5801 Falls of Neuse Road • Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: 919-865-5700 • Fax: 919-865-5701 www.saintraphael.org Saint Raphael the Archangel Parish is a diverse community of Catholic believers, called by baptism to share in the Christian mission of evangelization, worship and service. As stewards of this community, we commit our time, talent, and treasure to building the Body of Christ together. A PARISH ADMINISTERED BY THE SOCIETY OF JESUS–THE JESUITS. October 25-26, 2014 Saturday: Sunday: 5:30 7:15 7:45 2:30 5:30 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: MASS SCHEDULE PM Vigil PM Spanish AM | 9:30 AM | 11:30 AM PM Spanish PM WEEKDAYS 7:00 AM | 11:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM | 8:45 AM | 7:00 PM Spanish 7:00 AM 7:00 AM | 9:00 AM 9:00 AM RECONCILIATION/CONFESSIONS: Saturdays— begins at 3:30 PM and ends at 4:45 PM in the Chapel on a first come, first served basis. Other times by appointment. BAPTISM PREPARATION: To begin the process, call Anna Vieira at extension 729 for information concerning the required class. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Call Anna Vieira at extension 729, at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: In case of illness or hospitalization, call Gerry Madey at extension 740, to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick or to receive Holy Communion. CATHOLIC INQUIRY: To learn about joining the Catholic Church, call extension 743. LITURGICAL CALENDAR Week of October 27-November 2 7:00 AM MONDAY 11:00 AM TUESDAY 7:00 AM 7:00 AM WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Solemnity of All Saints VIGIL MASS SUNDAY V V V MASS INTENTION REQUESTED BY READINGS Angelita Castillo Peña Frank Castillo & Family Rosa & Elias De Mori Daughters Eph 4:32-5:8 Lk 13:10-17 Gibran Carlton Jairam Carlton Jairam Eph 2:19-22 Lk 6:12-16 Carol White Fran & Dave Polovick 8:45 AM Meghan Riedy Grandparents 7:00 PM Josefina Guzman Ministerio Hispano 7:00 AM V Christine Nedobeck Stuck Carol & Don Dierbeck 7:00 AM V V Fr. Michael Proterra, SJ ALEC Committee 9:00 AM Nives Pascual Divine Mercy Prayer Group 9:00 AM V Deceased Members Legion of Mary Legion of Mary 5:30 PM Eph 6:1-9 Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20 Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11 Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 1 Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12A All Parishioners 7:15 PM All Parishioners 7:45 AM All Parishioners Wis 3:1-9 9:30 AM All Parishioners Rom 5:5-11 11:30 AM All Parishioners Jn 6:37-40 2:30 PM All Parishioners 5:30 PM All Parishioners The daily readings are available on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website: http://www.usccb.org/nab/ To honor someone with a Mass intention, please contact Anna Vieira at 865-5729 Please Note: Intention requests will be accepted no earlier than 6 months before the requested date. DONOR DESIGNATION FOR SAINT RAPHAEL Do you donate to United Way? Did you know that you can designate your donation to benefit St. Raphael Catholic Church? Donor designations can be made at the time you make your pledge to United Way. Simply indicate that you would like for your donation to be designated for St. Raphael, and they will send us a check after you have made your gift. For more information, ask your United Way Campaign Coordinator or call Sherry Hiltbrunner in the Parish Business Office at 865-5732. PLAN AHEAD FOR YOUR GIFTS—The November 1-2 second collection will be for Debt Reduction. The current principal balance on our Spreading Our Wings mortgage is $1,743,364. Your donation helps us meet our $42,053 monthly mortgage payment. You can now also give to the Debt Reduction Fund online, either one-time or automatically. Please visit www.saintrapahael.org for more information. PRO-LIFE CORNER The credibility of a healthcare system is not measured solely by efficiency, but above all by the attention and love given to the person, whose life is always sacred and inviolable. treasure heart is, For where your there your MATTHEW 6:21 YOUR GENEROSITY MAKES A DIFFERENCE Your generosity helps us invest in our youth, enhance faith formation for all ages, build a welcoming community, foster a culture of stewardship, strengthen the upkeep of our facility, and achieve a more stable long-term financial position. Please also consider setting-up recurring and online donations—it’s quick, easy, and secure! https://www.donation-net.net/StRaphaelCC/donate.cfm For information on special giving, please contact Sherry Hiltbrunner at 865-5732 or hiltbrunners@saintraphael.org. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE BUDGET ACTUAL OVER (UNDER) October 18-19 $33,000 $34,892 $1,892 Prior Month (Sep.) $132,000 $139,165 $7,165 Fiscal YTD $526,400 $535,174 $8,774 OFFERTORY SECOND COLLECTION POPE FRANCIS, SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 will be also. World Mission | $3,777 PARISH CALENDAR PRAYERS IN YOUR KINDNESS, PLEASE REMEMBER. . . These Parishioners at Home Dolores Armogida Lee Batson Terry Beal Stephanie Merenda Dorothy Birmingham Patsy Bobo Sonny Bobo Jack Boland Richard Bunch Otilia Castro Jansje Collins Selina Cudney Cindy Figh Jane & Meghan Frank Drew Frazier Tammi Gasper Grace Gissy Bruce Hanson Mary Ann Hanson Mary Ann Heckman Edith Jendrasiak Josephine Johnson Dorothy Jonczak Richard King Rose Kuarciak Carol Lamont Robert Laurent Pat Lupien Joe Mangano Laura Pelletier Celeste Perroth Suzanne Phillips Lori Powell Sheila Powers My Quan Betty Saunders Janine Sadore Mae Simmons Indera Sonnylal Susan Smith Ida Smythe Linda Sorrentino Jack Somers Jewell Stanford Eucaris Subbiah Renee Tittle-Liles Zorida Vasconcellos Chang Vu Alexander Williams These Parishioners in Care MONDAY | OCTOBER 27 8:15 AM Carpool Rosary Chapel 10:15 AM Daily Mass Rosary Chapel 12:00 PM Senior Group Rooms 103 & 109 6:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 314 Raphael Hall 7:00 PM Finance Council Room 109 8:00 PM Adult Basketball Ignatius Hall TUESDAY | OCTOBER 28 8:00 AM Legion of Mary Room 109 6:30 PM Confirmation Catechesis Chapel & Lewis Rm. 7:00 PM Cub Scout Pack 314, Den 3, Webelos 1 Room 34 WEDNESDAY | OCTOBER 29 8:15 AM Daily Mass Rosary Chapel 9:15 AM Women’s Bible Study Rooms 109 & 112 5:30 PM Legion of Mary Room 109 6:00 PM Read & Feed Lewis Room 6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Choir Room 8:00 PM Adult Volleyball Ignatius Hall THURSDAY | OCTOBER 30 7:30 AM Bible Study Room 112 7:00 PM Ignatian Prayer Group Room 107 7:00 PM EMHC Training Church FRIDAY | OCTOBER 31 8:30 AM Daily Mass Rosary Chapel Doug Andre at Litchford Falls Health Care Mary Alice Burke at Carillion Assisted Living Ernest Hayhurst at Falls River Court Ron Heard at VA Hospital in Durham Dorothy Kanop at Elmcroft of North Ridge Joe Kronenwetter at Sunrise Senior Living in Charlotte Anna Luciani at Sunrise Living Tina Matt at Springmoor Thora McLean at Phoenix Assisted Living Joe Parrish at Crabtree Valley Rehab Rosemarie Sorrentino at Carillion Assisted Living Frances Von Spreckelsen at Duke Hospital (Durham) Bob Uhlig at Universal Health Care Kenneth Wheeler at Elmcroft 10:45 AM Special Needs Catechesis Preschool Rooms These Serving in the Military 10:45 AM Saints Alive! for Children Ignatius Hall Patrick Bailey | Grandson of Fran & Dick Bailey Matt Balcome | Grandson of Mitzi & Jim McGowan Sean Boland | Grandson of Carol & Jack Boland Oliver Collins | Nephew of Jansie & Conrad Collins Kenneth M. Curtin, Jr. | Son of Kenneth M. Curtin, Sr. Cassandra Czechowicz | Granddaughter of Diane Quick John W. Henderson, Jr. | Nephew of Mary & Marc Rullo John Klotsko | Son of Angie & John Klotsko Michael J. Maresh | Son of Terri Maresh, Grandson of Martha Bogacki Joel Meyer | Son of Tom & Jeannie Meyer Chris & William Oblak | Grandsons of Theo Majkowski Brian Scallion | Son of Nancy Scallion Matthew Morse Timper | Grandson of Phyllis & George Morse Theresa Todd | Daughter of Virginia & John Todd Jennifer Velasquez We appreciate an update when circumstances change. If you have updates, changes, or additions to our prayer lists, please contact Gerry Madey at gerry@madeys.com, or call 865-5740. 9:00 AM Friday Playgroup Room 106 9:30 AM Divine Mercy Novena Ministry Gathering 6:45 PM Young Adult Group Room 109 7:00 PM Youth Group Lewis Rom SATURDAY | NOVEMBER 1 8:30 AM Daily Mass Rosary Ministry Gathering 9:30 AM Holy Hour Devotions Chapel 3:30 PM Confessions Chapel 6:30 PM Family Rosary Prayer Group Lewis Room & 106 SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 2 11:00 AM Pro-Life Rosary Chapel 6:45 PM Youth Ministry Room 107 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM and 1:00 PM—4:30 PM Thursday: Closed If you require staff during the times we are closed, please call to arrange an appointment in advance. OUR PA PARISH WEBSITE IS MOBILE! Have you wanted to access our Parish website from your phone or tablet? You can! www.saintraphael.org is now mobile friendly. You can read about mi ministries, look at photos of activities, and find out what is happening. It's like having the wh whole parish in your hands. . .check it out! Poinsettia Sale To benefit St. Raphael’s