Preschool, Lower School, Middle School

Preschool, Lower School,
Middle School
A Ministry of Crossroads Bible
The Mission of Cedar Grove
is to give a quality Christian
emphasizing traditional
Biblical values.
215-379-3096 – church
215-725-3383 - school
#7 10/24/14
Once again we started our school year off with an attitude of
prayer. This year, we are emphasizing prayer in a different way each day, encouraging children and
our families to make prayer for our school a #1 priority. This began Oct. 1 st and will continue
throughout this month. We encourage you to pray daily, keep a journal, and pray that many will
remain faithful in prayer all month. Please go to the CGCA website for the priority of prayer
calendar. There's a theme for everyday.
MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT UPDATE (March 25-27 : First, thank you for being so flexible
about our retreat as we try to keep all your children safe. We have continued to monitor the
situation in and around Spruce Lake. At this point, Spruce Lake is still open and running at full
capacity. CGCA has been in contact with the local police in the Canadensis area. They informed us
that area is safe and there is no danger around Spruce Lake Retreat area. Travel to that area is
not a concern to them. However, since the fugitive is still not captured, and it is believed that
he is still a possible threat, we have decided to POSTPONE our retreat until March of 2015.
We have reserved the dates of 3/25-27.
Another form about an event next week has been sent home with your child.
HELPING HANDS FIGHT HUNGER FUNDRAISER: We are excited about our fund-raising
campaign, but we need your support! Cedar Grove Christian Academy has successfully launched
our Helping Hands Fight Hunger fund-raising campaign. This special event is being organized to
help raise much needed funds for our organization. Specifically, funds raised will be used towards
the purchase of various school related needs, a “new” bus fund, and helping to pay off the new
gymnasium and needs for individual classrooms. Please register online and create your personal
internet fundraiser page at this link: Fund Easy, and click the “Participate” button. Then please
email your donation requests no later than Friday, October 31 st. A form detailing prizes and
incentives is being given to every child in the school today and can also be accessed through this
link: HHFH Prizes and Incentives.
If you would rather mail your requests, copies of a donation letter are available through our school
office. The Cedar Grove Christian Academy Helping Hands Fight Hunger meal packing event will
be held on Tuesday, December 2nd. This is a school day, so all children and staff will be
Preschool Teachers Conference- Our preschool will be in session during grades 1-8 teachers
conference days and will be attending their own conference later this year.
SCHOLARSHIP ALERT: Please click on the following link - Prospective Families and click on the
Prospective Families Tab and “scholarships” to access scholarship opportunities for your family for
next school year. An informative scholarship meeting is being held this Saturday at ICHS on Tabor
Road. So please check out the link right away and scroll down to the TUCSF flier.
Scholarship deadlines will soon be upon us so please check out all the links on our website to see
if any apply to your family. Information about CSFP, our largest scholarship, is also available on this
PICTURE RETAKE DAY: Wednesday, November 5th, at 9:00 am the photographer will be here for
absentees and retakes. Students who were absent should bring their picture money and dress
appropriately. Students who had a problem with their pictures should return their complete picture
package, except for the group picture.
HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION FOR 8TH GRADERS: Now is the time for families with 8 th grade
students to make application to high schools. Most Christian schools do not have a deadline, but
some fill and have waiting lists. Public schools in Philadelphia require paperwork by December 5 th,,
2014. Contact information for our local Christian High Schools is available for our graduating class.
A HEALTHY SCHOOL: Cedar Grove Christian Academy has taken steps to help keep our children
safe during this cold and flu season. We have been even more aware of the needs for these
measures this year with all the threats that have been publicized so much on TV and other forms of
media. We as a school need to be vigilant to help keep our children healthy. Cleaning and
sanitizing are a priority. One virus in particular has been exceptionally bad this year. The following
statements are from a CNN broadcast concerning this virus.
… “it is important to remember that these infections are very common," said Dr. Anne Schuchat.
Schuchat is the assistant surgeon general for the U.S. Public Health Service and the director of the
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. This particular type of Enterovirus -EV-D68 -- is uncommon but not new. It was identified in the 1960s, and there have been fewer than
100 reported cases since that time. But it's possible that the relatively low number of reports might
be because EV-D68 is hard to identify. The reason health officials are concerned this year is that
there have been so many hospitalizations.
The threats of this virus, as well as the recent reports on the Ebola virus, are cause for increased
need for awareness and prevention. Please be aware that CGCA is taking precautions to help
protect our children. One way you can help us is by encouraging your child to wash their hands
often with warm soapy water.
Below is an informative link about the recent threats and provides suggestions for parents on how
to help remain healthy and how to help keep our children healthy.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: CGCA will participate in distributing shoe boxes packed with
Christmas gifts and the Gospel of Christ’s saving grace for needy children around the world.
Operation Christmas Child is made possible through Samaritan’s Purse. Please send in items that
can be used for this mission project: barrettes, combs, small stuffed animals, toothbrushes,
pencils, pens, soap, t-shirts, socks, small tablets, and small toys. We also are in need of monetary
gifts. The cost of shipping is $7.00 per shoe box. If you can cover the cost of 1, 2, or a number of
shoe boxes, all monetary gifts will be appreciated and will help very much. We also need many
empty shoe boxes, wrapping paper, and adhesive tape. Thank you for your support with this
school missions project.
