The Medico-Legal Society of Queensland Inc. Christmas Dinner and AGM 3 December 2014 Guest Speaker: Dr Leigh Atkinson AO The Two Faces of Janus A clinician’s viewpoint In his book, The West and the Rest, English economic historian Niall Ferguson identified six reasons for western dominance over five centuries. Medical science was one of these. Changes in the past 50 years have become more global but there have been seismic shifts in medicine in our own community. Highly regarded Brisbane neurosurgeon, Dr Leigh Atkinson, will reflect on his 50+ years in medicine in Queensland, as well as looking to the future, considering changes in hospital standards, manpower, preventative medicine, communication, technology, health funding and life expectancy. As a young resident at the Mater Hospitals, Leigh Atkinson planned to be a psychiatrist, but subsequently became a Fellow of three medical colleges - the surgeons, the physicians and the anaesthetists. After training in Edinburgh, his neurosurgical career focussed on the Mater Hospitals and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, where he founded the Department of Neurosurgery. Neurosurgery also took him to Fukuoka, Taipei, Seoul, Lahore, Phnom Penh and Bangkok. Leigh was President of the Asian Surgical Society and Secretary-General of Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons. He had some influence on gaining 40 million dollars to finance four public hospital pain clinics in Queensland. He has been awarded an AO, a Centenary Medal and the Medal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. •The Christmas Dinner is also the Society’s annual charity dinner and funds will be donated to a charity nominated by Dr Atkinson. •Preceding the dinner, the Annual General Meeting will commence at 6.15pm. VENUEThe Ballroom Victoria Park Golf Complex Herston Road, Herston (Complimentary on-site parking) DATE Wednesday 3 December 2014 TIME6.45 for 7.15 pm AGM commences 6.15pm DRESS Lounge suit for gentlemen COST Members and partners: $125 each guest * Non-members and partners: $135 each guest RSVPWednesday 26 November 2014 Tickets will not be issued. Collect your namebadge at the dinner. Guest Speaker: Dr Leigh Atkinson AO The Two Faces of Janus: A clinician’s viewpoint Wednesday 3 December 2014 This form may be completed on screen. Please return this form by Wednesday 26 November 2014 to: MLSQ, PO Box 2624, Toowong, Q 4066 Email: | Tel & Fax: 07 3871 0595 My name: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof Justice Judge ............................................................................................................................................ Doctor Lawyer Associate ............................................................................................................................................ Contact telephone number:.............................................................................................. Mr Mrs Miss Member * & partner: $125 per guest x ..................... Non-member & partner: $135 per guest x ..................... Ms Dr Prof Justice 0 0 Total amount owing $ ..................... I am interested in joining the MLSQ. Please email a membership form. Other Preferred email address:.................................................................................................. My partner’s name: 0 Cost: *Current MLSQ members only (Preferred Name in BLOCK LETTERS please) Please indicate profession: No. of tickets Judge ............................................................................................................................................ (Preferred Name in BLOCK LETTERS please) Special requirements: (eg: dietary, wheelchair access) ............................................................................................................................................ Payment Options: • P ayment is required to confirm reservation as numbers are limited. Tentative bookings cannot be held. • C ancellation Policy: Refund for cancelled individual tickets available up to 28 November 2014. • Prices include GST. My cheque payable to: Medico-Legal Society of Queensland Inc. is enclosed ank transfer to MLSQ Inc Account: BSB 084-424 Account Number 942591297 B Please include attendee’s name in the transaction reference and advise payment by email to Please debit my credit card: Mastercard Visa Expiry date: Credit Card Number: ............................................................................................................................................ Preferred seating arrangements: Cardholder:........................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ Signature: . ........................................................................................................................... (Electronic Signature Accepted) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of an Annual General Meeting of the Medico-Legal Society of Queensland Inc. to be held on Tuesday 3 December 2014 at 6.15 pm at The Ballroom, Victoria Park Golf Complex, Herston Road, Herston, Brisbane, Qld The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is: 1. To confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of the Medico-Legal Society of Queensland Inc. 2. To receive and consider the financial accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 2014. 3. Election of Executive and Committee Members for the period of two years commencing 4 December 2014. 4. Please note that nominations for new committee Members must be (a) in writing (b) signed by the nominee Member (c) seconded by two Members, and (d) lodged with the Secretariat by Wednesday 19 November 2014. Dated this 24th Day of October 2014 KATHARINE PHILP President
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