Ministry for Get started with your Christmas decorating at home or in your office With gorgeous nursery-grade poinsettias direct from Fairview Garden Center. Two sizes. Two colors. Choose from 6.5” and 8” pots in red or white. Each with gold foil & sleeves for protection. Orders accepted in the Atrium after all Masses on November 1 & 2. Mail orders accepted with payment received by Saturday, November 8. Pick-up at St. Raphael the weekend of December 6 & 7. Delivery available for orders of five or more! QUESTIONS? CONTACT LAURA KAVANAUGH AT 937-671-6718 OR LAURAMKAVANAUGH@HOTMAIL.COM. Bring the following order form with payment to Masses on November 1 & 2 or mail with payment to arrive by November 8 to St. Raphael Catholic Church ATTN: Habitat for Humanity Ministry 5801 Falls of Neuse Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Poinsettia Order Ordered by: __________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: __________________________________ Please make checks payable to __________________________________ St. Raphael Habitat for Humanity Email: __________________________________ Indicate pot sizes and colors. Submit with payment. # of Red # of White Total # Pots Subtotal $ 6.5” Pot @ $15.00/each X $15 8” Pot @ $25.00/each X $25 TOTAL $ MISSION 2015 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me. P !"!##!$%& 4:13 Your mission, should you choose to accept it, could be to Grenada (Caribbean), Charleston (SC), or Louisville (KY). All Middle and High School Students are invited to join youth ministry in service during the Summer of 2015. Make a difference þ Grenada | June þ Charleston, SC þ Louisville, KY in. . . 13-20, 2015 | July 19-25, 2015 | June 21-26, 2015 Need more information? Contact Jeremy Roca, at jroca@saintraphael.org or 865-5726. JOIN OUR YOUTH MINISTRY—We meet every Sunday from 6:45 to 8:15 PM in Ignatius Hall. To participate in future meetings and events as part of our fun, spirit-filled group, contact Jeremy Roca at jroca@saintraphael.org or 865-5726. CHEER FOR THE RAILHAWKS! Join Saint Raphael Youth Ministry on Saturday, November 1, 7:00-9:30 PM as we cheer the Carolina Railhawks. This game will decide whether they continue playing Post Season, so it will be a ton of fun and excitement. Cost is $8 per person. We will meet in the church parking lot at 7:00 PM to caravan as a group to the Stadium. To participate in this event, a guardian must complete and electronically sign this consent, liability, and medical release form for each youth: http://tinyurl.com/ SRYMCarolinaRailhawksSoccer. Questions? Contact jroca@saintraphael.org or 865-5726. ADULT CONFIRMATION—Fall adult Confirmation preparation will be held in October and November. We are offering a sixweek preparation for those adults who need to prepare and celebrate only the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please register by visiting the parish website and clicking on the Adult Confirmation Registration link. For information, please contact Leo Moreda at lmoreda@saintraphael.org or 865-5708. HIGH SCHOOLERS—Back-to-school means back-to-serviceopportunities! Consider sharing your time and talent with our Parish Faith Formation program! Volunteer hours: 1.5 per Sunday. Children and Youth Impacted: 400. Your personal enrichment: Priceless! Contact Linda Lenzmeier to explore the possibilities (llenzmeier@saintraphael.org or 865-5715). YOUTH MINISTRY REGISTRATION is underway for the 20142015 year of ministry! You can register directly online for our usual $25 fee, which includes a t-shirt and helps offset some of the expenses associated with hosting our youth events each Sunday. Please don't let the fee keep you from joining us— scholarships are available. Once registered, you will be added to our communication database for the year. We look forward to partnering with all of you as we minister to our young people - helping them grow closer to Christ and to one another. Register today at http://tinyurl.com/ SRYMRegistration. Contact Jeremy Roca at jroca@saintraphael.org or 865-5726 if you have questions or want to help. CONFIRMATION 2015 will be Saturday, October 24 (2015), at 11:00 AM. Join us for an English information gathering on Sunday, November 9 (2014), 10:45 - 11:45 AM in the Chapel. We will also hold a weekday session on November 11, 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the Chapel. All youth currently in the 8th grade and above will start preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation soon. Parents should register on the parish website or during one of the information sessions. For more