Guest Card November Birthdays For Our Guests What to Expect During Worship Tony Briggs ............................. 11/1 Sarah Goodyeon .................... 11/1 Odette Grubber ...................... 11/5 Ashley Atkins ........................11/10 Name (s) ___________________________________________________ Date:____________ Address ________________________________________________________ Apt _________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________ Email _____________________________________ Guest Of _____________________________________________________________________ Norma Johnson ....................11/14 Jacob Potts...........................11/14 Singing: We sing a cappella (without instruments). The songs are listed in the bulletin and lyrics are projected on our screen. We also have booklets with music notation available as well. We encourage you to join in, but do not feel obligated; you can just sit and listen. Liz Colson .............................11/17 Juwaan Fuller .......................11/17 Ivy Atkins ..............................11/20 JaNalise Johnson .................11/20 Joe Tatum.............................11/23 Lord's Supper: Communion is a part of our worship each week. In this simple memorial we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and we also emphasize the central place of the cross in our faith. Lou Ann Almond ...................11/24 Rachel Bean.........................11/24 Angela Johnson ....................11/24 Keri Brown............................11/27 Offering: The work at Denbigh is supported totally by the free-will offerings of our members. Our guests are not expected to make a donation. LaRhodia Bradley.................11/29 Julia Denton .........................11/29 Jeff Denton ...........................11/29 Lynn Tucker ..........................11/29 PANTRY NEEDS GREEN BEANS, CANNED CORN, SPAGHETTI SAUCE, CEREAL, JELLY SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes ................. 9:30 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m. Sunday P.M. Small Group .........6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening ...................7:00 p.m. Teen Young Adult Married Single Over 35 Moved from ____________________ Have a minister or elder contact me Need info on becoming a member CHURCH OFFICE 205 DENBIGH BLVD. NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23608 (757) 877-4322 Email: Website: ELDERS BOB BEAN ........................ 757-886-1015 ART EDLOW ...................... 757-329-8881 DAVID STEVENS ................ 757-969-1300 JOE TATUM ....................... 757-870-0443 MINISTERS CHARLES “TUCK” TUCKER .. 757-234-3298 ROGER BROWN ................. 757-898-0155 Preaching: The sermon will be about 20-25 minutes long and centered in Scripture. If our study raises questions, please feel free to ask the minister or one of the elders. After the sermon an invitation will be offered for those with a prayer request or desire for baptism. At this time, we will stand and sing a song. Please don’t feel uncomfortable; you will not be singled out in any way. Children’s Church: At some point during each morning assembly (usually before the sermon) children ages 2-5 will be dismissed to a class for a special lesson. An attended nursery is also provided. Usually at this time, we will take a few minutes to stand and greet each other. Expected of You: Participate in any way in which you are comfortable. We do ask you to fill out a Guest Card (at left). We are honored that you chose to visit with us today. We hope that you will stay around for a few minutes after our services so that we can become better acquainted. We also hope that you will come to see us as we see ourselves, a group of people who love Jesus and are doing our best to serve Him. Please come back and worship with us at each and every opportunity that you have. Denbigh Church of Christ Living As God’s Family Under the Cross Loving, Serving, Praising, Proclaiming Order of Worship A Tale of Two Fathers October 26, 2014 Theme: Forgive! Awesome in This Place Faithful Reading (Philippians 4:12-13) I Can Do All Things My Only Hope Is You 708- Reach Out to Jesus Prayer of Praise You Are God Alone Welcome and Family News Children 2-5 Dismissed to Class Meet-n-Greet 324- Alas & Did My Savior Bleed (1-3) Communion (Break My Heart) Giving (448- Greatest Commands) Sermon: Contagious! (6): Let It Go! 111- Grace Greater Than Our Sin Family News Shepherd’s Prayer Dismissal Booklets with music notation are available