & 3 year old Colt 38. Arabian Riding Pony 2 & 3 year old Colt 39. Arabian Pony 2 & 3 year old Colt 40. Partbred Arabian 2 & 3 year old Colt 41. Quarab, 2 & 3 year old 42. Arabian Stockhorse, 2 & 3 year old Shiranna Trophy 12.00 pm Colleen Rutherford & Kerry Rogers 43. Shiranna Junior Award 44. Shiranna Senior Award Shiranna Trophy Derivative 4 Years and Over 1.30 pm Shannon Armstrong Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Arabian Warmblood Mare, 4 years and over Anglo Arabian Mare, 4 years and over Arabian Riding Pony Mare, 4 years and over Arabian Pony Mare, 4 years and over Partbred Arabian Mare, 4 years and over Arabian Warmblood Gelding, 4 years and over Anglo Arabian Gelding, 4 years and over Arabian Riding Pony Gelding, 4 years and over Arabian Pony Gelding, 4 years and over Partbred Arabian Gelding, 4 years and over Arabian Warmblood Stallion, 4 years and over Anglo Arabian Stallion, 4 years and over Arabian Riding Pony Stallion, 4 years and over Arabian Pony Stallion, 4 years and over Partbred Arabian Stallion, 4 years and over Quarab, 4 years and over Arabian Stockhorse, 4 years and over SUPREME ARABIAN WARMBLOOD SUPREME ANGLO ARABIAN SUPREME ARABIAN RIDING PONY SUPREME ARABIAN PONY SUPREME PARTBRED ARABIAN SUPREME QUARAB OR ARABIAN STOCKHORSE INDOOR ARENA No 1 Commemorative Classes Colleen Rutherford (Halter) and Dale Plumb (Ridden) 5.00pm 62. Jean Luckock 63. Mike Cheeseman BBQ commences at around 6.30 pm Times indicated in this program are a guide only and may alter once entries come in. Classes may also be rescheduled if obvious clashing does occur. Rider Classes Kerry Rogers Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 64. Rider, 31 years and over 65. Rider, 18 - 30 years 66. Rider, 13 - 17 years 67. Rider, 9 - 12 years 68. Rider, 5 - 8 years Amateur Owner (Non Pro) Derivative Halter Colleen Rutherford 2.40 pm 85. AO (Non Pro) Arabian Partbred, Quarab or Arabian Stockhorse 86. AO (Non Pro) Anglo Arabian or Warmblood 87. AO (Non Pro) Arabian Riding Pony or Arabian Pony Champion & Reserve Champion AO (Non Pro) Led Derivative Show Hunters 9.40 am Colleen Rutherford 69. Youth Show Hunter 70. Show Hunter, under 14 hands 71. Show Hunter, 14 hands and under 15 hands 72. Show Hunter, 15 hands and over Champion & Reserve Champion Show Hunter Dual Registered Halter Kerry Rogers 3.30 pm 88. Dual Registered Led 12.2 hands and under 89. Dual Registered Led, over 12.2 hands and under 15 hands 88. Dual Registered Led, 15 hands and over Champion & Reserve Champion Led Dual Registered Saturday Ring 2 8.00 am Bridle Path Hacks 11.00 am Kerry Rogers 73. Youth Bridle Path Hack 74. Purebred Bridle Path Hack 75. Derivative Bridle Path Hack, under 14 hands 76. Derivative Bridle Path Hack, 14 hands and over Champion & Reserve Champion Bridle Path Hack Side Saddle Mark Lilley 77. Side Saddle Classic BBQ Dinner Must be pre ordered with entries Sponsored by Valley Smallgoods Margaret & Graeme Parker 12.00 pm Purebred Ridden Novice Purebred 12.10 pm Mark Lilley 78. Novice Ridden Purebred Female 79. Novice Ridden Purebred Male Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Ridden Purebred Open Purebred Ridden Mark Lilley Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 80. Ridden Purebred Gelding* 81. Ridden Purebred Mare 82. Ridden Purebred Stallion * Gai Raphael Garland for Champion Ridden Gelding SUPREME RIDDEN PUREBRED AO (Non Pro) Purebred Ridden Classes 2.00 pm Kerry Rogers 83. AO (Non Pro) Purebred Ridden Male 84. AO (Non Pro) Purebred Ridden Female Champion & Reserve Champion AO (Non Pro) Ridden Purebred Join us for a fabulous BBQ dinner with a variety of salads. Vegetarians catered for (remind us) $5.OO PER PERSON Children under 12 free Please indicate on entry form the number of your group attending so we can ensure adequate tables and chairs are available. Dinner will be around 6.30pm with provision made for those competing. BYO drinks. Sunday Ring 1 Newcomers 9.00 am Mark Lilley 91. Newcomers (Purebred & Derivative) Purebred Halter Purebred Geldings 10.00 am Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes Shannon Armstrong 92. Purebred Yearling Gelding 93. Purebred Gelding, 2 years 94. Purebred Gelding, 3 & 4 years 95. Purebred Gelding 5 years and over SUPREME PUREBRED GELDING Classic Purebred Classes Kerry Rogers 96. Classic Trot Purebred Female 97. Classic Head Purebred Female 98. Classic Trot Purebred Male 99. Classic Head Purebred Male Sunday Ring 2 Australian Pleasure Class Kerry Rogers 8.00 am 116. Australian Pleasure Class (Purebred & Derivative) Smartest on Parades Kerry Rogers 117. 