information, contact Jeremy Roca at jroca@saintraphael.org or 865-5726. FORMING CATECHISTS Aware of the importance of forming catechists in the Catholic Faith, the Diocese, through the Doorways to Formation in the Faith program, offers catechist certification courses based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This adult formation program for the Diocese of Raleigh, provides lay men and women with a foundation in the tenets of the Catholic Faith, so that they can posses a depth of knowledge and understanding of the teaching of the Catholic Faith and impart the faith to those children, youth and adults that they are called to catechize and teach. The framework currently in place offers six courses, each twelve hours in length, for Basic Level catechist certification. The Creed Course - This Level I course begins on November 1, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM in Room 109, and meets for two sessions. The Creed presents a theological foundation in the doctrine of the faith. Participants will deepen their knowledge of the basic beliefs stated in the Creed. Integral to each session is prayer, course content, faith sharing, and large/small group discussion so that participants can apply the teachings to their life and ministry. Required text is United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC, 2006. Please see link below to register. To RSVP please visit: https://event-wizard.com/ fallcreedraleigh2014/0/register/. For more information, contact Leo Moreda at lmoreda@saintraphael.org or 865-5708. MARK YOUR SPOT—Have you placed your pin on our big maps in the atrium? St. Raphael is blessed to have parishioners from around the country and the world. Show us where you came from, whether it is down the road or across the oceans, we are honored you are here as part of our Catholic and universal church! What an exciting week it was at the Preschool! We had our annual Scholastic Book Fair. Dear Saint Raphael Families, Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The leaves are changing, shorts and t-shirts are being put away for jeans and sweatshirts, and at Saint Raphael Catholic School, things you would expect to see during this season are starting to appear! Who's up for a little school spirit? At the end of each sports season, we hold a pep rally for our sports teams. This Tuesday was our first pep rally of the year recognizing our boys soccer, girls volleyball, and cross country teams. The event also featured several "Minute to Win It" games where students and staff members participated in fun challenges and contests. The staff (including Fr. Hurley) took on a volleyball challenge, but unfortunately neither us nor the soccer team was any match for our Lady Guardian volleyball team. The pep rally was a fun and memorable day for all Guardians! The All 80s Dinner and Gala is fast approaching! The event will be held on Saturday, November 8, at 6:30 PM in Ignatius Hall. This will surely be a fun night with lots of memories from the decade of Rubix Cube, Mtv, and "great" music. We have some great auction items including an amazing trip to Disney, sports packages, and many other exciting items! Whether you're a parent at our school or not, make plans to be at the All 80s Dinner and Gala. Tickets are on sale at www.saintraphaelschoool.org/gala. I would like to thank our sponsors for this wonderful event: ¨ Platinum Level: Veterans Waste Management (www.vetwastenc.com) ¨ Gold Level: Dr. Aaron Tropmann, DDS & Dr. Gary Oyster, DDS ¨ Silver Level: Jennifer Troch from Coldwell Banker Howard Perry & Walston (www.trochsolidrealtor.com) ¨ Bronze Level: Sport Clips on Falls Village (https:// haircutmenfallsvillageraleighnc.com) ¨ Bronze Level: Thirty-One by Jennifer Fitzsimmons (www.mythirtyone.com/416721) ¨ Bronze Level: Party Reflections (http:// partyreflections.com/raleigh) ¨ Bronze Level: Avodex Partners (www.avodex.com) If your business would like to support Saint Raphael Catholic School by sponsoring this event or our upcoming Ryan O'Connell Memorial Golf Tournament, please contact Ellen Guarente at 865-5757. As we begin our second nine weeks, I would like to welcome our seven new students who will be starting at Saint Raphael in the next week! It is always exciting to welcome new students in the middle of the school year to our Saint Raphael Family! It's a short week at Saint Raphael with Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday. Thank you for your prayers for our students, staff, and families. God Bless, John Mihalyo, Principal St. Raphael Catholic School Phone: 919-865-5750 | Fax: 