Ilmajoki Things to See and Do ILMAJOKI MUSEUM was built in 1914 based on old plans for another church built in 1638, in Ilmajoki. It is one of the oldest rural museums in Finland. Its collection consists of 15,000 objects, including those of the Könni master artisans. The chapel, built in 1861, functions as a separate church museum. The museum grounds also have a memorial dedicated to the Aalto artillery battery. Open in summer by appointment and during events. (06) 424 8474 THE LAURONEN MONEY COLLECTION at the Ilmajoki Museum is a collection of 5500 pieces of currency donated by Antti Lauronen. It includes roman coins from a period spanning all the emperors as well as, other donations and objects of interest. The collection can be viewed in the vaults of the Nordea bank weekdays between 9.30–16.00 and on weekends by appointment. Martti Koskenkorva 050 371 0088 ILMAJOKI TELEPHONE MUSEUM is open by appointment. Guided tours, meeting rooms for 50 persons. THE ILMAJOKI CHURCH AND PARISH CENTRE A wooden cross-shaped church built in 1766 by Matti Honka. The churchyard features a memorial commemorating those who died in the Civil War of 1918 by Pauli Aaltonen (1924) and a memorial to the fallen at the Winter and Continuation Wars by Aimo Tukiainen (1951). Aulis Jääskeläinen (2007) has designed the statue guiding visitors through the memorial. The Parish Centre was designed by Aulis Jääskeläinen and completed in 1972. The church is open 1.6.–31.7. 9–15. (06) 424 0428 ILKKA’S FIELD, ILKKA’S STATUE by Matti Visanti (1924). Erected in honour of the leader of the Cudgel War, Jaakko Ilkka. RAIVAAJAPATSAS statue by Kalervo Kallio (1954) commemorates the pioneering work of the farmers who cleared the vast plains to reveal arable land. The memorials at the OLD CEMETERY provide insight into the history of Ilmajoki. MEMORIAL TO JAAKKO ILKKA’S HOUSE is located by the Ilmajoki-Koskenkorva road at the Vesikko intersection. YLI-LAUROSELA HOUSE MUSEUM MEMORIAL TO THE BATTLE OF SANTAVUORI by Matti Visanti (1925) is located at Kapalankangas, next to highway 67. This was the site of the final battle of the Cudgel War on 27.2.1597. The stones used to build the monument were hauled by hundreds of men from Käräjävuori in Kurikka., THE SANTAVUORI OBSERVATION TOWER provides a view of the vast plains characteristic to the region. Keskustie 12, Ilmajoki Reservations 044 512 0009 From highway 67 turn to Varpahaiskyläntie. ALAJOKI PLAINS; thousands of hectares of field where also the ALAJOKI NATURE TRAIL is located, and the Alajoki sauna with adjoining buildings and observation tower. Bird-watching tower can be found on the east side of the river. PERÄLÄ COTTAGE is a traditional Ostrobothnian cottage. Open by appointment. Located in Tuohistonmäki 3 km from the centre of town. Leo Palomäki 040 077 5148 A relief honouring SENATOR MATTI PAASIVUORI can be found at the community hall. Reliefs by Reijo Paavilainen honouring JAAKKO ILKKA can be seen at the offices of Osuuspankki, Nordea and Altia. Memorial stone for SAMUEL RINTA-NIKKOLA next to the Nikkola suspension bridge. A memorial for ERKKI ALA-KÖNNI can be found in Ilkka’s field. Find out about cafés, restaurants, places to shop, factory outlets etc. from the Ilmajoki Business Directory or ILMAJOKI MUSIC FESTIVAL 5.–14.6.2015 Ilmajoki Music festival celebrates its 40th anniversary with the premier of ELÄMÄLLE – OOPPERA OSKAR MERKANNOSTA, an opera about the composer Oskar Merikanto. The opera is shown 5.–7.6. and 12.–14.6.2015 at the opera arena on the banks of the Kyrönjoki. Composer Jaakko Kuusisto, libretto Juhani Koivisto and director Anna Kelo. In leading roles Jussi Merikanto, Johanna Rusanen-Kartano. The festival also features several high class concerts, for example JUBILEUMCONCERT – KARITA MATTILA, PELTOMIEHEN RUKOUS – JORMA PANULA 85V. In 2017-2018 an opera about Mannerheim is shown. Screenplay by Laila Hirvisaari and Eve Hietamies. Further information Ilmajoki Music Festival. (06) 424 2900 ILKKA’S MARKET will be held 16.–17.5.2015 and SYYSMARKKINAT (the Autumn fair) 5.9.2015 in Ilmajoki. Ilmajoen Kisailijat (06) 424 6141 GLASS ART STUDIO MINNA TUOHISTO-KOKKO has an annual summer exhibition concurrently with the Music Festival. Quality art exhibitions in an unique environment. Events - Art - Handicraft - Mementoes RIVER CRUISES Cruises on the Kyrönjoki river on the covered Jakko Ilkka riverboat that takes 52 passengers by reservation. Self service luxury pontoon boat LUXORY I available for cruising in Kyrönjoki for groups between 1-12 persons. Namitupa (06) 424 1912, 050 036 6759, MARITA HENRIKSSON HOME ART STUDIO Maurio mansion. Sculptures and paintings. Open by appointment. Könnintie 15, Ilmajoki 050 369 9306, (06) 424 8411 FINGERPORI Offers wool and linen clothes as well as, sewing and mending services. Open by appointment. 