118. 119. 120. Smartest Smartest Smartest Smartest on on on on 8.15 am Parade, 18 years and over Parade, 14 – 17 years Parade, 9 – 13 years Parade, 5 – 8 years Leading Rein Colleen Rutherford 121. Leading Rein (3 years to 8 years) Walk & Trot Class Colleen Rutherford 10.30 am 122.Walk & Trot Class 9.30 am 10.00 am Working Stockhorse 10.20 am Colleen Rutherford 123. Working Stockhorse (Purebred & Derivative) Derivative Ridden 10.30 am 10.50 am Novice Derivative Ridden Mark Lilley 124. Novice Derivative, 12.2 hands and under 125. Novice Derivative, over 12.2 hands and under 15 hands Purebred Females 11.30 am 126. Novice Derivative, over 15 hands Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Ridden Derivative Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes Shannon Armstrong Dual Registered Ridden 103. Purebred Yearling Filly Colleen Rutherford 11.30 am 104. Purebred Filly, 2 years 127. Dual Registered Ridden, 12.2 hands and under 105. Purebred Filly or Mare, 3 & 4 years 128. Dual Registered Ridden, over 12.2 hands and 106. Purebred Mare, 5 years and over under 15 hands SUPREME PUREBRED FEMALE 129. Dual Registered Ridden, 15 hands and over Costume Kerry Rogers 100. Native Costume 101. Youth Costume 102. Show Costume Champion & Reserve Champion Dual Registered Ridden Avondale Award 12.45 pm Colleen Rutherford & Kerry Rogers 1.00 pm Open Derivative Ridden Mark Lilley 107. Avondale Trophy Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes Amateur Owner Purebred Halter 1.15 pm 130. Ridden Derivative Mare, 12.2 hands and under Colleen Rutherford 131. Ridden Derivative Mare, over 12.2 hands and 108. AO (Non Pro) Purebred Female under 15 hands 109. AO (Non Pro) Purebred Male 132. Ridden Derivative Mare, over 15 hands Champion & Reserve Champion AO (Non Pro) Led 133. Ridden Derivative Gelding, 12.2 hands and under Purebred 134. Ridden Derivative Gelding, over 12.2 hands and under 15 hands Western Pleasure Kerry Rogers 1.50 pm 135. Ridden Derivative Gelding, over 15 hands 136. Ridden Derivative Stallion, 12.2 hands and under 110. Youth Western Pleasure 137. Ridden Derivative Stallion, over 12.2 hands 111. Western Pleasure SUPREME RIDDEN DERIVATIVE Champion & Reserve Champion Western Pleasure AO Ridden Classes 3.30 pm Kerry Rogers Purebred Entires 2.15 pm 138. AO (Non Pro) Derivative Ridden Riding Pony Champion, Res Champion & Top 5 classes 139. AO (Non Pro) Derivative Ridden Arabian Pony Shannon Armstrong 140. AO (Non Pro) Derivative Ridden Partbred 112. Purebred Yearling Colt 141. AO (Non Pro) Derivative Ridden Anglo Arabian 113. Purebred Colt, 2 years 142. AO (Non Pro) Derivative Ridden Warmblood Arabian 114. Purebred Colt, or Stallion, 3 & 4 years Champion & Reserve Champion AO (Non Pro) Ridden 115. Purebred Stallion, 5 years and over Derivative SUPREME PUREBRED ENTIRE 143. Harness SATURDAY SHIRANNA DERIVATIVE JUNIOR & SENIOR AWARD and the SHIRANNA DERIVATIVE TROPHY Sponsored by Shiranna Arabians SUPREME CHAMPION ARABIAN WARMBLOOD Champions from all Arabian Warmblood classes. Sponsorship available SUPREME CHAMPION ARABIAN RIDING PONY Champions from all Arabian Riding Pony classes. Sponsorship available SUPREME CHAMPION ARABIAN PONY Champions from all Arabian Pony classes. Sponsored by Chemical Solutions SUPREME CHAMPION PARTBRED ARABIAN Champions from all Partbred Arabian classes. Sponsorship available SUPREME CHAMPION ANGLO ARABIAN Champions from all Anglo Arabian classes. Needs sponsorship SUPREME CHAMPION QUARAB / ARABIAN STOCKHORSE Champions from all Quarab and Arabian Stockhorse classes. Sponsorship available THE JEAN LUCKOCK COMMEMORATIVE AWARD This event sponsored by C. Cornish, J. & L. Luckock, D. & S. Luckock, C. Luckock, E. & C. Luckock, L. Weatherley