Children’s Ministry - 6wk - 5th grade
Perfect Praise
B.E.A.C.O.N. Boy’s
Praise Dance
Sunday School
Bethel’s Place Empowerment Corp.
Heavenly Hands Food Pantry
Blessed Again Thrift Store
Bethel’s Christian Academy
Take Notes
Want to share your testimony?
Share the good news of how God has delivered you. Encourage others by
sharing your testimony with your church family. Share by emailing them to
Did you enjoy today’s service?
Visit our bookstore to purchase a copy. CDs are $5 and
DVDs are $10.
Rev. Walter August Jr., Senior Pastor
Pastor’s Office (713)729-0127 | (281)208-3326
Sunday Services: 7:30am | 9:30am | 11:30am
Sunday School: 8am | 9:30am | 11:30am
Wednesday Bible Study: 12pm | 7pm
Class will be on October 26th at 11:15am
in Youth Sanctuary. Call Sharon Sidney to
sign up, at 713-729-0125 ext.325
October 26, 2014
New Members Orientation
Please call Sis. Mayo at 713-729-0125 ext.
326 to schedule baby dedications and
Baptism & Dedications
We accept children at 9:15am and
Child Care
Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am, and 11:30am.
Wednesday Bible Study: 12pm and 7pm.
Service Times
Ephesians 6:1-4
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor
your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with
a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may
enjoy long life on the earth.”
The Church at Bethel’s Family
Youth Ministry - Grades 6th - 12th
Junior Usher
Praise Dance (Boys)
Praise Dance (Girls)
Youth Choir
College Age 18 -26
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with
all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today
are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk
about them when you sit at home and when you walk along
the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them
as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9
Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
12660 Sandpiper Dr. | Houston, Texas 77035
Office (713)729-0125 | Fax (713)729-0378
Young Adult Ministry - Age 18 - 30
Praise Dance
Single’s ministry
Connect College Ministry
Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when
they are old they will not turn from it.
about God
Male Initiative Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Mission Ministry
Healthcare Ministry/Nurse’s Board
Pastor’s Aide Committee
Praise Dance
Sunday School Ministry
Tape & Media Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Unique Needs Ministry
Wisdom Ministry/Senior Adult Ministry
Women’s Mentoring Ministry
Women’s Ministry
X-tended Family Care Ministry
Teaching our
Invitational Conseling/Discipleship Ministry
Thank you for visiting with us today. Fill out
the perforated portion of the program
and our Pastor will contact you today.
Adult Ministries
Addiction Dependency Ministry
Adult Choir/Worship & Creative Arts
Adult Usher
Deacon Ministry
Education/Scholarship Ministry
Evangelism & Prison Ministry
Forget Me Not Ministry
Greeter’s Ministry
Heavenly Hands Ministry
Addiction Dependancy Ministry
Rev. Luther Scott - (281)241-9793
Adult Choir
Madelene Boyd - (713)729-0125
Adult Usher
Denise Jones - (832)428-3557
Angel Choir
Melanie Miller - (832)880-4844
B.E.A.C.O.N. Boy’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Jaime Holman - (713)729-0125 ext.347
Christian Counseling
Ruby August - (713)729-0125 ext.303
Church Events Calendar
Sandra Sherrod - (713)729-0125 ext.304
College CONNECT Ministry
Ruby August - (713)553-1801
Deacon Chairman
Deacon Edgar White - (281)507-3268
Deaf Ministry
Sherrelle Harrell - (713)878-4730
Discipleship Ministry
Chester Millirons III - (832)297-9232
Drama Ministry
Sharon Mays - (504)975-7551
Education/Scholarship Ministry
Brandon James - (832)689-7825