919-865-5751 Christ + Academics + Family The hallways were full of bookcases filled with wonderful books that sparked the imagination and interest of our preschoolers. Many of our moms and dads purchased books for their little ones as well as books for the classrooms. As part of our celebration of books, the Cubs’ class made a list of their favorite books and dictated a book of their own. We also had special guest readers during the week. Ms. Jennifer, the twoyear old teacher, read a book about Fall, and Ms. Sadler, our movement teacher, read a book about leaves. The week was all about making reading fun! Our Preschool offers children opportunities to make friends, grow in self-confidence, and prepare for future academic success—all while having fun in a secure, nurturing, faith-filled environment. All of our teachers are certified/credentialed and lovingly foster students’ social-emotional, spiritual, physical and academic growth. Visit www.StRaphaelPreschool.org or call 865-5728 for more information and/or to schedule a tour. FLASHBACK TO THE 80s GALA St. Raphael Catholic School is heading back to the 80s on November 8th! Finish solving that Rubik's Cube, then grab the Aqua Net and Members Only jacket for a night at our annual Gala. Tickets will be on sale soon, but we need volunteers! If you are interested in donating auction items, volunteering, or attending, please contact Kelly Burich at kabarnes@aol.com. ocations National Vocation Voc Awareness Week will be celebrated celebra rated in our country November 2-8. Please ask Our Lord for more mo dedicated, holy priests, deacons and consecrated men m and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported suppo ported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s G gift of a vocation. PARISH LIFE (CONTINUED) COMPASSIONATE CARE MINISTRY Here’s a look at what is coming up in our parish community. You’re welcome to attend, learn more, or volunteer if this need is something that is close to your heart. Please connect with Janet Schirripa, Lay Ministry Support Coordinator, at jschirripa@saintraphael.org or 865-5704 for more information. ALL SOULS PRAYER SERVICE Wednesday, November 5, at 6:00 PM in the Mary Chapel with procession to the Columbarium. Your Vocations Committee asks you join with us as we pray the following prayer for vocations: Father in heaven, you sent us your only Son to redeem us and to build your kingdom on earth. Please give us the wisdom and strength we need to follow His call. Grant to the faithful a spirit of generosity, that Church vocations may flourish. Bless our priests with holiness and courage, that they may lead your people to Christ. Help all sisters and brothers to fulfill their sacred promises and so be effective signs of your kingdom. Lord, invite more men and women to your service. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. This service of remembrance is for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, whether or not they were parishioners, had their funeral here or lived in another area, are inurned here or elsewhere. Come hear comforting readings, pray with others, honor your loved one, and celebrate our risen Lord, especially if you find this hard. Here’s a time just for you. SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS WHEN GETTING OUT OF BED IS A CHALLENGE: STRATEGIES FOR THE GRIEVING. Sunday, November 9, at 12:30 PM in the Lewis Room PARISH LIFE All telephone numbers are area code 919 unless otherwise noted. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TRAINING—A Training session for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs, formerly Eucharistic Ministers), will be held in the Church Sanctuary on Thursday, October 30, at 7:00 PM. They are open to any registered parishioner in good standing wishing to become an EMHC, as well as to current EMHCs who wish an update. Come join us in serving the Body & Blood of Christ to our fellow St. Raphael parishioners. For further information and/or to receive a copy of our guidelines, contact Jay Comi, coordinator, at JayComi@Summitrs.com. FAMILY ROSARY PRAYER GROUP—Come join our loving community! All are welcome: children, teens, and adults. We meet in the Lewis Room to recite the Holy Rosary, meditate on the life of Christ, and share in a voluntary potluck dinner. Join us Saturdays after 5:30 PM Mass: How do you cope during a season of hope, anticipation and celebration, a time of family gatherings and command performances, when traditions and society’s expectations feel like huge burdens? Loss, loneliness and memories combine to make this a very