and W. Weatherley THE MIKE CHEESEMAN COMMEMORATIVE AWARD SUNDAY AVONDALE AWARD Winner is awarded the perpetual Avondale Trophy Sponsored by Krishlah Arabians SUPREME CHAMPION PUREBRED ARABIAN GELDING Champions from all Purebred Gelding classes. Sponsorship available SUPREME CHAMPION PUREBRED ARABIAN FEMALE Champions from all Purebred Female classes. SUPREME CHAMPION PUREBRED ARABIAN ENTIRE Champions from all Purebred Entire classes. Sponsored by the Malabu Partnership SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN Champions from all Novice and Open Ridden classes. Perpetual trophy “The Ennerdale Trophy” donated by the Luckock Family. ENTRY FEES VAHA Inc. Members Non Members Purebred & Derivative Halter $35.00 per class $40.00 per class Purebred & Derivative Classic Classes $15.00 per class $20.00 per class Amateur Owner Classes $20.00 per class $25.00 per class Purebred & Derivative Open Ridden $25.00 per class $30.00 per class Purebred & Derivative Miscellaneous $15.00 per class $20.00 per class Newcomer Ridden (Jackpot Prize) $50.00 per class $50.00 per class Youth Handler / Rider $15.00 per class $20.00 per class Youth Miscellaneous Classes $15.00 per class $20.00 per class Jean Luckock Commemorative $50.00 per entry $50.00 per entry Mike Cheeseman Commemorative $50.00 per entry $50.00 per entry Shiranna Award $20.00 per entry $20.00 per entry Avondale Award $20.00 per entry $20.00 per entry Administration fee (Catalogue, postage & printing) $25.00 Compulsory Youth performance package 1 package per horse, only available to VAHA Inc. members Up to 5 classes $50.00 or Up to 8 classes $80.00. *Please indicate on entry form in space provided *Excludes Ordinary Halter Class, Avondale Award, Shiranna Award, Jean Luckock, Mike Cheeseman and Newcomers Multi class performance package 1 package per horse, only available to VAHA Inc. members Up to 5 classes $80.00 or Up to 8 classes $120.00. *Please indicate on entry form in space provided *Excludes Ordinary Halter Class, Avondale Award, Shiranna Award, Jean Luckock, Mike Cheeseman and Newcomers The Classic Youth Ambassador Award is Free but must be nominated on the entry form Have you: Completed entry form and enclosed relevant fees Signed entry form. Nominated all classes you wish to enter. Enclosed photocopy entries registration papers. Enclosed a copy of the exhibits height certificate (if required) Completed the liability insurance form and if a non member, completed non-member waiver. If an Non Pro / Amateur enclosed a photocopy of Non Pro / Amateur membership card. Completed VAHA Membership form. Dear Arabian Enthusiast, We wish to invite you to sponsor the 43rd Victorian Arabian Horse Classic. Below are our sponsorship options. THE VICTORIAN ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION INC. A.B.N. 77 115 844 880 Sponsorship Opportunities Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Post Code ______________________ __ Phone:________________________________ Monetary Sponsorships $25.00 Package Mobile: _______________________________ • Listing in the Show catalogue Email: _________________________________ $50.00 Package Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated, thank you for your support. • Your choice of championship • PA announcements at the show Please make cheques payable to Victorian Arabian Horse Ass. Inc. $75.00 Package This form, payment and advertising (print ready in email PDF or JPEG) must be received no later than close of entries Wednesday 6th November2013 • • • • CHAMPION CLASS SPONSOR CHAMPION CLASS SPONSOR 1/4 page black & white ad in show catalogue Your choice of championship 2 sponsors passes VIP dinner table PA announcements at the show Email advertising to kathmarpark@hotmail.com $150.00 package SECTION SPONSOR (eg Bridle Path, Show Hunter, Costume etc) Product Sponsorships • • • • $50 - $150 worth of product • Listing in the show catalogue • PA Announcements at the show $150 - $250 worth of product • 1/2 page black & white ad in show catalogue • PA Announcements at the show • 2 sponsors passes VIP table Saturday night BBQ & Seminar • Your banner displayed • Space allocated for you trade stall (this must be booked) $250 - $350 worth of product • Full page black & white ad in show catalogue • PA Announcements at the show • 4 sponsors passes VIP table Saturday night BBQ & Seminar • Your banner displayed • Space allocated for you trade stall (this must be booked) 1/2 page black & white ad in show catalogue 4 sponsors passes VIP dinner table Saturday night BBQ & Seminar PA announcements at the show $250 package SUPREME SPONSOR • Full page black & white ad in show catalogue • 6 sponsors passes VIP dinner table • 1 day catered lunch platter for 2 persons (you choose which day) • Reserved stabling • Your choice of Supreme Championship • PA announcements at the show • Your banner displayed on the arena $400+ package • First preference reserved stabling • Full page black & white ad in show catalogue • 6 sponsors passes VIP dinner table • 2 day catered lunch platter for 4 persons • Your choice of Supreme Championship • PA announcements at the show • Your banner displayed on the arena ALL PACKAGES CAN BE TAILORED TO SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS 44th Victorian Arabian Classic Entry Form Saturday & Sunday , 20th & 21st December 2014 at Werribee Park Name of Exhibitor: ………………………..……………………..…………………………… VAHA Membership No Postal Address: (if applicable) ...…………………...…… AHSA Membership No (compulsory) ….....……………….……. …………………………..……………………………………………….…………….…………..…..…Post Code..……...…..… Telephone: ………………………..….…….. Mobile: ……………….…………...… E-Mail: ……………...……………………………..…...... The above named exhibits are registered with AHSA Ltd and are entered in compliance with all Conditions of Entry and I hereby certify the correctness of each Exhibit’s particulars. I also note that I will not be recompensed for exhibits entered that are not shown or do not comply, what ever the reason and that I will not seek a refund. Signed: …………………………………………… Dated ….…./………. 2014 Name of Exhibitor to appear in the Catalogue: …………………………………………………………………………. Please make cheques payable to the Victorian Arabian Horse Association. Credit facilities are not available. Direct deposit can be made and a receipt of payment MUST be attached with entries. Commonwealth Bank BSB 063-012 Account No 1070 7708 Post entry forms together with payment and a copy of Registration Papers to : Katherine McMahon, PO Box 178, Yarragon. 3823 Total of Entries Catalogue & Administration fee COMPULSORY $ Entries close Wednesday 6th, November 2013. Back Numbers @ $3.00 per horse $ Total of class entries (from class entry page) $ Stabling ($36 per stable per day from 4pm to 4pm) MAJOR SPONSOR BOOKING ONLY $ All other stable bookings through WPNEC Stable Cleaning @ $25 per stable Major Sponsors Only $ All other entries pay cleaning fee online with stable booking VAHA Membership $ SPONSORSHIP $ Day / Professional Insurance (if applicable) complete relevant form $ BBQ Tickets @$5.00 each $ ( No of Adults x …….…... Children under 12 are Free but please indicate No attending x Office Use Exhibit No (s) ………………………………………………………….. .…...…….) TOTAL ENTRY $ 25.00 Victorian Arabian Classic 2014 - Exhibit & Class Entry Details Horses Name: Horses Name: DOB : AHSA Reg : DOB : Sire : Dam: Sire : Dam: Colour : Height : Colour : Height: Youth Competitor & DOB Exhibit No (office) Halter Class Youth Competitor & DOB Class No $35 / $40 Handler / Rider $ Exhibit No (office) Halter Class Class No $35 / $40 AO (NP) Led $20 / $25 (nominate Handler) AO (NP) $20 / $25 (nominate Handler) Dual Registered Led $15 / $20 Dual Registered Led $15 / $20 Shiranna / Avondale Shiranna / Avondale $20 Heads & Trots $10 Heads & Trots $20 $10 / $15 Performance Package Youth or Adult Performance Package Youth or Adult Novice Ridden $15 / $20 Novice Ridden $15 / $20 Open Ridden $25 / $30 Open Ridden $25 / $30 Show Hunter $15 / $20 Show Hunter $15 / $20 BP Hack $15 / $20 BP Hack $15 / $20 Costume $15 / $20 Costume $15 / $20 Western $15 / $20 Western $15 / $20 Side Saddle $15 / $20 Side Saddle $15 / $20 Working Stockhorse $15 / $20 Working Stockhorse $15 / $20 Australian Pleasure $15 / $20 Australian