AIA PUERTO RICO 2014 HONOR AWARDS BACKGROUND Established in 1976, the AIA Puerto Rico Honor Awards recognize the outstanding work of AIA Puerto Rico members. ELEGIBILITY Participants, at the moment of registration, must be active members or associate members of the AIA Puerto Rico Chapter. To become an AIA member or renew your membership visit: Eligible projects include those built or designed within the past five (5) years by members of the AIA Puerto Rico and members of AIAS from the Schools of Architecture at: University of Puerto Rico, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Projects completed in a period of over five (5) years may be submitted only in cases where the firm or individual was not allowed to do so because of conflict of interest as a result of his/her/partners/employees participation as a board member of AIA Puerto Rico during the period. A written explanation may be submitted along with the Submission Form in those cases. All participants are bound to practice under the laws of Puerto Rico. CATEGORIES Projects of all sizes and typologies are eligible. Each project must be submitted under only ONE of these categories: Built Work Category open to licensed architects, AIA Puerto Rico members only [AIA]. On this category the participants should submit one (1) photo of the project additional to all the requirements, to be used in the AIA Puerto Rico People’s Choice Award. Unbuilt Work Category open to licensed architects, AIA Puerto Rico members only. Project designed for construction but not built nor under construction to the date of competition. Urban Planning Category open to all AIA Puerto Rico members [AIA & Assoc. AIA]. Interior Architecture Category open to licensed architects, AIA Puerto Rico members only [AIA]. Conceptual Design Category open to all AIA Puerto Rico members [AIA & Assoc. AIA]. Category for design work other than built or unbuilt projects. May include past Thesis Projects, Industrial Design, Web Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, etc. Research & Publications Category open to all AIA Puerto Rico members [AIA & Assoc. AIA]. Student Work Category open to all AIAS members of the University of Puerto Rico, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. May include design work such as Thesis Projects, Group Projects, Industrial Design, Web Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, etc. AIA Puerto Rico 2014 Honor Awards 1 A W A R D S JURY • • • Mauricio Rojas Marlon Blackwell, FAIA Antonio Imbert Pellerano MRV Arquitectos Marlon Blackwell Architects Imbert Dominguez Arquitectos ENTRY FEES AIA Assoc. AIA AIAS First Submission: $150 / Additional Submissions: $75 each First Submission: $75 / Additional Submissions: $40 each First Submission: $40 / Additional Submissions: $20 each PAYMENT OF FEES Payment must be made via PayPal, Check or Money Order payable to AIA Puerto Rico, Inc. The submission form and payment must be submitted with the established Submission Form and Payment deadline. For PayPal payments, an electronic invoice must be requested via email to AIA Puerto Rico. AIA Puerto Rico will not reimburse fees for projects not presented before the project submission deadline. INFORMATION-CONTACT For more information, visit Raúl Pérez-Veve, AIA [] AIA Puerto Rico 2014 Honor Awards 2 A W A R D S SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS This is a digital competition. All information will be submitted in a CD or USB drive accompanied by a signed original and scanned paper Submission Form in pdf format. In case of new AIA members, evidence of payment of membership must also be included with entry submission. Submissions must be delivered as: 1. A 24”x36” layout (1 minimum, 2 maximum; horizontal orientation; PDF format; 15 MB max file size; 72 dpi) with the necessary images (site plan showing context, floor plans, sections, elevations, perspective views, etc.) to successfully convey the project. Project within an existing structure must clearly differentiate new proposal. No format will be given preference over any other, originality and authenticity are encouraged but clarity of the concept is crucial for evaluation. Image shall not include any visible identification of the proponent. Layout must include drawing label and graphic scale. Please visit to download drawing label. This file is to be saved as follows: (SUBMISSION TITLE_01.pdf).1 2. A text statement 500 words maximum, explaining the project. (SUBMISSION TITLE_description.doc). 3. Separate document indicating: Client Name, Project Address, Trade Consultants, and General Contractor, copyrighted material prepared by parties other than the proponent included in the submission (i.e. photographs by others, etc.). This file is to be saved as follows: (SUBMISSION TITLE_projectteam.doc). 4. Folder with all individual drawings (plan, section, elevations, diagrams or sketches) as vector files (PDF, Adobe Illustrator AI, DWG, DXF, EPS) and individual images included in the boards as image files (JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP) with 300dpi resolution. This folder is to be named as follows: (SUBMISSION TITLE_images). This file is to be saved as follows: TIMELINE OCTOBER 28, 2014 Deadline for Submission Form & Payment at: Coliseum Tower, #576 Calle Arterial B, Suite 102 Hato Rey, PR until 5:00 pm, by mail to: PO Box 195488 San Juan, PR 00919-5488 or PayPal (a PayPal invoice must be requested to OCTOBER 31, 2014 Deadline for Project Submission in CD or USB delivered until 5:00 pm to: Coliseum Tower, #576 Calle Arterial B, Suite 102 Hato Rey, PR. NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Jury Presentations NOVEMBER 7, 2014 Winners announcement Exhibition and Ceremony at AIA Honor Awards 1 Images may be reduced in resolution or compressed to meet file size limitations, but must be submitted in the required formats (no zip files). All submissions will be judged in their on screen format. However, winning entrants may be asked to provide their work in original, high-‐resolution format (300 dpi or greater) for publication and exhibition purposes. AIA Puerto Rico 2014 Honor Awards 3 A W A R D S SPECIAL CLAUSES Anonymity The submissions will be judged by the Jurors anonymously and the entrant’s name should not appear anywhere on the submission. Ownership Entrants acknowledge that AIA Puerto Rico may exhibit all entries in the online gallery, and a selection of entries may be chosen for physical exhibition and public display. AIA Puerto Rico will make every effort to notify entrants of any public exhibitions of their work through correspondence with the registered contact. In entering the competition, entrants grant AIA Puerto Rico unrestricted license to exercise the entrants’ rights regarding their submissions, including, but not limited to, reproduction, preparation of derivative works, distribution of copies of the submission, and the right to authorize such use by others. Announcement, Displays and Publication of Results In entering the competition, the registrant and all team members recognize the competition’s program as the intellectual property of AIA Puerto Rico and agree to credit the competition by name in any exhibition or publication of the submission material. Entrants will be credited on all online and print material published regarding the competition. Awards Up to three (3) award types may be given for each category Honor Award, Honorable Mention and Certificate of Merit. The Jury reserves the right to award all, some or none of the award types for each category. All jury decisions will be final. ### AIA Puerto Rico 2014 Honor Awards 4
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