hard time of year for those walking in grief. Come spend some time with folks who understand, learn a few strategies and stress reducers, gain a new perspective and give yourself permission to approach things differently. Please register for this event, connect with Janet Schirripa, Lay Ministry Support Coordinator, to reserve your spot. jschirripa@saintraphael.org or 865-5704. U U November 1, 15 & 29 | December 13 For more information contact Elizabeth Godbolt at 247-5010 or egodbolt@nc.rr.com or Philip Godbolt, Jr., at 521-6064 or plgodbol@gmail.com. KNIGHTS HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS—It's time for the annual Knights of Columbus Holiday Food Collection. Members of the St. Raphael Council will be in the atrium the weekend of November 1 & 2 passing out grocery bags and accepting monetary donations for our annual Holiday Food Baskets. The bags can be returned to the church atrium the weekends of November 8 & 9 and 15 & 16. Last year the collection was wonderful as we distributed food to over 150 families for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Knights thank you for last year's donations and look to a good return this year. For further information, contact Tom Smith, PGK at 971-1087 or email tsmith9880@outlook.com. U COMING THIS WINTER! Six week support group for the grieving, addressing the many dimensions of grief; spiritual, psychological and day -to-day needs of participants. Monthly drop-in gathering, an informal facilitated time to share with others when events, dates, or day to day life trigger a need to revisit our grief from a different perspective or perhaps for different reasons. The new Bereavement Network between parishes will be bringing you opportunities at other locations for programs, services all from a Catholic perspective. GIVE A WEEKEND TO GOD by attending an Ignatian Weekend Retreat at Loyola on the Potomac – a Jesuit Retreat House in Faulkner, MD. This year the retreat theme is Behold the Face of God. The fee for the weekend is $235, however, there is a $50 discount for first timers and youth up to age 30. A deposit is required to save your room. A retreat for men will be held on November 7-9. A retreat for men and women is scheduled for November 14-16. For a brochure, to make reservations, or if you have questions, contact Monica Lavia at molavia@hotmail.com. Make reservations online at www.loyolaonthepotomac.com. PARISH LIFE (CONTINUED) PARISH LIFE (CONTINUED) READ & FEED LAUNCHED THIS MONTH! 42 children have registered for the free tutoring program offered on Wednesday evenings! Children come hungry, have a quick meal, and then work with our volunteer tutors to strengthen skills and instill a love for reading. Each student has a new book bag, access to a wonderful library and an enthusiastic partner as they grow into strong readers. DO YOU LOVE WEDDINGS? Can you see yourself assisting our Priests as they perform these beautiful, memorable ceremonies? We are in the process of developing teams of Wedding Coordinators. The role of a wedding coordinator includes greeting and directing the bridal parties during the wedding rehearsals, working in conjunction with the priests as they walk through the ceremony, and assisting at the ceremony itself. If you are interested, please contact Mickey McGoldrick at 865-5705 or mcgoldrickm@saintraphael.org. Could you be a tutor? We still have a need for volunteers, as the response from our children has been twice what we expected! Tutors attend a training by Read and Feed staff, have a diocesan background check, and take Safe Environment Training. Tutors work with students 6:45-8:00 PM each Wednesday in the Lewis Room. Perhaps you are being called to be that someone special in a child’s life, a partner as they discover the wonders between the covers of a book. Volunteer support could also take the form of program helpers and substitute tutors. For more information please connect with John Griswold at jgris136@yahoo.com or 617-828-4492. THE POPE FRANCIS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HOME is progressing well. On October 18, several parishioners volunteered to truly make it a St. Raphael build day! The roof is on and windows are in, ensuring a place to work out of the elements in the coming months. A lot has been accomplished, but much still remains to be done. If you have not volunteered yet, now is the time. With many different tasks for different talents and skills, there is always something for you to do! The goal remains for the new homeowners to move in by Christmas. Volunteers are needed to provide/donate