Pleasure $15 / $20 AO (NP) Ridden $20 / $25 (nominate Rider) AO (NP) Ridden $20 / $25 (nominate Rider) Dual Registered Ridden $15 / $20 Dual Registered Ridden $15 / $20 Rider $15 / $20 (Rider Name (s) Rider $15 / $20 (Rider Name (s) Smartest on Parade $15 / $20 Smartest on Parade $15 / $20 Luckock / Cheeseman $50 Luckock / Cheeseman $50 Newcomer Newcomer $50 $50 Youth Handler $15 / $20 (Handler Name (s) Youth Handler $15 / $20 (Handler Name (s) Leading Rein $15 / $20 Leading Rein $15 / $20 Walk & Trot $15 / $20 Walk & Trot $15 / $20 Classic Youth Ambassador Classic Youth Ambassador FREE TOTAL CLASS ENTRIES $ FREE TOTAL CLASS ENTRIES $ Handler / Rider $ The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd LIABILITY DECLARATION FORM FOR AFFILIATES 2014/15 EVERY PARTICIPANT WHO WILL BE A HANDLER, RIDER, DRIVER, GROOM & ANYONE HANDLING A HORSE OR PONY MUST COMPLETE THIS DECLARATION OWNERS OF ALL REGISTERED ARABIANS AND ARABIAN DERIVATIVES MUST BE CURRENT FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF THE ARABIAN HORSE SOCIETY TO BE ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE BOX: I am a current financial member of The AHSA Ltd or an AHSA Affiliate Group and am NOT a Professional (as described on the Participant Application), therefore I am covered by The AHSA Ltd Group Public Liability Insurance. My membership number with The AHSA Ltd. or AHSA Affiliate Group is ……………………. and I have attached a photocopy of my current AHSA or AHSA Affiliate Membership Card. No Participant Application is required from me. I am a current financial member of The AHSA Ltd or an AHSA Affiliate Group and AM a Professional (as described on the Participant Application), therefore I am NOT covered by The AHSA Ltd Group Public Liability Insurance. I have attached a photocopy of my current insurance policy (Certificate of Currency), which provides me with 24/7 Public Liability insurance to the minimum limit of $10,000,000 per occurrence. OR I have completed the Participant Application and agree to pay the Professionals Day Participants Fee I am a current member of an equine association, and/or I hold a current insurance policy, which provides me with 24/7 Public Liability insurance to the minimum limit of $10,000,000 per occurrence. My membership / policy number is ............................................ and I have attached a photocopy of my Membership Card / Insurance Policy / Certificate of Currency as proof of this insurance. No Participant Application is required from me. I am not a member of any of the above and do not have a current Public Liability policy with a minimum of $10,000,000 cover so will complete the Registered Participant Application and tender the appropriate fee per day (including GST) to cover the cost of participation with this affiliate group for each day of this event. I am also aware that this is not Personal Liability Insurance so cover does not extend to cover travel to and from this show. In consideration of your accepting my participation, I hereby undertake to indemnify the organizing body against all claims, losses, suits and damages made against or suffered by the organizing body by reason of any negligent act or omission on the part of any rider, driver, trainer or attendant whilst he/she is attending, riding, driving or otherwise handling any horse so entered or any other horse owned or entered by me, and I agree that any act or omission on the part of such rider, driver, handler or attendant found in any action against you to be negligent shall be deemed to have been negligent for the purpose of any claim under this indemnity. Further, I agree to abide by the Rules & Conditions and current Rule Book as laid down by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Limited and/or contained in any official show schedule and I also agree to abide by all of the Showground rules regarding use of their centre and its facilities. Print Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Dated………...……………………………………….. Signed:……………………………………………………….........................................................Contact Phone Number:….................