U N IVER SITY Paris (Créteil) Université Paris Est Créteil Val‑de‑Marne PROFILE Main programmes of study The trainings are divided into 4 main fields : - Arts, literature and languages - Law, economics et management - Human and social sciences - Sciences, Technology, Healthcare Some figures - Over 6 200 students participate in internships each year (excluding ESPE) including 775 abroad - 97 apprenticeship trainings - Professional National degrees (engineer, medicine, veterinary surgeon, occupational therapy, social engineering) - 98 certificates, institution or interspecific specific degrees Research UPEC has 31 laboratories which research is carried out in 8 main strategic areas: - Biology and health - Environmental science - Chemistry and material science - Sciences and information and communication technologies and mathematics - Urban development - Literature, human sciences and social sciences - Law -Economics and management Internationally mobile PhD students and researchers can be informed and guided before their arrival and during their stay in France (help with finding accommodation, visa and residence permit application, medical coverage, insurances, schooling for your children, opening a bank account etc) by Acc&ss Paris-est: access@univ-paris-est.fr Photograph provided by the institution Founded in 1971, Université Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne is the biggest multidisciplinary and professional university in the Paris region. The university offers a wide range of training programmes in more than 300 disciplines, spanning from the bachelor to the doctorate level. With its 7 faculties, 5 institutes and its Observatory of Sciences of the Universe, it welcomes over 31 000 students included 10% of international students. Strengths • • A university which combines education with research and international development. • A department of French language and culture (Département d’Enseignement de la Langue, de la Culture et des institutions Françaises - DELCIFE) which offers courses of French as a foreign language customised courses. • Tutorials are organised within some specific programmes • A limited number of rooms are reserved by the International relations Office for exchange programmes students, relint@u-pec.fr • An accommodation list is provided by the Campus life office, logement@upec.fr • An agent from the Val de Marne prefecture works within the Campus life office in order to help you complete your application for a residence permit • “French Life in Paris (FLIP), one of UPEC student associations, is dedicated to guiding international students Location The main campus is located in Créteil, the administrative centre of the Val-de-Marne department, located southeast of Paris, 18 minutes from the heart of the French capital. Member of Campus France Forum Precise name of the institution ¢ Type of institution ¢ City where the main campus is located ¢ Number of students ¢ Percentage or number of international students ¢ Type and level of qualifications awarded ¢ French language courses ¢ Programs for international students ¢ Programs in English ¢ Registration fees / year (for information only) ¢ Postal address ¢ www.en.u-pec.fr Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne Public Paris (Créteil) 31 000 10% Bachelor-level and master Doctoral degrees through the Université Paris Est cluster - 12 two-year DUT degrees, 17 three-year licences professionnelles - 87 certificates and institution-specific diplomas - Diplomas enabling the recipient to enroll in a university program in letters or science Yes Yes Yes Between 181 euros and 380 euros excluding social security (207 euros) 61, avenue du Général de Gaulle - 94010 Créteil Cedex Updated at October 2014 IDENTITY FORM Université Paris Est Créteil Val-de-Marne Paris (Créteil) ÎLE-DE-FRANCE Number of international students enrolled each year: 10% Network member: UPE http://www.univ-paris-est.fr/fr/ http://www.en.u-pec.fr Social networks https://www.facebook.com/pages/Universit%C3%A9-Paris-Est-Cr%C3%A9teil-UPEC/253616496359 BEFORE LEAVING INSCRIPTION Contact: Service Inscription et organisation des études - Bureau d’accueil des étudiants étrangers et validation des études scola-int@u-pec.fr Tel. +33(0)1 45 17 12 44 61, Avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex F RENCH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES C ourses in French as a foreign language offered before start of academic term Courses in French as a foreign language available throughout the year Name of the training center: Département d’enseignement de la langue, de la culture et des institutions françaises aux étrangers (DELCIFE) http://www.u-pec.fr/etudiant-etranger/ apprendre-le-francais/apprendre-le-francaisau-delcife-294656.kjsp HOUSING C ontact: Service vie de campus - Antenne logement logement@u-pec.fr Tel. +33(0)1 45 17 70 64 61, Avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex Services offered • List of available rentals or of Web sites that can be used to find rental housing WELCOME SERVICES UPON ARRIVAL AT THE INSTITUTION A ssistance with administrative and academic registration A ssistance with administrative and regulatory compliance (such as obtaining residency permit) NE-STOP SHOP WITHIN THE O INSTITUTION SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE ebsite dedicated to student clubs and W special interest groups http://www.u-pec.fr/etudiant/vie-etudiante/ engagement-etudiant/la-vie-associative283643.kjsp?RH=ETU Contact: Service Vie de Campus - Antenne Culture vie-etu@u-pec.fr S ervice d’accueil des étudiants étrangers http://www.u-pec.fr/etudiant-etranger/ candidature-individuelle/accompagnementdes-etudiants-internationaux-284662. kjsp?RH=VEN_CANDIND 61, avenue du Général de Gaulle 94010 Créteil Cedex From Monday to Friday 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:30 Contact: Service Inscription et Organisation des Etudes (SIOE) scola-int@u-pec.fr Tel. +33(0)1 45 17 12 44 Services available: Health insurance Banks An agent from the prefecture PARIS (CRÉTEIL) USEFUL INFORMATION CROUS: http://www.crous-creteil.fr City: http://www.ville-creteil.fr Network transit: Campus France - October 2014 Réseau de transport en commun STIFF http://www.stif.info © T hese services apply to All international students These services are free
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