a Welcome Home basket of small household items (such as paper goods or cleaning products) which will be given to the family upon completion and blessing of the home. For more information, contact Beverly Simmons at simmonsbeverly06@gmail.com or 881-9019. Visit us on Facebook at Raleigh Catholic Coalition and register at http:// vhub.at/catholiccoalition . CALLING ALL MARRIED COUPLES—The St. Raphael Married Couples Dinner club would like to get to know you and have you meet us. We are hosting a Halloween social on Saturday, November 1, 7:00-10:00 PM. We have a lot of fun, which you can check out on the parish website under “Parish Life.” Please call Terry Davis at 872-7018 or email tndavis1951@gmail.com for location, specifics and RSVP. We hope you will join us! EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will be held Thursday, November 6, 7:30 AM – 8:45 PM in the Chapel. Please sign the sheet in front of the Chapel if you can be there at a specific time. More sign-ups are needed in the afternoon. All are welcome and invited at any time for any length of time. ANNUAL SENIOR CITIZENS THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON— Parish Seniors, please save the date of Monday, November 17, for our Annual Senior Citizens Thanksgiving Luncheon. Look for RSVP information in a coming bulletin! CHARISMATIC GROUP WORSHIP—Join our Charismatic group every Friday at 7:00 PM in the Chapel, for a time of worship. Be part of our special programs including a night of healing and a night of praise. Contact Elizabeth at ElizabethEnoh@icloud.com for more information. BUDDING FILMMAKER? Interested in helping the parish create videos for its website? We're looking for some creative and technically savvy people to assist us in producing short videos to make our website more engaging. Here's an opportunity to share your talent! We'd like to have a few individuals who would be available to work on specific project(s). Contact Janet Schirripa, Lay Ministry Support Coordinator, at jschirripa@saintraphael.org or 865-5704 for more information. YOU WOULD MAKE A GREAT USHER! Would you like to join us? Enjoy an added dimension to celebrating the Mass, and get to know more parishioners in our faith community. You will serve on average once every three weeks, or we will work to accommodate your schedule. We welcome your participation. Contact Ben Briggs at bbriggs276@yahoo.com or 931-9966 or Dick O’Brien at richardobrien@nc.rr.com to join us or get more information. ST. RAPHAEL SENIOR CLUB—Our fun Senior Club plays Bingo and Cards every Monday following the 11:00 AM Daily Mass in rooms 103 & 109. Join us! For information, contact Frances Vaughan at 676-1426. REMEMBER OUR MILITARY—If you have a family member actively deployed and would like his/her name on our bulletin prayer list, contact Gerry Madey at 865-5740 or Anna Vieira at 865-5729. SUNDAY NURSERY—The 9:30 AM Nursery is open and located in Room 106. All children ages 6 months—3 years of age are welcome. We need volunteers! Volunteers must complete a Diocesan Background Check and attend a Safe Environment Training session. For information, contact Holly Frisbee at starrstruck1782@yahoo.com. PARISH VOLLEYBALL MINISTRY—Adults in the parish are invited to join us in Ignatius Hall to meet others in the parish and to play from 8:00—10:00 PM on Wednesdays. Contact Greg Gasper at yazaman@bellsouth.net or 720-5824 or Claudia Irvin at cbi@nc.rr.com or 906-4867 for details. PARISH BASKETBALL MINISTRY—Join us in Ignatius Hall to meet others in the parish and play basketball on Mondays from 8:00—9:30 PM. Please contact Tom Maloney at maloneytek@yahoo.com or 675-1250 for details. FRIDAY PLAYGROUP—Parents/caregivers and their children are welcome to join us for a safe playtime for young children. Our group meets most Fridays (but not all), 9:00 AM - Noon in Room 106. Drop-in for some or all of the time! Children range in age from newborn through four years old. Contact Karla Heinen at karlaheinen@gmail.com or 621-6843 for the schedule. DIRECTORY PARISH LIFE (CONTINUED) DIVINE MERCY NOVENA—Our Divine Mercy Novena is held every Friday morning after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Ministry Prep Room. Join us. Office Hours: MTWF 8:30AM-12:30 PM, 1-4:30PM | Closed Thursdays Receptionist 919.865.5700 Parish Web Site www.saintraphael.org LEGION OF MARY—All practicing Catholics 18 years and older are eligible to join the senior Legion of Mary at our Church. No special skills are required. You will be taught how the Legion System works and how to follow it. The Church needs your help in reaching out and building up the Mystical Body of Christ. Come and visit one of our weekly meetings, Tuesdays at 8:00 AM in Room 109, following the 7:00 AM Mass, and Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in Room 109. For more information, contact Kathy Riedy at 847-1583 or Luz Davila at davilaluz@ymail.com. Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Pastor Emeritus Deacon Hispanic Ministry Pastoral Council Finance Council PILGRIM VIRGIN—The Legion of Mary's Our Lady of the Way Praesidium offers the Pilgrim Virgin for home visitation to parishioners interested in having the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in their home for one week. Two members of the Legion of Mary will bring and pick-up the statue at an agreed upon date and time. Each day the family fulfills its commitment to pray the Rosary together. To arrange, contact Kathy Riedy at 847-1583 or kriedy@nc.rr.com. In the online version of this bulletin, all web site URLs and emails are clickable—making it easy to jump right into the details you need. www.saintraphael.org Deadline for content in the November 1-2 English Bulletin is SUNDAY, October 26, at 5:00 PM. Send to Jennifer Troch, English Bulletin Volunteer, at bulletin@saintraphael.org Submissions to the SPANISH BULLETIN should be made separately to spanishb@saintraphael.org with a copy to velazcoh@saintraphael.org. Items submitted to the bulletins are not automatically forwarded for inclusion on our website. To have content added to the PARISH WEBSITE, please send to Pat Parrish at parrishp@saintraphael.org. Please refer to recent bulletins for style, length & formatting guidance. All items subject to review & editing for inclusion. Teresa Colon Pat Eagan Philip Godbolt Sworna Gomes Walter Hernandez 322-2595 622-0061 521-6064 272-8266 888-9684 Mickey McGoldrick Sherry Hiltbrunner Janet Schirripa Anna Vieira Pat Parrish Lynette Earnest Mickey McGoldrick Rafael Guarnizo Dick Quinlan Jim Mulik Howard Phares 865.5705 865.5732 865.5704 865.5729 865.5736 865.5710 865.5705 865.5727 876.7368 865.5742 865.5734 WORSHIP & MINISTRIES Altar Servers Anointing of the Sick Baptisms EMHC (Eucharistic Ministers) Flowers/Decorating Funerals Greeters Health Care Ministry Hispanic Music Music Director Readers Sacristans Ushers Joe Carcaterra Gerry Madey Anna Vieira Jay Comi Ida Smythe Joy Castillo Maria Romp Gerry Madey Rafael Guarnizo Brad Croushorn Steve Kenny Patty Eckstein Ben Briggs 518.2636 865.5740 865.5729 844.3434 872.0042 865.5712 210.1449 865.5740 865.5727 865.5716 876.6336 876.0173 931.9966 FAITH FORMATION Life-Long Faith Development Youth Formation & Ministry Formation of Children (Gr. K-5) Formation of Children (Gr. K-5) Becoming Catholic (RCIA) Leo Moreda Jeremy Roca Linda Lenzmeier Diana deCalle Leo Moreda 865.5708 865.5726 865.5715 865.5707 865.5708 SOCIAL ACTION God & Neighbor Social Justice ----- 865.5719 865.5744 SAINT RAPHAEL PRESCHOOL Carrie Griffith Denise Rinderer 865.5717 865.5728 Preschool Web Site: www.saintraphaelecc.org 525-4281 790-1011 210-1449 Peter Le David Maier Lee Tucker Jim Veno John Wetsch 865.5714 865.5747 865.5741 865.5729 865.5748 865.5748 525.4281 264.5822 ADMINISTRATION Parish Administrator Business Manager Lay Ministry Support Coordinator Membership/Receptionist Web/Business Office Room Reservations English Bulletin Spanish Bulletin Columbarium Maintenance Maintenance Director Administrative Assistant PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Sarah Macey, Chair Arthur Powers, Vice Chair Maria Romp, Secretary Phil Hurley, SJ Bruce Bavinger, SJ Gerry Blaszczak, SJ Msgr. Gerald Lewis Hector Velazco Hector Velazco Sarah Macey Bill Lane SAINT RAPHAEL PARISH SCHOOL (SRCS) K-8 201-5119 295-5154 417-2420 847-0818 782-3080 Ex Officio Members: Fr. Phil Hurley, S.J., Fr. Bruce Bavinger, S.J., Fr. Gerry Blaszczak, S.J., Deacon Lou Clark, Deacon Hector Velazco, Deacon John Wetsch, Bill Lane Principal Assistant Principal Office Coordinator Business Services Manager Recruitment & Marketing Officer Advancement Officer Administrative Assistant John Mihalyo Krista Ashe Janet Pritchett Clairette Lopes Mary Morgan Ellen Guarente Maria Lombardo 865.5760 865.5756 865.5752 865.5753 865.5754 865.5757 865.5761 SRCS School Web Site: www.saintraphaelschool.org NELSON’S Tree Service, Inc. HEATING • COOLING PLUMBING www.newcombandcompany.com Ope Operated by Greg Nelson Arbor Master Training Graduate 30 Years Experience • Fully Insured 919-625-1093 www.nelsontreeservice.com MachuPicchu Peruvian Cuisine JULIA ZERVOS, D.D.S., P.A. 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