…… For Participants of Minority Age (Under Age 18) This is to certify that I, as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept all of the above and consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities arising from my minor child’s involvement or participation in horse sport activities and in particular, this event, even if arising from the negligence of the Releasees. Signature of Parent/Guardian:……………………………………………..…....................Dated:……...…………….…………………………………. The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Limited ABN 12 001 281 590 226 George Street Windsor NSW 2756 Telephone: 02 4577 5366 Fax: 02 4587 7509 Website: www.ahsa.asn.au Postal Address: Locked Bag No. 6 WINDSOR NSW 2756 NON-PRO DECLARATION (Effective 1st August 2014) Definition of a Non-Pro A non-pro is one who, regardless of his/her equestrian skills and/or accomplishments, in the past three years has not directly or indirectly accepted as payment, goods or money for services usually provided by a professional in the areas of breaking, riding, training, schooling, driving, halter preparation, showing in halter or under saddle. The following activities shall not affect the Non-Pro status of a person who is otherwise qualified; a) The writing of books b) Accepting remuneration for judging or stewarding c) Speaking at workshops, clinics, seminars or training days in a voluntary capacity where they do not accept a fee for their services. d) Receiving prize money or goods as services. e) Having the occupation of farrier, veterinarian, stable hand or groom. f) Owning or operating a saddlery, stud or breeding farm or boarding stables. Spouses and immediate family of a trainer are also able to be registered as a Non-Pro, providing they are not involved with any of the above listed activities with horses where the trainer is being paid. In accordance with the definition of a Non-Pro (as above), I, ………………………………………………………….… (print name) of………………………………………………………………………………………………declare that I am a NON-PRO. (address) Signature Phone Number Address Postcode Witness Signature Date For Participants of Minority Age (Under Age 18) - This is to certify that I, ……………………………………………. as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept all of the above. Signature Witness Signature Date NOTES PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Effective 1st May 2014 1. MEMBERSHIP YEAR - This covers the period 1st January to 31st December. 2. PART YEAR MEMBERSHIP - The Society’s Articles of Association allow for a reduced fee for those persons who are elected as members for the first time between the period of 1st July 5. to 31st December in any year. Applicants for membership which are received by the Society from 1st July until 30th November each year will qualify for this reduced fee. Ordinary Part Year Membership Fee - $85.00 6. Overseas Part Year Membership Fee - $77.00 Associate Part Year Membership Fee - $55.00 Pension Concession Discounted Part Year Membership Fee - $55.00 3. 4. ELECTION OF MEMBERSHIP - All applications for membership received in any particular month are put to the Directors at the beginning of the following month and persons are then elected at that time - this is a requirement of the 7. Society’s Articles of Association. Thus: Applicants for membership cannot be formally approved until the month following lodgment in the Society Office. Applicants lodged in January will normally be approved in February. Applicants lodged in December cannot be approved until January which is the first month 8. of a new membership year and thus full fees are required. INSURANCE - Junior Members are automatically insured for personal liability in respect of their personal equestrian related activities, provided that they are normally domiciled in Australia - This is an integral part of the Membership and is mandatory. 