Fourteenth Annual Conference October 22-25, 2014 Doubletree by Hilton Portland, Oregon USA 1 O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G Welcome to the 2014 Annual Conference of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR-USA) Contents In keeping with SIETAR-USA’s commitment to environmental responsibility, the printed program for this conference has been streamlined to include only the most essential details of the program schedule and conference highlights. Please visit the 2014 conference website at: to browse the detailed session descriptions and presenter biographies to plan your personal conference schedule. Welcome Message from the President 2 Welcome Message from the Conference Co-Chairs 2 Conference Highlights 3 Conference Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers 4 SIETAR-USA Leadership Team 4 Conference-at-a-Glance 5 Tuesday & Wednesday-at-a-Glance 6 Thursday-at-a-Glance 6 Friday-at-a-Glance 8 Saturday-at-a-Glance 9 Save the Date for 2015 Conference 10 Silent Auction 11 2014 SIETAR-USA Scholarship Recipients 11 Special Thanks to the Conference Planning Team 13 Hotel Map SIETAR-USA 503-297-3261 Back Cover 2 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action President’s Welcome I would like to extend a warm welcome to each of you as we begin SIETAR-USA’s 14th Annual Conference. Our super conference team and the Board of Directors are excited about the great line-up of master workshops, keynotes, and conference sessions. Portland is such a great intercultural venue, and we’re very pleased to be welcomed and supported by the intercultural community here, including The Intercultural Communication Institute (ICI). I hope you’ll take full advantage of your time here at the conference. In addition to the wonderful opportunity for professional development, growth, and learning in our programmed offerings, we intend to create a warm, inclusive environment for networking, meeting new and old friends, and enjoying being around other interculturalists. We’re glad you’re here, and I hope your attendance will be an engaged, fruitful, and fun experience. Christopher Deal, Ph.D. SIETAR-USA President Welcome from the Conference Co-Chairs W elcome to the beautiful Northwest and the lovely city of roses. Many Portlanders enjoy their reputation for being “just a little bit weird.” We’ve spent several hours in the past few months photographing many of the “icons” of this city, which will be shared with you as lunch table centerpieces. We hope you find several that resonate with your own diverse interests and create a sense of curiosity about the city and the region that we are so proud of. These photographs are yours to keep as mementos of the 14th Annual SIETAR-USA conference. Because none of us stand on our own, we selected the theme of “Pioneering Interculturalists” to honor those who came before us. Consistent with that title, we are hosting the first-ever invitation-only summit for pioneers who will have the opportunity to visit with old colleagues and identify how the field has changed over the years and what they think the future will hold. While only “seniors” in the field will attend this Saturday session, the results of the day will be shared in some way with the rest of us after the conference. And because learning and awareness are never enough, the second half of our title is “From Awareness to Action.” We’ve selected keynote speakers, poster sessions and concurrent workshop sessions that will offer you many ideas for how you can translate your growing awareness into actions that will make a difference in the world in which we work and share. Thursday evening will feature some Portland traditions for our dine around: food carts, a brewery, and a lovely vegetarian option. After dinner, be sure to join other participants in the open mic experience of storytelling about training experiences that should keep you reminiscing for days to come. Friday evening, as always, will be a grand gala with the presentation of the Margaret D. Pusch Founder’s award, followed by dancing to a magnificent band. Additionally, this year, we are providing the no host bar in a separate room with space for you to visit with each other if dancing is not your preferred activity. One of the best things about a SIETAR-USA conference is meeting old friends and connecting with new ones. We hope you will enjoy doing both and look forward to joining you as we network together. Warm regards, Donna M. Stringer, Ph.D. and Lillian Tsai SIETAR-USA 2014 Conference Co-Chairs O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G 3 Conference Highlights NEWCOMER’S SESSION: SIETAR-USA seeks to model inclusiveness. Accordingly, we begin our conference with an orientation for