Colored pencils
Pencil sharpeners
Small Tablets
Small coloring books
Matchbox cars
Small dolls
Tennis size balls
Jack sets
Small stuffed toys
Travel games
Disposable flashlights Tee shirts (all sizes)
Small games or toys
Jump ropes
Ear muffs
Hard candy
The following items are NOT to be brought in:
NO bottles NO chocolates NO toy weapons NO war toys NO soldiers NO toothpaste
PRAY EVERYDAY: The following students led our school in prayer over the PA for the needs of
our school this week:
Trinity McClay-3rd grade (Mrs. Bryan)
Kylie Mayfield-3rd grade (Mrs. Bryan)
Timothy Wilson-2nd grade (Miss Russell)
Morgan Blount-2nd grade (Miss Russell)
Jayla Morgan - 3rd grade (Mrs. Bryan)
Sayuri Brown – 3rd grade (Mrs. Bryan)
Dylan Exilus - 2nd grade (Miss Russell)
Nicholas Williams - 2nd grade (Miss Russell)
Grace Neff - 2nd grade (Miss Russell)
PUPPETEERS: On October 25th the puppet team will be participating in an outreach ministry. They
will be taking their show on the road to share a message from the Word of God through
puppeteering. Parents please sign your child's permission slip and return it to Miss Russell by
Monday of next week.
LUNCH PROGRAM: A menu and order form is sent home every Wednesday and should be
returned to your child’s homeroom teacher along with the payment by Friday. The form is also on
our website under the student life tab. LUNCHROOM NOTICE: The lunchroom is no longer
selling red juice as we have noticed that the floor of our new gym is getting red stains
that are not coming up. We are asking that parents not send red juice in their child's
lunch bag. Thank you for your cooperation!!!
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS: Parents are discouraged from calling their children during the school
day, unless it is an emergency. Messages will be delivered to them only during lunchtime. Any
messages regarding changes in transportation or daycare for the day must be called in before 2:30
pm to ensure your child gets the message. The office is too busy after that time to deliver
messages. Children are discouraged from using the office phone. If a call is absolutely
necessary, the child will have to pay 25¢ per phone call, unless they’re sick or have an emergency.
All month
Oct. 1-31
Oct. 25
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Nov. 5
Nov. 7
Nov. 11
Nov. 17
Priority on Prayer campaign
Puppeteers outreach ministry
Middle School Mini-Retreat
Deadline to send out Helping Hands Fight Hunger emails and/or letters
Picture Retake
End of First Quarter
PTF Meeting 7pm - Samaritan's Purse – Operation Christmas Child
NO SCHOOL – Teachers Conference – Preschool is
still in session.
NO SCHOOL – Parent-Teacher Conferences – Report Cards Issued
US DO THE COOKING FOR YOU! Spaghetti Dinner forms have been sent home soon. All
proceeds will benefit the 7th grade ski trip.
Mon. 10/27
Indoor Soccer @ The City School
3:30 – 5:45 pm
Tues. 10/28
Indoor Soccer practice
3:30 - 4:45 pm
October Practice Schedule:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:15 – 4:45 pm)
• Those who are on the Puppet Team need not worry about missing basketball
practices this month.
• In November an official permission slip will be sent home and mandatory
practices will begin.
Boys practices - Tuesdays from 6-8pm (6pm – red and gold) & (7pm – blue and green)
Girls practices - Thursdays from 6-7pm
INSTRUMENT LESSONS: Information about band instrument lessons was sent home for 4 th
through 8th graders. Lessons are available for the following instruments: flute, trumpet,
trombone, clarinet, saxophone, french horn, baritone horn, tuba, and percussion. There is
no cost for lessons, other than instrument rental or purchase. If you want this opportunity for your
child, please indicate that on the form. Strings and Piano lessons are available upon request,
but are handled by visiting teachers that do this as a business and there is an hourly fee. Please
notify our school office if you desire your son or daughter to take lessons. You may also contact the
teachers directly by phone. Their contact info is listed here:
Piano: Jessica Beir -
Strings: Kathleen Thomas – 610-348-7126
STRINGS: Group String music lessons will be available at Cedar Grove Academy in the fall of
2014. Lessons will be offered on the following instruments: Violin, Viola, and Cello. Click here for a
copy of the registration information. You may download, print a copy, and bring it to the school
office, or you may pick up the forms from our school office.
DAYCARE BILLING: Just a reminder that daycare bills for grades 1-8 is sent home the first of
every month. It is not included with the tuition payment. Daycare services are available from 7 am
to 7:45 am and/or from 3 pm to 6 pm. Flexible hours are billed at $5.00 per hour.
After 6 pm pickup is charged $20 for each 15 minute interval or part thereof. Please be aware that
daycare workers appreciate being able to leave at or before 6 pm.
PLEASE NEVER DOUBLE PARK during our drop off and pick up times. We have been informed by
the police that if people continue to double park on Bingham or Lawndale Sts. they will be begin
writing citations. It is very dangerous to stop and block traffic by double parking even for a brief
amount of time. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to drop your child off right in front of the
doors. Please be willing to park a little further away and have them walk to the entrance. U turns
are also dangerous in such a high traffic area. It is wise to circle the block. Remember it is unlawful
to park in the school bus drop off zone on Bingham St. Please leave the area from our large gate to
Hellerman St. open in the morning and the whole length of the property in the afternoon. Being
respectful, courteous, and lawful during drop off and pick up times will allow for a much better day
for all. Thank you for you kind understanding.
CAMPBELL’S LABELS & LABELS FOR EDUCATION: Thank you for continuing to save labels for CGCA.
We earn money to purchase equipment and other classroom needs.
You can designate your United Way contributions to be used for CGCA. Two of our programs
(Discovery Center and Daycare) meet the requirements to be a part of the United Way Donor
Choice Program. All you need to do is designate your United Way contribution to Cedar Grove
Christian Academy and use our I.D. #1197 on the pledge form. Thank you very much.
In His Grip,
Jeffrey Howard, Principal