9. Public and Products Liability. What - Your legal liability to compensate third parties for personal injury or property damage (of proven liability or negligence). Limit of Liability - $20,000,000 Excess - $1,000 each and every occurrence. When - At all times (24 hours per day seven days per week) whilst engaged in non-income earning equestrian activities (for pleasure NOT profit). This insurance comes into effect when and if your other insurances will not cover the incident. A Members Insurance Summary is on our website: www.ahsa.asn.au and can be downloaded. CLAIMING TO BE A MEMBER - No person(s) have the right to claim membership of the Society until such time as being notified in writing by the Secretary of the Board of Director’s approval of the application. THE AUSTRALIAN ARABIAN HORSE NEWS - Membership subscription entitles Ordinary, Overseas and Associate Members to receive copies of the Australian Arabian Horse News which may be issued during the currency of a persons membership. Every effort will be made to automatically supply new members with relevant back issues of this magazine, but this is subject to the availability of copies. SOCIETY’S MEMORANDUM, ARTICLES AND REGULATIONS - These are available for viewing or printing on our website, however, a copy can be supplied immediately on request to applicants at no charge. CHANGE OF ADDRESS - If you change your address or email at any time, please notify the Society in writing as soon as you can, otherwise, you may miss out on receiving mail and the Australian Arabian Horse News. If you have any queries or require further information on membership or dealing with the Society’s Registry, please do not hesitate to contact the Society’s Office. PRIVACY STATEMENT - I understand and accept that standard Stud Book information pertaining to the above including pedigree and ownership information will be made accessible by the AHSA Ltd. via printed or electronic media. The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd REGISTERED PARTICIPANT APPLICATION 2014 Participants* in events organised by AHSA Ltd. Affiliate Organisations, who are not current financial members of AHSA Ltd, a current AHSA Ltd Affiliate Organisation, or who do not have any other approved insurance in place, upon completion of this form are deemed to be “Registered Participants” of the event. Protection is afforded to the participant under the AHSA Ltd. Public Liability policy only whilst participating in activities organised and/or run by the AHSA Ltd. Affiliate Organisation at that event where they are liable for causing bodily injury or property damage to others, excluding whilst travelling to and from such event. By completing this form, you agree to abide by the Rules & Conditions of the AHSA Ltd. and any Rules of the event. (*Examples of Participants: handlers/riders/trainers/strappers/grooms etc) Full Name of attendee and guardian (if under 18 years)___________________________ Date of birth_____________ Associated Stud (if applicable)_______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________State___________Post Code__________________ Horses name(s)___________________________________________________________________________________ Event/Activities__________________________________________________________________________________ Address of Event/Activity___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Event/Activity_____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Organising Body___________________________________________________________________________ Please declare which Registered Participant category applies to you: Registered Participant is an individual who does not provide proof of cover under another policy, who may receive any kind of remuneration* at no more than two (2) AHSA or Affiliate events per year. – Insurance cost $10.00 per day. Registered Participant is an individual who does not provide proof of cover under another policy, who receives any kind of remuneration* at more than two (2) AHSA or Affiliate events per year. – Insurance cost $30.00 per day. In this case insurers will provide cover for your Personal Liability whilst participating in the registered event only. This does not afford cover to any business entity and cover is limited to the inidividual participant only. (*Remuneration includes any payment, or payment in kind, received for the purpose of participating as a Registered Participant in the AHSA or Affiliate Event) Horse Sports are a Dangerous Activity In consideration for being permitted to participate in any way in horse sport activities and in particular this event, I, the undersigned, understand, acknowledge and accept that: Horse sports are a dangerous recreational activity and horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt. There is a significant risk that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities and in particular this event. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the proprietors of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd and/or the event organiser (hereafter referred to as the “Releasees”) or others and I voluntarily PARTICIPATE at my OWN RISK and assume sole responsibility for any injury, death or property damage I may suffer that arises from my participation in horse sport activities. I understand and acknowledge the dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol or any mind altering drugs before and during the activity and I take full responsibility for any injury, loss or damage associated with their consumption. I agree not to drink alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law before or during this event. I agree to follow the directions of any event organiser or official and that any misconduct or refusal by me to follow any direction of any organiser or official can result in the CANCELLATION of my participation in the event and my immediate removal from my horse NO MATTER where that may occur. I further agree to abide by the Rules and Conditions of this show and the official Rule Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia. I understand that any such non-compliance may result in injury, death and/or permanent disability and I agree to indemnify the Releasees against all claims made by any person as a result of my failure to comply. I agree to wear a helmet at all times whilst riding and agree that I am solely responsible for ensuring that I wear a suitable helmet at all times while riding and take sole responsibility for my actions. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless and agree not to sue the proprietors of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd and/or the event organiser, their officers, officials, volunteers, coaches, agents and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, state bodies, affiliated clubs and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the activities (all of whom are referred to as “Releasees”) with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releasees or otherwise. I understand that due to diseases such as equine influenza, the Department of Primary Industries, or other state or commonwealth government bodies may restrict or prevent the movement of horses, vehicles and personnel for a time period, otherwise known as a “standstill”. I acknowledge that a standstill is a risk of competing and agree to pay any costs or expenses incurred by any person or organisation for and on behalf of my horse(s) as a result of the standstill. Effect of this Document - I have had sufficient opportunity to read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without inducement of any kind. I understand that my signature to this document constitutes a complete and unconditional release of all liability of the Releasees, to the greatest extent allowed by law in the event of me and/or the children under my care, suffering injury or death. Dated: ___/___/___ Signature of Participant:_________________________________________________ For Participants of Minority Age (Under Age 18) - This is to certify that I, as a parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, acknowledge, understand and accept all of the above and consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities arising from my minor child’s involvement or participation in horse sport activities and in particular, this event, even if arising from the negligence of the Releasees. Dated: ___/___/___ Signature of Parent/Guardian:____________________________________________
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