newcomers, and everyone is welcome. Wednesday evening, October 22 from 5:15-6:00 pm in the Lloyd Center Ballroom. Learn about SIETAR-USA and how to make the most of the conference learning and networking opportunities. CONFERENCE KICK-OFF AND WELCOME RECEPTION: The Official Opening is Wednesday evening, October 22 from 6:007:30 pm. This event will include a welcome from Siletz Tribal Member “Bud” Lane, performances by local Hawaiian and African dance troupes, an overview of the conference events, and two exciting networking opportunities, including the always-popular Passport Game. You won’t want to miss this! Following the opening, the Welcome Reception will be held in the Pacific Ballroom, a time to connect and reconnect over an appetizer with members of our diverse intercultural community. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: This year’s keynote speakers will focus on the conference theme of “Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action”, providing examples and strategies for intercultural leadership in the areas of organizations, social change, and personal effectiveness. Each speaker will highlight information from her/his own area of expertise and offer suggestions for using awareness to take action and create changes in our organizations, communities, and personal lives. Paula Caligiuri, one of the most prolific authors and media voices in cultural agility and global business will provide current research that will be of particular interest to those working with organizations and the global arena. Michael Agee will share his work as a human rights advocate and challenge us to use imagination, empathy and solidarity in creating change. And Valerie Craigwell White will help us explore the limitations and potential impairments associated with a world that is “colorblind, post racial and gender neutral.’’ INTERACTIVE POSTER SESSIONS: This is an opportunity to have directed conversations with your peers about the pioneering work they are doing to advance the field into uncharted territories, and they want your input. Thursday, October 23, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm and Friday, October 24, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. In the Sellwood, Ross Island and Morrison rooms— right next to each other so you easily move from room to room. Each presenter has prepared 20 to 30 minutes of an interactive presentation with ample time for conversation. This way you can take in two to four posters, moving within the same room or right next door. Presenters will also provide handouts so that if you don’t get to all the posters that you hoped to, you can at least catch a glimpse of the blazing work of this year’s special Interactive Poster authors. SILENT AUCTION: Throughout the conference in the Ballroom, conference participants will have an opportunity to purchase marvelous treasures, from exotic artwork to professional services, and contribute to a worthwhile cause: the Conference Scholarship Program. Stop by during breaks and see what you cannot live without—and feel good about supporting future conference scholarship recipients. A MASTERPIECE OF ART will be created by conference participants as a follow-up to last year’s launch of the SIETAR-USA Living Code of Ethical Behavior. Watch for it in the ballroom—and feel free to add your own creativity. The final Living Code masterpiece will be shared at the closing ceremony on Saturday, October 25 at 3:30 pm. GRAFFITI WALL: Ever wanted to express yourself in writing on a wall? Maybe practice some graffiti? Here’s your chance! During the conference there will be a wall in the ballroom where you can share your creative ideas, suggestions, feedback for next year’s conference planners to consider. Please… tell us what you think! We even provide the pens and crayons – spray paint is optional. DINE AROUND: Portland is one of the Foodie Capitals of the West, and we plan to take full advantage with a special Dine Around to introduce SIETARians to some of the best Portland has to offer. Sign up before noon and meet in the lobby at 6 pm. Thursday evening, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. OPEN MIC NIGHT – It Could Have Been Worse! In the Broadway Room, Thursday night, October 23 from 8:00-10:00 pm. Got a great intercultural story to share? An open mic event - in the style of a Story Slam - means quick, focused, intense stories and engaging flow. There will be a host and a special guest, plus 5 storytellers drawn from a hat. Facilitated by Alex Cleberg and Shelley Morrison. SPECIAL INTEREST AND LOCAL GROUPS LUNCH: An opportunity to enjoy lunch with like-minded colleagues to discuss hot topics and/or connect with your Local Group. We will also introduce the 2014 Scholarship Recipients. Friday, October 24, Lloyd Center Ballroom. SIETAR-USA BUSINESS MEETING: Friday, October 24, 5:15-6:15 pm in the Holladay room. We welcome SIETAR members and everyone attending this conference to attend this brief and lively gathering. Come find out about the “state of the organization” and our vision for the future, meet the Board Members, and vote in the elections. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your professional society, and enter to win $100 off of next year’s conference! GALA DINNER CELEBRATION, DANCE AND NETWORKING: Join other attendees on Friday evening, October 24 from 7:30-11:00 pm in the Ballroom for the annual dinner celebration. Following dinner and presentation of the Margaret D. Pusch Founder Award for intercultural excellence, the Hot Club of Hawthorne will perform, featuring danceable “old time jazz with exotic gypsy and Latin flavors.” In an adjoining room, the no-host bar and sitting areas will be provided for those who prefer to network and mingle in a quieter atmosphere, or choose to enjoy the music and festivities right next door. Eat, Dance, Network—what could define a better evening? PIONEERING SENIOR SUMMIT – In an effort to acknowledge and support those individuals who have been pioneering leaders in the intercultural field, SIETAR-USA is holding its first-ever, invitation-only day for senior interculturalists. Saturday, October 25, 10:30 am-3:30 pm, Adams Room. 4 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action Thank You SPONSORS Silver Aperian Global Bronze Brookfield Global Relocation Services Bronze Cultural Detective Jade Providence Health & Services SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORS Cultural Awareness International Language & Culture Worldwide, LLC EXHIBITORS Crossing Borders Executive Diversity Services Intercultural Communication Institute Intercultural Press January 5th Designs Jump Movement The Kozai Group Process Work Institute SIT Graduate Institute Silpada Designs WAREE — Women Artisans Resource Enterprise ADVERTISERS City University of Hong Kong Press Intercultural Management Institute USDA Forest Service SIETAR-USA Leadership BOARD OF DIRECTORS Christopher Deal, President Patricia M. Coleman, President Elect Amy Rausch, Treasurer Chad Beyer, Secretary Sue Shinomiya, Conference Oversight Naomi Ludeman Smith, Professional Development Cate Brubaker, Marketing Valli Murphy, Local Groups Be Stoney, Fundraising and Development - S.E.A. Rob Pusch, Communications Michael Tucker, Ethics Nancy Tom, Leadership Development Breidi Truscott Roberts, Careers and Mentoring Chris Peltier, Membership, Outreach and Diversity Lisa Singh, Fundraising and Development – Organization Sandy Roos, Bookkeeping ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Ann Marie Lei Kelli McLoud-Schingen Tatyana Fertelmeyster SIETAR-USA INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS Albertina Kerr Brookfield Global Relocation Services CIEE Cultural Detective Diplomatic Language Services Executive Diversity Services IOR Global Services Language and Culture Worldwide, LLC Intercultural Communications Institute International House Berkeley Intercultural Studies, Biola University Student Affairs, Duke University University of Dayton Virginia Tech Language and Culture Institute SIETAR-USA SUSTAINING MEMBERS Patricia M. Coleman Monica Mumford Amy Rausch NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Nancy Tom, Chair Christopher Deal Naomi Ludeman Smith Breidi Truscott Roberts Be Stoney The Nominations Committee invites anyone interested in serving on the SIETAR-USA Board of Directors to meet at the Special Interest Group (S.I.G.) lunch on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Look for the table marked “SUSA Leadership Interest/Volunteers.” SIETAR-USA Administrative Office Sandra Garrison, Administrative Agent Email: Web: Phone: 503-297-3261 2014 Tuesday October 21 Wednesday October 22 Thursday October 23 Friday October 24 Saturday October 25 CONFERENCE AT-A-GLANCE 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G Registration and Information Desk Open 7:30 am–2:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 8:00 am–12:00 pm Morning Master Workshops 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Lunch Break 1:00 pm–5:00 pm Afternoon Master Workshops 5:00 pm–8:00 pm Exhibits and Silent Auction Open 5:15 pm–6:00 pm Newcomer’s Session 6:00 pm–7:30 pm Conference Grand Opening 8:00 pm–10:00 pm Welcome Reception 7:00 am–8:00 am Wellness Activity 8:00 am–9:00 am & 10:30 am–5:30 pm Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece 8:00 am–4:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 8:00 am–6:30 pm Silent Auction 8:30 am–6:30 pm Exhibits 