040 824 7466, PELLAVAPIRTTI Finnish handicrafts, handwoven linen products, picture soaps etc. Tuohistonkuja 141, Koskenkorva (06) 422 9023, 050 313 0222, Nikkolantie 244, Ilmajoki 046 542 4191,, SÄRKYNEEN SILLAN MARKKINAT (The Broken Bridge fair) 11.–12.7.2015 is held at the banks of Kyröjoki next to the old suspension bridge. Sixty carefully selected market vendors with their products, program for children, archery, the mystic Alexander XIII show and much more. JARI MÄKI OY´s American style store can be found in Koskenkorva. Offers gifts, country and western products, car parts and accessories for American cars, spare parts for moped cars, garage and limousine service. Särkyneen Sillan Ystävät ry 050 097 2945 (06) 422 9888, 040 065 4888, NAMITUPA is a sweet factory outlet where you can watch sweets actually being made. Kauppatie 25, Ilmajoki (06) 424 1912, 050 571 5671, KIVA PÄIVÄ – ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE Work place health promotion days, stag and hen parties and other entertainment services for large and small groups. Namitupa (06) 424 1912, 050 036 6759, ILMAJOEN KROUVI Opening hours Mon. 10.30–15, Tue. and Wed. 10.30–15 and 18–24, Thu. 10.30–24, Fri. 10.30–03, Sat. 15–03, Sun. 15–22. Summer terrace, lunch Mon.-Fri. and à la carte. Kauppatie 11, Ilmajoki (06) 424 6424, HOSTEL PALONKORTTEERI has 40 double rooms available in summer, and 5 rooms all year-round. Also sauna, cabinet with fireplace and meeting facilities available. For further information about the accommodation service provider and contact details see Kauppatie 26, Ilmajoki ILMAJOEN KESTIKARTANO Lunch restaurant as well as, services by reservation, events and meetings. Accommodation available in the manor in 6 stately rooms, homely common rooms, large kitchen and sauna. Available for events, meetings and guests. Kartanontie 5, Ilmajoki 040 840 7900,, KOSKENKORVAN TRAHTEERI Facilities for meeting, dining, family events, sauna and spa getaways – for groups by reservation. THE KOSKENKORVA MUSEUM depicts the history of the Altia factory and the Koskenkorva estate and village, Finnish alcohol policy as well as, the Könni clock artisans. Open; weekdays in summer and in winter by appointment. Dining for 60 people in winter and 150 in summer. Conference facilities with two fully equipped rooms for 30-55 people. Trahteerintie 3, Koskenkorva Hostess 040 071 9392, Host 050 371 0088,,, THE HERRALA CULTURE CENTER operates in a former school built in 1887. The building is an integral part of the beautiful and historical cultural landscape of the Kyrönjoki. The facilities can be rented for events, training, and meeting and exhibition purposes. Ilmajoen kunta, Päivi Kivimäki 044 419 1293 KORVAN ROUVI offers live performances and karaoke. Meeting facilities, sauna, summer terrace. Opening hours: Winter: fri.-sat., terrace opening party 1.4. See Koskitie 2, Koskenkorva 050 443 4383 JUSSI’S RIVER SAUNAS can be found at Ilmajoki´s Alajoki and provides dining, family events, sauna bathing and meetings. ERKIN HAUSSI is a small cottage in the middle of the village available for small parties, meetings and accommodation. By prior reservation also Zetor tractor drives with entertainment in the Ilmajoki area. Röyskölänkuja 20, Ilmajoki Juha Rinta-Röyskö 040 512 0984, SOUTH OSTROBOTHNIA FOLK HIGH SCHOOL A full service education centre. Also available group dining and accommodation. Opistontie 111, Ilmajoki (06) 425 6000, PERÄPIRTTI and SINIKUMPU cottages as well as, a new 60 m2 cottage by pond with clear water. Huissi, Esa ja Kaisu Lähdesmäki 050 350 1880 Restaurants and accommodation NUIJALATO can be rented for meetings, training, and family events for up to 50 persons. Sauna, kitchen and modern meeting equipment available. Alaanentie 16, Ilmajoki 050 036 9669, 050 036 3882, RUOKONEN FARM Liisa and Paavo Ruokonen. Opintie 22, Koskenkorva (06) 422 9499, 040 046 9499, MYLLYLAMPI BERRY FARM at Kujanpää. Cottage and smoke sauna on the shores of a pond. Lahdentie 124, Ilmajoki 050 059 3848 MÄKI-RANTA Opistontie 91, Ilmajoki 040 530 3637, (06) 424 6156 VÄSTINKORVA SPA in Koskenkorva. Swimming pool and sauna facilities available for training and meeting purposes. Markku Salomäki 040 041 5333, Johanna Salomäki 050 066 0550 Ilmajoki taitto: mainostoimisto aada, paino: painotalo seiska p.o. box 23 | ilkantie 18 | 60801 ilmajoki telephone exchange (06) 419 1111 turistinformation and travel guides ilmajoki guide club Tuula Löppönen, tel. 050 343 5719 Marianne Tallgrén, tel. 044 419 1211 south ostrobothnia tourist service, Seinäjoki tel. (06) 420 9090 kuvat: ilmajoen kunta, esa järvi ja veera hölsö ilmajoki municipality
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