Little Cougars Boys Basketball 2014-2015

Little Cougars Boys Basketball 2014-2015
Little Cougars boys’ basketball is a league for West Olympia area boys in grades 3-6. The emphasis at Little
Cougars is on sportsmanship, having fun and allowing all to participate! Our goal is to give our future CHS Cougars
a chance to learn basketball fundamentals and develop skills through practice and games. Every boy will receive a
Little Cougar jersey, a basketball, instruction at weekly practices, and lots of encouragement.
Saturday, October 25th, from 9-12pm and November 8th 9-12pm. *Registration
received after November 2nd will be admitted on a space available basis, so don’t delay!
Saturday, November 8th, from 9-11am at Capital High School gym. *This is when the boys will meet
their coaches and teammates, receive schedules, and learn a lot about Cougar basketball.
All games will be on Saturday mornings at Capital High School gyms.
Games will begin in mid November and end the first Saturday in February.
Practices will be one night a week, either Tuesday or Thursday evenings, at local area
elementary and middle schools. *Exact times and locations TBA.
$110.00 per person, $200.00 for 2 players, and $270.00 for 3 players in the same family. Please make
checks payable to Capital High School.
Little Cougars are always looking for enthusiastic volunteer coaches (no experience
If you have any questions, please contact Marcus Sledge at
This is NOT a school-sponsored activity. The Olympia School District has neither reviewed nor approved the sponsoring organization or its
program, personnel, and activities announced in this flier. The sponsoring organization and participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold
harmless the District, its board of directors, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses or rights of action,
directly or indirectly attributed to the organization, or its program, personnel, and activities. Permission to distribute this flier should not be
considered an endorsement or recommendation of the program by the District.
NAME: ______________________________ SCHOOL: _______________________ GRADE: _______
MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ________________________________________PHONE: _____________
ADDITIONAL CONTACT: ___________________________________________PHONE: _____________
JERSEY SIZE: (circle one) Adult Lg.
Adult Med.
Adult Sm. Youth Lg. Youth Med.
Youth Sm.
TEAM/ SCHEDULING REQUESTS _______________________________
______ CASH
OR ________CHECK - CHECK NUMBER _________
YES, I would be willing to serve as a coach for a Little Cougar’s team _____
Parent or Guardian Signature__________________________________
Date _______________
I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Little Cougar Basketball from all claims that might be filed against Capital
High School Basketball, Capital High School, or Olympia School District, its hired or contracted employees,
instructors, officials, or agents, for any and all injuries or losses that may be suffered because of my or my children’s
participation in the above activity.
I consent to my child’s participation in the activity/program, Little Cougar basketball, and authorize Little Cougar
Basketball and its employees or agents to provide emergency medical treatment for my child on my behalf. To the
best of my knowledge, my child has no physical or other condition(s), which would interfere with his/her
Name of Participant
Signature of parent or legal guardian