9:00 am–9:15 am Honoring Pioneer David Hoopes – Janet Bennett 9:15 am–10:30 am Opening Keynote Address, Paula Caligiuri, Cultural Agility: Interculturalists’ Role in Developing this Critical Organizational Capability 10:30 am–11:00 am Coffee Break 11:00 am–12:30 pm Interactive Poster Sessions, Concurrent Sessions 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Lunch Break SIETAR-USA President Transition and Announcement of 2015 Conference Site 2:00 pm–4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 4:00 pm–4:15 pm Coffee Break 4:15 pm–5:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 6:00 pm–8:00 pm Dine Around Events 8:00 pm–10:00 pm Open Mic Event 7:00 am–8:00 am Wellness Activity 8:00 am–4:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 8:00 am–9:00 am & 10:30 am–5:00 pm Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece 8:30 am–6:30 pm Exhibits 8:00 am–5:00 pm Silent Auction (last bid of the day at 4:45 pm) 9:00 am–10:30 am Keynote Address. Michael Adee: Imagination, Empathy & Solidarity = Change 10:30 am–11:00 am Coffee Break 11:00 am–12:00 pm Interactive Poster Sessions Concurrent Sessions 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Lunch Break Special Interest Groups and Local Groups, Scholarship Recipients’ Recognition 1:30 pm–3:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 3:30 pm–3:45 pm Coffee Break 3:45 pm–5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 5:15 pm–6:15 pm SIETAR-USA Business Meeting 7:30 pm–11:00 pm SIETAR-USA Gala Event Margaret D. Pusch Founder’s Award Ceremony 9:00 pm–11:00 pm No Host Bar and Networking 7:00 am–8:00 am Wellness Activity 8:00 am–9:00 am Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece 8:00 am–12:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 8:00 am–9:00 am & 10:30 am–12:30 pm Silent Auction: Pay and Pick-up Items 8:30 am–2:00 pm Exhibits 9:00 am–9:15 am Honoring Pioneer Dr. Terrell Jones 9:15–10:30 am Keynote Address. Valerie Craigwell White: Exploring the Limitations of Living with a Colorblind, Post-racial, and Gender-neutral Diversity World View. 10:30 am–11:00 am Coffee Break 10:30 am–3:30 pm Pioneering Senior Summit (by invitation only) 11:00 am–12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 12:30 pm–2:00 pm Appreciation Lunch for conference Committee Chairs and Volunteers 2:00 pm–3:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 3:45 pm–4:15 pm Conference Closing Ceremony – Presentation of the Ethics Masterpiece 5 6 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY AT-A-GLANCE October 21 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm Registration and Information Desk open October 22 7:30 am – 2:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open 8:00 am – 12:00 pm MORNING MASTER WORKSHOPS PM 1 Pioneering a Profitable Career in the Intercultural Field Kate Berardo Ross Island PM 2 Leading Ethically Across Cultures in the “Human Age” Michael Tucker & Alan Richter Hawthorne PM 3 Sustaining Intercultural Leadership Gordon Watanabe & Mary Meares Sellwood PM 4 The Neuroscience of Inclusion Shannon Murphy Robinson Morrison 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch break 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Afternoon Master Workshops PM 2 Preparing Internal Professionals to do Intercultural Diversity & Inclusion Work Robert Hayles Sellwood PM 3 Intercultural Competence for Global Leadership: Seeing with Soft Eyes Janet Bennett Ross Island PM 4 Religion, Faith, and the Practice of Intercultural Communication George Renwick 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Exhibits and Silent Auction Open Foyer 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm Newcomers’ Session Morrison Lloyd Center Ballroom 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Conference Grand Opening Lloyd Center Ballroom 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Welcome Reception Pacific Ballroom THURSDAY AT–A–GLANCE October 23 7:00 am – 8:00 am Wellness Activity: Body Practice led by Antimo Cimino 8:00 am–9:00 am & 10:30 am–5:30 pm Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece Weidler/Halsey Lloyd Center Ballroom 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Registration and Information Desk open Foyer 8:00 am – 6:30 pm Silent Auction 8:30 am – 6:30 pm Exhibits Foyer 9:00 am – 9:15 am Honoring David Hoopes Janet Bennett Lloyd Center Ballroom Lloyd Center Ballroom 9:15 am – 10:30 am Opening Keynote Address Cultural Agility: Interculturalists’ Role in Development This Critical Organizational Capability withPaula Caligiuri Lloyd Center Ballroom 10:30 am –11:00 am Coffee break Lobby 11:00 am – 12:30 pm INTERACTIVE POSTER SESSION #1: From Awareness to Action With an Interactive Ebook Series: Business & Career Beyond Frontiers Olivia Hernández Pozas Sellwood A Blended Learning Approach to Developmental Intercultural Competence in Study Abroad Programs Don Rutherford Sellwood Better Together: Developing Student Orientation Leaders in Leadership and Intercultural Skills Annette Moore Sellwood O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G 7 Viewing Through a Lens of Equity: Practices and Application for Social Change Helen Visarraga Ross Island Just Tell Me! Intercultural Communication Between Icelandic Employees and Their Counterparts in India Changing the Way We Think and Talk about Re–Entry Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir, Thorunn Bjarnadottir Ross Island Cate Brubaker Ross Island A Study of Intercultural Sensitivity in Japan: Embodiment and Regional Influences Shizu Yamamoto, Ryusuke Ihara Creating a Culture of Appreciation in Organizations Ross Island Stephanie Pollack Morrison Increasing Awareness and Preparing for Action: International Student Engagement and Integration at the University of Minnesota Nancy E. Young, Xi Yu Morrison Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World — 2014 version Carmen M. Carter, Barbara Deane Morrison 11:00 am – 12:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #1: Cultivating Intercultural Leaders: The Global Leadership Passport Program Joyce Osland A Pioneering Approach – with EPIC Results! Toward a Model for Intercultural Communication in E–Learning Simulations Bradley E Wiggins Hawthorne Dianne Hofner Saphiere, Heather Robinson Broadway Weidler Are All Gen Y Cut From the Same Cloth? Understanding and Engaging Millennials Globally Oana Amaria Halsey How Do I Handle This Situation? Applying The SIETAR-USA Living Code of Ethical Behavior Michael F. Tucker, Karen Huchendorf Alaska 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch – SIETAR-USA President Transition & 2015 Conference Announcements 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #2: What’s the SCOPE? Enhancing Global Leadership through Improvisation Lloyd Center Ballroom Kristin Hibler, Line Mørkbak Hawthorne Development of Intercultural Knowledge and Competency: Online Application of the AAC&U Rubric in Undergraduate Education Charles Calahan, Chris Cartwright, Margaret Sass Moving Interest to Action in Forming and Sustaining a Vibrant Local SIETAR Group Karen Lokkesmoe, Basma Ibrahim DeVries, Andrea Davis, Barbara Galyan Cultivating Global Leaders: From Assessment to Action Plans at the Global Leadership Lab Joyce Osland, Karen Haggerty Trémel If These Halls Could Talk: Feature Film and Diversity Dialogue Sellwood Ross Island Morrison Lee Mun Wah Broadway Beyond Cultural Scripting: Mastering the Voices of the Unconscious to Transcend Cultural Boundaries Louise Wilkinson Weidler Developing Intercultural Leadership through Mindful Leadership Velma Cobb Halsey How to Stop Hate Groups In Their Tracks Lonnie Lusardo Alaska 4:00 pm – 4:15 pm Break Lobby 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #3: Identity Awareness for Interculturalists: Sharing Ways We Present and Preserve our Identities Elizabeth Root Hawthorne Moving on Down the Intercultural Pioneer Road: Where Are We Headed Next? Sue Shinomiya, Brian Szepkouski Sellwood Teaching Intercultural Competence Across Multiple Languages: Methods, Deliverables, and Lessons Learned Michel Gueldry, Jacolyn Harmer, Naoko Matsuo, Rana Issa Integrating Three Types of Knowledge to Shift Perspective and Inform Decision–Making Susan McCuistion Ross Island Morrison Pioneering Approaches Beyond Team Building: Analyzing Cultural Root Causes of Issues for Global Teams Catherine Bing Broadway Got Intercultural? How to Creatively Integrate Intercultural Awareness for the Next Generation of Executives Kay Burd, Rensia Melles Weidler The Relevance of Intercultural Competency in a Technological World Sharon Nakpairat Halsey Pioneering Inclusion Through Neuroscience Shannon Murphy Robinson Alaska 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dine Around Options 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm Open Mic Night – It Could Have Been Worse! Sign up at the Registration Desk Facilitated by: Shelley Morrison and Alex Cleberg Broadway 8 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action FRIDAY AT–A–GLANCE October 24 7:00 am – 8:00 am Wellness Activity – Pilates lead by Nora Vitz–Harrison 8:00 am–9:00 am & 10:30 am–5:00 pm Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece Weidler/Halsey Lloyd Center Ballroom 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Registration and Information Desk open Foyer 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Silent Auction (last bid of the day at 4:45 pm) Lloyd Center Ballroom 8:30 am – 