Evangelism Ministry
Rev. Charles Jones - (713)729-0125 ext.305
Film Ministry
Sasha Mays - (832)549-2465
Forget Me Not Ministry
Sis. Lillian Curtis - (713)729-0125 ext 333
Greeter’s Ministry
Deacon Spellman Ware - (281)438-1406
Health Care Board
Vern Washington - (713)729-0125
Insurance Ministry
Deacon Paul Strawder - (713)552-0822
Marriage Ministry
Rev. and Sister McGhee - (713)271-5525
Membership Develpoment Ministry
Gayle Thomas - (713)729-0125 ext.307
Men’s Ministry
Deacon Clark Booker - (713)364-1382
Men’s Choir
Eric Martin - (832)884-3183
Mission’s Ministry
Rev. Holman - (832)473-1052
Pastor’s Aide Committee
Dorothy McDonald - (713)728-5862
Praise/Mine Ministry
Tina Brinson (832)607-9913
Prison Ministry
James Mays – (281)857-3586
Mary Palmer – (281)323-5948
Senior Adult Ministry
Sandra Sherrod (713)729-0125 ext.304
Single’s Ministry
Rev. & Sister Carey - (832)978-9865
Sunday School Ministry
Rev. & Sister Lee - (281)635-4297
Tape & Media Ministry
Steve Miller - (713)729-0125 ext.331
Transportation Ministry
Herbert McDonald - (832)752-7206
Unique Needs Ministry
Bro. & Sister Cannon - (713)398-6494
Worship and Creative Arts
Madelene Boyd - (713)729-0125
Women’s Ministry
Priscilla Booker - (713)729-0125 ext.306
X-Tended Family Care
Sandra Sherrod - (713)729-0125 ext.304
Youth Choir
Yolanda Williams (713)364-1382
Young Adult Ministry (AMPED)
Deacon & Sis Massey - (713)857-5987
Youth Ministry
Rev. Walter August III - (713)364-1382
At Bethel’s Family, we believe that SERVICE is
vital to the body of Christ and necessary for
growth. Join the iSERV Campaign TODAY! Call
us to get involve 713-729-0125. Ephesians 4:12
Today's Message
Ministry Contact
Watch BFTV NEWS before and after
service for detailed events.
Line Dance 4 Life
Join us every Monday 7pm - 8:30pm at Bethel’s Place for line
dance classes with Doris and Tamika. Classes are FREE! Email us
at linedance4life@aol. com.
Blessed Again Re-sale Shop
Turn all your Clothes into food for the Hungry! Bring your clothing,
shoes, jewelry, furniture and appliances and watch the Blessings
flow. Call 713-729-6477.
Friday, October 31st at 5:30pm
Call 832-409-FEST (3378)
We are gearing up
for this years Fall
Festival. We are
in need of volunteers. Please call
to sign up.
11/14 Bethel’s Family Volunteer Appreciation Dinner:
Please register your list of volunteers with Sister Sandra Sherrod’s
office. Call 713-729-0125 ext. 304
10/26 Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose
Health and Wellness ministry will be taking blood pressures and
blood glucose Sunday, October 26th before and after service in
the first aid station Room 108 of Bethel’s Place.
11/15 Voice Clinic
Bethel’s Family Worship & Creative Arts present “ Voice Clinic
starting at 9am. Contact Sister Madelene Boyd at 713-729-0125
ext. 348.
10/26 New Members Orientation Class
Class will be on October 26th at 11am in the Youth Sanctuary.
Hope to see you there!
11/28 Marriage Stage Play
Marriage, Family, Friends, struggling to maintain and overcome
with the help of Almighty God! More info to come! Contact
Pastor Frank & Sister Patricia McGhee at 713-271-5525.
10/28 Children’s Ministry Enrichment Training
Tuesday, October 28th at 6:45 in room 205 of CJEB. Come
out for a time of training with the current curriculum we are
using. Contact Jaime Holman 832-250-8639 or email jholman@
11/1 Senior Adult Ministry Game Time (10am at Bethel’s Place)
Come out for FREE Medical services that include flu-shots, blood
pressure check, and much more! We will also have music, games,
food, and fun to celebrate our senior adults. Call 713-729-0125
11/9 Pastor & Wife Anniversary / Pastoral Anniversary
We invite you to celebrate the labor of out Pastor and First Lady.