in the back. Song lyrics will be projected on the screen. Please fill out the perforated Guest or Member There were two different stories of two very different fathers in the news this past week that illustrate two totally different approaches to forgiveness. Both stories illustrate extremes forgiveness; both stories challenge us with what we are going to do with those who trespass against us. The first story was of a father in village in the Hama region of Syria whose daughter was accused of adultery. The young woman begged her father to forgive her. Over and over she begs him. The man who seemed to be in charge seems to encourage the father to forgive, at least to a point. But this father will not be moved. He refuses to talk to her; he even refuses to hold her hand when she begs him. He screams, “You are not my daughter!” He then ties a rope around her, drags her to a pit, and leads the mob in stoning her. The second story is of a New Hampshire father whose only son was killed in a drunken, drug-induced fog by his best friend. When Christopher Bazar was sentenced to prison, he begged this father for forgiveness. The two stories diverge dramatically here. This father forgave his son’s killer and even petitioned the parole board on the young man’s behalf. When Bazar received an early parole, this father gave him a place to live, a job and a fresh start, saying, “He will have to live with this for rest of his life; everyone deserves second chance.” Why such a dramatic difference between the story of the first father and the second? Well, the first father follows an ISIS brand of fundamentalist Islam that while it claims that Allah is forgiving, actually values brutality and vengeance much more. This father seems to feel religiously justified in withholding his forgiveness from his daughter and sending her to a brutal fate... all in the name of God. The second father extends a forgiveness that turns the other cheek and goes the second mile because he is emulating the One who died on a cross and then forgave the very who killed Him. Which father are we going to be like? If we are to follow Jesus, then we will be led to forgive. When we refuse to extend forgiveness and grace to others no matter how serious their offense may be against us, then we look more like the first father than the second. And we look nothing like our Father in heaven! — HTTP://DENBIGH.ORG/CATEGORY/TUCKS-BLOG/ Serving ENCOUNTER: A Teen Retreat Today (Oct. 26) Trunk-and-Treat CENTER FRONT SEAN MCCARTNEY CENTER REAR Ivy Edlow Johnson gave birth to Madeline Joy Johnson Thursday morning at 5:50 am. Both mom and baby girl are doing fine. Madeline weighed in at 6 pounds and 9 ounces and is 18.25 inches long. Art will leave this evening after small group to meet his new granddaughter. ANDREW KING RIGHT REAR MARK WEST GREETER/USHER JOHNNY BRADLEY COMPUTER RANDY HARRIS NURSERY ESTHER STEVENS AIYANNA PERKINS ELDER’S BLESSING BOB BEAN CHILDRENS CHURCH ASHLEY ATKINS PEGGY HENRY MICHAEL TANNER OUTSIDE SIGN For October COMMUNION Prep: S. Logan Clean: J. COLSON BREAD: H. JOHNSON Jacob Peterson’s brother Earl (stroke) Charlie Tucker (dialysis) is doing much better Helen Johnson’s brother (stroke) Helen Johnson’s sister Emma Sneed and Julia Denton’s parents (aging issues) Lynn Tucker’s cousin, Linda Starke (aggressive kidney and lymph node cancer) Jeff Denton (effects of long-term cancer treatments) Jan Nana recovering (knee replacement surgery) Norma Johnson and Nathaniel Davenport (shut-in) OTHER CONCERNS: Our children’s ministry and leaders Crystal Sweatt at language school in California Ukraine and continuing unrest in that country Bruce Gaynon’s father, Gordon (incarcerated) Expectant mothers, Ryan Schneider (March) Our Body Life small group program Our mission works in India, Uganda, France, Ukraine and Zambia Pray for God’s strength and wisdom for our elders as they seek to lead our congregation Please contact the church office, 877-4322, with updates Our Daily Bible Reading from Power for Today Upcoming Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Psalm 86 Psalm 116:1-9 Psalm 119:17-32 Psalm 127 Psalm 145 Proverbs 3”1-6 Proverbs 3:21-26 TODAY Ladies Day Planning After Service Room 2 October 31 Trunk-n-Treat 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. October 31-Nov 2 Teen Retreat Encounters With Jesus November 1 Ladies Inspiration Day 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Information to Share BRENDA RICHARDS David Atkins (recovering from surgery) ___________________________________________ Registration is now over and the team practices will begin in December at Warwick Memorial United Methodist Church. Roger Brown is again in charge of obtaining referees for the games which are on Saturdays. If you would like to be involved in this ministry, please see Roger today. A referee clinic is scheduled for November 4 at 6:00 p.m. and November 8 at 10:00 a.m. The clinics only last about one hour or so. RIGHT FRONT Sammy Richards (continued health concerns) Member (s) Present ________________________________ Date:__________ JAY TANNER ___________________________________________ SMALL GROUPS ......................... 