6:30 pm Exhibits Foyer 9:00 am – 10:30 am Keynote Address Imagination, Empathy & Solidarity = Change with Michael Adee 10:30 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break Lloyd Center Ballroom Lobby 11:00 am – 12:00 pm INTERACTIVE POSTER SESSION #2 A Critique of the Field of Intercultural Training Through the Lens of Pierre Bordieu Sarah Holmquist Sellwood Second Generation After War and Genocide: Trauma, Resilience, and Potential for Leadership Sylvia Cowan Sellwood Ramadan Basics: Plus Real Lessons for Improving Organizational Effectiveness Lee Mozena, Catherine England Sellwood Luminarias Light the Way! Writing Children’s Literature to Promote Intercultural Competence Melissa Hahn Ross Island Expanding Your Cross–Cultural and Personal Platform Through Podcasting Brett Parry Ross Island Collaborating to Cultivate Resilience in Organizations and Communities: Awareness to Action for Intercultural Leaders Karen Elliott Ross Island Intercultural Competence of Undergraduate Students: Examining the Value of an Embedded Study Away Experience Kathleen G. Rust Morrison A Comparative Study of Short Study Abroad Programs: U.S. to Japan vs. Japan to U.S. Miki Yamashita Morrison Social Justice and Academic Integration CONCURRENT SESSION # 4 Janice Lion Morrison Taking Our Own advice: Putting Cultural Awareness Into Action in the Training Room Tawnya Ganfield The Joy of Pioneering: Why We Do What We Do Rita Wuebbeler, Heather Robinson Intercultural User Experience and Web Design: Beyond Translation Marjorie Bennington Hawthorne Broadway Weidler Exploring Body and Mind: Introducing Process and Embodiment–focused Psychotherapy to Address Cultural Adjustment Issues Anne Ehringhaus New Thoughts on Old Ideas: Neuroscience and Physical Intelligence in Intercultural Conflict Transformation Michelle LeBaron 12:00 pm –1:30 pm Lunch Break – Special Interest Groups, Local Groups and Scholarship Recipients’ Recognition 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #5: The Power of Nonverbal Communication in Relationship Building Jeff Berglund D-I-V-E: The Digital Intercultural Virtual Edge – Using Technology to Enhance Intercultural Learning and Collaboration Lobna “Luby” Ismail, Shelley Morrison Facilitation as a Move from Awareness to Action: Practical Application of Intercultural Tools Tatyana Fertelmeyster Culture and Servant– Leadership in Global Settings David Whitfield Director Screening of American Textures: A Feature Documentary that Bridges Racial Divisions Arnd Wächter Mutual Learning Between Intercultural Communication and Diversity and Inclusion: Dialogue Across the Divide Louise Wilkinson, Elmer Dixon Awareness and the Intercultural Mind: From Edward T. Hall to the Frontiers of Cultural Neuroscience Joseph Shaules Halsey Adams/Jefferson Lloyd Center Ballroom Hawthorne Sellwood Ross Island Morrison Broadway Weidler Halsey O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G 9 Differently Empowered: Working Successfully with Gender–Separated Communities and Clients Lee Mozena, Catherine England 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm Coffee break 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #6: Adams/Jefferson Lobby Critical Perspectives on Diversity Discourses and and Practices: Ambiguity, Paradox, and Tensions Marlo Goldstein Hode The Role of Interculturalists in Post M&A Cultural Integration: Can We Make a Difference? Charisse Kosova Understanding Global Business Via Interactive Story–Linking—A Pedagogical Method Deborah Pembleton Developing Global Competencies: Identifying Essential Leadership Skills Chris Cartwright, Valli Murphy Intercultural Training in India: Blazing the Trail Heather Robinson, Shermeen Shuaib Thresholds of Meaning: Visual Art as a Doorway to Effective Conflict Engagement Fanchon Silberstein, Michelle LeBarron Chinese International Students in the U.S.: Changing Stereotypes, Changing Realities William Brashears, Brennan Forss Hawthorne Sellwood Ross Island Morrison Broadway Weidler Halsey Intercultural Conflict: Practical Insights Through Betzavta Heidi Binder 4:45 pm Silent Auction last bid 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm SIETAR-USA Business Meeting Holladay Adams/Jefferson Lloyd Center Ballroom 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm SIETAR-USA Gala Event & Margaret D. Pusch Founder’s Award Ceremony 9:00 pm – 11:00 pm No Host Bar & Networking Weidler/Halsey Lloyd Center Ballroom SATURDAY AT–A–GLANCE October 25 7:00 am – 8:00 am Wellness Activity: Yoga led by Esther Louie Weidler/Halsey 8:00 am –12:00 pm Registration and Information Desk Open Foyer 8:00 am – 9:00 am Contribute to the Ethics Masterpiece 8:30 am – 2:00 pm Exhibits 8:00 am – 9:00 am & 10:30 am–12:30 pm Silent Auction: Pay and Pick-up Items Lloyd Center Ballroom Foyer Lloyd Center Ballroom Art Costantino Lloyd Center Ballroom 9:00 am – 9:15 am Honoring Pioneer Dr. Terrell Jones 9:15 am – 10:30 am Keynote Address: Exploring the Limitations of Living with a Colorblind, Post–racial, and Gender–neutral Diversity World View with Valerie Craigwell White Lloyd Center Ballroom 10:30 am – 3:30 pm Senior Summit 10:30 am –11:00 am Coffee break Adams Lobby 11:00 am – 12:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #7: Intercultural Leadership GPS: Navigating Global Challenges in Hispanic Case Studies John Leih, Olivia Hernández Pozas Africa Is Not a Country: An Inspirational Journey of Awareness to Action Grace Kuto Everything Experiential! Creating and Adapting Intercultural Learning to Increase Awareness and Promote Action Jon DeVries, Basma Ibrahim DeVries Creating Intercultural Leadership with LEGO Bricks: “Serious Play” with Our Cultural Self and Others Izumi Funayama Organization–Wide Intercultural Competence Curriculum Development: Models for Innovation Michel Gueldry, Fusun Akarsu, Katherine Punteney, Lynn Goldstein, Nukhet Kardam Capturing the Power of Storytelling for Intercultural Solutions Mary Kay Park “Ricains and Frogs” – Bridging the Gap in Franco–American Concepts of Power and Leadership Julia Gaspar–Bates, Béatrice Mosneron Dupin Hawthorne Sellwood Ross Island Morrison Broadway Weidler Halsey 10 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action Design Thinking: Pioneering in Training Beth Yoder, Peter Byebierggaard 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Appreciation Lunch Broadway Lloyd Center Ballroom 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION #8: Designing Culturally Responsive Classrooms at a Community College Jeremy Slagoski, Natalia Cherjovsky Expatriate Leadership: Supporting Transition, Enhancing Effectiveness Patrica Cassiday Sellwood Diversity Training for the Real World of Today’s Educational Settings Candice Hughes Ross Island Hawthorne Bonding Through Bars: A Case Study on the Intercultural Praxis and Equity–Focused Knowledge Translation Samantha Sarra Canning Culture: Abusing, Using, and Transcending the Dimensions Morrison Ernest Gundling Broadway Sunglasses and Scuba Gear: Preparing High School Youth for Intercultural Engagement in a Multicultural World Myra Clark Cultural Integration for Internationals: The American Experience Genienne Navarro Addressing Two Cultural Factors in Risk–taking and Innovation Paula Swanson 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Conference closing Ceremony – Ethics Masterpiece Weidler Halsey Jefferson Lloyd Center Ballroom Save the Date! The Sunshine state invites you to celebrate SIETAR-USA’s 15th anniversary during the annual conference on October 14–17, 2015. Join us in warm and sunny multi-cultural Orlando, Florida at the Marriot Gaylord Palms Resort where Florida’s pioneering history meets today’s innovative path to the future! Picture provided by the Gaylord Palms Resort Executive Meetings O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G Meet the 2014 SIETAR-USA Scholarship Recipients Congratulations to this year’s outstanding scholarship awardees. Please visit the Conference website for details about their background, intercultural experience and journey. Silent Auction The Silent Auction is a great place to network while acquiring unique global and intercultural items donated by SIETAR members worldwide, sponsors and partners. Rita Tekle University of Washington Business Administration major Grace Kuto Co-founder and past president of Harambee Centre Kia Lor Master’s student at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania Kathryn Barrett University of Maryland Baltimore County’s Master’s Program in Intercultural Communications Jennifer Weaver-Youree MAIR Intercultural Relations Program, University of the Pacific Heidi Binder Trainer for AFS-USA Sandra Rodrigues Lawyer and student of intercultural topics, London, England Taj Suleyman Project Manager, Center for Intercultural Organizing Kirsten Rosa Graduate Certificate student in Conflict Resolution at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa’s Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution The proceeds provide scholarships to the SIETAR-USA conference for interculturalists, such as students and community-based employees, who might not otherwise be able to attend. Their conference experience builds valuable knowledge, skills, and contacts in the field. As you bid on treasures from different parts of the world, you are contributing toward developing interculturalists of the future. The Silent Auction is open daily from Wednesday afternoon through 6:15 pm Friday. 