Contact Sister Dorothy McDonald at 713-728-5862 or Sister Sandra
Sherrod at 713-729-0125 to find out how you or your ministry can
Please Print
Please detach and place in today’s offering basket
This 10-week study focuses
on the primary issues that
shape a man’s life, explores in
depth the biblical concept of
manhood, and finally provides
practical building blocks for
any man to use to construct
for himself a nobler, more
satisfying manhood.
Welcome to
The Church at Bethel’s Family
Service Attending
Sunday Morning
Name ________________________________
Spouse _______________________________
“The Connect Ministry is still in search for mentors. If you are
interested in learning more information please fill out the
perforated portion of the bulletin. Contact Antara Morris at
817-673-9737 or
10/25 Prison Ministry Certification Class
Join us on October 25th at 10am in rooms 209&210 of Bethel’s
Place for a 3 hour training for certification to visit Texas Men an
Women Prisons. Contact Mary Palmer at 281-323-5948 or James
Mays at 281-857- 3586.
12/5 Candle Light Vigil
Remember all of our love ones who are now in the presents of
our Holy and Righteous God! Please contact Sister Lillian Curtis at
713-729-0125 ext. 333.
12/12 Bethel’s Global Reach Fund Raising Gala
Raising Funds to continue the great work loccaly and abroad.
Find out how you can take part in this world changing event.
Contact Pastor Marcus Holman at 832-473-1052 or Pastor August
at 713-962-6602.
12/25 Christmas Morning Worship Service
Let’s sing, praise and shout in celebration of the King of Kings
and Lord of Lords! December 25th at 10am.
12/31 New Years Eve Services
Join us as we close out 2014 and celebrate the new year
in Praise, Worship, Prayer, and His Word. Service times
are 6pm, 8pm and 10pm.
 Defining Manhood
 Deepening the Marriage
 Raising Sons and Daughters
 Developing a Manhood Plan
Saturdays 9am Room 100
of Bethel’s Place. Call Dec.
Booker at 713-501-9750.
Spouse a member
Address ______________________________
City _________________________________
State _________________Zip ____________
Phone ________________________________
Cell Phone ____________________________
E-mail ________________________________
Change of Address
Salvation’s Freeway
Old Address ___________________________
Ensure that you are Heaven-bound, you
must travel Salvation’s Freeway by taking
the following steps:
Marital Status
• Admit God has not been first in your life
and you are a sinner. - Romans 3:23
• Accept God’s free gift of Salvation.
Don’t try to earn it. - Romans 6:23
I Am:
First time guest
• Believe Jesus died to pay for your sins
and He is alive today. - Romans 5:8
Member of Bethel’s Family
• Invite Jesus into your life, confess that He
is Lord and let Him direct your paths.
- Romans 10:8-10
Seeking a church home
Prayer of Salvation
Dear Jesus, thank you for making
me and loving me, even when I’ve
ignored you and gone my own way.
I realize I need you in my life and I’m
sorry for my sins. I ask you to forgive me.
Thank you for dying on the cross for
me. I want to follow you from now on.
Please come into my life and make me
a new person inside. I accept your gift
of salvation. Please help me to grow
now as a Christian. Thank you for the
assurance of my salvation. Amen.
Out of town guest
My Decision Today:
I want to become a member
I need prayer
I need counseling
I would like to become a volunteer:
Children’s Ministry
Heavenly Hands
Member Development
Youth Ministry
Personal Request:
New Member’s Orientation
Sign as a baptism candidate
I would like to be contacted by
Important Numbers |
Security (281)217-7624 | Minister On Call (281)961-1274 | Deacon On Call (281)507-3268 | Transportation (832)752-7206 | Bethel’s Place (713)728-4445 | Heavenly Hands (713)729-6477
Pastor August