49 LEFT REAR Brenda Richards (continued health concerns) ________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY A.M. W ORSHIP............ 128 PETER STEVENS Lisa Bares (sprained foot) ___________________________________________ BIBLE CLASS ............................. 72 LEFT FRONT Yolanda Bowens, friend of Virginia Costen (cancer) Please Pray: _____________________________________________________ FOR THE RECORD MICAH COFFMAN ___________________________________________ If you aren’t already meeting with one of our Body Life Small Groups, then this is a good week to take the plunge! There are sheets posted around the building with meeting times and places. Take the plunge! TABLE TALK LONNIE COLSON Grandparents Again Upward Basketball Take the Plunge HEALTH CONCERNS:. ________________________________________________________________ Milk (4 gal) Eggs (4 doz) OJ (2 gal) Kool-Aid mix Yogurt (large variety pack) Pastries (large variety pack) Tang (1 large drink mix) PRAYER MICHAEL TANNER ___________________________________________ ANDREW KING Jackie and Jason Costen in the loss of their father, Joshua Costen, Sr. The funeral was Thursday in NC READING: ________________________________________________________________ Our special “Denbigh Ladies Inspiration Day” is THIS SATURDAY! Hopefully you’ve been inviting your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to join us in this day that is shaping up to be one of the best ever. Our theme is “The Heart of a Woman” and will focus on how God works on our hearts in different ways in different phases of our life. Our own Rachel Bean and Joyce Griffin will be two of the featured speakers along with Embrolic Selby from the Williamsburg congregation. There will be a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m. with the main event beginning at 9:00. Daycare will be provided for the little ones and a few of our men are serving us lunch at noon. We are all looking forward to a time of encouragement and edification with our area sisters. We will have one last planning meeting today. To help keep our costs down, we have been asked to donate the food for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday and drink mixes. A sign-up sheet is posted on the hall bulletin board and a number of people have already signed up to provide supplies but there are still some items needed. Please bring these to church by Wednesday, Oct 29. Thanks! We are scheduled to serve at PORT next month on November 28. The location is at Temple Baptist on Harpersville Road. Several have already signed up but there are still lots of places for you to serve. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board just outside the auditorium for your convenience. Some of the spaces still to be filled are baggers, overnight shift and checkout. For more information see Audrey Briggs. _____________________________________________________ Ladies Inspiration Our teens (middle and high school) will join together with teens from Denbigh Christian Church for a retreat near Luray, VA on Friday (10/31) through Sunday (10/2). Michael Stohler and Roger Brown will lead the teens in “Encounters with Jesus.” The cost will be $45.00 per person. SYMPATHY: _____________________________________________ Put this in the bulletin? Trunk-and-Treat will be on October 31 from 6-8 p.m. here in our parking lot. We will have games, hotdogs, a cake walk, face painting and prizes for the best costumes and the best decorated car. We need cakes for the cake walk— sign the sheet on the hallway bulletin board if you can help in this way. Please be here no later than 5:45 to park your car before the neighborhood children start arriving. Bring all your friends and neighbors on over and plan for a fun time together! Port Homeless Shelter Prayer Concerns Member Card News and Notes of Interest
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