11 12 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action 10/2 2/14 , 6:0 0 PM Brookfield Global Relocation Services 50 Years providing Premier Service and Intercultural training solutions to relocating employees worldwide. visit: Strategic Vision. Detail Obsession. Providing Intercultural Training Relocation and Destination Services Coaching / Consulting Selection & Assessment CAI is currently seeking cross cultural trainers and coaches. email: training@culturalawareness. com website: Call: 214.691.4113 O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G 13 Thank You to the SIETAR-USA 14th Annual Conference Team It is with extreme gratitude and admiration that the Co-Chairs thank the planning team for the 2014 Annual Conference —Donna Stringer and Lillian Tsai, SIETAR-USA 2014 Conference Co-chairs PLANNING TEAM Communications/Technology: Rob Pusch Conference Advisors: Ann Marie Lei, Holly Emert Conference Oversight: Sue Shinomiya Finance: Amy Rausch and Sandy Roos Health Events Instructors: Antimo Cimino, Nora Vitz-Harrison, Esther Louie Local Portland: Carrie Taylor, Fernanda Wilent, Adeline Metz, Shelly Ridder, Maruska Lynch, Lillian Tsai, Sue Shinomiya, Nancy Kramer, Antimo Cimino, Alli Magee, Amy Evans, Karla Schiller, Nancy Longatan, Mari Alexander, Miranda Schwabauer, Sandra Garrison Master Workshops: Sandy Fowler, Valli Murphy Newcomers Session: Chris Peltier, Breidi Truscott Roberts PR and Marketing: Cate Brubaker, Annika Bowers, Carrie Taylor Passports: Sarah Bergdahl, Andrea Davis, Ali Edvardsen, Shelley Morrison, Tamia Pervez, Andy Reynolds, Carol Tan, Rita Tekle, David Wigglesworth Margaret D. Pusch Founder’s Award: Patricia M. Coleman, Ishani Baruah, Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Cristina Cruz-Hubbard Photographers: Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Andy Reynolds, Donna Stringer, Lillian Tsai Program: Naomi Ludeman Smith, Alex Cleberg, Karen Haggerty Trémel, Kendall Speten-Hansen Roommate Connection: Nancy Kramer Senior Summit: Doug Stuart, Michael Tucker, Sandy Fowler Silent Auction: Ishani Baruah, Mari Alexander, Miranda Schwabauer, Patricia M. Coleman (Advisor) Scholarship Program: Evan Black, Addison Welsh, Ayoung Lee, Carrie Niesen, Gretchen Mielke, Sarah Holmquist, Karen Scheuerer Special Events Coordinators: Fernanda Wilent, Adeline Metz, Antimo Cimino, Alli Magee, Amy Evans, Karla Schiller Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers: Be Stoney, Netashia Bolden, Patricia M. Coleman (Advisor) Volunteers and Registration: Cookie Fischer, Nancy Longatan, Nancy Tom(Advisor) SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PROPOSAL REVIEWERS: Mari Alexander, Chris Cartwright, Cheryl Choe, Cliff Clarke, Alex Cleberg, Alan Clipperton, Tara Cooper, Anne Copeland, Christopher Deal, Anne Ehringhaus, Holly Emert, Tatyana Fertelmeyster, Vicki Flier Hudson, Karen Haggerty Tremel, Dianne Hofner Saphiere, Karen Huchendorf, Candace Hughes, Nicola Kille, Ame Lambert, Kara LaSota, Ann Marie Lei, Amy Lewis, Jason Li, Louis Lima, Karen Lokkesmoe, Esther Louie, Naomi Ludeman Smith, Mark Mendenhall, Monica Mumford, Tonya Muro, Stacey Olson, Rebecca Parrilla, Deborah Pembleton, Alisa Poehler, Michael Rand, Don Rutherford, Natasha Sarkar, Lisa Singh, Kendall Speten-Hansen, Michael Tucker, Cilla Utne, Mark Weingarten, Doug Wilson Special appreciation goes to Lubosh Cech for his creative genius in the design of the SIETAR-USA logo, our conference graphics and marketing materials every year. Our gratitude also goes to the team at MetroConnections: Sarah Leathers, Amanda Sommers and the entire Registration Team, Web Development Team in regards to the actual building and updating of the conference website and registration. We also appreciate their help in responding to the plethora of questions we get almost daily. We’d be lost without them! 14 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action O C TO B E R 2 2 – 2 5 , 2 0 1 4 | S I E TA R U S A . O R G A pioneer in intercultural MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS Connect with our global network of development, education, and training partners. Advance your career through field courses and professional practice. Degrees include: QPeacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Q Sustainable Development QInternational Education QTESOL 15 16 Pioneering Intercultural Leadership: From Awareness to Action Fourteenth Annual Conference October 22-25, 2014 Doubletree by Hilton Portland, Oregon USA 8835 SW Canyon Lane, Suite 238 Portland, Oregon 97225 USA email: phone: (503) 297-3261 The Adams and Jefferson Rooms are located in the Hotel Executive Meeting Center, which is directly behind the hotel restaurant.
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